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The large bent-wing bat, Miniopterus schreibersii (Kuhl 1819), has a long history of taxonomic uncertainty and many populations are known to be in a state of decline. Microsatellite loci were developed for the taxonomic and population genetic assessment of the Australian complex of this species. Of the 33 primer sets designed for this research, seven (21%) were deemed suitably polymorphic for population-level analyses of the Australian taxa, with five (71%) of these loci revealing moderate to high levels of polymorphism (PIC = 0.56 to 0.91). The cross-taxa utility of the M. schreibersii microsatellite markers was assessed in the microbat (Chiroptera) family Miniopteridae. Sub-species and species covering the Miniopteridae's global distribution (with the exception of the Middle East) were selected, numbering 25 taxa in total. Amplification was successful for 26 loci, of which 20 (77%) were polymorphic. High cross-taxa utility of markers was observed with amplification achieved for all taxa for between four (20%) and 20 (100%) loci, and polymorphism was considered moderate to high (PIC = 0.47-0.91) for 12 (60%) of these loci. The high cross-taxa utility of the microsatellites reported herein reveal versatile and cost-effective molecular markers, contributing an important genetic resource for the research and conservation of Miniopteridae species worldwide.  相似文献   

普通长翼蝠食性结构及其回声定位与体型特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hu KL  Wei L  Zhu TT  Wang XZ  Zhang LB 《动物学研究》2011,32(2):163-167
在普通长翼蝠(Miniopterus fuliginosus)的捕食区内用灯诱法和网捕法调查潜在食物(昆虫)种类; 用粪便分析法鉴定普通长翼蝠的食物组成,发现其主要捕食体型较大的鳞翅目和鞘翅目昆虫,体积百分比分别为55%和38%.普通长翼蝠具有相对狭长的翼,翼展比为6.94 ± 0.13;翼载为(9.85 ± 0.83)N/m2,相对较大.飞行状态下普通长翼蝠的回声定位叫声为调频下扫型,声脉冲时程为(1.45 ± 0.06)ms,脉冲间隔为(63.08 ± 21.55)ms,主频较低,为(44.50 ± 2.26)kHz.研究表明,普通长翼蝠的形态特征和回声定位特征与其捕食行为有着密切的联系.  相似文献   

Five polymorphic, dinucleotide microsatellite loci have been identified and characterized in Schreibers’ long‐fingered bat, Miniopterus schreibersii (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae). These include three uninterrupted (CA)n repeats, ranging in length from (CA)17 to (CA)19, one interrupted repeat (CA)4(CG)2(CA)13, and one uninterrupted (GA)27 repeat. All loci were highly polymorphic, with 17–20 alleles identified per locus. Observed heterozygosity levels (0.66–0.82) are lower than expected due to homozygote excess, probably caused by pooling of populations, resulting in population substructuring. All five polymorphic loci were also successfully amplified in the closely related M. fraterculus. Two pairs of primers additionally amplified polymorphic microsatellites in Chaerophon sp.  相似文献   

Abstract The Trichosirocalus horridus (Panzer) species complex is defined and revised and two new sibling species are described and figured: T. briesei (type locality: San Esteban de Gormaz, Soria, Spain) and T. mortadelo (type locality: Canberra, Australia, introduced). The existence of these siblings could explain the different food preferences observed between the different populations or strains of the supposed single species T. horridus .  相似文献   

本研究扩增了169号鼠兔属样本的cyt b序列,代表13个种11亚种及5个未分类单元,下载了66条分类地位确定而完整的Cyt b序列,包括25种及9个亚种。构建了Bayesian系统发育树,计算了遗传距离,开展了物种界定分析;对13个种4亚种及5个未分类单元174号完整头骨和外形的20个形态学量度数据开展了主成分分析、判别分析和T检验;对头骨和身体外部特征进行了比较研究。结果显示:鼠兔属包含5个亚属,分别是Ochotona, Conothoa, Pika, Lagotona 和一新亚属;5个亚属间的遗传距离在12.8%-16.0%之间;高黎贡鼠兔(Ochotona gaoligongensis)是灰颈鼠兔(O. forresti)的亚种;喜马拉雅鼠兔(O. himalayana)是灰鼠兔(O. roylei)的亚种;木里鼠兔(O. muliensis)是川西鼠兔(O. gloveri)的亚种;宁夏鼠兔(O. argentata)应为蒙古鼠兔(O. pallasi)的亚种;西伯利亚鼠兔(O. turuchanensis) 为高山鼠兔(O. alpina)的同物异名。藏鼠兔循化亚种(O. thibetana xunhuaensis)应提升为种:循化鼠兔(O. xunhuaensis);东北鼠兔长白山亚种(O. hyperborea coreana)应该提升为种:长白山鼠兔(O. coreana);藏鼠兔峨眉亚种(O. thibetana sacraria)应提升为种:峨眉鼠兔(O. sacraria); 藏鼠兔锡金亚种(O. thibetana sikimaria)应提升为种:锡金鼠兔(O. sikimaria)。通过分子系统学和形态学研究,发现了鼠兔属1 新亚属和5个新种。新亚属命名为异耳鼠兔亚属(Alienauroa subgen. n.),属模为黄龙鼠兔(O. huanglongensis sp. n.),成员包括黄龙鼠兔新种、峨眉鼠兔、循化鼠兔,以及在龙门山和大巴山发现的2个新种,共计5个种。新亚属的鉴定特征是:耳上前缘内侧有一个密被短毛的异耳屏(Congenial tragus);头骨扁平,颅面平直;眼小,眼眶长和眼眶宽均小于其他亚属;被毛粗长而无光泽;腹毛多为灰白色。5个新种分别发现于四川黄龙自然保护区、四川北部龙门山、四川北部大巴山、四川西部邛崃山、西藏雅鲁藏布江中游的朗县。我们分别将其命名为黄龙鼠兔(Ochotona huanglongensis sp. n.),扁颅鼠兔(Ochotona flatcalvariam sp.n.),大巴山鼠兔(Ochotona dabashanensis sp. n.),雅鲁藏布鼠兔(Ochotona yarlungensis sp. n.)和邛崃鼠兔(Ochotona qionglaiensis sp. n.)。黄龙鼠兔的鉴定特征是:门齿孔前段平行;脑颅扁平,颅高为颅全长的33.5%;耳大,平均20mm以上(不含耳基部的管),异耳屏三角形,但顶端圆形;毛长而粗糙,无光泽,背部毛长约20mm;腹面毛色以灰白为主;前后足背面灰白色,腹面黑灰色,指(趾)垫大,橘黄色,露出毛外,爪黄白色半透明。扁颅鼠兔的鉴定特征是:脑颅异常扁平,颅高约11mm,颅高仅为颅全长的31%;眼眶很小,平均6.7mm×5.6mm;个体小,体长140mm以下;体毛长而粗糙无光泽,背部毛长22mm;耳小,平均17mm左右,异耳屏阔圆型,相对较小;背毛沙黄色,腹毛黄白。大巴山鼠兔的鉴定特征是:异耳屏镰刀状;耳相对较小,均在17mm以下,和峨眉鼠兔、扁颅鼠兔差不多,比该亚属循化鼠兔和黄龙鼠兔小。颅高相对较大,颅面更隆突,颅高平均12.45mm, 眼眶相对较大,平均8.52mm×7.13mm。雅鲁藏布鼠兔的鉴定特征是:与黑唇鼠兔(O. curzoniae)和努布拉克鼠兔拉萨亚种(O. nubrica lhasaensis)有很近的亲缘关系;唇缘有很窄的深灰色圈,深灰色圈外侧为灰白色;前后足底部毛浓密,趾端毛多而长,趾垫和爪隐于毛中;个体中等,体长150mm左右,比黑唇鼠兔和努布拉克鼠兔拉萨亚种小得多;颅面较隆突,但与黑唇鼠兔相比,颅面相对平直;被毛黑褐色。邛崃鼠兔的鉴定特征是:大小及头骨和藏鼠兔很相似,但该种和藏鼠兔的显著不同是眶间宽狭窄,平均4.05mm(3.64-4.19mm),而藏鼠兔眶间宽一般超过4.2mm,平均为4.45mm;该种毛色为沙色带黄色调,毛粗长;藏鼠兔为黑褐色调,毛相对较短;邛崃鼠兔前后足背面为显著的草黄色,而藏鼠兔前后足背面黄白色。  相似文献   

Based on recent molecular phylogenetic studies, the Old World bat family Miniopteridae, composed of species in the genus Miniopterus , has been shown to contain complex paraphyletic species, many of which are cryptic based on convergent morphological characters. Herein we resolve the phylogenetic relationships and taxonomy of the species complex M . manavi on Madagascar and in the Comoro Archipelago, where these animals occur in different bioclimatic zones. First using mitochondrial cytochrome- b sequence data to define clades and then morphology to corroborate the molecular data, including comparisons to type specimens, we demonstrate that animals identified as this taxon are a minimum of three species: M . manavi sensu stricto occurs in at least the central portion of the Central Highlands; M . griveaudi has a broad distribution in lowland northern and central western Madagascar and the Comoros (Anjouan and Grande Comore), and M . aelleni sp. n. has been found in northern and western Madagascar and the Comoros (Anjouan). In each case, these three clades were genetically divergent and monophyletic and the taxa are diagnosable based on different external and craniodental characters. One aspect that helped to define the systematics of this group was isolation of DNA from one of the paratypes of M. manavi collected in 1896 and new topotypic material. Miniopterus manavi is most closely allied to a recently described species, M. petersoni . At several localities, M . griveaudi and M . aelleni have been found in strict sympatry, and together with M. manavi sensu stricto show considerable convergence in morphological characters, but are not immediate sister taxa. In defining and resolving the systematics of cryptic species, such as miniopterid bats, the process of defining clades with molecular tools, segregating the specimens accordingly, and identifying corroborative morphological characters has been notably efficient.  相似文献   

In this research, we aimed to study the genetic variation and phylogeographic pattern of Ligularia tongolensis, a perennial herb endemic to the Hengduan Mountains region of China. We sequenced two chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) intergenic spacers (trnQ-5 rps16, trnL-rpl32) in 140 individuals from 14 populations of three groups (Jinshajiang vs. Yalongjiang vs. Wumeng) within this species range. High levels of haplotype diversity (Hd = 0.814) and total genetic diversity (Ht = 0.862) were detected at the species leve...  相似文献   

The tribe Scotonycterini is currently composed of three fruit bat species of the family Pteropodidae (Mammalia, Chiroptera) characterized by white fur patches on the head, specifically around the nose and behind the eyes: Scotonycteris zenkeri, S. ophiodon and Casinycteris argynnis. Herein a new species is described, Casinycteris campomaanensis sp. nov., based on female specimen collected in 2007 near the village Nkoélon-Mvini close to the Campo-Ma’an National Park, southwestern Cameroon. It is readily distinguished from the three other species of Scotonycterini by its body size and craniodental characteristics. Molecular analyses based on the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene indicate that the new species is the sister-group to C. argynnis and that the holotype of S. ophiodon is more closely related to Casinycteris than to S. zenkeri, rendering the genus Scotonycteris paraphyletic. Based on these results, morphological characters within the tribe Scotonycterini were reassessed and a new classification is proposed, in which the new species and S. ophiodon are placed in the genus Casinycteris.  相似文献   

Vanzosaura rubricauda (Boulenger, 1902) is a small‐bodied gymnophthalmid lizard widespread in dry biomes of South America. Throughout its distribution, V. rubricauda populations experience contrasting environmental conditions, and a marked disjunction occurs in the central portion of the Cerrado biome. Previous studies indicate that V. rubricauda may be a species complex, and here we used mitochondrial DNA data and external morphology to test for population differentiation and its systematic implications for the genus. We found three geographically cohesive groups recovered as well resolved, and strongly supported mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haploclades that are differentiated with respect to morphometry, meristics, and colour pattern. In light of the observed differences, we propose a new taxonomic rearrangement of the genus, where we: (1) restrict V. rubricauda to Chaco and western Cerrado regions; (2) resurrect V anzosaura multiscutata (Amaral, 1933) comb. nov. for Caatinga populations; and (3) describe V anzosaura savanicola sp. nov. for the eastern Cerrado region of Brazil. The new species is diagnosed from its congeners by having longer limbs and tail, fewer smooth subcaudals, and genetic distances ranging from 5 to 13%. The new species, along with other recent discoveries, highlights the Jalapão‐Serra Geral region as one of the most important areas of endemism for Cerrado squamates. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Eight species of the genus Macrosiphum Passerini 1860 (Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae) are recognized from the Korean Peninsula. A new species, Macrosiphum ( Macrosiphum ) paektusani n. sp., is described herein for apterous and alate viviparous females on Rosa marretii Lev. (Rosaceae). The taxonomic position of Macrosiphum ( Macrosiphum ) cornifoliae Shinji 1924, com. rev., is transferred from the genus Sitobion Mordvilko 1914 to its original position. Host plants of the Korean Macrosiphum are reviewed and the identification key to subgenera and species is also presented.  相似文献   

The genus Noculacia Mayer, 1903 is reviewed. Two new species, N. africana n. sp. and N. australiensis n. sp., are described based on material collected from southeast Africa and western-southern Australia, respectively. Noculacia bullata Mayer, 1903, the type species of the genus, is redescribed. Noculacia bogisa Mayer, 1903 is transferred to the genus Pseudoprotella Mayer, 1890 mainly on the basis of the presence of a well developed molar, the structure of pereopods 3 and 4, and the setal formula of the mandibular palp being 2-x-1. The genus Noculacia is presently composed of three species: N. africana n. sp., N. australiensis n. sp, and N. bullata Mayer, 1903. The genus Pseudoprotella is composed of P. bogisa (Mayer, 1903), P. inermis Chevreux, 1927, and P. phasma (Montagu, 1804).  相似文献   

Korean species of the genus Dusona Cameron (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Campopleginae) are reviewed. Twenty seven species of Dusona are reported from South Korea, including 12 previously unrecorded species, D. bellipes (Holmgren, 1872), D. bicoloripes (Ashmead, 1906), D. chabarowski Hinz & Horstmann, 2004, D. cultrator (Gravenhorst, 1829), D. japonica (Cameron, 1906), D. mactatoides Hinz, 1994, D. scalprata Horstmann, 2004, D. sasayamae Hinz & Horstmann, 2004, D. oblitera (Holmgren, 1872), D. obtutor Hinz, 1994, D. auriculator Aubert, 1964, D. longicauda (Uchida, 1928), and a new species, D. koreana sp. n. An illustrated key to Korean species of Dusona provided.  相似文献   

A new species Lepidocephalichthys manipurensis , is described, confined to the Chandel district of Manipur near the adjoining borderland areas of Manipur, India and Burma (Myanmar). It is distinguished by the following combination of characters: a sharp small black dot just above the upper base of the caudal fin; 8–9 dorsal short dark ashy brown bars from occiput to the base of the caudal fin; absence of scales on the vertex of head; caudal fin fork, pectoral, ventral and anal fins are non-immaculate; least depth of caudal peduncle 50·00–60·24% (mean 54·09) of its length and 7·69–8·11% L , S (mean 8·22); caudal fin with 4–5 W-shaped bands: a single dark black stripe from tip of snout to eye; 8–11 spots on the mid lateral line; and 30–31 vertebrae. A key to the identification of lepidocephalid loaches of Manipur is provided.  相似文献   

The species of genus Antillophos Woodring, 1928 Woodring, W.P. (1928) Miocene Mollusks from Bowden, Jamaica. 2. Gastropods and Discussion of Results. Contributions to the Geology and Paleontology of the West Indies. Carnegie Institute of Washington, Washington D.C. [Google Scholar] from the China seas are studied. Six species, Antillophos liui n. sp., Antillophos lucubratonis Fraussen & Poppe, 2005 Fraussen, K. & Poppe, G.T. (2005) Revision of Phos and Antillophos (Buccinidae) from the Central Philippines. Visaya 1, 76115. [Google Scholar], Antillophos monsecourorum Fraussen & Poppe, 2005 Fraussen, K. & Poppe, G.T. (2005) Revision of Phos and Antillophos (Buccinidae) from the Central Philippines. Visaya 1, 76115. [Google Scholar], Antillophos pyladeum (Kato, 1995 Kato, S. (1995) Discussion of the genus Phos. Hitaciobi 70, 1520. [Google Scholar]), Antillophos roseatus (Hinds, 1844 Hinds, R.B. (1844) Mollusca. In: Hinds, R.B. (Ed.) The Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. Sulphur During the years 18361842. 2. Smith, Elder and Co., London, pp. 172. [Google Scholar]) and Antillophos sp., are described and illustrated.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:51481997-A841-4F37-8E15-B753DC99CB4D  相似文献   

Two new species of rhacophorid tree frog were identified in Taiwan. In both new taxa, derived reproductive characteristics of laying eggs in tree holes and oophagous tadpoles are shared with Kurixalus eiffingeri, but they are divergent from each other in molecular genetics, mating calls, and tadpole and adult morphology. The morphological characteristics and the molecular phylogenetic evidence support the hypothesis that the two new species, Kurixalus berylliniris sp. n. and Kurixalus wangi sp. n., are both monophyletic lineages.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The genetic and morphological variation in the sago palm (Metroxylon sagu, Arecaceae) in Papua New Guinea (PNG) was investigated. METHODS: Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was used to investigate the genetic structure of 76 accessions of M. sagu, collected in seven wild and semi-wild stands in PNG. KEY RESULTS: An analysis of ten quantitative morphological variables revealed that most of these were mutually correlated. Principal component analyses of the same morphological variables showed that neither armature (presence or absence of spines) nor geographical separation was reflected clearly in the quantitative morphological variation. Similarity matrices of genetic, quantitative morphological, geographical and armature data were tested for pair-wise correlations, using Mantel's test. The results only showed a significant correlation between genetic and geographical distances. Visual inspection of principal component analyses plots and a neighbour-joining dendrogram based on genetic distances supported this trend, whereas armature showed no relation with genetic distances. CONCLUSIONS: Geographical distribution defines some weak patterns in the genetic variation, whereas the genetic variation does not reflect any patterns in the morphological variation, including armature. The present study supports the accepted taxonomy of M. sagu, recognizing only one species of M. sagu in PNG.  相似文献   

Habitat loss poses a grave threat to endemic species with narrow distributions. Some species become extinct even before scientific identification due to habitat destruction. Here, a probable example is reported based on some recent and subfossil shells from an almost disappeared wetland lake in Yunnan Province, China. A new ornamented freshwater snail species, Tchangmargarya ziyi n. sp., is recognised and described based on morphological comparison with the other Tchangmargarya species. The subfossil specimens of the new species show a great similarity to Tchangmargrya yangtsunghaiensis (Tchang & Tsi, 1949), indicating their potentially close relationship. The discovery of the new species demonstrates that the plateau lakes of Yunnan, even the small ones, have a high biodiversity and endemism. Furthermore, it enriches the knowledge of the distribution of Tchangmargarya and provides further evidence that the Liangwang Mountains are a significant biogeographic barrier to three endemic viviparid genera (Margarya, Anularya and Tchangmargarya) of Yunnan. Since the only known habitat of this species has been mostly landfilled due to the construction of a golf course and villas, this species possibly has already gone extinct. In order to implement conservation measures more efficiently, more comprehensive surveys should be conducted in all plateau lakes of Yunnan, including those that might seem insignificant.  相似文献   

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