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1. A stable ATPase [EC] complex (TF0-F1) from the thermophilic bacterium PS3 was reconstituted into vesicles capable of energy transformation,measured as ATP-dependent enhancement of fluorescence of 8-anilinonoaphthalene-1-sulfonate. 2. The factors necessary for obtaining highly active vesicles were investigated. Cholate and deoxycholate were both required for solubilization of TF0-F1 and P-lipids, and removal of the detergents by dialysis resulted in vesicle formation. Medium of around pH 8 and low ionic strength containing 2.5 mM MgSO4 was found suitable for dialysis. The optimal temperature for reconstitution was 30 degrees with soybean P-lipids and 45 degree with PS3 P-lipids. The optimal ratio of protein to lipid was about 1/50. 3. The vesicles obtained under these conditions were mainly 100-200 nm in diameter, covered with 9.5 nm spheres, and had a bouyant density of 1.06 in sucrose andan internal volume of about 0.5 mul per mg of P-lipids.  相似文献   

1. A stable ATPase complex with sensitivity to dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (TFo-F1) was purified from the membranes of the thermophilic aerobic bacterium PS3, by ion exchange chromatography in the presence of Triton X-100. 2. The ATPase of TFo-F1 was maximal at 70 degrees at pH 8.6 and was stable after monomerization in 4 M urea and 0.5% Triton X-100 at 25 degrees. The activity was dependent on Mg2+, Co2+, or Mn2+, and it became insensitive to dicyclohexylcarbodiimide when Ca2+ or Cd2+ was added instead. 3. TFo-F1 required P-lipids of this bacterium contained branched fatty acyl groups but no unsaturated groups and were stable against oxidation and heat. 4. Studies by electron microscopy, gel electrophoresis, and use of anti-ATPase antibody and [3H]acetyl-ATPase indicated that the TFo-F1 complex was composed of an ATPase moiety (TF1, five different subunits) and a hydrophobic moiety (TFo, three different subunits. TFo conferred TF1 with sensitivity to dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. 5. Vesicles catalyzing 32Pi-ATP exchange and ATP-driven enhancement of fluorescence of anilinonaphthalene sulfonate were reconstituted by dialyzing pure TFo-F1 and P-lipids together, and were active even at 50-75 degrees. The vesicles reconstituted from TFo-F1 and bacterial P-lipids were more stable than those reconstituted from TFo-F1 and soybean P-lipids.  相似文献   

Vesicles were reconstituted from a purified dicyclohexyl-carbodiimide-sensitive ATPase complex (TF0-F1) and phospholipids of a thermophilic bacterium PS3. These vesicles synthesized ATP from ADP and Pi with energy from an electrochemical proton gradient (delta-micronH+) formed by a pH gradient and an electrical potential across their membranes. Maximal ATP synthesis was achieved by incubating the vesicles in malonate at pH 5.5 with valinomycin, and then rapidly transferring them to a solution of pH 8.4 and 150 mM K+. Under these conditons ATP synthesis continued at a decreasing rate for 30 s at 40 degrees. Appreciable formation of ATP (40 to 150 nmol/mg of TF0-F1) occurred at an initial delta-micronH+ above 205 mV and moderate formation at an initial value above 180 mV. ATP hydrolysis by the vesicles produced a delta-micronH+, and the additions of 32Pi and hexokinase to them resulted in 32Pi esterification. Analysis of the time courses of 32Pi esterification and decays of the pH difference and membrane potential, followed using 9-aminoacridine and 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonate, respectively, as probes, showed a relationship between delta-micronH+ and the rate of ATP synthesis. These results demonstrate that purified TF0-F1 is itself a reversible H+-translocating ATPase of oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Adenosine triphosphatase from the thermophilic bacterium PS3(TF1) has been studied by solution X-ray scattering. A structural change in TF1 caused by the binding of ADP was observed by examining the difference between the radii of gyration of the unligated and ligated forms. The radius of gyration of the unligated TF1 was found to be 49.5 +/- 0.3 A, and it decreased by approximately 3% after ligation with ADP. The positions and the amplitudes of a subsidiary maximum and a shoulder in the scattering profile showed subtle change on nucleotide binding. The lower limit of the maximum length of TF1 was determined to be 165 A for the unligated form and 150 A for the ligated form. The shape analysis of TF1 was performed by model calculations for simple triaxial bodies or their complexes. Among the various models tested, the one that gave the best fit with the experimental data consisted of seven ellipsoids of revolution; six identical ellipsoids with semi-axes: a = b = 18.5 A and c = 74 A. arranged hexagonally, and the other with a = b = 28 A and c = 45 A, located below the other six on the 6-fold axis. On the basis of this model it was suggested that there is a structural change on ligation with nucleotides, consisting of a shrinkage of the six long ellipsoids by 6% along their major axes.  相似文献   

1. The membrane-integrated portion (TF0) of the proton translocating ATPase complex (TF0-F1) of the thermophilic bacterium PS3 was highly purified. Its proton-conducting activity was investigated in vesicles reconstituted from TF0 and phospholipids (TF0 vesicles). 2. The rate of proton conduction through TF0 was proportional to the membrane potential imposed (6H+ uptake/s/TF0 molecule with 103 mV at pH 8.0). The pH profile of the rate revealed that a proton, not a hydroxy ion, was the true substrate conducted and that there was a monoprotic proton binding site in TF0 (pKa = 6.8). The temperature coefficient of proton conductance of TF0 showed a considerable variation depending on the phospholipids of the vesicles with respective transition temperatures. 3. Passive proton conduction through TF0 was inhibited stoichiometrically by addition of either the soluble ATPase portion (TF1) of TF0-F1, or an energy transfer inhibitor dicyclohexylcarbodiimide or an antibody against TF0. 4. The proton conductance of TF0 was concluded to represent its intrinsic activity in the original TF0-F1 complex.  相似文献   

The soluble portion (TF1) of proton-translocating ATPase from thermophilic bacterium PS3 was labeled with a fluorescent dye N-(1-pyrene)maleimide. The decay of fluorescence anisotropy of the adduct showed that TF1 in aqueous solution was characterized by a volume of equivalent sphere of 1,120 nm3. This value is 2.4 times the volume calculated from the molecular weight and partial specific volume, indicating a non-spherical shape and/or extensive hydration. A prolate ellipsoid with an axial ratio of 2 to 3 is suggested as a first approximation of the shape of hydrated TF1. The presence or absence of ATP, ADP, or Mg2+ did not alter the volume of the equivalent sphere appreciably; the probable conformational change of TF1 induced by these ligands does not lead to a gross alteration of its hydrodynamic properties.  相似文献   

The primary structures of all the subunits of thermophilic ATP synthase were determined, and its alpha, beta and gamma subunits could be over-expressed in Escherichia coli, because these subunits were stable and reconstitutable. DNA of 7500 base pairs in length was found to contain a cluster of nine genes for subunits of ATP synthase. The order of their reading frames (size in base pairs) was: I(381): a(630): c(216): b(489): delta(537): alpha(1507): gamma(858): beta(1419): epsilon(396), I being a gene for a small hydrophobic, basic protein expressed in vitro. All the termini of TF0F1 subunits were confirmed by peptide sequencing. Large quantities of the overexpressed thermophilic alpha, beta and gamma subunits were prepared from the extract of E. coli, by a few purification steps.  相似文献   

Bacillus stearothermophilus 50 S ribosomal subunits have been reconstituted from a mixture of purified RNA and protein components. The protein fraction of 50 S subunits was separated into 27 components by a combination of various methods including ion exchange and gel filtration chromatography. The individual proteins showed single bands in a variety of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis systems, and nearly all showed single spots on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels. The molecular weights of the proteins were determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. An equimolar mixture of the purified proteins was combined with 23 S RNA and 5 S RNA to reconstitute active 50 S subunits by the procedure of Nomura and Erdmann (Nomura, M., and Erdmann, V. A. (1970) Nature 226, 1214-1218). Reconstituted 52 S subunits containing purified proteins were slightly more active than subunits reconstituted with an unfractionated total protein extract in poly(U)-dependent polyphenylalanine synthesis and showed comparable activity in various assays for ribosomal function. The reconstitution proceeded more rapidly with the mixture of purified proteins than with the total protein extract. Reconstituted 50 S subunits containing purified proteins co-sedimented with native 50 S subunits on sucrose gradients and had a similar protein compsoition. Initial experiments on the roles of the individual proteins in ribosomal structure and function were performed. B. stearothermophilus protein 13 was extracted from 50 S subunits under the same conditions as escherichia coli L7/L12, and the extraction had a similar effect on ribosomal function. When single proteins were omitted from reconstitution mixtures, in most cases the reconstituted 50 S subunits showed decreased activity in polypheylalanine synthesis.  相似文献   

Treatment of purified ATPase of the thermophilic bacterium PS-3 with the arginine reagent phenylglyoxal or with Woodward's reagent K, gave complete inactivation of the enzyme. The inactivation rates followed apparent first-order kinetics. The apparent order of reaction with respect to inhibitor concentrations gave values near to 1 with both reagents, suggesting that inactivation was a consequence of modifying one arginine or carboxyl group per active site. ADP and ATP strongly protected the thermophilic ATPase against both reagents. GDP and IDP protected less, whilst CTP did not protect. Experiments in which the incorporation of [14C]phenylglyoxal into the enzyme was measured show that extrapolation of incorporation to 100% inactivation of the enzyme gives 8-9 mol [14C]phenylglyoxal per mol ATPase, whilst ADP or ATP prevent modification of about one arginine per mol.  相似文献   

ATPase was reconstituted from mixtures of isolated subunits of coupling factor, F1 ATPase of E. coli (EF1) and thermophilic bacterium PS3 (TF1); ability to hydrolyze ATP was attained from the combination of α and β subunits from EF1 and γ subunit from TF1, α and β from TF1 and γ from EF1, and α and γ from EF1 and β from TF1. The β subunit of TF1 also could complement the EF1 from an E. coli mutant defective in this subunit. This is the first demonstration of interspecies in vitro recombination of ATPase activity from isolated subunits.  相似文献   

Ca-2+-ATPase purified from sarcoplasmic reticulum of rabbit muscle forms a phsophoeznyme when exposed to inorganic phosphate in the presence of Mg-2+. On addition of ADP and Ca-2+ virtually all of the phosphate bound to the enzyme is transferred to form ATP. It has been shown previously and confirmed by us that (a) the purified ATPase contains one major polypeptide and about 30% phospholipids; (b) on removal of residual detergent by passage through Sephadex the enzyme forms vesicular membranes; and (c) these vesicles are leaky and incapable of accumulating Ca-2+. Our findings therefore indicate that we have observed ATP generation from ADP and P-i without the formation of an ion gradient across a membrane. We propose that the energy derived from ion-protein interaction drives the formation of ATP.  相似文献   

Controlled tryptic digestion of purified rat skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-adenosine triphosphate yields two products designated Fragments 3a and 3b with molecular weights of 65,000 and 56,000 respectively. The isolation of these products in high yield should facilitate exploration of the molecular characteristics of this adenosine triphosphatase. A simple, rapid method for accomplishing this isolation was developed which provides a high yield and utilizes mild conditions. The fragments obtained by this method were used to determine the phospholipid and sulfhydryl contents of Fragments 3a and 3b. In addition, information was obtained on the orientation of these adenosine triphosphatase components in the enzyme lipoprotein complex.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of the difference in the electrochemical potential of protons (delta-mu H+) across the membrane of vesicles restituted from the ATPase complex (TF0.F1) purified from a thermophilic bacterium and P-lipids. Two fluorescent dyes, anilinonaphthalene sulfonate (ANS) and 9-aminoacridine (9AA) were used as probes for measuring the membrane potential (delta psi) and pH difference across the membrane (delta pH), respectively. In the presence of Tris buffer the maximal delta psi ans no delta pH were produced, while in the presence of the permeant anion NO-3 the maximal delta pH and a low delta psi were produced by the addition of ATP. When thATP concentration was 0.24 mm, the delta psi was 140-150 mV (positive inside) in Tris buffer, and the delta pH was 2.9-3.5 units (acidic inside) in the presence of NO-3. Addition of a saturating amount of ATP produced somewhat larger delta psi and delta pH values, and the delta -muH+attained was about 310mV. By trapping pH indicators in the vesicles during their reconstitution it was found that the pH inside the vesicles was pH 4-5 during ATP hydrolysis. The effects of energy transfer inhibitors, uncouplers, ionophores, and permeant anions on these vesicles were studied.  相似文献   

The TF1-ATPase from the thermophilic bacterium, PS3, is inactivated by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD). This inactivation is stimulated by ADP and other specific nucleotides and is inhibited by Mg2+. When the inactivation is carried out with [14C]DCCD, about 2 g atoms of 14C are bound/mol of TF1 when the enzyme is nearly completely inactivated. The isolated subunits from TF1 inactivated with [14C]DCCD contain the following amounts of 14C/mol: alpha, 0.12 g atom; beta, 0.47 g atom; gamma, approximately 0.04 g atom; delta, none; and epsilon, 0.05 g atom. Fractionation of tryptic digests have shown that the 14C bound to the alpha subunit is nonspecifically associated with several peptides, and that the 14C bound to the beta subunit is associated with a single tryptic peptide with the amino acid sequence Ala-Gly-Val-Gly-Glu-Arg, where Glu represents the N-gamma-glutamyl derivative of dicyclohexyl[14C]urea.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RecBCD holoenzyme and the individual constituent subunits have been purified from overproducing strains. The purified RecBCD holoenzyme has a native molecular mass of approximately 330 kDa, indicative of a heterotrimer subunit assembly. The RecB, RecC, and RecD subunits can associate in vitro to give nuclease, helicase, ATPase, and Chi-specific endonuclease activities which are indistinguishable from those of the RecBCD holoenzyme. At concentrations at which the reconstituted RecB + C + D enzyme is very active, none of the individual RecB, RecC, or RecD subunits have readily detectable activities of the holoenzyme, except RecB protein which had previously been shown to exhibit DNA-dependent ATPase activity (Hickson, I. D., Robson, C. N., Atkinson, K. E., Hutton, L., and Emmerson, P. T. (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 1224-1229). At higher concentrations and with shorter DNA substrates reconstituted RecBC protein exhibits low levels of helicase and exonuclease activity.  相似文献   

Sodium and potassium ion-stimulated adenosine triphosphatase ((Na+ + K+)-ATPase) was partially purified from canine brain gray matter and reconstituted into vesicles of phosphatidylcholine. A proportion of the enzyme molecules was reconstituted into sealed vesicles with the ATP-hydrolyzing site facing the outside of the vesicles. ATP was added to the outside of the vesicles after they had equilibrated with radioactive tracer, and the resulting active transport of Na+ and K+ was followed. Unlike the purified kidney renal medulla enzyme used in an earlier study, the brain enzyme transports both Na+ and K+(Rb+). Vesicles were made in solutions with different proportions of NaCl and KCl, and over the range studied, an average of 1.8 Rb+ ions were transported for every 3 Na+ ions. When ATP is depleted, the transported ions diffuse back to their equilibrium level in the vesicles.  相似文献   

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