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Genetic diversity of simian immunodeficiency virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have demonstrated that the genetic diversity of simian immunodeficiency virus from African green monkeys (SIVagm) is much greater than that observed previously for individual HIV-1, HIV-2, or SIVmac isolates. Extensive genetic variation among SIVagm isolates and the high prevalence of green monkey infection without disease suggest that the virus has been in the green monkey population for a long time. We have also demonstrated that SIV from a sooty mangabey monkey (isolate SMM-7) is closer to SIVmac and HIV-2 than to HIV-1 and SIVagm. The extensive genetic diversity of SIVagm and the relatedness of SIVsmm to HIV-2 warrant continued examination of SIVagm and SIVsmm isolates from dispersed geographic regions. SIV strains much more closely related to HIV-1, HIV-2, or SIVmac may be found which would be reasonable candidates for recent cross-species transmission.  相似文献   

The arenavirus Lassa virus causes Lassa fever, a viral hemorrhagic fever that is endemic in the countries of Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea and perhaps elsewhere in West Africa. To determine the degree of genetic diversity among Lassa virus strains, partial nucleoprotein (NP) gene sequences were obtained from 54 strains and analyzed. Phylogenetic analyses showed that Lassa viruses comprise four lineages, three of which are found in Nigeria and the fourth in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Overall strain variation in the partial NP gene sequence was found to be as high as 27% at the nucleotide level and 15% at the amino acid level. Genetic distance among Lassa strains was found to correlate with geographic distance rather than time, and no evidence of a "molecular clock" was found. A method for amplifying and cloning full-length arenavirus S RNAs was developed and used to obtain the complete NP and glycoprotein gene (GP1 and GP2) sequences for two representative Nigerian strains of Lassa virus. Comparison of full-length gene sequences for four Lassa virus strains representing the four lineages showed that the NP gene (up to 23.8% nucleotide difference and 12.0% amino acid difference) is more variable than the glycoprotein genes. Although the evolutionary order of descent within Lassa virus strains was not completely resolved, the phylogenetic analyses of full-length NP, GP1, and GP2 gene sequences suggested that Nigerian strains of Lassa virus were ancestral to strains from Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Compared to the New World arenaviruses, Lassa and the other Old World arenaviruses have either undergone a shorter period of diverisification or are evolving at a slower rate. This study represents the first large-scale examination of Lassa virus genetic variation.  相似文献   

Usutu virus (USUV), a member of the mosquito-borne clade within the Flaviviridae family, was responsible for avian mortality in Austria in 2001. In 2002, the virus continued to kill birds, predominantly blackbirds. High numbers of avian deaths were recorded within the city of Vienna and in surrounding districts of the federal state of Lower Austria, while single die-offs were noticed in the federal states of Styria and Burgenland. A total of 72 birds were submitted for laboratory examination, 30 of which tested positive for USUV by immunohistochemistry and/or polymerase chain reaction. Laboratory-confirmed cases of USUV infection originated from the federal states of Vienna and Lower Austria only. The data show that (i) USUV has managed to overwinter and has been able to establish a transmission cycle in Austria, (ii) the virus seems to have become a resident pathogen of Austria with a tendency to spread to other geographic areas, and (iii) the surveillance of dead blackbirds is a useful sentinel system for monitoring USUV activity.  相似文献   

The influenza C virus is spread worldwide and causes diseases of the upper and (less frequently) lower respiratory tract in human. The virus is not pandemic, but it circulates together with pandemic influenza A and B viruses during winter months and has quite similar clinical manifestations. The influenza C virus is also encountered in animals (pigs and dogs) and is known to override the interspecific barriers of transmssion. The immune system of mammals often fails to recognize new antigenic variants of influenza C virus, which invariably arise in nature, resulting in outbreaks of diseases, although the structure of antigens in influenza C virus in general is much more stable than those of influenza viruses A and B. Variability of genetic information in natural isolates of viruses is determined by mutations, reassortment, and recombination. However, recombination events very rarely occur in genomes of negative-strand RNA viruses, including those of influenza, and virtually have no effect on their evolution. Unambiguous explanations for this phenomenon have thus far not been proposed. There is no proof of recombination processes in the influenza C virus genome. On the contrary, reassortant viruses derived from different strains of influenza C virus frequently appear in vitro and are likely to be common in nature. The genome of influenza C virus comprises seven segments. Based on the comparison of sequences in one of its genes (HEF), six genetic or antigenic lineages of this virus can be distinguished (Yamagata/26/81, Aichi/1/81, Mississippi/80, Taylor/1233/47, Sao Paulo/378/82, and Kanagawa/1/76). However, the available genetic data show that all the seven segments of the influenza C virus genome evolve independently.  相似文献   



Usutu virus (USUV) is a mosquito-born flavivirus that can infect multiple avian and mammalian species. The viral surface envelope (E) protein functions to initiate the viral infection by recognizing cellular receptors and mediating the subsequent membrane fusion, and is therefore a key virulence factor involved in the pathogenesis of USUV. The structural features of USUV-E, however, remains un-investigated thus far.


Using the crystallographic method, we determined the structure of USUV-E in the pre-fusion state at 2.0?angstrom. As expected, the overall fold of USUV-E, with three β-barrel domains (DI, DII, and DIII), resembles those of other flaviviral E proteins. In comparison to other pre-fusion E structures, however, USUV-E exhibits an apparently enlarged inter-domain angle between DI and DII, leading to a more extended conformation. Using our structure and other reported pre-fusion E structures, the DI-DII domain-angle difference was analyzed in a pairwise manner. The result shows a much higher degree of variations for USUV-E, indicating the potential for remarkable DI-DII domain angle plasticity among flaviviruses.


We report the crystal structure of USUV-E and show that its pre-fusion structure has an enlarged DI-DII domain-angle which has not been observed in other reported flaviviral E-structures.

Forty-two infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) isolates from Alaska were analyzed using the ribonuclease protection assay (RPA) and nucleotide sequencing. RPA analyses, utilizing 4 probes, N5, N3 (N gene), GF (G gene), and NV (NV gene), determined that the haplotypes of all 3 genes demonstrated a consistent spatial pattern. Virus isolates belonging to the most common haplotype groups were distributed throughout Alaska, whereas isolates in small haplotype groups were obtained from only 1 site (hatchery, lake, etc.). The temporal pattern of the GF haplotypes suggested a 'genetic acclimation' of the G gene, possibly due to positive selection on the glycoprotein. A pairwise comparison of the sequence data determined that the maximum nucleotide diversity of the isolates was 2.75% (10 mismatches) for the NV gene, and 1.99% (6 mismatches) for a 301 base pair region of the G gene, indicating that the genetic diversity of IHNV within Alaska is notably lower than in the more southern portions of the IHNV North American range. Phylogenetic analysis of representative Alaskan sequences and sequences of 12 previously characterized IHNV strains from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California (USA) and British Columbia (Canada) distinguished the isolates into clusters that correlated with geographic origin and indicated that the Alaskan and British Columbia isolates may have a common viral ancestral lineage. Comparisons of multiple isolates from the same site provided epidemiological insights into viral transmission patterns and indicated that viral evolution, viral introduction, and genetic stasis were the mechanisms involved with IHN virus population dynamics in Alaska. The examples of genetic stasis and the overall low sequence heterogeneity of the Alaskan isolates suggested that they are evolutionarily constrained. This study establishes a baseline of genetic fingerprint patterns and sequence groups representing the genetic diversity of Alaskan IHNV isolates. This information could be used to determine the source of an IHN outbreak and to facilitate decisions in fisheries management of Alaskan salmonid stocks.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify the causative agent of mass mortality in wild and captive birds in southwest Germany and to gather insights into the phylogenetic relationship and spatial distribution of the pathogen. Since June 2011, 223 dead birds were collected and tested for the presence of viral pathogens. Usutu virus (USUV) RNA was detected by real-time RT-PCR in 86 birds representing 6 species. The virus was isolated in cell culture from the heart of 18 Blackbirds (Turdus merula). USUV-specific antigen was demonstrated by immunohistochemistry in brain, heart, liver, and lung of infected Blackbirds. The complete polyprotein coding sequence was obtained by deep sequencing of liver and spleen samples of a dead Blackbird from Mannheim (BH65/11-02-03). Phylogenetic analysis of the German USUV strain BH65/11-02-03 revealed a close relationship with strain Vienna that caused mass mortality among birds in Austria in 2001. Wild birds from lowland river valleys in southwest Germany were mainly affected by USUV, but also birds kept in aviaries. Our data suggest that after the initial detection of USUV in German mosquitoes in 2010, the virus spread in 2011 and caused epizootics among wild and captive birds in southwest Germany. The data also indicate an increased risk of USUV infections in humans in Germany.  相似文献   

To characterize isolates further within the SIVagm subtype, we studied four SIVagm isolates by cross-hybridization, molecular cloning, and nucleotide sequencing. Our results indicate an unexpected degree of genetic variation among isolates within the SIVagm subtype comparable to the variation between SIVmac and HIV-2.  相似文献   

The RNA genomes of 43 vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) isolates of the New Jersey (NJ) serotype were T1-ribonuclease fingerprinted to compare the extent of genetic diversity of virus from regions of epizootic and enzootic disease activity. Forty of these viruses were obtained from Central America during 1982 to 1985. The other three were older isolates, including a 1970 isolate from Culex nigripalpus mosquitos in Guatemala, a 1960 bovine isolate from Panama, and a 1976 isolate from mosquitos (Mansonia indubitans) in Ecuador. The data indicate that extensive genetic diversity exists among virus isolates from this predominantly enzootic disease zone. Six distinct T1 fingerprint groups were identified for the Central American VSV NJ isolates from 1982 to 1985. The 1960 VSV NJ isolate from Panama and the 1976 isolate from Ecuador formed two additional distinct fingerprint groups. This finding is in sharp contrast to the relatively close genetic relationship existing among VSV NJ isolates obtained from predominantly epizootic disease areas of the United States and Mexico during the same period (S. T. Nichol, J. Virol. 61:1029-1036, 1987). In this previous study, RNA genome T1 fingerprint differences were observed among isolates from different epizootics; however, the isolates were all clearly members of one large T1 fingerprint group. The eight T1 fingerprint groups described here for Central American and Ecuadorian viruses are distinct from those characterized earlier for virus isolates from the United States and Mexico and for the common laboratory virus strains Ogden and Hazelhurst. Despite being isolated 14 years earlier, the 1970 insect isolate from Guatemala is clearly a member of one of the 1982 to 1985 Central American virus fingerprint groups. This indicates that although virus genetic diversity in the region is extensive, under certain natural conditions particular virus genotypes can be relatively stably maintained for an extended period. The implications of these findings for the evolution of VSV NJ and epizootiology of the disease are discussed.  相似文献   

In this review we discuss the application of theoretical frameworks to the interpretation of viral gene sequence data, with particular reference to the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The increasing availability of such data means that it is now possible (and necessary) to proceed from simple qualitative models of viral evolution, to more quantitative frameworks based on statistical inference, notably population genetics and molecular phylogenetics. We argue that these approaches are invaluable tools to the virologist and are essential for understanding the dynamics of viral infection and the outcome of therapeutic strategies. We use several recent HCV data-sets to illustrate the methods.  相似文献   

The Lake Casitas (LC) mouse population located in south western Ventura county in California is unusual insofar as 85% of these mice are persistently viremic with congenitally transmitted murine leukemia virus (MuLV). The virus has been identified as the etiological agent responsible for lymphoma and neuromotor paralysis in large numbers of the mice. The majority of other wild mouse populations are generally free of infectious MuLV despite the presence of endogenous cellular DNA sequences homologous to infectious virus isolated from wild mice. Electrophoretic variation in 46 gene-enzyme systems was surveyed using mice from Lake Casitas and from a virus-negative population located in Bouquet Canyon (BC) approximately 40 miles from Lake Casitas. The LC and BC populations are genetically very similar to each other and to feral mouse populations previously studied in California and Europe. In the LC population 24% of the loci are polymorphic compared to 17% in the BC population. The average heterozygosities for the LC and Bc populations are 0.094 and 0.073, respectively. The large amount of genic variation in LC fails to support the concept of the derivation of the colony from a small number of founders. Tests for linkage disequilibrium and/or selective association of viremia and polymorphism at 15 loci located on nine mouse chromosomes did not reveal any nonrandom assortments. The viremic LC population, then, appears indistinguishable within the limits of experimental resolution from the virus-negative BC population in its population genetic structure.  相似文献   

Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV), a well-known Tobamovirus, infects cucurbits across the globe. To determine its current status, molecular characterization, genetic recombination, gene flow and selection pressure, 10 districts from Punjab province of Pakistan were surveyed and a total of 2561 cucurbits samples were collected during 2019–2020. These samples were subjected to virus-specific double antibody sandwich-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) for the detection of CGMMV. The results revealed that viral disease was prevalent in all surveyed districts of Punjab with an overall 25.69% disease incidence. ELISA positive samples were further confirmed through RT-PCR and sequencing of coat protein (CP) cistron. Sequence analysis showed that the present studied CGMMV isolates have 96–99.5% nucleotide and 94.40–99.50% amino acid identities with those already available in GenBank. Phylogenetic analysis also revealed that understudied isolates were closely related with South Korean (AB369274) and Japanese (V01551) isolates and clustered in a separate clad. Sequence polymorphisms were observed in 663 bp of sequence within 31 CGMMV isolates covering complete CP gene. Total number of sites were 662, of which 610 and 52 sites were monomorphic and polymorphic (segregating), respectively. Of these polymorphic, 24 were singleton variable and 28 were parsimony informative. Overall nucleotide diversity (π) in all the understudied 31 isolates was 0.00010 while a total of 1 InDel event was observed and InDel Diversity (k) was 0.065. Haplotype diversity analysis revealed that there was a total 29 haplotypes with haplotype diversity (Hd) of 0.993458 in all the 31 isolates which provide evidence of less diversity among Pakistani isolates. The statistical analysis revealed the values 2.568, 5.31304 and 4.86698 of Tajima's D, Fu, & Li’s F* and D*, respectively, which witnessed the population of CGMMV was under balanced selection pressure.  相似文献   

微生物的遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李娟  张克勤 《遗传》2012,34(11):1399-1408
微生物是生物圈中不可或缺的重要组成部分, 维系着自然界生态平衡。随着分子生物学技术的发展, 微生物遗传多样性的研究从形态学水平、蛋白水平进入到了DNA水平。而高通量测序技术和宏基因组技术的发展, 不仅为我们理解微生物的遗传多样性提供了更加丰富的信息和有力的证据, 也对于合理利用生物资源、保护生态平衡等方面具有重要意义。文章就微生物遗传多样性研究的相关内容, 如物种的分离鉴定、微生物群体遗传结构、物种形成以及系统发育和进化等方面的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Sugarcane mosaic disease is widespread in many countries and has been identified to be caused by Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV), Sorghum mosaic virus (SrMV) and Sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV). Viral surveys of SCMV, SrMV and SCSMV were performed from 104 leaf samples of Saccharum spp. hybrid growing in China and two leaf samples in Myanmar. Sorghum mosaic virus was a major causal agent for sugarcane mosaic disease in China whereby 72.1% (75/104) of samples had SrMV infection alone, 6.7% (7/104) were mixed with SCMV and 17.3% (18/104) were mixed with SCSMV. Sugarcane streak mosaic virus infection alone occurred in 3.8% (4/104) of samples, but no single infections were observed for SCMV. Two viruses (SrMV and SCSMV) were detected in sugarcane mosaic samples in Myanmar. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that all of the SrMV isolates were clustered into three major lineages encompassing six phylogroups/genotypes based on the CP sequences (825 nucleotides) of 113 Chinese and 2 Burmese isolates from this study and 73 isolates reported worldwide. Six clearly distinct SrMV phylogroups (G1–G6) were formed and shared 74.3–94.1% nucleotide identity and 84.7–98.1% amino acid identity of CP sequences. SrMV‐G5 was identified to be new distinct phylogroup that was restricted to the Fujian and Guangxi provinces. The unique SrMV‐G6 phylogroup only occurred in Yunnan province. Insertion/deletion mutations, negative selection and frequent gene flow are factors driving the genetic evolution and population structure of SrMV in China.  相似文献   

Summary In the progenies of the crosses between disomics and trisomies, two plants were isolated which carried an extra chromosome that was unlike any in the standard complement. The plants were not alike; while one carried a metacentric, the other had a telocentric extra chromosome. Their detailed structure and possible modes of origin are discussed.  相似文献   

Amsonia orientalis Decne. (Apocynaceae), is a rare and threatened plant species which is located only in a constricted area in northeast of Greece and northwest of Turkey in the world. Although phylogenetic analysis depending on nucleotide sequences of genes from different sources (nucleus, mitochondria and chloroplast) became a major tool for classification of plant species, there is still a big lack of information about A. orientalis in the international molecular data bases such as NCBI. In the current study, we phylogenetically analyzed three commonly used molecular markers (18S rDNA, 18S-28S rDNA-ITS region and trnL-F intergenic spacer) from A. orientalis samples collected from Turkey to determine the genetic diversity and also to question the systematic position of A. orientalis. As a result, A. orientalis samples clearly showed close relation with Alyxieae tribe rather than Vinceae. And this result brings the necessity to reconsider the morphological characters that have used to delimit the tribes of Rauvolfioideae.  相似文献   

松杨栅锈菌遗传多样性初步分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用ITS-nrDNA-RELP、测序技术、RAPD(随机扩增多态性DNA)分子标记技术,对我国松杨栅锈菌不同地域的5个生理小种11个菌系进行了遗传多样性分化研究.结果表明,该菌在我国的遗传分化与地理来源相关,可分为西部地理群和北方地理群.西部地理群又可分为高山森林生态型(HMF)和平原生态型(WPL).小种遗传分化不一定与致病性分化一致.t检验表明,各生理小种RAPD遗传多样性指数无明显差异,高山森林小种遗传多样性指数(0.5172)略高于平原小种遗传多样性指数(0.5089).核糖体基因转录间隔区高度保守,不适合该菌种内群体遗传多样性分化研究.  相似文献   

【背景】犬种布鲁氏菌是犬种布病的病原菌,主要导致犬流产和繁殖障碍。虽然犬种布鲁氏菌感染人群的病例极为少见,但是犬种布鲁氏菌对人的安全风险仍存在争议。目前,我国犬种布病的流行病学特征及犬种布鲁氏菌的遗传多样性的研究相对缺乏。开展犬种布病的流行特征及遗传多样性调查对加强犬种布病的监测防控具有重要意义。【目的】对犬种布病的流行病学特征和犬种布鲁氏菌的遗传多态性进行调查,为犬种布病的防控提供参考。【方法】采用常规鉴定方法和BCSS-PCR对63株试验菌株进行鉴定。采用HGDI (Hunter and Gaston diversity index)多态性指数调查犬种布鲁氏菌的遗传多态性,用MLVA方法基于BioNumerics5.0软件对菌株进行聚类分析,揭示犬种布病的流行病学特点。此外,基于MLVA-11采用goeBURST软件构建犬种布鲁氏菌的最小生成树(Minimum spanning tree,MST),阐述我国犬种布鲁氏菌的地理起源特征。【结果】常规鉴定方法和BCSS-PCR扩增结果显示63株试验菌株全部为犬种布鲁氏菌。BCSS-PCR与常规鉴定方法的符合率为100%,BCSS-PCR的分析敏感性为10-3 (即50 pg/μL犬种布鲁氏菌DNA)。我国犬种布鲁氏菌具有较高的遗传多样性,基于HGDI分析表明Panel 2B的5个位点具有较高的变异度,等位基因型由高到底依次为bruce09(11) bruce07(8)bruce16(7)bruce04(6)bruce30(5)。MLVA聚类分析表明北京地区出现了3次较小规模的犬种布病暴发流行,其余地区均为零星散发。我国犬种布鲁氏菌可分为5个地理集群,以MLVA-11基因26型克隆群为主导种群,该种群与来自美国、希腊、加拿大、法国、罗马尼亚和韩国等国家的菌株具有共同的地理起源,其余4个种群为中国特有。【结论】我国犬种布鲁氏菌呈现高度的遗传多样性并有广泛的地理来源,表现为输入性和中国特有血统共存的起源进化特征。  相似文献   

Rhodopirellula baltica SH1T is a marine planctomycete with 7,325 genes in its genome. Ten strains of the genus Rhodopirellula were studied in whole genome microarray experiments to assess the extent of their genetic relatedness to R. baltica SH1T. DNA of strains which were previously affiliated with the species R. baltica (OTU A) hybridized with 3,645–5,728 genes of the type strain on the microarray. Strains SH398 and 6C (OTU B), representing a closely related species with an average nucleotide identity of 88 %, showed less hybridization signals: 1,816 and 3,302 genes gave a hybridization signal, respectively. Comparative genomics of eight permanent draft genomes revealed the presence of over 4,000 proteins common in R. baltica SH1T and strains of OTU A or B. The genus Rhodopirellula is characterized by large genomes, with over 7,000 genes per genome and a core genome of around 3000 genes. Individual Rhodopirellula strains have a large portion of strain-specific genes.  相似文献   

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