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Multiple spotlights of attentional selection in human visual cortex   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
McMains SA  Somers DC 《Neuron》2004,42(4):677-686
Spatially directed attention strongly enhances visual perceptual processing. The metaphor of the "spotlight" has long been used to describe spatial attention; however, there has been considerable debate as to whether spatial attention must be unitary or may be split between discrete regions of space. This question was addressed here through functional MR imaging of human subjects as they performed a task that required simultaneous attention to two briefly displayed and masked targets at locations separated by distractor stimuli. These data reveal retinotopically specific enhanced activation in striate and extrastriate visual cortical representations of the two attended stimuli and no enhancement at the intervening representation of distractor stimuli. This finding of two spotlights was obtained within a single cortical hemisphere and across the two hemispheres. This provides direct evidence that spatial attention can select, in parallel, multiple low-level perceptual representations.  相似文献   

Techniques employed in rehabilitation of visual field disorders such as hemianopia are usually based on either visual or audio-visual stimulation and patients have to perform a training task. Here we present results from a completely different, novel approach that was based on passive unimodal auditory stimulation. Ten patients with either left or right-sided pure hemianopia (without neglect) received one hour of unilateral passive auditory stimulation on either their anopic or their intact side by application of repetitive trains of sound pulses emitted simultaneously via two loudspeakers. Immediately before and after passive auditory stimulation as well as after a period of recovery, patients completed a simple visual task requiring detection of light flashes presented along the horizontal plane in total darkness. The results showed that one-time passive auditory stimulation on the side of the blind, but not of the intact, hemifield of patients with hemianopia induced an improvement in visual detections by almost 100% within 30 min after passive auditory stimulation. This enhancement in performance was reversible and was reduced to baseline 1.5 h later. A non-significant trend of a shift of the visual field border toward the blind hemifield was obtained after passive auditory stimulation. These results are compatible with the view that passive auditory stimulation elicited some activation of the residual visual pathways, which are known to be multisensory and may also be sensitive to unimodal auditory stimuli as were used here. TRIAL REGISTRATION: DRKS00003577.  相似文献   

The present study analyzed haptic abilities of four squirrel monkeys. Using a two-alternative forced-choice procedure, stimuli were presented in a visually opaque box, allowing unrestrained test subjects to grab through a small opening and touch the discriminanda. Difference thresholds were determined by a modified method of limits. In the first experiment we determined size difference thresholds for the discrimination of circular cylinders using standard stimuli differing in diameter from 10 mm to 35 mm. In the second experiment a texture difference threshold was obtained for the discrimination of grooved surfaces (groove width 2-7 mm).The squirrel monkeys achieved a mean size difference threshold of 8% stimulus difference. The linear increase of absolute thresholds as a function of the starting stimulus size showed that haptic size discriminations in squirrel monkeys correspond to Weber's law. Three of the animals achieved a texture difference of 10% stimulus difference, while one monkey showed a distinctively lower haptic acuity. An analysis of the exploratory behavior points to a subject-related difference in the significance of cutaneous and kinesthetic information during size discriminations. Whereas differences in the animals' exploratory behavior did not correlate with the size difference threshold a subject achieved, different thresholds for texture discrimination can be explained by the different exploratory procedures the monkeys used to touch grooved surfaces. The low difference thresholds determined for the squirrel monkeys in the present study point to the significance of unrestrained test conditions for the assessment of the haptic capacity of a species.  相似文献   

The present study analyzed haptic abilities of four squirrel monkeys. Using a two-alternative forced-choice procedure, stimuli were presented in a visually opaque box, allowing unrestrained test subjects to grab through a small opening and touch the discriminanda. Difference thresholds were determined by a modified method of limits. In the first experiment we determined size difference thresholds for the discrimination of circular cylinders using standard stimuli differing in diameter from 10 mm to 35 mm. In the second experiment a texture difference threshold was obtained for the discrimination of grooved surfaces (groove width 2-7 mm). The squirrel monkeys achieved a mean size difference threshold of 8% stimulus difference. The linear increase of absolute thresholds as a function of the starting stimulus size showed that haptic size discriminations in squirrel monkeys correspond to Weber's law. Three of the animals achieved a texture difference of 10% stimulus difference, while one monkey showed a distinctively lower haptic acuity. An analysis of the exploratory behavior points to a subject-related difference in the significance of cutaneous and kinesthetic information during size discriminations. Whereas differences in the animals' exploratory behavior did not correlate with the size difference threshold a subject achieved, different thresholds for texture discrimination can be explained by the different exploratory procedures the monkeys used to touch grooved surfaces. The low difference thresholds determined for the squirrel monkeys in the present study point to the significance of unrestrained test conditions for the assessment of the haptic capacity of a species.  相似文献   

Orientation discrimination thresholds for medium contrast sinewave grating stimuli were estimated by a forced-choice procedure for the two principal, and the two main oblique axes. The results obtained for simultaneous presentation with a centre/surround stimulus arrangement are compared with the threshold estimates obtained when the two stimuli to be discriminated do not overlap in time. We find that orientation acuity depends on the temporal relationship of the discriminanda. Estimates of orientation threshold with simultaneous presentation are lower on all axes tested than those obtained with successive presentation; the greatest difference in orientation acuity was found at obliques. The data support the hypothesis that the meridional anisotropy in orientation discrimination that is found with conventional, two-interval forced-choice methods is not entirely attributable to anatomical and physiological changes at the level of the striate cortex.  相似文献   

Zhou J  Shi XM  Peng QS  Hua GP  Hua TM 《动物学研究》2011,32(5):533-539
对人类和动物的心理学研究证实,老年个体的视觉对比敏感度相对青年个体显著下降。为揭示其可能的神经机制,采用在体细胞外单细胞记录技术研究青、老年猫(Felis catus)初级视皮层(primary visual cortex,V1)细胞对不同视觉刺激对比度的调谐反应。结果显示,老年猫V1细胞对视觉刺激反应的平均对比敏感度比青年猫显著下降,这与灵长类报道的研究结果相一致,表明衰老影响视皮层细胞对视觉刺激反应的对比敏感度是灵长类和非灵长类哺乳动物中普遍存在的现象,并可能是介导老年性视觉对比敏感度下降的神经基础。另外,与青年猫相比,老年猫初级视皮层细胞对视觉刺激的反应性显著增强,信噪比下降,感受野显著增大,表明衰老导致的初级视皮层细胞对视觉刺激反应的对比敏感度下降伴随着皮层内抑制性作用减弱。  相似文献   

A dissociation between visual awareness and visual discrimination is referred to as “blindsight”. Blindsight results from loss of function of the primary visual cortex (V1) which can occur due to cerebrovascular accidents (i.e. stroke-related lesions). There are also numerous reports of similar, though reversible, effects on vision induced by transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) to early visual cortex. These effects point to V1 as the “gate” of visual awareness and have strong implications for understanding the neurological underpinnings of consciousness. It has been argued that evidence for the dissociation between awareness of, and responses to, visual stimuli can be a measurement artifact of the use of a high response criterion under yes-no measures of visual awareness when compared with the criterion free forced-choice responses. This difference between yes-no and forced-choice measures suggests that evidence for a dissociation may actually be normal near-threshold conscious vision. Here we describe three experiments that tested visual performance in normal subjects when their visual awareness was suppressed by applying TMS to the occipital pole. The nature of subjects’ performance whilst undergoing occipital TMS was then verified by use of a psychophysical measure (d'') that is independent of response criteria. This showed that there was no genuine dissociation in visual sensitivity measured by yes-no and forced-choice responses. These results highlight that evidence for visual sensitivity in the absence of awareness must be analysed using a bias-free psychophysical measure, such as d'', In order to confirm whether or not visual performance is truly unconscious.  相似文献   

Attention without awareness in blindsight.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The act of attending has frequently been equated with visual awareness. We examined this relationship in 'blindsight'--a condition in which the latter is absent or diminished as a result of damage to the primary visual cortex. Spatially selective visual attention is demonstrated when information that stimuli are likely to appear at a specific location enhances the speed or accuracy of detection of stimuli subsequently presented at that location. In a blindsight subject, we showed that attention can confer an advantage in processing stimuli presented at an attended location, without those stimuli entering consciousness. Attention could be directed both by symbolic cues in the subject's spared field of vision or cues presented in his blind field. Cues in his blind field were even effective in directing his attention to a second location remote from that at which the cue was presented. These indirect cues were effective whether or not they themselves elicited non-visual awareness. We concluded that the spatial selection of information by an attentional mechanism and its entry into conscious experience cannot be one and the same process.  相似文献   

The study of blind individuals provides insight into the brain re-organization and behavioral compensations that occur following sensory deprivation. While behavioral studies have yielded conflicting results in terms of performance levels within the remaining senses, deafferentation of visual cortical areas through peripheral blindness results in clear neuroplastic changes. Most striking is the activation of occipital cortex in response to auditory and tactile stimulation. Indeed, parts of the "unimodal" visual cortex are recruited by other sensory modalities to process sensory information in a functionally relevant manner. In addition, a larger area of the sensorimotor cortex is devoted to the representation of the reading finger in blind Braille readers. The "visual" function of the deafferented occipital cortex is also altered, where transcranial magnetic stimulation-induced phosphenes can be elicited in only 20% of blind subjects. The neural mechanisms underlying these changes remain elusive but recent data showing rapid cross-modal plasticity in blindfolded, sighted subjects argue against the establishment of new connections to explain cross-modal interactions in the blind. Rather, latent pathways that participate in multisensory percepts in sighted subjects might be unmasked and may be potentiated in the event of complete loss of visual input. These issues have important implications for the development of visual prosthesis aimed at restoring some degree of vision in the blind.  相似文献   

Visual evoked magnetic fields due to pattern reversal stimuli were measured in 5 normal subjects using a helmet-shaped 66 channel magnetoencephalography system linked to MRI. The magnetic topography of the prominent 100 ms response (P100m) evoked by full-field visual showed a double-dipole pattern in the occipital areas of all subjects. Right or left half-field stimuli and upper or lower quadrant-field stimuli evoked a single-dipole pattern in the contralateral occipital area. The P100m sources were when localized using a current dipole model and superimposed on MRI images of each subject. The visual cortex was morphologically variable among the subjects, but the P100m dipoles were all localized at the lateral bottom of the calcarine fissure. Moreover, these P100m dipoles had similar orientations for both half- or quadrant-field stimuli. These results suggest that the P100m is located in a smaller part of the striate cortex than previously reported.  相似文献   

The brain mechanisms of adaptation to visual transposition are of increasing interest, not only for research on sensory-motor coordination, but also for neuropsychological rehabilitation. Sugita [Nature 380 (1996) 523] found that after adaptation to left-right reversed vision for one and a half months, monkey V1 neurons responded to stimuli presented not only in the contralateral visual field, but also in the ipsilateral visual field. To identify the underlying neuronal mechanisms of adaptation to visual transposition, we conducted fMRI and behavioral experiments for which four adult human subjects wore left-right reversing goggles for 35/39 days, and investigated: (1) whether ipsilateral V1 activation can be induced in human adult subjects; (2) if yes, when the ipsilateral activity starts, and what kind of behavioral/psychological changes occur accompanying the ipsilateral activity; (3) whether other visual cortices also show an ipsilateral activity change. The results of behavioral experiments showed that visuomotor coordinative function and internal representation of peripersonal space rapidly adapted to the left-right reversed vision within the first or second week. Accompanying these behavioral changes, we found that both primary (V1) and extrastriate (MT/MST) visual cortex in human adults responded to visual stimuli presented in the ipsilateral visual field. In addition, the ipsilateral activity started much sooner than the one and a half months, which had been expected from the monkey neurophysiological study. The results of the present study serve as physiological evidence of large-scale, cross-hemisphere, cerebral plasticity that exists even in adult human brain.  相似文献   

The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has a sophisticated visual system and exhibits complex visual behaviors. Visual responses, vision processing and higher cognitive processes in Drosophila have been studied extensively. However, little is known about whether the retinal location of visual stimuli can affect fruit fly performance in various visual tasks. We tested the response of wild-type Berlin flies to visual stimuli at several vertical locations. Three paradigms were used in our study: visual operant conditioning, visual object fixation and optomotor response. We observed an acute zone for visual feature memorization in the upper visual field when visual patterns were presented with a black background. However, when a white background was used, the acute zone was in the lower visual field. Similar to visual feature memorization, the best locations for visual object fixation and optomotor response to a single moving stripe were in the lower visual field with a white background and the upper visual field with a black background. The preferred location for the optomotor response to moving gratings was around the equator of the visual field. Our results suggest that different visual processing pathways are involved in different visual tasks and that there is a certain degree of overlap between the pathways for visual feature memorization, visual object fixation and optomotor response.  相似文献   

神经系统中存在大量下行投射,与上行输入一起形成复杂的前馈与反馈回路,调控神经信号的传导和处理,但目前对皮层内反馈投射的功能作用认识还比较薄弱.通过微量注射抑制性神经递质γ-氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid,GABA),使猫纹外皮层后内侧外上雪氏区(area posteromedial lateral suprasylvian,PMLS)局部可逆性失活,使用胞外记录方法,研究初级视皮层17区神经元反应特性的变化.实验结果显示,PMLS区失活后,17区细胞对运动刺激的反应总体减弱,反应的相对稳定性基本不变,最高发放率/自发之比有所下降.与此同时,细胞的方向选择性指数减小,朝向选择性无显著变化.除少数"双向"反应细胞外,绝大部分细胞的最优方向基本不变.进一步分析发现,细胞对各个方向刺激的反应普遍下降,最优方向上的下降程度最大,是导致方向选择性减弱的主要原因.这些结果表明,PMLS区反馈投射可增强初级视皮层的方向选择性,而对朝向选择性影响有限.这一作用特点体现了PMLS区在皮层中偏重处理运动视觉信息的功能.  相似文献   

Over three months of intensive training with a tactile stimulation device, 18 blind and 10 blindfolded seeing subjects improved in their ability to identify geometric figures by touch. Seven blind subjects spontaneously reported 'visual qualia', the subjective sensation of seeing flashes of light congruent with tactile stimuli. In the latter subjects tactile stimulation evoked activation of occipital cortex on electroencephalography (EEG). None of the blind subjects who failed to experience visual qualia, despite identical tactile stimulation training, showed EEG recruitment of occipital cortex. None of the blindfolded seeing humans reported visual-like sensations during tactile stimulation. These findings support the notion that the conscious experience of seeing is linked to the activation of occipital brain regions in people with blindness. Moreover, the findings indicate that provision of visual information can be achieved through non-visual sensory modalities which may help to minimize the disability of blind individuals, affording them some degree of object recognition and navigation aid.  相似文献   

Cross-orientation suppression (COS) in striate cortex has been implicated in the efficient encoding of visual stimuli. We show that release from COS facilitates the decoding of 3-D shape. In planar surfaces overlaid with textures, slanting the surface can increase the visibility of the component parallel to the slant. Since this component provides the orientation flows that signify 3-D shape, the enhancement of visibility facilitates 3-D slant perception. Contrast thresholds reveal that this enhancement results from a decrease in COS when 3-D slant creates a frequency mismatch between texture components. We show that coupling compressive nonlinearities in LGN neurons with expansive nonlinearities in cortical neurons can model the frequency-specific component of suppression.  相似文献   

In 22 acute experiments with anesthetized and immobilized adult cats, 364 maps of receptive fields (RF) of 47 striate neurons were obtained by means of single local stimuli flashed at different parts of the visual field, or with additional asynchronous activation of the RF excitatory center with oscillating bar of the optimal orientation. Under bipartite stimulation, considerable and significant decrease in the square and weight of the central excitatory RF zone was revealed in more then 75% of the studied cells. Additional excitatory zones appeared in 54% of cases, or the square and weight of the excitatory zones substantially increased, and inhibitory zones developed in 90% of cases. These effects were correlated with the degree of increase in the background firing during transition from the mode of mapping with single stimulation to that with bipartite stimulation. The mechanism and possible functional role of cooperative excitatory and inhibitory intracortical interactions in organization of receptive fields and detection of features of a visual image are discussed.  相似文献   

For many animals, the visual detection of looming stimuli is crucial at any stage of their lives. For example, human babies of only 6 days old display evasive responses to looming stimuli (Bower et al. [1971]: Percept Psychophys 9: 193–196). This means the neuronal pathways involved in looming detection should mature early in life. Locusts have been used extensively to examine the neural circuits and mechanisms involved in sensing looming stimuli and triggering visually evoked evasive actions, making them ideal subjects in which to investigate the development of looming sensitivity. Two lobula giant movement detectors (LGMD) neurons have been identified in the lobula region of the locust visual system: the LGMD1 neuron responds selectively to looming stimuli and provides information that contributes to evasive responses such as jumping and emergency glides. The LGMD2 responds to looming stimuli and shares many response properties with the LGMD1. Both neurons have only been described in the adult. In this study, we describe a practical method combining classical staining techniques and 3D neuronal reconstructions that can be used, even in small insects, to reveal detailed anatomy of individual neurons. We have used it to analyze the anatomy of the fan‐shaped dendritic tree of the LGMD1 and the LGMD2 neurons in all stages of the post‐embryonic development of Locusta migratoria. We also analyze changes seen during the ontogeny of escape behaviors triggered by looming stimuli, specially the hiding response. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 1078–1095, 2014  相似文献   

Blindsight patients, whose primary visual cortex is lesioned, exhibit preserved ability to discriminate visual stimuli presented in their "blind" field, yet report no visual awareness hereof. Blindsight is generally studied in experimental investigations of single patients, as very few patients have been given this "diagnosis". In our single case study of patient GR, we ask whether blindsight is best described as unconscious vision, or rather as conscious, yet severely degraded vision. In experiment 1 and 2, we successfully replicate the typical findings of previous studies on blindsight. The third experiment, however, suggests that GR's ability to discriminate amongst visual stimuli does not reflect unconscious vision, but rather degraded, yet conscious vision. As our finding results from using a method for obtaining subjective reports that has not previously used in blindsight studies (but validated in studies of healthy subjects and other patients with brain injury), our results call for a reconsideration of blindsight, and, arguably also of many previous studies of unconscious perception in healthy subjects.  相似文献   

Receptive field position and orientation disparities are both properties of binocularly discharged striate neurons. Receptive field position desparities have been used as a key element in the neural theory for binocular depth discrimination. Since most striate cells in the cat are binocular, these position disparities require that cells immediately adjacent to one another in the cortex should show a random scatter in their monocular receptive field positions. Superimposed on the progressive topographical representation of the visual field on the striate cortex there is experimental evidence for a localized monocular receptive field position scatter. The suggestion is examined that the binocular position disparities are built up out of the two monocular position scatters. An examination of receptive field orientation disparities and their relation to the random variation in the monocular preferred orientations of immediately adjacent striate neurons also leads to the conclusion that binocular orientation disparities are a consequence of the two monocular scatters. As for receptive field position, the local scatter in preferred orientation is superimposed on a progressive representation of orientation over larger areas of the cortex. The representation in the striate cortex of visual field position and of stimulus orientation is examined in relation to the correlation between the disparities in receptive field position and preferred orientation. The role of orientation disparities in binocular vision is reviewed.  相似文献   

Retinal prosthesis technologies require that the visual system downstream of the retinal circuitry be capable of transmitting and elaborating visual signals. We studied the capability of plastic remodeling in late blind subjects implanted with the Argus II Retinal Prosthesis with psychophysics and functional MRI (fMRI). After surgery, six out of seven retinitis pigmentosa (RP) blind subjects were able to detect high-contrast stimuli using the prosthetic implant. However, direction discrimination to contrast modulated stimuli remained at chance level in all of them. No subject showed any improvement of contrast sensitivity in either eye when not using the Argus II. Before the implant, the Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) activity in V1 and the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) was very weak or absent. Surprisingly, after prolonged use of Argus II, BOLD responses to visual input were enhanced. This is, to our knowledge, the first study tracking the neural changes of visual areas in patients after retinal implant, revealing a capacity to respond to restored visual input even after years of deprivation.  相似文献   

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