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The feeding behaviour, excretion rate, and life history traits of the cotton-melon aphid, Aphis gossypii (Glover) (Homoptera, Aphididae), were measured on a resistant melon, Cucumis melo L., breeding line, AR 5. The site of resistance detection by the aphids was determined using the electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique. EPG recordings showed that resistance is expressed within the host plant, rather than on its surface, because the time to first stylet penetration was not significantly different between AR 5 and the closely related susceptible breeding line, PMR 5. EPG patterns associated with stylet pathway activities of the aphids were not significantly different between the resistant and susceptible lines. Significant behavioural differences were observed only after stylets contacted phloem sieve elements. On AR 5, the duration of salivation after sieve element puncture (waveform E1) was significantly longer, and the number of aphids showing phloem sap ingestion (waveform E2) was significantly reduced. We conclude that the resistance mechanism producing the effects seen in this study acts within the phloem sieve elements. Monitoring of excretion rates on the two genotypes showed that aphid feeding was delayed and greatly reduced on the resistant genotype. Comparisons of aphid life history traits and population development between host plant genotypes showed that the effects of resistance act throughout aphid development and are highly effective at slowing down population increase.  相似文献   

Feeding behavior and plant response to feeding were studied for the aphid Aphis gossypii Glover on susceptible and resistant melons(cv.Iroquois and TGR-1551,respectively).Average phloem phase bout duration on TGR-1551 was<7% of the duration on Iroquois.Sixty-seven percent of aphids on TGR-1551 never produced a phloem phase that attained ingestion(EPG waveform E2)in contrast to only 7% of aphids on Iroquois.Average bout duration of waveform E2(scored as zero if phloem phase did not attain E2)on TGR-1551 was<3% of the duration on Iroquois.Conversely,average bout duration of EPG waveform El(sieve element salivation)was 2.8 times greater on TGR-1551 than on Iroquois.In a second experiment,liquid nitrogen was used to rapidly cryofix leaves and aphids within a few minutes after the aphids penetrated a sieve element.Phloem near the penetration site was then examined by confocal laser scanning microscopy.Ninety-six percent of penetrated sieve elements were occluded by protein in TGR-1551 in contrast to only 28% in Iroquois.Usually in TGR-1551,occlusion was also observed in nearby nonpenetrated sieve elements.Next,a calcium channel blocker,trivalent lanthanum,was used to prevent phloem occlusion in TGR-1551,and A.gossypii feeding behavior and the plants phloem response were compared between lanthanum-treated and control TGR-1551.Lanthanum treatment eliminated the sieve element protein occlusion response and the aphids readily ingested phloem sap from treated plants.This study provides strong evidence that phloem occlusion is a mechanism for resistance against A.gossypii in TGR-1551.  相似文献   

Analysis of electrically recorded feeding behaviour of aphids was combined with colony‐development tests to search for sources of resistance to Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (Homoptera: Aphididae) in tuber‐bearing Solanum species (Solanaceae), aiming at a reduction of potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) transmission. Twenty genotypes, originating from 14 gene bank accessions, representing 13 wild tuber‐bearing Solanum spp., three Solanum tuberosum L. (potato) cultivars, and one S. tuberosum breeding line, were selected. Colony‐development tests were carried out in no‐choice experiments by placing adult aphids on plants of each genotype and counting numbers of nymphs and adults on young plants after 8 and 15 days, and on flowering plants after 14 and 30 days. Large differences were observed among genotypes: some developed small colonies and others developed large ones. Also, in a few genotypes, resistance in mature plants was different for leaves of different ages; young leaves were resistant to aphids whereas old senescent leaves were susceptible. The electrical penetration graph (DC‐EPG system) technique was used to study aphid feeding behaviour on each Solanum genotype for 6 h. Electrical penetration graph (EPG) results also showed large differences among the genotypes, indicating resistance at the leaf surface and at three different levels of plant tissue (epidermis, mesophyll, and phloem). Therefore, it was concluded that different mechanisms of resistance to M. persicae exist among the genotypes analysed. EPGs recorded from aphids on Solanum berthaultii Hawkes and Solanum tarijense Hawkes with and without glandular trichomes showed that strong surface resistance can bias EPG parameters associated with resistance located in deeper tissues. Experimental evidence is presented that the resistance to aphids in the genotypes with glandular trichomes strongly depends on these morphological structures.  相似文献   

Conclusion Our behavioural data show that the vat resistance in melon is detected early by the aphid during stylet penetration, and is strongly reinforced during phloem feeding. The repulsive effect of phloem sap has been confirmed in vitro, thus demonstrating the presence of extractable chemical factors discriminating the genotypes. The near isogenicity of the two lines is biochemically confirmed by the high degree of homology of their tested composition in many nitrogenous metabolites. Two small peptides are significantly modified when the vat gene is present and they are presently under investigation. Such extractable phloem factors have already been demonstrated, although not yet identified, in another aphid resistance system (van Helden et al., 1995).Author for correspondence  相似文献   

The cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is an important sap‐sucking pest of many plants, including melons and peppers. This study was conducted to determine the effects of sublethal exposure to flonicamid and imidacloprid and the mechanisms by which these insecticides affect the feeding behavior of A. gossypii. The median lethal concentrations (LC50) of flonicamid and imidacloprid for adult A. gossypii were 2.40 and 1.92 mg l?1, respectively. The lower lethal concentrations of flonicamid were 1.01 mg l?1 (LC30) and 0.29 mg l?1 (LC10), and those of imidacloprid were 0.82 mg l?1 (LC30) and 0.24 mg l?1 (LC10). The developmental period of A. gossypii nymphs at LC30 was 3.6 days for both insecticides, which was shorter than that of the untreated controls (4.2 days). Longevity and total fecundity of A. gossypii adults were decreased at the sublethal concentrations of both insecticides. The lowest net reproductive rate was observed in A. gossypii treated with the LC30 of flonicamid. Feeding behavior analyses using an electrical penetration graph showed that sublethal concentrations of flonicamid and imidacloprid had significant effects on the duration of phloem ingestion. Higher doses of flonicamid induced starvation by inhibiting phloem ingestion, whereas imidacloprid acted as a contact toxin rather than an inhibitor of feeding behavior.  相似文献   

In agrosystems, pests are submitted to strong human-imposed selective pressures to which they sometimes adapt rapidly, either through selection of genotypes resulting from mutation and/or recombination events, or through phenotypic plasticity. Understanding how insects respond to such selective pressures is of great importance for sustainable pest management strategies, such as the use of resistant plants. In this study, we investigated the genetic and phenotypic variability of anholocyclic Aphis gossypii Glover (Hemiptera: Aphididae) strains, in response to the resistance gene Vat that is present in melon crops. Forty-nine aphid colonies were sampled on several melon crops in southern France, genotyped using 15 microsatellite loci, and tested in phenotypic experiments using Vat or non- Vat melons. The level of genetic polymorphism between these colonies was low, as only seven multilocus genotypes were detected. In contrast, the phenotypic variability for life-history and behavioral traits between colonies, including those sharing the same genotype, was unexpectedly high, with a continuum of response to the Vat gene from complete susceptibility to strong virulence. The low genetic polymorphism associated with a strong phenotypic variability highlights the high adaptive potential of A. gossypii and the major role of environmental cues in shaping phenotypic responses of this aphid to pest management strategies.  相似文献   

Sugars and amino acids were analysed in the phloem sap (sampling by the exudation method) of four clones of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) characterized by their resistance to the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris) (Homoptera: Aphididae). Differences in the qualitative amino acid balance are shown and a negative correlation between the reproductive rate of the aphid and the sugars/amino acids ratio is underlined. To demonstrate any causal relationship between these two variables, the reproduction of A. pisum on artificial diets copying the sap of the two extreme clones (resistant and susceptible) was measured. The results show that the resistance is not a simple nutritional effect; however, the amino acid balance contributes to the resistance exhibited by some cultivars.
Résumé L'analyse (sucres et acides aminés) de la sève de 4 cultivars de luzerne (Medicago sativa) caractérisés pour leur résistance au puceron du pois (Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris)) (Homoptera: Aphididae), est réalisée sur des exsudats de phloème. La teneur en sucres (exprimée en équivalent saccharose) montre d'importantes différences: rapport de 1 à 3 respectivement entre les clones sensible et résistant. La teneur globale en acides aminés exsudés varie en sens inverse, entraînant une corrélation négative pour les 4 clones étudiés entre le rapport sucre/acides aminés (0,6 à 3,6) et la résistance mesurée par le taux net de reproduction à 14 jours (78,5 à 11,2 larves/femelle). L'analyse des acidses aminés révèle de plus des différences qualitatives entre cultivars, notamment pour certains acides aminés essentiels méthionine, histidine, lysine, aromatiques.Le rôle de l'équilibre en acides aminés et en sacharose dans la résistance de certains cultivars au puceron du pois est apprécié par des mesures de la reproduction de A. pisum sur des milieux artificiels reproduisant le rapport sucre/acides aminés et/ou le spectre des acides aminés des 2 clones extrêmes (sensible et résistant). La résistance n'apparaît pas être le résultat d'une simple différence de la qualité nutritionnelle de la sève; la balance en acides aminés doit cependant participer pour une part à la résistance au puceron.

Crop protection is an integral part of establishing food security, by protecting the yield potential of crops. Cereal aphids cause yield losses by direct damage and transmission of viruses. Some wild relatives of wheat show resistance to aphids but the mechanisms remain unresolved. In order to elucidate the location of the partial resistance to the bird cherry–oat aphid, Rhopalosiphum padi, in diploid wheat lines of Triticum monococcum, we conducted aphid performance studies using developmental bioassays and electrical penetration graphs, as well as metabolic profiling of partially resistant and susceptible lines. This demonstrated that the partial resistance is related to a delayed effect on the reproduction and development of R. padi. The observed partial resistance is phloem based and is shown by an increase in number of probes before the first phloem ingestion, a higher number and duration of salivation events without subsequent phloem feeding and a shorter time spent phloem feeding on plants with reduced susceptibility. Clear metabolic phenotypes separate partially resistant and susceptible lines, with the former having lower levels of the majority of primary metabolites, including total carbohydrates. A number of compounds were identified as being at different levels in the susceptible and partially resistant lines, with asparagine, octopamine and glycine betaine elevated in less susceptible lines without aphid infestation. In addition, two of those, asparagine and octopamine, as well as threonine, glutamine, succinate, trehalose, glycerol, guanosine and choline increased in response to infestation, accumulating in plant tissue localised close to aphid feeding after 24 h. There was no clear evidence of systemic plant response to aphid infestation.  相似文献   

The Mi‐1.2 gene in tomato, Solanum lycopersicum L. (Solanaceae), confers resistance against several herbivores, including the potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae) and the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aleyrodidae). Previous studies on the tissue localization of resistance have given varying results; whitefly resistance was attributed to factors localized in the mesophyll or epidermis, whereas aphid resistance was attributed to factors localized in the phloem. Our study utilizes the direct current electrical penetration graph (DC‐EPG) technique to compare aphid feeding behavior on resistant (Mi‐1.2+) and susceptible (Mi‐1.2?) tomato plants. This study also compares the impact of resistance on the feeding behavior of two aphid clones that vary in their virulence, or their ability to survive and reproduce on resistant plants. Previous work had shown that the avirulent WU11 clone is almost completely inhibited by resistance, whereas the semi‐virulent WU12 clone can colonize resistant hosts. Here, DC‐EPG analysis shows that both aphid clones take longer to initiate cell sampling and to establish a confirmed sieve element phase on resistant plants than on susceptible hosts, and have shorter ingestion periods on resistant plants. However, the magnitude of these deterrent effects is far less for the semi‐virulent clone than for the avirulent aphids. In particular, the WU12 clone is less sensitive to factors that limit sieve element ingestion, showing shorter non‐probe duration and rapidly establishing sustained phloem ingestion on resistant plants when compared to the WU11 clone. We conclude that, in addition to previously described factors in the phloem that inhibit ingestion, Mi‐mediated aphid resistance also involves factors (possibly in the mesophyll and/or epidermis) that delay initiation of phloem salivation, and that act in the intercellular spaces to deter the first cell sampling. Furthermore, the relative effectiveness of these components of resistance differs among insect populations.  相似文献   

Feeding behavior of Melanaphis sacchari Zehntner (Hemiptera: Aphididae) was studied on sugarcane, Saccharum spp. (Poaceae), cultivars HoCP 91‐555 (resistant), LCP 85‐384 (moderately resistant), and L 97‐128 (susceptible) using the electrical penetration graph (EPG) technique. Constitutive concentrations of total phenolics and available carbohydrates, water potential at the whole‐leaf tissue level, and free amino acids (FAAs) in phloem sap extracts, and in honeydew produced by aphids fed on L 97‐128 and HoCP 91‐555 were determined. Cultivar did not influence time for M. sacchari to access phloem sieve elements. Total time in sieve elements was ca. two‐fold greater on L 97‐128 than on HoCP 91‐555, whereas it did not differ from LCP 85‐384 in either cultivar. The mean duration of individual events associated with phloem sap ingestion was ca. 50% shorter on both HoCP 91‐555 and LCP 85‐384 than on L 97‐128. Although cultivar effects were not detected for levels of total phenolics, available carbohydrates, and water potential, two free essential amino acids, histidine and arginine, were absent from phloem sap in HoCP 91‐555. Two free essential amino acids, leucine and isoleucine, and two free non‐essential amino acids, tyrosine and proline, were absent from honeydew of aphids fed on HoCP 91‐555. These results suggest that despite apparent biosynthesis of some FAAs, the absence of important FAAs in the phloem sap of HoCP 91‐555 and the inability of M. sacchari and its endosymbionts (e.g., Buchnera) to derive specific free essential and non‐essential amino acids from other ingested molecules, possibly along with other unidentified factors, underlie the pest's decreased phloem sap ingestion and consequently reduced growth potential on HoCP 91‐555.  相似文献   

In order to understand the mechanisms of resistance of two lucerne cultivars (susceptible Resistador and resistant Lahontan clones) to a French biotype of Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris, several biological parameters of this aphid were investigated on sap-copied holidic diets differing either by their amino acid or sucrose concentrations or by the relative proportions of some amino acids.We recorded the quantitative influence of nutrient levels and amino acid profiles on adult survival and reproduction, as well as on larval growth and development. The differences in A. pisum performances on artificial diets may partly by explained by variable ingestion rates, but also by differences in metabolic efficiency of the ingested nutrients, which greatly depends on amino acid composition.Although holidic diet experiments partially confirm the biological assays of resistance on plants, they also point out a lack in our understanding of the factors present in the sap which are involved in phagostimulation in vivo, thus preventing a complete interpretation of observed resistance.
Résumé Sur des milieux holidiques se différenciant par leur concentration en acides aminés ou en saccharose ou par leur spectre en acides aminés et copiant la sève de deux variétés de luzerne (sensible et résistante) nous avons étudié différents paramètres biologiques d'un biotype d'Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de résistance à ce puceron.Que ce soit pour le reproduction et la survie des adultes ou pour la croissance et le développment larvaire, nous montrons l'influence spécifique de la concentration en saccharose et en acides aminés ainsi que celle du spectre en acides aminés des régimes artificiels. Ces différences de performances de A. pisum peuvent en partie être expliquées par les différences d'ingestion. Néanmoins pour des rapport saccharose/acides aminés identiques et pour des niveaux d'ingestion égaux, il existe selon les milieux de grandes différences de taux de reproduction et donc d'efficacités métaboliques.Les milieux copiant la sève de variétés sensible et résistante permettent jusqu'à présent d'expliquer une partie des observations faites sur végétal, mais démontrent que l'ignorance de certains facteurs phagostimulants présents dans la plante empêche une interprétation complète des effets observés.

The behaviour ofSitobion avenae (F.), was compared on resistant wheat lines ofTriticum monococcum (L.) and a susceptible variety ofTriticum aestivum (L.). Firstly, stylet penetration activities were monitored with the Electrical Penetration Graph (EPG) technique and subsequently analysed using flow charts combined with correspondence analysis. Plant resistance was shown to be associated with repeated penetrations without access to either the xylem or the phloem, and with numerous failures in starting a sustained sap ingestion (as represented by pattern E2). Access to sieve elements of the phloem did not seem to be much affected on resistant plants but it took the aphid three times as long to produce a sap ingestion pattern when maintained on the resistant lineT. monococcum no 44 (Tm44) as compared with aphids maintained on susceptible plants. As a result the total time spent in ingesting from sieve elements was reduced by 72% on Tm44. Secondly, direct observations of freely-moving apterous adults were performed. Aphids did not discriminate between resistant and susceptible wheat during the first 30 min of access to test leaves, but only 4 out of 25 aphids were still probing after eight hours on resistant Tm44. The relevance of these results to possible location of the resistance factor(s) are discussed. Although detection of plant resistance before sieve elements are reached can not be rigorously excluded, the factors involved inT. monococcum resistance toS. avenae undoubtedly occur within the phloem vessels.  相似文献   

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