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Tyrosine 343 in human sulfite oxidase (SO) is conserved in all SOs sequenced to date. Intramolecular electron transfer (IET) rates between reduced heme (Fe(II)) and oxidized molybdenum (Mo(VI)) in the recombinant wild-type and Y343F human SO were measured for the first time by flash photolysis. The IET rate in wild-type human SO at pH 7.4 is about 37% of that in chicken SO with a similar decrease in k(cat). Steady-state kinetic analysis of the Y343F mutant showed an increase in K(m)(sulfite) and a decrease in k(cat) resulting in a 23-fold attenuation in the specificity constant k(cat)/K(m)(sulfite) at the optimum pH value of 8.25. This indicates that Tyr-343 is involved in the binding of the substrate and catalysis within the molybdenum active site. Furthermore, the IET rate constant in the mutant at pH 6.0 is only about one-tenth that of the wild-type enzyme, suggesting that the OH group of Tyr-343 is vital for efficient IET in SO. The pH dependences of IET rate constants in the wild-type and mutant SO are consistent with the previously proposed coupled electron-proton transfer mechanism.  相似文献   

Among the mutations identified in patients with isolated sulfite oxidase deficiency, the G473D variant is of particular interest since sedimentation analysis reveals that this variant is a monomer, and the importance of the wild-type dimeric state of mammalian sulfite oxidase is not yet well understood. Analysis of recombinant G473D sulfite oxidase indicated that it is severely impaired both in the ability to bind sulfite and in catalysis, with a second-order rate constant 5 orders of magnitude lower than that of the wild type. To elucidate the specific reasons for the severe effects seen in the G473D variant, several other variants were created, including G473A, G473W, and the double mutant R212A/G473D. Despite the inability to form a stable dimer, the G473W variant had 5-fold higher activity than G473D and nearly wild-type activity at pH 7.0 when ferricyanide was the electron acceptor. In contrast, the R212A/G473D variant demonstrated some ability to oligomerize but had undetectable activity. The G473A variant retained the ability to dimerize and had steady-state activity that was comparable to that of the wild type. Furthermore, stopped-flow analysis of the reductive half-reaction of this variant yielded a rate constant nearly 3 times higher than that of the wild type. Examination of the secondary structures of the variants by CD spectroscopy indicated significant random-coil formation in G473D, G473W, and R212A/G473D. These results demonstrate that both the charge and the large size of an Asp residue in this position contribute to the severe effects seen in a patient with the G473D mutation, by causing partial misfolding and monomerization of sulfite oxidase and attenuating both substrate binding and catalytic efficiency during the reaction cycle.  相似文献   

Deacetoxycephalosporin C synthase (DAOCS) catalyses the oxidative ring expansion of penicillin N, the committed step in the biosynthesis of cephamycin C by Streptomyces clavuligerus. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to investigate the seven Arg residues for activity (74, 75, 160, 162, 266, 306 and 307), selected on the basis of the DAOCS crystal structure. Greater than 95% of activity was lost upon mutation of Arg-160 and Arg266 to glutamine or other residues. These results are consistent with the proposed roles for these residues in binding the carboxylate linked to the nucleus of penicillin N (Arg160 and Arg162) and the carboxylate of the alpha-aminoadipoyl side-chain (Arg266). The results for mutation of Arg74 and Arg75 indicate that these residues play a less important role in catalysis/binding. Together with previous work, the mutation results for Arg306 and Arg307 indicate that modification of the C-terminus may be profitable with respect to altering the penicillin side-chain selectivity of DAOCS.  相似文献   

Apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease (AP endo, HAP1) recognizes abasic sites in ds DNA and makes a single nick in the backbone 5' to the abasic site. In this report we examine the roles of three conserved tyrosine residues in close proximity to the active site. We show that Tyr(128) and Tyr(269), which interact upstream and downstream of the abasic site, respectively, are involved in recognition and binding of abasic site-containing double stranded DNA. However, the two residues are not equivalent, as their effects are differentiated by changes in salt concentration. In sharp contrast, Tyr(171) is directly involved in catalysis as well as binding. Y171F, Y171H, and Y171A all show decreased catalytic efficiencies 25,000-50,000-fold from the WT enzyme. Both imidazole and basic pH markedly stimulate the WT enzyme. Imidazole stimulates Tyr(171) mutant enzymes when tyrosine is also present but basic pH eliminates remaining mutant activity. These results underscore the importance of tyrosines in AP endo catalysis. They render the current hypotheses regarding enzyme action unlikely and allow us to consider the possibility that the phenolate of Tyr(171) is the nucleophile that attacks the scissile phosphate.  相似文献   

Arginine 160 in human sulfite oxidase (SO) is conserved in all SO species sequenced to date. Previous steady-state kinetic studies of the R160Q human SO mutant showed a remarkable decrease in k(cat)/K(m)(sulfite) of nearly 1000-fold, which suggests that Arg 160 in human SO makes an important contribution to the binding of sulfite near the molybdenum cofactor [Garrett, R. M., Johnson, J. L., Graf, T. N., Feigenbaum, A., Rajagopalan, K. V. (1998) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 95, 6394-6398]. In the crystal structure of chicken SO, Arg 138, the equivalent of Arg 160 in human SO, is involved in the formation of a positively charged sulfite binding site [Kisker, C., Schindelin, H., Pacheco, A., Wehbi, W., Garnett, R. M., Rajagopalan, K. V., Enemark, J. H., Rees, D. C. (1997) Cell 91, 973-983]. To further assess the role of Arg 160 in human SO, intramolecular electron transfer (IET) rates between the reduced heme [Fe(II)] and oxidized molybdenum [Mo(VI)] centers in the wild type, R160Q, and R160K human SO forms were investigated by laser flash photolysis. In the R160Q mutant, the IET rate constant at pH 6.0 was decreased by nearly 3 orders of magnitude relative to wild type, which indicates that the positive charge of Arg 160 is essential for efficient IET in human SO. Furthermore, the IET rate constant for the R160K mutant is about one-fourth that of the wild type enzyme, which strongly indicates that it is the loss of charge of Arg 160, and not its precise location, that is responsible for the much larger decrease in IET rates in the R160Q mutant. Steady-state kinetic measurements indicate that IET is rate-limiting in the catalytic cycle of the R160Q mutant. Thus, the large decrease in the IET rate constant rationalizes the fatal impact of this mutation in patients with this genetic disorder.  相似文献   

The catalytic motif (YSASK) at the active site of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11beta-HSD1) is conserved across different species. The crystal structures of the human, guinea pig and mouse enzymes have been resolved to help identify the non-conserved residues at the active site. A tyrosine residue (Y177) upstream of the catalytic motif in human 11beta-HSD1 represents the largest difference at the active sites between the human and the rodent enzyme where the corresponding residue is glutamine. Although Y177 was postulated as a potential hydrogen bond donor in substrate binding in crystal structure-based modeling, no experimental evidence is available to support this notion. Here, we report that Y177 is not a hydrogen bond donor in substrate binding because removal of the hydroxyl group from its side chain by mutagenesis (Y177F) did not significantly change the Km value for cortisone. However, removal of the hydrophobic side chain by changing tyrosine to alanine (Y177A) or substitution with a hydrophilic side chain by changing tyrosine to glutamine (Y177Q) increased Km values for cortisone. These data suggest that Y177 is involved in substrate binding through its hydrophobic side chain but not by hydrogen bonding. In addition, the three mutations had little effect on the binding of the rodent substrate 11-dehydrocorticosterone, suggesting that Y177 does not confer substrate specificity. However, the same mutations reduced the affinity of the licorice derived 11beta-HSD1 inhibitor glycyrrhetinic acid by about 6- to 10-fold. Interestingly, the affinity of carbenoxolone, the hemisuccinate ester of glycyrrhetinic acid with a similar potency against the wildtype enzyme, was not drastically affected by the same mutations at Y177. These data suggest that Y177 has a unique role in inhibitor binding. Molecular modeling with glycyrrhetinic acid led to findings consistent with the experimental data and provided potential interaction mechanisms. Our data suggest that Y177 plays an important role in both substrate and inhibitor binding but it is unlikely a hydrogen bond donor for the substrate.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic sulfite oxidase is a dimeric protein that contains the molybdenum cofactor and catalyzes the metabolically essential conversion of sulfite to sulfate as the terminal step in the metabolism of cysteine and methionine. Nitrate reductase is an evolutionarily related molybdoprotein in lower organisms that is essential for growth on nitrate. In this study, we describe human and chicken sulfite oxidase variants in which the active site has been modified to alter substrate specificity and activity from sulfite oxidation to nitrate reduction. On the basis of sequence alignments and the known crystal structure of chicken sulfite oxidase, two residues are conserved in nitrate reductases that align with residues in the active site of sulfite oxidase. On the basis of the crystal structure of yeast nitrate reductase, both positions were mutated in human sulfite oxidase and chicken sulfite oxidase. The resulting double-mutant variants demonstrated a marked decrease in sulfite oxidase activity but gained nitrate reductase activity. An additional methionine residue in the active site was proposed to be important in nitrate catalysis, and therefore, the triple variant was also produced. The nitrate reducing ability of the human sulfite oxidase triple mutant was nearly 3-fold greater than that of the double mutant. To obtain detailed structural data for the active site of these variants, we introduced the analogous mutations into chicken sulfite oxidase to perform crystallographic analysis. The crystal structures of the Mo domains of the double and triple mutants were determined to 2.4 and 2.1 ? resolution, respectively.  相似文献   

1. The oxidation of p-dimethylaminomethylbenzylamine by purified placental diamine oxidase was followed by measuring the change in E(250) caused by the production of p-dimethylaminomethylbenzaldehyde. 2. The inhibition of this reaction by substrate analogues such as isothiouronium, guanidinium, dimethylsulphonium and trimethylammonium compounds was extensively studied. 3. The type and degree of inhibition by mono- and bis-onium compounds is described, and a theory is developed to explain the type of inhibition produced.  相似文献   

Recent kinetic studies established that the positive charge on the trimethylammonium group of choline plays an important role in substrate binding and specificity in the reaction catalyzed by choline oxidase. In the present study, pH and solvent viscosity effects with the isosteric analogue of choline 3,3-dimethyl-butan-1-ol have been used to further dissect the contribution of the substrate positive charge to substrate binding and catalysis in the reaction catalyzed by choline oxidase. Both the kcat and kcat/Km values with 3,3-dimethyl-butan-1-ol increased to limiting values that were approximately 3- and approximately 400-times lower than those observed with choline, defining pKa values that were similar to the thermodynamic pKa value of approximately 7.5 previously determined. No effects of increased solvent viscosity were observed on the kcat and kcat/Km values with the substrate analogue at pH 8, suggesting that the chemical step of substrate oxidation is fully rate-limiting for the overall turnover and the reductive half-reaction in which the alcohol substrate is oxidized to the aldehyde. The kcat/Km value for oxygen determined with the substrate analogue was pH-independent in the pH range from 6 to 10, with an average value that was approximately 75-times lower than that previously determined with choline as substrate. These data are consistent with the positive charge headgroup of choline playing important roles for substrate binding and flavin oxidation, with minimal contribution to substrate oxidation.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP-1B) has been implicated in the regulation of the insulin receptor. Dephosphorylation of the insulin receptor results in decreased insulin signaling and thus decreased glucose uptake. PTP-1B-/- mice have increased insulin sensitivity and are resistant to weight gain when fed a high fat diet, validating PTP-1B as a potential target for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Many groups throughout the world have been searching for selective inhibitors for PTP-1B, and most of them target inhibitors to PTP-1B-(1-298), the N-terminal catalytic domain of the enzyme. However, the C-terminal domain is quite large and could influence the activity of the enzyme. Using two constructs of PTP-1B and a phosphopeptide as substrate, steady state assays showed that the presence of the C-terminal domain decreased both the Km and the k(cat) 2-fold. Pre-steady state kinetic experiments showed that the presence of the C-terminal domain improved the affinity of the enzyme for a phosphopeptide 2-fold, primarily because the off-rate was slower. This suggests that the C-terminal domain of PTP-1B may contact the phosphopeptide in some manner, allowing it to remain at the active site longer. This could be useful when screening libraries of compounds for inhibitors of PTP-1B. A compound that is able to make contacts with the C-terminal domain of PTP-1B would not only have a modest improvement in affinity but may also provide for specificity over other phosphatases.  相似文献   

Polyamine oxidase (PAO) carries out the FAD-dependent oxidation of the secondary amino groups of spermidine and spermine, a key reaction in the polyamine catabolism. The active site of PAO consists of a 30 A long U-shaped catalytic tunnel, whose innermost part is located in front of the flavin ring. To provide insight into the PAO substrate specificity and amine oxidation mechanism, we have investigated the crystal structure of maize PAO in the reduced state and in complex with three different inhibitors, guazatine, 1,8-diaminooctane, and N(1)-ethyl-N(11)-[(cycloheptyl)methyl]-4,8-diazaundecane (CHENSpm). In the reduced state, the conformation of the isoalloxazine ring and the surrounding residues is identical to that of the oxidized enzyme. Only Lys300 moves away from the flavin to compensate for the change in cofactor protonation occurring upon reduction. The structure of the PAO.inhibitor complexes reveals an exact match between the inhibitors and the PAO catalytic tunnel. Inhibitor binding does not involve any protein conformational change. Such lock-and-key binding occurs also in the complex with CHENSpm, which forms a covalent adduct with the flavin N5 atom. Comparison of the enzyme complexes hints at an "out-of-register" mechanism of inhibition, in which the inhibitor secondary amino groups are not properly aligned with respect to the flavin to allow oxidation. Except for the Glu62-Glu170 pair, no negatively charged residues are involved in the recognition of substrate and inhibitor amino groups, which is in contrast to other polyamine binding proteins. This feature may be exploited in the design of drugs specifically targeting PAO.  相似文献   

Methods have been devised to examine the spectral properties and state of reduction of the pterin ring of molybdopterin (MPT) in milk xanthine oxidase and the Mo-containing domain of rat liver sulfite oxidase. The absorption spectrum of the native pterin was visualized by difference spectroscopy of each protein, denatured anaerobically in 6 M guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl), versus a sample containing the respective apoprotein and other necessary components. The state of reduction of MPT was also probed using 2,6-dichlorobenzenoneindophenol (DCIP) to measure reducing equivalents/MPT, after anaerobic denaturation of the protein in GdnHCl in the presence or absence of Hg2+. In the case of xanthine oxidase the data indicate that the terminal sulfide ligand of Mo causes the reduction of a native dihydro form of MPT to the tetrahydro level. This reduction does not occur if Hg2+ is added prior to denaturation of the protein. Based on its observed behavior, the native MPT in the Mo cofactor of xanthine oxidase is postulated to exist as a quinonoid dihydropterin. Quantitation of DCIP reduction by MPT of Mo fragment of sulfite oxidase showed a two-electron oxidation of MPT, even when the Mo fragment was denatured in the presence of Hg2+ to prevent internal reduction reactions due to sulfhydryls or sulfide. Difference spectra of DCIP-treated versus untreated Mo fragment showed that MPT had been fully oxidized. These data indicate that the native MPT in sulfite oxidase must be a dihydro isomer different from that in xanthine oxidase.  相似文献   

The contribution of substrate binding to allosteric regulation in the ribozyme catalysis has been investigated using allosteric ribozymes consisting of the hammerhead ribozyme and a flavin mononucleotide (FMN) aptamer. Kinetic parameters were measured for various lengths of the substrates with a wide range of binding energy. The maximum cleavage rate of each ribozyme was retained with the long substrates. However, the cleavage rates largely decreased by the truncation of the substrates according to loss in the free energy of substrate binding. The high sensitivity to the substrate lengths is attributed to the increase in the energetic requirement for the catalytic core folding, which is caused by the incorporation of the aptamer region. One role of FMN binding is assisting the promotion of the core folding through the stabilization of the aptamer domain. The allosteric effect is significantly expressed only when the substrate binding energy is insufficient for the core folding of the ribozyme-substrate complex. This type of allosteric interaction dominates the substrate dependency of another type of regulation. These results demonstrate that an adequate correlation between the type of regulation and the substrate binding is responsible for the effective allosteric interaction in the kinetic process.  相似文献   

L C Kuo  A W Miller  S Lee  C Kozuma 《Biochemistry》1988,27(24):8823-8832
In the carbamoyl-transfer reaction catalyzed by ornithine transcarbamoylase, an arginine residue in the active site of the Escherichia coli enzyme has been suggested to bind the phosphate moiety of the substrate carbamoyl phosphate. With the application of site-specific mutagenesis, the most likely arginine residue among three candidates at the binding site of carbamoyl phosphate, Arg-57, has been replaced with a glycine. The resultant Gly-57 mutant enzyme is drastically inefficient in catalysis. In the synthesis of L-citrulline from carbamoyl phosphate and L-ornithine with the release of inorganic phosphate, the turnover rate of the mutant is 21,000-fold lower than that of the wild type. However, the mutation of Arg-57 affects only moderately the binding of carbamoyl phosphate; the dissociation constant of this substrate, measured under steady-state turnover condition, is increased from 0.046 to 3.2 mM by the mutation. On the other hand, ornithine binding is substantially affected as estimated by the change in the dissociation constant of its analogue L-norvaline. The dissociation constant of L-norvaline increases about 500-fold from 54 microM for the wild type to 25 mM for the mutant. Since Arg-57 is expected to be distal from the ornithine site and the amino acid (both ornithine and norvaline) binds only after carbamoyl phosphate in the wild-type reaction, the poor norvaline affinity to the mutant suggests that Arg-57 is involved in interactions essential for productive addition of the amino acid. This interpretation is supported by difference ultraviolet absorption spectra which show that the conformational changes induced in the wild type by carbamoyl phosphate upon binding are absent in the mutant. Furthermore, steady-state kinetic data reveal that the ordered binding mechanism of the wild-type enzyme is transformed into a random binding mechanism in the mutant. Thus, the presence of carbamoyl phosphate in the mutant active site is no longer a requisite for ornithine binding. In the 5-50 degrees C temperature range, transcarbamoylation catalyzed by either the wild type or the mutant observes the Arrhenius rate law with almost identical enthalpies of activation, 11 and 10 kcal/mol, respectively. The entropy of activation is -5.5 eu for the wild-type reaction and -29 eu for the mutant reaction, accounting for a loss of 6-7 kcal/mol in the rate-determining step of the enzymic reaction.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Based on the crystal structure of human topoisomerase I, we hypothesized that hydrogen bonding between the side chain of the highly conserved His(632) and one of the nonbridging oxygens of the scissile phosphate contributes to catalysis by stabilizing the transition state. This hypothesis has been tested by examining the effects of changing His(632) to glutamine, asparagine, alanine, and tryptophan. The change to glutamine reduced both the relaxation activity and single-turnover cleavage activity by approximately 100-fold, whereas the same change at three other conserved histidines (positions 222, 367, and 406) had no significant effect on the relaxation activity. The properties of the mutant protein containing asparagine instead of histidine at position 632 were similar to those of the glutamine mutant, whereas mutations to alanine or tryptophan reduced the activity by approximately 4 orders of magnitude. The reduction in activity for the mutants was not due to alterations in substrate binding affinities or changes in the cleavage specificities of the proteins. The above results for the glutamine mutation in conjunction with the similar effects of pH on the wild type and the H632Q mutant enzyme rule out the possibility that His(632) acts as a general acid to protonate the leaving 5'-oxygen during the cleavage reaction. Taken together, these data strongly support the hypothesis that the only role for His(632) is to stabilize the pentavalent transition state through hydrogen bonding to one of the nonbridging oxygens.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Deshpande A  Xie Z  Natesh R  Acharya KR  Brew K 《Glycobiology》2004,14(12):1295-1302
Aromatic amino acids are frequent components of the carbohydrate binding sites of lectins and enzymes. Previous structural studies have shown that in alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferase, the binding site for disaccharide acceptor substrates is encircled by four tryptophans, residues 249, 250, 314, and 356. To investigate their roles in enzyme specificity and catalysis, we expressed and characterized variants of the catalytic domain of alpha-1,3 galactosyltransferase with substitutions for each tryptophan. Substitution of glycine for tryptophan 249, whose indole ring interacts with the nonpolar B face of glucose or GlcNAc, greatly increases the K(m) for the acceptor substrate. In contrast, the substitution of tyrosine for tryptophan 314, which interacts with the beta-galactosyl moiety of the acceptor and UDP-galactose, decreases k(cat) for the galactosyltransferase reaction but does not affect the low UDP-galactose hydrolase activity. Thus, this highly conserved residue stabilizes the transition state for the galactose transfer to disaccharide but not to water. High-resolution crystallographic structures of the Trp(249)Gly mutant and the Trp(314)Tyr mutant indicate that the mutations do not affect the overall structure of the enzyme or its interactions with ligands. Substitutions for tryptophan 250 have only small effects on catalytic activity, but mutation of tryptophan 356 to threonine reduces catalytic activity for both transferase and hydrolase activities and reduces affinity for the acceptor substrate. This residue is adjacent to the flexible C-terminus that becomes ordered on binding UDP to assemble the acceptor binding site and influence catalysis. The results highlight the diverse roles of these tryptophans in enzyme action and the importance of k(cat) changes in modulating glycosyltransferase specificity.  相似文献   

Sulfite oxidase (SO) is a molybdenum-cofactor-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the oxidation of sulfite to sulfate, the final step in the catabolism of the sulfur-containing amino acids, cysteine and methionine. The catalytic mechanism of vertebrate SO involves intramolecular electron transfer (IET) from molybdenum to the integral b-type heme of SO and then to exogenous cytochrome c. However, the crystal structure of chicken sulfite oxidase (CSO) has shown that there is a 32 ? distance between the Fe and Mo atoms of the respective heme and molybdenum domains, which are connected by a flexible polypeptide tether. This distance is too long to be consistent with the measured IET rates. Previous studies have shown that IET is viscosity dependent (Feng et al., Biochemistry, 2002, 41, 5816) and also dependent upon the flexibility and length of the tether (Johnson-Winters et al., Biochemistry, 2010, 49, 1290). Since IET in CSO is more rapid than in human sulfite oxidase (HSO) (Feng et al., Biochemistry, 2003, 42, 12235) the tether sequence of HSO has been mutated into that of CSO, and the resultant chimeric HSO enzyme investigated by laser flash photolysis and steady-state kinetics in order to study the specificity of the tether sequence of SO on the kinetic properties. Surprisingly, the IET kinetics of the chimeric HSO protein with the CSO tether sequence are slower than wildtype HSO. This observation raises the possibility that the composition of the non-conserved tether sequence of animal SOs may be optimized for individual species.  相似文献   

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