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Nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDK) is a housekeeping enzyme localized in cellular organelles and distributed in various organs in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In Neurospora crassa, NDK-1 is suggested to control catalases in response to heat, oxidative stress and light. In this study, we identified the presence of NDK-1 during most developmental stages in submerged mycelia, aerial hyphae, asexual conidia and perithecia, and the localization of it in soluble, mitochondrial, nuclear and membrane fractions in the mycelial cell. A light-dependent localization of NDK-1 was shown by Western blotting and immunohistochemical analysis using anti-NDK-1 antibody. In the mycelia, NDK-1 was compartmentalized on the plasma membrane in darkness, while it was relocated in the cytoplasm under light. These results suggest that NDK-1 protein was translocated from the plasma membrane to cytoplasm in response to light, and may interact with catalase.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of Neurospora crassa plasma membranes.   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The isolation and characterization of plasma membranes from a cell wall-less mutant of Neurospora crassa are described. The plasma membranes are stabilized against fragmentation and vesiculation by treatment of intact cells with concanavalin A just prior to lysis. After lysis, the concanavalin A-stabilized plasma membrane ghosts are isolated by low speed centrifugation techniques and the purified ghosts subsequently converted to vesicles by removal of the bulk of the concanavalin A. The yield of ghosts is about 50% whereas the yield of vesicles is about 20%. The isolated plasma membrane vesicles have a characteristically high sterol to phospholipid ratio, Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity and (Na+ plus K+)-stimulated Mg2+ATPase activity. Only traces of succinate dehydrogenase and 5'-nucleotidase are present in the plasma membrane preparations.  相似文献   

A procedure was developed for isolating nuclei from either the conidial or germinated conidial growth phase of Neurospora crassa. A frozen conidial suspension was lysed by passage through a French pressure cell, and the nuclei were freed from the broken cells by repeated homogenization in an Omni-Mixer. Pure nuclei were obtained from the crude nuclear fraction by density banding in a Ludox gradient. The final nuclear yield was 20 to 30%. The nuclei had a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA):ribonucleic acid (RNA):protein ratio of 1:3.5:7 and were active in RNA synthesis. The nuclei, stained with the DNA stain 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, appeared under fluorescence microscopy as bright blue spheres, 1 micron in diameter, essentially free from cytoplasmic attachments. Chromatin extracted from the nuclei in a 70 to 75% yield by dissociation with 2 M sodium chloride and 5 M urea had a DNA:RNA:protein ratio of 1:1.05:1.7. Chromatin reconstituted from this preparation exhibited a level of RNA polymerase template activity lower than that of pure Neurospora DNA, but the maximum level of reconstitution obtained was only 10%. Fractionation of Neurospora chromatin on hydroxylapatite separated the histones from the chromatin acidic proteins. The normal complement of histone proteins was present in both the reconstituted and dissociated chromatin preparations. The acidic protein fraction exhibited a variety of bands on sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis ranging in molecular weight from 15,000 to 70,000. The gel pattern was much more complex for total dissociated chromatin than for reconstituted chromatin.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone for cytosolic nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase was isolated from a cDNA library of rat skeletal muscle using synthetic oligonucleotides as probes. The clone constitutes a 621-base pair cDNA sequence including the 456-base pair coding region and 137-base pair 3'-untranslated one with polyadenylation site. The complete primary structure of NDP kinase was deduced from the coding sequence. An NH2-terminal amino acid sequence analysis suggested that the translated enzyme protein suffered proteolytic cleavage followed by modification at the alpha-NH2 group of the newly produced NH2-terminal amino acid residue. Taking this into account, it was tentatively concluded that the mature NDP kinase consists of 147 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 16,724. Northern blot hybridization analysis showed that NDP kinase mRNA could be detected in total RNA fractions of brain, spleen, heart, lung, liver, kidney, testis as well as skeletal muscle, and that there was no difference in the size of mRNAs from these tissues. Tissue distribution of the mRNA nearly paralleled those of protein moiety and activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Laccase from the ascomycete Neurospora crassa is an inducible secretory enzyme. Production of this enzyme is repressed in vegetative cultures but can be induced by treatment with low concentrations of cycloheximide. Isolation and characterization of a derepressed mutant, the lah-1 mutant, that is capable of producing laccase in vegetative cultures without induction by cycloheximide are described. The lah-1 mutation is mapped between nit-2 and leu-3 on linkage group I, and it behaved as a recessive mutation in a forced heterokaryon. No differences were detected biochemically or immunologically between the laccase protein produced by the lah-1 mutant in the absence of cycloheximide and that induced with cycloheximide in the wild-type strain. This suggests that both laccases (66 kilodaltons) are products of the same structural gene. Relative amounts of laccase in the culture filtrate of the lah-1 mutant were much higher than those induced with cycloheximide in the wild-type strain, demonstrating high efficiency of the lah-1 mutant in production and secretion of laccase. The time course of laccase production by the lah-1 mutant revealed that expression of 66-kilodalton laccase was repressed in conidia and derepressed during vegetative mycelial growth. This suggests that a multiple regulatory mechanism is involved in the production and/or maturation of Neurospora laccase. The lah-1 mutant may be useful for identifying genes that regulate expression of the laccase gene in N. crassa.  相似文献   

This study identified and characterized four cadmium-resistant mutants of Neurospora crassa. One of these mutants maps to linkage group II and the other three map to linkage group VII, whereas a naturally occurring resistant trait in a strain from Japan resides at a distinct but unmapped locus. Transport of cadmium into Neurospora cells occurs by more than a single uptake system and involves both energy-dependent and -independent components. The resistant mutants transport cadmium in the same manner as does the cadmium-sensitive wild-type strain. Cadmium resistance in these mutants does not appear to result from an increase in cytosolic heat-stable cadmium-binding proteins. Cadmium does not induce the typical heat-shock response in conidia. Under various growth conditions, each of the mutants exhibited morphological alterations, possibly involving the cell wall or plasma membrane.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum from Neurospora crassa was identified by monitoring the activity of the putative enzyme marker phosphatidylcholine glyceride transferase. After differential centrifugation of a cell homogenate, phosphatidylcholine glyceride transferase activity initially copurified with plasma membrane H+-ATPase. However, isopycnic centrifugation of the whole-cell homogenate on a linear sucrose gradient separated the two enzyme activities into different fractions. The lighter membrane fraction exhibited characteristics that have been associated with the endoplasmic reticulum in other organisms: (i) the inclusion of magnesium caused this light membrane fraction to shift to a higher density on the gradient; (ii) it was highly enriched in cytochrome c reductase, an endoplasmic reticulum marker in other systems; and (iii) the morphology of the light fraction with and without added magnesium was clearly distinguishable from that of the plasma membrane fraction by electron microscopy. A reinvestigation of the location of chitin synthetase confirmed its association with the plasma membrane fraction even after separation of the lighter fractions.  相似文献   

Two types of nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDP kinase I and NDP kinase II) have been purified from spinach leaves to electrophoretic homogeneity. The enzymes were copurified with apparent [35S]GTP-gamma S-binding activities. NDP kinase I, which was not adsorbed to a hydroxyapatite column, and NDP kinase II, which was adsorbed, had molecular weights of 16,000 and 18,000, respectively, as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The molecular weights determined by gel filtration were 92,000 and 110,000, respectively, suggesting that both enzymes are composed of six identical subunits. Minor differences in some amino acids between NDP kinase I and NDP kinase II were observed when both enzymes were analyzed for amino acid composition. The apparent [35S]GTP gamma S-binding activity of purified NDP kinase I and NDP kinase II was found to be due to the formation of a [35S]thiophosphorylated enzyme, which is the intermediate of the NDP kinase reaction.  相似文献   

H Inoue  C Ishii 《Mutation research》1984,125(2):185-194
Seven different mutants that show high sensitivity to MMS killing were isolated and mapped at different loci. One group, mms-(SA1), mms-(SA2) and mms-(SA6), showed high sensitivity to MMS but not to UV or gamma-rays. Another group, mms-(SA4) and mms-(SA5), showed extremely high sensitivity to UV and MMS. And mms-(SA3) and mms-(SA7) were moderately sensitive to both UV and MMS. Mms-(SA4) and mms-(SA1) were identified as alleles of uvs-2 and mus-7, respectively, which had been previously isolated. The mms-(SA1), mms-(SA6) and mms-(SA7) strains were barren in homozygous crosses, and the mms-(SA5) strain was barren in heterozygous crosses. The mms-(SA1), mms-(SA3) and mms-(SA5) strains showed high sensitivity to histidine. In summary, at least two new loci involved in the repair of MMS damage have been identified. The possibility that some of these new mutants are in new repair pathways is suggested.  相似文献   

The specificity of nucleoside uptake in germinating conidia of Neurospora crassa was investigated by examining the kinetics of [2-14C]uridine and [8-14C]-adenosine uptake in the wild-type, ad-8, and ud-1 pyr-1 strains. The results obtained strongly indicate that nucleoside transport in N. crassa is mediated solely by a general transport system which accepts both purine and pyrimidine nucleosides. Studies directed at characterizing the specificity of the transport system indicate that general structural features of the nucleoside which enhance its efficiency in binding to the transport system include: (i) a purine or pyrimidine as the heterocyclic ring, (ii) an unfunctionalized ribose or 2'-deoxyribose as the sugar unit, (iii) a beta-configuration about the anomeric carbon, (iv) the absence of substituents at C8 in the purine series and at C5 and C6 in the pyrimidine series, (v) the presence of a C5-C6 double bond in the pyrimidine series, and (vi) the absence of a charge on the heterocyclic ring.  相似文献   

An ad-9 strain of Neurospora crassa was mutagenized with ethylmethane sulfonate (5%) and selected for guanine auxotrophy. The resultant double adenine plus guanine mutant was backcrossed with wild type and a single guanine auxotroph was isolated from the progeny. In vitro assays indicated that the mutant had GMP synthetase activity comparable with wild type, but was completely lacking of IMP dehydrogenase activity. The guanine requirement can therefore be explained by the mutant's inability to convert IMP to XMP. Another guanosine auxotroph was able to adapt and grow on minimal medium after 3 days. This mutant had GMP synthetase activity comparable with wild type but had only 10% of the IMP dehydrogenase activity of wild type, which may possibly explain its ability to grow on minimal medium after 3 days. It was confirmed that the two isolates are not allelic by crossing the two and recovering 25% wild-type progeny. Out isolate must therefore be designated gua-2.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the isolation of Neurospora bradytrophs. The bradytrophs (representing lesions in a number of pathways) were resistant to DL-p-fluorophenylalanine when growing in a leaky fashion but were sensitive when grown in the presence of their stimulating supplement.  相似文献   

A polypeptide with a molecular weight of 8 500 (HP 8 500) was isolated from the mitochondrial membrane of the nuclear mutant cni-1 of Neurospora crassa. This mutant is characterized by a cyanide-insensitive respiration and by a deficiency in the cytochromes aa3 and b. The polypeptide is synthesized on mitochondrial ribosomes. It has an extremely hydrophobic character; it is insoluble in aqueous media in the absence of sodium dodecylsulfate and is soluble in acid chloroform/methanol. It lacks histidine. The polar amino acids lysine, arginine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, serine and threonine make up only 25% of the total amino acids on a mole-percent basis. The N-terminal amino acid is tyrosine. The possible function of this polypeptide in the mitochondrial membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

A precursor form of Neurospora crassa tyrosinase has been identified by Western transfer from crude protein extracts and by immunoprecipitation of in vitro translated tyrosinase mRNA. The molecular weight of protyrosinase (75,000) exceeds that of mature tyrosinase (46,000) by about 50%. In order to deduce the primary structure and the nature of the extension, the tyrosinase gene was cloned. Poly(A) RNA isolated from tyrosinase-induced cultures of N. crassa was used as a template for cDNA synthesis, primed by a tyrosinase-specific, 32-fold degenerate heptadecanucleotide. Based on this sequence, a unique 21-mer was synthesized and used to screen a cDNA library constructed from tyrosinase-enriched mRNA. A partial genomic DNA library from wild-type strain TS and a genomic library from strain OR were screened using a 400-base pair nick-translated SalI fragment from a tyrosinase-positive cDNA clone as hybridization probe. The DNA sequences obtained revealed the presence of two allelic forms of this enzyme. The coding regions are interrupted by two short introns, of 52 and 99 base pairs. The encoded proteins differ in 3 out of 621 amino acid residues. A comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with the known primary structure of mature tyrosinase alleles (Rüegg, C., Ammer, D., and Lerch, K. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 6420-6426) showed that the enzyme is synthesized as a precursor. Protyrosinase exceeds the mature protein by 213 amino acids at its carboxyl terminus. The possible involvement of carboxyl-terminal processing in enzyme activation is discussed.  相似文献   

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