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Preparation of herpes simplex virus of high titer.   总被引:53,自引:41,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文

目的 制备人源性高效价人巨细胞病毒免疫球蛋白(HCMV-IgC)。方法 用ELISA方法从检验合格的献血员血浆中筛选HCMV-IgC滴度≥1:5000的血浆,采用低温乙醇法制备HCMV-IgC。结果 按《中国生物制品规程2000版》肌肉注射人血球蛋白检定标准,各项检定均合格,且HCMV-IgC滴度为1:150000。结论成功地制备出高效价HCMV-IgC。  相似文献   

腮腺炎病毒抗血清的制备   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以制备适用于疫苗生产检定中病毒鉴别试验和外源因子检查的高效价腮腺炎病毒抗血清为目的。用腮腺炎病毒接种SPF鸡胚尿囊腔,培养收取病毒尿液免疫SPF鸡,采集抗血清。腮腺炎病毒接种Vero细胞,培养病毒抗原经PEG沉淀,超速离心法纯化后免疫家兔采集抗血清。比较两种免疫方法所得病毒抗血清效价。结果显示SPF鸡抗腮腺炎病毒血清中和抗体GMT为1:1716,兔抗腮腺炎病毒血清中和抗体GMT为1:732。两种动物抗血清均适用于疫苗生产相关检定。免疫SPF鸡制备的病毒抗血清无特定病原及抗体污染,是毒种外源因子检测和疫苗鉴别试验的理想试剂。免疫SPF鸡制备病毒抗血清的程序简单,结果易于验证,有利于生物试剂标准化。  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lambda integrase (Int) is a versatile site-specific recombinase. In concert with other proteins, it mediates phage integration into and excision out of the bacterial chromosome. Int recombines intramolecular sites in inverse or direct orientation or sites on separate DNA molecules. This wide spectrum of Int-mediated reactions has, however, hindered our understanding of the topology of Int recombination. By systematically analyzing the topology of Int reaction products and using a mathematical method called tangles, we deduce a unified model for Int recombination. We find that, even in the absence of (-) supercoiling, all Int reactions are chiral, producing one of two possible enantiomers of each product. We propose that this chirality reflects a right-handed DNA crossing within or between recombination sites in the synaptic complex that favors formation of right-handed Holliday junction intermediates. We demonstrate that the change in linking number associated with excisive inversion with relaxed DNA is equally +2 and -2, reflecting two different substrates with different topology but the same chirality. Additionally, we deduce that integrative Int recombination differs from excisive recombination only by additional plectonemic (-) DNA crossings in the synaptic complex: two with supercoiled substrates and one with relaxed substrates. The generality of our results is indicated by our finding that two other members of the integrase superfamily of recombinases, Flp of yeast and Cre of phage P1, show the same intrinsic chirality as lambda Int.  相似文献   

UV irradiation of Escherichia coli wild-type cells manifested the phenomena of W-reactivation (WR) and W-mutagenesis (WM) of phage lambda irradiated by 60Co gamma-rays in broth. WR of gamma-irradiated phage was half as efficient as that of UV-irradiated phage, although the frequency of c mutations in conditions of WR was about the same in both phages. The xthA and recBrecC sbcB mutants were practically identical with wild-type cells in respect of WR and WM of UV- and gamma-irradiated phage. As in UV-irradiated phage, WR and WM of gamma-irradiated phage were absolutely dependent on the recA+ and lexA+ genes of the host cell. WR and WM required much smaller doses of UV radiation for induction in polA1 and uvrB mutants. The lig-ts mutant, temperature sensitive in polynucleotide ligase, was deficient in WR and WM of UV- and gamma-irradiated phage at the semi-permissive temperature of 37 degrees. The uvrE502 mutant and the allelic recL152 strain were absolutely deficient in WR and WM of gamma-irradiated phage. In UV-irradiated phage WR was reduced, but not eliminated, in the uvrE mutant, and WM was entirely suppressed. This is another example of uncoupling of WR and WM which shows that several repair systems are active in WR but only some of them are mutagenic.  相似文献   

A study was made of the effect of recA- mutation on the spontaneous filament formation and the spontaneous induction of the lambda prophage in the E. coli K12 strain bearing lonB- mutation. It was revealed that in the absence of a functionally-active product of the recA- gene the lonB- strain of E. coli K12 displayed but a partial depression of spontaneous formation of filamentous forms and of spontaneous induction of the lambda prophage.  相似文献   

目的: 制备高效价SDMA血清多克隆抗体。方法: 先由鸟氨酸合成乙胺基丙胺,再与SDMA合成SDMA半抗原,再用戊二醛法将SDMA半抗原与载体蛋白BSA(或OVA)偶联,合成SDMA完全抗原。完全抗原用弗氏佐剂乳化,免疫2只新西兰大耳白兔,隔两周免疫一次,第五次免疫一周后,心脏取血,分离血清,ELISA法检测血清中抗体的滴度,用竞争ELISA法检测小分子的抑制作用。结果: 两只兔免疫获得的抗SDMA抗体血清滴度分别为1∶128 000和1∶56 000;小分子竞争后两只兔血清吸光度值均接近阴性血清吸光度值,说明小分子抑制作用均良好。结论: 血清中抗体滴度达1∶104以上,小分子抑制作用良好,初步说明SDMA兔血清抗体制备成功。  相似文献   

Summary Lambda repressor was purified from an E. coli strain which produces 150 times more lambda repressor than a single lysogen. The sequence of the fifty N-terminal residues was determined by automated Edman degradation. It contains 43% of all arginine and lysine residues of the chain and constitutes according to the genetic data of Oppenheim et al. (1975) a substantial part of the operator-DNA-binding site of the repressor.  相似文献   

A rapid and simple method is described for the isolation of DNA from phage lambda which requires neither special equipment nor expensive material such as cesium chloride for ultracentrifugation nor extractions with organic solvents or ethanol precipitation. Microgram quantities of lambda DNA are obtained in less than 2 h from 90-mm plate lysates or 5-ml liquid cultures. The method allows the simultaneous isolation of large numbers of probes, e.g., clones from phage libraries. Lambda phages are precipitated by polyethylene glycol/sodium chloride and recovered by low speed centrifugation onto glass fiber filters positioned in disposable syringes. The DNA of phages is released by a 50% formamide/4 M sodium perchlorate solution, washed in filter-bound form, eluted with a small volume of low-salt buffer or water, and finally recovered by centrifugation. Comparison of the DNA isolated by this method with that obtained by two conventional procedures reveals both a similar recovery and a similar suitability for restriction enzyme digestion and subcloning.  相似文献   

An enlarged threshold model of the Regulatory System of Development of λ -Phage (RSDP λ-2) is built. It includes 15 synthetic blocks of proteins and mRNAs and four blocks corresponding to the other ontogenetic processes: two-stage replication, integration and excision of phage genome, formation of oligomers of regulatory proteins, regulation of bacteriallysis. By way of computer simulation of the RSDP A-2 model the dynamics of concentrations of all main proteins, respective fractions of mRNAs and DNA are described in the lytic and lysogenic regimes of phage ontogenesis. Results obtained are in good agreement with available experimental data. The dependence of a portion (%) of lysogenic responses on the multiplicity k of phage infection of bacterial culture, is built. This curve has a maximum point in accordance with the experimental data of P. Kourilsky (1973).  相似文献   

A modified procedure in two versions (micro, for 10 ml of phage lysate, and macro, for 200-500 ml) is described for preparing lambda phage DNA. The main advantage of the modified method is that it gives a possibility to isolate high-quality DNA from lambda phage lysates in 2-3 hrs. Only standard solutions (TE, NaCl, SDS, MgCl2, EDTA, RNAse A) were used throughout the whole protocol. Incubation with DNAse I and proteinase K was omitted and in microvariant concentration of the phage by PEG 6000 was excluded. Digestion by RNAse A was performed in solution with EDTA and SDS and leads to RNA degradation. The yields of DNA (0.5-2 micrograms per ml of L-broth) are similar to those obtained by other methods. DNA quality is better than in the samples of DNA prepared by other express-methods and practically the same as after CsCl centrifugation. DNA can be used for splitting by restriction enzymes, cloning and gene library construction.  相似文献   

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