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Rb+ and K+ have similar chemical properties. They share the uptake systems in Escherichia coli and can replace each other inside the cell. These common features led to experiments in which the radioactive isotope 86Rb was used to trace intracellular K+ fluxes. However, the E. coli pumps discriminate between these two ions and one should thus be cautious using 86Rb+ as a tracer for K+. We now report that T7 infection alters the degree of discrimination in such a way that changes of intracellular Rb+ do not reflect changes of K+. It has been observed that shortly after infection the 86Rb+ level was strongly reduced (Ponta, H., Altendorf, K.-H. and Schweiger, M. (1976) Mol. Gen. Genet. 149, 145-150). In contrast, determination of the K+ content showed no change directly after infection (Kuhn, A., Jütte, H. and Kellenberger, E. (1983) J. Virol. 47, 540-552). The efflux of 86Rb was only evident when Rb+ was used in trace amounts. In media conditions under which intracellular K+ was mainly replaced by Rb+, 86Rb+ efflux was not observed.  相似文献   

A K+ transport ATPase in Escherichia coli.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A K+ -stimulated ATPase in membranes of Escherichia coli has been identified as an activity of the Kdp system, and ATP-driven K+ transport system. Three characteristics support association of the ATPase with the Kdp system: (i) ATPase and Kdp transport are both repressed by growth in media containing high concentrations of K+; (ii) the ATPase and Kdp system accept only K+ as substrate, neither requires Na+ nor accepts Rb+ as a substrate; (iii) the affinity of the ATPase and that of th Kdp system for K+ is similar and is altered by mutations in the structural genes of the Kdp system. Discovery of an ATPase associated with a bacterial transport system suggests functional similarities with the ATP-driven transport systems of animal cells.  相似文献   

The relative efficiency of bromouracil and thymine for uptake into DNA was measured in various thymine-requiring strains of Escherichia coli K12. It was found that: 1. Mutants with genotype thyA- dra- discriminate against bromouracil to much greater extent than do mutants with genotype thyA- drm-. 2. The discrimination in dra-mutants is dependent on thymine concentration, whereas discrimination in drm- mutants is almost independent of thymine concentration. It is suggested that the intracellular level of deoxyribose 5-phosphate affects the efficiency of uptake into DNA of bromouracil relative to thymine.  相似文献   

Evidence for multiple K+ export systems in Escherichia coli.   总被引:8,自引:10,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
The role of the K+ transport systems encoded by the kefB (formerly trkB) and kefC (formerly trkC) genes of Escherichia coli in K+ efflux has been investigated. The rate of efflux produced by N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), increased turgor pressure, alkalinization of the cytoplasm, or 2,4-dinitrophenol in a mutant with null mutations in both kef genes was compared with the rate of efflux in a wild-type strain for kef. The results show that these two genes encode the major paths for NEM-stimulated efflux. However, neither efflux system appears to be a significant path of K+ efflux produced by high turgor pressure, by alkalinization of the cytoplasm, or by addition of high concentrations of 2,4-dinitrophenol. Therefore, this species must have at least one other system, besides those encoded by kefB and kefC, capable of mediating a high rate of K+ efflux. The high, spontaneous rate of K+ efflux characteristic of the kefC121 mutation increases further when the strain is treated with NEM. Therefore, the mutational defect that leads to spontaneous efflux in this strain does not abolish the site(s) responsible for the action of NEM.  相似文献   

Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains were isolated from the feces of 34.4% of 64 diarrheaic neonatal piglets on seven farms. Of a total of 518 isolates, 86 (16.6%) were enterotoxigenic and grouped into four phenotypes: K99+ST+ (K99 pilus antigen and heat-stable enterotoxin producing, 36 strains), ST+ (37 strains), K88+LT+ (K88 pilus antigen and heat-labile enterotoxin producing, 11 strains), and K88+ST+ (2 strains). K99+ST+ and ST+ isolates showed multiple drug resistance and most of those (58.3% and 56.8%, respectively) belonged to O serogroup 101. A K99+ST+ isolate proved to be capable of inducing diarrhea and death in hysterectomy-produced colostrum-deprived piglets when orally inoculated.  相似文献   

Turgor-controlled K+ fluxes and their pathways in Escherichia coli   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Escherichia coli like most gram-negative bacteria with walls maintains a cytoplasmic osmolarity exceeding that of the medium; the resulting hydrostatic pressure (turgor pressure) pushes the cytoplasmic membrane against the peptidoglycan and creates a tension in the two envelopes. Potassium is the only cation which takes part in the regulation of cellular osmolarity. The adaptation of intracellular K+ concentration to external osmolarity involves K+ turgor-controlled fluxes. When the medium osmolarity is raised an osmodependent influx of K+ can be observed; this is carried out by the K+ transport system TrkA which can also taken up rubidium. A specific and unidirectional pathway allows K+ ions to flow out of the cell when the medium osmolarity is decreased; this pathway reveals two characteristics: it has no affinity for rubidium and it can be blocked by the blockers of eukaryotic K+ channels. Osmodependent fluxes are turned on immediately after the medium osmolarity is disturbed; in contrast, they are turned off gradually as the rate of K+ fluxes approach zero. The rate of K+ influx seems to depend on the level of internal osmolarity and not on the extent of the increase in medium osmolarity. The rate of the efflux is directly proportional to the decrease in medium osmolarity and is independent on the level of internal osmolarity.  相似文献   

A set of five Escherichia coli K phages has been isolated. These phages are adsorbed to and lyse the capsular forms of the host bacteria, whereas their spontaneous, acapsular mutants are not affected. All host strains are heavily encapsulated test strains for E. coli K antigens of the thermostable A type and they readily segregate acapsular mutants. In four of the phage-host systems, all secondary growth obtained was found to be acapsular. When tested for host-range mutants on 38 strains of E. coli and Klebsiella, less than one mutant per 10(5) plaque-forming units was found. No cross-reacting neutralizing antibodies were obtained when rabbits were immunized with the K phages. The latent periods (between 16 and 30 min) and average burst sizes (between 145 and 580) were determined by one-step growth experiments.  相似文献   

During K+ depletion of a mutant of Escherichiacoli which cannot concentrate this cation, protein synthesis is inhibited but RNA formation continues. The RNA produced during K+ depletion was analyzed by gel electrophoresis. It was found that 4S, 5S and 23S RNA were synthesized by K+-depleted cells whether uninfected or infected with phage T4. In addition, an RNA species moving close to 16S (presumably 17S) and material of about 6–10S were made during K+ depletion. These species of RNA were not evident in growing cells. Methylation of RNA is severely inhibited during K+ depletion.  相似文献   

Energy coupling to net K+ transport in Escherichia coli K-12.   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Energy coupling for three K+ transport systems of Escherichia coli K-12 was studied by examining effects of selected energy sources and inhibitors in strains with either a wild type or a defective (Ca2+, Mg2+)-stimulated ATPase. This approach allows discrimination between transport systems coupled to the proton motive force from those coupled to the hydrolysis of a high energy phosphate compound (ATP-driven). The three K+ transport systems here studied are: (a) the Kdp system, a repressible high affinity (Km=2 muM) system probably coded for by four linked Kdp genes; (b) the Trka system, a constitutive system with high rate and modest affinity (Km=1.5 mM) defined by mutations in the single trkA gene; and (c) the TrkF system, a nonsaturable system with a low rate of uptake (Rhoads, D.B., Waters, F.B., and Epstein, W. (1976) J. Gen. Physiol. 67, 325-341). Each of these systems has a different mode of energy coupling: (a) the Kdp system is ATP-driven and has a periplasmic protein component; (b) the TrkF system is proton motive force-driven; and (c) the TrkA system is unique among bacterial transport systems described to date in requiring both the proton motive force and ATP for activity. We suggest that this dual requirement represents energy fueling by ATP and regulation by the proton motive force. Absence of ATP-driven systems in membrane vesicles is usually attributed to the requirement of such systems for a periplasmic protein. This cannot explain the failure to demonstrate the TrkA system in vesicles, since this system does not require a periplasmic protein. Our findings indicate that membrane vesicles cannot couple energy to ATP-driven transport systems. Since vesicles can generate a proton motive force, the inability of vesicles to generate ATP or couple ATP to transport (or both) must be invoked to explain the absence of TrkA in vesicles. The TrkF system should function in vesicles, but its very low rate may make it difficult to identify.  相似文献   

Chiral α-amino acid esters react readily with fluorescamine (Fluram®) to form pyrrolinone-type chromophores. The characteristic Cotton effects given by these chromophoric derivatives provide a means for the determination of the absolute configuration of the parent amino acid ester. The strong CD band in the 330-320 nm region of the L-amino acid ester derivative is always negative, while it is positive for the D-amino acid ester derivatives. A pyrrolinone chirality rule is proposed to explain the sign of this Cotton effect.  相似文献   

Hybrid membrane particles from two mutants of Escherichia coli K12, Bv4 and K11, defective in oxidative phosphorylation, have been prepared, in which ATP-driven membrane energization is restored. A soluble factor of mutant K11 was found to have properties similar to parental crude coupling factor, ATPase (EC Membrane particles of this mutant could not be reconstituted by parental coupling factor. Either parental coupling factor, or the soluble factor of mutant K11 could reconstitute both respiration-driven and ATP-driven energization to membrane particles of mutant Bv14 or to parental particles depleted of ATPase. Mutant Bv4 was found to be devoid of coupoing factor activity, while retaining the ability to hydrolyze ATP. Both mutants possess an ATPase with an altered binding to the membrane. Mutant K11 is impaired in respiration-driven amino acid transport, in contrast to mutant Bv4. The three major subunits of parental Escherichia coli ATPase have been isolated and antibodies have been prepared against these subunits. Antibodies against the largest subunit (alpha component) or against the intact catalytic subunits (alpha + beta components) inhibit both ATP-Pi exchange in the parent organism as well as ATP hydrolytic activity in parent and mutants. Antibodies against the two other subunits (beta or gamma components) also inhibit these two reactions, but were found to be less effective. Mutant N144, which lacks ATPase activity, shows no precipitin lines with anti-alpha, anti-beta, anti-gamma, or anti (alpha + beta) preparations. In contrast, mutants Bv4 and K11, exhibit cross-reactivity with all of the antisera.  相似文献   

Proline excretion from proline overproducing strains of E. coli K12 has been studied as a model chemical production system. We have isolated proline overproducing mutants of E. coli and have shown that uncontrolled synthesis is not sufficient to cause excretion of this amino acid. An episomal mutation causing proline over production has been introduced into a series of otherwise isogenic strains that bear well defined, chromosomal lesions affecting the active uptake and catabolism of L-proline. A syntropism test reveals that L-proline is excreted by overproducing strains only if transport and/or catabolism are impaired. Dansyl derivatization and chromatographic analysis of culture supernatants shows that proline is the only amino acid excreted. Batch cultures of an excreting strain in an amino acid production medium yield culture supernatants containing 1 g proline/L, whereas no proline is detectable in supernatants derived from cultures of an overproducing strain with normal transport and catabolic activities. These data reveal that genetic lesions eliminating active uptake can be used to specifically enhance metabolite excretion.  相似文献   

The kinetics of K+ efflux across the membranes of i) wild-type Escherichia coli poisoned by the thiol reagent N-ethylmaleimide, ii) K+ retention mutants and iii) glutathione-deficient mutants, have revealed a common K+ leaky phenotype; it is characterized by a very high rate of K+ efflux. The results suggest that the products of kefB and kefC genes could encode two K+ channels, both gated by glutathione. The possible function of these K+ channels seems to be a K+ exit controlled by the redox state of the cell; indeed, it can be inferred from the effects of several oxidants and reductants that turning on and off of the K+ efflux mediated by the channels can be correlated with the redox state of glutathione.  相似文献   

The neuS-encoded polysialytransferase (polyST) in Escherichia coli K1 catalyzes synthesis of polysialic acid homopolymers composed of unbranched sialyl alpha 2,8 linkages. Subcloning and complementation experiments showed that the K1 neuS was functionally interchangeable with the neuS from E. coli K92 (S. M. Steenbergen, T. J. Wrona, and E. R. Vimr, J. Bacteriol. 174:1099-1108, 1992), which synthesizes polysialic acid capsules with alternating sialyl alpha 2,8-2,9 linkages. To better understand the relationship between these polySTs, the complete K92 neuS sequence was determined. The results demonstrated that K1 and K92 neuS genes are homologous and indicated that the K92 copy may have evolved from its K1 homolog. Both K1 and K92 structural genes comprised 1,227 bp. There were 156 (12.7%) differences between the two sequences; among these mutations, 55 did not affect the derived primary structure of K92 polyST and hence were synonymous with the K1 sequence. Assuming maximum parsimony, another estimated 17 synonymous mutations plus 84 nonsynonymous mutations could account for the 70 amino acid replacements in K92 polyST; 36 of these replacements were judged to be conservative when compared with those of K1 polyST. There were no changes detected in the first 146 5' or last 129 3' bp of either gene, suggesting, in addition to the observed mutational differences, the possibility of a past recombination event between neuS loci of two different kps clusters. The results indicate that relatively few amino acid changes can account for the evolution of a glycosyltransferase with novel linkage specificity.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent slowing of K channel closing kinetics by Rb+   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
We have studied the effect of Rb+ on K channel closing kinetics in toadfish pancreatic islet cells. These channels are voltage dependent, activating at voltages positive to -10 mV. The channels also inactivate upon prolonged depolarizations, and the inactivation time course is best fit by the sum of two exponentials. Instantaneous current-voltage relationships show that external Rb+ enters the channel as easily as K+, but carries less current. In the voltage range from -140 to -50 mV, the closing time course of the channels can be fit with a single exponential. When Rb+ is present in the external solution the channels close more slowly. The magnitude of this Rb+ effect is voltage dependent, decreasing at more negative voltages. Similarly, when the internal solution contains Rb+ instead of K+ the closing time constants are increased. The effect of internal Rb+ is also voltage dependent; at voltages positive to -80 mV the closing time constant in internal Rb+ is slower than in K+, whereas at more negative voltages the difference is negligible. With internal Rb+, the relationship between the closing time constant and voltage is best fit with two exponential components, suggesting the presence of two distinct voltage-dependent processes. The results are discussed in terms of a model of the K channel with two internal binding sites, and we conclude that Rb+ produces its effects on channel gating by binding to a site in the pore.  相似文献   

J Cullum  P Broda 《Plasmid》1979,2(3):358-365
We attempted to assess the role of Hfr clones in chromosome transfer by F+ populations. We thought that any Hfr-independent component of fertility might be affected to a different extent by the recA mutation than was the Hfr component. However, the rate of Hfr formation and the efficiency of chromosome transfer were reduced to an equal extent (× 100-fold) by the recA mutation. Such experiments therefore provide no evidence for an Hfr-independent component. It appeared that Type II strains, which were thought to suffer a defect in Hfr formation, actually produced fertile clones but had a secondary defect which affected the persistence of these clones. Thus, evidence from Type II strains is also not useful for examining the quantitative contribution of Hfr cells to F+ transfer.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies have shown that the mutT, mutH and mutL mutators of Escherichia coli have a marked advantage in competition growth with otherwise coisogenic wild-type strains. As shown in this paper the same is true for the mutS mismatch mutator. In three experiments mutS could outgrow the wild-type and had higher fitness values.  相似文献   

The L-form NC7, derived from Escherichia coli K12, grew in a complex medium containing 0.2 M-CaCl2 as osmotic stabilizer, but not at pH values above 7.8. The cessation of growth at alkaline pH was not due to cell death. In complex media containing K+ or Na+, the L-form grew ove a wide pH range. Growth at alkaline pH was inhibited by 1 mM-amiloride, indicating that Na+/H+ antiport activity was required for growth at alkaline pH. The internal pH (pHi) of the L-form in media containing K+, Na+ or Ca2+ was constant at about 7.8 to 8.0 at external pH (pHo) values of 7.2 and 8.2. The rates of O2 consumption by intact cells, lactate oxidation by membrane vesicles from cells grown in Ca(2+)-containing medium, and cell division were all strongly repressed under alkaline conditions.  相似文献   

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