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Two major sources of theoretical development for biofeedback as an intervention paradigm are considered. An integration of cognitive learning theory approaches to the potential regulation of autonomic processes in an information-processing framework and the phenomenological information-processing approach of Kelly's personal construct theory suggest a new methodological paradigm for biofeedback as a tool of psychotherapeutic intervention, especially for the discipline of behavioral medicine. Biofeedback is reconstrued as a sequence of allocating attention to automatic cognitive processes until cognitive control has been mastered. This sequence is also seen as a circumspection-preemption-control cycle that Kelly (1955) suggested was essential to all problem solving. In light of Kelly's fundamental assumptions regarding the nature of constructs, it is suggested that controlled processing approaches to biofeedback require the biofeedback trainee to investigate both ends of psychophysiological dichotomies instead of demonstrative constructs of traditional biofeedback methodology. Other psychotherapeutic techniques are reviewed to validate this new theoretical approach. Finally, treatment within this paradigm is discussed as a recircumspection of relevant constructs that were routinized during the alarm reaction phase of Selye's general adaptation syndrome.The author would like to express his appreciation to Kevin Kennelly and Joe Doster for their theoretical training, and to Wes Wenrich for his expert editorial commentary.  相似文献   

In an effort to study the role of cognitive skills training in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders, two single-case design experiments were conducted to assess the relative effectiveness of biofeedback procedures and cognitive coping techniques in the alleviation of tension headaches. For both subjects, biofeedback training influenced mean frontalis EMG levels, although such changes were not associated with concomitant reductions in headache activity. It was the presence or absence of cognitive skills training, however, that determined whether each subject reported changes in headache levels. These results suggest that a more efficient treatment approach for tension headaches would involve an increased emphasis on the modification of maladaptive cognitive activity. The present findings support the general view that a comprehensive approach in the treatment of stress-related disorders requires a concomitant focus on the cognitive, behavioral, and affective dimensions of the symptom. It was also suggested that biofeedback technology may be a useful tool for studying the physiological consequences of particular cognitive processes and in identifying particular cognitions with anxiety-provoking properties.  相似文献   

This paper reviews biofeedback research from the perspective of cybernetic/feedback theory and applies the theory to the behavioral treatment of psychosomatic disorders. The concept of disregulation is used to elucidate how environmental factors can modulate the central nervous system and effect homeostatic, self-regulatory control of peripheral organs. When feedback from peripheral organs is disrupted, it is hypothesized that disregulation occurs, leading to physiological instability and functional disease. Within this framework, biofeedback provides a new feedback loop that can help individuals regain physiological self-control. Basic research using biofeedback to enhance self-regulation of cardiovascular responses is reviewed. The use of biofeedback in the behavioral treatment of disorders such as tension and migraine headache, hypertension, and epilepsy are selectively reviewed and critically evaluated. The need to consider feedback mechanisms in behavioral and biomedical approaches to treatment is highlighted. Predictions regarding the potential inadvertent perpetuation of disregulation and disease through inappropriate biomedical intervention is also considered.  相似文献   

The rodent hippocampus has been thought to represent the spatial environment as a cognitive map. In the classical theory, the cognitive map has been explained as a consequence of the fact that different spatial regions are assigned to different cell populations in the framework of rate coding. Recently, the relation between place cell firing and local field oscillation theta in terms of theta phase precession was experimentally discovered and suggested as a temporal coding mechanism leading to memory formation of behavioral sequences accompanied with asymmetric Hebbian plasticity. The cognitive map theory is apparently outside of the sequence memory view. Therefore, theoretical analysis is necessary to consider the biological neural dynamics for the sequence encoding of the memory of behavioral sequences, providing the cognitive map formation. In this article, we summarize the theoretical neural dynamics of the real-time sequence encoding by theta phase precession, called theta phase coding, and review a series of theoretical models with the theta phase coding that we previously reported. With respect to memory encoding functions, instantaneous memory formation of one-time experience was first demonstrated, and then the ability of integration of memories of behavioral sequences into a network of the cognitive map was shown. In terms of memory retrieval functions, theta phase coding enables the hippocampus to represent the spatial location in the current behavioral context even with ambiguous sensory input when multiple sequences were coded. Finally, for utilization, retrieved temporal sequences in the hippocampus can be available for action selection, through the process of reverting theta rhythm-dependent activities to information in the behavioral time scale. This theoretical approach allows us to investigate how the behavioral sequences are encoded, updated, retrieved and used in the hippocampus, as the real-time interaction with the external environment. It may indeed be the bridge to the episodic memory function in human hippocampus.  相似文献   

Biofeedback application is an evidence-based technique to induce relaxation. A primary mechanism of action is the improvement of self-efficacy, which is needed to facilitate the translation of health behavioral intentions into action. Obesity is often associated with low self-efficacy and dysfunctional eating patterns, including comfort eating as an inexpedient relaxation technique. This is the first study investigating the effects of biofeedback on self-efficacy and relaxation in obesity. In the present experiment, 31 women, mean body mass index 35.5 kg/m², were randomized to a food-specific biofeedback paradigm, a non-specific relaxation biofeedback paradigm, or a waiting list control. Eight sessions of biofeedback of the electrodermal activity were performed while presenting either a challenging food stimulus or a non-specific landscape stimulus. Self-efficacy, stress, ability to relax, eating behavior, and electrodermal activity were assessed before, directly after, and 3 months after the intervention. The food-specific biofeedback predominantly showed effects on food-related self-efficacy and perceived stress. The non-specific relaxation biofeedback showed effects on the ability to relax. Self-reported improvements were confirmed by corresponding decrease in the electrodermal reaction to food stimuli. Biofeedback treatment is effective in improving self-efficacy in individuals with obesity and might therefore be a valuable additional intervention in obesity treatment.  相似文献   

Functional training is considered to be training that attempts to mimic the specific physiological demands of real-life activities. Most approaches to functional training, though, omit important factors that contribute to physiological and neuromotor adaptations. Cognitive factors related to sports influence physiological performance, and subsequently, physiological and neuromotor adaptations. We present a rationale and a theoretical framework by which to create effective functional training methods that incorporate cognitive factors. This framework draws upon recent developments and strong empirical evidence in the areas of dynamic systems theory, perceptual skills training, and motor learning/control. Emphasized within rigorous physical training are practice-related techniques and motor-learning strategies. In particular, mental effort, attention, and intention manipulated in a discovery-learning paradigm provide a framework for functional strength and power training. This framework is suggested to help maximize sport-specific physiological adaptations, and subsequently, sports performance.  相似文献   

Interventions for improvement of cognitive problems in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) include electroencephalography biofeedback, also known as neurofeedback. Quantitative electroencephalography (QEEG) patterns are assessed in TBI patients and then compared to a database obtained from a normative population. Deviations in QEEG patterns from the normative group are the basis for an intervention plan. While QEEG patterns, obtained under an eyes closed, resting condition, provide information about deviations at rest, QEEG patterns obtained while the patient engages in cognitive tasks reflect specific deficiencies in brain functioning. This paper reviews and assesses QEEG patterns collected under both resting conditions as well as cognitive tasks. The article provides a theoretical and empirical base for QEEG interventions with TBI.  相似文献   

The following objectives were set out to study the effect of EEG α power increase training on the heart rate variability (HRV) as an index of the autonomic regulation of cognitive functions: (1) to establish the interrelation between a voluntary increase in the α power in the individual upper α band and the HRV and related characteristics of cognitive and emotional spheres; (2) to determine the nature of the relationship between the α-activity indices and HRV depending on the resting α-frequency EEG pattern; and (3) to study how the individual α-frequency EEG pattern is reflected in the HRV changes as a result of biofeedback training. Psychometric indices of cognitive performance and the characteristics of EEG α activity and HRV were recorded in 27 healthy men 18–34 years of age before, during, and after ten training sessions of a voluntary increase in α power in the individual upper α band with the eyes closed. To determine the biofeedback effect in the α power increase training, the data of two groups were compared: the experimental, with a real biofeedback (14 subjects), and the control, with a sham biofeedback (13 subjects). The follow-up effect of the training was assessed one month after its end. The results showed that α biofeedback training increased the resting α frequency, improved cognitive performance, reduced psychoemotional stress, and increased HRV only in the subjects with a low baseline α frequency. In the subjects with a high baseline resting α frequency, the α biofeedback training had no effect on the resting α power and cognitive performance but reduced the HRV (judging by the pNN 50 parameter). The positive correlation between the α peak frequency and HRV in subjects with initially low α frequency and the negative correlation in the subjects with a high baseline α frequency explains the opposite biofeedback effects on HRV in subjects with low and high α frequency. From the theoretical standpoint, the results of this study contribute to understanding the mechanisms of heart-brain neurovisceral relationships and their effect on the cognitive performance. From the applied standpoint, they suggest that EEG biofeedback can be used for improving autonomic regulation in healthy subjects and the development of individual approaches to the development of the biofeedback technology, which can be used both in clinical practice for treatment and rehabilitation of psychosomatic syndromes and in educational training.  相似文献   

The implementation of biofeedback procedures represents a new approach to clinical management of speech disorders. Thus far, results of experiments utilizing biofeedback techniques have suggested positive effects in the remediation of speech disorders. The purpose of this paper is to provide the reader with the principles of biofeedback; to survey areas of clinical application including voice, fluency, and other clinical disorders; and to explore potential applications of biofeedback procedures for the speech and language pathologist.  相似文献   

We present a “natural-constructive approach” to modeling the cognitive process, which is based on the dynamic theory of information, the technique of nonlinear differential equations, and the concept of a “dynamic formal neuron.” The version of cognitive architecture that was designed within the natural-constructive approach is presented. One important constructive feature of this architecture consists in splitting up the entire system into two similar hemi-systems (by analogy with the right and left cerebral hemispheres). One of these is responsible for the generation of information and learning, with other one being responsible for the reception and processing of well-known information. This functional specialization is provided by the presence of noise (a random factor) in the generation hemi-system; in the reception hemi-system, all the processes should proceed successively rather than stochastically. The interpretation of the concepts of intuition, logic, consciousness, and sub-consciousness is discussed. The architecture that is designed within the natural-constructive approach is compared with other theoretical approaches (graph theory and the “cognitom” concept), and with anatomical data. The concept of an experiment is proposed that could verify or disprove the main inferences of the natural-constructive approach.  相似文献   

The onset of cognitive rehabilitation brought with it a hope for an effective treatment for the traumatic brain injured subject. This paper reviews the empirical reports of changes in cognitive functioning after treatment and compares the relative effectiveness of several treatments including computer interventions, cognitive strategies, EEG biofeedback, and medications. The cognitive functions that are reviewed include auditory memory, attention and problem solving. The significance of the change in cognitive function is assessed in two ways that include effect size and longevity of effect. These analyses complement the previously published meta-reviews by adding these two criteria and include reports of EEG biofeedback, which is shown to be an effective intervention for auditory memory.  相似文献   

I argue against a growing radical trend in current theoretical cognitive science that moves from the premises of embedded cognition, embodied cognition, dynamical systems theory and/or situated robotics to conclusions either to the effect that the mind is not in the brain or that cognition does not require representation, or both. I unearth the considerations at the foundation of this view: Haugeland's bandwidth-component argument to the effect that the brain is not a component in cognitive activity, and arguments inspired by dynamical systems theory and situated robotics to the effect that cognitive activity does not involve representations. Both of these strands depend not only on a shift of emphasis from higher cognitive functions to things like sensorimotor processes, but also depend on a certain understanding of how sensorimotor processes are implemented - as closed-loop control systems. I describe a much more sophisticated model of sensorimotor processing that is not only more powerful and robust than simple closed-loop control, but for which there is great evidence that it is implemented in the nervous system. The is the emulation theory of representation, according to which the brain constructs inner dynamical models, or emulators, of the body and environment which are used in parallel with the body and environment to enhance motor control and perception and to provide faster feedback during motor processes, and can be run off-line to produce imagery and evaluate sensorimotor counterfactuals. I then show that the emulation framework is immune to the radical arguments, and makes apparent why the brain is a component in the cognitive activity, and exactly what the representations are in sensorimotor control.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the effect of simultaneous α EEG stimulating and electromyogram (EMG) decreasing biofeedback training on the α activity and cognitive functions, fluency, accuracy, and flexibility during cognitive tasks, as well as α-activity characteristics before, during, and after ten training sessions of voluntarily increasing α power in an individual upper α range with the eyes closed were studied in 27 healthy men aged 18–34 years. To isolate the biofeedback effect in training for the α power increase, data on two groups of subjects were compared: an experimental group (14 subjects) with true biofeedback and a control group (13 subjects) with sham biofeedback. Follow-up testing was performed one month after the end of training to estimate the stability of the effect. The results showed that the training for the upper α power increase using biofeedback increased the frequency, width, and power in an individual upper α range at rest and improved cognitive performance only in subjects with a low baseline α frequency. Conversely, sham biofeedback training (without the feedback signal) increased the α power, though less efficiently, only in subjects with a high baseline α frequency, this increase was not accompanied by improved cognitive performance. The biofeedback α training eliminated the decrease in the α amplitude in response to a cognitive task after the biofeedback training course, this effect being preserved within one month. It may be concluded that α EEG-EMG biofeedback training can be used for improving cognitive processes in healthy subjects, as well as for prognostic purposes in clinical practice and in the brain-computer interface technology.  相似文献   

From its very beginning (Duhrssen, 1985), many methodologists have regarded the cognitive branch of behavioral psychotherapy as a "bridge to psychoanalysis." The first postulates of cognitive psychotherapy were formulated, and then developed, as an integral current by the dissidents from psychoanalysis A. Ellis and A. Beck. The cognitive approach fertilized behaviorism and helped to overcome its crisis of ideas. The result was vigorous development of diverse cognitive-behavioral psychotherapeutic approaches (of which there were from 11 to as many as 17, depending on which classification is used [Mahoney, 1974; Mahoney & Arnkoff, 1978]). Rejected by psychoanalysis, the cognitive school went on to develop within the context of behaviorism, and is today striving for recognition as an independent area of specialization (Perris, 1988). The general trend is toward its ever greater integration into psychodynamic approaches (Dobson, 1988; Mahoney, 1988), though it retains its cognitive model of mental disorders and develops its own properly cognitive procedures while, at the same time, readily drawing on behavioral methods (see, for instance, Beck, 1990).  相似文献   

We present a method for training subjects to control activity in a region of their orbitofrontal cortex associated with contamination anxiety using biofeedback of real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rt-fMRI) data. Increased activity of this region is seen in relationship with contamination anxiety both in control subjects1 and in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD),2 a relatively common and often debilitating psychiatric disorder involving contamination anxiety. Although many brain regions have been implicated in OCD, abnormality in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is one of the most consistent findings.3, 4 Furthermore, hyperactivity in the OFC has been found to correlate with OCD symptom severity5 and decreases in hyperactivity in this region have been reported to correlate with decreased symptom severity.6 Therefore, the ability to control this brain area may translate into clinical improvements in obsessive-compulsive symptoms including contamination anxiety. Biofeedback of rt-fMRI data is a new technique in which the temporal pattern of activity in a specific region (or associated with a specific distributed pattern of brain activity) in a subject''s brain is provided as a feedback signal to the subject. Recent reports indicate that people are able to develop control over the activity of specific brain areas when provided with rt-fMRI biofeedback.7-12 In particular, several studies using this technique to target brain areas involved in emotion processing have reported success in training subjects to control these regions.13-18 In several cases, rt-fMRI biofeedback training has been reported to induce cognitive, emotional, or clinical changes in subjects.8, 9, 13, 19 Here we illustrate this technique as applied to the treatment of contamination anxiety in healthy subjects. This biofeedback intervention will be a valuable basic research tool: it allows researchers to perturb brain function, measure the resulting changes in brain dynamics and relate those to changes in contamination anxiety or other behavioral measures. In addition, the establishment of this method serves as a first step towards the investigation of fMRI-based biofeedback as a therapeutic intervention for OCD. Given that approximately a quarter of patients with OCD receive little benefit from the currently available forms of treatment,20-22 and that those who do benefit rarely recover completely, new approaches for treating this population are urgently needed.  相似文献   

The biology and future prospects of antivirulence therapies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The emergence and increasing prevalence of bacterial strains that are resistant to available antibiotics demand the discovery of new therapeutic approaches. Targeting bacterial virulence is an alternative approach to antimicrobial therapy that offers promising opportunities to inhibit pathogenesis and its consequences without placing immediate life-or-death pressure on the target bacterium. Certain virulence factors have been shown to be potential targets for drug design and therapeutic intervention, whereas new insights are crucial for exploiting others. Targeting virulence represents a new paradigm to empower the clinician to prevent and treat infectious diseases.  相似文献   

景观资源美学评价的理论与方法   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
随着自然环境的不断破坏,景观已经不再是取之不尽,用之不竭的资源,人类开始把它放到与其它资源同等重要的战略地位.景观资源评价是其可持续利用和保护的前提.在论述美学、审美及景观内涵的基础上,阐述了审美心理学机制和审美途径,比较了传统与现代景观审美研究的方法,讨论了景观审美的重要理论(如柏拉图主义、康德学说、移情论、格式塔学派、马克思美学理论、Appleton理论),研究了景观评价方法的四大学派两大阵营(专家学派、心理物理学派、认知学派、经验学派、景观环境科学及景园文化),分析了国内外景观评价的成功实践.研究表明,景观评价历史发展以专家学派与感知学派竞争为特色,专家学派在景观管理中居于主导地位,而心理感知学派在研究领域处于支配地位,它们都认为景观质量决定于景观生物物理特性与人的感知判断;未来的景观资源评价仍表现出专家学派和感知学派共同主导、各自探索的特点;景观资源信息化与视觉时空动态模拟将冲击传统景观评价,而现代科技的发展将帮助迎接这些挑战.作者提出了21世纪景观评价的新特征: ①学派兼容并蓄,不断走向融合;②多学科交叉,注重量化评价;③强调环境信息,重视生态价值;④现代科技普遍应用,景观信息动态智能化;⑤景观模拟逼真化,主观感受现场化;⑥关注历史内涵,景观文化地位上升.  相似文献   

The idea that individual differences in behavior and physiology can be partly understood by linking them to a fast-slow continuum of life history strategies has become popular in the evolutionary behavioral sciences. I refer to this approach as the “fast-slow paradigm” of individual differences. The paradigm has generated a substantial amount of research, but has also come increasingly under scrutiny for theoretical, empirical, and methodological reasons. I start by reviewing the basic empirical facts about the fast-slow continuum across species and the main theoretical accounts of its existence. I then discuss the move from the level of species and populations to that of individuals, and the theoretical and empirical complications that follow. I argue that the fast-slow continuum can be a productive heuristic for individual differences; however, the field needs to update its theoretical assumptions, rethink some methodological practices, and explore new approaches and ideas in light of the specific features of the human ecology.  相似文献   

Recent psychophysiological investigations have shown that biofeedback and operant conditioning procedures are associated with changes in genital vasomotor activity in men and women. Although the exact role played by biofeedback or operant contingencies in the establishment of genital vasomotor control has not been conclusively established, some degree of voluntary control has been reliably demonstrated over a response that is traditionally viewed as an involuntary component of the human sexual response cycle. The present article critically reviews the experimental literature pertinent to the issue of voluntary self-control of sexual responding and makes recommendations concerning future research. The implications of this literature for traditional etiological theories and treatment approaches for sexual dysfunctions are discussed. The potential of biofeedback and operant techniques for shaping genital responses, increasing discriminability, enhancing body awareness, and facilitating cognitive labeling of genital sensations are discussed as they relate to the stated goals of sex therapy.  相似文献   

The recent literature on the role played by biofeedback in the modification of human heart rate is reviewed. Emphasis is placed on research pertinent to the issue of whether biofeedback is more productively conceived as a reinforcer of an operant response or as a source of information enabling the development of a voluntary motor skill. Criticisms of the operant paradigm are answered, and limitations of the motor skills analogy are discussed. It is concluded that the operant conditioning paradigm best accounts for most available data on the role of biofeedback in heart rate control, and that it is superior to the motor skills model because it is more parsimonious and makes fewer untestable assumptions.  相似文献   

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