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Flexibility of supply and demand is essential for successful implementation of a mass customization strategy that delivers sustained competitive advantage. Supply flexibility, i.e., a choice of alternative products designed to perform the same basic function, is made possible by the range of capabilities available in flexible and agile manufacturing systems and in supply chains. Demand flexibility is derived from the degree to which a customer is willing to compromise on product features or performance levels in order to meet budgetary (reflected in price) or schedule (reflected in delivery) constraints. Flexibility of both supply and demand can have significant strategic and financial value if they are properly aligned. However, customers are mostly unaware of mapping of demand flexibility on to supply flexibility and its impact on production cost and time. Recent advances in information technology have made it possible to co-design a product that involves customer on one end and the manufacturer on the other. This creates an aura and an opportunity where a middle ground between the supply and demand flexibility can be explored and a “deal” can be struck where both parties settle for a product that is beneficial to both through a negotiated settlement. In this paper, we develop a framework for such negotiations. The customer requirements are treated as a range of negotiable options instead of a set of fixed inputs. Demand and supply for customization is then matched by aligning the flexibility of manufacturing systems with customers’ requirement options. Based on this framework, a negotiation scheme is developed to assist customers and manufacturers in exploring and utilizing demand and supply flexibility information in co-design. The negotiation scheme is formulated using goal programming. Finally, an interactive problem-solving procedure is developed and implemented with an illustrative example.  相似文献   

One of the most effective ways of minimizing supply/demand mismatch costs, with little increase in operational costs, is to deploy valuable resources in a flexible and timely manner to meet the realized demand. This notion of flexible processes has significantly changed operations in many manufacturing and service companies. For example, a flexible production system is now commonly used by automobile manufacturers, and a workforce cross-training system is now a common practice in many service industries. However, there is a trade-off between the level of flexibility available in the system and the associated complexity and operating costs. The challenge is to have the “right” level of flexibility to capture the bulk of the benefits from a fully flexible system, while controlling the increase in implementation costs. This paper reviews developments in process flexibility over the past decade. In particular, we focus on the phenomenon, often observed in practice, that a slight increase in process flexibility can lead to a significant improvement in system performance. This review explores the issues from three perspectives: design, evaluation, and applications. We also discuss how the concept of process flexibility has been deployed in several manufacturing and service systems.  相似文献   



In the near future, the products of Thai industries and companies mainly producing parts and products for export to the European Union (EU) will require the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) to assess the environmental performance and resource efficiency of products by using a life cycle perspective. The potential generic (often used interchangeably with background data) data have to be modified and improved for mandatory use in the product-specific and country-specific PEF database.


PEF is used as a tool for assessing the environmental burden of products and services for export to the EU. It requires both specific data from primary sources and generic data to fulfill assessment requirement. Accordingly, the Thai national life cycle inventory (LCI) database plays a key role in generic data that was used to evaluate the environmental performance of products. This paper presents the perspective of Thai data readiness for PEF in which the quality of LCI is the main issue of concern. The current situation of the Thai national LCI database was reviewed. Then, the gaps of data were addressed, and the gaps were also filled. Non-representative data and untreated waste are the selected issues that were presented in this paper.

Results and discussion

Many gaps were revealed for the Thai national LCI database because this database was developed based on ISO 14040/44, which may not be compliant with the PEF guide. The issues that have been selected for improvement are non-representative data and untreated waste because these gaps can offer inaccuracy concerning the environmental burden of products potentially leading to the reliability of products for export to the EU. However, the Thai national LCI database has not achieved the data quality aspects of the PEF, continuously improving the quality of data to meet the requirements of the PEF.


The lessons learned from the real-world situation of data quality development based on PEF requirements were extracted. The practical procedure and recommendations were transparent for drivers and researchers who would like to start with data quality issues and prepare for the EU single market.

Due to its bioactivity and versatile applications, levan has appeared as a promising biomaterial. Levansucrase is responsible for the conversion of sucrose into levan. With the goal of enhancing levan production, the strategy for enhancing the stability of levansucrase is being intensively studied. To make proteins more stable under high temperatures, proline, the most rigid residue, can be introduced into previously flexible regions. Herein, G249, D250, N251, and H252 on the flexible coil close to the calcium binding site of Bacillus licheniformis levansucrase were replaced with proline. Mutations at G249P greatly enhance both the enzyme's thermodynamic and kinetic stability, while those at H252P improve solely the enzyme's kinetic stability. GPC analysis revealed that G249P synthesize more levan, but H252P generate primarily oligosaccharides. Molecular dynamics simulations (MD) and MM/GBSA analysis revealed that G249P mutation increased not only the stability of levansucrase, but also affinity toward fructan.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) stands out as sustainable feedstock for developing a circular carbon economy whose energy supply could be obtained by boosting the production of clean hydrogen from renewable electricity. H2-dependent CO2 gas fermentation using acetogenic microorganisms offers a viable solution of increasingly demonstrated value. While gas fermentation advances to achieve commercial process scalability, which is currently limited to a few products such as acetate and ethanol, it is worth taking the best of the current state-of-the-art technology by its integration within innovative bioconversion schemes. This review presents multiple scenarios where gas fermentation by acetogens integrate into double-stage biotechnological production processes that use CO2 as sole carbon feedstock and H2 as energy carrier for products' synthesis. In the integration schemes here reviewed, the first stage can be biotic or abiotic while the second stage is biotic. When the first stage is biotic, acetogens act as a biological platform to generate chemical intermediates such as acetate, formate and ethanol that become substrates for a second fermentation stage. This approach holds the potential to enhance process titre/rate/yield metrics and products' spectrum. Alternatively, when the first stage is abiotic, the integrated two-stage scheme foresees, in the first stage, the catalytic transformation of CO2 into C1 products that, in the second stage, can be metabolized by acetogens. This latter scheme leverages the metabolic flexibility of acetogens in efficient utilization of the products of CO2 abiotic hydrogenation, namely formate and methanol, to synthesize multicarbon compounds but also to act as flexible catalysts for hydrogen storage or production.  相似文献   

E Napke  D G Stevens 《CMAJ》1984,131(12):1449-1452
The excipients and additives in drug formulations have been described as inert because they do not have an active role in the prevention or treatment of particular ailments. This has led to the misconception among physicians, pharmacists, drug manufacturers and the public that excipients are harmless and unworthy of mention. In fact, pharmacists are allowed to substitute drug formulations, without regard to the excipients, as long as they ensure that the active ingredients in the substitute are the same as those in the formulation prescribed. The inappropriateness of the term inert is becoming increasingly apparent as evidence of adverse reactions--some fatal--to excipients mounts. The likelihood that some "active" constituents, particularly erythromycin, have been blamed for such reactions deserves to be investigated. The public deserves to be better protected. For example, the United States has legislation requiring complete labelling of all food, drugs and cosmetics that incorporate more than one ingredient, no matter how innocuous the constituents are believed to be. In Canada, drug manufacturers are not even required to share this information with physicians or pharmacists when they introduce a new drug or reformulate a product already being marketed, nor are pharmacists required to disclose the contents of formulations that they prepare in the absence of commercially available products.  相似文献   

The data quality matrix for product life cycle inventory data proposed inWhdkma &Wlsnaus (J. Cleaner Prod. (1996), 4: 167-174) was subjected to a multi-user test, in which 7 persons scored the same 10 datasets representing 10 different processes. Deviations among scores were listed, and the causes for deviations were determined and grouped into a limited number of well-defined classes. For the majority of the scores, the different test persons arrived at the same score. Deviations occur most often among neighbouring scores. Only a smaller number of the deviations (less than 10% of all scores) affect the overall assessment of the data quality and/or uncertainty of the corresponding dataset. Based on the analysis of the causes of the deviations, improvements to the matrix and its accompanying explanations were suggested and implemented (reported in the appendix to this paper). The average time consumption for the scoring by the different test persons was less than 10 minutes per data set. It is concluded that the time consumption and the number of deviating scores can be kept at an acceptable level for the pedigree matrix to be recommended for internal data quality management and for comprehensive communication of quality assessments of large amounts of data.  相似文献   


A new family of genetically encoded voltage indicators (GEVIs) has been developed based on intermolecular Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET). To test the hypothesis that the GEVI ArcLight functions via interactions between the fluorescent protein (FP) domains of neighboring probes, the FP of ArcLight was replaced with either a FRET donor or acceptor FP. We discovered relatively large FRET signals only when cells were cotransfected with both the FRET donor and acceptor GEVIs. Using a cyan fluorescent protein donor and an RFP acceptor, we were able to observe a voltage-dependent signal with an emission peak separated by over 200 nm from the excitation wavelength. The intermolecular FRET strategy also works for rhodopsin-based probes, potentially improving their flexibility as well. Separating the FRET pair into two distinct proteins has important advantages over intramolecular FRET constructs. The signals are larger because the voltage-induced conformational change moves two FPs independently. The expression of the FRET donor and acceptor can also be restricted independently, enabling greater cell type specificity as well as refined subcellular voltage reporting.  相似文献   

The potential of forests and the forest sector to mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is widely recognized, but challenging to quantify at a national scale. Mitigation benefits through the use of forest products are affected by product life cycles, which determine the duration of carbon storage in wood products and substitution benefits where emissions are avoided using wood products instead of other emissions‐intensive building products and energy fuels. Here we determined displacement factors for wood substitution in the built environment and bioenergy at the national level in Canada. For solid wood products, we compiled a basket of end‐use products and determined the reduction in emissions for two functionally equivalent products: a more wood‐intensive product vs. a less wood‐intensive one. Avoided emissions for end‐use products basket were weighted by Canadian consumption statistics to reflect national wood uses, and avoided emissions were further partitioned into displacement factors for sawnwood and panels. We also examined two bioenergy feedstock scenarios (constant supply and constrained supply) to estimate displacement factors for bioenergy using an optimized selection of bioenergy facilities which maximized avoided emissions from fossil fuels. Results demonstrated that the average displacement factors were found to be similar: product displacement factors were 0.54 tC displaced per tC of used for sawnwood and 0.45 tC tC?1 for panels; energy displacement factors for the two feedstock scenarios were 0.47 tC tC?1 for the constant supply and 0.89 tC tC?1 for the constrained supply. However, there was a wide range of substitution impacts. The greatest avoided emissions occurred when wood was substituted for steel and concrete in buildings, and when bioenergy from heat facilities and/or combined heat and power facilities was substituted for energy from high‐emissions fossil fuels. We conclude that (1) national‐level substitution benefits need to be considered within a systems perspective on climate change mitigation to avoid the development of policies that deliver no net benefits to the atmosphere, (2) the use of long‐lived wood products in buildings to displace steel and concrete reduces GHG emissions, (3) the greatest bioenergy substitution benefits are achieved using a mix of facility types and capacities to displace emissions‐intensive fossil fuels.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide (CO2) stands out as sustainable feedstock for developing a circular carbon economy whose energy supply could be obtained by boosting the production of clean hydrogen from renewable electricity. H2‐dependent CO2 gas fermentation using acetogenic microorganisms offers a viable solution of increasingly demonstrated value. While gas fermentation advances to achieve commercial process scalability, which is currently limited to a few products such as acetate and ethanol, it is worth taking the best of the current state‐of‐the‐art technology by its integration within innovative bioconversion schemes. This review presents multiple scenarios where gas fermentation by acetogens integrate into double‐stage biotechnological production processes that use CO2 as sole carbon feedstock and H2 as energy carrier for products'' synthesis. In the integration schemes here reviewed, the first stage can be biotic or abiotic while the second stage is biotic. When the first stage is biotic, acetogens act as a biological platform to generate chemical intermediates such as acetate, formate and ethanol that become substrates for a second fermentation stage. This approach holds the potential to enhance process titre/rate/yield metrics and products'' spectrum. Alternatively, when the first stage is abiotic, the integrated two‐stage scheme foresees, in the first stage, the catalytic transformation of CO2 into C1 products that, in the second stage, can be metabolized by acetogens. This latter scheme leverages the metabolic flexibility of acetogens in efficient utilization of the products of CO2 abiotic hydrogenation, namely formate and methanol, to synthesize multicarbon compounds but also to act as flexible catalysts for hydrogen storage or production.

Carbon dioxide recycling is a compelling need and microbial carbon dioxide fixation in value‐added compounds is a valuable opportunity. Fermentation of CO2 gas streams using acetogenic bacteria is consolidating as a key biotechnology to move toward a cyclic carbon economy. Throughout the review, we pinpointed an ample range of products that are technically attainable by reframing a CO2‐based gas fermentation process within a two‐stage context with the aim of highlighting some avenues available for fruitful exploitation of the current technology.  相似文献   



Life cycle assessments (LCAs) that attempt to provide advice on treatment options for phosphorus (P) containing organic waste products encounter problems related to the quantification of mineral P fertilizer substitution, P loss and crop P uptake after land application. The purpose of this study was to develop a relatively easy to use life cycle inventory model, known as PLCI, that could be used to estimate these values.


A life cycle inventory model for P was developed, which estimates the effect of an application of organic waste followed by ordinary fertilizer management in the modeling period. This was compared with a simulation without the initial waste application. The difference in mineral P fertilizer application (substitution), P loss and crop P uptake was then calculated and expressed as a proportion of the amount of waste applied. As an example, the effect of an initial application of mineral fertilizer, sewage sludge and ash on two farm types was simulated. These results were applied in an LCA case study of different sewage sludge treatment options.

Results and discussion

Farm type influenced the P fertilizer substitution, loss and crop uptake factors. The application on an arable farm showed a substitution of 28 to 31%, relatively low P loss and a large spread in crop P uptake for the different P sources, compared with the pig farm. Application on a pig farm showed no mineral P substitution. For substitution, mineral fertilizer outperformed waste product fertilizer with a short modeling period, due to higher immediate P availability, which was not the case with a long period. The LCA case study showed that the P substitution factor had an influence on the environmental impact categories climate change and depletion of reserve-based abiotic resources while the P loss factor influenced freshwater eutrophication. Application of the P loss and substitution factors generated from the PLCI model resulted in higher environmental burdens and lower savings than using conventional factors.


The soil P status mainly affected P substitution and loss, with the fertilizer type only having a small influence when soils had a low P status. The PLCI model can facilitate more coherent and rigorous estimates of P substitution and loss to be used in LCA studies involving application of waste products on agricultural land. This is important since P substitution and loss can have an important influence on impact categories, such as freshwater eutrophication and resource depletion.

With the rapid expansion of our computing power, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations ranging from hundreds of nanoseconds to microseconds or even milliseconds have become increasingly common. The majority of these long trajectories are obtained from plain (vanilla) MD simulations, where no enhanced sampling or free energy calculation method is employed. To promote the “recycling” of these trajectories, we developed the Virtual Substitution Scan (VSS) toolkit as a plugin of the open‐source visualization and analysis software VMD. Based on the single‐step free energy perturbation (sFEP) method, VSS enables the user to post‐process a vanilla MD trajectory for a fast free energy scan of substituting aryl hydrogens by small functional groups. Dihedrals of the functional groups are sampled explicitly in VSS, which improves the performance of the calculation and is found particularly important for certain groups. As a proof‐of‐concept demonstration, we employ VSS to compute the solvation free energy change upon substituting the hydrogen of a benzene molecule by 12 small functional groups frequently considered in lead optimization. Additionally, VSS is used to compute the relative binding free energy of four selected ligands of the T4 lysozyme. Overall, the computational cost of VSS is only a fraction of the corresponding multi‐step FEP (mFEP) calculation, while its results agree reasonably well with those of mFEP, indicating that VSS offers a promising tool for rapid free energy scan of small functional group substitutions. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 105: 324–336, 2016.  相似文献   

Product inhibition by cellobiose decreases the rate of enzymatic cellulose degradation. The optimal reaction conditions for two Emericella (Aspergillus) nidulans-derived cellobiohydrolases I and II produced in Pichia pastoris were identified as CBHI: 52 °C, pH 4.5–6.5, and CBHII: 46 °C, pH 4.8. The optimum in a mixture of the two was 50 °C, pH 4.9. An almost fourfold increase in enzymatic hydrolysis yield was achieved with intermittent product removal of cellobiose with membrane filtration (2 kDa cut-off): The conversion of cotton cellulose after 72 h was ~19 % by weight, whereas the conversion in the parallel batch reaction was only ~5 % by weight. Also, a synergistic effect, achieving ~27 % substrate conversion, was obtained by addition of endo-1,4-β-d-glucanase. The synergistic effect was only obtained with product removal. By using pure, monoactive enzymes, the work illustrates the profound gains achievable by intermittent product removal during cellulose hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Shao Z  Luo Y  Zhao H 《Molecular bioSystems》2011,7(4):1056-1059
We report a synthetic biology strategy for rapid genetic manipulation of natural product biosynthetic pathways. Based on DNA assembler, this method synthesizes the entire expression vector containing the target biosynthetic pathway and the genetic elements required for DNA maintenance and replication in various hosts in a single-step manner through yeast homologous recombination, offering unprecedented flexibility and versatility in pathway manipulations.  相似文献   

Two 2,7'-cyclolignans, ocholignans A and B, were obtained as mass-limited samples from Scyphocephalium ochocoa via high-throughput natural products chemistry methods. The rapid structure elucidation of each compound was primarily facilitated by NMR data acquisition using a capillary-scale NMR probe, CapNMR probe. Ocholignan A was found to possess significant in vitro antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 33591 and S. aureus 78-13607A with a MIC of 16 microg/mL, respectively.  相似文献   

Flexibility of metabolites and enzymes is investigated (i) on the level of the individual molecule, (ii) on the pathway level and (iii) combined effects on the systems and network level. Tools and results from our current research are summarized including data from our metabolite enzyme database. Including our latest census we find frequently used metabolites stimulate evolutionary flexibility in specific enzyme superfamilies. Furthermore, simultaneous changes of reactions and metabolites are observed in these flexible enzyme superfamilies. Both effects provide a strong source for resistance in parasites and pathogens. Specific adaptations scenarios and some counter strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

A method for soluble, inexpensive polymer-supported synthesis of aryl amines and benzimidazolone on the basis of nucleophilic aryl substitution (S(N)Ar) is described. This method involves a direct coupling reaction between resin bound aryl fluoride and amines at ambient temperature. The products are isolated in quantitative yields and excellent purity by simple precipitation and washing. This liquid phase method proves to be a useful tool for constructing combinatorial arylamine and benzimidazolone libraries.  相似文献   

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