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Rapamycin was used as a medium additive to slow the progression of CRL 1606 hybridomas through the cell cycle, under the hypothesis that such a modulation might reduce cell death. Cell cycle distributions for CRL hybridomas in the G1 phase of the cell cycle ranged from 20% to 35% during batch, fed-batch, and continuous culture experiments, independent of culture time, dilution rate, growth rates, or death rates. Rapamycin, an mTOR signaling inhibitor, immunosuppressant, and G1-phase arresting agent, was identified and tested for efficacy in restraining cell cycle progression in CRL 1606 hybridoma cultures. However, in the presence of 100 nM rapamycin, the percentage of cells in the G1 phase of the cell cycle during fed-batch cultures was only increased from 28% to 31% in control cultures to 37% to 48% for those with rapamycin. Accordingly, rapamycin only slightly reduced culture growth rate. Instead, the use of rapamycin more notably kept viability higher than that of control cultures by delaying cell death for 48 h, thereby enabling viable proliferation to higher maximum viable cell densities. Furthermore, rapamycin enhanced specific monoclonal antibody production by up to 100% during high-viability growth. Thus, over the course of 6-day fed-batch cultivations, the beneficial effects of rapamycin on viable cell density and specific productivity resulted in an increase in final monoclonal antibody titer from 0.25 to 0.56 g/L (124%). As rapamycin is reported to influence a much broader range of cellular functions than cell cycle alone, these findings are more illustrative of the influence that signal transduction pathways related to mTOR can have on overall cell physiology and culture productivity.  相似文献   

Summary A somatic cell genetic technique has recently been developed that makes it possible to obtain very large amounts of homogeneous antibodies and to replenish the supply of the exact same antibodies whenever they are needed. This hybridoma technology has already contributed to major scientific advances and will surely improve the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. Because the technology itself is relatively simple and inexpensive, it has captured the attention of basic scientists, clinicians, and industrial managers and investors. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants AI 10702 and AI 5231, National Science Foundation Grant PCM77-25635, and American Cancer Society Grant NP-317.  相似文献   

A fixed bed perfusion system for hybridoma cell immobilization is presented. The system consists of a culturing vessel (300 ml total volume) in which polyurethane (PU) sponges in the form of small cubes of about 5 mm sides are packed. Cells are immobilized by physical entrapment in the foam matrix. By entrapment of the cells in the pores of the matrix high cell concentration can be maintained in a mechanically protected environment. Medium is continuously circulated by an airlift pump mounted in the cell-free chamber (700 ml total volume).Medium flow rate, feeding rate, dissolved oxygen, pH, nutrient uptake and waste product formation can be easily monitored and controlled. Steady state conditions are established with medium dilution rates of 1.0–1.5 reactor volume per day. The steady state is characterized by a constant cell density, constant culture volume and constant glucose and lactate levels. Cell-free supernatant is collected continuously in a cold room adjacent to the 37°C culture room. Monoclonal antibodies (MAb) are produced at a concentration of 150–200 g/ml for several weeks. An important feature of the system is the capacity to maintain a population of cells after the growth phase in a non-proliferating state for extended time periods expressing high titers of MAb.Abbreviations DO Dissolved Oxygen - FBS Fetal Bovine Serum - FBR Fixed Bed Reactor - MAb Monoclonal Antibody - PU polyurethane  相似文献   

Electron microscopy of mouse hybridoma cell lines shows that the major difference between non, low and high producer cell lines is the amount of endoplasmic reticulum. Vesicular-tubular or cavernous structures of endoplasmic reticulum, which can survive long after cell death, are particularly abundant in producer cell lines. Immunogold labelling with anti-mouse IgG reveals that antibodies are predominantly located in these structures. The cell membrane undergoes structural changes during the late stages of batch culture with the disappearance of microvilli and the appearance of blebs and deep indentations. Necrosis disrupts the cytoplasmic structures and the nucleus is last to degrade.  相似文献   

The influence of ammonia and lactate on cell growth, metabolic, and antibody production rates was investigated for murine hybridoma cell line 163.4G5.3 during batch culture. The specific growth rate was reduced by one-half in the presence of an initial ammonia concentration of 4 mM. Increasing ammonia levels accelerated glucose and glutamine consumption, decreased ammonia yield from glutamine, and increased alanine yield from glutamine. Although the amount of antibody produced decreased with increasing ammonia concentration, the specific antibody productivity remained relatively constant around a value of 0.22 pg/cell-h. The specific growth rate was reduced by one-half at an initial lactate concentration of 55 mM. Although specific glucose and glutamine uptake rates were increased at high lacatate concentration, they showed a decrease after making corrections for medium osmolarity. The yield coefficient of lactate from glucose decreased at high lactate concentrations. A similar decrease was observed for the ammonia yield coefficient from glutamine. At elevated lactate concentrations, specific antibody productivities increased, possibly due to the increase in medium osmolarity. The specific oxygen uptake rate was insensitive to ammonia and lactate concentrations. Addition of ammonia and lactate increased the calculated metabolic energy production of the cells. At high ammonia and lactate, the contribution of glycolysis to total energy production increased. Decreasing external pH and increasing ammonia concentrations caused cytoplasmic acidification. Effect of lactate on intracellular pH was insignificant, whereas increasing osmolarity caused cytoplasmic alkalinization.  相似文献   

The cell cycle kinetics of F3(B6) mouse hybridoma was examined by immunocytochemical staining of bromodeoxyuridine incorporated into the DNA of exponentially growing cells in three different cultures: one supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and two adapted to serum-free media, TABIES and BITES. The serum-free cultures, particularly the BITES, had longer cycling times and higher specific antibody production rate. Both observations were correlated to the prolongation of the G1 phase traverse time and substantiated with a starvation blocking experiment.  相似文献   

Hybridomas are known to exhibit increased specific antibody production rated when subjected to environmental stress. Under these conditions, viability is low so that population-average measurements do not properly reflect the state of viable cells. Even for flow cytometry, which gives a population distribution, special techniques must be used to discriminate between viable and nonviable cells. We describe the use of the vital stain ethidium monoazide (EMA) for independent measurement of intracellular antibody content in live and dead cells via flow cytometry. EMA is shown to be superior to light scattering techniques in identifying dead cells. We apply this technique to show that, in control batch culture, the specific antibody prodution rate and antibody content in live cells are constant during exponential growth, but decrease as cells enter the stationary phase. Antibody is retained in dead cells, but at a lower level than in live cells. We further show that, under hyperosmotic stress, the specific antibody production rate and antibody content in live both remain high during death phase. (c) 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibody production by hybridoma cells at moderately slowed growth states would be favorable for commercial scale production since cells can devote their resources to performing the differentiated function, immunoglobulin production. We found that a purified recombinant human interleukin-6, which had been reported to support or stimulate proliferation of B cell hybridoma/plasmacytoma cells, suppressed growth of a hybridoma cell line in serum-free medium. In the presence of the interleukin, the growth-suppressed cells were viable for remarkably long periods in batch culture, and after removal of the interleukin from the culture medium, they started to proliferate at their normal growth rate. As the concentration of the interleukin increased in the culture, the growth rate decreased and the specific antibody productivity (antibody production rate per cell) increased to 5-fold of control at 10 U ml–1 (2 ng ml–1) of the interleukin.Abbreviations IL-1,2, and 6 interleukin-1, 2 and 6 - rhIL-6 recombinant human interleukin-6 - MCAb monoclonal antibody - TNP trinitrophenyl - unit (U) of interleukin-6 A unit (U) is equivalent to the amounts of IL-6 which gives one-half maximal IgM secretion by SKW6-CL4 cells (1U ml–1=200 pg ml–1)  相似文献   

In the present study, overall metabolism has been estimated in hybridoma cells by microcalorimetric measurement. Heat production rate was found to be 30-50 pW/cell at cell concentrations 0.65-4.5 x 10(5)/ml. High cell concentrations (1 x 10(6) cells/ml) caused unstable power-curves with an initial high peak and a rapid declining phase, whereas low cell concentrations (0.6-4.5 x 10(5) cells/ml) produced steady-state power-curves. Oxygen consumption was found to range between 1.5-6.1 x 10(-5) mol 02/cell/min, corresponding to about 80% of the total metabolic activity. The metabolic inhibitors sodium fluoride (50 nM), sodium azide (160 mM) and rotenone (0.1 mM) caused a reduction in overall cell metabolism of 60, 55 and 40% respectively.  相似文献   

SJL mice were injected intraperitoneally with adipocyte plasma membranes or with intrinsic membrane proteins obtained by extraction of plasma membranes with dimethylmaleic anhydride. Three days after the boost injection, the spleens were removed and fused with NS-1, a thioguanine-resistant myeloma cell line derived from P3X63 Ag8 (Balb/c). Following selection for hybrids with hypoxanthine, aminopterin, and thymidine, medium of the hybrid cells was tested for its ability to bind to the plasma membrane of the adipocyte and to stimulate the oxidation of D-(1-14C) glucose to 14CO2. Approximately 40% of the wells containing hybridomas derived from splenocytes of SJL mice immunized with plasma membranes produced immunoglobulin that bound to adipocyte plasma membranes. About 30% of these mimicked the ability of insulin to stimulate the oxidation of D-(1-14C) glucose to 14CO2 in adipocytes. Media from 51% of the wells containing hybridomas derived from splenocytes of SJL mice immunized with intrinsic membrane proteins produced immunoglobulin that bound to the plasma membrane and 48% of those stimulated glucose oxidation. The bioactivity of the hybrid cell media could be blocked by adsorption with intrinsic membrane proteins or by the removal of immunoglobulins using formalin-fixed Staphylococcus aureus. The hybrids generated in this study can be divided into three categories: (1) hybrids that secrete antibodies that can bind to plasma membranes and mimic insulin action of glucose transport; (2) hybrids that secrete antibodies that bind to plasma membranes but do not stimulate the oxidation of D-(1-14C) glucose to 14CO2; and (3) hybrids that produce no antimembrane antibodies. The data suggest that interaction of immunoglobulins with specific membrane proteins is essential in mimicking the action of insulin on glucose transport and oxidation in the rat adipocyte.  相似文献   

Loss of monoclonal antibody (MAb) productivity in long-term, free-suspended cell culture is often attributed to the appearance of a nonproducing population of hybridoma cell (NP) in the culture which has a growth advantage over the producing population (P). However, when an NP appears in long-term culture of entrapped cells, it may not be able to take over the whole culture in a short period of time due to the limited growth of the entrapped cells. In order to examine the hypothesis that entrapped cells can have improved stability of MAb productivity due to limited cell growth, free-suspended cell culture and calcium alginate-entrapped cell culture with inocula consisting of a P and an NP were compared with regard to stability of MAb productivity in a repeated fed-batch culture. In free-suspended cell culture, the NP appeared to take over the whole culture within three batches, and thereby MAb production completely disappeared. In entrapped cell culture, an NP appeared to outgrow the P rapidly only during an exponential growth phase, resulting in a significant decrease in specific MAb productivity, q(MAb), from 11.58 mug/10(6) cell/day to 2.76 mug/10(6) cell/day. However, when the cell growth was limited in entrapped cell culture, the NP no longer outgrew the P rapidly, as indicated by the stable value of q(MAb). In addition, when the cells recovered from the alginate beads by citrate buffer treatment were subcultured in free-suspended cell culture, MAb production rapidly deteriorated and completely disappeared within two batches. Thus, the P present at a small fraction of viable cell concentration in the beginning of the free-suspended cell culture, which were previously entrapped in alginate beads, seemed to be outgrown rapidly by the NP. Taken together, the results obtained from these experiments support the hypothesis that the limited cell growth in entrapped cell culture, which keeps an NP from taking over the whole culture, is responsible, in part, for the improved stability of MAb productivity. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Several experimental data on continuous cultures of hybridoma cells show that monoclonal antibody productivity is a decreasing function of dilution rate. It has been suggested that this unusual behavior may be due to the arrest of a fraction of cycling cells at a critical point of Phase G(1). Although this hypothesis has been recently investigated by using population balance models, mathematical analysis has been performed without accounting for the dynamics of the arrested cells properly. In this article, a more general and accurate approach is presented and new specific assumptions are introduced to characterize the arrest and the later progress through the cycle. Two different models (stochastic and deterministic) and two different critical points for the arrest (at the beginning and at the end of G(1)) are considered. The cell cycle parameters are estimated so that data predicted by the model fit those reported in the literature. In particular, the fraction of arrested cells, the cell arrest probability, and the mean cell generation time are computed as functions of the dilution rate. Results so far obtained predict that there is an optimal value of dilution rate for maximizing specific production rate of monoclonal antibody. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Batch and fed-batch cultures of a murine hybridomacell line (AFP-27) were performed in a stirred tankreactor to estimate the effect of feed rate on growthrate, macromolecular metabolism and antibodyproduction. Macromolecular composition was foundto change dynamically during batch culture ofhybridoma cells possibly due to active production ofDNA, RNA and protein during the exponential phase.Antibody synthesis is expected to compete with theproduction of cellular proteins from the amino acidpool. Therefore, it is necessary to examine therelationship between cell growth in terms of cellularmacromolecules and antibody production. In this study,we searched for an optimum feeding strategy bychanging the target specific growth rate in fed-batchculture to give higher antibody productivity whileexamining the macromolecular composition. Concentratedglucose (60 mM) and glutamine (20 mM) in DR medium(1:1 mixture of DMEM and RPMI) with additional aminoacids were fed continuously to the culture and thefeed rate was updated after every sampling to ensureexponential feeding (or approximately constantspecific growth rate). Specific antibody productionrate was found to be significantly increased in thefed-batch cultures at the near-zero specific growthrate in which the productions of cellular DNA, RNA,protein and polysaccharide were strictly limited byslow feeding of glucose, glutamine and other nutrients. Possible implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Human-human hybridoma cells secreting a human monoclonal antibody were cultured in a serum-free medium containing various organic pH buffers in order to clarify their effects on cell growth and antibody production. Organic pH buffers having either one sulfonic acid and several acyclic amine moieties, or several cyclic amine moieties containing two amino nitrogen did not inhibit cell growth; while other organic buffers sulfonic acid moiety plus several cyclic amine moieties containing one amino nitrogen slightly decreased cell growth, but enhanced antibody production. Using Fujita's organic conceptual diagram, a relationship between the organicity and inorganicity of a pH buffer to cell growth and antibody production was found. pH buffers with large inorganicity and small organicity values were favorable for cell growth, and buffers with small inorganicity and large organicity values were preferred to enhance antibody production. Although the pH buffering range affects cell growth, its effect on antibody production is not clear. In conclusion, 2-morpholinoethanesulfonic acid (MES), 3-morpholino-propanesulfonic acid (MOPS) and 1, 2-N, N-bis[N, N-di(2-sulfonoethyl)piperazinyl]ethane (Bis-PIPES) are shown to be the most optimal of the buffers tested, because they enhanced antibody production without decreasing the cell growth among the pH buffers tested here.  相似文献   

A major variable to consider in the production of biologicals from mammalian cell cultures is the mode of operation, be it a batch, continuous, perfusion, fed-batch or other production method. The final choice must consider a number of fundamental and economic issues. Here we present some antibody production data from different cell lines using different modes of production and discuss the important factors for consideration in choosing a production strategy. It was found that the productivity of batch cultures was lower than that obtained in continuous and perfused cultures, but that productivity could be improved by implementing suitable feeding strategies. The antibody productivity of one cell line, MCL1, during exponential phase was not affected by media type or glucose level. The maximum productivity of two cell lines in continuous culture was found to occur at dilution rates below the maximum, from 0.019 to 0.030 hr–1.  相似文献   

Cryogel matrices composed of different polymeric blends were synthesized, yielding a unique combination of hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity with the presence or absence of charged surface. Four such cryogel matrices composed of polyacrylamide–chitosan (PAAC), poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide)–chitosan, polyacrylonitrile (PAN), and poly(N‐isopropylacrylamide) were tested for growth of different hybridoma cell lines and production of antibody in static culture. All the matrices were capable for the adherence of hybridoma cell lines 6A4D7, B7B10, and H9E10 to the polymeric surfaces as well as for the efficient monoclonal antibody (mAb) production. PAAC proved to be relatively better in terms of both mAb production and cell growth. Further, PAAC cryogel was designed into three different formats, monolith, disks, and beads, and used as packing material for packed‐bed bioreactor. Long‐term cultivation of 6A4D7 cell line on PAAC cryogel scaffold in all the three formats could be successfully done for a period of 6 weeks under static conditions. Continuous packed‐bed bioreactor was setup using 6A4D7 hybridoma cell line in the three reactor formats. The reactors ran continuously for a period of 60 days during which mAb production and metabolism of cells in the bioreactors were monitored periodically. The monolith bioreactor performed most efficiently over a period of 60 days and produced a total of 57.5 mg of antibody in the first 30 days (in 500 mL) with a highest concentration of 115 μg mL?1, which is fourfold higher than t‐flask culture. The results demonstrate that appropriate chemistry and geometry of the bioreactor matrix for cell growth and immobilization can enhance the reactor productivity. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2011  相似文献   

The flow-cytometric (FCM) analysis of bivariate DNA/lgG distributions has been conducted to study the cell cycle kinetics and monoclonal antibody (MAb) production during perfusion culture of hybridoma cells. Three different perfusion rates were employed to demonstrate the dependency of MAb synthesis and secretion on cell cycle and growth rate. The results showed that, during the rapid growth period of perfusion culture, the level of intracellular igG contents of hybridoma cells changed significantly at each perfusion rate, while the DNA histograms showing cell cycle phases were almost constant. Meanwhile, during the reduced growth period of perfusion culture, the fraction of cells in the S phase decreased, and the fraction cells in the G1/G0 phase increased with decreasing growth rate. The fraction of cells in the G2/M phase was relatively constant during the whole period of perfusion culture. Positive correlation was found between mean intracellular IgG contents and the specific MAb production rate, suggesting that the deletion of intracellular IgG contents by a flow cytometer could be used as a good indicator for the prediction of changes in specific MAb productivity following manipulation of the culture condition. (c) 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

An immunoglobulin G (IgG(2b)) producing hybridoma cell line (S3H5/gamma2bA2) was cloned and subcloned. Twenty subclones were grown in parallel while being adapted in a stepwise fashion to serum-free medium. Following adaptation to serum-free medium, it was found that 16 of the 20 subclones remained at a relatively constant proportion of nonproducing cells. Three of the remaining subclones transiently deviated from this balance but eventually returned toward this population composition. One subclone continued to lose productivity. A population balance was reached at approximately 8% of the population being nonproducers. The loss of antibody productivity was thus highly reproducible. (c) 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Experiments, earlier performed in our laboratory, showedthe stimulating effect of butyric acid on monoclonalantibody production by hybridoma cells. Itssimulaneous inhibitory effect on cell growth canhowever compensate for this, so that no increase ofmonoclonal antibody titer might be obtained. We showin this article an experiment with addition of butyricacid in the middle of the growth phase of a batchculture, as a strategy to take real profit of such anaddition by a significant increase of final monoclonalantibody concentration. Indeed, in this way asignificant cell density could be obtained before theaddition of butyric acid, while the remaining culturetime was still sufficiently long for its action,resulting in a two fold increase of final monoclonalantibody titer. The experiment was carried out in a 2 L bioreactor, showing the real practical interest ofsuch an addition for the large scale production ofproteins. Furthermore, analysis of the produced IgG bySDS-PAGE and Western blot did not reveal structuralchanges after stimulation by butyric acid. An originalpoint of our study is the characterization of the cellbehaviour, by flow cytometry and other relatedtechniques, leading to a better insight in the effectof the butyric acid addition on cell growth andmonoclonal antibody production. Although there existsa lot of knowledge about the effects of butyrate oncells in the field of molecular biology, our article isat our knowledge one of the first to show some of itseffects on cell behaviour in bioreactor culture,carried out under perfectly defined and controlledconditions, and with the aim to stimulate monoclonalantibody production.  相似文献   

In order to determine whether the enhanced specific antibody productivity (q MAb ) of calcium alginate-entrapped hybridoma is cell line-specific, calcium alginate-entrapped hybridomas (4A2 and DB9G8) were cultivated under the condition where we had previously observed significantly enhancedq MAb of calcium alginate-entrapped S3H5/2bA2 hybridoma. Unlike S3H5/2bA2 hybridoma, neither 4A2 nor DB9G8 hybridomas showed persistently enhancedq MAb when they were entrapped in calcium alginate beads. The enhancedq MAb of entrapped 4A2 and DB9G8 hybridomas, which was 2–3 times higher than theq MAb of free-suspended cells in a control experiment, was observed only during the early stage of the culture. During the early stage of the culture, the viable cell concentration decreased probably due to cell damage during the entrapment process. As cell growth resumed, theq MAb decreased to the similar level ofq MAb of free-suspended cells within 5–7 days. Thus, we conclude that the enhancedq MAb of calcium alginate-entrapped hybridomas is cell line-specific.  相似文献   

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