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There are two sewage outfalls along the Jordanian coastline in the Gulf of Aqaba. During 1982 and 1983 a total of 328 core samples (0.01 m2 to a depth of 15 cm) were collected from the two outfalls, two control stations which resemble the outfalls in depth and sediment texture, and from two stations 100 m on both sides of each outfall. Faunal analysis revealed that the total number of individuals, number of species, species richness, and faunal similarities of macrobenthic invertebrates were lower at the sewage outfall near the phosphate loading port than the control station during both collections. At the 100 m stations, the numbers of individuals were generally higher than the sewage and control stations. The number of species, however, was highest at the control station and lowest at the sewage outfall. At the other sewage outfall, where the sewage effluent is discharged sporadically, no measurable effects on macrobenthic invertebrates were found.  相似文献   

Six sandy beach stations along the Jordan Gulf of Aqaba were selected for macrofaunal examination during November 1980. Fifteen core samples (0.01 m2 to a depth of 10–15 cm) were taken at each station; five at the high tide line, five at the low tide line, and five midway. Twenty-two taxa were encountered from all stations. Polychaetes were the most diverse group with seven taxa, followed by molluscs and crustaceans with six and five taxa respectively. Animal diversity, using the Shannon-Wiener Index, was generally low. Based on the biological index value of McCLOSKEY (1970), seven taxa were considered the community dominants. These are: the polychaetes, Glycera tesselata, Pisione remota, Saccocirrus sp., and Perinereis nuntia; the isopod Eurydice arabica; a nemertean and an oligochaete.  相似文献   

Trace elements are vital for the growth and development of all organisms. Little is known about the elemental content and trace metal biology of Red Sea demosponges. This study establishes an initial database of sponge elemental content. It provides the necessary foundation for further research of the mechanisms used by sponges to regulate the uptake, accumulation, and storage of metals. The metal content of 16 common sponge species was determined using ICP measurements. A combination of statistical methods was used to determine the correlations between the metals and detect species with significantly high or low concentrations of these metals. Bioaccumulation factors were calculated to compare sponge metal content to local sediment. Theonella swinhoei contained an extremely high concentration of arsenic and barium, much higher (at least 200 times) than all other species and local sediment. Hyrtios erecta had significantly higher concentration of Al, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ti and V than all other species. This is due to sediment accumulation and inclusion in the skeleton fibers of this sponge species. Suberites clavatus was found to contain significantly higher concentration of Cd, Co, Ni and Zn than all other species and local sediment, indicating active accumulation of these metals. It also has the second highest Fe concentration, but without the comparably high concentrations of Al, Mn and Ti that are evident in H. erecta and in local sediment. These differences indicate active uptake and accumulation of Fe in S. clavatus, this was also noted in Niphates rowi. A significantly higher B concentration was found in Crella cyatophora compared to all other species. These results indicate specific roles of trace elements in certain sponge species that deserve further analysis. They also serve as a baseline to monitor the effects of anthropogenic disturbances on Eilat''s coral reefs.  相似文献   

Summary In a fringing reef at Aqaba at the northern end of the Gulf of Aqaba (29°26′N) growth rates, density, and the calcification rate ofPorites were investigated in order to establish calculations of gross carbonate production for the reefs in this area. Colony accretion ofPorites decreases with depth as a function of decreasing growth rates. The calcification rate ofPorites is highest in shallow water (0–5 m depth) with 0.9 g·cm−2·yr−1 and falls down to 0.5 g·cm−2·yr−1 below 30 m. Scleractinian coral gross production is calculated from potential productivity and coral coverage. It is mainly dependent on living coral cover and to a lesser extent on potential productivity. Total carbonate production on the reef ranged from 0 to 2.7 kg/m2 per year, with a reef-wide average of 1.6 kg/m2 perycar. Maximum gross carbonate production by corals at Aqaba occurs at the reef crest and in the middle fore-reef from 10 to 15 m water depth. Production is low in sandy reef parts. Below 30 m depth values still reach ca. 50% of shallow water values. Mean potential production of colonies and gross carbonate production of the whole reef community at Aqaba is lower than in tropical reefs. However, carbonate production is higher than in reef areas at the same latitude in the Pacific, indicating a northward shift of reef production in the Red Sea.  相似文献   

Synopsis The relationships existing between the chaetodontid fishes and the surrounding coral communities were investigated in the Gulf of Aqaba. Quantitative data were analysed by a correspondence and a cluster analysis. The results demonstrated a similarity in the spatial distribution of both communities. Significant correlations were found between the density of chaetodontid fishes and the diversity of the coral community as well as the substratum coverage by the coral colonies. The density of exclusive coral browsers was also correlated to the abundance of branching colonies. Among the different genera of branching corals, correlations were significant only for the genusAcropora. These results suggested the existence of strong links between coral and chaetodontid fish assemblages.  相似文献   

Seawater samples were collected biweekly from the northern Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea, for Phytoplankton analysis during the period May 1998 to October 1999. Microscopic counts and HPLC methods were employed. Procaryotic and eucaryotic ultraplankton dominated throughout most of the year, with larger nano- and microplankton making up only 5% of the photosynthetic biomass. Moderate seasonal variations in the 0–125 m integrated Chl a contrasted with a pronounced seasonal succession of the major taxonomic groups, reflecting the changes in the density stratification of the water column: Prochlorococcus dominated during the stratified summer period and were almost absent in winter. Chlorophyceae and Cryptophyceae were dominant during winter mixing but scarce or absent during summer. Diatoms and Synechococcus showed sharp and moderate biomass peaks in late winter and spring respectively, but remained at only low Chl a levels for the rest of the year. Chrysophyceae, Prymnesiophyceae and the scarce Dinophyceae showed no clear seasonal distribution pattern. The implications of alternating procaryotic and eucaryote dominated algal communities for the Red Sea pelagic food web are discussed. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

Two Jordanian sandy beaches, one at the northern end and the other at the southern end near the Saudi-Jordanian border, were examined during November 1984 to October 1985. Sediments of the South station were made of coarser sand than the North station. In general, low organic carbon and calcium carbonate levels were found at both stations. A total of 15839 animals representing 45 taxa were collected from both stations. Major differences in community structure were found between the two stations. An average density of 7981/m2, 39 taxa. an average diversity value of 1.78 and an evenness of 0.37 were characteristic of the South station. Lower number of taxa (39) and density (818/m2) were found on the North station. However, the average diversity (3.18) and evenness (0.74) were higher. Using the biological index value of MCCLOSKEY (1970), the archiannelid Saccocirrus sp. was the most dominant species at the South station and the bivalve Tellina perna at the North station.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Corals from the Gulf of Aqaba (northern Red Sea) are resilient to high temperatures and therefore this region is regarded as globally important for reef conservation. However,...  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of 50 ornamental fish species from shallow water habitats on coral reefs were investigated using visual census techniques, between latitudes 11−29°N in the Red Sea, in Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen, and in the adjacent Gulf of Aden in Djibouti. One hundred eighteen transects (each 100×5 m) were examined in 29 sites (3−8 sites per country). A total of 522,523 fish individuals were counted during this survey, with mean abundance of 4428.2 ± 87.26 individual per 500 m² transect. In terms of relative abundance (RA), the most abundant species were Blue green damselfish, Chromis viridis (RA=54.4%),followed bySea goldie, Pseudanthias squamipinnis (RA= 34.7), Whitetail dascyllus, Dascyllus aruanus (RA= 2.6%), Marginate dascyllus, Dascyllus marginatus (RA= 2.0),Red Sea eightline flasher Paracheilinus octotaenia (RA=1.0),andKlunzinger’s wrasse, Thalassoma rueppellii (0.7%). The highest number of species (S) per 500 m² transect was found on reefs at the latitude 20° in Saudi Arabia (S=21.8), and the lowest number of species was found at the latitude 15° in Djibouti (S=11.11). The highest mean abundance (8565.8) was found on reefs at latitude 20° in Saudi Arabia and the lowest mean abundance (230) was found on reefs at latitude 22°, also in Saudi Arabia. Whereas, the highest Shannon-Wiener Diversity Index was found in reefs at the latitude 22° (H`=2.4) and the lowest was found in reefs at the latitude 20° (H`=0.6). This study revealed marked differences in the structure of ornamental fish assemblages with latitudinal distribution. The data support the presence of two major biogeographic groups of fishes in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden: the southern Red Sea and Gulf of Aden group and the group in the northern and central Red Sea. Strong correlations were found between live coral cover and the number of fish species, abundance and Shannon-Wiener Diversity indices, and the strength of these correlations varied among the reefs. A conclusion was done that environmental differences among the reefs and the habitats investigated were important components of abundance variations and species diversity of ornamental fish along latitudinal gradients in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.  相似文献   

Seven sea anemone species from coral reefs in the southern Gulf of Mexico are taxonomically diagnosed and images from living specimens including external and internal features, and cnidae are provided. Furthermore, the known distribution ranges from another 10 species are extended. No species records of sea anemones have been previously published in the primary scientific literature for coral reefs in the southern Gulf of Mexico and thus, this study represents the first inventory for the local actiniarian fauna.  相似文献   

Shore fish community structure off the Jordanian Red Sea coast was determined on fringing coral reefs and in a seagrass-dominated bay at 6 m and 12 m depths. A total of 198 fish species belonging to 121 genera and 43 families was recorded. Labridae and Pomacentridae dominated the ichthyofauna in terms of species richness and Pomacentridae were most abundant. Neither diversity nor species richness was correlated to depth. The abundance of fishes was higher at the deep reef slope, due to schooling planktivorous fishes. At 12 m depth abundance of fishes at the seagrass-dominated site was higher than on the coral reefs. Multivariate analysis demonstrated a strong influence on the fish assemblages by depth and benthic habitat. Fish species richness was positively correlated with hard substrate cover and habitat diversity. Abundance of corallivores was positively linked with live hard coral cover. The assemblages of fishes were different on the shallow reef slope, deep reef slope and seagrass meadows. An analysis of the fish fauna showed that the Gulf of Aqaba harbours a higher species richness than previously reported. The comparison with fish communities on other reefs around the Arabian Peninsula and Indian Ocean supported the recognition of an Arabian subprovince within the Indian Ocean. The affinity of the Arabian Gulf ichthyofauna to the Red Sea is not clear. Received in revised form: 2 November 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Surface zooplankton were studied in Egyptian coastal watersof the Gulf of Aqaba, from bimonthly samples from July 1994to May 1995. Species diversity, numerical abundance and dynamicswere analysed for each taxon, at six sites, inside three Protectorates.A total of 62 taxa and species were identified. At all sites,copepods were predominant in the standing crop with an averageof 1945 ind. M–3 and formed {small tilde}75.5%, numerically,of the total zooplankton community. The meroplanktonic larvaeoccupied the second rank and they constituted {small tilde}19.7%of the total zooplankton. Seasonally, the main peak of zooplanktonabundance was recorded in winter (January) with an average of3510 ind. M–3 while September was characterized by thelowest density (1906 ind. m–3 The relatively higher diversityvalues were recorded at Ras Mohammed Protectorate and a progressivedecline in diversity was observed northward.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the impact of natural levels of UVBR (ultraviolet-B radiation: 280 to 315 nm) on bacterio- and phytoplankton (<10 mm) from the Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Incident biologically effective doses (BEDs) and attenuation of biologically effective radiation in the water column were measured using a DNA biodosimeter. UVBR-induced DNA damage was measured as cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs), using an antibody directed to CPDs followed by chemiluminescent detection. Depth profiles of DNA damage were determined in two plankton size fractions (0.2 to 0.8 mm and 0.8 to 10 mm) collected down to 50 m depth. Furthermore, accumulation and removal of CPDs were monitored in surface plankton samples during several daily cycles. Small plankton (plankton <10 mm) composition was determined by flow cytometry. The plankton community in the Gulf of Aqaba was dominated by nonphototrophic bacteria and the free-living prochlorophyte Prochlorococcus spp. (<0.8 mm). In general, no DNA damage could be detected in dosimeter DNA below 15 m. In contrast, DNA damage (up to 124 CPD Mnucl-1) could be detected in all bacterio- and phytoplankton samples. DNA damage accumulated throughout the day, indicating that plankton in the Gulf of Aqaba undergo UVBR stress via CPD induction. Although the numbers of CPDs decreased during darkness, both size fractions showed some residual DNA damage at the end of the night. This suggests that dark repair processes did not remove all CPDs, or that part of the plankton community was incapable of repair at all. CPD levels in the two size fractions showed no significant differences in situ. During full solar radiation exposures (samples incubated in bags), more CPDs were detected in the smaller (0.2 to 0.8 mm) size fraction as compared to the larger (0.8 to 10 mm) size fraction. In these experiments, initial plankton composition was significantly different from the field samples. This implies that a shift in the population structure or irradiance conditions can lead to a significant change in UVBR sensitivity. In conclusion, the results show that the picoplankton-dominated phyto- and bacterioplankton communities in the clear surface waters from the Gulf of Aqaba undergo UVBR stress. Repair pathways are not sufficient to eliminate damage during or after UVBR exposure hours, suggesting photomortality as a potential loss parameter of the plankton community.  相似文献   

Grazing on marine macroalgae is a key structuring process for coral reef communities. However, ocean acidification from rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations is predicted to adversely affect many marine animals, while seaweed communities may benefit and prosper. We tested how exposure to different pCO2 (400, 1,800 and 4,000 μatm) may affect grazing on the green alga Ulva lactuca by herbivorous fish and sea urchins from the coral reefs in the northern Gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea), either directly, by changing herbivore behaviour, or indirectly via changes in algal palatability. We also determined the effects of pCO2 on algal tissue concentrations of protein and the grazing-deterrent secondary metabolite dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP). Grazing preferences and overall consumption were tested in a series of multiple-choice feeding experiments in the laboratory and in situ following exposure for 14 d (algae) and 28 d (herbivores). 4,000 μatm had a significant effect on the biochemical composition and palatability of U. lactuca. No effects were observed at 1,800 relative to 400 μatm (control). Exposure of U. lactuca to 4,000 μatm resulted in a significant decrease in protein and increase in DMSP concentration. This coincided with a reduced preference for these algae by the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla and different herbivorous fish species in situ (Acanthuridae, Siganidae and Pomacanthidae). No feeding preferences were observed for the rabbitfish Siganus rivulatus under laboratory conditions. Exposure to elevated pCO2 had no direct effect on the overall algal consumption by T. gratilla and S. rivulatus. Our results show that CO2 has the potential to alter algal palatability to different herbivores which could have important implications for algal abundance and coral community structure. The fact that pCO2 effects were observed only at a pCO2 of 4,000 μatm, however, indicates that algal-grazer interactions may be resistant to predicted pCO2 concentrations in the near future.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - This erratum has been initiated as several corrections were overlooked during proofing stage by vendor.  相似文献   

This study documents the pattern and rate of reef growth during the late Holocene as revealed by unique geological conditions at the subsiding NW Gulf of Aqaba. We discovered that the modern fringing reef near the city Elat grows on top of a fossil submerged mid-Holocene reef platform. Four coral cores from the fossil platform were dated using the radiocarbon and U-Th methods. The fossil corals range from 5.6±0.1 to 2.4±0.03 ka, constraining the initiation of the modern reef to 2,400 years ago at most. We documented the detailed morphology of the reef using aerial photographs and scuba diving. The survey shows that at its northern end, growth of the 2-km-long reef is inhibited by an active alluvial fan, and it is composed of isolated knolls that are just approaching the sea surface. Towards the south, the knolls are progressively larger and closer together, until they form a continuous reef platform. Along this north-to-south trend we follow the evolution of reef morphology, changes in coral distribution, and the development of a lagoon separated from the open sea. Based on these observations, we suggest a four-stage reef growth model: (a) the reef initiates as coral colonies, forms knolls, and begins to grow upward, limited by the sea surface. (b) Upon reaching the surface, the knolls spread laterally, preferentially parallel to the dominant wave direction assuming an elongated morphology. (c) Continued growth results in adjacent knolls eventually coalescing to form a continuous jagged reef. We interpret the spurs-and-grooves morphology that can be traced across the reef at Elat as remnants of the original trends of knolls. (d) While reef expansion continues, the original knoll trends may be obscured as a massive reef front takes shape. Considering reef growth rates and observations from the modern reef at Elat, this evolution scheme predicts an age range of 103 years for corals on the reef platform. The range and distribution of radiometric ages we obtained from the fossil reef platform underlying the living Elat reef confirm this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Antithamnion makroklonion sp. nov. is described from Elat, Gulf of Aqaba (Gulf of Elat) in the Red Sea, where vegetative, spermatangial, and tetrasporangial specimens were found growing in the upper sublittoral zone. The new alga belongs to a group of Antithamnion species characterized by distichous-alternate ramification of branches, sessile tetrasporangia, and decussately arranged laterals along the bearing axis. It shows a unique combination of distinctive features, including the proximal development of gland cells on elongate branchlets that overtop the parent branch. In addition to the characteristic position, and in contrast to congeners, gland cells of A. makroklonion often have a large and prominent cytoplasmic band and one or two vacuoles. Morphological features of A. makroklonion and eight related species are tabulated and the characteristics of the new species are discussed.  相似文献   

The tintinnids were studied as part of a microplankton investigationin the Gulf of Elat (Aqaba) (Red Sea) based on stratified samplescollected at a reference station over a period of one year (1974–75).The results of this study were compared to the data obtainedfrom the same area in the course of a previous survey (1970–71). The ranges of abundance of the tintinnids as a whole and ofthe leading species of this group were determined from 0–50m, 50–100 m and thereafter at intervals of 100 m downto a depth of 600 m for the samples collected during 1974–75.For those collected during 1970–71, the ranges of abundancewere determined at two depths in vertical profiles over thewater column from 50 and 200 m to the surface. Two distinct peaks were noted, one in November-December anda second in February-March. A third minor peak occurred duringJune-July. The main winter peak of February-March occurred duringthe turnover period characterized by two uniform temperaturesof 21°C or less throughout the water column. The seasonaland spatial distribution of the tintinnids closely followedthat of the main phytoplankton groups, with greatest abundancerecorded in the upper 100 m. The species composition of the tintinnids during the annualpeaks changed from season to season and from year to year. However,8 species of a total of 42 recorded during the investigationwere responsible for the annual peaks during both years. Amongthe environmental parameters monitored during the 1974–75survey only the temperature factor could be related to the distributionpattern of one of the 8 leading species of tintinnids. A summer submergence to deeper levels has been noted in regardto some of the prevailing species.  相似文献   

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