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In vitro dose--response curves, for unstable chromosome aberration induction in human lymphocytes under conditions of full oxygenation or of anoxia, have been obtained using 250 kVp X-rays. Dicentric yields have been fitted to the quadratic function Y = alpha D + beta D2. An Oxygen Enhancement Ratio (OER) ranging from 7.2 to 2.7 was calculated from the coefficients of these curves possibly indicating that the data do not fit to the dose-modifying model of the oxygen effect although the differences are not statistically significant. A similar analysis of total aberration data yields an OER of 3.6 to 2.7 fitting much more satisfactorily to the dose-modifying model. Variations in dicentric yield induced by 3.0 Gy and 0.75 Gy of X-rays with increasing oxygen concentration were plotted and for each dose a constant dicentric yield was observed at oxygen levels of 2 and 250 ppm. Above 250 ppm yields increased steeply up to about 1% oxygen and then more gradually to a maximum at 100% oxygen.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of aging on cytogenetic characteristics of lymphocytes from Down syndrome (DS), cell-cycle kinetics after PHA stimulation and chromosome-type aberration frequencies after X-ray exposure were investigated in vitro in the lymphocytes derived from 4 (or 3 for X-ray treatment) age groups of DS patients and age-matched controls. The results clearly showed higher mitotic and proliferation index levels in younger groups compared to older groups at the various culture intervals, whether the lymphocytes were from the DS patients or controls. The age-related changes of the proliferation index were mainly attributed to a delayed response to PHA as age increased. The changes of PHA responses seemed to be particularly marked during adolescence. Nonetheless, no significant differences were observed between the DS patients and age-matched controls for each age group. In all age groups, frequencies of both chromosome-type exchanges and deletions were elevated in the DS patients by about 1.3 times in comparison with the controls. The magnitude of radiosensitivity, however, seemed to decrease slightly in the 40-49-year group. To our knowledge, the present study is the first report in the literature to deal with the effect of aging on the greater radiosensitivity of DS lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The induction of chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes irradiated in vitro with slow neutrons was examined to assess the maximum low-dose RBE (RBEM) relative to 60Co γ-rays. For the blood irradiations, cold neutron beam available at the prompt gamma activation analysis facility at the Munich research reactor FRM II was used. The given flux of cold neutrons can be converted into a thermally equivalent one. Since blood was taken from the same donor whose blood had been used for previous irradiation experiments using widely varying neutron energies, the greatest possible accuracy was available for such an estimation of the RBEM avoiding the inter-individual variations or differences in methodology usually associated with inter-laboratory comparisons. The magnitude of the coefficient α of the linear dose–response relationship (α = 0.400 ± 0.018 Gy?1) and the derived RBEM of 36.4 ± 13.3 obtained for the production of dicentrics by thermal neutrons confirm our earlier observations of a strong decrease in α and RBEM with decreasing neutron energy lower than 0.385 MeV (RBEM = 94.4 ± 38.9). The magnitude of the presently estimated RBEM of thermal neutrons is—with some restrictions—not significantly different to previously reported RBEM values of two laboratories.  相似文献   

A M Khalil 《Mutation research》1989,224(4):503-506
Human lymphocyte cultures were treated with increasing concentrations (8.0 X 10(-8) M to 8.0 X 10(-5) M) of sodium selenite and selenomethionine 24 h after stimulation with phytohemagglutinin and were scored for chromosomal aberrations at 48 h. The yield of abnormal metaphases was dependent on the dose and the form of selenium used. At 8.0 X 10(-5) M the proportion of aberrant cells reached 53.5% and 43.0% for selenite and selenomethionine, respectively. The selenium-induced chromosomal aberrations were primarily of the chromatid type and included breaks and fragments. Chromosomal exchanges were less frequent and included triradials and quadriradials. These results confirm that selenium is clastogenic for cultured human lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood lymphocytes from normal human volunteers or from Down syndrome patients were pre-treated with sodium butyrate (a compound which is known to induce structural modifications in the chromatin through hyperacetylation of nucleosomal core histones) and exposed to X-irradiation or treated with bleomycin in vitro in the G0 and/or G1 stage(s) of the cell cycle. The frequencies of chromosomal aberrations in the first mitosis after treatment were scored. The results show an enhancement in the yield of aberrations in the butyrate pre-treated groups. However, the absolute frequencies of chromosomal aberrations as well as the relative increases with butyrate pre-treatment varied between blood samples from different donors suggesting the existence of inter-individual variations. There is a parallelism between the effects of X-irradiation or of combined treatments in G0 and G1 stages and between effects observed in the X-ray and bleomycin series. The increase in the yields of chromosomal aberrations in butyrate-treated and X-irradiated lymphocytes (relative to those which received X-irradiation alone) is interpreted as a consequence of the inhibition of repair of DNA damage by butyrate.  相似文献   

Dicentric and total aberration yields induced in human lymphocytes by 15-MeV neutrons under conditions of oxygenation and of anoxia have been fitted to a dose-response curve using the function Y = D + βD2. An oxygen-enhancement ratio (OER) ranging from 3.7 at low yields to 1.6 at high yields was calculated from the co-efficients of the dicentric yield curves and evidence is presented which suggests that oxygen does not act as a dose-modifying agent in this system. High dose RBE values of 1.2 and 2.1 with respect to 250 kVp X-rays for oxygenated and anoxic conditions were also obtained. Coefficients for total aberration yield gave similar values to dicentrics for both OER and RBE  相似文献   

The induction of chromosome aberrations in human lymphocytes irradiated in vitro with X rays generated at a tube voltage of 29 kV was examined to assess the maximum low-dose RBE (RBE(M)) relative to higher-energy X rays or 60Co gamma rays. Since blood was taken from the same male donor whose blood had been used for previous irradiation experiments using widely varying photon energies, the greatest possible accuracy was available for such an estimation of the RBE(M), avoiding the interindividual variations in sensitivity or differences in methodology usually associated with interlaboratory comparisons. The magnitude of the linear coefficient alpha of the linear-quadratic dose-effect relationship obtained for the production of dicentric chromosomes by 29 kV X rays (alpha = 0.0655 +/- 0.0097 Gy(-1)) confirms earlier observations of a strong increase in alpha with decreasing photon energy. Relating this value to previously published values of alpha for the dose-effect curves for dicentrics obtained in our own laboratory, RBE(M) values of 1.6 +/- 0.3 in comparison with weakly filtered 220 kV X rays, 3.0 +/- 0.7 compared to heavily filtered 220 kV X rays, and 6.1 +/- 2.5 compared to 60Co gamma rays have been obtained. These data emphasize that the choice of the reference radiation is of fundamental importance for the RBE(M) obtained. A special survey of the RBE(M) values obtained by different investigators in the narrow quality range from about 30 to 350 kV X rays indicates that the present RBE is in fairly good agreement with previously published findings for the induction of chromosome aberrations or micronuclei in human lymphocytes but differs from recently published findings for neoplastic transformation in a human hybrid cell line.  相似文献   

The poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitor 3-aminobenzamide had dramatically different effects on X-ray-induced cytogenetic damage in human lymphocytes depending on the stage of the cell cycle in which cells were irradiated. 3-Aminobenzamide (0.08-3.00 mM) potentiated the frequency of chromosomal aberrations when lymphocytes were irradiated in G1, S, or late G2. No effect was observed, however, when lymphocytes were irradiated in G0 or at the S/G2 boundary 6 h before termination of culture. These results indicate that poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase may be involved in chromosomal repair of radiation damage only during specific stages of the cell cycle.  相似文献   

A twin study of structural chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Structural chromosome aberrations were analyzed in peripheral lymphocytes of eight monozygotic (MZ) and seven dizygotic (DZ) pairs of male twins. There was no significant intrapair difference in the variance of aberration frequencies among the MZ and DZ twins. Thus, there was no evidence of a major genetic influence on the development of structural chromosome aberrations. Although a genetic component could not be excluded, it was concluded that any chromosome aberrations observed were probably due mainly to environmental influences.  相似文献   

S Wolff 《Mutation research》1972,15(4):435-444
The repair time for chromosome breaks induced by X-irradiation of unstimulated (G0) and stimulated (G1) human lymphocytes has been determined by dose fractionation studies. In both types of cells repair time was approx. 4–5 h. Treatment with hydroxyurea, a DNA synthesis inhibitor, did not prevent or delay the rejoining of broken chromosomes, whereas treatment with cycloheximide, a potent protein synthesis inhibitor, did. Thus, the repair of radiation-induced chromosome breaks in human lymphocytes is similar to the repair observed with plant cells.  相似文献   

Investigators have demonstrated that the mutagen sensitivity assay, based on the quantification of bleomycin (BLM)-induced chromatid breaks in short-term cultured peripheral lymphocytes, can be a marker of cancer susceptibility. Although many factors can contribute to variability in human biomonitoring studies, genetic susceptibility (the influence of polymorphic metabolising genes on response to environmental mutagens) should be considered whenever appropriate. Glutathione-S-transferases (GSTs) encode a family of detoxifying phase II enzymes catalysing the conjugation of glutathione to electrophilic compounds. Studies on Caucasians indicate that about 45% of individuals lack the glutathione-S-transferase M1 (GSTM1, null) enzyme, and are therefore, theoretically at a higher risk to the toxic effects of chemicals. The aim of the present study was to investigate this hypothesis further by evaluating whether the GSTM1 genotype influences the backround level of DNA damage and the induction of chromosomal aberrations by BLM in peripheral-blood lymphocytes. The alkaline comet assay was used to evaluate background levels of DNA damage in unstimulated lymphocytes while standard cytogenetic techniques were used in mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes treated with BLM. Without BLM treatment, individuals with the GSTM1 null genotype had no significant difference in frequencies of damaged cells by comparison to individuals with the GSTM1 genotype. Also, no significant differences between the two groups of individuals (GSTM1 positive and GSTM1 null) were observed for BLM-induced chromosomal aberrations.  相似文献   

PHA-stimulated human lymphocytes in the G1 stage were irradiated with UV radiation and X-rays, and the cells were analyzed for chromosomal aberrations in the first mitotic division. The frequency of dicentric chromosomes after single X-irradiation in the G1 stage was about twice the yield in the G0 stage. No increase in the yield of dicentrics was observed after combined irradiation with UV and X-rays. This is contrary to the finding for G0 lymphocytes, where a 2-fold increase of chromosome aberrations was observed. UV irradiation of G1 lymphocytes induced chromatid-type aberrations whereas no significant yield of dicentric chromosomes was observed. This is in agreement with previous findings in Chinese hamster cells in the G1 stage [7]. Irradiation of G0 lymphocytes with UV radiation induce a low frequency of dicentric chromosomes. Thus, the present data indicate that the ratio between chromosome-type and chromatid-type aberrations is different in the G1 and G0 stages in human lymphocytes irradiated with UV radiation.  相似文献   

We assessed the incidence of structural chromosome aberrations in 500 diploid first-division metaphases from 48-h lymphocyte cultures from each of 6 non-smokers and from 6 persons who had smoked a minimum of 1 pack of cigarettes per day for at least 20 years. Cytogenetic analyses of coded slides revealed a single dicentric chromosome with its accompanying fragment and two symmetrical chromatid exchanges in 3000 metaphases from the non-smokers. In contrast, 9 dicentric chromosomes, 8 translocations or inversions, and 7 chromatid exchanges were observed in 3000 metaphases from lymphocyte cultures from the 6 heavy smokers. A total of 13 metaphases having chromosome-type inter- or intra-changes was noted including 9 with a single aberration, and 4 with 2 or more. Our findings provide additional evidence of the in vivo clastogenicity of cigarette smoke in long-term heavy smokers, and further demonstrate that the distribution of chromosome-type exchange aberrations is overdispersed relative to that expected based on Poisson assumptions.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 4 Down's syndrome (DS) patients with a 47,XY,21 + karyotype and from 4 normal male probands were cultured for 72 h in the presence of BrdU and lymphocytes analysed at their first mitosis for chromosomal aberrations. The frequencies of spontaneous aberrations and the proportions of cells in the first or later mitoses in culture were not different between the groups. Treatment with various doses of bleomycin in vitro resulted in similar delays in cell development for both DS and normal lymphocytes and dose-dependent increases in the incidence of chromosome-type aberrations. However, the induction of both dicentric aberrations and acentric fragments was significantly enhanced in DS cells relative to cells of normal karyotype.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of ENU on (A) human chromosomes from blood lymphocyte cultures in vitro, and on (B) rat and mouse bone marrow chromosomes in vivo, was investigated. Doses of 25, 50, 100 and 200 g/ml were tested in vitro and cells with chromosome breakage were found to be dose dependent. Chromosome damage was also dependent on time; maximum damage was seen when cells were treated 2–6 hrs before harvest.Two doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg were studied in rat and mouse in vivo and a dose effect could be shown in both species. The highest number of abnormal cells was found 6 hrs after treatment; there was a sharp decrease at 18 hrs and thereafter. Types of aberrations were also analyzed, in both in vitro and in vivo studies.  相似文献   

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