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Soybean seeds contain high levels of oil and protein, and are the important sources of vegetable oil and plant protein for human consumption and livestock feed. Increased seed yield, oil and protein contents are the main objectives of soybean breeding. The objectives of this study were to identify and validate quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with seed yield, oil and protein contents in two recombinant inbred line populations, and to evaluate the consistency of QTLs across different environments, studies and genetic backgrounds. Both the mapping population (SD02-4-59 × A02-381100) and validation population (SD02-911 × SD00-1501) were phenotyped for the three traits in multiple environments. Genetic analysis indicated that oil and protein contents showed high heritabilities while yield exhibited a lower heritability in both populations. Based on a linkage map constructed previously with the mapping population and using composite interval mapping and/or interval mapping analysis, 12 QTLs for seed yield, 16 QTLs for oil content and 11 QTLs for protein content were consistently detected in multiple environments and/or the average data over all environments. Of the QTLs detected in the mapping population, five QTLs for seed yield, eight QTLs for oil content and five QTLs for protein content were confirmed in the validation population by single marker analysis in at least one environment and the average data and by ANOVA over all environments. Eight of these validated QTLs were newly identified. Compared with the other studies, seven QTLs for seed yield, eight QTLs for oil content and nine QTLs for protein content further verified the previously reported QTLs. These QTLs will be useful for breeding higher yield and better quality cultivars, and help effectively and efficiently improve yield potential and nutritional quality in soybean.  相似文献   

Grain protein content (GPC) in durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. durum) is negatively correlated with grain yield. To evaluate possible genetic interrelationships between GPC and grain yield per spike, thousand-kernel weight and kernel number per spike, quantitative trait loci (QTL) for GPC were mapped using GPC-adjusted data in a covariance analysis on yield components. Phenotypic data were evaluated in a segregating population of 120 recombinant inbred lines derived from crossing the elite cultivars Svevo and Ciccio. The material was tested at five environments in southern Italy. QTL were determined by composite interval mapping based on the Svevo?×?Ciccio linkage map described in Gadaleta et al. (2009) and integrated with DArT markers. The close relationship between GPC and yield components was reflected in the negative correlation between the traits and in the reduction of variance when GPC values were adjusted to yield components. Ten independent genomic regions involved in the expression of GPC were detected, six of which were associated with QTL for one or more grain yield components. QTL alleles with increased GPC effects were associated with QTL alleles with decreased effects on one or more yield component traits, or vice versa (i.e. the allelic effects were in opposite direction). Four QTL for GPC showed always significant effects, and these QTL should represent genes that influence GPC independently from variation in the yield components. Such genes are of special interest in wheat breeding since they would allow an increase in GPC without a concomitant decrease in grain yield.  相似文献   

Yellow rust, which is a major disease in areas where cool temperatures prevail, can strongly influence grain yield. To control this disease, breeders have extensively used major specific resistance genes. Unfortunately this kind of resistance is rapidly lost due to pathogen adaptation. More-durable resistance against yellow rust can be achieved using quantitative resistance derived from cultivars with well-established durable resistance. The winter wheat Camp Remy has maintained a high level of resistance for over 20 years. In order to map quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for durable yellow rust resistance, we analysed a set of 98 F8 recombinant inbred (RI) lines derived from the cross Camp Remy×Michigan Amber. We also mapped QTLs for adult resistance to yellow rust using the International Triticae Mapping Initiative RI population (114 lines derived from the cross Opata85×synthetic hexaploid). Two and five QTLs, respectively, were identified from these two populations. This work has highlighted the importance of the centromeric region of chromosome 2B and the telomeric regions of chromosomes 2AL and 7DS in durable yellow rust resistance. The same chromosomal regions are also implicated in resistance to other pathogens. Received: 8 December 2000 / Accepted: 17 April 2001  相似文献   

Both yield and quality traits for stover portion were important for forage and biofuel production utility in maize. A high-oil maize inbred GY220 was crossed with two normal-oil dent maize inbred lines 8984 and 8622 to generate two connected F2:3 populations with 284 and 265 F2:3 families. Seven yield and quality traits were evaluated under two environments. The variance components of genotype (σg2), environment (σe2) and genotype × environment interactions (σge2) were all significant for most traits in both populations. Different levels of correlations were observed for all traits. QTL mapping was conducted using composite interval mapping (CIM) for data under each environment and in combined analysis in both populations. Totally, 45 and 42 QTL were detected in the two populations. Only five common QTL across the two populations, and one and three common QTL across the two environments in the two populations were detected, reflecting substantial influence of genetic backgrounds and environments on the results of QTL detection for stover traits. Combined analysis across two environments failed to detect most QTL mapped using individual environmental data in both populations. Few of the detected QTL displayed digenic epistatic interactions. Common QTL among all traits were consistent with their correlations. Some QTL herein have been detected in previous researches, and linked with candidate genes for enzymes postulated to have direct and indirect roles in cell wall components biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Ear weight is one of the most important agronomic traits considered necessary in maize (Zea mays L.) breeding projects. To determine its genetic basis, a population consisting of 239 recombinant inbred lines, derived from the cross Mo17 x Huangzao4, was used to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for ear weight under two nitrogen regimes. Under a high nitrogen fertilization regime, one QTL was identified in chromosome bin 2.08-2.09, which explained 7.46% of phenotypic variance and an increase in ear weight of about 5.79 g, owing to an additive effect. Under a low nitrogen regime, another QTL was identified in chromosome bin 1.10-1.11; it accounted for 7.11% of phenotypic variance and a decrease of 5.24 g in ear weight, due to an additive effect. Based on comparisons with previous studies, these two QTLs are new loci associated with ear weight in maize. These findings contribute to our knowledge about the genetic basis of ear weight in maize.  相似文献   

Kao CH 《Genetics》2006,174(3):1373-1386
In the data collection of the QTL experiments using recombinant inbred (RI) populations, when individuals are genotyped for markers in a population, the trait values (phenotypes) can be obtained from the genotyped individuals (from the same population) or from some progeny of the genotyped individuals (from the different populations). Let Fu be the genotyped population and Fv (v>or=u) be the phenotyped population. The experimental designs that both marker genotypes and phenotypes are recorded on the same populations can be denoted as (Fu/Fv, u=v) designs and that genotypes and phenotypes are obtained from the different populations can be denoted as (Fu/Fv, v>u) designs. Although most of the QTL mapping experiments have been conducted on the backcross and F2(F2/F2) designs, the other (Fu/Fv, v>or=u) designs are also very popular. The great benefits of using the other (Fu/Fv, v>or=u) designs in QTL mapping include reducing cost and environmental variance by phenotyping several progeny for the genotyped individuals and taking advantages of the changes in population structures of other RI populations. Current QTL mapping methods including those for the (Fu/Fv, u=v) designs, mostly for the backcross or F2/F2 design, and for the F2/F3 design based on a one-QTL model are inadequate for the investigation of the mapping properties in the (Fu/Fv, uor=u) designs. In addition, the QTL mapping properties of the proposed and approximate methods in different designs are discussed. Simulations were performed to evaluate the performance of the proposed and approximate methods. The proposed method is proven to be able to correct the problems of the approximate and current methods for improving the resolution of genetic architecture of quantitative traits and can serve as an effective tool to explore the QTL mapping study in the system of RI populations.  相似文献   

The SNPWave marker system, based on SNPs between the reference accessions Colombia-0 and Landsberg erecta (Ler), was used to distinguish a set of 92 Arabidopsis accessions from various parts of the world. In addition, we used these markers to genotype three new recombinant inbred line populations for Arabidopsis, having Ler as a common parent that was crossed with the accessions Antwerp-1, Kashmir-2, and Kondara. The benefit of using multiple populations that contain many similar markers and the fact that all markers are linked to the physical map of Arabidopsis facilitates the quantitative comparison of maps. Flowering-time variation was analyzed in the three recombinant inbred line populations. Per population, four to eight quantitative trait loci (QTL) were detected. The comparison of the QTL positions related to the physical map allowed the estimate of 12 different QTL segregating for flowering time for which Ler has an allele different from one, two, or three of the other accessions.  相似文献   

Yuan Z  Zou F  Liu Y 《Genetics》2011,188(1):189-195
The Collaborative Cross (CC) is a renewable mouse resource that mimics the genetic diversity in humans. The recombinant inbred intercrosses (RIX) generated from CC recombinant inbred (RI) lines share similar genetic structures to those of F(2) individuals. In contrast to F(2) mice, genotypes of RIX can be inferred from the genotypes of their RI parents and can be produced repeatedly. Also, RIX mice do not typically share the same degree of relatedness. This unbalanced genetic relatedness requires careful statistical modeling to avoid a large number of false positive findings. For complex traits, mapping multiple genes simultaneously is arguably more powerful than mapping one gene at a time. In this article, we describe how we have developed a Bayesian quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping method that simultaneously deals with the special genetic architecture of RIX and maps multiple genes. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated by extensive simulations. In addition, for a given set of RI lines, there are numerous ways to generate RIX samples. To provide a general guideline on future RIX studies, we compare several RIX designs through simulations.  相似文献   

The loci explaining the variability of quantitative traits related to starch content and composition (amylose, amylopectin and water soluble fraction) were searched for in maize kernels. Multifactorial genetic methods were used to detect and locate QTLs (quantitative trait loci) on a genetic map consisting mainly of RFLP markers for genes with known function. The genetic material was recombinant inbred lines originating from parents differing in starch structure (dent vs. flint). Kernels were harvested from field grown plants for two successive years and under two pollination systems. Main effect and epistasis QTLs were detected using two methods, composite interval mapping (MQTL) and ANOVA. Despite large year-to-year differences, physiologically meaningful co-locations were observed between trait QTLs. Moreover, the number of expressed sequences on our map allowed the search for co-locations between QTLs and genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism. The main co-location was between an amylose QTL and Shrunken 2 (SH2) locus, on chromosome 3 (SH2 encoding for the large subunit of ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase). The importance of this locus as a candidate gene for a starch QTL is in agreement with previous studies based either on QTL co-locations or on revertant analysis. Other co-locations were observed between amylose and amylopectin QTLs and the two loci of IVR1 invertase genes on chromosomes 2 and 10. Further comparison with previously detected QTLs for carbohydrate metabolism in maize leaves showed consistent co-location in map regions devoid of candidate genes, such as near chromosome 1S telomere. The possible contribution of regulatory genes in this region is discussed.  相似文献   

Epidemiological and clinical studies indicate that a steady dietary intake of bioavailable lycopene, a C40 carotenoid and potent natural antioxidant, may be associated with a decreased incidence of prostate cancer in humans. Since fresh tomatoes and processed tomato products represent approximately 85% of the average human??s dietary lycopene intake, the identification of novel genetic factors which regulate high fruit lycopene content in tomato is imperative for the improvement of nutritional quality in this commercially valuable specialty crop. To understand the genetic control of the extraordinarily high fruit lycopene content in an accession (LA2093) of the tomato wild species Solanum pimpinellifolium, a quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping study was conducted using a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population of a cross between LA2093 and a cultivated tomato (S. lycopersicum) breeding line, NCEBR-1. The parental lines, F1 progeny, and F7-F10 RIL populations were grown in replicated field trials in four successive years and evaluated for lycopene content as well as several other traits, including fruit fresh weight, soluble solids content, pH of puree, and plant maturity. The lycopene content of ripe fruit was estimated using three methods: high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), spectrophotometry, and colorimetric assays. Based on these measurements, QTL were identified and compared across generations. Among the QTL identified for lycopene, two QTL, located on chromosomes 7 and 12, had very large effects and were consistent across generations. The genomic intervals in which these two QTL reside do not correspond to known map positions of carotenoid biosynthetic genes, indicating that these QTL may represent novel alleles with potentially important implications for tomato breeding as well as increased understanding of carotenoid accumulation in tomato. Several QTL were also identified for fruit weight, soluble solids content and plant maturity. The potential implications of these results for tomato crop improvement are discussed.  相似文献   

Gong Y  Zou F 《Genetics》2012,190(2):475-486
There has been a great deal of interest in the development of methodologies to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) using experimental crosses in the last 2 decades. Experimental crosses in animal and plant sciences provide important data sources for mapping QTL through linkage analysis. The Collaborative Cross (CC) is a renewable mouse resource that is generated from eight genetically diverse founder strains to mimic the genetic diversity in humans. The recombinant inbred intercrosses (RIX) generated from CC recombinant inbred (RI) lines share similar genetic structures of F(2) individuals but with up to eight alleles segregating at any one locus. In contrast to F(2) mice, genotypes of RIX can be inferred from the genotypes of their RI parents and can be produced repeatedly. Also, RIX mice typically do not share the same degree of relatedness. This unbalanced genetic relatedness requires careful statistical modeling to avoid false-positive findings. Many quantitative traits are inherently complex with genetic effects varying with other covariates, such as age. For such complex traits, if phenotype data can be collected over a wide range of ages across study subjects, their dynamic genetic patterns can be investigated. Parametric functions, such as sigmoidal or logistic functions, have been used for such purpose. In this article, we propose a flexible nonparametric time-varying coefficient QTL mapping method for RIX data. Our method allows the QTL effects to evolve with time and naturally extends classical parametric QTL mapping methods. We model the varying genetic effects nonparametrically with the B-spline bases. Our model investigates gene-by-time interactions for RIX data in a very flexible nonparametric fashion. Simulation results indicate that the varying coefficient QTL mapping has higher power and mapping precision compared to parametric models when the assumption of constant genetic effects fails. We also apply a modified permutation procedure to control overall significance level.  相似文献   

You A  Lu X  Jin H  Ren X  Liu K  Yang G  Yang H  Zhu L  He G 《Genetics》2006,172(2):1287-1300
This study was conducted to determine whether quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling traits of agronomic importance detected in recombinant inbred lines (RILs) are also expressed in testcross (TC) hybrids of rice. A genetic map was constructed using an RIL population derived from a cross between B5 and Minghui 63, a parent of the most widely grown hybrid rice cultivar in China. Four TC hybrid populations were produced by crossing the RILs with three maintaining lines for the widely used cytoplasmic male-sterile (CMS) lines and the genic male-sterile line Peiai64s. The mean values of the RILs for the seven traits investigated were significantly correlated to those of the F1 hybrids in the four TC populations. Twenty-seven main-effect QTL were identified in the RILs. Of these, the QTL that had the strongest effect on each of the seven traits in the RILs was detected in two or more of the TC populations, and six other QTL were detected in one TC population. Epistatic analysis revealed that the effect of epistatic QTL was relatively weak and cross combination specific. Searching publicly available QTL data in rice revealed the positional convergence of the QTL with the strongest effect in a wide range of populations and under different environments. Since the main-effect QTL is expressed across different testers, and in different genetic backgrounds and environments, it is a valuable target for gene manipulation and for further application in rice breeding. When a restorer line that expresses main-effect QTL is bred, it could be used in a number of cross combinations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Although many experiments have measurements on multiple traits, most studies performed the analysis of mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for each trait separately using single trait analysis. Single trait analysis does not take advantage of possible genetic and environmental correlations between traits. In this paper, we propose a novel statistical method for multiple trait multiple interval mapping (MTMIM) of QTL for inbred line crosses. We also develop a novel score-based method for estimating genome-wide significance level of putative QTL effects suitable for the MTMIM model. The MTMIM method is implemented in the freely available and widely used Windows QTL Cartographer software. RESULTS: Throughout the paper, we provide compelling empirical evidences that: (1) the score-based threshold maintains proper type I error rate and tends to keep false discovery rate within an acceptable level; (2) the MTMIM method can deliver better parameter estimates and power than single trait multiple interval mapping method; (3) an analysis of Drosophila dataset illustrates how the MTMIM method can better extract information from datasets with measurements in multiple traits. CONCLUSIONS: The MTMIM method represents a convenient statistical framework to test hypotheses of pleiotropic QTL versus closely linked nonpleiotropic QTL, QTL by environment interaction, and to estimate the total genotypic variance-covariance matrix between traits and to decompose it in terms of QTL-specific variance-covariance matrices, therefore, providing more details on the genetic architecture of complex traits.  相似文献   

Oil content in cottonseed is a major quality trait which when improved through breeding could enhance the competitiveness of cottonseed oil among other vegetable oils. Cottonseed oil content is a quantitative trait controlled by genes in the tetraploid embryo and tetraploid maternal plant genomes, and the knowledge of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and the genetic effects related to oil content in both genomes could facilitate the improvement in its quality and quantity. However, till date, QTL mapping and genetic analysis related to this trait in cotton have only been conducted in the tetraploid embryo genome. In the current experiment, an IF2 population of cottonseed kernels from the random crossing of 188 intraspecific recombinant inbred lines which were derived from the hybrid of two parents, HS46 and MARCABUCAG8US-1-88, were used to simultaneously locate QTLs for oil content in the embryo and maternal plant genomes. The four QTLs found to be associated with oil content in cottonseed were: qOC-18-1 on chromosome 18; qOC-LG-11 on linkage group 11; qOC-18-2 on chromosome 18; and qOC-22 on chromosome 22. At a high selection threshold of 0.05, there was strong evidence linking the QTLs above the oil content in cottonseed. Embryo additive and dominant effects from the tetraploid embryo genome, as well as maternal additive effects from the tetraploid maternal plant genome were found to be significant contributors to genetic variation in cottonseed oil content.  相似文献   

D F Austin  M Lee 《Génome》1996,39(5):957-968
Recombinant inbred (RI) lines offer several advantages for detecting quantitative trait loci (QTLs), including increased precision of trait measurements, power for detection of additive effects, and resolution of linked QTLs. This study was conducted to detect and characterize QTLs in maize for flowering and plant height and to compare QTL detection in an early (F2:3) generation of the same population. One hundred and eighty-six RIs from a cross between inbred lines Mo17 and H99 were evaluated in a replicated field experiment and analyzed at 101 loci detected by restriction fragment length polymorphisms. QTLs were identified by single-factor analysis of variance. A total of 59 QTLs were detected for plant height, ear height, top height, anthesis, silk emergence, and anthesis to silk interval. Individual QTLs explained 2.2-15.4% of trait variation, and multiple models including all QTLs detected for a trait explained up to 52.5% of the phenotypic variation. Comparison of QTLs detected with 150 F2:3 lines from the same population indicated that 16 (70%) of the 23 F2:3 QTLs were also observed in the F6:7 generation. Parental effects were consistent across generations. At 14 of the 16 QTLs detected in both generations, genetic effects were smaller in the F6:7. Also, some QTLs detected in the F2:3 were resolved into multiple linked QTLs in the F6:7, indicating the additional power of RI populations for mapping, with important implications for marker-assisted selection as well as map-based cloning of QTLs. Key words : Zea mays, RFLP, plant breeding, genetics, recombination.  相似文献   

The exploitation of heterosis is one of the most outstanding advancements in plant breeding, although its genetic basis is not well understood yet. This research was conducted on the materials arising from the maize single cross B73 x H99 to study heterosis by procedures of classical genetic and quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses. Materials were the basic generations, the derived 142 recombinant inbred lines (RILs), and the three testcross populations obtained by crossing the 142 RILs to each parent and their F(1). For seedling weight (SW), number of kernels per plant (NK), and grain yield (GY), heterosis was >100% and the average degree of dominance was >1. Epistasis was significant for SW and NK but not for GY. Several QTL were identified and in most cases they were in the additive-dominance range for traits with low heterosis and mostly in the dominance-overdominance range for plant height (PH), SW, NK, and GY. Only a few QTL with digenic epistasis were identified. The importance of dominance effects was confirmed by highly significant correlations between heterozygosity level and phenotypic performance, especially for GY. Some chromosome regions presented overlaps of overdominant QTL for SW, PH, NK, and GY, suggesting pleiotropic effects on overall plant vigor.  相似文献   

Aflatoxin B(1) formed by Aspergillus flavus Fr:Link has been associated with animal disease and liver cancer in humans. We performed genetic studies in progenies derived from maize inbred Tex6, associated with relatively low levels of aflatoxin production, crossed with the historically important inbred B73. (Tex6 x B73) x B73 BC(1)S(1) and Tex6 x B73 F(2:3) mapping populations were produced and evaluated in 1996 and 1997 in Champaign, Ill. Ears were inoculated 20 to 24 days after midsilk using a pinboard method and a mixture of conidia of A. flavus Link:Fr. isolates. Aflatoxin B(1) levels in harvested ears were determined using an indirect competitive ELISA. Molecular markers were assayed on the populations and used to generate maps. Molecular marker - QTL associations for lower levels of aflatoxin production were determined using multiple regression (MR) and composite interval analysis with multiple regression (CIM MR). MR revealed sets of markers associated with lower aflatoxin production in 1996 and 1997, and CIM MR detected a smaller subset of loci significant in 1997. QTLs for lower aflatoxin were attributed to both Tex6 and B73 parental sources. Environment strongly influenced the detection of QTLs for lower aflatoxin production in different years. There were very few chromosome regions associated with QTLs in more than 1 year or population with MR analysis, and none with CIM MR analysis. In 1997, QTLs for lower aflatoxin were detected with CIM MR in bins 5.01-2 and 5.04-5 in the BC(1)S(1) population, and in bins 3.05-6, 4.07-8 and 10.05-10.07 in the F(2:3) population. These QTL associations appear the most promising for further study.  相似文献   

Stalk lodging in maize causes annual yield losses between 5 and 20% worldwide. Many studies have indicated that maize stalk strength significantly negatively correlates with lodging observed in the field. Rind penetrometer resistance (RPR) measurements can be used to effectively evaluate maize stalk strength, but little is known about the genetic basis of this parameter. The objective of this study was to explore a genetic model and detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) of RPR and determine relationships between RPR and other stalk traits, especially cell wall chemical components. RPR is quantitative trait in nature, and both additive and non-additive effects may be important to consider for the improvement of RPR. Nine additive-effect QTLs covering nine chromosomes, except chromosome 5, and one pair of epistatic QTLs were detected for RPR. CeSA11 involved in cellulose synthesis and colorless2 involved in lignin synthesis were identified as possible candidate genes for RPR. Internode diameter (InD), fresh weight of internode (FreW), dry weight of internode (DryW), fresh weight and dry weight as well as cell wall components per unit volume significantly positively correlated with RPR. The internode water content (InW) significantly negatively correlated with RPR. Notably, these traits significantly correlated with RPR, and the QTLs of these traits co-localized with those of RPR. The corresponding results obtained from correlation analysis and QTL mapping suggested the presence of pleitropism or linkage between genes and indicated that these different approaches may be used for cross authentication of relationships between different traits.  相似文献   

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