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Julier B Huguet T Chardon F Ayadi R Pierre JB Prosperi JM Barre P Huyghe C 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》2007,114(8):1391-1406
In many legume crops, especially in forage legumes, aerial morphogenesis defined as growth and development of plant organs,
is an essential trait as it determines plant and seed biomass as well as forage quality (protein concentration, dry matter
digestibility). Medicago truncatula is a model species for legume crops. A set of 29 accessions of M. truncatula was evaluated for aerial morphogenetic traits. A recombinant inbred lines (RILs) mapping population was used for analysing
quantitative variation in aerial morphogenetic traits and QTL detection. Genes described to be involved in aerial morphogenetic
traits in other species were mapped to analyse co-location between QTLs and genes. A large variation was found for flowering
date, morphology and dynamics of branch elongation among the 29 accessions and within the RILs population. Flowering date
was negatively correlated to main stem and branch length. QTLs were detected for all traits, and each QTL explained from 5.2
to 59.2% of the phenotypic variation. A QTL explaining a large part of genetic variation for flowering date and branch growth
was found on chromosome 7. The other chromosomes were also involved in the variation detected in several traits. Mapping of
candidate genes indicates a co-location between a homologue of Constans gene or a flowering locus T (FT) gene and the QTL
of flowering date on chromosome 7. Other candidate genes for several QTLs are described.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
S. Fondevilla Z. Satovic D. Rubiales M. T. Moreno A. M. Torres 《Molecular breeding : new strategies in plant improvement》2008,21(4):439-454
Aschochyta blight, caused by Mycosphaerella pinodes, is one of the most economically serious pea pathogens, particularly in winter sowings. The wild Pisum sativum subsp. syriacum accession P665 shows good levels of resistance to this pathogen. Knowledge of the genetic factors controlling resistance
to M. pinodes in this wild accession would facilitate gene transfer to pea cultivars; however, previous studies mapping resistance to M. pinodes in pea have never included this wild species. The objective of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling
resistance to M. pinodes in P. sativum subsp. syriacum and to compare these with QTLs previously described for the same trait in P. sativum. A population formed by 111 F6:7 recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between accession P665 and a susceptible pea cultivar (Messire) was analysed
using morphological, isozyme, RAPD, STS and EST markers. The map developed covered 1214 cM and contained 246 markers distributed
in nine linkage groups, of which seven could be assigned to pea chromosomes. Six QTLs associated with resistance to M. pinodes were detected in linkage groups II, III, IV and V, which collectively explained between 31 and 75% of the phenotypic variation
depending of the trait. While QTLs MpIII.1 and MpIII.2 were detected both for seedlings and field resistance, MpV.1 and MpII.1 were specific for growth chamber conditions and MpIII.3 and MpIV.1 for field resistance. Quantitative trait loci MpIII.1, MpII.1, MpIII.2 and MpIII.3 may coincide with other QTLs associated with resistance to M. pinodes previously described in P.
sativum. Four QTLs associated with earliness of flowering were also identified. While dfIII.2 and dfVI.1, may correspond with other genes and QTLs controlling earliness in P. sativum, dfIII.1 and dfII.1 may be specific to P. sativum subsp. syriacum. Flowering date and growth habit were strongly associated with resistance to M. pinodes in the field evaluations. The relation observed between earliness, growth habit and resistance to M. pinodes is discussed. 相似文献
Yan HH Mudge J Kim DJ Larsen D Shoemaker RC Cook DR Young ND 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》2003,106(7):1256-1265
A growing body of research indicates that microsynteny is common among dicot genomes. However, most studies focus on just one or a few genomic regions, so the extent of microsynteny across entire genomes remains poorly characterized. To estimate the level of microsynteny between Medicago truncatula (Mt) and Glycine max (soybean), and also among homoeologous segments of soybean, we used a hybridization strategy involving bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contigs. A Mt BAC library consisting of 30,720 clones was screened with a total of 187 soybean BAC subclones and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) probes. These probes came from 50 soybean contig groups, defined as one or more related BAC contigs anchored by the same low-copy probe. In addition, 92 whole soybean BAC clones were hybridized to filters of HindIII-digested Mt BAC DNA to identify additional cases of cross-hybridization after removal of those soybean BACs found to be repetitive in Mt. Microsynteny was inferred when at least two low-copy probes from a single soybean contig hybridized to the same Mt BAC or when a soybean BAC clone hybridized to three or more low-copy fragments from a single Mt BAC. Of the 50 soybean contig groups examined, 54% showed microsynteny to Mt. The degree of conservation among 37 groups of soybean contigs was also investigated. The results indicated substantial conservation among soybean contigs in the same group, with 86.5% of the groups showing at least some level of microsynteny. One contig group was examined in detail by a combination of physical mapping and comparative sequencing of homoeologous segments. A TBLASTX similarity search was performed between 1,085 soybean sequences on the 50 BAC contig groups and the entire Arabidopsis genome. Based on a criterion of sequence homologues <100 kb apart, each with an expected value of < or =1e-07, seven of the 50 soybean contig groups (14%) exhibited microsynteny with Arabidopsis. 相似文献
Soengas P Hand P Vicente JG Pole JM Pink DA 《TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik》2007,114(4):637-645
Resistance to six known races of black rot in crucifers caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Pammel) Dowson is absent or very rare in Brassica oleracea (C genome). However, race specific and broad-spectrum resistance (to type strains of all six races) does appear to occur
frequently in other brassica genomes including B. rapa (A genome). Here, we report the genetics of broad spectrum resistance in the B. rapa Chinese cabbage accession B162, using QTL analysis of resistance to races 1 and 4 of the pathogen. A B. rapa linkage map comprising ten linkage groups (A01–A10) with a total map distance of 664 cM was produced, based on 223 AFLP bands
and 23 microsatellites from a F2 population of 114 plants derived from a cross between the B. rapa susceptible inbred line R-o-18 and B162. Interaction phenotypes of 125 F2 plants were assessed using two criteria: the percentage of inoculation sites in which symptoms developed, and the severity
of symptoms per plant. Resistance to both races was correlated and a cluster of highly significant QTL that explained 24–64%
of the phenotypic variance was located on A06. Two additional QTLs for resistance to race 4 were found on A02 and A09. Markers
closely linked to these QTL could assist in the transference of the resistance into different B. rapa cultivars or into B. oleracea. 相似文献
Andrea Porceddu Francesco Panara Ornella Calderini Lorna Molinari Paola Taviani Luisa Lanfaloni Carla Scotti Maria Carelli Laura Scaramelli Gianluca Bruschi Viviane Cosson Pascal Ratet Henri de Larembergue Gerard Duc Efisio Piano Sergio Arcioni 《BMC research notes》2008,1(1):129
Medicago truncatula is a model species for legumes. Its functional genomics have been considerably boosted in recent years due to initiatives based both in Europe and US. Collections of mutants are becoming increasingly available and this will help unravel the genetic control of important traits for many species of legumes.Findings
Our report is on the production of three complementary mutant collections of the model species Medicago truncatula produced in Italy in the frame of a national genomic initiative. Well established strategies were used: Tnt1 mutagenesis, TILLING and activation tagging. Both forward and reverse genetics screenings proved the efficiency of the mutagenesis approaches adopted, enabling the isolation of interesting mutants which are in course of characterization. We anticipate that the reported collections will be complementary to the recently established functional genomics tools developed for Medicago truncatula both in Europe and in the United States.8.
S. V. Gerasimova Ya. S. Kolodyazhnaya S. E. Titov A. V. Romanova V. S. Koval’ A. V. Kochetov V. K. Shumnyi 《Russian Journal of Genetics》2010,46(7):890-893
The Medicago truncatula ornithine aminotransferase cDNA was cloned under the potent constitutive 35S RNA promoter of the cauliflower mosaic virus
and transferred into the genome of tobacco Nicotiana tabacum SR1 plants. Transformed tobacco plants grew better in salinity stress, but did not differ in proline content under normal
or stress conditions from control plants. It was assumed that the role of ornithine aminotransferase in the molecular mechanisms
of stress resistance is not associated with additional proline synthesis. 相似文献
Urease (EC is a nickel-dependent metalloenzyme catalyzing the hydrolysis of urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide. It is present in many bacteria, fungi, yeasts and plants. Most species, with few exceptions, use nickel metalloenzyme urease to hydrolyze urea, which is one of the commonly used nitrogen fertilizer in plant growth thus its enzymatic hydrolysis possesses vital importance in agricultural practices. Considering the essentiality and importance of urea and urease activity in most plants, this study aimed to comparatively investigate the ureases of two important legume species such as Glycine max (soybean) and Medicago truncatula (barrel medic) from Fabaceae family. With additional plant species, primary and secondary structures of 37 plant ureases were comparatively analyzed using various bioinformatics tools. A structure based phylogeny was constructed using predicted 3D models of G. max and M. truncatula, whose crystallographic structures are not available, along with three additional solved urease structures from Canavalia ensiformis (PDB: 4GY7), Bacillus pasteurii (PDB: 4UBP) and Klebsiella aerogenes (PDB: 1FWJ). In addition, urease structures of these species were docked with urea to analyze the binding affinities, interacting amino acids and atom distances in urease-urea complexes. Furthermore, mutable amino acids which could potentially affect the protein active site, stability and flexibility as well as overall protein stability were analyzed in urease structures of G. max and M. truncatula. Plant ureases demonstrated similar physico-chemical properties with 833–878 amino acid residues and 89.39–90.91 kDa molecular weight with mainly acidic (5.15–6.10 pI) nature. Four protein domain structures such as urease gamma, urease beta, urease alpha and amidohydro 1 characterized the plant ureases. Secondary structure of plant ureases also demonstrated conserved protein architecture, with predominantly α-helix and random coil structures. In structure-based phylogeny, plant ureases from G. max, M. truncatula and C. ensiformis were clearly diverged from bacterial ureases of B. pasteurii and K. aerogenes. Glu, Thr, His and Gly were commonly found as interacting residues in most urease-urea docking complexes while Glu was available in all docked structures. Besides, Ala and Arg residues, which are reported in active-site architecture of plant and bacterial ureases were present in G. max urea-urease complex but not present in others. Moreover, Arg435 and Arg437 in M. truncatula and G. max, respectively were identified as highly mutable hotspot residues residing in amidohydro 1 domain of enzyme. In addition, a number of stabilizing residues were predicted upon mutation of these hotspot residues however Cys and Thr made strong implications since they were also found in codon-aligned sequences as substitutions of hotspot residues. Comparative analyses of primary sequence and secondary structure in 37 different plants demonstrated quite conserved natures of ureases in plant kingdom. Structure-based phylogeny indicated the presence of a possible prokaryote-eukaryote split and implicated the subjection of bacterial ureases to heavy selection in prokaryotic evolution compared to plants. Urea-urease docking complexes suggested that different species could share common interacting residues as well as may have some other uncommon residues at species-dependent way. In silico mutation analyses identified mutable amino acids, which were predicted to reside in catalytic site of enzyme therefore mutagenesis at these sites seemed to have adverse effects on enzyme efficiency or function. This study findings will become valuable preliminary resource for future studies to further understand the primary, secondary and tertiary structures of urease sequences in plants as well as it will provide insights about various binding features of urea-urease complexes. 相似文献
Joann?Mudge Steven?B?Cannon Peter?Kalo Giles?ED?Oldroyd Bruce?A?Roe Christopher?D?Town Nevin?D?Young
Recent genome sequencing enables mega-base scale comparisons between related genomes. Comparisons between animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria demonstrate extensive synteny tempered by rearrangements. Within the legume plant family, glimpses of synteny have also been observed. Characterizing syntenic relationships in legumes is important in transferring knowledge from model legumes to crops that are important sources of protein, fixed nitrogen, and health-promoting compounds. 相似文献14.
Anelia Iantcheva Mireille Chabaud Viviane Cosson Marielle Barascud Bernadette Schutz Catherine Primard-Brisset Patricia Durand David G. Barker Mariana Vlahova Pascal Ratet 《Plant cell reports》2009,28(10):1563-1572
Insertion mutant collections are powerful tools for genetic studies in plants. Although large-scale insertional mutagenesis using T-DNA is not feasible in legumes, the Tnt1 tobacco retrotransposon can be used as a very efficient mutagen in the Medicago truncatula R108 genotype. In this article, we show that Tnt1 can also be exploited to create insertional mutants via transformation and/or regeneration in the reference cultivar Jemalong. Tnt1 insertional mutagenesis in Jemalong following Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation was found to be very efficient, with an average of greater than 15 insertions/line. In contrast, regeneration using low-copy transgenic starter lines resulted in a highly variable rate of new Tnt1 insertions. With the goal of increasing the number of additional Tnt1 insertions during regeneration of starter lines, we have compared the insertion frequencies for a number of different regeneration protocols. In addition, we have been able to show that sucrose-mediated osmotic shock preceding regeneration significantly increases the transposition frequency. Under optimal conditions, 95% of the regenerated Jemalong plants possess new insertions. 相似文献
Tasawar Sultana Farah Deeba Farah Naz Ray J. Rose S. M. Saqlan Naqvi 《Acta Physiologiae Plantarum》2016,38(11):255
To evaluate the effectiveness of a germin-like protein (GLP) in legumes against the serious soil-borne pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lentis, an Oryza sativa root-expressed GLP (OsRGLP1) was expressed in the model legume Medicago truncatula using the recombinant vector pCOsRGLP1. The transgene was highly expressed in M. truncatula transformed lines as assessed by RT-qPCR. Consistent with the active status of the transgene there was an elevated accumulation of H2O2 in transformed progeny. Enzymatic characterization of T1 transgenic progeny showed increased superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. The additional SOD activity in transgenic lines was insensitive to potassium cyanide and sensitive to H2O2 indicating its resemblance to FeSOD. The effectiveness of the OsRGLP1 gene was tested by monitoring the root disease after infection of wild-type and transgenic lines. Wild-type plants were greatly affected by the pathogen infection showing a percent disease index value of 50 compared to 10–18 for the transgenic lines. The tolerance of the transgenic lines leads to recovery in fresh weight and pod production to an almost normal level. Analysis of defense-related genes downstream of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in transgenic plants showed induction of salicylic acid and jasmonate signaling pathways and increased expression of some pathogenesis-related-1 (PR-1) genes and a plant defensin gene. Overall, the findings suggest that OsRGLP1 provides protection against the fungal pathogen F. oxysporum that may involve the direct influence of H2O2 on signaling pathways leading to the activation of defense-related genes. 相似文献
Ana Sofia Duque Susana de Sousa Araújo Matilde Ataíde Cordeiro Dulce Maria Santos Manuel Pedro Fevereiro 《Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture》2007,90(3):325-330
We developed an alternative methodology for in vitro selection of transgenic Medicago truncatula cv. Jemalong plants using a bifunctional construct in which the coding sequences for the green fluorescent protein (GFP)
and the β-glucuronidase protein (GUS) are fused. An Agrobacterium-mediated transformation protocol was used followed by regeneration via somatic embryogenesis in the dark, to avoid the synthesis and the consequent autofluorescence of chlorophyll. This method
is a clear advantage over antibiotic and herbicide selection in which survival of non-transformed tissue is commonly reported,
with the reassurance that all the somatic embryos selected as GFP positive are transformed. This was subsequently corroborated
by the detection of GUS activity in leaves, stems and roots of the regenerated plants. Without antibiotic selection, and performing
the embryo induction in the dark, it was possible to attest the advantage of using GFP as an in vivo detectable reporter for
early embryo selection. The fusion with the GUS coding sequence provided additional evidence for the transformation of the
previously selected embryos. 相似文献
Jin Hee Shin Kyujung Van Dong Hyun Kim Kyung Do Kim Young Eun Jang Beom-Soon Choi Moon Young Kim Suk-Ha Lee 《BMC plant biology》2008,8(1):133
Soybean lipoxygenases (Lxs) play important roles in plant resistance and in conferring the distinct bean flavor. Lxs comprise a multi-gene family that includes GmLx1, GmLx2 and GmLx3, and many of these genes have been characterized. We were interested in investigating the relationship between the soybean lipoxygenase isozymes from an evolutionary perspective, since soybean has undergone two rounds of polyploidy. Here we report the tetrad genome structure of soybean Lx regions produced by ancient and recent polyploidy. Also, comparative genomics with Medicago truncatula was performed to estimate Lxs in the common ancestor of soybean and Medicago. 相似文献18.
Two repeated DNA sequences isolated from a partial genomic DNA library of Helianthus annuus, p HaS13 and p HaS211, were shown to represent portions of the int gene of a Ty3 /gypsy retroelement and of the RNase-Hgene of a Ty1 /copia retroelement, respectively. Southern blotting patterns obtained by hybridizing the two probes to BglII- or DraI-digested genomic DNA from different Helianthus species showed p HaS13 and p HaS211 were parts of dispersed repeats at least 8 and 7 kb in length, respectively, that were conserved in all species studied. Comparable hybridization patterns were obtained in all species with p HaS13. By contrast, the patterns obtained by hybridizing p HaS211 clearly differentiated annual species from perennials. The frequencies of p HaS13- and p HaS211-related sequences in different species were 4.3x10(4)-1.3x10(5) copies and 9.9x10(2)-8.1x10(3) copies per picogram of DNA, respectively. The frequency of p HaS13-related sequences varied widely within annual species, while no significant difference was observed among perennial species. Conversely, the frequency variation of p HaS211-related sequences was as large within annual species as within perennials. Sequences of both families were found to be dispersed along the length of all chromosomes in all species studied. However, Ty3 /gypsy-like sequences were localized preferentially at the centromeric regions, whereas Ty1/ copia-like sequences were less represented or absent around the centromeres and plentiful at the chromosome ends. These findings suggest that the two sequence families played a role in Helianthusgenome evolution and species divergence, evolved independently in the same genomic backgrounds and in annual or perennial species, and acquired different possible functions in the host genomes. 相似文献
Studying Pneumocystis has proven to be a challenge from the perspective of propagating a significant amount of the pathogen in a facile manner.
The study of several fungal pathogens has been aided by the use of invertebrate model hosts. Our efforts to infect the invertebrate
larvae Galleria
mellonella with Pneumocystis proved futile since P. murina neither caused disease nor was able to proliferate within G. mellonella. It did, however, show that the pathogen could be rapidly cleared from the host. 相似文献