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The chemical form of nitrogen (N) is deemed to be decisive in shaping the composition of the primary producer community. Recently, there has been a shift in the dominant form of N delivered to agricultural landscapes. Urea-based fertilizers are a mainstay in modern agriculture, and their ubiquitous use has increased the likelihood of urea export to nearby freshwaters. The shift to urea fertilizers has coincided with the recent expansion of cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs). This study investigated N drawdown patterns between two major freshwater phytoplankton groups—chlorophytes and cyanobacteria. Experiments were designed to understand if different patterns of N drawdown occurred among taxa and the potential synergistic effects of multiple N substrates. Nitrate (NO3), ammonium (NH4+), and urea were supplied in a series of paired combinations, and N concentrations were monitored to track N drawdowns. We did not find significant differences between phytoplankton classes when supplied with a single N substrate. However, we found that when N substrates were supplied in combination, significant differences in N drawdown patterns were observed. Urea was consumed more rapidly among cyanobacteria, being drawn down at significantly higher rates relative to inorganic N substrates. In contrast, inorganic N substrates were drawn down more rapidly among chlorophytes relative to urea. Our findings support the emerging urea–cyanoHAB link and the potential importance of urea in freshwater eutrophication. As society becomes increasingly dependent on urea for agricultural crops, the need to understand how urea influences phytoplankton community composition may be instrumental in predicting bloom dynamics.  相似文献   

Two new observations lead us to reconsider the taphonomy of Messel. First, several horses as well as turtles indicate death at a specific season although they come from different horizons. Second, specific structures in the Sediments are very similar to those found in Neumark-Nord. There they could be related to Cyanobacteria. Blooms of Cyanobacteria may poison die surface water. From actual observations it is known that animals drinking such poison water collapse immediately and die mostly near or within the water soon. This model might explain why birds and bats are so frequent throughout the entire profile of Messel. Both drink from the water surface during flight. In contrast to volcanic exhalations, assumed so far, such algae blooms occur repeatedly and always during early summer and autumn. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

The possibility that the primary effect of the toxic insecticidetrichlorfon is an inhibition of nitrate uptake in cyanobactenahas been investigated. A drastic reduction in the rate of uptakeis detected 3 h after the addition of the insecticide to batchcultures of nabaena PCC 7119. The dose-response curves indicatea relationship between the degree of inhibition of nitrate uptakeand the reduction of chlorophyll content and growth. Nitratereductase (ferredoxin : nitrate reductase, EC [EC] ) activityis also lowered as a result of insecticide action. When AnabaenaPCC 7119 cells are grown with ammonium as a source of combinednitrogen, trichlorfon reduces the rate of ammonium uptake. Therate of uptake of both nitrate and ammonium is restored uponwashing the cells. Ultrastructural analysis of Anabaena nitrate-growncells shows that trichlorfon does not damage thylakoid membranes,but brings about the accumulation of enlarged cyanophycin granulesand the increase of carboxysome number. Nitrate uptake rateand chlorophyll and phycobiliprotein contents are also reducedby insecticide treatment in the cyanobacteria SynechococcusUAM 211, GloeothecePCC 6501, Plectonema calothricoides, NostocUAM 205 and Chlorogloeopsis PCC 6912. These results are consistentwith the inhibition of nitrate uptake due to weak adsorptionof trichlorfon to the plasmalemma being the main effect of theinsecticide on cyanobacterial metabolism. Key words: Nitrate uptake, cyanobacteria, Anabaena, ammonium uptake, trichlorfon  相似文献   

In the last decades, the cyanobacterium Dolichospermum lemmermannii showed an increasing spread to Southern Europe, raising serious concerns due to its ability to produce cyanotoxins. The widening of its geographic distribution and the observation of strains showing high optimum temperature underline its ecological heterogeneity, suggesting the existence of different ecotypes. To investigate its biogeography, new isolates from different European water bodies, together with strains maintained by the Norwegian Institute for Water Research Culture Collection of Algae, were genetically characterised for the 16S rRNA gene and compared with strains obtained from public repositories. Geographic distance highly influenced the differentiation of genotypes, further suggesting the concurrent role of geographic isolation, physical barriers and environmental factors in promoting the establishment of phylogenetic lineages adapted to specific habitats. Differences among populations were also examined by morphological analysis and evaluating the toxic potential of single strains, which revealed the exclusive ability of North European strains to produce microcystins, whereas the populations in Southern Europe tested negative for a wide range of cyanotoxins. The high dispersion ability and the existence of toxic genotypes indicate the possible spread of harmful blooms in other temperate regions.  相似文献   

Molecular methods are increasingly being used in the study of harmful microalgae; however, DNA extraction techniques have imposed limitations on the species and questions studied, with research primarily restricted to cultured specimens. Here we describe a simple method that merges two existing techniques for DNA extraction from live and preserved single dinoflagellate cells. DNA was successfully isolated from live single cells of Gambierdiscus toxicus Adachi et Fukuyo, 1979 and cells preserved using formalin/methanol fixation. This method supplements existing techniques and expands the scope of genetics studies conducted on dinoflagellates to include routine molecular analysis of single cells isolated from field samples.  相似文献   

Low-dose (50 W), short-duration (5 min) ultrasonic treatments were delivered to log phase batch cultures of the cyanobacteriumAnabaena flos-aquae grown in nitrogen-free medium. Near the mid-point of nine-day experimental periods, ultrasonically-treated cultures exhibited higher growth rates, enhanced chlorophylla content, and greater acetylene reduction capacity when compared to cultures grown with reciprocal shaking alone. Heterocyst frequency was markedly higher in ultrasonically-treated cultures over the duration of five-day experimental periods.Author for correspondence  相似文献   

Development of an Alexandrium minutum Halim bloom affecting a Mediterranean harbor was monitored in detail using a multidisciplinary approach. A. minutum was by far the most abundant species at and near the bloom maximum, but always coexisted with members of three additional dinoflagellate genera and prasinophytes. Bloom initiation (early February) occurred during prolonged influences of sunny weather conditions, when day length exceeded 10.5 h and water temperatures reached 10.2°C. Subsequent development toward its maximum (end of March) also relied on good weather conditions, with specific wind directions favoring accumulation of cells. Arrival of rainy weather, associated with frontal boundaries of large‐scale low‐atmospheric‐pressure systems and characterized by reduced solar irradiance (heavy cloud coverage), opposite wind directions, and enhanced wind speeds, always caused temporal declines of the bloom. These declines were attributed to dispersal or displacement of algae, but a vertical migration of A. minutum cells toward the sediment was not excluded. Delayed inflows of excess terrestrial rainwater along the inner harbor wall strongly reduced salinity and prolonged a temporal decline far beyond influences of bad weather. The associated nutrient supply favored development of the phytoplankton population but reduced the toxin production of A. minutum cells. The HPLC‐determined Gonyautoxin (GTX) 1 + 4/GTX 2 + 3 ratio strongly increased toward the bloom maximum. This ratio was influenced by nutrient status and cell density and has a potential value for monitoring developmental stages of blooms. Prolonged bad weather conditions eventually hindered continuation of bloom development, and subsequent declines of algal biomass were attributed to grazing.  相似文献   

尿素广泛存在于自然界中,是易于被许多生物(如植物)利用的生长氮源。该文通过概述尿素在不同生命系统中存在的基础生理意义及各类型尿素转运蛋白,讨论了植物细胞中尿素合成与分解的各种途径及尿素在植物氮营养、代谢和运输中的生理作用。迄今为止,在植物中已发现了2类转运尿素的膜蛋白,即MIPs和DUR3,它们分别在低亲和力、高亲和力尿素运输中发挥潜在作用。异源表达结果表明MIPs介导了尿素的被动迁移:而AtDUR3则参与拟南芥根系对尿素的吸收。对MIPs和DUR3转运尿素的酶学特征、亚细胞作用位点和表达调控状况等的研究表明:它们的分子生物学功能与植物的氮营养及氮素再分配和利用相关。  相似文献   

Uptake of organic nitrogen by plants   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

In culture, Gambierdiscus spp. have been shown to prefer irradiances that are relatively low (≤250 μmol photons m−2 s−1) versus those to which they are frequently exposed to in their natural environment (>500 μmol photons m−2 s−1). Although several behavioral strategies for coping with such irradiances have been suggested, it is unclear as to how these dinoflagellates do so on a physiological level. More specifically, how do long term exposures (30 days) affect cell size and cellular chlorophyll content, and what is the photosynthetic response to short term, high irradiance exposures (up to 1464 μmol photons m−2 s−1)? The results of this study reveal that cell size and chlorophyll content exhibited by G. carolinianus increased with acclimation to increasing photon flux density. Additionally, both G. carolinianus and G. silvae exhibited reduced photosynthetic efficiency when acclimated to increased photon flux density. Photosynthetic yield exhibited by G. silvae was greater than that for G. carolinianus across all acclimation irradiances. Although such differences were evident, both G. carolinianus and G. silvae appear to have adequate biochemical mechanisms to withstand exposure to irradiances exceeding 250 μmol photons m−2 s−1 for at least short periods of time following acclimation to irradiances of up to 150 μmol photons m−2 s−1.  相似文献   

Nutrient addition is important to achieving the carbon/nitrogen balance and successful biodegradation of petroleum contaminants. Urea has been considered as a preferred nitrogen source in enhancing biodegradation, because of its high nitrogen content and commercial availability. This study investigated urea in the biodegradation of petroleum-contaminated soils collected from an arid and sandy area in Egypt. Ammonium nitrate served as the nitrogen amendment control in this study. Biodegradation of petroleum-contaminated soils from Wyoming was monitored as a comparison. Addition of urea failed to improve the enhancement of biodegradation of petroleum-impacted soil from the Egyptian site; in addition, urea demonstrates an adverse effect on the biodegradation rates. Results indicate that urea or its intermediates may inhibit the microorganisms involved in petroleum degradation. Data from this study suggest that the application of urea in the enhancement of biodegradation of petroleum compounds should consider site specificity, and may not be applicable in geological areas or soils structures similar to those in this study.  相似文献   

Biologically available concentrations of individual dissolved amino acids in the open ocean are generally <1 nM. Despite this, the microbial turnover of amino acids is usually measured in hours indicating high demand. It is thought that the majority of uptake is due to bacterioplankton, although protists, particularly phototrophic protists, are also expected to take up amino acids. In order to assess the ability of protists to compete with prokaryotes for amino acids at subnanomolar concentrations, we examined the direct uptake of 3H-leucine by phototrophic nanoflagellates (prasinophytes, pelagophytes and trebouxiophytes) and by associated bacteria using flow cytometric cell sorting. In contrast to 3H-leucine-assimilating bacterial copopulations, none of the six studied nanoflagellates showed measurable direct uptake of 3H-leucine, suggesting that the studied phototrophic protists were unable to utilize dissolved 3H-leucine at natural oceanic concentrations. More practically, the flow-sorting technique allowed rapid and unequivocal differentiation of organic nitrogen uptake between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells in mixed microbial populations, reducing the need to establish and maintain axenic algal cultures.  相似文献   

沿岸海域富营养化与赤潮发生的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
徐宁  段舜山  李爱芬  刘振乾 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1782-1787
综述了赤潮的发生与沿岸海域富营养化的关系。近几十年来,人类活动使得天然水体的富营养化进程大大加速。营养负荷的增加与高生物量水华的增多相联系。控制营养输入后,浮游植物生物量或有害藻类水华事件也相应减少。营养的组成与浮游植物的种类组成及水华的形成有密切联系。有机营养对有害藻类水华的促进作用受到关注。营养输入时机影响浮游植物种间竞争的结果,因而对浮游植物的群落演替具有深远影响。由于浮游植物存在生理差异,因而对营养加富的反应因种而异。营养在调控某些有毒藻类的毒素产量方面也发挥着重要作用。此外,营养输入与藻类水华之间存在复杂的间接联系。当然,营养状况并非浮游植物群落演替的唯一决定因素。研究结果提示,控制营养输入、减缓水域富营养化是减少有害藻类水华发生的有效途径,而深入研究典型有害藻类的营养生理对策则为防治并最终消除有害藻类水华提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

A fuzzy logic model to describe the seasonal evolution of Nodularia spumigena blooms in the Gulf of Finland was built and calibrated on the basis of monitoring data. The model includes three phosphate sources: excess phosphate after the annual spring bloom and parameterised phosphate transport to the upper mixed layer by turbulent mixing and upwelling events. Surface layer temperature and wind mixing form the physical conditions controlling the growth of N. spumigena. Model simulations revealed that phosphate input caused by turbulent mixing and upwelling have to be taken into account to achieve the best fit with observed data. Testing the fuzzy model for early prediction of maximum N. spumigena biomass about a month before the usual occurrence of blooms, gave good results. The potential use of the model for prediction of bloom risk at a certain location along the Estonian or Finnish coast was tested. The bloom transport velocities used in the fuzzy model were pre-calculated by a 3D numerical circulation model for different wind regimes.  相似文献   

The uptake of 15N-labelled alanine, ammonium and nitrate was studied in ectomycorrhizal morphotypes of intact Pinus sylvestris seedlings. PCR-RFLP analysis of the ITS-region of fungal rDNA was used to identify the morphotypes. Seedlings were grown in forest soil collected at an experimental site in southern Sweden. The treatments compared were a control, N fertilisation (600 kg N ha-1 as urea), sulfur application (1200 kg S ha-1) and lime application (6000 kg CaCO3 ha-1). The forest, which had been dominated by Picea abies, was clear-cut two years before the forest soil was sampled. Soil was also collected from an adjacent standing forest. The aim of the present study was to detect changes in the ectomycorrhizal communities in forest soils and relate these changes to the functional parameter of uptake of nitrogen from organic (alanine and protein) and inorganic (ammonium and nitrate) sources.Liming resulted in the detection of a morphotype not found in other samples, and one morphotype was only found in samples from the standing forest (the fungi in these two morphotypes could not be identified). All mycorrhizal root tips showed a higher 15N concentration after exposure to different nitrogen forms than non-mycorrhizal long roots. Uptake of15 N from a labelled solution of alanine or ammonium was higher (about tenfold) than uptake from a 15N-labelled solution of nitrate. Uptake of ammonium and alanine varied between 0.2 and 0.5 mg N g-1 h-1 and between 0.1 and 0.33 mg N g-1 h-1, respectively, among the different morphotypes.In seedlings grown in the control soil and in soil from standing forest, alanine and ammonium were taken up to a similar degree from a supply solution by all morphotypes, whereas ammonium uptake was higher than alanine uptake in seedlings grown in lime-treated soil (about twofold) and, to a lesser extent, in the nitrogen- and sulfur-treated soils. The higher ammonium uptake by morphotypes from the limed soil was confirmed in pure culture studies. In cases where ammonium was used as the N source, an isolate of the S. variegatus morphotype collected in the limed soil produced more biomass compared with isolates of S. variegatus collected in nitrogen- or sulphur-treated soil. One isolate of a silvery white morphotype produced about equal amounts of biomass on alanine and ammonium, whereas all S. variegatus isolated performed better with ammonium as their N source. Based on the results it is hypothesised that liming can induce a shift in the ectomycorrhizal community, favouring individuals that mainly utilise inorganic nitrogen over those that primarily utilise organic nitrogen.  相似文献   

中国赤潮的发生趋势和研究进展   总被引:180,自引:0,他引:180  
周名江  朱明远  张经 《生命科学》2001,13(2):54-59,53
通过对中国沿海赤潮发生历史的回顾以及主要赤潮事件的分析,阐明了中国沿海赤潮发生所呈现的趋势,即频率增加,规模扩大,新的赤潮藻种不断出现,有毒赤潮种比例上升,以及有害赤潮危害程度日益增加,且初步分析了赤潮频发的内因和外因,综述了我国科学家在赤潮生消过程监测,赤潮灌的培养生物学和分类学,赤潮藻类的营养动力学及生理生态学特性,赤潮藻类的生活史,赤潮藻类毒素,赤潮的模型和赤潮防治及国际合作等方面工作的进展,指出了研究还存在的不足之处,并对未来赤潮研究和管理提出了建议。  相似文献   

Western Lake Erie (WLE) experiences anthropogenic eutrophication and annual, toxic cyanobacterial blooms of non-nitrogen (N) fixing Microcystis. Numerous studies have shown that bloom biomass is correlated with an increased proportion of soluble reactive phosphorus loading from the Maumee River. Long term monitoring shows that the proportion of the annual Maumee River N load of non-nitrate N, or total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), has also increased significantly (Spearman's ρ = 0.68, p = 0.001) over the last few decades and is also significantly correlated to cyanobacterial bloom biomass (Spearman's ρ = 0.64, p = 0.003). The ratio of chemically reduced N to oxidized N (TKN:NO3) concentrations was also compared to extracted chlorophyll and phycocyanin concentrations from all weekly sampling stations within WLE from 2009 to 2015. Both chlorophyll (Spearman's ρ = 0.657, p < 0.0001) and phycocyanin (Spearman's ρ = 0.714, p < 0.0001) were significantly correlated with TKN:NO3. This correlation between the increasing fraction of chemically reduced N from the Maumee River and increasing bloom biomass demonstrates the urgent need to control N loading, in addition to current P load reductions, to WLE and similar systems impacted by non-N-fixing, toxin-producing cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Barley plants (Hordewn vulgare L. cv. Atem) were grown fromseed for 28 d in flowing solution culture, during which timeroot temperature was lowered decrementally to 5?C. Plants werethen subjected to root temperatures of 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17or 25 ?C, with common air temperature of 25/15 ?C (day/night).Changes in growth, plant total N, and NO3 levels, andnet uptake of NH4+ and NO3 from a maintained concentrationof 10 mmol m–3 NH4NO3 were measured over 14 d. Dry matterproduction increased 6-fold with increasing root temperaturebetween 3–25 ?C. The growth response was biphasic followingan increase in root temperature. Phase I, lasting about 5 d,was characterized by high root specific growth rates relativeto those of the shoot, particularly on a fresh weight basis.During Phase I the shoot dry weight specific growth rates wereinversely related to root temperature between 3–13 ?C.Phase 2, from 5–14 d, was characterized by the approachtowards, and/or attainment of, balanced exponential growth betweenshoots and roots. Concentrations of total N in plant dry matterincreased with root temperature between 3–25 ?C, moreso in the shoots than roots and most acutely in the youngestfully expanded leaf (2?l–6?9% N). When N contents wereexpressed on a tissue fresh weight basis the variation withtemperature lessened and the highest concentration in the shootwas at 11 ?C. Uptake of N increased with root temperature, andat all temperatures uptake of NH4+, exceeded that of NO3,irrespective of time. The proportions of total N uptake over14 d absorbed in the form of NH4+ were (%): 86, 91, 75, 77,76, 73, 77, and 80, respectively, at 3, 5, 7, 9, Il, 13, 17,and 25 ?C. At all temperatures the preference for NH4+ overNO3 uptake increased with time. An inverse relationshipbetween root temperature (3–11 ?C) and the uptake of NH4+as a proportion of total N uptake was apparent during PhaseI. The possible mechanisms by which root temperature limitsgrowth and influences N uptake are discussed. Key words: Hordeum vulgare, root temperature, ammonium, nitrate, ion uptake, growth rate  相似文献   

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