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搭棚藤植物中的蜕皮激素   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从拾棚藤(Porana discifera Schneid)分离到10个植物蜕皮激素,它们分别是β-蜕皮激素(1)及其2-乙酸酯(2)、3-乙酸酯(3)、25-乙酸酯(4)、2,3-异丙亚二氧基β-蜕皮激素(5)、20,22-异丙亚二氧基β-蜕皮激素(6)、2-去氧β-蜕皮激素(7)、2-去氧-20,22-异丙亚二氧基β-蜕皮激素(8)、2-去氧β-蜕皮激素-3-葡萄糖甙(9)和甲基暗红牛漆甾酮*  相似文献   

海马拔毒散治疗蛇伤创口溃烂104例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈康德 《蛇志》1991,3(2):50-50
海马拔毒散是安徽省名老中医魏化民传授的经验方,专门用来治疗创口溃烂长期不愈者.近七年多来,笔者用于治疗毒蛇咬伤后创口溃烂104例,临床疗效满意,现介绍如下.  相似文献   

我们曾先后报道了从水竹叶(Murdannia triquetra(Wall)Brückn)中分离并鉴定了β-蜕皮激素(β-ecdysone)(化合物Ⅰ),α-去氧-β-蜕皮激素(α-deoxy-β-ecdysone)(化合物Ⅱ),揭示了水竹叶属植物中蜕皮激素的新存在。近来我们又从水竹叶中分离出一个微量成份(化合物Ⅲ)。由~(13)C 核磁共振和~1H 核磁共振、红外光谱、质谱和气相色谱等分析,表明化合物Ⅲ比β-蜕皮激素在甾体母核部分多一个以羟基形式存在的氧原子,该羟基应以β-构型连接在 C_5位上。从而说明化合物Ⅲ为5β-羟基-β-蜕皮激素  相似文献   

拔毒散(Sida szechuensis)为一种傣族传统的药用植物,常用于治疗诸疮肿毒、皮肤瘙痒、跌打损伤、刀枪伤等疾病。为研究拔毒散的化学成分及其体外抗炎活性,该研究采用硅胶柱色谱、Sephadex LH-20柱色谱、半制备HPLC等方法对其地上部分的化学成分进行分离纯化,通过理化性质和NMR等波谱数据鉴定化合物的结构,并用脂多糖(LPS)诱导的巨噬细胞(RAW 264.7)作为炎症模型,评价所分离化合物的抗炎活性。结果表明:从拔毒散乙醇提取物中共分离得到16个化合物,分别鉴定为kaempferol-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside(1)、kaempferol-3-O-rutinoside(2)、槲皮素(3)、20-hydroxyecdysone(4)、α-ecdysone(5)、22-deoxyecdysterone(6)、abutasterone(7)、pterosterone(8)、icariside E5(9)、icariside E3(10)、(+)-syringaresinol(11)、pinoresinol(12)、balanophonin B(13)、N-trans-feruloyl tyramine(14)、(-)-loliolide(15)、棕榈酸(16),其中化合物1-3、9-13、16首次从该植物中分离得到。抗炎活性测试结果表明,在50μmol·L-1的浓度下,化合物1、4、5无明显抑制NO生成作用,而化合物2、3、6-16均能在不同程度上抑制NO生成,其中化合物2、3、11-14具有较强的抗炎活性,其IC50值分别为18.63、40.76、21.46、14.32、16.82、42.31μmol·L-1。该研究结果丰富了拔毒散的化学成分,明确了其具有抗炎效果的物质基础,验证了其传统用途的科学性,为其进一步在医药领域的开发利用提供了新思路及科学依据。  相似文献   

【目的】研究建立可以准确检测小菜蛾血清中痕量β-蜕皮激素的超效液相色谱-串联质谱(UPLC-MS/MS)分析法。【方法】小菜蛾血清β-蜕皮激素样品用乙腈提取并进行蛋白沉淀,以C18色谱柱分离,经UPLC-MS/MS检测,以芸苔素内酯为内标物,内标法定量。【结果】结果表明,在0.5-50μg/L浓度范围内β-蜕皮激素线性相关系数R~2=0.9998;在0.5、10和50μg/L3个添加水平下的平均回收率在91.9%-104.9%之间,相对标准偏差(RSDS,n=5)在3.2%-9.2%之间;方法的定量限为0.5μg/L。【结论】该方法具有操作简单、灵敏度高,稳定性好,应用性强等优点,可为昆虫血清中的β-蜕皮激素检测提供科学准确的方法。  相似文献   

秦仁昌系统(蕨类植物门)总览   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴兆洪   《广西植物》1984,(4):289-307
<正> 在讲述秦仁昌系统之前,想先简略讲讲中国蕨类植物学研究历史的概况。 中国远在周秦时代,已有蕨、绵马羊齿等蕨类植物名称的记载。李时珍的《本草纲目》(1596)也收入一些蕨类植物,吴其浚《植物名实图考》(1848)记载了三十多种蕨类植物,并绘图说明。但我国的蕨类植物真正的科学研究则始自林奈,在他的《植物种志》(1753)一书中,包括了中国的蕨类植物10种,这些植物系由瑞典商船上的牧师Peter Osbeck在澳门  相似文献   

Ecdysteroid glycosides from Sida rhombifolia L   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Seven ecdysteroids, including the three new compounds 1-3, were isolated from Sida rhombifolia L. Their structures and configurations were determined by extensive spectroscopic techniques in combination with chemical derivatization. The four known compounds--ecdysone (4), 20-hydroxyecdysone (5), 2-deoxy-20-hydroxyecdysone-3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (6), and 20-hydroxyecdysone-3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (7)--are reported for the first time from this plant.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a detailed analysis of seed morphological characters and seed protein composition of two closely related species belonging to the Sida ovata complex (Malvaceae), Sida ovata Forssk. and S. tiagii Bhandari. Seed protein profiling was performed by sodium dodesyl sulphate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and size exclusion‐fast protein liquid chromatography. Our data provide additional information to strengthen the existence of hybridization between Sida ovata Forssk. and S. tiagii Bhandari in Pakistan.  相似文献   

四川木蓝复合群(Indigofera szechuensis complex)为豆科木蓝属植物,共包含四川木蓝等9个种。本研究以四川木蓝复合群9个种的31个居群为材料进行形态特征变异及其ITS序列分析,结果表明:四川木蓝复合群9个种的形态性状差异主要集中在叶片大小及花序长短上;主成分分析显示,最大叶长、叶片毛被、花药毛被、小叶长宽比是种间主要形态特征差异;ITS序列分析显示,除滇木蓝外,四川木蓝复合群其余8个种的ITS序列差异较小且难以区分,因此四川木蓝复合群的这8个种可能是一个正处于分化过程中的类群,横断山区多样化的生境及复杂的地质历史可能是促使其分化的主要原因。  相似文献   

Two compounds (3 and 10) were isolated from the aerial parts of Sida spinosa L. Their structures have been established as glyceryl-1-eicosanoate and 20-hydroxy, 24-hydroxymethylecdysone by 1D and 2D-NMR techniques. In addition 12 known compounds (1, 2, 4-9 and 11-14) have been isolated and identified.  相似文献   

Three viral isolates Hn8, Hn40 and Hn41 were obtained from Sida acuta showing yellow mosaic symptom in the Hainan province, China. Comparison of partial DNA‐A sequences amplified with degenerate primers confirmed the existence of single type of Begomovirus. The complete nucleotide sequence of the DNA‐A‐like molecule of Hn8 was determined to be 2749 nucleotides, having a typical genetic organization of a Begomovirus. Hn8 DNA‐A had the highest sequence identity (78%) with that of Ageratum yellow vein China virus‐[G13] ( AJ558120 ), and had less sequence identity with other begomoviruses. Based on the above molecular data, Hn8 was thus considered as a new Begomovirus species, for which the name Sida yellow mosaic China virus (SiYMCNV) is proposed. Satellite DNA‐β molecules (Hn8‐β, Hn40‐β and Hn41‐β) were found to be associated with Hn8, Hn40 and Hn41 and their complete nucleotide sequences were determined. Sequence analysis showed that Hn8‐β, Hn40‐β and Hn41‐β shared more than 84% nucleotide sequence identity, and they were different from other characterized DNA‐β, sharing the highest nucleotide sequence identity (47.8%) with DNA‐β of Ageratum yellow vein virus.  相似文献   

Population changes of Sida crystallina, a filter feeding microcrustacean which attaches to aquatic macrophytes, were examined in Cochran Lake, Michigan during June and July, 1979. Population estimates were derived from organisms present in 10 samples of leaves of the water lily Nymphaea odorata collected every 3 days. Population densities of Sida responded both to food and predation by fish. Declines in average clutch size were associated with decreasing phytoplankton biomass and the increasing dominance of colonial green and blue-green algae, but were not significantly influenced by the densities of invertebrates on the plants. Largemouth bass fry (Micropterus salmoides) dramatically reduced the numbers of Sida and altered the age structure of the population in late June.  相似文献   

Plant organs and cultivation ages can result in different compositions and concentration levels of plant metabolites. The metabolite profile of plants can be determined using liquid chromatography. This study determined the metabolite profiles of leaves, stems, and roots of Sida rhombifolia at different cultivation ages at 3, 4, and 5 months post-planting (MPP) using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). The results identified that 41 metabolites in S. rhombifolia extract for all plant organs and cultivation ages. We successfully identified approximately 36 (leaves), 22 (stems), and 18 (roots) compounds in all extract. Using principal component analysis (PCA) with peak area as the variable, we clustered all sample extracts based on plant organs and cultivation ages. As a result of PCA, S. rhombifolia extracts were grouped according to plant organs and cultivation ages. In conclusion, a clear difference in the composition and concentration levels of metabolites was observed in the leaves, stems, and roots of S. rhombifolia harvested at 3-, 4-, and 5-MPP.  相似文献   

From the aerial parts of Parana discifera, 10 phytoecdysones, β- ecdysterone (1) and its 2 -acetate (2) , 3 - acetate (3), 25 - acetate (4) ,2,3- acetonide (5) , 20, 22 - acetonide (6) , and 2 -deoxyecdysterone (7) and its 20, 22 - acetonide (8), 3-O-β-D- glucopyranoside (9) and posterone (10) were isolated. They have no anti - inflammatory, analgesic, sedative, anti - convulsant and anti -cerebra- hypoxic activities in animal testing with Kunming mice.  相似文献   

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