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Increasing seed yield is an important breeding goal of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] improvement efforts. Due to the small number of ancestors and subsequent breeding and selection, the genetic base of current soybean cultivars in North America is narrow. The objective of this study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) in two backcross populations developed using soybean plant introductions as donor parents. The first population included 116 BC(2)F(3)-derived lines developed using "Elgin" as the recurrent parent and PI 436684 as the donor parent (E population). The second population included 93 BC(3)F(3)-derived lines developed with "Williams 82" as the recurrent parent and PI 90566-1 as the donor parent (W population). The two populations were evaluated with 1,536 SNP markers and during 2?years for seed yield and other agronomic traits. Genotypic and phenotypic data were analyzed using the programs MapQTL and QTLNetwork to identify major QTL and epistatic QTL. In the E population, two yield QTL were identified by both MapQTL and QTLNetwork, and the PI 436684 alleles were associated with yield increases. In the W population, a QTL allele from PI 90566-1 accounted for 30?% of the yield variation; however, the PI region was also associated with later maturity and shorter plant height. No epistasis for seed yield was identified in either population. No yield QTL was previously reported at the regions where these QTL map indicating that exotic germplasm can be a source of new alleles that can improve soybean yield.  相似文献   

We applied an advanced backcross breeding strategy to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) of agronomic importance in a cross between two elite inbreds of maize, RD6502 (Mo17-type recurrent parent) and RD3013 (Iodent donor parent). Two hundred and four BC(2) families were scored at 106 SSR, 15 AFLP, and 38 Heartbreaker (MITE) loci. BC(2) testcrosses (TC) with B73 were phenotyped at six locations in the Midwest and N.Y. We detected four grain yield, six grain moisture, and three plant height QTLs at which the RD3013 allele had a favorable effect ( p < 0.05). All four yield QTLs were selected as target introgressions in the development of BC(3)TC families. As predicted by BC(2)TC analysis, BC(3)TC entries containing introgressions at yld3.1 and yld10.1 significantly outperformed non-carrier entries by 11.1% (15.6 bu/A at one location) and 6.7% (7.1 bu/A averaged across two locations), respectively, in replicated Midwestern trials ( p < 0.05). Detection of yld10.1 effects in the BC(2)TC by spatial analysis (i.e., incomplete block, response surface, autoregressive, moving average or autoregressive moving average), but not by conventional single point analysis or interval mapping, indicated the utility of local environmental control for QTL mapping in unreplicated maize progeny. This work demonstrated that the advanced backcross QTL method can be applied to identify and manipulate useful QTLs in heterotic inbreds of elite maize. Genetic gains by this approach can be coupled with the maintenance and selection of favorable epistatic gene complexes by traditional hybrid breeding for maize improvement.  相似文献   

Identification of QTL for increased fibrous roots in soybean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Drought stress adversely affects soybean at various developmental stages, which collectively results in yield reduction. Unpredictable rainfall has been reported to contribute about 36% to variation of yield difference between the rain-fed and irrigated fields. Among the drought resistance mechanisms, drought avoidance in genotypes with fibrous roots was recognized to be associated with drought resistance in soybean. Plant introduction PI416937 was shown to possess fibrous roots and has been used as a parent in breeding programs to improve soybean productivity. Little information is available on relative contribution and chromosomal location of quantitative trait loci (QTL) conditioning fibrous roots in soybean. To identify the genomic locations and genetic bases of this trait, a recombinant inbred line population was derived from a cross between PI416937 and ‘Benning’. To detect associated QTLs, phenotypic data were collected and analyzed for 2 years under rain-fed field conditions. The selective genotyping approach was used to reduce the costs and work associated with conducting the QTL analysis. A total of five QTLs were identified on chromosomes Gm01 (Satt383), Gm03 (Satt339), Gm04 (Sct_191), Gm08 (Satt429), and Gm20 (Sat_299), and together explained 51% of the variation in root score. Detected QTLs were co-localized with QTLs related to root morphology, suggesting that fibrous roots QTL may be associated with other morpho-physiological traits and seed yield in soybean. Genetic dissection of the fibrous roots trait at the individual marker loci will allow for marker-assisted selection to develop soybean genotypes with enhanced levels of fibrous roots.  相似文献   

In bread wheat, single-locus and two-locus QTL analyses were conducted for seven yield and yield contributing traits using two different mapping populations (P I and P II). Single-locus QTL analyses involved composite interval mapping (CIM) for individual traits and multiple-trait composite interval mapping (MCIM) for correlated yield traits to detect the pleiotropic QTLs. Two-locus analyses were conducted to detect main effect QTLs (M-QTLs), epistatic QTLs (E-QTLs) and QTL × environment interactions (QE and QQE). Only a solitary QTL for spikelets per spike was common between the above two populations. HomoeoQTLs were also detected, suggesting the presence of triplicate QTLs in bread wheat. Relatively fewer QTLs were detected in P I than in P II. This may be partly due to low density of marker loci on P I framework map (173) than in P II (521) and partly due to more divergent parents used for developing P II. Six QTLs were important which were pleiotropic/coincident involving more than one trait and were also consistent over environments. These QTLs could be utilized efficiently for marker assisted selection (MAS).  相似文献   

A QTL that enhances and broadens Bt insect resistance in soybean   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Effective strategies are needed to manage insect resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) proteins expressed in transgenic crops. To evaluate a multiple resistance gene pyramiding strategy, eight soybean (Glycine max) lines possessing factorial combinations of two quantitative trait loci (QTLs) from plant introduction (PI) 229358 and a synthetic Bt cry1Ac gene were developed using marker-assisted selection with simple sequence repeat markers. Field studies were conducted in 2000 and 2001 to evaluate resistance to corn earworm (Helicoverpa zea) and soybean looper (Pseudoplusia includens), and detached leaf bioassays were used to test antibiosis resistance to Bt-resistant and Bt-susceptible strains of tobacco budworm (TBW; Heliothis virescens). Based on defoliation in the field and larval weight gain on detached leaves, lines carrying a combination of cry1Ac and the PI 229358 allele at a QTL on linkage group M were significantly more resistant to the lepidopteran pests, including the Bt-resistant TBW strain, than were the other lines. This is the first report of a complementary additive effect between a Bt transgene and a plant insect resistance QTL with an uncharacterized mode of action that was introgressed using marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

An interspecific backcross linkage map of mouse chromosome 8   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have established a 67-cM molecular genetic linkage map of mouse chromosome 8 by interspecific backcross analysis. Genes that were mapped in this study include Act-6, Aprt, Aprt-ps1, Emv-2, Es-N, Hp, Insr, Mt-1, Plat, Psx-8, Ucp, and Zfp-4. New regions of homology were established between mouse chromosome 8 and human chromosomes 8 and 19. A conserved linkage group was identified between mouse chromosome 8 and human chromosome 16. The map will be useful for establishing linkage of other markers to mouse chromosome 8.  相似文献   

Soybean isoflavones are valued in certain medicines, cosmetics, foods and feeds. Selection for high-isoflavone content in seeds along with agronomic traits is a goal of many soybean breeders. The aim of the study was to identify the quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying seed isoflavone content in soybean among seven environments in China. A cross was made between ‘Zhongdou 27’, a soybean cultivar with higher mean isoflavone content in the seven environments (daidzein, DZ, 1,865 μg g−1; genistein, GT, 1,614 μg g−1; glycitein, GC, 311 μg g−1 and total isoflavone, TI, 3,791 μg g−1) and ‘Jiunong 20’, a soybean cultivar with lower isoflavone content (DZ, 844 μg g−1; GT, 1,046 μg g−1; GC, 193 μg g−1 and TI, 2,061 μg g−1). Through single-seed-descent, 130 F5-derived F6 recombinant inbred lines were advanced. A total of 99 simple-sequence repeat markers were used to construct a genetic linkage map. Seed isoflavone contents were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography for multiple years and locations (Harbin in 2005, 2006 and 2007, Hulan in 2006 and 2007, and Suihua in 2006 and 2007). Three QTL were associated with DZ content, four with GT content, three with GC content, and five with TI content. For all QTL detected the beneficial allele was from Zhongdou 27. QTL were located on three (DZ), three (GC), four (GT) and five (TI) molecular linkage groups (LG). A novel QTL was detected with marker Satt144 on LG F that was associated with DZ (0.0014 > P > 0.0001, 5% < R 2 < 11%; 254 < DZ < 552 μg g−1), GT (0.0027 > P > 0.0001; 4% < R 2 < 9%; 262 < GT < 391 μg g−1), and TI (0.0011 > P > 0.0001; 4% < R 2 < 15%; 195 < TI < 871 μg g−1) across the various environments. A previously reported QTL on LG M detected by Satt540 was associated with TI across four environments and TI mean (0.0022 > P > 0.0001; 3% < R 2 < 8%; 182 < TI < 334 μg g−1) in China. Because both beneficial alleles were from Zhongdou 27, it was concluded that these two QTL would have the greatest potential value for marker-assisted selection for high-isoflavone content in soybean seed in China. G. Zeng, D. Li and Y. Han have equal contributions to the paper.  相似文献   

Grain yield (GY) is one of the most important and complex quantitative traits in maize (Zea mays L.) breeding practice. Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for GY and three kernel-related traits were detected in a set of recombinant inbred lines (RILs). One hundred and seven simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and 168 insertion/deletion polymorphism markers (Indels) were used to genotype RILs. Eight QTLs were found to be associated with four yield-related traits: GY, 100-kernel weight (HKW), 10-kernel length (KL), and 10-kernel length width (KW). Each QTL explained between 5.96 (qKL2-1) and 13.05 (qKL1-1) per cent of the phenotypic variance. Notably, one common QTL, located at the marker interval between bnlg1893 and chr2-236477 (chromosomal bin 2.09) simultaneously controlled GY and HKW; another common QTL, at bin 2.03 was simultaneously responsible for HKW and KW. Of the QTLs identified, only one pair of significant epistatic interaction involved in chromosomal region at bin 2.03 was detected for HKW; no significant QTL × environment interactions were observed. These results provide the common QTLs and for marker-assisted breeding.  相似文献   

We present a linkage map of intracisternal A-particle (IAP) proviral loci. The IAP family consists of 2000 endogenous proviral elements that are widely dispersed in the mouse genome. The map was constructed by using an interspecific backcross and markers defined by oligonucleotide probes specific for subclasses of expressed IAP elements. In genomic DNA from C57BL/6J mouse, these probes each detected from 12 to 44 HindIII restriction fragments that represent junctions between proviral and 5-flanking DNA. The fragments have characteristic strain distribution patterns (SDPs) that are particularly polymorphic in the DNAs of C57BL/6J and Mus spretus mice used for the backcross. IAP loci were placed on the map by comparison of their distribution patterns with those of known genetic markers in the backcross. The map includes 51 IAP loci that have not been previously mapped and 23 IAP proviruses that had been previously mapped in recombinant inbred (RI) strains. Comparable map positions were obtained with the IAP markers in the interspecific backcross and the RI strains. The mapped IAP loci were widely dispersed on the X Chromosome (Chr) and all of the autosomes except Chrs 9 and 19, providing useful genetic markers for linkage studies.  相似文献   

Two mapping populations of a cross between the Arabidopsis thaliana accessions Col-0 and C24 were cultivated and analyzed with respect to the levels of 181 metabolites to elucidate the biological phenomenon of heterosis at the metabolic level. The relative mid-parent heterosis in the F1 hybrids was <20% for most metabolic traits. The first mapping population consisting of 369 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) and their test cross progeny with both parents allowed us to determine the position and effect of 147 quantitative trait loci (QTL) for metabolite absolute mid-parent heterosis (aMPH). Furthermore, we identified 153 and 83 QTL for augmented additive (Z1) and dominance effects (Z2), respectively. We identified putative candidate genes for these QTL using the aracyc database ( http://www.arabidopsis.org/biocyc ), and calculated the average degree of dominance, which was within the dominance and over-dominance range for most metabolites. Analyzing a second population of 41 introgression lines (ILs) and their test crosses with the recurrent parent, we identified 634 significant differences in metabolite levels. Nine per cent of these effects were classified as over-dominant, according to the mode of inheritance. A comparison of both approaches suggested epistasis as a major contributor to metabolite heterosis in Arabidopsis. A linear combination of metabolite levels was shown to significantly correlate with biomass heterosis ( r  = 0.62).  相似文献   

The pod shattering or dehiscence is essential for the propagation of pod-bearing plant species in the wild, but it causes significant yield losses during harvest of domesticated crop plants. Identifying novel molecular makers, which are linked to seed-shattering genes, is needed to employ the molecular marker-assisted selection for efficiently developing shattering-resistant soybean varieties. In this study, a genetic linkage map was constructed using 115 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) developed from crosses between the pod shattering susceptible variety, Keunol, and resistant variety, Sinpaldal. A 180 K Axiom® SoyaSNPs data and pod shattering data from two environments in 2001 and 2015 were used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for pod shattering. A major QTL was identified between two flanking single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, AX-90320801 and AX-90306327 on chromosome 16 with 1.3 cM interval, 857 kb of physical range. In sequence, genotype distribution analysis was conducted using extreme phenotype RILs. This could narrow down the QTL down to 153 kb on the physical map and was designated as qPDH1-KS with 6 annotated gene models. All exons within qPDH1-KS were sequenced and the 6 polymorphic SNPs affecting the amino acid sequence were identified. To develop universally available molecular markers, 38 Korean soybean cultivars were investigated by the association study using the 6 identified SNPs. Only two SNPs were strongly associated with the pod shattering. These two identified SNPs will help to identify the pod shattering responsible gene and to develop pod shattering-resistant soybean plants using marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Vitamin E (VE) in soybean seed has value for foods, medicines, cosmetics, and animal husbandry. Selection for higher VE contents in seeds along with agronomic traits was an important goal for many soybean breeders. In order to map the loci controlling the VE content, F5-derived F6 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) were advanced through single-seed-descent (SSD) to generate a population including 144 RILs. The population was derived from a cross between ‘OAC Bayfield’, a soybean cultivar with high VE content, and ‘Hefeng 25’, a soybean cultivar with low VE content. A total of 107 polymorphic simple sequence repeat markers were used to construct a genetic linkage map. Seed VE contents were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography for multiple years and locations (Harbin in 2007 and 2008, Hulan in 2008 and Suihua in 2008). Four QTL associated with α-Toc (on four linkage groups, LGs), eight QTL associated with γ-Toc (on eight LGs), four QTL associated with δ-Toc (on four LGs) and five QTL associated with total VE (on four LGs) were identified. A major QTL was detected by marker Satt376 on linkage group C2 and associated with α-Toc (0.0012 > P > 0.0001, 5.0% < R 2 < 17.0%, 25.1 < α-Toc < 30.1 μg g−1), total VE (P < 0.0001, 7.0% < R 2 < 10.0%, 118.2 < total VE < 478.3 μg g−1). A second QTL detected by marker Satt286 on LG C2 was associated with γ-Toc (0.0003 > P > 0.0001, 6.0% < R 2 < 13.0%, 141.5 < γ-Toc < 342.4 μg g−1) and total VE (P < 0.0001, 2.0% < R 2 < 9.0%, 353.9 < total VE < 404.0 μg g−1). Another major QTL was detected by marker Satt266 on LG D1b that was associated with α-Toc (0.0002 > P > 0.0001, 4.0% < R 2 < 6.0%, 27.7 < α-Toc < 43.7 μg g−1) and γ-Toc (0.0032 > P > 0.0001, 3.0% < R 2 < 10.0%, 69.7 < γ-Toc < 345.7 μg g−1). Since beneficial alleles were all from ‘OAC Bayfield’, it was concluded that these three QTL would have great potential value for marker assisted selection for high VE content.  相似文献   

Selective genotyping concerns the genotyping of a portion of individuals chosen on the basis of their phenotypic values. Often individuals are selected for genotyping from the high and low extremes of the phenotypic distribution. This procedure yields savings in cost and time by decreasing the total number of individuals genotyped. Previous work by Darvasi et al. (1993) has shown that the power to detect a QTL by genotyping 40-50 % of a population is roughly equivalent to genotyping the entire sample. However, these power studies have not accounted for different strategies of analysing the data when phenotypes of individuals in the middle are excluded, nor have they investigated the genome-wide type I error rate under these different strategies or different selection percentages. Further, these simulation studies have not considered markers over the entire genome. In this paper, we present simulation studies of power for the maximum likelihood approach to QTL mapping by Lander & Botstein (1989) in the context of selective genotyping. We calculate the power of selectively genotyping the individuals from the middle of the phenotypic distribution when performing QTL mapping over the whole mouse genome.  相似文献   

Early-maturing cultivars of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] native to the shores of the Sea of Okhotsk (Sakhalin and Kuril Islands) and eastern Hokkaido (northern Japan) have a strong tendency to produce cleistogamous flowers throughout their blooming period. A previous study revealed that cleistogamy is controlled by a minimum of two genes with epistatic interaction, one of which is associated with a maturity gene responsible for insensitivity to incandescent long daylength (ILD). This study was conducted to determine the genetic basis of cleistogamy in more detail by QTL mapping. F(2) to F(4) progenies derived from a cross between a cleistogamous cv. Karafuto-1 and a chasmogamous cv. Toyosuzu were used. A molecular linkage map spanning 2,180 cM comprising 500 markers was constructed using 89 F(2) plants. The markers were distributed in 25 linkage groups. An interval mapping method to analyze categorical traits identified four QTLs for cleistogamy, cl1, cl2, cl3 and cl4, in molecular linkage groups (MLGs) C2, D1a, I and L, respectively. Alleles derived from Karafuto-1 had additive effects to increase probability of cleistogamy at cl3 and cl4, whereas the alleles had additive effects to decrease the probablity at cl1 and cl2. Progeny test confirmed the effects of cl3, which had the highest LOD score (5.20). Composite interval mapping revealed four QTLs for flowering date, fd5-fd8. Judging from relative location with markers and association with ILD responses, fd7 and fd8 may correspond to maturity genes E4 and E3, respectively. cl3 and cl4 were located at similar positions as fd7 and fd8, suggesting that the two maturity genes may control cleistogamy by either pleiotropy or close linkage.  相似文献   

Advanced backcross QTL analysis in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This paper reports on the first advanced backcross-QTL (quantitative trait locus) project which utilizes spring barley as a model. A BC(2)F(2) population was derived from the initial cross Apex ( Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare, hereafter abbreviated with Hv) x ISR101-23 ( H. v. ssp. spontaneum, hereafter abbreviated with Hsp). Altogether 136 BC(2)F(2) individuals were genotyped with 45 SSR (simple sequence repeat) markers. Subsequently, field data for 136 BC(2)F(2) families were collected for 13 quantitative traits measured in a maximum of six environments. QTLs were detected by means of a two-factorial ANOVA with a significance level of P < 0.01 for a marker main effect and a marker x environment (M x E) interaction, respectively. Among 585 marker x trait combinations tested, 86 putative QTLs were identified. At 64 putative QTLs, the marker main effect and at 27 putative QTLs, the M x E interaction were significant. In five cases, both effects were significant. Among the putative QTLs, 29 (34%) favorable effects were identified from the exotic parent. At these marker loci the homozygous Hsp genotype was associated with an improvement of the trait compared to the homozygous Hv genotype. In one case, the Hsp allele was associated with a yield increase of 7.7% averaged across the six environments tested. A yield QTL in the same chromosomal region was already reported in earlier barley QTL studies.  相似文献   

 Advanced backcross QTL (AB-QTL) analysis is a new strategy for studying the effect of unadapted alleles on the agronomic performance of elite cultivated lines. In this paper we report results from the application of the AB-QTL strategy to cultivated tomato using the wild species Lycopersicon hirsutum LA1777 as the donor parent. RFLP genomic fingerprints were determined for 315 BC2 plants and phenotypic data were collected for 19 agronomic traits from approximately 200 derived BC3 lines which were grown in replicated field trials in three locations worldwide. Between 1 and 12 significant QTLs were identified for each of the 19 traits evaluated, with a total of 121 QTLs identified for all traits. For 25 of the QTLs (20%) corresponding to 12 traits (60%), the L. hirsutum allele was associated with an improvement of the trait from a horticultural perspective, despite the fact that L. hirsutum is overall phenotypically inferior to the elite parent. For example, L. hirsutum has fruit that remains green when ripe (lack of red pigment) yet alleles were found in this species that significantly increase red color when transferred into cultivated tomatoes. Wild alleles were also associated with increases in total yield and soluble solids (up to 15%) and brix×red yield (up to 41%). These results support the idea that one cannot predict the genetic potential of exotic germplasm based on phenotype alone and that marker-based methods, such as the AB-QTL strategy, should be applied to fully exploit exotic germplasm. Received: 27 October 1997 / Accepted: 25 November 1997  相似文献   

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