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Leaf trichomes may serve several biological functions including protection against herbivores, drought, and UV radiation; and their adaptive value can be expected to vary among environments. The perennial, self-incompatible herb Arabidopsis lyrata is polymorphic for trichome production, and occurs in a glabrous and a trichome-producing form. Controlled crosses indicate that the polymorphism is governed by a single gene, with trichome production being dominant. We examined the hypothesis that trichome production is subject to divergent selection (i.e., directional selection favoring different phenotypes in different populations) by comparing patterns of variation at the locus coding for glabrousness and at eight putatively neutral isozyme loci in Swedish populations of A. lyrata. The genetic diversity (He) and allele number at isozyme loci tended to increase with population size and decreased with latitude of origin, whereas genetic diversity at the locus coding for glabrousness did not vary with population size and increased with latitude of origin. The degree of genetic differentiation at the glabrousness locus was much higher than that at isozyme loci. Genetic identity at isozyme loci was negatively related to geographic distance, suggesting isolation by distance. In contrast, there was no significant correlation between genetic identity at the glabrousness locus and at isozyme loci. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that divergent selection contributes to population differentiation in trichome production in A. lyrata.  相似文献   

Kärkkäinen K  Agren J 《Hereditas》2002,136(3):219-226
Leaf trichomes may protect plants against herbivorous insects, and may increase tolerance to drought and UV-radiation. The perennial herb Arabidopsis lyrata (Brassicaceae) is polymorphic for trichome production and occurs in a glabrous and trichome-producing form. In addition, there is quantitative variation in trichome density among trichome-producing plants. To examine the genetic basis of glabrousness, we conducted controlled crosses with plants originating from two natural populations in Sweden (one polymorphic for trichome-production, and one consisting of glabrous plants only). In addition, we estimated the heritability of trichome number from parent-offspring regressions for plants originating from the polymorphic population. Crosses between glabrous plants resulted in glabrous offspring only, whereas crosses between glabrous and trichome-producing plants, and crosses between trichome-producing individuals, resulted in either all trichome-producing offspring or both phenotypes. In segregating crosses between trichome-producing plants, the ratio of glabrous:trichome-producing offspring did not deviate significantly from 1:3, while in segregating crosses between glabrous and trichome-producing individuals the ratio did in most cases not deviate from 1:1. Within- and between-population crosses gave similar results. The heritability of trichome number estimated from regression of offspring on mid-parent was high (h2 +/- SE, 0.65 +/- 0.15). The results suggest that glabrousness is inherited in a simple Mendelian fashion, with the allele coding for trichome production being dominant over that for glabrousness. They further indicate that glabrousness is due to a mutation at the same locus in both populations.  相似文献   

Stomatal development was studied in wild-type Arabidopsis leaves using light and electron microscopy. Development involves three successive types of stomatal precursor cells: meristemoid mother cells, meristemoids, and guard mother cells (GMCs). The first two types divide asymmetrically, whereas GMCs divide symmetrically. Analysis of cell wall patterns indicates that meristemoids can divide asymmetrically a variable number of times. Before meristemoid division, the nucleus and a preprophase band of microtubules become located on one side of the cell, and the vacuole on the other. Meristemoids are often triangular in shape and have evenly thickened walls. GMCs can be detected by their roughly oval shape, increased starch accumulation, and wall thickenings on opposite ends of the cells. Because these features are also found in developing stomata, stomatal differentiation begins in GMCs. The wall thickenings mark the division site in the GMC since they overlie a preprophase band of microtubules and occur where the cell plate fuses with the parent cell wall. Stomatal differentiation in Arabidopsis resembles that of other genera with kidney-shaped guard cells. This identification of stages in stomatal development in wild-type Arabidopsis provides a foundation for the analysis of relevant genes and of mutants defective in stomatal patterning, cell specification, and differentiation.  相似文献   

We studied local adaptation to contrasting environments using an organism that is emerging as a model for evolutionary plant biology-the outcrossing, perennial herb Arabidopsis lyrata subsp. petraea (Brassicaceae). With reciprocal transplant experiments, we found variation in cumulative fitness, indicating adaptive differentiation among populations. Nonlocal populations did not have significantly higher fitness than the local population. Experimental sites were located in Norway (alpine), Sweden (coastal), and Germany (continental). At all sites after one year, the local population had higher cumulative fitness, as quantified by survival combined with rosette area, than at least one of the nonlocal populations. At the Norwegian site, measurements were done for two additional years, and fitness differences persisted. The fitness components that contributed most to differences in cumulative fitness varied among sites. Relatively small rosette area combined with a large number of inflorescences produced by German plants may reflect differentiation in life history. The results of the current study demonstrate adaptive population differentiation in A. lyrata along a climatic gradient in Europe. The studied populations harbor considerable variation in several characters contributing to adaptive population differentiation. The wealth of genetic information available makes A. lyrata a highly attractive system also for examining the functional and genetic basis of local adaptation in plants.  相似文献   

The effects of coarse vs. fine-grained variation in water regime on 13 accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana were compared and it was found that the scale of environmental variation can lead to differences in which traits are affected and in the magnitude and direction of effect. Coarse-grained (between individual) variation was studied by comparing plants that received high or low amounts of water on a daily basis. Fine-grained (within individual) variation was distributed across the coarse-grained treatments; plants in the fine-grained treatment received the same amount of water per week as the corresponding high and low coarse-grained treatments; however, in the fine-grained treatments, plants received their entire weekly water allotment over 2 days. The number of leaves produced, days to bolting, length of bolt, number of basal and lateral branches, and survival to 30 days after bolting were measured and analyzed by ANOVA. Plants grown in high water generally produced more leaves, taller main axes, more branches and had increased survival, relative to those in low water. Bolting date showed a significant genotype specific effect of water level. Plants grown under fine-grained variation in watering had taller main axes relative to constant water. There were significant interactions between both types of variation for bolting date, main axis height, and survival. Principal components for all traits were loaded such that the components themselves were also independently affected by genotype, water level, variability of water level (grain), and level-by-grain interactions in ways that were largely predicted by their component traits. Overall, the effects of fine-grained variation were subtler than those of coarse-grained variation: fewer traits responded, and the magnitude of the responses was smaller. Nevertheless, the responses to fine-grained variation are distinct from those of coarse-gained variation, differing with respect to which traits respond and in the direction of response, and must therefore be treated as independent sources of environmental variation.  相似文献   

Environmentally induced maternal effects on offspring phenotype are well known in plants. When genotypes or maternal lineages are replicated and raised in different environmental conditions, the phenotype of their offspring often depends on the environment in which the parents developed. However, the degree to which such maternal effects are maintained over subsequent generations has not been documented in many taxa. Here we report the results of a study designed to assess the effects of parental environment on vegetative and reproductive traits, using glasshouse-raised maternal lines sampled from natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana . Replicates of five highly selfed lines from each of four wild populations were cultivated in two abiotic environments in the glasshouse, and the quality and performance of seeds derived from these two environments were examined over two generations. We found that offspring phenotype was strongly influenced by parental environment, but because the parental environments differed with respect to the time of seed harvest, it was not possible to distinguish clearly between parental environmental effects and the possible (but unlikely) effects of seed age on offspring phenotype. We observed a rapid decline in the expression of ancestral environmental effects, and no main environmental effects on progeny phenotype persisted in the second generation. The mechanism of transmission of environmental effects did not appear to be associated with the quantity or quality of reserves in the seeds, suggesting that environmental effects may be transmitted across subsequent generations via some mechanism that generates environment-specific gene expression.  相似文献   

Akiyama R  Ågren J 《PloS one》2012,7(1):e30015


The effect of herbivory on plant fitness varies widely. Understanding the causes of this variation is of considerable interest because of its implications for plant population dynamics and trait evolution. We experimentally defoliated the annual herb Arabidopsis thaliana in a natural population in Sweden to test the hypotheses that (a) plant fitness decreases with increasing damage, (b) tolerance to defoliation is lower before flowering than during flowering, and (c) defoliation before flowering reduces number of seeds more strongly than defoliation during flowering, but the opposite is true for effects on seed size.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In a first experiment, between 0 and 75% of the leaf area was removed in May from plants that flowered or were about to start flowering. In a second experiment, 0, 25%, or 50% of the leaf area was removed from plants on one of two occasions, in mid April when plants were either in the vegetative rosette or bolting stage, or in mid May when plants were flowering. In the first experiment, seed production was negatively related to leaf area removed, and at the highest damage level, also mean seed size was reduced. In the second experiment, removal of 50% of the leaf area reduced seed production by 60% among plants defoliated early in the season at the vegetative rosettes, and by 22% among plants defoliated early in the season at the bolting stage, but did not reduce seed output of plants defoliated one month later. No seasonal shift in the effect of defoliation on seed size was detected.


The results show that leaf damage may reduce the fitness of A. thaliana, and suggest that in this population leaf herbivores feeding on plants before flowering should exert stronger selection on defence traits than those feeding on plants during flowering, given similar damage levels.  相似文献   

The evolution of the realized climatic niche in the genus Arabidopsis was studied using an almost complete phylogenetic tree based on DNA sequences of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacers. The realized climatic niche (climate space) was determined by the intersections of the distribution ranges of the taxa with climate data and is presented in temperature/precipitation diagrams. A positive correlation exists between the climate spaces of the taxa and their range sizes. The diagrams revealed a core climate; that is, a climate space in which all taxa co-exist. This core climate is almost identical to the most parsimonious reconstruction of the genus' ancestral climate space and may be considered an ancestral state of these characters. Mapping the evolutionary changes occurring in the realized climatic space on the phylogenetic tree from the core climate proved to be the most parsimonious procedure. The character complex is homoplastic; that is, many parallel evolutionary events have occurred in the subclades. With the exception of A. thaliana, which is sister to the other species of the genus and occupies a very large climate space, the late-diverged taxa of the other subclades experienced great evolutionary changes whereas the realized climate space of the taxa that diverged earlier resembles the core climate. The latter also show some parallel contractions in the climate space. It is hypothesized that the diversification of Arabidopsis may have started from small to midsized ranges in a temperate climate.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana root hairs grow longer and denser in response to low-phosphorus availability. In addition, plants with the root hair response acquire more phosphorus than mutants that have root hairs that do not respond to phosphorus limiting conditions. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the efficiency of root hairs in phosphorus acquisition at high- and low-phosphorus availability. Root hair growth, root growth, root respiration, plant phosphorus uptake, and plant phosphorus content of 3-wk-old wild-type Arabidopsis (WS) were compared to two root hair mutants (rhd6 and rhd2) under high (54 mmol/m) and low (0.4 mmol/m) phosphorus availability. A cost-benefit analysis was constructed from the measurements to determine root hair efficiency. Under high-phosphorus availability, root hairs did not have an effect on any of the parameters measured. Under low-phosphorus availability, wild-type Arabidopsis had greater total root surface area, shoot biomass, phosphorus per root length, and specific phosphorus uptake. The cost-benefit analysis shows that under low phosphorus, wild-type roots acquire more phosphorus for every unit of carbon respired or unit of phosphorus invested into the roots than the mutants. We conclude that the response of root hairs to low-phosphorus availability is an efficient strategy for phosphorus acquisition.  相似文献   

Like most monocarpic plants, longevity of Arabidopsis thaliana plants is controlled by the reproductive structures; however, they appear to work differently from most dicots studied. Neither male- and female-sterility mutations (ms1-1 and bell1, respectively) nor surgical removal of the stems with inflorescences (bolts) at various stages significantly increased the longevity of individual rosette leaves, yet the mutants and treated plants lived 20-50 d longer, measured by the death of the last rosette and/or the last cauline leaf. A series of growth mutations (clv2-4, clv3-2, det3, vam1 enh, and dark green) also increased plant longevity by 20-30 d but did not delay the overall development of the plants. The mutations prolonged plant life through the production of new leaves and stems with inflorescences (bolts) rather than by extending leaf longevity. In growing stems, the newly-formed leaves may induce senescence in the older leaves; however, removal of the younger leaves did not significantly increase the life of the older leaves on the compressed stems of Arabidopsis. Since plants that produce more bolts also live longer, the reproductive load (dry weight) of the bolts did not seem to drive leaf or whole plant senescence here. The developing reproductive structures caused the death of the plant by preventing regeneration of leaves and bolts, which are green and presumably photosynthetic. They also exerted a correlative control (repression) on the development of additional reproductive structures.  相似文献   

While phenotypic plasticity has been the focus of much research and debate in the recent ecological and evolutionary literature, the developmental nature of the phenomenon has been mostly overlooked. A developmental perspective must ultimately be an integral part of our understanding of how organisms cope with heterogeneous environments. In this paper I use the rapid cycling Arabidopsis thaliana to address the following questions concerning developmental plasticity. (1) Are there genetic and/or environmental differences in parameters describing ontogenetic trajectories? (2) Is ontogenetic variation produced by differences in genotypes and/or environments for two crucial traits of the reproductive phase of the life cycle, stem elongation and flower production? (3) Is there ontogenetic variability for the correlation between the two characters? I found genetic variation, plasticity, and variation for plasticity affecting at least some of the growth parameters, indicating potential for evolution via heterochronic shifts in ontogenetic trajectories. Within-population differences among families are determined before the onset of the reproductive phase, while among-population variation is the result of divergence during the reproductive phase of the ontogeny. Finally, the ontogenetic profiles of character correlations are very distinct between the ecologically meaningful categories of early- and late-flowering “ecotypes” in this species, and show susceptibility to environmental change.  相似文献   

The evolution of floral traits is often attributed to pollinator‐mediated selection; however, the importance of pollinators as selective agents in arctic environments is poorly resolved. In arctic and subarctic regions that are thought to be pollen limited, selection is expected to either favor floral traits that increase pollinator attraction or promote reproductive assurance through selfing. We quantified phenotypic selection on floral traits in two arctic and two subarctic populations of the self‐compatible, but largely pollinator‐dependent, Parrya nudicaulis. Additionally, we measured selection in plants in both open pollination and pollen augmentation treatments to estimate selection imposed by pollinators in one population. Seed production was found to be limited by pollen availability and strong directional selection on flower number was observed. We did not detect consistently greater magnitudes of selection on floral traits in the arctic relative to the subarctic populations. Directional selection for more pigmented flowers in one arctic population was observed, however. In some populations, selection on flower color was found to interact with other traits. We did not detect consistently stronger selection gradients across all traits for plants exposed to pollinator selection relative to those in the pollen augmentation treatment; however, directional selection tended to be higher for some floral traits in open‐pollinated plants.  相似文献   

Genetic variation for quantitative traits is often greater than that expected to be maintained by mutation in the face of purifying natural selection. One possible explanation for this observed variation is the action of heterogeneous natural selection in the wild. Here we report that selection on quantitative trait loci (QTL) for fitness traits in the model plant species Arabidopsis thaliana differs among natural ecological settings and genetic backgrounds. At one QTL, the allele that enhanced the viability of fall-germinating seedlings in North Carolina reduced the fecundity of spring-germinating seedlings in Rhode Island. Several other QTL experienced strong directional selection, but only in one site and seasonal cohort. Thus, different loci were exposed to selection in different natural environments. Selection on allelic variation also depended upon the genetic background. The allelic fitness effects of two QTL reversed direction depending on the genotype at the other locus. Moreover, alternative alleles at each of these loci caused reversals in the allelic fitness effects of a QTL closely linked to TFL1, a candidate developmental gene displaying nucleotide sequence polymorphism consistent with balancing selection. Thus, both environmental heterogeneity and epistatic selection may maintain genetic variation for fitness in wild plant species.  相似文献   

Summary Two species of feather mites, Alloptes (A.) sp. and Laronyssus martini, coexisted on the flight feathers of kittiwakes, while Alloptes (C.) sp. occurred alone on murres. All three species were found mostly on the ventral surface of mid-wing regions. On individual feathers, the mites were attached to the distal sides of barbs on the trailing vanes. The two species coexisted on kittiwakes but occupied different portions of feathers. The results suggest that the two species compete for the attachment site on the feather and Alloptes (A.) sp. is excluded by L. martini from the preferred microhabitat.  相似文献   

Allopolyploids contain complete sets of chromosomes from two or more different progenitor species. Because allopolyploid hybridization can lead to speciation, allopolyploidy is an important mechanism in evolution. Meiotic instability in early-generation allopolyploids contributes to high lethality, but less is known about mitotic fidelity in allopolyploids. We compared mitotic stability in resynthesized Arabidopsis suecica-like neoallopolyploids with that in 13 natural lines of A. suecica (2n = 4x = 26). We used fluorescent in situ hybridization to distinguish the chromosomal contribution of each progenitor, A. thaliana (2n = 2x =10) and A. arenosa (2n = 4x = 32). Surprisingly, cells of the paternal parent A. arenosa had substantial aneuploidy, while cells of the maternal parent A. thaliana were more stable. Both natural and resynthesized allopolyploids had low to intermediate levels of aneuploidy. Our data suggest that polyploidy in Arabidopsis is correlated with aneuploidy, but varies in frequency by species. The chromosomal composition in aneuploid cells within individuals was variable, suggesting somatic mosaicisms of cell lineages, rather than the formation of distinct, stable cytotypes. Our results suggest that somatic aneuploidy can be tolerated in Arabidopsis polyploids, but there is no evidence that this type of aneuploidy leads to stable novel cytotypes.  相似文献   

We observed substantial variation in the time of flowering among 13 populations of Arabidopsis thaliana (Brassicaceae) from an extensive latitudinal range when grown under uniform experimental conditions. The later the onset of flowering, the greater was potential reproduction. Later flowering plants also had greater plasticity in a host of morphological and physiological traits measured in nutrient-rich vs. nutrient-poor test environments. This relationship between flowering time and overall plasticity was only apparent for traits measured at the time of seed production, not at the time of flowering or earlier. At the time of seed production in this short-lived annual, the regression of a multivariate measure of overall plasticity on the time of flowering was linear and highly significant (r2 = 0.90, P < 0.0001). These correlations among time of flowering, reproductive fitness, and plasticity support the idea that selection for late-flowering genotypes would select concomitantly for greater plasticity.  相似文献   

Mutants affected in flavonoid (tt4) or sinapate ester (fah1) biosynthesis were used to assess the relative importance of these phenolic UV photoprotectants in Arabidopsis. Flavonoid and sinapate ester absorption was more specific for UV-B than major nonphenolic chromophores in crude extracts. A new method of evaluating phenolic UV-B attenuation was developed using fluorescence analysis. When excited by UV-B, sinapate ester containing leaves and cotyledons had enhanced sinapate ester fluorescence and reduced chlorophyll fluorescence relative to those without sinapate esters. Although fluorescence analysis gave no evidence of UV-B attenuation by flavonoids, enhanced chlorophyll and protein loss were observed upon UV-B exposure in flavonoid-deficient leaves, suggesting they have another mechanism of UV-B protection. The hydroxycinnamates have been largely ignored as UV-B attenuating pigments, and the results indicate that greater attention should be paid to their role in attenuating UV-B.  相似文献   

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