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The simple surface abstraction of the cylinder model (each prey as well as the total stomach contents is considered a cylinder that is gradually reduced by successive peeling off its curved side) was challenged by data on evacuation of a meal composed of three sandeels Ammodytes tobianus and a dab Limanda limanda fed to Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. While the body shape of A. tobianus comes close to that of a cylinder, the flatfish L. limanda takes a discoid form. As opposed to a modified form of the cylinder model, where the contrasting geometries of the fish prey were implemented, the simple, original cylinder model held the potential to predict evacuation of the individual prey types as well as the total stomach contents. Thus, the present study adds significantly to the increasing evidence that points to the generic nature of the model and its implicit square root function. Also, the present study corroborated a basic assumption that the variability of evacuation data not accounted for by the cylinder model primarily can be ascribed to the intraspecific variation in gastric performance of the predator.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of prey exoskeleton characteristics on gastric evacuation patterns in Atlantic cod Gadus morhua. Three distinct stages were highlighted in the gastric evacuation of crustacean prey characterized by a robust exoskeleton. The experiments confirmed that the three shrimp species, Pandalus borealis, Pandalus montagui and Eualus macilentus, and the crab Chionoecetes opilio, were evacuated from the stomach at different rates. The duration of all stages increased with increasing ash (and carbonate) content of the fresh prey. Thickness, chemical composition and morphology of the prey exoskeleton all affected gastric evacuation: duration of initial delay, overall evacuation rate and a decreased evacuation rate at the end of the process. The power exponential function (PEF), with its shape parameter, described the course of evacuation for these prey types well, especially the initial delay. The PEF does not, however, allow describing evacuation by the current stomach content mass independent of meal size, which limits its usefulness in estimating consumption rates of wild G. morhua. To predict and describe gastric evacuation of prey with a robust exoskeleton, it is therefore suggested that the square‐root function be expanded with an initial lag phase, coupled to the mechanistically based cylinder model of gastric evacuation.  相似文献   

The general applicability of the square root model to describe gastric evacuation in predatory gadoids independently of meal size was verified through experiments on whiting Merlangius merlangus , saithe Pollachius virens and cod Gadus morhua fed different fish and crustacean prey. Gastric evacuation rate was related by a negative power function to energy density of fish prey over an extended range from 3·4 to 11·5 kJ g-1 of the effector variable. Gastric evacuation of crustacean prey seemed to depend on the characteristics of their exoskeleton. Gastric evacuation of mixed meals composed of fish prey with different energy densities could be described as a function of the overall energy density. The evacuation rate of each of the prey could be described directly by their share of the stomach content. A full gastric evacuation model including predator size, temperature and prey energy density was established for whiting, saithe and cod. It was demonstrated that estimates of food rations might be severely biased by use of mean values for prey composition and total mass of stomach contents.  相似文献   

A surface-dependent gastric evacuation model for fish   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A gastric evacuation curve expresses how fast prey disappear from the stomach, and empirical models are used generally for the relationship between weight of prey remaining ( Wt ) and time ( t ) after a meal. Unfortunately, empirical models are likely to have restricted applicability because their parameters often represent limited biological mechanisms. This paper develops a simple digestion model. The simplest form of the model has four parameters; the digestion velocity (expressing enzymatic breakdown of prey), prey length, initial prey radius and the density of the prey. Two more parameters are included in an extended version; a time-delay before digestion starts and environmental temperature. The approach is based on the assumption that prey digestion is a surface process in that digestive enzymes attack progressively deeper into a prey of known size and shape so that the average digestion rate is proportional to the prey radius r (m). This process is characterized by the digestion velocity ds (m s –1). Unknown parameters are estimated with uncertainty using the maximum likelihood technique. Model evaluation using published data sets demonstrated that the new model is flexible. Prey geometry is incorporated into the model and temperature effects upon gastric evacuation are linked directly to the digestion velocity.  相似文献   

A mechanistic gastric evacuation model of mixed stomach contents was established. Its simple generic nature should prove useful for studying predator‐prey interactions in fish communities. Only prey lengths were required as additional input. Surface dependent digestive processes were considered to act on equal fractions of individual prey‐cylinder surfaces. Primary and interactive effects of size, energy density and resistance to digestion of individual prey in a stomach were described by the model. Model predictions of results from experiments on gastric evacuation of meals composed of different prey types demonstrated the capability of this model, as opposed to previously applied model principles, to predict evacuation of mixed stomach contents involving the three above‐mentioned prey characteristics. The study furthermore illustrated that estimates of food ration might be severely biased by using improperly formulated effects of prey characters on gastric evacuation, and demonstrated that the new model holds the potential to predict food ration and diet composition for wild populations of predatory fishes.  相似文献   

Gastric evacuation experiments were performed on horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus. A nearly full matrix experimental design with respect to the variables predator weight (<10–400 g) meal size (up to 7·8% body weight) and temperature (10–20°) was covered with 0-group smelt Osmerus eperlanus as prey. A general evacuation model without meal size as a variable was fitted to the data on wet weights as well as on dry weights by means of non-linear regression technique. Two methods of data transformation, relative data and square root transformation, were applied to improve variance homogeneity. The most reliable model fit was achieved on dry weight data applying the square root transformation technique: where St=stomach content (g wet weight) at time t after ingestion, S0=the initial meal size, W =predator (g wet weight), and T =temperature. The estimated coefficient of the exponential temperature function, δ=00·032, corresponds to a Q 10 value of 1·4 which is outstandingly low in comparison with results on other species. However additional experiments to determine maximum daily food rations indicated that appetite in contrast to gastric evacuation is strongly temperature dependent.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that the stomach of turbot Psetta maxima is a curved tube that forms a half circle, it was demonstrated that gastric evacuation in this predatory flatfish fed natural prey closely followed the surface‐dependent cylinder model developed from studies on gadoids with a straight stomach. Evacuation experiments were performed on two size groups of P. maxima fed sandeel Ammodytes tobianus as well as on P. maxima fed brown shrimp Crangon crangon at three different temperatures. This enabled the provision of a gastric evacuation model for studies on P. maxima, which takes into account the effects of the explanatory variables predator size, temperature, prey energy density and resistance of prey to the digestive processes in the stomach. Basically, the cylinder model predicts that a square‐root function accurately describes gastric evacuation, which is inconsistent with the conclusion of a previous study on P. maxima that evacuation of A. tobianus is essentially linear with time. Use of the cylinder model to the values of the explanatory variables presented in the latter study, however, gave accurate predictions of the actually acquired evacuation data, which points to the generic value of the model.  相似文献   

Gastric evacuation experiments, performed with groups of Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus and three different prey species: sprat Sprattus sprattus , sandeel Ammodytes marinus and krill Meganectyphanes norwegicus , revealed a strong temperature effect on gastric evacuation ( Q 10=4.l) and a curvilinear evacuation with a shape intermediate between the square root and the exponential model. From the experiments with krill, where no internal tagging was possible, the medians and upper quartiles of the stomach content distributions were analysed instead of individual data. From these experiments the evacuation rate of krill was 60% higher than that of sandeel. An additional simulation study confirmed that the use of medians results in more accurate estimates of the evacuation rates when compared to the arithmetic means.  相似文献   

The effect of meal size on gastric evacuation in whiting   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Gastric evacuation experiments were performed on horse mackerel Trachurus trachurus. Discrete meals of different sizes of krill Meganyctiphanes norvegicus, mysids Neomysis integer , brown shrimp Crangon crangon , and herring Clupea harengus were fed to test the effect of prey type on the gastric evacuation. A general evacuation model without meal size as a variable was fitted to the data on dry weights by means of non-linear regression. With the exception of mysid evacuation the estimated parameters for curvature, predator weight effect, and temperature effect of the general evacuation model were very similar for all other food types and also confirmed the results obtained with smelt Osmerus eperlanus. In contrast the evacuation of mysids showed a strong exponential curvature, rather the effect of prey size than of prey type. The prey specific evacuation constants of the model revealed a linear relationship to the energy content. A general consumption model for field estimates is presented that can be used for prey types that have not yet been tested in the experiments, provided the energy content is known.  相似文献   

The effects of prey type and prey preparation on the mathematical forms and rates describing gastric evacuation in little skate Raja erinacea were examined. Linear and square–root models best described the gastric evacuation of whole, thin–shelled krill Meganyctiphanes norvegica , clam feet/muscle Spisula solidissima/Placopecten magellanicus , polychaetes Glycera spp. and sand lance Ammodytes dubius . Evacuation of krill and clams was faster than polychaetes and sand lance. A logistic model best described the evacuation data of thick–shelled benthic shrimp Crangon septemspinosa/Palaemonetes spp. Cut polychaetes Nereis spp. were digested at an exponential rate and were evacuated faster than would be predicted based upon comparison with live polychaetes and previously published evacuation–temperature relationships. The results of this study suggest that a single equation does not describe the evacuation process for all prey, and that whole prey should be used if laboratory–derived rates of gastric evacuation are to reflect what might occur in wild fishes.  相似文献   

The parameter values of a generic model of gastric evacuation were estimated from evacuation data on Atlantic cod Gadus morhua fed meals of four fish prey: herring Clupea harengus, sprat Sprattus sprattus, lesser sandeel Ammodytes tobianus and dab Limanda limanda. The effects on evacuation of photoperiod and pre-experimental treatment of prey were also tested. Freshly killed A. tobianus were evacuated from the stomach of G. morhua at a rate similar to the value estimated from conspecifics kept deep-frozen and subsequently thawed prior to the evacuation experiment. The evacuation rate in G. morhua exposed to continuous light did not differ from the rate obtained from fish maintained under a 12L:12D photoperiod. The evacuation rates estimated from the latter fish in the dark and light periods, respectively, were likewise similar. These results indicate that the resistance of prey to the digestive processes is not altered significantly by the pre-experimental treatment of prey and that there is no diurnal variation per se in the rate of evacuation for G. morhua. Therefore, it is believed that the present parameterization of the evacuation model should prove especially useful for studying the role of G. morhua as a top predator in natural systems.  相似文献   

Gastric lavage was used to investigate the effects of temperature, prey type and prey size on gastric evacuation in small cod Gadus morhua and whiting Merlangius merlangus . The fish were fed to satiation and subsequently the stomach contents were sampled to determine the rate at which food was evacuated. Satiation meal size was positively related to temperature and differed between prey types. The gastric evacuation rate (GER) also tended to increase with temperature and varied with prey type. GER at temperatures of 11.3–12.7° C averaged 1.5–1.7 times higher than at 6–9.5° C. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in the evacuation of lugworm Arenicola marina , sandeel Ammodytes spp., and herring Clupea harengus , but the GER of brown shrimp Crangon vulgaris was much slower (P<0.05). No significant changes in GER were observed when fish were fed on three different size groups of either herring or brown shrimp. In whiting, there was no significant difference in the GER of individual herring or brown shrimp when they were fed as single species meals or incorporated in meals containing a mixture of prey species.  相似文献   

A mechanistic, prey surface‐dependent model was expanded to describe the course and rate of gastric evacuation in predatory fishes feeding on crustacean prey with robust exoskeletons. This was accomplished by adding a layer of higher resistance to the digestive processes outside the inner softer parts of a prey cylinder abstraction and splitting up the prey evacuation into two stages: an initial stage where the exoskeleton is cracked and a second where the prey remains are digested and evacuated. The model was parameterized for crustaceans with different levels of armour fed to Atlantic cod Gadus morhua or whiting Merlangius merlangus and recovered from the stomachs at different post‐prandial times. The prey species were krill Meganyctiphanes norvegica; shrimps and prawns Crangon crangon, Pandalus borealis, Pandalus montagui and Eualus macilentus; crabs Liocarcinus depurator and Chionoecetes opilio. In accordance with the apparent intraspecific isometric relationship between exoskeleton mass and total body mass, the model described stage duration and rate of evacuation of the crustacean prey independently of meal and prey sizes. The duration of the first stage increased (0–33 h) and the evacuation rate of both stages decreased (by a half) with increasing level of the crustacean armament in terms of chitin and ash. A common, interspecific parameterization of the model within each of the categories krill, shrimp and crab can probably be used if the contents of chitin and ash are similar among prey species per prey category. The model offers a simple way for estimating evacuation rates from stomach content data in order to obtain food consumption rates of wild fishes, provided that information about digestion stage of crustacean prey is available.  相似文献   

Three meal sizes of sandeels were fed to whiting in order to monitor the evacuation of food out of the stomach. The stomach contents were sampled at intervals after feeding, using a stomach pump. In such experiments, the proportion of fish with empty stomachs tends to increase with time and, since stomach contents are limited to zero or positive values, the variance of the stomach contents becomes censored at zero. This tends to produce a curved relationship between mean stomach content and time, which gives the impression that evacuation rate slows down at low levels of stomach fullness. By taking account of censoring, it was shown that the evacuation curve generated for whiting was consistent with and could be generated from a linear model in which the rate of gastric evacuation exhibited by the fish was constant and independent of meal size, level of stomach fullness and time after feeding. The parameters of the linear model were estimated by maximum likelihood and then applied in a second model to predict the observed mean stomach content. The average gastric evacuation rate of whiting of mean weight 268 g at 10°C was 0.31 g h−1.  相似文献   

Effects of temperature and meal size on gastric evacuation rates of juvenile coho salmon, Oncorhynchus kisutch , consuming sockeye salmon, O. nerka , fry were examined and used in the estimation of daily meal, daily ration and number of fry consumed by coho in Chignik Lake, Alaska. Evacuation of fry by coho was best described by a negative exponential model (average R2 = 0.93). A square root model also provided a good fit (average R2 = 0·93), but the y-intercepts deviated more from the expected value than did the y-intercepts of the exponential model. The effect of temperature ( T , 5–13° C) and meal size (MS, 0·166–0·367 g) on the exponential evacuation rate (re, h-1) could be described as
In the lake, coho fed continuously during the 24-h period in early June 1986 and 1987. Estimates of daily meal and ration of coho calculated by the Eggers method and the geometric mean of prey weight ranged from 0·224 to 0·435 g (2.1–4.4% body wt) depending on location and year. The Elliott & Persson method provided similar estimates of food consumption, whereas estimates based on the Pennington method and square root evacuation of prey differed from the exponential models. Sockeye fry represented 93% of the total prey weight. The average number of sockeye fry consumed per coho per 24 h, based on the arithmetic mean of prey weight, was 3·0–3·9 fry.  相似文献   

Synopsis Gastric evacuation of multiple meals of recently emerged sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, consumed by juvenile coho salmon, O. kisutch, were compared with that expected from a single meal evacuation rate model developed for the estimation of food consumption by coho in the field. Significant interaction occurred between meals consumed two hours apart (p<0.001). Evacuation of the first of two meals (29.9% of initial weight remaining) was significantly faster (p<0.05) than that of a single meal (36.1% of initial weight remaining) after four hours, whereas evacuation of the second meal (72.2% of initial weight remaining) was significantly slower (p<0.001) than that of single meals (50.6% of initial weight remaining) after two hours. The total weight of the multiple meal remaining after four (0.191 g), six (0.138 g) and eight (0.070 g) hours averaged within 6% of that predicted by the single meal evacuation model (0.186 g, 0.115 g and 0.073 g, respectively). These data suggest that the stomach evacuation model based on single meals is adequate for estimating the evacuation of prey consumed by continuously feeding coho salmon.  相似文献   

The rates of gastric evacuation of two food types, squid and fish, were measured in the laboratory for adult black rockfish, Sebastes melanops , held nominally at 11°C. Linear, logarithmic and square root regression models were applied to analyse the data expressed as both wet and dry weight proportions of the original meal. The linear model provided the best fit for the wet weight relationship of squid. The dry weight of squid and both the wet and dry weight of fish were best described by a logarithmic model, or by a square root model when the regressions were' forced' through the original meal size. The instantaneous evacuation rates (≃ 6% h−1) and times to complete evacuation (≃ 76 h) were similar for all relations except those involving the wet weight of squid. The addition of the meal size as an independent variable improved the models in most cases whereas the addition of the weight of fish used in the experiments did not improve the model in any instance.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The dry weight of food remaining in the stomachs of piscivorous trout decreased exponentially with time. Gastric evacuation rates increased exponentially with increasing temperature but were unaffected by predator size, meal size or type of fish prey.
2. Mathematical models were developed to estimate both the rate and time for the gastric evacuation of different meal sizes (expressed as dry weight), and were applicable to piscivorous trout of different sizes (length range 10–32 cm) feeding on trout fry or sticklebacks at different temperatures (range 5–18°C).
3. The wet weight of food in the stomachs also decreased exponentially with time, but evacuation rates both increased with temperature and decreased with increasing meal size; the latter relationship occurred because relative rates of water loss from a meal also decreased with increasing meal size. Use of wet or dry weights can therefore lead to different conclusions about the effect of meal size on evacuation rates.
4. When piscivorous trout were fed three consecutive meals of varying size, the models predicted the total dry weight of food left in the stomach, but not the weight remaining for each individual meal. Interactions between meals led to an increase in evacuation rates for meals consumed early in the series and a decrease in evacuation rates for later meals.
5. Evacuation rates for piscivorous trout were compared with those for trout feeding on invertebrates in an earlier study, and were close to those for caddis larvae as prey, higher than those for mealworms and lower than those for a variety of invertebrate prey. Although a great deal is now known about the daily food intake and growth rates of trout feeding on invertebrates, there is little comparable information for piscivorous trout.  相似文献   

In a laboratory experiment, northern pike Esox lucius gastric evacuation rates did not differ between equal-mass rations of small and large prey. In a comparison between intermediate and large prey, the pike were unable to fit two intermediate prey completely into the stomach at the same time, resulting in two consecutive evacuations, and changes in patterns of gastric evacuation. Thus, total gastric evacuation time was not affected by prey size composition in equal-mass rations, but patterns in evacuation rate may depend on the size ratio between predator and prey. Cumulative manipulation time between strike and complete swallowing of prey differed between equal-mass rations of small, intermediate and large prey, in that small prey took the shortest time to manipulate. Pike had problems striking and redirecting intermediate prey to swallow them head first, and the manipulation times for intermediate prey were as long as for large prey. Since an increased time manipulating prey in the mouth increases risk of predation and intraspecific interactions in pike, it is concluded that risks associated with long manipulation times, and not only energy per total handling time, determine prey value and prey size preference in this piscivore.  相似文献   

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