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We observed a unimale group (BE-Group) of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) comprising an α-male, 6 adult females, and several immatures from May 2005 to May 2006. We followed the group for 2014 h along the Menanggul River, Sabah, Malaysia (118°30′E, 5°30′N). Observations focused mainly on ranging behavior. We determined availability and seasonal changes in plant species consumed by the members of the group by vegetation surveys in a 2.15-ha area along 200–500 m trails in the riverine forest. During the observation period, the group ranged ≤800 m from the riverbank, within a total range of 138.3 ha. The daily path length of the group ranged from 220 to 1734 m (mean, 799 m), and daily path length correlates negatively with fruit availability. The monkeys were apt to remain within a small range in fruit-abundant seasons. Because the monkeys preferred to feed on fruits of dominant plant species in the study area, their daily path length may decrease on days when they feed on fruits. The core areas of the group’s home range were along the river because the monkeys typically returned to riverside trees to sleep. The group most often used areas that were nearer the riverbank and where the availability of fruits was higher. The most frequently used grids were the ones where the group often had sleeping sites and crossed the river. Avoiding predation may be the main reason for river crossing and selecting particular sleeping sites; hence not only food availability but also the risk of predation appears to influence the ranging of the BE-Group.  相似文献   

刘文萍 《四川动物》2005,24(4):529-531
横断山区的蝶类561种,隶属于12科,208属.在12科中,种类最多的是蛱蝶科148种,其次是眼蝶科117种,灰蝶科65种,凤蝶科63种,粉蝶科60种,弄蝶科60种,蚬蝶科18种,绢蝶科12种,斑蝶科9种,环蝶科6种,喙蝶科2种,珍蝶科1种.分布于横断山区的珍稀蝴蝶有44种,其中国家Ⅰ级保护的1种,Ⅱ级保护的3种.  相似文献   

Questions concerning the functional role of the hollow region of the butterfly Pyrameis atalanta (L.) scale are experimentally investigated. Attention was initially directed to this problem by observation of the complex microstrucmre of the butterfly scale as well as other studies indicating higher lift on butterfly wings covered with scale. The aerodynamic forces were measured for two oscillating scale models. Results indicated that the air cavity of an oscillating model of the Pyrameis atalanta (L.) scale increased the lift by a factor of 1.15 and reduced the damping coefficients by a factor of 1.38. The modification of the aerodynamic effects on the model of butterfly scale was due to an increase of the virtual air mass, which influenced the body. The hollow region of the scale increased the virtual air mass by a factor of 1.2. The virtual mass of the butterfly scale with the hollow region was represented as the sum of air mass of two imaginary geometrical figures: a circular cylinder around the scale and a right-angled parallelepiped within the hollow region. The interaction mechanism of the butterfly Pyrameis atalanta (L.) scale with a flow was described. This novel interaction mechanism explained most geometrical features of the airpermeable butterfly scale (inverted V-profile of the ridges, nozzle of the tip edge, hollow region, and openings of the upper lamina) and their arrangement.  相似文献   

Floral attributes often influence the foraging choices of nectar‐feeding butterflies, given the close association between plants and these butterfly pollinators. The diversity of butterflies is known to a large extent in Nepal, but little information is available on the feeding habits of butterflies. This study was conducted along the periphery of Rupa Wetland from January to December 2019 to assess butterfly species diversity and to identify the factors influencing their foraging choices. In total, we recorded 1535 individuals of 138 species representing all six families. For our examination of butterfly–nectar plant interactions, we recorded a total of 298 individuals belonging to 31 species of butterfly visiting a total of 28 nectar plant species. Overall, total butterfly visitation was found to be significantly influenced by plant category (herbaceous preferred over woody), floral color (yellow white and purple preferred over pink), and corolla type (tubular preferred over nontubular). Moreover, there was a significant positive correlation between the proboscis length of butterflies and the corolla tube length of flowers. Examining each butterfly family separately revealed that, for four of the families (Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, and Pieridae), none of the tested factors (flower color, plant category, and corolla type) were shown to significantly influence butterfly abundance at flowers. However, Hesperidae abundance was found to be significantly influenced by both flower color (with more butterflies observed at yellow flowers than purple) and flower type (with more butterflies observed at tubular flowers than nontubular flowers). Our results reveal that Rupa Lake is a suitable habitat for butterflies, providing valuable floral resources. Hence, further detailed studies encompassing all seasons, a greater variety of plants, and other influential factors in different ecological regions are fundamental for creating favorable environments to sustain important butterfly pollinators and help create balanced wetland ecosystems.  相似文献   

城市化对蝴蝶多样性的影响:以重庆市为例   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
2005年5–10月,自重庆市沙坪坝区到北碚区沿城市生境梯度选取了5个断面(沙坪公园、南溪口、回头坡、鸡公山和缙云山),进行蝴蝶取样调查。共采获蝴蝶4,802只,隶属11科41属65种。统计分析表明,东方菜粉蝶(Pieriscanidia)、菜粉蝶(P.rapae)和酢浆灰蝶(Pseudozizeeriamaha)等3种为优势种,青凤蝶(Graphiumsarpedon)、宽边黄粉蝶(Euremahecabe)、连纹黛眼蝶(Lethesyrcis)、黄钩蛱蝶(Polygoniac-aureum)、点玄灰蝶(Tongeiafilicaudis)和直纹稻弄蝶(Parnaraguttata)等9种为常见种。多样性指数变化趋势为缙云山>回头坡>鸡公山>南溪口>沙坪公园。沿城市生境梯度,从人为干扰较大的沙坪公园(城市化水平较高的代表)到人为干扰较小的缙云山(城市化水平较低的代表),蝴蝶多样性指数基本呈递增趋势,且植被种类丰富度越高、覆盖率越高、日照量越高的生境,蝴蝶种类和数量越多,蝴蝶多样性指数也越高。蝴蝶的多样性特征可以作为城市生境质量和环境变化的指标。  相似文献   

I studied the ranging behavior of proboscis monkeys (Nasalis larvatus) at two sites in the Lower Kinabatangan Region of northern Borneo. I collected data on ranging behavior via scan sampling during group follows. Groups of Nasalis larvatus had ranges overlapping those of other groups in each area. I observed no territorial behavior. Groups of Nasalis larvatus occasionally swam across the Kinabatangan River, and frequently across its tributaries. The home range size of a focal one-male group (SU1) was 220.5 ha. The group traveled farther on days when the proportion of young leaves in the diet was higher. In addition, SU1 used particular areas when they fed on flowers and fruits. Apparently, rainfall and phenology did not influence ranging patterns.  相似文献   

Abstract Remnant habitats within and surrounding urbanized areas are becoming increasingly important for maintaining butterfly diversity. The ‘Pollard walk’ protocol has been used widely overseas to estimate and monitor species diversity and abundance of butterflies. However, there has been limited use of this technique in Australia. Here, we used the Pollard walk method to estimate the diversity of butterflies at three urban sites around Adelaide, South Australia: Belair National Park (BNP), Shepherds Hill Recreation Park (SHRP) and Brownhill Creek Recreation Park (BCRP). In total, 21 species of butterfly were detected across the three sites. Pollard walks detected butterfly species from five families, including rare and highly localized lycaenid and hesperiid species. The highest diversity of species was found at BCRP (16) followed by BNP (14) and SHRP (14). Multivariate analysis on the data revealed a distinct and temporally variable butterfly community at BNP when compared with the SHRP and BCRP. The results of this study show that the Pollard walk can be effectively used to distinguish communities and detect a wide variety of butterflies, including cryptic and rare species, within urban habitats of Adelaide.  相似文献   

The biliverdin-binding protein from the larval hemolymph of the swallowtail butterfly, Papilio xuthus L., was purified and characterized. The crude biliverdin-binding protein, obtained by ammonium sulfate fractionation, was purified in two steps, the first one by gel filtration chromatography and the second one by ion-exchange chromatography. The molecular mass of the purified protein was analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and estimated to be 21 kDa. The N-amino terminal sequence of P. xuthus biliverdin-binding protein analyzed up to the 19th residue showed that 42% of the amino acid sequence are sequence similarity to the bilin-binding protein from Pieris brassicae. These results suggest that the P. xuthus biliverdin-binding protein belongs to the insecticyanin-type.  相似文献   

The contact angles of distilled water and methanol solution on the wings of butterflies were determined by a visual contact angle measuring system. The scale structures of the wings were observed using scanning electron microscopy, The influence of the scale micro- and ultra-structure on the wettability was investigated. Results show that the contact angle of distilled water on the wing surfaces varies from 134.0° to 159.2°. High hydrophobicity is found in six species with contact angles greater than 150°. The wing surfaces of some species are not only hydrophobic but also resist the wetting by methanol solution with 55% concentration. Only two species in Parnassius can not resist the wetting because the micro-structure (spindle-like shape) and ultra-structure (pinnule-like shape) of the wing scales are remarkably different from that of other species. The concentration of methanol solution for the occurrence of spreading/wetting on the wing surfaces of different species varies from 70% to 95%. After wetting by methanol solution for 10 min, the distilled water contact angle on the wing surface increases by 0.8°-2.1°, showing the promotion of capacity against wetting by distilled water.  相似文献   

Broadband light trapping effect and arrays of sub-wavelength textured structures based on the butterfly wing scales are applicable to solar cells and stealth technologies. In this paper, the fine optical structures in wing scales of butterfly Papilio peranthus, exhibiting efficient light trapping effect, were carefully examined. First, the reflectivity was measured by reflectance spectrum. Field Emission Scanning Electronic Microscope (FESEM) and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) were used to observe the coupling morphologies and structures of the scales. Then, the optimized 3D model of the coupling structure was created combining Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and TEM data. Afterwards, the mechanism of the light trapping effect of these structures was analyzed by simulation and theoretical calculations. A multilayer nano-structure of chitin and air was found. These structures are effective in increasing optical path, resulting in that most of the incident light can be trapped and adsorbed within the structure at last. Furthermore, the simulated optical results are consistent with the experimental and calculated ones. This result reliably confirms that these structures induce an efficient light trapping effect. This work can be used as a reference for in-depth study on the fabrication of highly efficient bionic optical devices, such as solar cells, photo detectors, high-contrast, antiglare, and so forth.  相似文献   

Phenology of organismal development varies between growing seasons according to the weather and also varies within growing seasons across topoclimatic gradients. Combining these factors is necessary to predict landscape-level patterns of phenology and their consequences for population dynamics. We developed a model on a Geographic Information System (GIS) that predicts phenology of adult emergence of the threatened Bay checkerspot butterfly across complex terrain under variable weather. Physiological time was modeled by accumulated slope-specific direct insolation. Insolation sums through growing seasons were calculated for each cell of a digital terrain model (skipping over cloudy days) until a threshold for adult emergence was reached. Emergence times of adult butterflies for a given year were then mapped out across a 100-ha area. To generate predicted emergence curves for the population in a given year, these maps ofemergence times were then modified by incorporating microdistributions of postdiapause larvae. Different larval microdistributions changed both the magnitude and shape of emergence curves under the same yearly weather and could change mean population-wide emergence dates by 11 days. Reproductive success in this butterfly is strongly dependent on the timing of adult emergence, and these models provide insights into the effects of weather, topography, and population history on population dynamics. Because adult emergence phenology is often a key component of reproductive success for insects, understanding the components of phenological variation in space and time in complex terrain may provide insights into population dynamics for management of pests and conservation of rare species. Received 2 December 1997; accepted 24 March 1998.  相似文献   

王义平  吴鸿  徐华潮 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5259-5269
选取浙江龙王山、天目山、古田山、乌岩岭和百山祖等为样地以网捕方法,对上述重点生态地区的蝶类种类及种群动态进行了系统研究,将所采集的蝶类种类及个体数,以微软的Excel列表、计算及作图,进行蝶类群落的种-多度曲线、多样性指数、均匀度与优势度等数据分析,并以此类昆虫作为指示生物对各重点生态地区的森林环境健康状况进行了评价。结果表明:5个重点生态地区的蝶类分布均呈对数正态分布,各重点生态区蝶类个体数分布规律更接近对数级数法则。天目山和乌岩岭分别有国家二级保护动物中华虎凤蝶Luehdorfia chinensis和一级保护动物金斑喙凤蝶Teinopalpus aureus,分别有4种和3种中国保护种,有25种和11种中国特有种,多样性指数分别为0.9757和1.7570,暗示该2处生态地区的环境质量优越;而古田山和百山祖均没有国家级保护动物,中国保护种分别有2种和3种,中国特有种5种和15种,多样性指数分别为1.3492和1.1593,也说明此2处生态地区的环境质量较好;龙王山没有国家级保护动物,中国保护种仅1种,中国特有种11种,多样性指数为0.8491,暗示该生态地区的环境质量相对较差或该生态地区的环境质量正在趋向恶化。近年来,由于酸雨和台风等自然气候,以及人为干扰引起森林环境健康受到不同程度影响,龙王山森林环境不稳定,退化严重,部分区域已不适合保护蝶类种昆虫的生存。  相似文献   

In Japan, the butterfly Eurema hecabe (L.) consists of two separate types. These types differ in wing fringe color (brown or yellow), which is linked with expression of seasonal wing morphs and with ability for host-plant use. It was recently found that these two types occur together on the subtropical Okinawa-jima Island (one of the Ryukyu Islands). In the present work we studied whether sexual isolation may exist between these sympatric types of E. hecabe on Okinawa-jima, using caged conditions. When living females (days 0, 1, and 7) were presented to males of the same or different type, females of the brown type received males of the same type and responded with a refusal posture to those of the yellow type. Females of the yellow type received males of the same type at all ages tested. However, when they were exposed to males of the brown type, the proportion of females showing a refusal posture changed with female age. The proportion was high at day 7 but relatively low at day 0 or day 1. When model females of the brown and yellow types were simultaneously presented to males of each type, males courted not only the model females of the same type, but also those of the different type. The results suggest that (1) sexual isolation exists between these types of E. hecabe on Okinawa-jima, although it is not perfect; (2) this isolation is mediated by female recognition but not male recognition; and (3) the sexual isolation system between two types is asymmetrical, depending on the female age after adult eclosion.  相似文献   

Borges RM  Gowda V  Zacharias M 《Oecologia》2003,136(4):571-573
In low-density butterfly-pollinated Mussaenda frondosa (Rubiaceae), flowers attract pollinators at short distances while conspicuous, non-rewarding accessory bracts are detectable at long distances by long-ranging pollinators such as the birdwing butterfly Troides minos that did not detect flower-bearing plants in the absence of these bracts. However, even in the absence of flowers, the white, ultraviolet-absorbing bracts attracted butterflies that visited flowerless plants. Although flower visits by short-ranging territorial butterflies declined significantly on removal of bracts, they did not cease completely. Nectar-robbing carpenter bees and birds did not change their behaviour following bract removal. Bract removal caused a significant decline in fruit set, indicating their importance as visual signals to pollinators.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2019,29(23):4071-4077.e3
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陕西太白山南坡蝶类的多样性及区系特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2009年4—10月,对太白山南坡的蝴蝶进行了系统调查,分析其各科的多样性指数、均匀度指数、优势度指数和物种丰富度.结果表明:太白山南坡有蝴蝶5科77属126种.其中,蛱蝶科的多样性指数和丰富度指数最高,为3.3621和9.9363,粉蝶科的均匀度和优势度指数最高,为0.8352和0.0573.6—8月蝶类属、种数量较多,7月蝴蝶多样性指数最高,为3.4094,8月物种丰富度最高,为10.7.124种蝶类中,广布种最多(51种),占总种数的40.5%;古北种41种,占32.5%;东洋种最少(32种),占25.4%.这反映了该地区古北界和东洋界种类交汇过渡的特点.对比分析太白山南坡和北坡的蝶类种类及区系组成,其共有种为85种,蝶类相似度为62.0%,说明两地虽然地理位置接近,但蝶类仍有一定的差异.  相似文献   

Tripartite efflux pumps found in Gram-negative bacteria are involved in antibiotic resistance and toxic-protein secretion. In this study, we show, using site-directed mutational analyses, that the conserved residues located in the tip region of the α-hairpin of the membrane fusion protein (MFP) AcrA play an essential role in the action of the tripartite efflux pump AcrAB-TolC. In addition, we provide in vivo functional data showing that both the length and the amino acid sequence of the α-hairpin of AcrA can be flexible for the formation of a functional AcrAB-TolC pump. Genetic-complementation experiments further indicated functional interrelationships between the AcrA hairpin tip region and the TolC aperture tip region. Our findings may offer a molecular basis for understanding the multidrug resistance of pathogenic bacteria.The tripartite efflux pumps that are found in Gram-negative bacteria have been implicated in their intrinsic resistance to diverse antibiotics, as well as their secretion of protein toxins (10, 12, 24, 31). The bacterial efflux pump is typically assembled from three essential components: an inner membrane transporter (IMT), an outer membrane factor (OMF), and a periplasmic membrane fusion protein (MFP) (10, 12, 24, 31). The IMT provides energy for transporters, like the resistance nodulation cell division (RND) type and the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) type (18). The OMF connects to the IMT in the periplasm, providing a continuous conduit to the external medium. This conduit uses the central channel, which is opened only when in complex with other components (11, 18). The third essential component of the pump is the MFP, which is an adapter protein for the direct interaction between the IMT and OMF in the periplasm (32). The MFP consists of four linearly arranged domains: the membrane-proximal (MP) domain, the β-barrel domain, the lipoyl domain, and the α-hairpin domain (1, 6, 16, 22, 30). The MFP α-hairpin domain is known to interact with OMF, while the other domains are related to interaction with the IMT (15, 22).The Escherichia coli AcrAB-TolC pump, comprised of RND-type IMT-AcrB, MFP-AcrA, and OMF-TolC, is the major contributor to the multidrug resistance phenotype of the bacteria (7, 8, 25). The AcrAB-TolC pump, together with its homolog, the Pseudomonas aeruginosa MexAB-OprM pump (7, 13), has primarily been studied in order to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the actions of the tripartite efflux pumps. Whereas the crystal structures of these proteins have revealed that RND-type IMTs (AcrB and MexB) and OMFs (TolC and OprM) are homotrimeric in their functional states (1, 6, 11, 16, 22, 30), the oligomeric state of MFP remains a topic of debate, despite the presence of crystal structures (3, 5, 17, 18, 22, 27, 30).MacAB-TolC, which was identified as a macrolide-specific extrusion pump (9), has also been implicated in E. coli enterotoxin secretion (29). While MFP-MacA shares high sequence similarity with AcrA and MexA, IMT-MacB is a homodimeric ABC transporter that uses ATP hydrolysis as the driving force (9, 14). MacA forms hexamers, and the funnel-like hexameric structure of MacA is physiologically relevant for the formation of a functional MacAB-TolC pump (30). Although the α-hairpins from AcrA and MacA are commonly involved in the interaction with TolC (30, 32), the interaction mode between AcrA and TolC remains to be elucidated. In this study, we provide experimental evidence showing that the conserved amino acid residues in the AcrA hairpin tip region is important for the action of the AcrAB-TolC efflux pump and is functionally related to the TolC aperture tip region.  相似文献   

为了解湖南高望界国家级自然保护区蝶类多样性本底及其影响因素, 2016年5月至2018年10月, 我们采用样线法对保护区内外的6种生境(保护区内4种, 区外2种)开展了20次蝶类多样性调查。共记录蝴蝶个体13,956只, 依照五科分类系统, 隶属5科113属239种, 其中湖南省蝶类新记录17种。区系成分以东洋种为主(139种, 占58.1%), 广布种次之(97种, 占40.6%), 古北种最少(3种, 占1.3%)。对不同生境的蝶类群落多样性指数进行分析后发现, 人为干扰程度和生境异质性共同影响蝶类多样性。不同生境相似性分析结果表明, 蝶类群落的相似度与人为干扰程度和植被类型差异密切相关。3年间, 蝶类多样性指数月度变化基本一致, 蝶类物种数、多样性指数与月均温间呈显著正相关, 与月降水量无相关性。综上, 蝶类多样性受到人为干扰程度和气象因子的影响。为保护蝶类资源, 建议保护好蝶类栖息地, 减少人为干扰。  相似文献   

  • 1 The population biology of Anthocharis cardamines (L.) is described and shown to vary with locality. Southern and Western populations emerge earlier than Northern ones, but Western and Northern populations occupy similar, wetter habitats and are associated primarily with Cardamine pratensis (L.). Southern populations are recorded mostly from Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.).
  • 2 Studies on egg and larval survival indicate that host plant-induced death and parasitization by a tachinid are important mortality factors. However, a key-factor analysis on one population indicates that the major determinant of population size may be the number of eggs laid by ovipositing females, itself dependent upon weather during the oviposition period. Populations in different localities do show similar trends in abundance, corroborating the effect of weather.
  • 3 Human effects on distribution and abundance are discussed, and some conservation strategies suggested.

为明确甘肃兴隆山国家级自然保护区内的蝴蝶种类, 以及不同生境的蝴蝶群落结构与种-多度分布的变化情况, 在全部5个林场选取6条样线, 于2015-2018年连续4年采用样线法对保护区的蝴蝶进行调查和采集, 并分析了其多样性指数及种-多度分布。4年共采集蝴蝶标本5,719号, 经鉴定隶属8科69属120种。眼蝶科(3,093号)是保护区的优势类群, 喙蝶科仅采集到1号标本(朴喙蝶, Libythea lepita), 为保护区的稀有种类。其中, 各样线的种数、个体数、多样性指数以及物种丰富度表现为: 样线I最高, 样线IV次之, 说明其生境结构稳定, 环境良好, 适合蝶类生存; 样线III蜜源植物丰富, 各项指数较高; 样线V海拔较高, 各项指数较低; 样线II植物群落结构单一, 各项指数最低。相似性系数分析结果表明: 样线I和VI、III和IV、III和VI均为中等相似; 其余各样线间为中等不相似。区系分析结果表明: 古北种有63种, 占总种数的52.5%; 东洋种2种, 占总种数的1.7%; 广布种55种, 占总种数的45.8%。说明古北种占绝对优势, 且明显高于东洋种, 具有很强的地区代表性。种-多度分布分析结果表明: 样线I和IV呈现出对数正态分布, 模型拟合效果较好; 样线II和VI为非典型的对数级数模型, 符合生态位优先占领假说。说明不同生境以及人为干扰因素与蝶类多样性关系密切, 表现出单一生态系统蝴蝶群落的多样性指数较低, 复杂生态系统其多样性指数较高的特点。  相似文献   

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