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The survival of depurinated Form I SV40 DNA was studied in normal human fibroblasts and in D-complementation Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) fibroblasts. Survival was measured with an infective center assay. Heat-acid and methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) were used as depurinating agents. After 3 hrs of depurination by heat--acid treatment, infectivity in normal cells was less than 15% of the controls compared to more than 50% for the XP D cell strains. Similar results were obtained with MMS-treated DNA. These results are contrary to expectation since apurinic endonuclease activity, which is presumed to be involved in the repair of apurinic sites, is much lower in XP D cell strains than in normal cell strains. Our results indicate that another mechanism for the repair of apurinic sites could exist.  相似文献   

Dissociated cells of neural retinas of 3.5-day-old chick embryos (stages 20–21) were cultured as a monolayer in order to examine their differentiation in vitro. These cells started to grow actively soon after inoculation and formed a confluent sheet within which neuroblast-like cells with long cytoplasmic processes were differentiated by 8 days. At about 16 days the differentiation of both lentoid bodies and foci of pigment cells was observed, while neuronal structure disappeared. The numbers of lentoid bodies and foci of pigmented cells continued to increase up to 30 days, when primary cultures were terminated. The increase in δ-crystallin content, as measured by quantitative immunoelectrophoresis assay using rabbit antiserum against δ-crystallin, was consistent with the increase in the number of lentoid bodies in cultures. The amount of α-crystallin per culture, estimated by the same technique as above, reached a maximum at 16 days and decreased slightly during further culture. The differentiation of both lentoid bodies and pigment cells was observed also in cultures of the second generation. The results demonstrate that cells of the undifferentiated neuroepithelium of 3.5-day-old embryonic retinas can achieve at least three differentiations, neuronal, lens, and pigment cells, in vitro. We discuss several differences between the present results and the previous ones from in vitro cultures of 8- to 9-day-old embryonic neural retinas.  相似文献   

The dominance or recessiveness of the senescent phenotype in cells from patients with Werner's syndrome (WS cells) was investigated using cell fusion. The [3H]thymidine labeling index of normal human diploid fibroblast cell X WS cell heterodikaryons was considerably lower than that of normal homodikaryons, but was significantly higher than that of WS homodikaryons. The labeling index of WS cell X HeLa cell heterodikaryons was the same as that of HeLa homodikaryons. The labeling indices of heterodikaryons obtained by fusion between various strains of premature aging cells were as low as those of parental homodikaryons. These results indicate: (1) the senescent phenotype of WS cells appears to be partially recessive to the phenotype of normal cells and completely recessive to that of HeLa cells; (2) the marked inhibition of DNA synthesis in normal nuclei in heterodikaryons with WS cells could be due to ‘senescent factor(s)’ in WS cells; and (3) no complementation phenomenon was observed among genetically different premature aging cells, probably due to ‘senescent factor(s)’.  相似文献   

Using nine different l-aminoacyl-4-nitroanilides and four different dipeptidyl-4-nitroanilides, aminopeptidases and dipeptidyl aminopeptidases active at pH 7.5 and (or) pH 5.5 in logarithmically growing and stationary-phase cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were searched for. Ion-exchange chromatography was used to separate the proteins of the soluble cell extract. Besides the three already-characterized aminopeptidases—aminopeptidase I (P. Matile, A. Wiemken, and W. Guyer (1971) Planta (Berlin)96, 43–53; J. Frey and K. H. Röhm (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta527, 31–41), aminopeptidase II (J. Frey and K. H. Röhm (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta527, 31–41; J. Knüver (1982) Thesis, Fachbereich Chemie, Marburg, FRG), and aminopeptidase Co (T. Achstetter, C. Ehmann, and D. H. Wolf (1982) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.109, 341–347)—12 additional aminopeptidase activities are found in soluble cell extracts eluting from the ion-exchange column. These activities differ from the characterized aminopeptidases in one or more of the parameters such as charge, size, substrate specificity, inhibition pattern, pH optimum for activity and regulation. Also, a particulate aminopeptidase, called aminopeptidase P, is found in the nonsoluble fraction of disintegrated cells. Besides the described particulate X-prolyl-dipeptidyl aminopeptidase (M. P. Suarez Rendueles, J. Schwencke, N. Garcia-Alvarez and S. Gascon (1981) FEBS Lett.131, 296–300), three additional dipeptidyl aminopeptidase activities of different substrate specificities are found in the soluble extract.  相似文献   

A mutant of the MPC-11 mouse myeloma cell line which grows as a monolayer has been used to study the synthesis and secretion of IgG in relation to the cell cycle. The mitotic detachment method has been used to obtain a pure population of mitotic cells which were then allowed to progress through the G1, S, and G2 phases of the cell cycle. The synthesis and the rate of secretion of IgG have been studied in each phase of the cycle by incubation of cells with 14C-amino acids, followed by immunoprecipitation and quantitation of synthesized and secreted IgG2b. The data are consistent with the idea that synthesis and secretion of Ig are not a cell cycle dependent event in myeloma cells.  相似文献   

Ehrlich ascites tumour cells were labelled for DNA fibre autoradiography within the peritoneal cavity of a tumour-bearing mouse. The generation and the evaluation of the autoradiographic patterns is described and discussed. To study possible changes of the autoradiographic patterns during a natural S phase the labelling was performed in the mouse or in culture with asynchronous cells which were afterwards separated into synchronous subpopulations by zonal centrifugation. The subpopulations obtained were characterized by flow cytofluorometry in connection with the thymidine labelling index. We compared the DNA fibre autoradiographic patterns of several synchronous and asynchronous cell populations growing in the mouse or under different conditions in culture: The replicon size distributions of all populations examined were virtually the same. The fork movement rate was found to depend mainly on the metabolic condition of the cells. In culture it was significantly slower than in the mouse although a shortened S phase and therewith an increased DNA synthesis rate occurred. During a natural S phase it increased slightly, at most, while the DNA synthesis rate was considerably enhanced at the end of S. The changes in the rate of total DNA synthesis cannot account for the changes in the rate of chain growth. We conclude that the DNA synthesis rate is regulated almost exclusively by changing the replicon initiation frequency, while the fork movement rate is limited by the actual metabolic condition of the cells.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody (“EC8”) against chicken dorsal root ganglion cells has been produced. The epitope (antigenic determinant) to which this antibody binds appears in neuronal cells—of both the peripheral and central nervous systems—and in a limited number of nonneuronal cell types in avian embryos. The epitope is intracellular and is probably part of a protein as judged by its susceptibility to proteases. This epitope appears very early in neuronal development. It may be detected in brain, spinal cord, and ventral root nerve fibers of Hamburger-Hamilton stage 16 chicken embryos (51–56 hr of incubation). At this same age, EC8-immunoreactive cells can be found in the neural crest migratory space between the neural tube and the somite about a day before dorsal root ganglia begin to coalesce. Since some cultured neural crest cells (but not somitic mesenchymal cells) also express this epitope, we propose that the EC8 monoclonal antibody identifies an early differentiating subpopulation of neural crest cells which express this putative neuronal trait soon after the time of cessation of migration in vivo.  相似文献   

Beating heart cells were isolated from the adult rat and the biosynthesis of ubiquinone was studied. These cells were able to incorporate p-hydroxy[U-14C]benzoate into ubiquinone and some unidentified compounds, presumably intermediates in the biosynthesis of ubiquinone. The unidentified compounds were labile to alkali and were also labeled by [5-3H]-mevalonate and [methyl-3H]methionine, but not by p-hydroxy[carboxy-14C]benzoate. They appear to be chromatographically different from 5-demethoxy ubiquinone and 5-desmethyl ubiquinone. Addition of unlabeled mevalonate stimulated the incorporation of p-hydroxy [U-14C]benzoate into ubiquinone and the other compounds. The addition of dimethylsulfoxide to the isolated cells or the isolation medium caused inhibition of ubiquinone biosynthesis. Adriamycin was not inhibitory to the biosynthesis of ubiquinone in the cells. The advantages of these cells are the rapidity and ease in studying the biosynthesis of ubiquinone from various precursors and its regulation.  相似文献   

Guided by the phenomena of photo-augmentation and photo-recovery, which have been described with respect to the induction of erythema in human skin, experiments were undertaken with cultured mammalian cells to study whether irradiation with far- and near-ultraviolet radiation results in an interaction at the cellular level with respect to cell survival and induction of mutations. Evidence was found for both photo-augmentation and photo-recovery. Photo-augmentation (more than an additive effect) was observed for cell survival when the long-wave ultraviolet irradiation (UVA) preceded the short-wave ultraviolet irradiation (UVB). Photo-recovery (less than an additive effect) was observed for cell survival if the UVA was given after or simultaneously with the UVB. The latter effect, however, was strongly influenced by dose: doses of UVA higher than 20 000 J/m2 no longer lead to photo-recovery in cell survival. For mutation induction, reduction in mutant frequency appears indicated for both combinations of UVA and UVB and for high and low doses of UVA.  相似文献   

To determine whether 2X-active cells contain factors capable of reactivating the inactive mammalian X chromosome, fibroblast lines, having a cytologically or genetically marked inactive X, were fused with 2X-active mouse embryos or ovarian teratocarcinoma stem cells. Fusions with 2–16 cell embryos were uninformative because no mitosis occurred in heterokaryons. Fusions with 2X-active teratocarcinoma cells, and screening for re-expression of alleles on the inactive X showed that reactivation did not occur with detectable frequency in heterokaryon. Hybridization of HPRT?M. musculus × M. caroli cells with XO HPRT? teratocarcinoma cells yielded hybrids with a frequency of >10?6; these hybrids all expressed the Hpt allele on the inactive M. caroli X, but not the M. caroliGpd or Pgk. Late replication-banding studies of hybrids and 6-thioguanine-resistant revertants showed that the reactivated Hp+ allele was still located on the late replicating X. Similar results were obtained with hybridization of this line to 1X-active (male-derived) fibroblast lines, indicating that hybridization per se, rather than a specific factor contributed by the teratocarcinoma cell partner, was reponsible for the frequent localized derepression of the Hpt+ allele on the inactive X.  相似文献   

Changes in ultrastructures and in enzyme activities were investigated electron microscopically, cytochemically and biochemically when mouse myeloid leukemia cells, Ml cell line, successfully differentiated to normal macrophages after incubation with a conditioned medium harvested from secondary embryo fibroblasts, or a lipopolysaccharide from Salmonella typhosa. The number of mitochondria increased significantly accompanied by the enhanced activity of cytochrome oxidase per cell, although the activity in each mitochondrion remained unchanged. The rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum elongated and often exhibited a concentrically multilayered lamellae. Glucose-6-phosphatase activity, a marker enzyme for the endoplasmic reticulum, also increased. Primary lysosomes were newly formed where acid phosphatase activity was positively demonstrated. Ten-nm cytoplasmic microfilaments, mainly forming bundles, and other microfilaments less than 6 nm wide were formed newly and abundant. Budding of type C viruses from the plasma membranes was reduced strikingly. Another established cell line, Mm-1, which spontaneously differentiated from the Ml cell line, was characterized completely by a macrophage, in which azurophilic granules (primary lysosomes), secondary lysosomes possessing strong activity of acid phosphatase and 10-nm microfilaments were most remarkable. These non-transplantable Mm-1 cells sometimes exhibited budding of viruses.  相似文献   

Malignant mouse teratocarcinoma cells are, in some cases, able to undergo normal, complete differentiation after injection into blastocysts. Thus far, only three lines—of unrelated origin—have been found (all in this laboratory) to be developmentally totipotent in blastocyst tests. The karyotypes of these lines, and their somatic- and germ-cell derivatives, were investigated by G-banding methods, as a possible clue to their developmental superiority. The first, OTT 6050 (129 strain), is an embryo-derived induced tumor maintained as an ascites transplant line. Its stem cells (from embryoid body “cores”) have 40 chromosomes in the modal class, which comprises two subclasses: one all normal and one with a metacentric chromosome (isochromosome-8). However, mosaic animals from injected blastocysts have only the normal subclass in their teratocarcinomaderived cells; all are of XY male sex chromosome type. Presence of the Y chromosome was verified after transmission through the germ line of two fertile mosaic males, in their F1 male progeny. The second teratocarcinoma line, 72484-395 (LT strain), is a spontaneous ovarian solid tumor maintained by subcutaneous transplantation. Karyotypes of cells from the tumor, and also of teratocarcinoma-derived cells in mosaic animals, were normal and of XX female sex chromosome type. Karyotypes of the F1 progeny, from tumor-strain germ cells of a fertile mosaic female, were also normal. The third line, NG 2 (129 strain), is a mutant clonal in vitro line deficient in hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase. It originated from an embryo-derived experimental tumor (OTT 5568) that was established in culture (PSA1 line); the culture was then mutagenized and selected for 6-thioguanine resistance. The NG 2 line proved to be quasi-normal, with only two karyotypic anomalies: trisomy of chromosome 6 and XO female sex chromosome constitution. Thus, developmental totipotency in all three lines, including one maintained in vitro, is accompanied by karyotypic normalcy or near-normalcy. Other culture lines reported to be aneuploid have not yet given evidence of totipotency. Karyotypic normalcy may therefore have predictive value useful in choosing teratocarcinoma lines with relatively high developmental prospects. This is of importance in identifying those mutant lines that would be promising candidates for introduction, via blastocyst injection, of specific mutant genes into mice.  相似文献   

Separation of primitive and definitive erythroid cells of the chick embryo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The primitive and definitive erythroid cells of the chick embryo are separated preparatively by means of velocity sedimentation at unit gravity in BSA gradients. Analyses of the hemoglobins contained by the fractionated cells show a segregation of different hemoglobins between the primitive and definitive cells. Studies of the incorporation of [3H]leucine show that the fractionated cells are normal with respect to their protein synthetic activities and that their relative rates of incorporation are markedly different.  相似文献   

The interaction of red blood cells and macrophages mediated by Concanavalin A (ConA) was studied using mouse peritoneal macrophages and fresh, homologous red cells. Erythrocytes exposed to ConA at 0.5 μg/ml, a condition that leads to a saturation of 3% of the ConA sites, were bound by macrophages at 22 °C. The ConA inhibitor, α-methylmannoside, prevented this attachment of red cells and largely reversed it when added to preformed macrophage-red cell rosettes up to 90 min. However, red cell attachment was essentially irreversible by 3 h. Electron microscopy showed a progressive increase in the degree of contiguity between red cells and macrophages with time, some macrophage projections distorting and partially encircling red cells at 3 h. Macrophages pretreated with high concentrations of ConA (25 μg/ml) also bound red cells. However, phagocytosis of adherent red cells did not occur at either 22 or 37 °C, even when both red cells and macrophages were pretreated with ConA. In contrast, phagocytosis of attached red cells was observed when preformed rosettes were exposed to ConA at a concentration of 5 μg/ml, and it was complete with ConA at a concentration of 25 μg/ml. These studies demonstrate that ConA in low concentration on red cells is detected by macrophages which form a progressively tighter bond with the red cell surface. However, it appears that phagocytosis can occur only under conditions in which a high density of ConA is established on the surface of the red cell.  相似文献   

Preplating human adherent peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) for up to 24 hr results in a progressive decrease in their basal PGE release, and in the loss of their ability to increase PGE release during a subsequent 72-hr coculture period with allogeneic human thyroid cells. Phytohemagglutinin (PHA) present during a 24-hr adherent-cell preplating period prevents, in part, the loss of this PGE response to thyroid cells. These data indicate that adherent cells require continual stimulation by the thyroid cells or by PHA in order to maintain their ability to increase PGE secretion in response to thyroid cells.  相似文献   

Adult rat liver parenchymal cells were isolated by the collagenase perfusion technique and cultured as a monolayer for up to 20 h. The quantity of zinc accumulated from the extracellular environment was significantly increased by adding physiological concentrations of certain glucocorticoids to the medium. The degree of stimulation was directly related to glucocorticosteroids potency. Sex steroids, certain peptide hormones and prostaglandins E2 and F2α did not influence zinc accumulation.Control cells exhibited a decline of zinc accumulation after 4 h in culture although uptake processes were still operative. When dexamethasone, the most potent glucocorticoid used, was present in the medium the cells accumulated zinc at a linear rate greater than that seen in control cells, for at least 20 h. The dexamethasone-induced stimulation of zinc accumulation was relatively specific since 45Ca, 14C-labelled amino acids and [35S]cystine accumulation was not influenced by the hormone. A lag of 4 h was observed before an effect of dexamethasone on zinc accumulation could be detected. Moreover, the hormone-stimulated phase of accumulation was blocked when the cells were simultaneously incubated with either actinomycin D or cycloheximide. The additional complement of zinc accumulated by the dexamethasone-treated cells was localized in the cytosol fraction. Gel filtration and ion-exchange chromatorgraphy confirmed that this additional cytosol zinc was bound to metallothionein. [35S]Cystine was incorporated into metallothionein in hormone-treated cells indicating that the protein was synthesized de novo during periods of enhanced zinc accumulation.  相似文献   

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