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IAA17/AXR3: biochemical insight into an auxin mutant phenotype   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
The Aux/IAA genes are rapidly and specifically induced by the plant hormone auxin. The proteins encoded by this gene family are short-lived nuclear proteins that are capable of homodimerizing and heterodimerizing. Molecular, biochemical, and genetic data suggest that these proteins are involved in auxin signaling. The pleiotropic morphological phenotype and altered auxin responses of the semidominant axr3-1 mutant of Arabidopsis result from a single amino acid change in the conserved domain II of the Aux/IAA protein IAA17. Here, we show that the biochemical effect of this gain-of-function mutation is to increase the half-life of the iaa17/axr3-1 protein by sevenfold. Intragenic mutations that suppress the iaa17/axr3-1 phenotype have been described. The iaa17/axr3-1R3 revertant contains a second site mutation in domain I and the iaa17/axr3-1R2 revertant contains a second site mutation in domain III. Transient expression assays show that the mutant forms of IAA17/AXR3 retain the ability to accumulate in the nucleus. Using the yeast two hybrid system, we show that the iaa17/axr3-1 mutation does not affect homodimerization. However, the iaa17/axr3-1 revertants counteract the increased levels of iaa17/axr3-1 protein by decreasing the capacity of the mutant protein to homodimerize. Interestingly, heterodimerization of the revertant forms of IAA17/AXR3 with IAA3/SHY2, another Aux/IAA protein, and ARF1 or ARF5/MP proteins is affected only by changes in domain III. Collectively, the results provide biochemical evidence that the revertant mutations in the IAA17/AXR3 gene affect the capacity of the encoded protein to dimerize with itself, other members of the Aux/IAA protein family, and members of the ARF protein family. By extension, these findings may provide insight into the effects of analogous mutations in other members of the Aux/IAA gene family.  相似文献   

As indicated by various and some overlapped phenotypes of the dominant mutants, the Aux/IAA genes of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) concomitantly exhibit a functional similarity and differentiation. To evaluate the contributions of their expression patterns determined by promoter activity and molecular properties of their gene products to Aux/IAA function, we examined phenotypes of transgenic plants expressing the green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged msg2-1/iaa19, axr2-1/iaa7, or slr-1/iaa14 cDNA by the MSG2 or AXR2 promoter. When driven by the MSG2 promoter (pMSG2), each GFP-tagged cDNA caused the msg2-1 phenotype, that is, the wild-type stature in the mature-plant stage, long and straight hypocotyls in the dark, reduced lateral root formation, relatively mild agravitropic traits in hypocotyls, and a normal gravitropic response in roots. However, development of one or two cotyledonary primordia was often arrested in embryogenesis of the pMSG2::axr2-1::GFP and pMSG2::slr-1::GFP plants, resulting in monocotyledonary or no cotyledonary seedlings. Such defects in embryogenesis were never seen in pMSG2::msg2-1::GFP or the msg2-1, axr2-1, or slr-1 mutant. The MSG2 promoter-GUS staining showed that expression of MSG2 started specifically in cotyledonary primordia of the triangular-stage embryos. When driven by the AXR2 promoter (pAXR2), each GFP-tagged mutant cDNA caused, in principle, aberrant aboveground phenotypes of the corresponding dominant mutant. However, either the axr2-1::GFP or slr-1::GFP cDNA brought about dwarf, agravitropic stems almost identical to those of axr2-1, and the pAXR2::msg2-1::GFP and pAXR2::slr-1::GFP hypocotyls exhibited complete loss of gravitropism as did axr2-1. These results showed functional differences among the msg2-1, axr2-1, and slr-1 proteins, though some phenotypes were determined by the promoter activity.  相似文献   

Auxin is important for lateral root (LR) initiation and subsequent LR primordium development. However, the roles of tissue-specific auxin signaling in these processes are poorly understood. We analyzed transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing the stabilized mutant INDOLE-3 ACETIC ACID 14 (IAA14)/SOLITARY-ROOT (mIAA14) protein as a repressor of the auxin response factors (ARFs), under the control of tissue-specific promoters. We showed that plants expressing the mIAA14-glucocorticoid receptor (GR) fusion protein under the control of the native IAA14 promoter had the solitary-root/iaa14 mutant phenotypes, including the lack of LR formation under dexamethasone (Dex) treatment, indicating that mIAA14-GR is functional in the presence of Dex. We then demonstrated that expression of mIAA14-GR under the control of the stele-specific SHORT-ROOT promoter suppressed LR formation, and showed that mIAA14-GR expression in the protoxylem-adjacent pericycle also blocked LR formation, indicating that the normal auxin response mediated by auxin/indole-3 acetic acid (Aux/IAA) signaling in the protoxylem pericycle is necessary for LR formation. In addition, we demonstrated that expression of mIAA14-GR under either the ARF7 or the ARF19 promoter also suppressed LR formation as in the arf7 arf19 double mutants, and that IAA14 interacted with ARF7 and ARF19 in yeasts. These results strongly suggest that mIAA14-GR directly inactivates ARF7/ARF19 functions, thereby blocking LR formation. Post-embryonic expression of mIAA14-GR under the SCARECROW promoter, which is expressed in the specific cell lineage during LR primordium formation, caused disorganized LR development. This indicates that normal auxin signaling in LR primordia, which involves the unknown ARFs and Aux/IAAs, is necessary for the establishment of LR primordium organization. Thus, our data show that tissue-specific expression of a stabilized Aux/IAA protein allows analysis of tissue-specific auxin responses in LR development by inactivating ARF functions.  相似文献   

AXR2 encodes a member of the Aux/IAA protein family   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
The dominant gain-of-function axr2-1 mutation of Arabidopsis causes agravitropic root and shoot growth, a short hypocotyl and stem, and auxin-resistant root growth. We have cloned the AXR2 gene using a map-based approach, and find that it is the same as IAA7, a member of the IAA (indole-3-acetic acid) family of auxin-inducible genes. The axr2-1 mutation changes a single amino acid in conserved domain II of AXR2/IAA7. We isolated loss-of-function mutations in AXR2/IAA7 as intragenic suppressors of axr2-1 or in a screen for insertion mutations in IAA genes. A null mutant has a slightly longer hypocotyl than wild-type plants, indicating that AXR2/IAA7 controls development in light-grown seedlings, perhaps in concert with other gene products. Dark-grown axr2-1 mutant plants have short hypocotyls and make leaves, suggesting that activation of AXR2/IAA7 is sufficient to induce morphological responses normally elicited by light. Previously described semidominant mutations in two other Arabidopsis IAA genes cause some of the same phenotypes as axr2-1, but also cause distinct phenotypes. These results illustrate functional differences among members of the Arabidopsis IAA gene family.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis SHY2/IAA3 inhibits auxin-regulated gene expression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Tian Q  Uhlir NJ  Reed JW 《The Plant cell》2002,14(2):301-319
In Arabidopsis, SHY2 encodes IAA3, a member of the auxin-induced Aux/IAA family. Gain-of-function mutations in SHY2/IAA3 cause enlarged cotyledons, short hypocotyls, and altered auxin-regulated root development. Here we show that the gain-of-function mutation shy2-2 decreases both the induction and repression of auxin-regulated genes, suggesting that SHY2/IAA3 acts as a negative regulator in auxin signaling. shy2-2 affects auxin induction of many previously characterized primary response genes, implying that it might repress primary auxin responses. In addition, shy2-2 also affects expression of multiple auxin-nonresponsive genes. Light regulates expression of SHY2/IAA3, suggesting a possible link between light and auxin response pathways.  相似文献   

We have examined the expression pattern of an auxin primary response gene, MSG2/IAA19 , during photo- and gravitropic responses of hypocotyls using a transgenic Arabidopsis harboring MSG2/IAA19 promoter::GUS . The upper portion of most etiolated hypocotyls showed uniform β-glucuronidase (GUS) staining with the strongest activity in the pericycle. When hypocotyls were irradiated with unilateral blue light, GUS activity on the concave side of hypocotyls was decreased, resulting in differential GUS staining with a stronger signal on the convex side. The number of differentially stained hypocotyls peaked at 24 h after the onset of the phototropic stimuli, while hypocotyl curvature continued to increase for the entire 36-h experimental period. This result suggests that the MSG2/IAA19 expression precedes the phototropic responses. When seedlings were grown under dim white light, their hypocotyls displayed almost no GUS activity. The light-grown hypocotyls also showed differential GUS staining after phototropic stimuli as result of the increase in GUS activity on the convex side of hypocotyls, especially in the epidermis, the outer cortex and pericycle, although GUS activity was much weaker than that observed in etiolated hypocotyls. Similar but less obvious differential staining was obtained for gravitropic response of hypocotyls. Considering the recent finding that Aux/IAA proteins are immediate targets of the auxin F box receptors, MSG2/IAA19 is likely to act as one of master genes for tropic responses.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, lateral root (LR) formation is regulated by multiple auxin/indole-3-acetic acid (Aux/IAA)-AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR (ARF) modules: (i) the IAA28-ARFs module regulates LR founder cell specification; (ii) the SOLITARY-ROOT (SLR)/IAA14-ARF7-ARF19 module regulates nuclear migration and asymmetric cell divisions of the LR founder cells for LR initiation; and (iii) the BODENLOS/IAA12-MONOPTEROS/ARF5 module also regulates LR initiation and organogenesis. The number of Aux/IAA-ARF modules involved in LR formation remains unknown. In this study, we isolated the shy2-101 mutant, a gain-of-function allele of short hypocotyl2/suppressor of hy2 (shy2)/iaa3 in the Columbia accession. We demonstrated that the shy2-101 mutation not only strongly inhibits LR primordium development and emergence but also significantly increases the number of LR initiation sites with the activation of LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARIES-DOMAIN16/ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2-LIKE18, a target gene of the SLR/IAA14-ARF7-ARF19 module. Genetic analysis revealed that enhanced LR initiation in shy2-101 depended on the SLR/IAA14-ARF7-ARF19 module. We also showed that the shy2 roots contain higher levels of endogenous IAA. These observations indicate that the SHY2/IAA3-ARF-signalling module regulates not only LR primordium development and emergence after SLR/IAA14-ARF7-ARF19 module-dependent LR initiation but also inhibits LR initiation by affecting auxin homeostasis, suggesting that multiple Aux/IAA-ARF modules cooperatively regulate the developmental steps during LR formation.  相似文献   

A synthetic brassinosteroid, 22,23(S,S)-homobrassinolide (hBR),was examined for its interaction with IAA and GA3 in the elongationof hypocotyl sections of light-grown cucumber (Cucumis salivusL. cv. Aonagajibai) seedlings. hBR alone was less active thanIAA. Its optimal concentration was around 10 µM and thelowest effective concentration between 10 and 100 µM,which is more than 100 times higher than that of brassinolide.hBR was more active in sections from younger seedlings. Itsgrowth-promoting effect was negated or greatly reduced by inhibitorsof auxin-induced elongation such as p-chlorophenoxyisobutyricacid and kinetin. hBR acted synergistically with IAA and 2,4-Dbut not with GA3 showing only an additive effect. Sequentialtreatment of sections with hBR and then with IAA also resultedin synergistic enhancement of auxininduced elongation, but whenthe order of treatment was reversed, hBR was inactive. The synergisticeffect was obtained with 1 h pretreatment with hBR and couldbe reduced by subsequent washing with water. There was no sequentialinteraction between hBR and GA3. The synergistic pretreatmenteffects of hBR and GA3 were simply additive to each other. Amembrane-bound ATPase inhibitor, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, inhibitedthe hBR-induced elongation, but did not affect GA3-induced elongation.The findings led to the conclusion that brassinosteroids enhanceauxin action and possess growth-promoting activity which isindependent of that of gibberellin. (Received November 9, 1984; Accepted February 18, 1985)  相似文献   

The blue light receptors termed cryptochromes mediate photomorphological responses in seed plants. However, the mechanisms by which cryptochrome signals regulate plant development remain obscure. In this study, cryptochrome functions were analyzed using the moss Physcomitrella patens. This moss has recently become known as the only plant species in which gene replacement occurs at a high frequency by homologous recombination. Two cryptochrome genes were identified in Physcomitrella, and single and double disruptants of these genes were generated. Using these disruptants, it was revealed that cryptochrome signals regulate many steps in moss development, including induction of side branching on protonema and gametophore induction and development. In addition, the disruption of cryptochromes altered auxin responses, including the expression of auxin-inducible genes. Cryptochrome disruptants were more sensitive to external auxin than wild type in a blue light-specific manner, suggesting that cryptochrome light signals repress auxin signals to control plant development.  相似文献   

The diageotropica (dgt) mutation has been proposed to affect either auxin perception or responsiveness in tomato plants. It has previously been demonstrated that the expression of one member of the Aux/IAA family of auxin-regulated genes is reduced in dgt plants. Here, we report the cloning of ten new members of the tomato Aux/IAA family by PCR amplification based on conserved protein domains. All of the gene family members except one (LeIAA7) are expressed in etiolated tomato seedlings, although they demonstrate tissue specificity (e.g. increased expression in hypocotyls vs. roots) within the seedling. The wild-type auxin-response characteristics of the expression of these tomato LeIAA genes are similar to those previously described for Aux/IAA family members in Arabidopsis. In dgt seedlings, auxin stimulation of gene expression was reduced in only a subset of LeIAA genes (LeIAA5, 8, 10, and 11), with the greatest reduction associated with those genes with the strongest wild-type response to auxin. The remaining LeIAA genes tested exhibited essentially the same induction levels in response to the hormone in both dgt and wild-type hypocotyls. These results confirm that dgt plants can perceive auxin and suggest that a specific step in early auxin signal transduction is disrupted by the dgt mutation.  相似文献   

The endogenous indol-3yl-acetic acid (IAA) of detipped apical segments from roots of maize (cv ORLA) was greatly reduced by an exodiffusion technique which depended upon the preferential acropetal transport of the phytohormone into buffered agar. When IAA was applied to the basal cut ends of freshly prepared root segments only growth inhibitions were demonstrable but after the endogenous auxin concentration had been reduced by the exodiffusion technique it became possible to stimulate growth by IAA application. The implications of the interaction between exogenous and endogenous IAA in the control of root segment growth are discussed with special reference to the role of endogenous IAA in the regulation of root growth and geotropism.Abbreviations IAA indol-3yl-acetic acid - GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry  相似文献   

Root cap not only protects root meristem, but also detects and transduces the signals of environmental changes to affect root development. The symplastic communication is an important way for plants to transduce signals to coordinate the development and physiology in response to the changing enviroments. However, it is unclear how the symplastic communication between root cap cells affects root growth. Here we exploit an inducible system to specifically block the symplastic communication in the root cap. Transient blockage of plasmodesmata (PD) in differentiated collumella cells severely impairs the root development in Arabidopsis, in particular in the stem cell niche and the proximal meristem. The neighboring stem cell niche is the region that is most sensitive to the disrupted symplastic communication and responds rapidly via the alteration of auxin distribution. In the later stage, the cell division in proximal meristem is inhibited, presumably due to the reduced auxin level in the root cap. Our results reveal the essential role of the differentiated collumella cells in the root cap mediated signaling system that directs root development.  相似文献   

Bao F  Shen J  Brady SR  Muday GK  Asami T  Yang Z 《Plant physiology》2004,134(4):1624-1631
Plant hormone brassinosteroids (BRs) and auxin exert some similar physiological effects likely through their functional interaction, but the mechanism for this interaction is unknown. In this study, we show that BRs are required for lateral root development in Arabidopsis and that BRs act synergistically with auxin to promte lateral root formation. BR perception is required for the transgenic expression of the beta-glucuronidase gene fused to a synthetic auxin-inducible promoter (DR5::GUS) in root tips, while exogenous BR promotes DR5::GUS expression in the root tips and the stele region proximal to the root tip. BR induction of both lateral root formation and DR5::GUS expression is suppressed by the auxin transport inhibitor N-(1-naphthyl) phthalamic acid. Importantly, BRs promote acropetal auxin transport (from the base to the tip) in the root. Our observations indicate that BRs regulate auxin transport, providing a novel mechanism for hormonal interactions in plants and supporting the hypothesis that BRs promote lateral root development by increasing acropetal auxin transport.  相似文献   

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