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I experimentally excluded ants from randomly selected spruce trees Picea abies near colonies of the wood ant Formica aquilonia. Foraging activity of birds in these trees was then compared to the foraging activity of birds in neighboring spruce trees, where ants were allowed to continue foraging. Birds which foraged in the foliage showed the effects of competition with ants: they visited the trees without ants more frequently, and for longer periods. In addition, the insects and spiders that they utilized as food were more abundant in the foliage of trees without ants. Cone-foraging birds, however, which fed on seeds in cones at the tops of the trees, did not show a preference for trees without ants. The differences of tree usage between foliage-gleaning and coneforaging birds can be explained by alteration of the birds' food supply by wood ants: ants did not feed on seeds in cones, and so did not compete with cone-foraging birds. However, foraging wood ants did feed on arthropods living in the foliage, thus reducing the amount of food available to birds there.  相似文献   

Angela  von Känel 《Ibis》1981,123(4):438-449
Investigations on the feeding ecology of Wigeon were carried out in winter 1978–79 at the species' most important inland wintering habitat in Britain. The study area included 287 ha of grassland, about one-sixth of the Washes, which is grazed by cattle and sheep until late autumn. In winter the area is partly or fully flooded. The number of Wigeon increased to 11 200 in January but cold weather in February, with snow and frozen flood water, forced the birds to leave, only 600 staying in the reserve. In March up to 4000 birds were again present. The distribution of the population within the refuge depends on whether the habitat is dry pasture with only a few ponds, partly flooded, fully flooded or covered with snow and frozen flood water. Under dry or slightly wet conditions 98% of the Wigeon were grazing (October to January), while under partly flooded conditions (February and March) 42%, fed on water. With increasing water depth, upending was used by 13%, while 45% of the population moved to the barrier banks, grazing there in March. The feeding method can change within a few hours with increasing water depth. The diurnal activity pattern varies during the wintering period. A lower percentage of morning feeding occurred after flights back from feeding outside the refuge and under frozen conditions. The feeding activity was higher at mid-day with a slight decrease towards dusk. The average diurnal feeding activity was 71% (October to April), with a maximum of 90% in November. Wigeon feed diurnally and nocturnally. During a 24 h period in March they were foraging for 15 h 40 min; by day 81% of the time was spent feeding, while at night only 48%. Standing crop measurements showed that the biomass of green vegetation declined significantly outside enclosures due to Wigeon usage. Pasture land should be grazed at different intensities by cattle and sheep before the arrival of the ducks. Inland reserves should include such pasture together with some standing water where the birds are undisturbed. The use of inland pastures can compensate for the loss of coastal habitats.  相似文献   

Early experience has been found to have long-term effects on behaviour such as social imprinting and song learning. In this paper we investigate whether early experience with particular types of food can lead to long-term feeding preferences in canaries. For 8 wk following the onset of independent foraging, two groups of naive fledgling canaries were reared on different diets. One group had a choice of four seed types, while individuals in the other group received only one type of seed. After this training period, all the birds were given a mixed seed diet for a further 15 wk, and then their preference for the original seeds was tested. All six birds that had been given four seeds during the training period showed the same preference, namely: hemp > niger > millet > linseed. However, all the birds that had been trained on one seed type only, still preferred the seed on which they had been trained. After a further 23 wk on a mixed-seed diet, birds from the restricted early diet group showed no further preference for the seed on which they were trained, and their seed choice at this stage was similar to the birds that had received four seeds. We conclude that early experience can affect food choice in canaries for at least 15 wk, but is subordinate to other influences in the longer term.  相似文献   


The diversity and seasonal abundance of birds at Christchurch Airport, their food and feeding habits, and the phenology of the food resource were studied in 1968–69 as part of an investigation of the bird hazard to aircraft. The birds either fed and roosted on the airport or flew over or close to it. Seasonal trends in the diet of black‐backed gulls (Larus dominicanus), black‐billed gulls (L. bulleri), starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), and magpies (Gymnorhina tibicen hypoleuca) were determined by examining the gizzard contents of birds shot while they were feeding on the airfield. Marked food preferences were noticeably lacking, except that black‐backed gulls fed exclusively on earthworms. Black‐billed gulls, starlings, and magpies took a variety of insects, earthworms, arachnids, and, to a less extent, seeds. Species diversity, seasonal distribution, and abundance of invertebrates and seeds showed that the birds were opportunist feeders on a succession of temporarily abundant food, and their presence on the airfield was determined largely by the availability of invertebrates and seeds.  相似文献   

Changing energy requirements and dramatic shifts in food availability are major factors driving behaviour and distribution of herbivores. We investigate this in wintering East Canadian High Arctic light-bellied brent geese Branta bernicla hrota in Northern Ireland. They followed a sequential pattern of habitat use, feeding on intertidal Zostera spp. in autumn and early winter before moving to predominantly saltmarsh and farmland in late winter and early spring. Night-time feeding occurred throughout and made a considerable contribution to the birds' daily energy budget, at times accounting for >50% of energy intake. Nocturnal feeding, however, is limited to the intertidal, possibly because of predation risk on terrestrial habitat, and increases with moonlight. The amount of Zostera spp., declined dramatically after the arrival of birds, predominantly, but not entirely, due to consumption by the birds. Birds gained fat reserves in the first 2 months but then this was dramatically lost as their major food source collapsed and their daily energy intake declined. Single birds consistently fared worse than paired birds and pairs with juveniles fared better than those without suggesting a benefit of having a family to compete for food. Many birds leave the Lough at this time of reduced Zostera spp. for other sea inlets in Ireland but some remain. Body condition of the latter gradually improved in early spring and reflected a heavy reliance on terrestrial habitats, particularly farmland, to meet the birds' daily energy requirements. However, even in the period immediately before migration to the breeding ground, the birds did not regain the amount of abdominal fatness observed in November. The dramatic changes in available food and requirements of the birds drive the major changes seen in foraging behaviour as the birds evade starvation in the wintering period.  相似文献   

Jaime A.  Ramos 《Journal of Zoology》1996,238(3):415-433
Although the quality of foods may change through the seasons, few studies have assessed shifts in food preferences. I studied winter food selection of the Azores bullfinch to evaluate whether physical characteristics (size and accessibility), or phenolic content of food items better explained changes of winter diet. The birds preferred larger items of all winter foods: seeds, sori and flower buds and more accessible seeds. In autumn, seeds seemed preferred to sori, but in spring birds switched from seeds to sori and flower buds, once the latter became larger. Phenols may influence food preference but they did not explain diet shifts or preferences for individual trees. Food selection is a complex mechanism, depending on the alternatives available and seasonal shifts in food preference may continually change the availability of 'good quality food'.  相似文献   

Feeding site selection by Wigeon Anas penelope in relation to water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The feeding sites of European Wigeon Anas penelope are always close to water. Initial studies suggest that this is primarily an anti-predator behaviour rather than a requirement for drinking and bathing. Vigilance and flock-size measurements at varying distances from water support this hypothesis. However, birds will feed away from water if grass biomass is greater further away. The end of the shooting season also causes birds to feed further away from water.  相似文献   

Murray  K. G.  Winnett-Murray  K.  Cromie  E. A.  Minor  M.  Meyers  E. 《Plant Ecology》1993,107(1):217-226
We investigated the role of seed packaging (division of total seed volume among individual seeds) and fruit color in determining feeding preferences of American Robins (Turdus migratorius). Experiments were conducted using artificial fruits with either 8 small plastic beads or a single large one with equivalent volume. Other fruit characters were held constant. As predicted, large seeds were voided rapidly by regurgitation, resulting in higher pulp consumption rates for large-seeded fruits than for small-seeded ones, whose seeds were passed through the gut. Most birds apparently used this difference in profitability as a choice criterion: four of seven preferred large-seeded fruits. That three individuals did not do so suggests that birds may differ in their ability to perceive minor differences in fruit profitability, or to use them as choice criteria. Pulp color was also important: blue fruits were preferred by all seven birds. This preference was surprising, since Robins commonly feed on red fruits in the field.  相似文献   

P. J. S. Olney 《Ibis》1965,107(4):527-532
The food and feeding habits of Shelduck Tadorna tadorna are described, based on the analyses of the viscera of 30 birds collected under special licence, and of 18 birds found dead or dying during the cold weather of 1963, on faecal material from eight incubating birds, on field observations and on the literature. The birds came from a number of different localities and from each month of the year, apart from July.
The mollusc Hydrobia ulvae (Pennant) was found in all 46 birds which contained food, and it is quite obvious, and this is confirmed by the literature and by faecal analyses, that this is the most important food item during much of the year and in many different localities. Other species eaten included the bivalve Macoma balthica , the amphipod Corophium volutator , the ragworm Nereis sp., the alga Enteromorpha , and occasionally the seeds of various plants.
The importance of H. ulvae is examined in the light of its distribution and numbers, which may be a strong controlling factor in concentrating Shelduck in certain areas at certain times of the year.
The feeding behaviour of Shelduck, and a number of other birds, is apparently closely related to the cyclic behaviour pattern of the main food species, H. ulvae .
It seems that Shelduck have a rather fixed type of feeding behaviour which exploits only one feeding niche and therein mainly one food item. Any event (prolonged gales or very cold weather) which prevents the bird from using that niche can be the cause of heavy mortality.  相似文献   

Many animals spend a large proportion of their time either foraging for food or watching out for predators (antipredator vigilance). There have been many theoretical and empirical studies investigating the trade-off between these two activities, especially in birds. Previous models of antipredator vigilance assume that all birds within the group spend the same amount of time feeding. However, many empirical studies have shown that individuals on the edge of flocks are more vigilant. Here we describe a vigilance model which investigates the effect of position on the birds' strategies by dividing the feeding area into an inner and outer region. The model examines how various parameters such as food availability and predation risk affect the strategies of individual birds according to whether they are in the inner or outer region. Our model predicts that birds in the outer group are always more vigilant than those in the inner region. Birds in the centre receive a higher payoff in each of the wide range of scenarios that we have considered, and so our model also indicates why dominant birds would choose to feed in the centre of the group; a prediction in accord with several empirical studies.  相似文献   

Habitat selection can be envisaged as a hierarchical spatial process, from choice of home range to choice of dietary item. The green woodpecker (Picus viridis) is described as being closely bound to cultivated land and deciduous forests, mainly due to its summer diet composed of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) found on meadows and pastures. To explore possible responses of this woodpecker to recent changes in land use practice, we studied home ranges, feeding habitats and food selection of a marginal population (four radio-marked males and five females) in a 30,000-ha conifer-dominated landscape at the northern edge of its distribution range in south-central Scandinavia. We asked: (1) Is the green woodpecker confined to areas with cultivated land and deciduous forest? (2) If so, are important food items (ants) particularly abundant or exclusively found there? (3) Can clearcuts and young plantations substitute for cultivated land as feeding habitat? Home ranges (mean=100 ha) were invariably confined to the parts of the landscape that contained cultivated land (<1% of the total area). In summer, birds preferred to feed in cultivated land, presumably due to a higher overall biomass of ants compared to forest habitats. They avoided clearcuts, but preyed extensively upon soil-dwelling ants in young conifer stands (16–30 years old). We failed to find preferences for particular ant groups (Lasius niger and L. flavus) associated with cultivated land. The principal summer food was Serviformica, an ant group that was equally abundant in cultivated land and forest habitat. A positive correlation between ant body mass and a preference index suggests that the birds selected the larger ant species independent of habitat type. In winter, birds fed exclusively on mound-building Formica rufa-ants in closed-canopy, older forest stands. Our results indicate that the green woodpecker successfully utilizes young conifer plantations as feeding habitat. At a larger scale, we hypothesize that green woodpecker populations fail to establish in managed forest tracts, not because of food shortage, but because the landscapes lack cultivated land serving as a key stimulus encouraging individuals to settle.  相似文献   

García-Navas V  Sanz JJ 《Oecologia》2011,165(3):639-649
Insectivorous birds rely on a short period of food abundance to feed their young; they must time their reproduction to match the timing of Lepidoptera larvae, their main prey. Apart from the net result (i.e. birds are timed or mistimed with respect to the food's peak), an important aspect is the possible influence of other factors, such as the seasonality of the environment or the abundance and diversity of species contributing to the caterpillar peak, on birds' phenology and their ability to cope well with unpredictable food supplies. In a 2-year study, we explored the seasonal variation of nestling diet in Mediterranean blue tits Cyanistes caeruleus and how reproductive parameters (nestling condition, provisioning rates) are affected by the phenology and composition of food. We also examined the influence of the synchrony between offspring needs and caterpillar peak in shaping the composition of the nestlings' diet. We found that the effect of synchrony on nestling condition varied between years which may be partially due to differences in food peak attributes. The adequacy of birds' timing in relation to prey phenology affected foraging decisions; those birds that were not able to correctly adjust their timing were forced to rely on less preferred prey (tortricids). In this sense, we found that relative contribution of tortricids (smaller caterpillars but easier to get) and noctuids (preferred prey but more difficult to find) to the diet influenced nestling condition and parental provisioning effort; parents performed fewer feeding events and reared heavier nestlings as the contribution of noctuids to the diet increased. The relationship between the proportion of caterpillars and nestling mass was curvilinear, whereas that parameter was negatively affected by the percentage of pupae. Our results show how changes in diet composition may contribute to explain the effect of mismatching on birds' breeding performance.  相似文献   

PETER MAYHEW  DAVID HOUSTON 《Ibis》1999,141(1):80-84
Wigeon Anas penelope selectively grazed small patches of grassland near water. Their grazing activity affected the vegetation on which they fed, resulting in a 52% increase in leaf production over the winter and, at the end of winter, 4.75% higher protein levels compared with plants which were ungrazed. These responses of the plants were caused by defoliation, which stimulated growth, and not a fertiliser effect from the birds' droppings. We suggest that repeated feeding on the same areas is a deliberate strategy used by Wigeon which causes an improvement in their dietary quality in late winter and early spring.  相似文献   

Parental preferences during feeding and care-giving may select for ornamental traits in young, such as bright coloration. For chicks of coots, there is experimental evidence for this idea. We examined the hypothesis that bright yellow, orange and red mouths of chicks of songbirds have been favoured by feeding preferences in parents. In a field experiment, the orange–yellow mouths of great tit nestlings were dyed brightly red, and the feeding response of parents recorded. In nest boxes with extra daylight through a window, experimental chicks were on average given twice as much food (biomass) as control chicks (sham dyed). In normal nest boxes, the tendency was similar, but not significant. Thus, at least in good light, great tit parents prefer to feed young with red mouths, a preference for colourfulness that helps explain the evolution of bright gapes in chicks of songbirds (passerine birds).  相似文献   

Habitat preferences of lesser rheas in Argentine Patagonia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This work reports the first results of a 3-year study (1998–2001) on habitat use and preferences by wild lesser rheas (Rhea pennata pennata) in the ecotone Monte–Patagonian steppe of Argentina. Ponds and four different habitat alternatives for lesser rheas were determined using satellite images and different structural vegetation characteristics: steppe, shrubland, shrub steppe, and mallines. Lesser rheas (adults, juveniles and chicks) used all habitats available to feed, although they showed preference for mallines, open areas that offer good visibility and abundant food resource. Rheas used shrub steppe and steppe for nesting, but they did not show preference for either habitat type. Nest site had a higher percentage of vegetation cover than control sites. Lesser rheas apparently preferred concealed sites for nesting since they offer protection from severe climate conditions and from predators. Our results suggest that habitat preference by lesser rheas counterbalances profitability of feeding to the corresponding cost of predation.  相似文献   

Abstract Broadscale habitat use by Eastern Curlews (Numenius madagascariensis) in their non‐breeding range in eastern Australia was assessed using low tide surveys on feeding grounds, where 60 skilled volunteers made repeated counts of the birds on intertidal flats, across 41% (9500 ha) of the intertidal habitat within Moreton Bay, Australia. We analysed 32 defined sections of intertidal flat, of roughly equal area (mostly 200–400 ha), which varied greatly in their curlew density (2–47 birds per 100 ha) and also in substrate and other environmental features. Sites with the least resistant substrates had densities three times those with the most resistant substrates. Of 10 environmental characteristics measured for each site, substrate resistance was the best predictor of curlew density (r2 = 0.45). Characteristics that were poor predictors included distance to the nearest roost, level of human disturbance and distance to urban settlement. For a finer‐scale assessment, microhabitat use and feeding behaviour were recorded during low tide within 12 intertidal flats, which varied in size (23–97 ha), substrate, topography and other features. Across all flats, curlews strongly preferred to feed relatively close (0–50 m) to the low‐water line. They fed on a variety of substrates (including sand, sandy‐mud, mud and seagrass) in broadly similar proportions to their occurrence in the habitat. There was a statistically significant preference for sand, although its magnitude was not strong. These results indicate that curlews select habitat most strongly at a between‐flat rather than within‐flat scale.  相似文献   

Food availability for forest birds is a function of habitat type, forest management regime, and season. In winter, it is also impacted by variations in the weather. In the current study we assessed the food preferences of wild bird populations in two types of forest (spruce and beech) during the months of November 2010 to April 2011 in the Schwäbische Alb Biodiversity Exploratory, south-western Germany. Our aim was to investigate whether local bird communities preferred fat-rich, carbohydrate-rich or wild fruits and to determine how forest structure, seasonality and local weather conditions affected food preferences. We found higher bird activity in beech forests for the eleven resident species. We observed a clear preference for fat-rich food for all birds in both forest types. Snow cover affected activity at food stations but did not affect food preferences. Periods of extreme low temperatures increased activity.  相似文献   

棕胸竹鸡觅食行为的观察   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
对笼养条件下棕胸竹鸡(Bambusicola fytchii fytchii)每日的觅食节律的时间、频次、求偶取食行为和社群等级之间的关系进行了观察。结果表明:影响棕胸竹鸡觅食行为的主要因素是一天中它在地面上活动、静栖、游走及饮水等项行为所占时间的长短。影响求偶取食行为的主要因素是它在地面上活动的总时间和理羽、攻击及其它的求偶活动所占的时间多少。社群等级对棕胸竹鸡的觅食行为有一定的影响,但不甚显著。  相似文献   

We tested sexually mature zebra finches to see whether social learning influenced their feeding preferences, in particular whether they followed the preference of a male or a female demonstrator, of a red-ringed or a green-ringed male, and of a familiar or an unfamiliar male. Each observer was exposed to two demonstrators feeding at different-coloured hoppers, and then tested with a choice of hoppers to see which of the two colours they preferred. Males showed no preference between male and female demonstrators when choosing from which colour of food hopper to feed, but females preferred to feed from the hopper colour the male demonstrator had used. Both males and females exposed to male demonstrators wearing red or green leg rings fed preferentially from the same colour hopper as the red-ringed demonstrators had used. Finally, male birds exposed to familiar and unfamiliar demonstrators, preferred the food hopper from which the familiar demonstrator had fed. We interpret the results as indicating differences between the demonstrators in the amount of attention they attracted from observers.Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

P. J. S. Olney 《Ibis》1963,105(1):55-62
The food and feeding habits of Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula are described, based on field observations and on the analyses of the stomach contents of 95 birds, all but one of them having fed inland; 57 were collected from a gravel pit near London, 28 from Northern Ireland and 9 from a number of English inland waters, in the shooting seasons 1959-60 and 1960-61.
The London birds in both seasons had fed primarily on molluscs, mainly Dreissena polymorpha. The Northern Ireland birds, where D. polymorpha does not occur, had a more variable diet, again mainly molluscs, but with some crustaceans, insects and plant seeds. The English birds had a similarly variable diet with the emphasis on crustaceans ( Asellus spp.) and with some molluscs, insects and plant seeds. Brief information is given on the food of young birds.
It is suggested that the spread of D. polymorpha may be one of the factors explaining the recent spread of the Tufted Duck in certain areas. It appears that where one particular food such as D. polymorpha is not plentiful a more variable diet is taken, though molluscs always figure prominently. The type of food taken depends on the type of habitat used, the availability and size of the food items and on the methods of feeding.  相似文献   

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