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For a long time it was thought that Bursaphelenchus xylophilus was the only agent of the pine wilt disease. Recently, it was discovered that there are bacteria associated with the nematodes that contribute to the pathogenesis of this disease, mainly through the release of toxins that promote the death of the pines. Among the species most commonly found, are bacteria belonging to the Bacillus, Pantoea, Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas genera.The main objective of this work was to study the effect of inoculation of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) with four different nematode isolates, in the bacterial population of nematodes and trees, at different stages of disease progression. The monitoring of progression of disease symptoms was also recorded. Also, the identification of bacteria isolated from the xylem of trees and the surface of nematodes was performed by classical identification methods, by the API20E identification system and by sequencing of bacterial DNA.The results showed that for the symptoms progression, the most striking difference was observed for the pines inoculated with the avirulent isolate, C14-5, which led to a slower and less severe aggravation of symptoms than in pines inoculated with the virulent isolates. In general, it was found that bacterial population, inside the tree, increased with disease progression. A superior bacterial quantity was isolated from pines inoculated with the nematode isolates HF and 20, and, comparatively, few bacteria were isolated from pines inoculated with the avirulent isolate. The identification system API20E was insufficient in the identification of bacterial species; Enterobacter cloacae species was identified in 79% of the isolated bacterial colonies and seven of these colonies could not be identified by this method. Molecular identification methods, through bacterial DNA sequencing, allowed a more reliable identification: eleven different bacterial species within the Bacillus, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Escherichia, Klebsiella, Paenibacillus, Pantoea and Terribacillus genera were identified. General bacterial diversity increased with the progression of the disease. Bacillus spp. were predominant at the earlier stage of disease progression and Klebsiella oxytoca at the later stages. Furthermore, bacterial species isolated from the surface of nematodes were similar to those isolated from the xylem of pines.In the present work new bacterial species were identified which have never been reported before in this type of study and may be associated with their geographical origin (Portugal). P. pinaster, the pine species used in this study, was different from those commonly grown in Japan and China. Furthermore, it was the first time that bacteria were isolated and identified from an avirulent pine wood nematode isolate.  相似文献   

The lipid A component of lipopolysaccharide from the nitrogen-fixing plant endosymbiont, Rhizobium etli, is structurally very different from that found in most enteric bacteria. The lipid A from free-living R. etli is structurally heterogeneous and exists as a mixture of species which are either pentaacylated or tetraacylated. In contrast, the lipid A from R. etli bacteroids is reported to consist exclusively of tetraacylated lipid A species. The tetraacylated lipid A species in both cases lack a β-hydroxymyristoyl chain at the 3-position of lipid A. Here, we show that the lipid A modification enzyme responsible for 3-O deacylation in R. etli is a homolog of the PagL protein originally described in Salmonella enterica sv. typhimurium. In contrast to the PagL proteins described from other species, R. etli PagL displays a calcium dependency. To determine the importance of the lipid A modification catalyzed by PagL, we isolated and characterized a R. etli mutant deficient in the pagL gene. Mass spectrometric analysis confirmed that the mutant strain was exclusively tetraacylated and radiochemical analysis revealed that 3-O deacylase activity was absent in membranes prepared from the mutant. The R. etli mutant was not impaired in its ability to form nitrogen-fixing nodules on Phaseolus vulgaris but it displayed slower nodulation kinetics relative to the wild-type strain. The lipid A modification catalyzed by R. etli PagL, therefore, is not required for nodulation but may play other roles such as protecting bacterial endosymbionts from plant immune responses during infection.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species play a dual role in host-pathogen interaction. They impede the spread of biotrophic pathogens via stimulating cell death and hypersensitive response (HR), and, on the other hand, they provide access to nutrients for necrotrophic pathogens feeding on dead tissues and facilitate their colonizing the host. The participation of ROS in defending plants from pathogens with a combined lifestyle (hemibiotrophs) is not yet understood, and it varies in its dependence on the particular host-pathogen combination. In the present study, we inoculated rapeseed plants (Brassica napus) with a hemibiotrophic fungus, Leptosphaeria maculans, and manipulated the H2O2 content in cotyledons by infiltrating catalase and/or H2O2 into tissues. The action of catalase resulted in a significant decrease in lesions development, but when H2O2 was applied instead, lesion formation was only moderately stimulated compared to the untreated control. When H2O2 toxicity to L. maculans was tested in vitro, concentrations above 5 mM and 10 mM H2O2 were lethal for germinating conidia and growing mycelia of L. maculans, respectively. We can assume that L. maculans behaves as a necrotroph during this early stage of infection even though its resistance to H2O2 does not exceed standard concentrations. To investigate antioxidant mechanisms implicated in the response of B. napus to L. maculans, the cotyledons were both inoculated with conidia and treated with L. maculans elicitor. Increased activities of guaiacol peroxidase, ascorbate peroxidase, glutathione reductase and superoxide dismutase were recorded both in L. maculans-infected and elicitor-treated cotyledons. The results indicate the importance of these enzymes for ROS scavenging in B. napus-L. maculans interaction.  相似文献   

Vatsyayan J  Qing G  Xiao G  Hu J 《EMBO reports》2008,9(9):885-890
A primary step in activating the alternative nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB) pathway requires NF-kappaB2/p100 processing to generate p52. In most cases, stimuli-induced p100 processing is dependent on NF-kappaB-inducing kinase/IkappaB kinase alpha-mediated phosphorylation and ubiquitination. Here, we report that post-translational modification of p100 at specific sites by the small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) is another determining factor for stimuli-induced p100 processing. The results show that basal SUMO modification is required for stimuli-induced p100 phosphorylation and that blocking SUMOylation of p100, either by site-directed mutation or by short interfering RNA-targeted diminution of E2 SUMO-conjugating enzyme Ubc9, inhibits various physiological stimuli-induced p100 processing and ultimate activation of the alternative NF-kappaB pathway. Together, these findings show the crucial role of SUMO1 modification in p100 processing and provide mechanistic insights into the participation of SUMO1 modification in the regulation of signal transduction.  相似文献   

We studied the effect pH had on the N-NS protein complex to determine its role in vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) genome replication, as we had previously shown that VSV genome replication in vitro requires the interaction of the viral N and NS proteins into a 1:1 complex. A previous report showed that the growth of VSV in L cells was sensitive to the pH of the environment (M. Fiszman, J. B. Leaute, C. Chany, and M. Girard, J. Virol. 13:801-808, 1974). We hypothesized that low pH might disrupt the N-NS protein complex, and so we investigated the molecular events leading to inhibition of viral RNA replication in vitro from extracts that were prepared from VSV-infected cells incubated at pH 6.6. We found that viral genome RNA synthesis in vitro was reduced when infected cells were maintained at pH 6.6. Through immunoprecipitation analysis of the viral soluble protein pool, we found that a complex that usually exists between the N and NS proteins at pH 7.4 was altered in extracts from infected cells maintained at pH 6.6, and this was responsible for the observed effects on viral replication. The effect of low pH on the N-NS protein complex could not be abolished by increasing the concentration of the altered complex, indicating that the effects is more than simply a decrease in the level of the protein complex in the cell. Our data provide additional evidence that the 1:1 N-NS protein complex, and not the N protein alone, serves as the substrate for viral RNA replication in vivo.  相似文献   

Nitrile hydratase from Rhodococcus sp. N-771 is an alphabeta heterodimer with a nonheme ferric iron in the catalytic center. In the catalytic center, alphaCys112 and alphaCys114 are modified to a cysteine sulfinic acid (Cys-SO2H) and a cysteine sulfenic acid (Cys-SOH), respectively. To understand the function and the biogenic mechanism of these modified residues, we reconstituted the nitrile hydratase from recombinant unmodified subunits. The alphabeta complex reconstituted under argon exhibited no activity. However, it gradually gained the enzymatic activity through aerobic incubation. ESI-LC/MS analysis showed that the anaerobically reconstituted alphabeta complex did not have the modification of alphaCys112-SO2H and aerobic incubation induced the modification. The activity of the reconstituted alphabeta complex correlated with the amount of alphaCys112-SO2H. Furthermore, ESI-LC/MS analyses of the tryptic digest of the reconstituted complex, removed of ferric iron at low pH and carboxamidomethylated without reduction, suggested that alphaCys114 is modified to Cys-SOH together with the sulfinic acid modification of alphaCys112. These results suggest that alphaCys112 and alphaCys114 are spontaneously oxidized to Cys-SO2H and Cys-SOH, respectively, and alphaCys112-SO2H is responsible for the catalytic activity solely or in combination with alphaCys114-SOH.  相似文献   

DBC2 is a tumor suppressor gene linked to breast and lung cancers. Although DBC2 belongs to the RHO GTPase family, it has a unique structure that contains a Broad-Complex/Tramtrack/Bric a Brac (BTB) domain at the C terminus instead of a typical CAAX motif. A limited number of functional studies on DBC2 have indicated its participation in diverse cellular activities, such as ubiquitination, cell-cycle control, cytoskeleton organization and protein transport. In this study, the role of DBC2 in protein transport was analyzed using vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSVG) fused with green fluorescent protein. We discovered that DBC2 knockdown hinders the VSVG transport system in 293 cells. Previous studies have demonstrated that VSVG is transported via the microtubule motor complex. We demonstrate that DBC2 mobility depends also on an intact microtubule network. We conclude that DBC2 plays an essential role in microtubule-mediated VSVG transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

DLC-1 (deleted in liver cancer 1) is a Rho GTPase-activating protein that is able to inhibit cell growth and suppress tumorigenesis. We have used homologous recombination to inactivate the mouse DLC-1 gene (Arhgap7). Mice heterozygous for the targeted allele were phenotypically normal, but homozygous mutant embryos did not survive beyond 10.5 days post coitum. Histological analysis revealed that DLC-1-/- embryos had defects in the neural tube, brain, heart, and placenta. Cultured fibroblasts from DLC-1-deficient embryos displayed alterations in the organization of actin filaments and focal adhesions.  相似文献   

The HEN1 RNA methyltransferase from Arabidopsis thaliana catalyzes S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet)-dependent 2′-O-methylation at the 3′-termini of small double-stranded RNAs and is a crucial factor in the biogenesis of plant small noncoding RNAs, such as miRNAs or siRNAs. We performed functional and kinetic studies of the full-length HEN1 methyltransferase and its truncated form comprising the C-terminal part of the protein (residues 666–942) with a variety of model RNA substrates. Kinetic parameters obtained with natural RNA substrates indicate that HEN1 is highly catalytically efficient in the absence of any supplementary proteins. We find that the enzyme modifies individual strands in succession leading to complete methylation of an RNA duplex. The rates of methyl group transfer to individual strands of hemimethylated substrates under single turnover conditions are comparable with the multiple turnover rate under steady-state conditions, suggesting that release of reaction products is not a rate-limiting event in the reaction cycle. The truncated protein, which includes conserved motifs characteristic for AdoMet binding, efficiently modifies double-stranded RNA substrates in vitro; however, in contrast to the full-length methyltransferase, it shows weaker interactions with both substrates and is sensitive to base mispairing in the first and second positions of the RNA duplex. Our findings suggest an important role for the N-terminal domains in stabilizing the catalytic complex and indicate that major structural determinants required for selective recognition and methylation of RNA duplexes reside in the C-terminal domain.  相似文献   

We have identified and characterized the Igt gene of Bacillus subtilis. The prelipoprotein diacylglycerol transferase enzyme (Lgt) catalyses the first reaction in lipomodification of bacterial lipoproteins. Inactivation of Igt in B. subtilis by a nonsense mutation (prs-11 mutation) or by disruption was shown here to abolish lipomodification of prelipoproteins completely, as well as the cleavage of signal peptide. However, unlike in Gram-negative bacteria, the Igt mutants of B. subtilis were fully viable. In agreement with this observation, studies of two lipoproteins, PrsA and BlaP, indicated that non-lipomodified precursors of these proteins were functional and translocated across the cytoplasmic membrane. However, there was release of both precursors from cells, resulting in a reduced level of the cell-bound form. We have shown that the reduced level of the PrsA lipoprotein, a foldase involved in protein secretion, caused impaired protein secretion, a prominent phenotype of Igt mutants. There was no indication that non-lipomodified PrsA displayed reduced activity.  相似文献   

l-Cysteine desulfurases provide sulfur to several metabolic pathways in the form of persulfides on specific cysteine residues of an acceptor protein for the eventual incorporation of sulfur into an end product. IscS is one of the three Escherichia coli l-cysteine desulfurases. It interacts with FdhD, a protein essential for the activity of formate dehydrogenases (FDHs), which are iron/molybdenum/selenium-containing enzymes. Here, we address the role played by this interaction in the activity of FDH-H (FdhF) in E. coli. The interaction of IscS with FdhD results in a sulfur transfer between IscS and FdhD in the form of persulfides. Substitution of the strictly conserved residue Cys-121 of FdhD impairs both sulfur transfer from IscS to FdhD and FdhF activity. Furthermore, inactive FdhF produced in the absence of FdhD contains both metal centers, albeit the molybdenum cofactor is at a reduced level. Finally, FdhF activity is sulfur-dependent, as it shows reversible sensitivity to cyanide treatment. Conclusively, FdhD is a sulfurtransferase between IscS and FdhF and is thereby essential to yield FDH activity.  相似文献   

RNAi constructs targeted to four different genes were examined to determine their efficacy to reduce galls formed by Meloidogyne incognita in soybean roots. These genes have high similarity with essential soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) and Caenorhabditis elegans genes. Transformed roots were challenged with M. incognita. Two constructs, targeted to genes encoding tyrosine phosphatase (TP) and mitochondrial stress-70 protein precursor (MSP), respectively, strongly interfered with M. incognita gall formation. The number of galls formed on roots transformed with constructs targeting the M. incognita TP and MSP genes was reduced by 92% and 94.7%, respectively. The diameter of M. incognita inside these transformed roots was 5.4 and 6.5 times less than the diameter of M. incognita found inside control plants transformed with the empty vector. These results indicate that silencing the genes encoding TP and MSP can greatly decrease gall formation and shows a promising solution for broadening resistance of plants against this plant-parasitic nematode.  相似文献   

Fas-associated protein with death domain (FADD) has been implicated in T lymphocytes, but the nature of FADD-dependent mechanism in early T cell development has not been completely elucidated. In this study, using T-cell specific deletion mice, we observed that FADD deficiency in thymocytes led to increased apoptosis and reduced cell numbers, which may be attributed to the reduction of Glut1 expression and correspondingly decreased glucose uptake. Furthermore, an abnormal transduction of Akt signaling was discovered in FADD−/− thymocytes, which may be responsible for the declined Glut1 expression. Collectively, our results demonstrate the new function of FADD in glucose metabolism and survival of early T cells.  相似文献   

D Wang  Y Zhang  Y Huang  P Li  M Wang  R Wu  L Cheng  W Zhang  Y Zhang  B Li  C Wang  Z Guo 《Gene》2012,506(1):36-42
Nowadays, some researchers normalized DNA methylation arrays data in order to remove the technical artifacts introduced by experimental differences in sample preparation, array processing and other factors. However, other researchers analyzed DNA methylation arrays without performing data normalization considering that current normalizations for methylation data may distort real differences between normal and cancer samples because cancer genomes may be extensively subject to hypomethylation and the total amount of CpG methylation might differ substantially among samples. In this study, using eight datasets by Infinium HumanMethylation27 assay, we systemically analyzed the global distribution of DNA methylation changes in cancer compared to normal control and its effect on data normalization for selecting differentially methylated (DM) genes. We showed more differentially methylated (DM) genes could be found in the Quantile/Lowess-normalized data than in the non-normalized data. We found the DM genes additionally selected in the Quantile/Lowess-normalized data showed significantly consistent methylation states in another independent dataset for the same cancer, indicating these extra DM genes were effective biological signals related to the disease. These results suggested normalization can increase the power of detecting DM genes in the context of diagnostic markers which were usually characterized by relatively large effect sizes. Besides, we evaluated the reproducibility of DM discoveries for a particular cancer type, and we found most of the DM genes additionally detected in one dataset showed the same methylation directions in the other dataset for the same cancer type, indicating that these DM genes were effective biological signals in the other dataset. Furthermore, we showed that some DM genes detected from different studies for a particular cancer type were significantly reproducible at the functional level.  相似文献   

Neutrophils play a key role in the control of Burkholderia pseudomallei, the pathogen that causes melioidosis. Here, we show that survival of intracellular B. pseudomallei was significantly increased in the presence of 3-methyladenine or lysosomal cathepsin inhibitors. The LC3-flux was increased in B. pseudomallei-infected neutrophils. Concordant with this result, confocal microscopy analyses using anti-LC3 antibodies revealed that B. pseudomallei-containing phagosomes partially overlapped with LC3-positive signal at 3 and 6 h postinfection. Electron microscopic analyses of B. pseudomallei-infected neutrophils at 3 h revealed B. pseudomallei-containing phagosomes that occasionally fused with phagophores or autophagosomes. Following infection with a B. pseudomallei mutant lacking the Burkholderia secretion apparatus Bsa Type III secretion system, neither this characteristic structure nor bacterial escape into the cytosol were observed. These findings indicate that human neutrophils are able to recruit autophagic machinery adjacent to B. pseudomallei-containing phagosomes in a Type III secretion system-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The conversion of cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) to the disease-associated misfolded isoform (PrP(Sc)) is an essential process for prion replication. This structural conversion can be modelled in protein misfolding cyclic amplification (PMCA) reactions in which PrP(Sc) is inoculated into healthy hamster brain homogenate, followed by cycles of incubation and sonication. In serial transmission PMCA experiments it has recently been shown that the protease-resistant PrP obtained in vitro (PrPres) is generated by an autocatalytic mechanism. Here, serial transmission PMCA experiments were compared with serial transmission reactions lacking the sonication steps. We achieved approximately 200,000-fold PrPres amplification by PMCA. In contrast, although initial amplification was comparable to PMCA reactions, PrPres levels quickly dropped below detection limit when samples were not subjected to ultrasound. These results indicate that aggregate breakage is essential for efficient autocatalytic amplification of misfolded prion protein and suggest an important role of aggregate breakage in prion propagation.  相似文献   

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