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矮牵牛育种研究进展   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
从常规育种、基因工程育种、体细胞育种和单倍体育种4个方面评述了矮牵牛(Petunia hybrida Vilm.)育种研究进展.国外对矮牵牛育种研究较多,新品种面世推陈出新,国内对其研究则较为薄弱.其常规育种最为成功,不断有新品种推出,基因工程育种也取得了一定成就,已有新品种面世,而体细胞育种及单倍体育种尚无新品种产生,但对这两种方法在育种上应用的可能性和前景作出了一定探索.  相似文献   

花卉育种技术研究进展(综述)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文综述近年来国内外花卉育种技术及成果。常规育种仍是花卉育种的主要方法,但日益成熟的生物技术为花卉育种提供了新的途径,尤其是基因工程在改良花卉的色、香、形及延缓衰老等方面将发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

花卉分子育种研究进展   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
薛淮  刘敏 《生物工程进展》2002,22(2):81-84,80
本文综述了近年来国内外花卉分子育种的研究进展和成果。传统育种仍是花卉育种工作的主要方法,但有其局限性。不断成熟的生物技术,特别是基因工程技术,解决了一些传统育种不能突破的问题,为花卉性状态改良提供了全新的思路。近年来,分子育种一直是花卉育种研究的热点,已在植物花期、花色、花型、株型、生长发育、香味、采后寿命等方面取得了重要进展。花卉育种事业前程似程。  相似文献   

花卉分子育种的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
介绍花卉分子育种的研究概况和分子育种的操作策略。进一步强调在我国应用和发展花卉分子育种方法的必要性。  相似文献   

花卉分子育种研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文综述了近年来国内外花卉分子育种的研究进展和成果。传统育种仍是花卉育种工作的主要方法 ,但有其局限性。不断成熟的生物技术 ,特别是基因工程技术 ,解决了一些传统育种不能突破的问题 ,为花卉性状改良提供了全新的思路。近年来 ,分子育种一直是花卉育种研究的热点 ,已在植物花期、花色、花型、株型、生长发育、香味、采后寿命等方面取得了重要进展。花卉育种事业前程似程。  相似文献   

燕麦分子育种研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
燕麦是一种主要生长在温带冷凉地区的粮饲兼用作物,近年来燕麦的营养价值和降低胆固醇特性的发现使人们认识到燕麦及其制品是一种健康食品,促进了燕麦产业发展,对燕麦品种培育提出了更高要求。在此背景下,现代生物技术与常规育种技术结合是满足这一需求的重要途经。本文综述了国内外燕麦分子育种方面的研究进展:(1)我国燕麦种质资源的收集与遗传多样性研究。我国的燕麦种质资源收集工作起始于20世纪50年代,迄今收集并保存了5282份燕麦种质资源。对这些资源的遗传多样性分析研究表明,国内的燕麦种质资源中内蒙古和山西的资源多样性最高;(2)利用各种分子标记构建燕麦遗传连锁图谱研究;(3)一些重要农艺性状的QTL定位研究以及全基因组关联分析研究。包括产量、含油量、β-葡聚糖含量、蛋白质含量、抽穗期、抗病基因、抗冻性等重要农艺性状;(4)标记辅助基因组选择技术在燕麦中的应用;(5)燕麦遗传工程育种研究进展。同时,本文将国内的主要研究进展与国外相关的最新研究成果进行了比较,并对当前分子育种中存在的问题及今后的研究方向进行了探讨,希望能为今后通过生物技术手段培育燕麦新品种提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

甜菜(Beta vulgaris)是东北及内蒙地区重要经济作物之一,研究和获得它的单倍体无性系,对甜菜生产具有重要意义。甜菜是二年生异花授粉作物,自然杂交率高,后代属于高度杂合体。用常规的育种方法,往往需要自交—杂交—自交的选育程序才能获得较纯的自交系和基因重组类型的优良品系,而且选育中常用多代自交繁殖,尚有结实率低、发芽率低、生活力弱等缺点,这样选育一个品种需多年的时间,  相似文献   

以矮牵牛生根试管苗的叶片为外植体,在培养基MS NAA0.1mg/L 6-BA1.6mg/L上诱导体细胞胚胎直接发生。从接种后第一天开始观察叶片愈伤组织发生、发育的外部形态变化,从接种后第七天开始,每隔3天取变化明显的叶片组织块切片观察其胚状体的组织细胞学连续变化。组织切片观察表明,矮牵牛叶片体细胞胚胎发生类似于合子胚的发育过程;矮牵牛体细胞胚起源于叶肉细胞,胚性细胞与非胚性细胞染色明显不同,体细胞胚胎与周边其它组织有明显界线;体细胞胚胎的发育经历胚性细胞、多细胞原胚、球形胚、梨形胚、心形胚、鱼雷胚、类子叶胚等几个阶段。  相似文献   

生物丁醇产业因发酵法的产量、产率和比例低等原因受到限制。菌种改良是解决问题的一个重要和根本的策略。诱变育种仍然是工业育种的主要方法,复合诱变和理性化筛选更有效。基因工程育种对丙酮丁醇梭菌和大肠杆菌丁醇合成途径进行改造和构建优化,还可改造途径外影响合成的其它基因,以获得高产菌株,发展最为迅猛,但效果仍低于诱变育种。今后的菌种改良方向仍为提高产量和比例。  相似文献   

茄子花药培养及单倍体育种   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
取花粉发育为单核中期的茄子(Solanum melongena Uar.Serpentinum Bailey)花药进行离体培养。以Co~(?)对茄子进行花药予处理,提高愈伤组织诱导频率。对花药采用30℃恒温培养一用,然后降至17~28℃,加速花粉起动。通过愈伤组织及胚状体的途径获得花粉植株。观察了其后代分离及稳定,并通过田间鉴定及筛选,培育出抗病、高产、质佳的茄子新品系86-1。已开始应用于生产。  相似文献   

Centromeric localization of an S-RNase gene in Petunia hybrida Vilm.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S-RNase has been identified to be an S-allele-specific stylar determinant contributing to the self-incompatibility response in Solanaceae. In order to examine the physical location of the S-RNase gene, multi-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using the S B1 -RNase cDNA probe and ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA) probe was performed on an S B1 S B2 heterozygote of Petunia hybrida. The S B1 -RNase gene was detected as a doublet signal close to the centromere of chromosome III. Next, we performed FISH using a large genome probe prepared from a λSB1–311 clone (20 kb) which contains the S B1 -RNase gene and its 3′ flanking region. This probe hybridized to the centromeric regions of all P. hybrida chromosomes. Sequence analysis of the λSB1–311 clone revealed the presence of a repetitive sequence consisting of a novel 666 bp unit sequence. A subclone (pBS-SB1B5) containing this unit sequence also hybridized to all of the centromeric regions, confirming that this unit is the centromeric specific repetitive sequence. These data suggested that the S B1 -RNase gene is located very close to (within a distance of 12 kb from) the centromeric-specific repetitive sequence. Likewise, the pBS-SB1B5 probe hybridized to the centromeric regions of all chromosomes in P. littoralis, another Petunia species. However, the probe did not hybridize to the centromere of the chromosomes from other species in Solanaceae. These results suggested that this centromeric repetitive sequence might be a genus-specific one. Received: 3 December 1998 / Accepted: 8 December 1998<@head-com-p1a.lf>Communicated by F. Mechelke  相似文献   

Self-Incompatibility (SI) Is a genetic mechanism of self/non-self pollen recognition to prevent self-fertilization In many flowering plants and, In most cases, this is controlled by a multl-allellc S-locus. S-RNase and Slocus F box (SLF) proteins have been shown to be the female and male determinants of gametophytlc selfIncompatibility (GSI), respectively, In the Solanaceae, Scrophulariaceae and Rosaceae. Nevertheless, It is thought that additional factors are required for the SI response. Herein, we constructed a mature anther cDNA library from a self-Incompatible Petunia hybrida Vllm. line of the S3S3 haplotype. Using AhS2-RNase from Antirrhinum hispanicum as a bait for yeast two-hybrid screening, we found that petunia germinating pollen (PGP) S/D3 was capable of Interacting physically with the bait. However, the Interaction lacked haplotype specificity. The PGPS/D3 gene Is a single copy gene that Is expressed In tissues such as the style, ovary, pollen, and leaf. The PGPS/D3::GFP (green fluorescence protein) construct was detected In both the membrane and cytoplasm. The Implications of these findings In the operation of S-RNase-based SI are discussed.  相似文献   

Self-incompatibility in Solanaceae is controlled by a single multiallelic locus, the S-locus. The S-allele associated ribonucleases (S-RNases) in the pistil are involved in pollen rejection. In this work, we analyzed two newly isolated lines of Petunia hybrida, termed PB and PF. They both had the same set of S-RNases (SB1- and SB2-RNases), however the PB was a self-incompatible diploid while PF was a self-compatible tetraploid. Cross pollination tests between PB and PF indicated diploid pollen from PF lost the incompatibility phenotype. In order to clarify the effects of polyploidy on pollen phenotypic change, we artificially induced tetraploid plants from a diploid SB1SB2 heterozygote (= PB) and a diploid SB1SB1 homozygote. The obtained SB1 SB1SB1SB1 homoallelic tetraploid remained self-incompatible, whereas the SB1SB1SB2SB2 heteroallelic tetraploid became self-compatible. These data suggested that the diploid heteroallelic pollen lost the incompatibility phenotype and had the characteristics of self-compatibility with SB1SB2 style.  相似文献   

The cultivated petunia (Petunia hybrida) has been a popular system in which to study genetic, physiological and biochemical aspects of gametophytic self-incompatibility. As with other members of the Solanaceae a number of S-RNase genes have been isolated for functional S -alleles. We have identified S-RNase sequences for two additional functional S -alleles, Svand S3. These alleles are more similar to alleles from other families of the Solanaceae (Nicotiana and Solanum) than to any petunia alleles reported previously. The total number of S -alleles in P. hybrida is at least ten in spite of its cultivated origin. However, most cultivars of P. hybrida are in fact self-compatible and this appears to arise from the prominence of a single previously described allele So. The implications of this observation for the origin of self-compatibility in P. hybrida are discussed. The S -locus of P. hybrida has recently been mapped using an indirect method involving T-DNA insertions. Seven T-DNA insertions that were previously shown to be closely linked to theS -locus were physically mapped on the long arm of chromosome III using fluorescent in-situ hybridization. The most tightly linked T-DNA insertions are in a sub-centromeric position. This is consistent with the centric fragments of P. inflata obtained by irradiation mutagenesis that carry additional S -loci and confer a pollen-part mutant phenotype. An S -linked restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) marker, CP100 was used to confirm this chromosomal assignment and has provided evidence for S -locus synteny in the Solanaceae.  相似文献   

矮牵牛花期一些生理指标的变化   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
选择了 3种颜色的矮牵牛 (PetuniahybridaVilm) :粉红色、杂色和红色 ,将其开花过程分为 4个时期 :未出现花芽、花芽期、花蕾期和开花期 ,测定各时期MDA、可溶性糖、激素水平和多胺含量等指标的变化。结果表明 ,从无花芽期到开花期MDA含量有所升高 ;可溶性糖含量呈现降低的趋势。在粉红色的矮牵牛叶片中 ,IAA含量在开花期升高 ;GA含量在无花芽期和花芽期时较高 ;而ZRs则在花蕾期较低 ,在开花期时含量上升。 3种多胺含量的变化不同 ,腐胺在整个花期略有上升 ,精胺和亚精胺则略有下降  相似文献   


Petunia × hybrida Vilm. is a fast-growing ornamental plant that was cultured under varying storage conditions to address seasonal fluctuations in microcutting demand. The effects of storage period (16 to 32 wk), temperature (15 to 23°C), low and high light intensity, sucrose (1 to 5% w/v), and mannitol (0 to 4% w/v) in factorial arrangements were analyzed. Stored and non-stored shoots were compared for microcutting production, harvested twice at 3-wk intervals, and were subsequently transferred to the greenhouse for 17 d. Nearly all plants from 16-wk storage survived well at all treatment conditions and the quality and quantity of microcuttings were enhanced from shoots stored at 15°C and 3% (w/v) sucrose, without mannitol for all storage periods. Another experiment tested 11- to 25-wk storage period with Petunia hybrida ‘Ragtime’ and ‘Suncatcher’ at 12°C and low light intensity. Repeated cycles of microcutting at 2-wk intervals were extended with ex vitro rooting in the greenhouse for 15 d. More and better quality microcuttings were obtained from the second and third cutting cycles than from the first or fourth cycles. By reducing temperature and light intensity, Petunia hybrida was successfully stored for 32 wk (without mannitol). A seasonal schedule with a short production window, followed by cutting large numbers of high-quality shoot-tips, could be affected and efficiently managed through storage. The value of stored shoots was enhanced by extending the number of times a shoot could be cut over repeated cutting cycles with a gain in microcutting quality.


用~3H—葡萄糖饲喂矮牵牛叶肉原生质体,发现放射性集中在半纤维素部分,占整个再生壁的83%~90%,而纤维素中约占9%。纸层析分析证明,葡萄糖占半纤维素部分中性糖总量的70%,再生壁主要是由非纤维素葡聚糖组成。原生质体在含有~3H—葡萄糖的培养基中培养4d后,24h追踪表明,部分半纤维素转化成纤维素。加入香豆素,至少3d之内抑制半纤维素向纤维素转化;除去抑制剂,半纤维素含量迅速降低而纤维素增加。所以认为矮牵牛叶向原生质体壁再生过程中半纤维素是合成纤维素的前体。  相似文献   

A novel knottedl-like homeobox (knox) gene, Pttknl (Populus tremulaxtremuloides knottedl), isolated from the cambial region of hybrid aspen, was introduced into Petunia hybrida Vilm. using the leafdisc method mediated by Agrobacterium. A series of novel phenotypes was observed in transgenic petunia plants, including the formation of ectopic spikes on the adaxial surface of corollas and small petals on the abaxial surface of corollas, fusion of floral organs, shortening of corolla midribs, the formation of tumor-like knots along the midrib on the abaxial surface and serrated lobs of corolla margins, and alterations in petal color; except for changes in the leaves and plant architecture, RT-PCR showed that the Pttknl gene was expressed in the leaves of different petunia transgenic plants, whereas no signal was detected in wild-type plants. The possible function of Pttknl in leaf and flower development is discussed.  相似文献   

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