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Azotobacter vinelandii hydrogenase (EC class 1.12), either purified or membrane-associated, was obtained aerobically in an inactive state. The kinetics of activation by treatment with a reductant (H2 or dithionite) were determined. Three distinct phases of the activation were observed. Aerobically prepared, inactive hydrogenase was insensitive to acetylene inhibition, but could be rendered acetylene-sensitive by reduction with dithionite. These findings indicate that acetylene inhibition of hydrogenase requires catalytically active enzyme.  相似文献   

Azotobacter vinelandii hydrogenase (EC class 1.12), either purified or membrane-associated, was obtained aerobically in an inactive state. The kinetics of activation by treatment with a reductant (H2 or dithionite) were determined. Three distinct phases of the activation were observed. Aerobically prepared, inactive hydrogenase was insensitive to acetylene inhibition, but could be rendered acetylene-sensitive by reduction with dithionite. These findings indicate that acetylene inhibition of hydrogenase requires catalytically active enzyme.  相似文献   

J H Sun  M R Hyman  D J Arp 《Biochemistry》1992,31(12):3158-3165
Acetylene is a slow-binding inhibitor of the Ni- and Fe-containing dimeric hydrogenase isolated from Azotobacter vinelandii. Acetylene was released from hydrogenase during the recovery from inhibition. This indicates that no transformation of acetylene to another compound occurred as a result of the interaction with hydrogenase. However, the release of C2H2 proceeds more rapidly than the recovery of activity, which indicates that release of C2H2 is not sufficient for recovery of activity. Acetylene binds tightly to native hydrogenase; hydrogenase and radioactivity coelute from a gel permeation column following inhibition with 14C2H2. Acetylene, or a derivative, remains bound to the large 65,000 MW subunit (and not to the small 35,000 MW subunit) of hydrogenase following denaturation as evidenced by SDS-PAGE and fluorography of 14C2H2-inhibited hydrogenase. This result suggests that C2H2, and by analogy H2, binds to and is activated by the large subunit of this dimeric hydrogenase. Radioactivity is lost from 14C2H2-inhibited protein during recovery. The inhibition is remarkably specific for C2H2: propyne, butyne, and ethylene are not inhibitors.  相似文献   

Meek L  Arp DJ 《Journal of bacteriology》2000,182(12):3429-3436
The hydrogenase in Azotobacter vinelandii, like other membrane-bound [NiFe] hydrogenases, consists of a catalytic heterodimer and an integral membrane cytochrome b. The histidines ligating the hemes in this cytochrome b were identified by H(2) oxidation properties of altered proteins produced by site-directed mutagenesis. Four fully conserved and four partially conserved histidines in HoxZ were substituted with alanine or tyrosine. The roles of these histidines in HoxZ heme binding and hydrogenase were characterized by O(2)-dependent H(2) oxidation and H(2)-dependent methylene blue reduction in vivo. Mutants H33A/Y (H33 replaced by A or Y), H74A/Y, H194A, H208A/Y, and H194,208A lost O(2)-dependent H(2) oxidation activity, H194Y and H136A had partial activity, and H97Y,H98A and H191A had full activity. These results suggest that the fully conserved histidines 33, 74, 194, and 208 are ligands to the hemes, tyrosine can serve as an alternate ligand in position 194, and H136 plays a role in H(2) oxidation. In mutant H194A/Y, imidazole (Imd) rescued H(2) oxidation activity in intact cells, which suggests that Imd acts as an exogenous ligand. The heterodimer activity, quantitatively determined as H(2)-dependent methylene blue reduction, indicated that the heterodimers of all mutants were catalytically active. H33A/Y had wild-type levels of methylene blue reduction, but the other HoxZ ligand mutants had significantly less than wild-type levels. Imd reconstituted full methylene blue reduction activity in mutants H194A/Y and H208A/Y and partial activity in H194,208A. These results indicate that structural and functional integrity of HoxZ is required for physiologically relevant H(2) oxidation, and structural integrity of HoxZ is necessary for full heterodimer-catalyzed H(2) oxidation.  相似文献   

Regulation of H2 oxidation activity and hydrogenase protein levels in the free-living hydrogen bacterium Alcaligenes latus was investigated. Hydrogenase activity was induced when heterotrophically grown cells were transferred to chemolithoautotrophic conditions, i.e., in the presence of H2 and absence of carbon sources, with NH4Cl as the N source. Under these conditions, H2 oxidation activity was detectable after 30 min of incubation and reached near-maximal levels by 12 h. The levels of hydrogenase protein, as measured by a Western blot (immunoblot) assay of the hydrogenase large subunit, increased in parallel with activity. This increase suggested that the increased H2 oxidation activity was due to de novo synthesis of hydrogenase protein. H2 oxidation activity was controlled over a surprisingly wide range of H2 concentrations, between 0.001 and 30% in the gas phase. H2 oxidation activity was induced to high levels between 2 and 12.5% O2, and above 12.5% O2, H2 oxidation activity was inhibited. Almost all organic carbon sources studied inhibited the expression of hydrogenase, although none repressed hydrogenase synthesis completely. In all cases examined, hydrogenase protein, as detected by Western blot, paralleled the level of H2 oxidation activity, suggesting that control of hydrogenase activity was mediated through changes in hydrogenase protein levels.  相似文献   

The respiration of Azotobacter vinelandii membrane vesicles was investigated in order to determine the partial rates of electron fluxes at each segment of its branched respiratory chain. It is concluded that under physiological conditions only 20 to 30% of the total flux is carried through the c4, c5a1,o chain. Steady state analysis indicates that the limited capacity of the chain is due to the slow rate of oxidation of the cytochromes c by the a1,o oxidases. This rate-limiting step is bypassed by the artificial electron donors, ascorbate-2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol and ascorbate-N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine, which directly reduce the highly active a1,o oxidases. During the oxidation of ascorbate-N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine by the membrane vesicles, an accumulation of oxidized N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine occurs. Such accumulation of positively charged molecules should lead to a generation of a membrane potential. This fact and previous data concerning coupling site III of A. vinelandii are discussed.  相似文献   

The discrepancy between predicted and measured H(2)O(2) formation during iron deposition with recombinant heavy human liver ferritin (rHF) was attributed to reaction with the iron protein complex [Biochemistry 40 (2001) 10832-10838]. This proposal was examined by stopped-flow kinetic studies and analysis for H(2)O(2) production using (1) rHF, and Azotobacter vinelandii bacterial ferritin (AvBF), each containing 24 identical subunits with ferroxidase centers; (2) site-altered rHF mutants with functional and dysfunctional ferroxidase centers; and (3) recombinant human liver light ferritin (rLF), containing no ferroxidase center. For rHF, nearly identical pseudo-first-order rate constants of 0.18 s(-1) at pH 7.5 were measured for Fe(2+) oxidation by both O(2) and H(2)O(2), but for rLF, the rate with O(2) was 200-fold slower than that for H(2)O(2) (k = 0.22 s(-1)). A Fe(2+)/O(2) stoichiometry near 2.4 was measured for rHF and its site altered forms, suggesting formation of H(2)O(2). Direct measurements revealed no H(2)O(2) free in solution 0.5-10 min after all Fe(2+) was oxidized at pH 6.5 or 7.5. These results are consistent with initial H(2)O(2) formation, which rapidly reacts in a secondary reaction with unidentified solution components. Using measured rate constants for rHF, simulations showed that steady-state H(2)O(2) concentrations peaked at 14 muM at approximately 600 ms and decreased to zero at 10-30 s. rLF did not produce measurable H(2)O(2) but apparently conducted the secondary reaction with H(2)O(2). Fe(2+)/O(2) values of 4.0 were measured for AvBF. Stopped-flow measurements with AvBF showed that both H(2)O(2) and O(2) react at the same rate (k = 0.34 s(-1)), that is faster than the reactions with rHF. Simulations suggest that AvBF reduces O(2) directly to H(2)O without intermediate H(2)O(2) formation.  相似文献   

Oxidation of NADPH catalyzed by the peroxidase/H2O2 system is known to require the presence of mediating molecules. Using either lactoperoxidase or horseradish peroxidase, we demonstrated that in the peroxidase/H2O2 system, NADPH oxidation was mediated by iodide. The oxidation product was the iodinated NADP. This product was shown to possess spectral characteristics different from those of NADP+ and NADPH, since for iodinated NADP, increased absorbance was observed in the 280-nm region and was directly proportional to the rate of iodination. It is suggested that oxidation and iodination of NADPH proceed via a single reaction between the intermediary iodide oxidation species and NADPH. Experiments with different molecules of NADPH analogues indicated that iodination occurred in the nicotinamide part of the NADPH molecule.  相似文献   

The essential role of the small (HoxK) subunit of hydrogenase of Azotobacter vinelandii in H2 oxidation was established. This was achieved by modification of the two Cys-X2-Cys amino acid motifs at the N and C termini of the HoxK subunit (Cys-62, -65, -294, and -297). The Cys codons were individually mutated to Ser codons. Modifications in these two motifs resulted in loss of hydrogenase activity. At the N terminus, the mutations of the codons for the motif Cys-62-Thr-Cys-64-Cys-65 decreased the activity of hydrogenase to levels no higher than 30% of those of the parental strain. H2 oxidation with the alternate electron acceptors methylene blue and benzyl viologen was decreased. H2 evolution and exchange activities were also affected. Cys-64 possibly substitutes for either Cys-62 or Cys-65, allowing for partial activity. Mutation of the codons for Cys-294 and Cys-297 to Ser codons resulted in no hydrogenase activity. The results are consistent with alterations of the ligands of FeS clusters in the HoxK subunit of hydrogenase [corrected].  相似文献   

We have examined the respective roles played by guaiacol and scopoletin in NADPH oxidation catalyzed by the peroxidase/H2O2 system. It was shown that NADPH was not oxidized by either the horseradish or lactoperoxidase/H2O2 systems alone; oxidation occurred immediately after the addition of guaiacol or scopoletin. In both cases, the oxidation product was enzymatically active NADP+. Differences were observed in the NADPH oxidation mechanism depending on whether guaiacol or scopoletin was the mediator molecule. In guaiacol-mediated NADPH oxidation, the stoichiometry between H2O2 and oxidized NADPH was about 1; superoxide dismutase did not affect the oxidation rate. In scopoletin-mediated oxidation, the stoichiometry was much higher (1:14 in the present experiments); superoxide dismutase considerably increased the oxidation rate. It is concluded that catalysis of NADPH oxidation by the horse radish peroxidase/H2O2 system requires the presence of a mediator molecule. The NADPH oxidation mechanism depends on the intermediary oxidation state of this molecule.  相似文献   

Acute (10-30 min) treatment of intact rat hepatoma (Fao) cells with H2O2, inhibits in vivo protein tyrosine phosphatase activity. Vanadate markedly potentiates this effect although it has only trivial effects of its own. Here we show that H2O2 inhibits a protein tyrosine phosphatase activity, but not a p-nitro phenyl phosphate hydrolysing activity, in cytosolic extracts of these cells. This effect is completely reversed by 10 mM dithiothreitol. Other oxidants have similar inhibitory effects. Vanadate inhibits the protein tyrosine phosphatase activity in vitro, and its effects are additive with those of H2O2. These findings suggest that H2O2 and vanadate interact with the protein tyrosine phosphatases at two independent sites. They also suggest that in intact cells H2O2 has a direct inhibitory effect on protein tyrosine phosphatase activity and an indirect effect of facilitating the entry of vanadate.  相似文献   

Summary Oxytocin and vasopressin are oxidized by horseradish peroxidase and by lactoperoxidase, in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. Spectrophotometric measurements are indicative of the formation of dityrosine. Kinetic parameters indicate that the affinity of horseradish peroxidase is slightly higher for oxytocin with respect to vasopressin and that the two hormones are better substrates for both peroxidases than free tyrosine.  相似文献   

The lactoperoxidase-catalyzed oxidation of glutathione (GSH) and thiocyanate (SCN-) was studied. Oxidation of SCN- was recorded by ultraviolet spectroscopy and by electron spin resonance (ESR). Consumption of GSH was measured by amperometric titration. One or two moles of GSH was oxidized per mole of H2O2 added, depending on the reaction conditions. Omission of SCN- prevented the oxidation of GSH. The oxidation of GSH required only catalytic amounts of SCN-, which was therefore recycled. Iodide (I-) could replace SCN-, while chloride or bromide were ineffective. The apparent Michaelis constant for SCN- was 17 microM. Oxidation of SCN- gave rise to two reactive intermediates, one stable and one unstable. The stable intermediate (-OSC. = N-(?)) decayed by a second-order reaction with a rate constant of 1.1 M-1 s-1. The decay of the unstable radical was very fast. The data (a) explain the short- and long-term antibacterial effects of lactoperoxidase-halide-H2O2 system, (b) point to possible deleterious effects due to glutathione depletion, (c) are of relevance for free radical diseases involving sulphur-centered free radicals, and (d) support previous observations on lipid peroxidation/halogenation in biological membranes, liposomes, and unsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

The reaction between metmyoglobin and H2O2 proceeds with oxidation of the hemo-protein iron to a higher valence state and consumption of the peroxide. This reaction is further associated with (a) O2 evolution; (b) hydroxylation of the aromatic compound salicylate to yield a set of dihydroxybenzoic acid derivatives (analyzed by HPLC with electrochemical detection); (c) autoxidation of cholesterol with formation of 3 beta-hydroxy-5-alpha-cholest-6-ene-5-hydroperoxide; and (d) formation of electronically excited states detected by low-level chemiluminescence. The heterolytic scission of the O-O bond of hydroperoxides by metmyoglobin causes the formation of an oxidizing equivalent capable of promoting peroxidation of linoleate and arachidonate (as indicated by the parallel formation of thiobarbituric acid-reactive material and an enhancement of chemiluminescence intensity). The identity of the oxidizing equivalent(s) is discussed in terms of the formation of a relatively stable higher state of oxidation of heme Fe (FeIV-OH or FeV = O) as well as on possible intermediate species derived during the decomposition of H2O2 by metmyoglobin, such as HO.and 1O2. These species might be involved either simultaneously or sequentially in the peroxidation of fatty acids as well as in the tissue damage associated with the formation of H2O2 in ischemic-reperfusion states.  相似文献   

The membrane-bound hydrogenases of Bradyrhizobium japonicum, Alcaligenes eutrophus, Alcaligenes latus, and Azotobacter vinelandii were purified extensively and compared. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of each hydrogenase revealed two prominent protein bands, one near 60 kilodaltons and the other near 30 kilodaltons. The migration distances during nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were similar for all except A. vinelandii hydrogenase, which migrated further than the other three. The amino acid composition of each hydrogenase was determined, revealing substantial similarity among these enzymes. This was confirmed by calculation of S delta Q values, which ranged from 8.0 to 26.7 S delta Q units. S delta Q is defined as sigma j(Xi,j-Xk,j)2, where i and k identify the proteins compared and Xj is the content (residues per 100) of a given amino acid of type j. The hydrogenases of this study were also compared with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Antibody raised against B. japonicum hydrogenase cross-reacted with all four hydrogenases, but to various degrees and in the order B. japonicum greater than A. latus greater than A. eutrophus greater than A. vinelandii. Antibody raised against A. eutrophus hydrogenase also cross-reacted with all four hydrogenases, following the pattern of cross-reaction A. eutrophus greater than A. latus = B. japonicum greater than A. vinelandii. Antibody raised against B. japonicum hydrogenase inhibited B. japonicum hydrogenase activity to a greater extent than the A. eutrophus and A. latus activities; no inhibition of A. vinelandii hydrogenase activity was detected. The results of these experiments indicated remarkable homology of the hydrogenases from these four microorganisms.  相似文献   

vnfG and anfG encode the delta subunits of alternative nitrogenases 2 and 3 in Azotobacter vinelandii, respectively. As a first step towards elucidating the role of these subunits, diazotrophic growth and acetylene reduction studies were conducted on mutants containing alterations in the genes encoding these subunits. Mutants containing a stop codon (C36stop) or an in-frame deletion in anfG were unable to grow in N-free, Mo-deficient medium (Anf-). Mutants in which cysteine 36 of AnfG (a residue conserved between VnfG and AnfG) was changed to Ala or Ser were Anf+. Thus, this conserved cysteine is not essential for the function of AnfG in dinitrogenase 3. A mutant with a stop codon in vnfG (C17stop) grew after a lag of 25 h in N-free, Mo-deficient medium containing V2O5. However, a Nif- Anf- strain with this mutation was unable to grow under these conditions. This shows that the vnfG gene product is required for nitrogenase 2-dependent growth. Strains with mutations in vnfG and anfG reduced acetylene to different degrees. This indicates that the delta subunits are not required for acetylene reduction by nitrogenases 2 and 3.  相似文献   

Seed deterioration is detrimental to plant germplasm conservation, and predicting seed germination and vigor with reliability and sensitivity means is urgently needed for practical problems. We investigated the link between hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) flux, oxygen influx and seed vigor of Caragana korshinskii by the non-invasive micro-test technique (NMT). Some related physiological and biochemical changes in seeds were also determined to further explain the changes in the molecular fluxes. The results showed that there was a good linear relationship between germination and H2O2 flux, and that O2 influx was more suitable for assessing seed vigor. H2O2 flux changed relatively little initially, mainly affected by antioxidants (APX, CAT and GSH) and H2O2 content; afterward, the efflux increased more and more rapidly due to high membrane permeability. With the damage of mitochondrial respiration and membrane integrity, O2 influx was gradually reduced. We propose that monitoring H2O2 and O2 fluxes by NMT may be a reliable and sensitive method to evaluate seed germination and vigor.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic oxygen evolution by a reconstituted chloroplast system utilising sn-phospho-3-glycerol (3-phosphoglycerate) ceases upon the addition of ribose 5-phosphate even though the presence of this metabolite permits a rapid and immediate CO2 fixation. The period of cessation is appreciable at 0.1 mM ribose 5-phosphate. It is lengthened as the amount of added ribose 5-phosphate is increased and by the addition of dithiothreitol, a known activator of ribulose-5-phosphate kinase. Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate is without effect. A similar interruption of O2 evolution may also be brought about by the addition of ADP or by ADP-generating systems such as glucose plus hexokinase. Spectrophotometric experiments indicate that the reoxidation of NADPH in the presence of sn-phospho-3-glycerol is similarly affected. The transient inhibition by ribose 5-phosphate is not observed in the presence of an active ATP-generating system or in the presence of sufficient DL-glyceraldehyde to inhibit ribulose-5-phosphate kinase activity. It is concluded that ribose 5-phosphate inhibits photosynthetic O2 evolution by adversely affecting the steady-state ATP/ADP ratio and consequently the reduction of sn-phospho-3-glycerol to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. The results are discussed in their relation to ADP regulation of photosynthetic carbon assimilation and metabolite transport.  相似文献   

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