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选取近30年荒漠草原灌丛引入形成的典型草地-灌丛镶嵌体内部的荒漠草地、草地边缘、灌丛边缘、灌丛地为研究样地,对各样地及其微生境(植丛与空斑)相关土壤指标进行测定,以了解荒漠草地向灌丛地转变过程中土壤氮素的响应特征.结果 表明:随草地灌丛化转变,草本与灌丛生物量均增加,其中一年生草本随灌丛引入增加明显;土壤水分、全碳、全...  相似文献   

荒漠草原是陆地生态系统中最为脆弱且受人类干扰较为严重的生态类型之一,精准模拟其碳水通量及对人为干扰的响应,不仅能够揭示其复杂的生态学过程,而且还可为人为生态修复和保护提供决策依据。生态模型能够有效地模拟陆地生态系统的碳水循环过程,但模型众多的参数及其取值的合理性限制了其普遍应用,故探索参数优化是提升生态模型应用的有效途径。利用PEST参数优化方法和涡度相关观测数据对Biome-BGC模型的生理生态参数进行优化,在评估参数优化效果的基础上模拟了1986-2018年宁夏盐池荒漠草原区人工灌丛生态系统的总初级生产力(Gross primary productivity,GPP)和蒸散(Evapotranspiration,ET)。结果表明:(1)参数优化可以改善Biome-BGC模型对荒漠草原区人工灌丛生态系统GPP和ET的模拟效果,参数优化后模拟的GPP和ET均更接近于观测值,其中月尺度的模拟效果更佳;(2)基于PEST的Biome-BGC模型参数优化方法具有较强的普适性,优化后的参数可推广应用于荒漠草原区人工灌丛生态系统长时间序列的GPP和ET模拟;(3)宁夏盐池荒漠草原区人工灌丛生态系统的GPP在1986-2018年呈缓慢上升趋势,增幅为1.47 g C m-2 a-1,但ET的年际变化率较大,且无显著变化趋势。  相似文献   

宁夏东部荒漠草原灌丛引入对土壤水分动态及亏缺的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
全球气候变化背景下,荒漠草原人工灌丛引入加速其灌丛化进程,对草原土壤水分产生重要影响。为了解宁夏东部荒漠草原灌丛引入过程中土壤水分动态及亏缺现状,选取了封育草地、放牧草地、不同年限(3a、12a、22a)和间距(40 m、6 m、2 m)灌丛柠条(Caragana korshinskii)地进行土壤水分测定,并利用土壤水分相对亏缺指数(compared soil water deficit index,CSWDI)、样地土壤水分相对亏缺指数(plot compared soil water deficit index,PCSWDI)对土壤水分亏缺进行定量分析。结果表明:灌丛引入过程中不同年限、间距灌丛地0—200 cm土层土壤含水量均显著低于封育草地与放牧地(P<0.05);各样地季节动态均表现为春季返潮、夏季消耗、秋季蓄积的季节规律,但不同年限、间距灌丛地表现为春季返潮微弱,土壤含水量仅为7.80%—10.90%,显著低于封育草地和放牧地(11.90%—16.09%);灌丛引入过程中各灌丛地0—100 cm有效储水量(-16.98—18.69 mm)均低于封育草地(34.67 ...  相似文献   

宁夏东部荒漠草原灌丛引入下土壤水分空间异质性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵亚楠  周玉蓉  王红梅 《生态学杂志》2018,29(11):3577-3586
结合地理信息系统(GIS),运用经典统计学和地统计学方法对宁夏东部荒漠草原人工灌丛引入下0~200 cm土层土壤水分空间异质性进行研究.结果表明: 0~200 cm土层土壤含水量为0.6%~19.0%,均值为4.4%,土壤水分含量较低,变异系数为49.5%~86.3%,属于中等变异.不同土层半变异函数的最佳理论模型分别为:0~60、80~120 cm各层土壤水分符合球状模型,60~80 cm符合指数模型,120~200 cm符合高斯模型.不同土层土壤含水量均呈不同程度的空间相关,0~40、60~80、120~200 cm各层土壤水分的块金系数C0/(C0+C)为26.1%~49.9%,为中等程度空间相关;40~60、80~100、100~120 cm各层土壤含水量的块金系数为15.5%~22.1%,具强烈空间相关.0~200 cm不同土层土壤水分含量变程不同,0~20 和 20~40 cm土层变程较大,为37.10~45.18 km,40~200 cm各层土壤含水量的变程较小,为3.58~8.66 km.荒漠草原人工灌丛引入过程中加速土壤水分利用和深层水分消耗,导致土壤水分的空间异质性和破碎化程度加强,且对深层次土壤水分作用更强.  相似文献   

放牧是内蒙古荒漠草原主要利用方式之一,研究不同放牧强度下土壤有机碳分布规律对退化草原恢复以及推广精准放牧技术具有重要的指导意义。基于不同放牧强度长期放牧样地(0、0.93、1.82、2.71羊单位hm-2(a/2)-1),采用高样本数量的取样设计并结合地统计学分析方法,研究荒漠草原土壤有机碳及其空间异质性。结果表明:中度放牧会显著降低0-30 cm土层全氮含量(P<0.05),全磷含量随放牧强度增强出现先降低后升高趋势;放牧样地土壤有机碳含量均显著低于对照样地(P<0.05),不同放牧强度处理土壤有机碳含量没有显著差异;土壤有机碳密度受放牧影响在0-20 cm土层出现显著下降(P<0.05),变化趋势同有机碳含量相似,碳氮比在重度放牧区0-10 cm土层显著降低(P<0.05)。土壤有机碳空间异质性和异质性斑块的破碎程度随放牧强度增加而增大;土壤有机碳含量与海拔高度在对照、轻度放牧和中度放牧区均呈极显著负相关(P<0.01),在重度放牧区土壤有机碳含量和海拔无显著相关性;土壤有机碳含量与土壤全氮、全磷含量均呈极显著正相关(P<0.01)。综上所述,放牧降低土壤有机碳含量,提高土壤有机碳空间异质性,土壤有机碳含量的空间变异受海拔和土壤养分含量等因素的共同影响。  相似文献   

王乐  杜灵通  马龙龙  丹杨 《生态学报》2022,42(1):246-254
宁夏盐池县从20世纪70年代开始在荒漠草原上人工种植柠条灌木用以防风固沙和生态恢复,这一人为措施极大地改变了区域生态系统的植被结构和碳循环,而定量评估人工灌丛化对荒漠草原生态系统碳储量的影响,不仅能够揭示人类活动的碳循环反馈机制,而且可为地方政府生态治理提供理论指导。结合Biome-BGC模型和Logistics生长模型模拟了1958—2017年间荒漠草原人工灌丛化前后的碳储量变化,定量分析了人工灌丛化对生态系统碳储量和组分的影响。结果表明:(1)结合Biome-BGC模型和Logistics生长模型可以较准确地模拟出荒漠草原人工灌丛化过程中生态系统碳储量的变化。(2)人工灌丛化会快速改变荒漠草原的碳储量累积特征,柠条灌木种植后的快速生长阶段极大增强了生态系统的总碳储量,导致生态系统的碳储量特征由草地型向灌木型转变。(3)人工灌丛化改变了生态系统各类型碳储量的组分结构,其对地上植被和枯落物碳储量的影响非常明显,灌丛化后生态系统的植被和枯落物碳分别增加了6倍和1.76倍;因植被碳向土壤碳转化过程较慢,故人工灌丛化对地下土壤碳储量的影响在短期内较为微弱。以上结果显示,荒漠草原人工灌丛化能显...  相似文献   

以宁夏荒漠草原典型植物柠条(Caragana korshinskii)、沙蒿(Artemisia ordosica)、短花针茅(Stipa breviflora)和蒙古冰草(Agropyron mongolicum)群落为研究对象,分析不同植物群落不同土层深度(0~5、5~10和10~15cm)土壤活性有机碳组分土壤微生物量碳(MBC)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)和易氧化有机碳(EOC)特征及其与土壤酶(蔗糖酶、脲酶、碱性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶)活性之间的关系。结果表明:(1)4种典型植物群落土壤SOC、MBC、EOC含量均随土层深度的增加而减少,且表层(0~5cm)土壤显著高于亚表层(5~10cm)和深层(10~15cm)土壤(P0.05),而土壤DOC含量随土层深度的增加呈先增加后减少的趋势。在同一土层深度,灌木(柠条和沙蒿)群落土壤活性有机碳组分含量高于禾本科植物(短花针茅和蒙古冰草)。(2)4种典型植物群落土壤酶(蔗糖酶、脲酶、磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶)活性整体上随土层深度的增加而降低,局部土层深度表现出波动性;同一土层不同植被群落土壤酶活性未表现出一定的变化规律。(3)4种典型群落土壤活性有机碳各组分除DOC外,其余均与SOC呈显著正相关关系,与土壤酶活性、微生物量熵以及有机碳活度具有一定的相关关系,表明土壤活性有机碳不仅依赖于总有机碳,也与土壤酶活性密切相关。  相似文献   

熊小刚  韩兴国  陈全胜  米湘成 《生态学报》2004,24(10):2165-2170
为认识放牧系统的复杂性和稳定性 ,产生了放牧系统的平衡生态学和非平衡生态学原理。放牧系统的平衡生态学原理假定 :一旦干扰在系统中发生 ,系统将偏离平衡态 ;而当干扰解除后 ,系统将自动返回原来的状态或在新的领域实现平衡。在对内蒙古锡林河流域典型草原放牧系统动态的研究中 ,来自平衡生态学的 Clem ents- Duksterhuis演替理论提供了一个基本的研究框架。尽管已经证实对退化不太严重的典型草原放牧系统 ,平衡生态学原理是适用的 ,但是对于这一地区严重退化的放牧系统的动态 ,它显然并不能给予合理的解释。事实上许多放牧系统动态遵循非平衡生态学原理。在非平衡放牧系统中 ,稳定的状态是不会实现的 ,因为在这样的系统中 ,非生物变量对于植被的动态似乎起着决定性的影响 ,从而也决定着草食动物的种群动态。状态与过渡模型基于非平衡生态学原理 ,它能够解释过度放牧下典型草原生态系统的崩溃或灌丛化 ,因此它适于该地区严重退化的典型草原放牧系统的动态。鉴于内蒙古锡林河流域典型草原放牧系统普遍严重退化的现实 ,未来该地退化放牧系统的研究应更多地应用非平衡生态学原理 ,并且严重退化的草原生态系统的恢复试验 ,特别是灌丛化草原的重建也应置于它的指导之下  相似文献   

熊小刚  韩兴国 《生态学报》2005,25(7):1678-1683
过度放牧下内蒙古半干旱草原,由于小叶锦鸡儿多度增加导致植被灌丛化,这已经成为该地草原退化时的普遍现象。草原灌丛化过程中,灌丛内凋落物的累积使得养分循环区域化,草原土壤有机碳(SOC)、土壤全氮(STN)空间异质性增强,导致灌丛沃岛形成。半干旱草原灌丛化过程机制的假说认为:灌丛斑块扩展与其引起的土壤空间异质性的增强之间存在着正反馈作用,正是这种反馈作用促使草地向灌丛地的转变。小叶锦鸡儿通过克隆生长形成不同大小的斑块,它们对应于其发育的不同阶段。因此,将不同大小的灌丛沃岛划分为小灌丛组与大灌丛组,它们代表着灌丛沃岛发育的早期与晚期两个阶段。结果表明:内蒙古半干旱草原灌丛化过程中,小叶锦鸡儿灌丛斑块引起了土壤有机碳(SOC)与土壤全氮(STN)的空间异质性,表现在水平方向上,对于0~5cm,5~10cm,10~20cm3个土壤层次,由灌丛斑块内部向外部SOC与STN均趋于降低;而在垂直方向上,对于灌丛斑块内部、边缘和外部3个位置,由0~10cm到10~20cm再到20~30cm,随着土壤深度增加SOC与STN均趋于降低。随着小叶锦鸡儿灌丛斑块扩展,SOC与STN空间异质性的分布不断增强,表现在灌丛斑块内部相对于外部(或边缘)对SOC与STN富集程度均显著增加。草原灌丛化过程SOC与STN空间异质性变化在0~5cm,5~10cm,10~20cm3个土壤层次中,以表层0~5cm的表现最为强烈。表层0~5cm土壤空间异质性的形成与灌丛自身凋落物的生产以及对灌丛外凋落物的截留有关。由此推断:退化草原灌丛化的过程中,小叶锦鸡儿灌丛斑块引起SOC与STN空间异质性的变化是一个自我增强过程,灌丛斑块扩展与其导致的SOC与STN空间异质性增强之间存在着正反馈作用。因此,以上关于半干旱草原灌丛化机制的假说对我国内蒙古半干旱草原灌丛化也是适用的。  相似文献   

以宁夏盐池县荒漠草原5年围栏封育草地(围栏内)和自由放牧草地(围栏外)为对象,分析0~ 40 cm土层土壤有机碳、易氧化有机碳和颗粒有机碳含量以及土壤粒径组成,研究围栏封育早期沙化灰钙土有机碳组分及物理稳定性的变化规律.结果表明:围栏内外土壤有机碳含量和颗粒组成差异不显著;围栏内外0~40 cm土层土壤有机碳含量平均为3.25g·kg-1,沙粒、粉粒、黏粒的相对比重平均为72%、16%、12%,土壤物理稳定性指数为1.30%~1.31%.土壤活性有机碳的显著变化集中在10~20 cm土层,围栏内易氧化有机碳含量达0.80 g·kg-1,显著高于围栏外的0.62 g·kg-1,围栏内颗粒有机碳的分配比例为50.9%,显著高于围栏外的31.7%.随土层深度的增加,围栏内0~ 40 cm土壤质地由沙性土向沙壤土转变,各层间土质差异显著,易氧化有机碳含量逐渐升高;而围栏外土壤质地的垂直变化相对平缓,基本为沙性土质.退化荒漠草原短期围栏封育条件下,沙化灰钙土土壤有机碳尚处于一个消耗与积累的平衡阶段,土壤质地状况相对稳定,土壤物理稳定性变化较小.10~20 cm土层土壤活性有机碳含量及其相对分配比例可作为围栏封育早期土壤质量变化的指示指标.  相似文献   

A simple N balance model was used to calculate fertilizer requirement for a target N uptake by maize. Nitrogen uptake from soil sources and target uptake of N with fertilizer N additions were obtained from fertilizer trials in Africa and Latin America. Most experiments had data for only one cropping period, although some from Latin America had data for four to six crops. The transfer coefficient of fertilizer N to the crop was adjusted to realize maximum recovery of fertilizer N under best methods of fertilizer application. The time constants of transfer of soil N to the crop were allowed to vary and were affected mainly by soil texture. Where 4 to 6 cropping periods were available good agreement between actual and predicted fertilizer N requirements was obtained. With this approach long-term fertilizer N requirements for 14 sites were predicted using first cropping period N uptake. This study showed that pools of organic N in more coarse-textured soils were usually smaller and declined more rapidly than in fine-textured soils. Labile organic N pools declined with time under all simulations, but approached equilibrium within 10 croppings seasons. Equilibrium N uptake from the soil organic N pool was predicted to be 31 kg ha–1 for the more coarse-textured soils and 36 kg ha–1 for the fine-textured soils. Long-term projections of fertilizer requirements using input data of the field experiments were reasonable, and effects of legume green manures and other amendments could be clearly evaluated.  相似文献   

Aims To better understand whether and how nitrogen addition impacts the epiphytic lichens in the Shennongjia Nature Reserve (China).  相似文献   

To evaluate the impact of human behavior (with regard food consumption, waste disposal and farming method) on nitrogen flow, a field investigation was conducted in six typical ecosystems in China. A number of parameters for regional nitrogen balance models were identified during the investigation. The results show that the average per-capita daily protein intake is 107 g. While there is an insignificant difference in total protein intake among the different ecosystems, protein intake from all food groups, except for eggs, is significantly different (P ≤ 0.05). Differences in diet, along with those in socio-economic conditions, reflect differences in the characteristics of the ecosystems. Regarding per-capita annual potential nitrogen loading from human excrement, a considerable difference exists between the urban rich and the rural poor. In urban areas, approximately 1.02 kg N is returned to farmlands and 5.49 kg N is directly discharged into rivers. In rural regions, on the other hand, approximately 4.33 kg N is returned to farmlands and 1.60 kg N is directly discharged into rivers. Furthermore, urea and mixed fertilizers constitute the most common chemical fertilizers in the study area. Fertilizer diversification is practiced in a range of agricultural lands, paddy-fields and irrigated plains. In the oasis and paddy-field agricultural systems, many of the agricultural by-products (e.g., straw) are burned or mixed with base-fertilizers and plowed into the soil. In irrigated agricultural systems, over 70% of agricultural by-products are recycled as livestock feed. In most instances, livestock excrement is directly reduced in the pasturelands or reused in the fields as manure. Occasionally, as in the case of large-scale breeding, excrements are usually abandoned.  相似文献   

Summary The behavior of soil N, fertilizer N and plant N was studied in a greenhouse experiment with 2 plant densities of rice (IR 36) under flooded conditions. Increasing plant density from 25 hills m2 to 50 hills m2 increased tiller number and panicle number but had no influence on grain yield. The yield of grain was linearly related to N content of the above ground dry matter at harvest (r2=.96) and thus the effect of manipulating the N supply on yield was directly related to N uptake.Mixing of (NH4)2SO4 with the soil volume before transplanting resulted in increases in N in the aboveground dry matter equal to 87% of the applied N. When (NH4)2SO4 was broadcast into the flood water at 4 stages of growth beginning 25 DAT, the corresponding increase was 77% of the applied N. When (NH4)2SO4 was split between shallow mixing before transplanting and a broadcast application of 32 DAT, the corresponding increase was 42%. Thus several applications of fertilizer N increased grain production per unit of applied N.Inorganic N extractable by KCl was a useful but not an infailible guide to the behavior of the soil and fertilizer inorganic N.  相似文献   

Young stock survival is a trait of crucial importance in cattle breeding as calf mortality leads to economic losses and represents an animal welfare issue. The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters and sire breeding values for young stock survival in beef x dairy crossbred calves. Two traits were analysed with a univariate animal model: young stock survival between 1 to 30 days and 31 to 200 days after birth. Breed combinations with Belgian Blue sires outperformed all other sire breeds. The lowest survival rates were found for breed combinations with Jersey dams or Blonde d’Aquitaine sires. The results showed low but significant heritabilities (0.045 to 0.075) for both survival traits. Differences in breeding values between sires ranged from −2.5% to 3.5% and from −5.4% to 4.7% survival from 1 to 30 days and 31 to 200 days, respectively. Based on these findings, we concluded that it is feasible to breed for improved young stock survival in beef x dairy crossbred calves. This will hopefully contribute to increasing the survival rate of the calves and reduce economic losses for the farmers.  相似文献   

Fixation and transfer of nitrogen (N) from alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) to different grass species including timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss) were studied under field conditions, using the15N dilution technique.The percentage of alfalfa N derived from fixation (%NF) increased throughout the growing seasons and ranged from 62 to 83%. Nitrogen transfer (NT) from alfalfa to associated grasses was evident and contributed 26,46 and 38% of the total annual N yield of associated grasses or represented absolute amounts of 5, 20 and 19 kg N ha–1 during the first, second and third year, respectively. The gradual and consistent percentage of NT that occurred before first harvest indicated that this transfer is a result of a direct excretion of N compounds from alfalfa root systems. Decomposition of root and nodule debris seems to contribute to the NT from alfalfa to associated grasses in the later cuts. All grass species benefitted similarly from alfalfa, although earlier maturing species with greater competitive ability were slightly more responsive.Contribution No. 1159 from the Plant Research Centre  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted under flooded soil conditions using Maahas clay amended with urea and rice straw-sesbania mixtures during the wet and dry seasons. Parallel laboratory incubation tests were done. The objectives were 1) to determine N mineralization patterns and establish the relationship between mineralization parameters and either N availability or grain yield, and 2) to correlate the results of organic N mineralization studies in the laboratory with data from field experiments. The N mineralization patterns of flooded soils in the laboratory followed a logistic function. In laboratory studies, mineralization potential was positively correlated with extractable soil NH4 +-N at the end of the incubation period (cumulative available N). Likewise, mineralization potential calculated from laboratory studies was positively correlated with N uptake and grain yield from field studies. Extractable (NH4 ++NO3 )-N in the field correlated positively with extractable NH4 +-N in the laboratory. The extractable NH4 +-N from laboratory incubations at 14 days after transplanting, panicle initiation, and maturity was also highly and positively correlated with grain yield from field experiments.  相似文献   

稻鸭共作系统的稻田氮素渗漏和径流特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过田间试验,分析了稻鸭共作(MRD)、常规栽培(MR)和淹灌单作(CK)3种稻作方式的稻田氮素渗漏和径流特征.结果表明:与MR处理相比,稻鸭共作系统稻田渗漏液氮素浓度尤其是NO3--N浓度显著减少,与CK处理相比,稻鸭共作稻田渗漏液氮素浓度有增加趋势;MRD处理在施肥7~9 d后,田面水中的NH4+-N和NO3--N浓度高于MR处理,由于MRD处理不用搁田且田埂较高,田间排水量显著减少,氮素径流损失反而显著少于MR处理;与MR处理相比,MRD处理增加了鸭粪的氮素投入,减少了氮素渗漏和径流损失,减少了化学氮肥用量,增加了水稻地上部吸氮量;MRD系统的氮素输入总量和氮素输出总量均减少,且减少量基本相等.  相似文献   

为探索玉米-大豆套作系统中作物对N素吸收的差异特性,揭示减量施N对玉米-大豆套作系统的N高效利用机理。利用15N同位素示踪技术,结合小区套微区多年定位试验,研究了玉米单作(MM)、大豆单作(SS)、玉米-大豆套作(IMS)及不施N(NN)、减量施N(RN:180 kg N/hm2)、常量施N(CN:240 kg N/hm2)下玉米、大豆的生物量、吸N量、N肥利用率及土壤N素含量变化。结果表明,与MM(SS)相比,IMS下玉米茎叶及籽粒的生物量、吸N量降低,15N%丰度及15N吸收量增加,大豆籽粒及植株的生物量、吸N量及15N吸收量显著提高;IMS下玉米、大豆植株的N肥利用率、土壤N贡献率、土壤15N%丰度降低,15N回收率显著增加。施N与不施N相比,显著提高了单、套作下玉米、大豆植株的生物量、吸N量、15N丰度及15N吸收量;RN与CN相比,IMS下,RN的玉米、大豆植株总吸N量提高13.4%和12.4%,N肥利用率提高213.0%和117.5%,土壤总N含量提高12.2%和11.6%,土壤N贡献率降低12.0%和11.2%,玉米植株15N吸收量与15N回收率提高14.4%和52.5%,大豆的则降低57.1%和42.8%,单作与套作的变化规律一致。玉米-大豆套作系统中作物对N素吸收存在数量及形态差异,减量施N有利于玉米-大豆套作系统对N肥的高效吸收与利用,实现作物持续增产与土壤培肥。  相似文献   

Estavillo  J.M.  Rodrí  M.  Lacuesta  M.  González-Murua  C. 《Plant and Soil》1997,188(1):49-58
It is essential to establish more accurate N balances for different soil-plant systems in order to improve N use efficiency. In this study the N balance was studied in a poorly drained clayey loam soil under natural grassland supplied with either calcium ammonium nitrate or cattle slurry at two application rates. The aim was to determine the efficiency of the N applied and the factors which affect this efficiency. Mineralization-immobilization of N was calculated by balance between the quantified inputs and outputs of N. As N inputs increased, output via herbage yield was accompanied by an increase in apparent immobilization of N in the soil and by larger losses of N by denitrification. The difference between cattle slurry and N fertilizer was that the slurry behaved as a slow release fertilizer, its supply of mineral N being greater in the periods of time when fertilizer was applied a long time ago. Denitrification losses (up to 17% of the N applied) are suggested to be the main factor to mitigate in order to increase N use efficiency. A decrease in net mineralization (up to 136 kg N ha-1 year-1) was observed which was related to the mineral N application rate. There was evidence to suggest that this decrease was due both to the immobilization of the N applied and to a decrease in the rate of gross mineralization when mineral N was applied. Microbial biomass determinations could not explain the changes in the mineralization-immobilization equilibrium of N because of the great coefficients of variation for this determination (mean value of 18%). Nevertheless, it contributed to verify and explain some of the changes observed in this equilibrium.  相似文献   

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