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The effect of auxin on cell wall mass in the epidermis of third internodes of Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska grown in dim red light was investigated using epidermal peels, to determine whether epidermal peels reflect the behavior of the outer epidermal cell wall. In contrast to the outer epidermal wall itself, where auxin caused thinning in proportion to growth (M.S. Bret-Harte et al, 1991, Planta 185, 462–471), auxin promoted an increase in wall mass in epidermal peels from treated internode segments in the absence of exogenously supplied sugar. The percentage gain in mass was smaller than the percentage elongation, however, so mass per unit length decreased in peels from auxin-treated segments. Epidermal peels from auxin-treated segments gained more wall mass than control peels even when adhering internal tissue at the basal end of the peel was removed. Epidermal peels also had a gross composition different from that of the outer wall alone (M.S. Bret-Harte and L.D. Talbott, 1993, Planta 190, 369–378). These discrepancies can be explained by the observation that the outer wall makes up only 30% of the mass of the epidermal peel. It appears that the inner walls of the epidermis, and walls of the outer layer of cortical cells that remain attached to the epidermis during peeling, nearly maintain their thickness by biosynthesis while the outer wall loses mass as previously described (Bret-Harte et al. 1991). These results indicate that epidermal peels may not be a good system for examining the biochemical and physiological properties of the outer epidermal cell wall.I would like to thank Dr. Peter M. Ray, of Stanford University, for the use of experimental facilities, helpful discussions, and technical and editorial assistance, Dr. Winslow R. Briggs, of the Carnegie Institute of Washington, for helpful discussions and for the use of experimental facilities, Dr. Paul B. Green, of Stanford University, for financial support, and Dr. Wendy K. Silk, of the Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources, University of California, Davis, for financial support. This work was supported by a National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship, National Science Foundation grant DCB8801493 to Paul B. Green, and the generosity of Wendy K. Silk in the final writing.  相似文献   

Epidermal peels free from resinous substances and tannins were prepared by treating specimens with 5% NaOH for 1-2 weeks at 40-45 C. After a thorough washing in water epidermal peels were obtained by removing the mesophyll cells by brushing with a soft-haired brush or by moderate agitation in water. Peels stained with iron alum hematoxyh or Bismark brown were found to be good enough to allow detailed histolopical investigation.  相似文献   

Stomata are natural openings in the plant epidermis responsible for gas exchange between plant interior and environment. They are formed by a pair of guard cells, which are able to close the stomatal pore in response to a number of external factors including light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration, and relative humidity (RH). The stomatal pore is also the main route for pathogen entry into leaves, a crucial step for disease development. Recent studies have unveiled that closure of the pore is effective in minimizing bacterial disease development in Arabidopsis plants; an integral part of plant innate immunity. Previously, we have used epidermal peels to assess stomatal response to live bacteria (Melotto et al. 2006); however maintaining favorable environmental conditions for both plant epidermal peels and bacterial cells has been challenging. Leaf epidermis can be kept alive and healthy with MES buffer (10 mM KCl, 25 mM MES-KOH, pH 6.15) for electrophysiological experiments of guard cells. However, this buffer is not appropriate for obtaining bacterial suspension. On the other hand, bacterial cells can be kept alive in water which is not proper to maintain epidermal peels for long period of times. When an epidermal peel floats on water, the cells in the peel that are exposed to air dry within 4 hours limiting the timing to conduct the experiment. An ideal method for assessing the effect of a particular stimulus on guard cells should present minimal interference to stomatal physiology and to the natural environment of the plant as much as possible. We, therefore, developed a new method to assess stomatal response to live bacteria in which leaf wounding and manipulation is greatly minimized aiming to provide an easily reproducible and reliable stomatal assay. The protocol is based on staining of intact leaf with propidium iodide (PI), incubation of staining leaf with bacterial suspension, and observation of leaves under laser scanning confocal microscope. Finally, this method allows for the observation of the same live leaf sample over extended periods of time using conditions that closely mimic the natural conditions under which plants are attacked by pathogens.  相似文献   

Leaf epidermis of grasses is elaborate and important in the systematica of the Poaceae at subfamily and genus level. Most available techniques used in preparing leaf epidermis for microscopic studies are time-consuming and often produce preparations inadequate for studying histological detail. A combination of the hand scraping and maceration methods with modifications is proposed in this paper to prepare epidermal peels comparatively rapidly. One epidermal layer was scraped off and the mesophyll tissue removed from the epidermis to be studied by maceration in HNO, The recovered epidermal peel was neutralized in NaOH and stained with malachite green or safranin O. Preparations made by this technique are suitable for studies of epidermal features, measurements of special structures and determinations of trichome indices. This method has been used in a study investigating intraspecific variation in southern African pasture grasses.  相似文献   

Leaf epidermis of grasses is elaborate and important in the systematics of the Poaceae at subfamily and genus level. Most available techniques used in preparing leaf epidermis for microscopic studies are time-consuming and often produce preparations inadequate for studying histological detail. A combination of the hand scraping and maceration methods with modifications is proposed in this paper to prepare epidermal peels comparatively rapidly. One epidermal layer was scraped off and the mesophyll tissue removed from the epidermis to be studied by maceration in HNO3. The recovered epidermal peel was neutralized in NaOH and stained with malachite green or safranin O. Preparations made by this technique are suitable for studies of epidermal features, measurements of special structures and determinations of trichome indices. This method has been used in a study investigating intraspecific variation in southern African pasture grasses.  相似文献   

In some plants, particularly herbaceous species, a considerable proportion of incident ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B, 280-320 nm) penetrates into the leaf mesophyll where it is potentially damaging to nucleic acids and the photosyn-thetic machinery. We used optical techniques to look at the spatial variation in UV-B penetration through the epidermis of foliage of two herbaceous species (Chenopodium album and Smilacina stellata)and a conifer (Picea pun-gens). Measurements of UV-B penetration in intact foliage with a fibre-optic microprobe revealed that 300 nm radiation reached 161±36μm (mean±SD) into leaves of C. album, 154±40μm in S. stellata and 17±2μm in P. pungens, with epidermal transmittance being 39±14%, 55±19% and 0%, respectively. A thin polymer film was developed which fluoresced blue when irradiated by UV-B. Fresh epidermal leaf peels were placed over the film and irradiated with UV-B, and microscopic examination of the film from below allowed us to determine the spatial pattern of UV-B penetration through the epidermis. In herbaceous species, film fluorescence below cell walls, but not epidermal and guard cell protoplasts indicated that UV-B transmittance was much greater through anticlinal cell wall regions than protoplasts. Ultraviolet-B transmittance through large areas of epidermal cells could be induced by plasmolysis. Epidermal transmittance was also relatively high through stomal pores (and what appear to be nuclei in Smilacina), but relatively low through stomatal guard cells. Results from the fluorescing film technique were substantiated by direct measurements of UV-B transmittance through epidermal peels with a fibre-optic microprobe run paradermally along the bottom or inner side of irradiated peels. In Smilacina, we estimate that UV-B epidermal transmittance was up to 90% through anticlinal cell wall regions, but <10% through protoplast areas. In contrast to herbaceous species, we did not detect any UV-B transmittance through the epidermis of P. pungens with either the fluorescing film or the fibre-optic microprobe technique. The epidermis appears to be a much more spatially uniform UV-B filter in conifers than in these herbaceous species.  相似文献   

CHAFFEY  N. J. 《Annals of botany》1985,55(1):65-75
Aspects of the structure and ultrastructure of the membranousligule of mature leaves of Lolium temulentum L. are described.In transverse section the ligule was lens-shaped and wedge-shapedin longitudinal section, 6 or 7 cells wide near the base and1 or 2 cells wide at the edges. Two uniseriate epidermes encloseda chlorenchymatous mesophyll tissue of varying thicknesses;both epidermes were continuous with the leaf adaxial epidermis.The cells comprising these three issues all appeared like typicalgrass epidermal long cells; elongate papillate cells were presentat the edges. No stomata, trichomes, intercellular spaces orvascular tissue were found in the ligule. A marked polarizationof ultrastructural complexity existed from the large-vacuolateabaxial epidermis to the ‘densely cytoplasmic’ small-vacuolateadaxial epidermis. Cells of the latter tissue contained numerousmitochondria, hypersecretory dictyosomes and abundant strandsof rough endoplasmic reticulum. Fluorescence microscopy providedevidence for the accumulation of a polysaccharide-containingmaterial within the periplasmic space next to the outer tangentialwall of adaxial epidermal cells. The ligule is considered tobe a highly organized and differentiated leaf organ with a pholosyntheticmesophyll and an adaxial epidermis active in the synthesis ofprotein and polysaccharide. Darnel, fluorescence microscopy, ligule, Lolium temulentum L., Poaceae, ultrastructure  相似文献   

Because the epidermis ofV. faba L. leaves easily can be peeled into strips of one cell layer, we developed a simple method ofin situ hybridization using epidermal peels as a substitute for paraffin, resin and cryosections. Our method sufficiently detected the expression of broad bean aquaporin 1 in guard cells. RT-PCR revealed higher expression of aquaporins (AQPs) in guard cells compared to other leaf cell types; this indicates the importance of AQP for bulk water flow across guard cell membranes and, therefore, for stomatal movements.  相似文献   

The development of more and more new dermal substitutes requires a reliable and effective animal model to evaluate their safety and efficacy. In this study we constructed a novel animal model using co-transplantation of autologous epidermal sheets with dermal substitutes to repair full-thickness skin defects. Autologous epidermal sheets were obtained by digesting the basement membrane (BM) and dermal components from rat split-thickness skins in Dispase II solution (1.2 u/ml) at 4°C for 8, 10 and 12 h. H&E, immunohistochemical and live/dead staining showed that the epidermal sheet preserved an intact epidermis without any BM or dermal components, and a high percentage of viable cells (92.10±4.19%) and P63 positive cells (67.43±4.21%) under an optimized condition. Porcine acellular dermal matrixes were co-transplanted with the autologous epidermal sheets to repair full-thickness skin defects in Sprague-Dawley rats. The epidermal sheets survived and completely re-covered the wounds within 3 weeks. Histological staining showed that the newly formed stratified epidermis attached directly onto the dermal matrix. Inflammatory cell infiltration and vascularization of the dermal matrix were not significantly different from those in the subcutaneous implantation model. Collagen IV and laminin distributed continuously at the epidermis and dermal matrix junction 4 weeks after transplantation. Transmission electron microscopy further confirmed the presence of continuous lamina densa and hemidesmosome structures. This novel animal model can be used not only to observe the biocompatibility of dermal substitutes, but also to evaluate their effects on new epidermis and BM formation. Therefore, it is a simple and reliable model for evaluating the safety and efficacy of dermal substitutes.  相似文献   

Adaxial peels were made from fully expanded leaves of Avicenniagerminans (L). Stearn. The peels consisted of the epidermis,epidermal salt glands, and underlying hypodermal cells. Electronmicroscopic examinations showed that the structural integrity(except for the innermost hypodermal cells) of all cell typeswas not altered in making the peels. When the peels were floatedon salt solutions, the glands were shown to be functionallycompetent in secretion. Secretion also occurred when the peelswere floated on distilled water, presumably from salts storedin the hypodermis. Secretion occurred in the dark and sinceall cell types in the peels lacked chloroplasts, glandular functioncould not be directly coupled energetically to photosynthesis.However, secretion was shown to be temperature dependent andinhibited by azide and dinitrophenol, which indicates that theenergy cost underlying secretion is mitochondrial and most likelycoming from the mitochondria-enriched gland cells. Inhibitorsknown to affect membrane H+ ATPase activity and membrane transportalso inhibited secretion, indicating that membrane transportis probably the primary mechanism underlying secretion. Lanthanum,a membrane calcium antagonist, also inhibited secretion. Avicennia germinans (Avicenniaccac), salt glands, metabolic inhibitors, ultrastructure, secretion  相似文献   

Relative quantities of DNA in individual nuclei of stem and leaf epidermal cells of Arabidopsis were measured microspectrofluorometrically using epidermal peels. The relative ploidy level in each nucleus was assessed by comparison to root tip mitotic nuclei. A clear pattern of regular endopolyploidy is evident in epidermal cells. Guard cell nuclei contain levels of DNA comparable to dividing root cells, the 2C level (i.e., one unreplicated copy of the nuclear DNA). Leaf trichome nuclei had elevated ploidy levels of 4C, 8C, 16C, 32C, and 64C, and their cytology suggested that the polyploidy represents a form of polyteny. The nuclei of epidermal pavement cells were 2C, 4C, and 8C in stem epidermis, and 2C, 4C, 8C, and 16C in leaf epidermis. Morphometry of epidermal pavement cells revealed a direct proportionality between nuclear DNA level and cell size. A consideration of the development process suggests that the cells of highest ploidy level are developmentally oldest; consequently, the developmental pattern of epidermal tissues can be read from the ploidy pattern of the cells. This observation is relevant to theories of stomate spacing and offers opportunities for genetic analysis of the endopolyploidy/polyteny phenomenon.  相似文献   

The relationship between growth, in vivo extensibility, and tissue tension in the first 3 internodes of 5, 6, and 7 day-old pea plants (Pisum sativum L. cv Alaska), grown under continuous red light was investigated. The upper 15 millimeters of each internode was marked with ink and its elongation growth measured over the next subsequent 8 hours. In vivo extensibility was measured by stretching living tissue at constant force (creep test) in a custom-built extensiometer. Tissue tension was determined by (a) measuring the rate of expansion of the isolated cortical cylinder after adding water and the amount of contraction of the epidermis after peeling, and (b) by use of the `split section test.' A good correlation between rate of elongation growth, in vivo extensibility, and tissue tension was established. The epidermis peeled from the growing third internode of 7 day-old plants and measured immediately showed a plastic extensibility (Epl twice that of peels from nongrowing excised sections. This high Epl-value was lost on incubation of the sections in distilled water, and was subsequently restored by incubating the sections in auxin (indole-3-acetic acid). We conclude that the in situ growth of the internodes is a function of tissue-tension, which provides the driving force of organ growth, and the extensibility (Epl of the outer epidermal wall, which is in the growing plant in a `loosened' state. We furthermore suggest that in the intact plant auxin is causally involved in the wall loosening process in the epidermis.  相似文献   

During wound healing, interfollicular epidermis can be regenerated from the outer root sheath of hair follicles, showing that the cells of this structure can shift toward an interfollicular epidermal phenotype. Similarly, it has been shown that a multilayered epithelium originating from outer sheath cells can be obtained in vitro by culturing hair follicles. However, in the culture systems developed so far, the phenotypical shift was incomplete since the cells retained some of their original characteristics and did not acquire several key markers of terminally differentiated epidermis. In this paper, we describe a new tissue culture method for obtaining a multilayered epithelium from outer sheath cells. This is performed by implanting human hair follicles vertically into dermal equivalents and then raising the culture at the air-liquid interface. The morphological, immunological, and biochemical features of the in vitro reconstructed tissue are very similar to those observed in normal interfollicular epidermis, including those specific for terminally differentiated keratinocytes. Thus, under appropriate in vitro conditions, outer root sheath cells are able to express an interfollicular epidermal phenotype as occurs in vivo during wound healing.  相似文献   

 The epidermis of both species of Seison is syncytial and has a characteristic internal layer divided into two distinct sublayers. Sublayer I is very thin (0.03 μm) and bounded to the outer cell membrane of the epidermis. Sublayer II is 0.5 μm thick and separated from sublayer I by a thin layer of cytoplasm. Intrusions of the outer cell membrane of the epidermis perforate the internal layer, before terminating within the cytoplasm. The intrusions of the cell membrane of S. annulatus are coated by an electron-dense material, the annulus, when passing through the internal layer. Bundles of filaments are present in the epidermis of S. nebaliae. A comparison of epidermal structures within the Gnathifera Ahlrichs, 1995, confirms phylogenetic relationships earlier proposed by the author. Accepted: 19 December 1996  相似文献   

Seed coat development of Harpagophytum procumbens (Devil's Claw) and the possible role of the mature seed coat in seed dormancy were studied by light microscopy (LM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). Very young ovules of H. procumbens have a single thick integument consisting of densely packed thin-walled parenchyma cells that are uniform in shape and size. During later developmental stages the parenchyma cells differentiate into 4 different zones. Zone 1 is the multi-layered inner epidermis of the single integument that eventually develops into a tough impenetrable covering that tightly encloses the embryo. The inner epidermis is delineated on the inside by a few layers of collapsed remnant endosperm cell wall layers and on the outside by remnant cell wall layers of zone 2, also called the middle layer. Together with the inner epidermis these remnant cell wall layers from collapsed cells may contribute towards seed coat impermeability. Zone 2 underneath the inner epidermis consists of large thin-walled parenchyma cells. Zone 3 is the sub-epidermal layers underneath the outer epidermis referred to as a hypodermis and zone 4 is the single outer seed coat epidermal layer. Both zones 3 and 4 develop unusual secondary wall thickenings. The primary cell walls of the outer epidermis and hypodermis disintegrated during the final stages of seed maturation, leaving only a scaffold of these secondary cell wall thickenings. In the mature seed coat the outer fibrillar seed coat consists of the outer epidermis and hypodermis and separates easily to reveal the dense, smooth inner epidermis of the seed coat. Outer epidermal and hypodermal wall thickenings develop over primary pit fields and arise from the deposition of secondary cell wall material in the form of alternative electron dense and electron lucent layers. ESEM studies showed that the outer epidermal and hypodermal seed coat layers are exceptionally hygroscopic. At 100% relative humidity within the ESEM chamber, drops of water readily condense on the seed surface and react in various ways with the seed coat components, resulting in the swelling and expansion of the wall thickenings. The flexible fibrous outer seed coat epidermis and hypodermis may enhance soil seed contact and retention of water, while the inner seed coat epidermis maintains structural and perhaps chemical seed dormancy due to the possible presence of inhibitors.  相似文献   

The anthocyanin (GAA) in the epidermis and hair of the leaf ofGynura aurantiaca cv. ‘Purple Passion’ was isolated and identified as cyanidin tetra-glucoside acylated by three molecules of caffeic acid and one molecule of malonic acid. GAA was also isolated from the lower epidermis of the leaf ofG. bicolor DC. GAA showed a very stable reddish purple color from weakly acid to neutral pH region, but the color of the deacylated compound disappeared rapidly in the same region. This indicated that the attached organic acids must play an essential role in the stabilization of the color. Comparison of the profiles of the visible absorption spectra of the intact epidermal peels and cells ofG. aurantiaca andG. bicolor with those of GAA dissolved in various pH solutions suggested that the pH of the epidermal vacuole containing GAA was nearly 4.3. GAA was indistinguishable from the anthocyanin (rubrocinerarin) which we had previously isolated from the purplish red flowers ofSenecio cruentus DC. by means of UV-Vis, NMR and Mass spectra. Deceased  相似文献   

A hypothesis exists that external and internal factors affect the orientation of cortical microtubules in as much as these lead to changes in cell elongation rate. Factors that stimulate elongation are proposed to lead to transverse microtubule orientation, whereas factors that inhibit elongation lead to longitudinal orientation. The elongation rate is equal to the rate of longitudinal irreversible strain in cell walls. Incubated epidermis peeled from sunflower hypocotyls does not extend unless it is stretched by loading and the pH of the incubation medium is appropriately low. Thus, peels provide a convenient model to investigate the relationship between longitudinal strain rate and cortical microtubule orientation. In the present study, it was found that peeling affects microtubule orientation. Peels were incubated for several hours in Murashige & Skoog medium (both unbuffered and buffered) to attain a steady state of microtubule orientation before loading. The effects of loading and pH on strain rate and orientation of microtubules under the outer epidermal walls were examined in three portions of peels positioned with respect to the cotyledonary node. Appropriate loading caused longitudinal strain of peels at pH 4.5 but not at pH 6.5. However, no clear effect of strain rate on microtubule orientation in the peels was observed. Independent of applied load and pH of the incubation medium, the microtubule orientation remained unchanged, i.e. orientation was mainly oblique. Our results show that strain rate does not affect cortical microtubule orientation in isolated epidermis of the sunflower hypocotyl model system, although orientation could be changed by white light.  相似文献   

Somatic embroys and subsequent plant regeneration were obtained from isolated leaf epidermis of Gaillardia picta. Abaxial and adaxial epidermal peels (monolayer) from 45 days old aseptic seedlings were isolated and segments measuring 5 mm x 3 mm were cultured on B5 basal medium supplemented with various growth regulators such as naphthaleneacetic acid or indolebutyric acid and benzylaminopurine or kinetin. Within 12 h of culture the epidermal cells showed receding of cytoplasm from the walls. After 48 h of incubation 3 or 4 localized zones, each consisting of 3–8 cells that accumulated cytoplasm and stained densely, were observed. Mitotic divisions occurred in these zones on day 3 of culture and localized masses of callus were observed in 95% of the cultures after 10 days. In another 5 days, the callus differentiated somatic embryos or roots, depending on the growth regulators and their concentration in the medium.Abbreviations Used BAP 6-benzylamiopurine - IBA indolebutyric acid - Kn kinetin - NAA -naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

A homeobox gene, HB9, has been isolated from the tarsometatarsal skin of 13-day-old chick embryos using a degenerate RT-PCR-based screening method. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that, during development of chick embryonic skin, the HB9 gene was expressed in epidermal basal cells of the placodes, but not in those of interplacodes, and in the dermal cells under the placodes at 9 days before addition of an intermediate layer by proliferation of the basal cells in the placodes. With the onset of epidermal stratification, the direction of the basal cell mitosis changed, with the axis becoming vertical to the epidermal surface. Placodes and interplacodes form outer and inner scales, respectively, after they have elongated distally (Tanaka S, Kato Y (1983b) J Exp Zool 225: 271–283). During scale ridge elongation at 12–15 days, HB9 was strongly expressed in the epidermis of the outer scale face, where the cell proliferation is more active than in the epidermis of the inner scale face; hence, stratification of the outer scale face is more prominent than that of the inner scale face. After 16 days, when mitotic activity in the epidermal basal cells decreases and the thickness of the epidermis is maintained at a constant level, the HB9 expression decreases with the onset of epidermal keratinization. These results suggest that HB9 may be involved in the proliferation of the epidermal basal cells that accompanies epidermal stratification.  相似文献   

The increase in epidermal conductance of primary bean leaves started within 10 min after irradiation by 1200 μmol m−2 s−1 of darkened plants. The rate of stomatal opening increased toa maximum and then decreased till a steady-state value of epidermal conductance was reached. Stomata on the abaxial epidermis always started to open sooner and opened faster than stomata on adaxial epidermis. Both water stress and ageing of leaves delayed the beginning of opening and decreased the opening rate as well as the steady-state values of epidermal conductance.  相似文献   

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