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暗腹雪鸡的繁殖及食性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
常城  刘乃发 《动物学报》1993,39(1):107-108
暗腹雪鸡 Tetraogallus himalayensis 属国家保护动物,郑作新等(1978)、沈孝宙等(1963)对其生态仅有零星报道。1984年4月至 1989年 5月,我们在甘肃东大山(39°00′—39°04′N;100°45′—100°51′E.)、冷龙岭(39°34′—38°14′N;101°49′—102°22′E.)和野马山(39°40′—39°50′N;95°15′—95°45′E.)对暗腹雪鸡青海亚种 T.h.koslowi 的繁殖和食性进行了研究。 一、暗腹雪鸡繁殖期的生态分布 在东大山,暗腹雪鸡繁殖期主要分布于海拔 2 400—3 200m的亚高山草甸、山地草原和荒漠草原。其中,山地草原是营巢区,余为觅食区。冷龙岭植被与东大山相似,暗腹雪鸡的生态分布也类似。野马山植被单调,暗腹雪鸡仅分布于山地草原。  相似文献   

红嘴山鸦的数量动态   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
1983~1984年,在山西省庞泉沟自然保护区,对红嘴山鸦(Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax)的数量动态进行了初步研究,1986年4—9月,又作了补充调查,现报道如下:一、工作区域及方法本区位于吕梁山中部,东经111°21’~111°33’,北纬37°45’~37°55’。主峰关帝山,海拔2830米。山体高大,生境多样。森林植被以华北落叶松(Larix princzpis rupprechtii),云杉(Picea spp.)为主。7月均温17℃左右,无霜期90—100天。根据海拔高度、红嘴山鸦的栖息环境和生活习性可划分为4个生态类型。(一)海拔1400~1700米。为山地河谷地带,河岸两侧以耕地为主,种植莜麦,…  相似文献   

乌云伞的解剖学及花粉形态学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
八角莲属(Dysosma)是小檗科(Berberidaceae)一个重要属,全国共有7个种,大约分布于北纬23—32°,东经94—122°之间。湖北八角莲属有4个种,其中乌云伞(Dysosma lichuanensis Z. Cheng, sp. nev., ined.)为内定种,是多年生草本,它的形态特征与八角莲(Dysosma  相似文献   

四种云杉的核型分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李林初  王刚  苏苏  徐阿生 《广西植物》2001,21(1):43-46,T001,T002
首次报道了中国珍稀濒危保护植物长叶云杉 ( P. smithiana ( Wall.) Boiss.)和康定云杉 ( P. likian-gensis( Franch.) Pritz.var.montigena( Mast.) Cheng ex Chen)及我国特产的青海云杉 ( P.crassif oliaKom.)和林芝云杉 ( P.likiangensis( Franch.) Pritz.var.linzhiensis Cheng et L.K.Fu)的核型。它们的核型公式都是 K( 2 n) =2 4 =2 2 m+2 sm (林芝云杉有 1条 B染色体 ) ,染色体相对长度组成分别为 2 n=1 4 M2 +8M1 +2 S,2 L+1 2 M2 +6M1 +4S,2 L +1 0 M2 +1 0 M1 +2 S,和 2 L+1 2 M2 +6M1 +4S.均为 2 A (除青海云杉 1 A外 )核型类型。  相似文献   

不同经度天山云杉群落物种丰富度随海拔梯度变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择我国新疆境内天山山脉81°05′—93°415′E约12 个经度范围的昭苏、巩留、乌苏、乌鲁木齐和哈密5 个地点的天山云杉林进行垂直样带调查,分析不同经度位置天山云杉群落物种丰富度随海拔梯度的变化.结果表明:各经度的天山云杉群落是以天山云杉为优势树种的纯林,乔木和灌木种类很少,草本植物的物种丰富度主要由优势树种天山云杉控制.天山云杉在中等海拔范围分布最集中、郁闭度最大、生长最好、蓄积量最高,致使林下草本植物的物种丰富度最低.天山云杉群落草本物种丰富度随海拔梯度的变化呈山谷型曲线,可以用二次曲线方程y=ax2-bx+c(a,b,c>0)进行描述.  相似文献   

以沙地云杉(Picea mongolica(H.Q.Wu)W.D.Xu)、白杄(P.meyeri Rehd.et Wils.)、红皮云杉(P.koraiensis Nakai)3种云杉属植物为材料,利用基因组原位杂交技术(GISH),用白杄和红皮云杉基因组DNA分别作探针与沙地云杉中期染色体进行杂交,分析3种云杉的亲缘关系,旨在进一步探讨沙地云杉的起源。结果表明:(1)3种云杉的染色体数目均为2n=24,核型类型为1A,大部分染色体为亚中部着丝粒;白杄和红皮云杉核型不对称系数分别为57.78%、57.64%,小于沙地云杉(58.75%)。(2)以白杄基因组DNA为探针时,在沙地云杉14条染色体上有明显杂交信号,信号位点主要位于着丝粒区、次缢痕处和短臂部位;以红皮云杉DNA为探针时,12条染色体上有明显杂交信号,主要位于着丝粒区、次缢痕处和长臂上,杂交信号分布范围和强度明显弱于白杄。研究认为,沙地云杉与白杄的亲缘关系较近,而与红皮云杉较远,该研究首次阐明沙地云杉非起源于白杄和红皮云杉的种间杂交。  相似文献   

大多数人对白蚁是比较陌生的,因为它们的分布范围局限在热带亚热带地区(约在北纬23°30′—南纬23°30′之间);在寒带和寒温带地区白蚁算是稀客(北半球只有少数种类,如长头(?)属的某些种(Reticulitermes spp.)能达到北纬40°(亚洲)—52°(北美),而种群数量也相当少,所以白蚁是生物学上典型的热带生物;特别是各种形状奇离的白蚁塜(Termitaria),在热带非洲、澳洲、南美和印度-马来等地常成为地理景观上的特点。我国白蚁主要分布于华南和西南的某些热带边缘地区(两广与云南),也有部分种类,如台湾黑翅(?)(Odontotermes formosanus Shiraki)、台湾泌乳(?)(Cop  相似文献   

黄斑苇鳽繁殖生态的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
黄飪苇鸦(Ixobrychus sinensis)在繁殖期的分布范围,从日本到我国东北、华北至长江中下游地区。冬季则南迁到广东及海南岛等地越冬。 1980—1984年5—9月,先后在太原市南郊区对黄斑苇鳽的繁殖生态进行了初步研究。 太原位于晋中盆地北部(东经112°41′—112°60′、北纬37°10′—37°40′),海拔700—800米。汾河贯穿本区,两岸有沼泽水域、漫生芦苇(Phragmites communis)及蒲草(rypha spp.)。  相似文献   

芦芽山自然保护区鸟类垂直分布   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为有计划地保护和利用芦芽山自然保护区的鸟类资源提供科学依据,1980年7~9月和1984年3~9月,对本区鸟类进行了初步调查,现将结果报道如下:芦芽山自然保护区地处吕梁山系北部,东经111°50′~112°5′,北纬38°35′~38°45′。主峰芦芽山海拔2772米。本区山峦重叠,沟谷交错,森林密布。主要树种有云杉(Picea spp.)、油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)、白桦(Betula platyphylla)、华北落叶松(Larix principis-rup-rechtii)及辽东栎(Quercus liaotung-gensis)等。年均温3~5℃,1月均温零下15~21℃,7月均温15℃左右。年降水量500~700毫米。无霜期…  相似文献   

本文报道寄生在青海云杉(Picea crassifolia Kom.)针叶上的一种新的金锈菌,命名祁连金锈菌(Chrysomyxa qilianensis Wang,Wu et B.Li sp.nov.。其发育阶段[0.Ⅰ]在云杉上,[Ⅲ]在青海杜鹃(Rhododendron przewalskii Maxim.)叶背,缺[Ⅱ]。  相似文献   


The germination of spring and winter wheat lines of exaploid Triticum « Denti de Cani ». — The dormancy in the seeds of two lines of Triticum « Denti de Cani » (which is spontaneous in Sardinia), one with solid stem (CP line), a spring line, the other with hollow stem (CV line), an winter line, has been studied. Germination was carried out in the dark, in Petri dishes at the constant temperatures of 5°, 10°, 20°, 23°, 26°, 30° and 35°C, using full ripe seeds, and seeds in different stages of after-ripening up to one year of age. The increase in % germination, for increasing temperatures above 5°C, is clearly conditioned by the progress of after-ripening in the seeds. In fact it was seen that, in general for the two lines, percentages over 50% of seeds germinated at 3 days were reached: at 10° and 20° after 15 days from the full ripening; at 23°C after 30 days; at 26°C after 50 days; at 30°C after about 100 days and at 35°C only after about 4–5 months from the harvest. During the experiment at 5°C it was observed that, during the first year of life of seeds and especially in the CP line, this temperature produces a clear slowing down in germinations after first year from the ripening, only the CV seeds — not the CP which remain very much inhibited — reach germination values over 50% at 3 days. It has also been demonstrated that the CV are more sensitive than the CP, in the first initial period of after-ripening (15 and 30 days), to the non-inhibiting activity of low temperatures (5° and 10°C) and that, between these, the 10°C temperature promotes the germination more clearly than the 5°C temperature. The results obtained have shown that the dormancy wears off in the spring CP-line much more slowly than in the winter CV-line. The CP-seeds remain in a relative dormancy condition for a long time, which causes a significative delay in germination, up to 100 days from the full ripening stage.  相似文献   

The changes n dry weight and in the content of sugars and starch of leaves of the evergreen species Prunus laurocerasus L. were studied in the field and in laboratory conditions. The leaves of field-grown bushes as well as those kept under controlled conditions were analyzed at one week intervals at the end of the winter and in early spring from March 11 to May 6, 1970, The effect of four different temperature regimes was compared (day/night) : A : — 2 to — 6 °C/ — 6°C. B: 6°C/ —6°C, C: 6 °C/6 °C and D: 12 °C/ — 6 °C. During the whole experimental period of 56 days a net increase in dry weight 246.84 mg dm-2, i.e. 21.7 % was found under field conditions. A negative balance in assimilate management was recorded only during the one week period. The total content of sugars decreased from 11.68 % to 6.42 % while the content of starch rose from zero to 3.12 %. The net increase in dry matter found under controlled conditions was 6.69 (A), 4.68 IB). 6.88 (C) and —0.43 (D) mg dm-2 d-1.  相似文献   

中国番荔枝科囊瓣木族植物叶片脉序比较观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈健辉  李秉滔   《广西植物》1993,13(1):26-31+99
中路番荔枝科囊辦木族植物共有5属10种,其中有囊辦木属Saccopetalum Benn.,野独活屈Miliusa Lesch.ex A.DC.,蚁花届Mezzettiopsis Ridl.,澄广花属Orophea B1.等属的分类位置仍存在着一些争议。本文对它们有争议的4个屈进行了叶片脉序比较观察,提供分类一个辅佐证据。  相似文献   

Karr , E. J. (Ohio State U., Columbus), A. J. Linck , and C. A. Swanson . The effect of short periods of high temperature during day and night periods on pea yields. Amer. Jour. Bot. 46(2) : 91-93. Illus. 1959.—The effect of high temperatures during periods of relatively short duration (3-4 days) at various stages following anthesis at the first bloom node was studied in relation to yield of peas at this node. Except for the periods of differential temperature treatments, the plants were maintained in a standard environment room (24°C., light, 12 hr.; 15°C., darkness, 12 hr.). Three different temperature regimes during the treatment periods were studied: high day temperature—standard night temperature (32°—15°C.) ; standard day temperature—high night temperature (24°—30°C.) ; and high day and night temperatures combined (32°—30°C.). The data reveal the existence of a relatively well-defined thermal-sensitive period, with maximal sensitivity to high day temperatures occurring at about 9-11 days from full bloom, and maximal sensitivity to high night temperatures occurring about 6-9 days from full bloom. High night temperatures proved more critical, resulting in a maximal reduction of 25% in yield, as opposed to about 8% for high day temperatures. The effect of high day and night temperatures combined tended to be roughly additive.  相似文献   

The effects of the duration and degree of chilling, and the temperature of incubation, on hatching of winter eggs of Panonychus ulmi (Koch) were investigated. For chilling, 0°C and 5°C were more effective than — 5° and 9°, and the limits for the reaction were close to — 10° and 15°. As the chilling period was increased from 60 to 200 days, the percentage hatch on incubation at 21° increased, and the mean incubation time and its variance decreased. Before the maximum effect of chilling was achieved, percentage hatch on incubation at 9° and 15° was higher than at 21°; 27° was lethal to most winter eggs though not to summer eggs. After chilling, the later stages of diapause development could occur at temperatures from 0° to 21°) i.e. above and below the threshold temperature for morphogenesis, 6–7° in both winter and summer eggs. Diapause development cannot, therefore, be a unitary process. The significance of the results is discussed in relation to forecasting the time of hatch in the field, and to the phenological aspects of hatching in the spring.  相似文献   

Взаимодействие инсулина-J131 с сывороткой нормальных и лечившихся инсулином людей изучалось in vitro с помощью радиоиммуноэлектрофореза. Авторадиография, проведенная на тех же пластинках, обнаружила значительное повышение радиоактивности α2-Макроглобулином преципитата после инкубации смеси инсулина с сывороткой при 37° C по сравнению с инкубацией этой смеси при 4° C. Эта активность наблюдалась как в нормальньх, так и в диабетических сыворотках, однако в случае диабетической сыворотки—только в избытке меченого инсулина и в завиаимости от титра антител.—Остается открытым вопрос, вызывается ли вышеописанное связывание взаимодействием α2-Макроглобулинома с нативным инсулином—или с продуктами его деградации.  相似文献   

Data on the spatial-bathymetric distribution, size and age composition, sex ratio, and feeding of deepwater redfish Sebastes mentella in the pelagial of the northern Atlantic (Irminger and Labrador seas) during mating are provided. From 1982 to 1999, the mating of S. mentella took place in the central and southern parts of the Irminger Sea (56°–62° N, 30°–43° W); since 2000 it took place in two geographically isolated areas: in the water area of the open part of the Labrador Sea, at sites of the south of the Irminger Sea adjacent to it (54°–58° N, 38°–50° W), and above the western slopes of the Reykjanes Ridge (62°–65° N, 25°–34° W). It is assumed that during mating in the northern area mixed aggregations of two ecological groups of S. mentella—an oceanic group that distributes in the pelagial and a bottom group that inhabits the slopes of Iceland—are formed. The formation of isolated areas of mating of the species is determined by the orientation of feeding migrations that are simultaneously migrations to spawning grounds. Fish of medium sizes migrate to spawning grounds in the southwestern direction, while large fish migrate in the northern direction; the fertilization of females in these areas occurs at the end of summer. In S. mentella, the seasonal and age differences in food composition are clearly pronounced. With the onset of mating, the males’ intensity of feeding in both regions decreases by a factor of 1.5–2.0, while females continue to feed actively.  相似文献   

In each of the species examined — 4 Chlorophyceae, 7 Phaeophyceae and 4 Rhodophyceae — the optimum temperature for photosynthesis was apparently higher in summer material than in winter material. In the brown algae the optimum temperature for the apparent photosynthesis lies between 20°C and 23°C, in the green algae and in most of the red algae between 25° and 30°C. In most of the red algae the activity decreased markedly at 35°GC, while a considerable part of the green algae survived at this temperature. In 50% of the species of brown algae examined the photosynthetic activity decreased at 30°C and was completely lost at 35°C, while in the remaining species a strong resistance to high temperatures was observed.  相似文献   

The indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) concentration in leaves and stamens of the normal and a temperature-sensitive male sterile ‘stamenless-2′ (sl-2/sl-2) mutant of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), grown under three temperature conditions, was measured by gas chromatography — mass spectrometry — selected ion monitoring (GC-MS-SIM) and by enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA). At low (LTR, 18°C day/15°C night), intermediate (ITR, 23°C day/18°C night), and high temperatures (HTR, 28°C day/23°C night), the mutant leaves had approximately 10 to 20 times higher IAA concentrations, respectively, than the normal leaves under these temperature regimes. Similarly, the stamens of mutant flowers had approximately five and eight times higher IAA concentration at ITR and HTR, respectively, than the normal flowers. In the low temperature reverted mutant stamens, however, the level of IAA was similar to that in normal stamens. Also, with an increase in temperature, there was an increase in the level of IAA in the leaves and stamens of mutant plants. However, different temperatures had no appreciable effect on the IAA content of leaves and stamens of normal plants. It is suggested that the high IAA content in leaves and stamens of the stamenless-2 mutant is one of the factors associated with male sterility and carpellization of stamens in this mutant.  相似文献   

本文报道了虫疫霉属2个新种及1个中国新记录种。新种北虫疫霉(Eryniaborea Fan et Li sp.nov.)发生于西北及东北地区的丽蝇成虫体上,菜叶蜂虫疫霉(Eryniaathaliae Li et Fan sp.nov)发生于陕西杨陵的黄翅菜叶蜂幼虫;新记录种近藤虫疫霉(Erynia kondoiensis Milner)发生于福州的烟蚜虫体上。本文详细描述了新种的形态。  相似文献   

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