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The rat carbonic anhydrase II gene was characterized and found to be approximately 15.5 kb in length and to contain 7 exons and 6 introns. All intron/exon junction and branch point sequences conform to consensus sequences, and the overall rat CA II genomic structure appears to be conserved upon comparison with mouse, human, and chicken CA II genes. The putative cis-acting elements within the analyzed 1014 bp 5′ flanking region include: TATA box, 4 Sp1 binding sites, 2 AP2 sites and putative tissue-specific β-globin-like repeat elements. A CpG island of approximately 800 bp was identified that begins about 600 bp upstream of exon 1 and extends about 200 bp into intron 1. In the 3′ UTR, two polyadenylation signals (AATAAA) are present, the second of which is believed to be utilized. Northern blot analysis reveals that the 1.7 kb rat CA II mRNA is abundantly expressed in adult male brain and kidney, while negligible amounts are detected in heart and liver.  相似文献   

Genetic markers identifying women at an increased risk of developing breast cancer exist, yet the majority of inherited risk remains elusive. While numerous BRCA1 coding sequence mutations are associated with breast cancer risk, BRCA1 mutations account for less then 5% of breast cancer risk. Since 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) polymorphisms disrupting microRNA (miRNA) binding can be functional and can act as genetic markers of cancer risk, we tested the hypothesis that such polymorphisms in the 3′UTR of BRCA1 and haplotypes containing these functional polymorphisms may be associated with breast cancer risk. We sequenced the BRCA1 3′UTR from breast cancer patients to identify miRNA disrupting polymorphisms. We further evaluated haplotypes of this region including the identified 3′UTR variants in a large population of controls and breast cancer patients (n = 221) with known breast cancer subtypes and ethnicities. We identified three 3′UTR variants in BRCA1 that are polymorphic in breast cancer populations, and haplotype analysis including these variants revealed that breast cancer patients harbor five rare haplotypes not generally found among controls (9.50% for breast cancer chromosomes, 0.11% for control chromosomes, p = 0.0001). Three of these rare haplotypes contain the rs8176318 BRCA1 3′UTR functional variant. These haplotypes are not biomarkers for BRCA1 coding mutations, as they are found rarely in BRCA1 mutant breast cancer patients (1/129 patients = 0.78%). These rare BRCA1 haplotypes and 3′UTR SNPs may represent new genetic markers of breast cancer risk.Key words: BRCA1, haplotype, microRNA, SNP, 3′UTR, breast cancer, triple negative breast cancer  相似文献   

Diacylglycerol–O–acyltransferase (DGAT1) gene encodes the rate-limiting enzyme of triglyceride synthesis. A polymorphism in this gene, DGAT1 K232A, has been associated with milk production and composition in taurine breeds. However, this polymorphism is not a good tool for ascertaining the effects of this QTL in Bos indicus (Zebu), since the frequency of the DGAT1 232A allele is too low in these breeds. We sequenced the 3′-untranslated region of DGAT1 gene in a sample of bulls of the breeds Guzerá (Bos indicus) and Holstein (Bos taurus) and, using in silico analysis, we searched for genetic variation, evolutionary conservation, regulatory elements, and possible substitution effects. Six single nucleotide (SNPs) and one insertion-deletion (INDEL) polymorphisms were found in the Guzerá bulls. Additionally, we developed a preliminary association study, using this INDEL polymorphism as a genetic marker. A significant association was detected (P ≤ 0.05) between the INDEL (DGAT1 3′UTR INDEL) and the breeding values (BV) for protein, fat, and milk yields over a 305-day lactation period. The DGAT1 3′ UTR INDEL genotype I/I (I, for insertion) was associated with lower BVs (?38.77 kg for milk, ?1.86 kg for fat, and ?1.48 kg for protein yields), when compared to the genotype I/D (D, for deletion). I/D genotype was lower D/D genotype (?34.98 kg milk, ?1.73 kg fat, and ?1.09 kg protein yields). This study reports the first polymorphism of DGAT1 3′UTR in the Guzerá breed, as well as its association with BV for milk protein, fat, and milk yields.  相似文献   

Genetic studies recently unraveled the genetic cause of sclerosteosis, a rare skeletal dysplasia characterized by a generalized increase in bone mass. Different loss-of-function mutations were identified in SOST, a gene with no homology to any known gene. This SOST gene is also involved in the pathogenesis of van Buchem disease, a disorder closely resembling sclerosteosis, since a 52-kb deletion located downstream of SOST is found in patients diagnosed with this condition. Molecular studies showed a very restricted expression pattern of SOST and its gene product, sclerostin, with areas in the bone tissue, more precisely in cells of the osteoblast lineage, being the major sites of expression. Sclerostin is a secreted protein with a cysteine knot motif. In vitro studies demonstrated that sclerostin acts as a modulator of BMP signaling by binding to different members of the BMP growth factor family and acting on downstream BMP signal transduction events. The important function of sclerostin in bone metabolism has also been proven in vivo by the osteopenic phenotype of transgenic mice overexpressing SOST in bone. The identification of sclerostin as an important protein in bone metabolism opens new perspectives for the development of anabolic therapeutics to prevent and treat osteoporosis.  相似文献   

We have analyzed 61 German breast and breast/ovarian cancer families for BRCA1 mutations using single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis (SSCP) followed by sequencing. Forty-seven of the families had at least three cases (at least two under 60 years) and 14 families had only two cases of breast/ovarian cancer (at least one under 50 years). Twenty-eight families were breast/ovarian and 33 were breast cancer-only families. Eighteen mutations in BRCA1 were detected in 11/28 breast/ovarian cancer families and 7/33 breast cancer families and none in the families with only two cases. We identified 17 truncation mutations (8 frameshift, 7 nonsense and 2 splice variants) and one missense mutation. Seven of these are novel and two, the 5382insC and 5622C→T mutations, occurred in two apparently unrelated families. The genotype of the two families with the 5382insC mutation is compatible with the rare haplotype segregating with the 5382insC mutation in different populations, further supporting its European origin. One unclassified missense alteration, R841W, was found in one family but did not segregate with the disease, suggesting that it is more likely a polymorphism. We also report and discuss the sequence of several new unclassified single-nucleotide changes first identified by SSCP. Of the 18 mutations, 13 occurred in the 3′ third of the gene (end of exon 11–24) and ovarian cancers were found in eight of these families. Received: 5 February 1998 / Accepted: 7 April 1998  相似文献   

Evidence is presented here confirming the identification of guanosine 3′: 5′-monophosphate (c GMP) in the tissue of higher plants. The c GMP activity detected in fruits of Zizyphus jujuba was separated from the c AMP activity also present. The separated sample was extensively purified by Bio-Rad AG 1 × 4 and aluminium oxide CC, and by TLC. The purified sample showed the same physicochemical properties as authentic c GMP by TLC using different solvents and by UV spectroscopy, and was decomposable by cyclic nucleotide-specific phosphodiesterase. The identification was further supported by HPLC. The amount of c GMP present increases 90-fold during fruit ripening.  相似文献   

Both miRNAs (miRs) and connexin 43 (Cx43) were important regulators of the metastasis of breast cancer, whereas the miRs regulating Cx43 expression in breast cancer cells were still obscure. In the present study, we scanned and found miR-1, miR-206, miR-200a, miR-381, miR-23a/b and miR-186 were functional suppressors of human Cx43 mRNA and protein expression. Specially, we demonstrated that only miR-200a could directly target the 3′-untranslated region (3′-UTR) of human Cx43 gene. Functionally, overexpression of Cx43 in MCF cells potentiated the migration activity, whereas additional miR-200a treatment notably prevented this effect. Finally, we demonstrated that decreased levels of miR-200a and elevated expression of Cx43 in the metastatic breast cancer tissues compared with the primary ones. Thus, we are the first to identify miR-200a as a novel and direct suppressor of human Cx43, indicating that miR200a/Cx43 axis might be a useful diagnostic and therapeutic target of metastatic breast cancer.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (HSPs) provide a useful system for studying developmental patterns in the digenetic Leishmania parasites, since their expression is induced in the mammalian life form. Translation regulation plays a key role in control of protein coding genes in trypanosomatids, and is directed exclusively by elements in the 3′ untranslated region (UTR). Using sequential deletions of the Leishmania Hsp83 3′ UTR (888 nucleotides [nt]), we mapped a region of 150 nt that was required, but not sufficient for preferential translation of a reporter gene at mammalian-like temperatures, suggesting that changes in RNA structure could be involved. An advanced bioinformatics package for prediction of RNA folding (UNAfold) marked the regulatory region on a highly probable structural arm that includes a polypyrimidine tract (PPT). Mutagenesis of this PPT abrogated completely preferential translation of the fused reporter gene. Furthermore, temperature elevation caused the regulatory region to melt more extensively than the same region that lacked the PPT. We propose that at elevated temperatures the regulatory element in the 3′ UTR is more accessible to mediators that promote its interaction with the basal translation components at the 5′ end during mRNA circularization. Translation initiation of Hsp83 at all temperatures appears to proceed via scanning of the 5′ UTR, since a hairpin structure abolishes expression of a fused reporter gene.  相似文献   

This paper presents a mutation as well as a genotype–phenotype analysis of the GJB2 and GJB6 genes in 476 samples from non-syndromic unrelated Argentinean deaf patients (104 familial and 372 sporadic cases). Most of them were of prelingual onset (82 %) and 27 % were cochlear implanted. Variation of sequences was detected in 171 of the 474 patients (36 %). Overall, 43 different sequence variations were identified in GJB2 and GJB6. Four of them are reported for the first time in GJB2: c.233dupG, p.Ala78Ser, p.Val190Asp and p.Cys211Tyr. Mutations in GJB6 were detected in 3 % of patients [nine del(GJB6-D13S1830) and three del(GJB6-D13S1854)]. Of the 43 different variations identified in GJB2, 6 were polymorphisms and of the others, 10 (27 %) were truncating and 27 (73 %) were nontruncating. Patients with two truncating mutations had significantly worse hearing impairment than all other groups. Moderate phenotypes were observed in a group of patients carrying biallelic mutations (23 %). This work shows the high prevalence of GJB2 mutations in the Argentinean population and presents an analysis of moderate phenotypes in our cohort.  相似文献   

Autism spectrum disorder(ASD) refers to a group of childhood neurodevelopmental disorders with polygenic etiology. The expression of many genes implicated in ASD is tightly regulated by various factors including microRNAs(miRNAs), a class of noncoding RNAs 22 nucleotides in length that function to suppress translation by pairing with ‘miRNA recognition elements'(MREs) present in the 30untranslated region(30UTR) of target mRNAs. This emphasizes the role played by miRNAs in regulating neurogenesis, brain development and differentiation and hence any perturbations in this regulatory mechanism might affect these processes as well. Recently, single nucleotide polymorphisms(SNPs) present within 30UTRs of mRNAs have been shown to modulate existing MREs or even create new MREs. Therefore, we hypothesized that SNPs perturbing miRNA-mediated gene regulation might lead to aberrant expression of autism-implicated genes, thus resulting in disease predisposition or pathogenesis in at least a subpopulation of ASD individuals. We developed a systematic computational pipeline that integrates data from well-established databases. By following a stringent selection criterion, we identified 9 MRE-modulating SNPs and another 12 MRE-creating SNPs in the 30UTR of autism-implicated genes. These high-confidence candidate SNPs may play roles in ASD and hence would be valuable for further functional validation.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology - In barley and other higher plants, phosphate homeostasis is maintained by a regulatory network involving the PHO2 (PHOSPHATE2) encoding ubiquitin-conjugating...  相似文献   

A clone containing the H1 histamine receptor (H1HR)-encoding gene was isolated from a human genomic DNA library. The 5′-UTR of the H1HR gene reported here differs upstream from bp −142 from that reported previously [Fukui et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 201 (1994) 894–901]. PCR amplification utilizing primer pairs derived from the 5′-UTR reported herein amplified a DNA fragment of the expected size from human genomic DNA whereas 5′-UTR primers derived from the Fukui et al. sequence did not yield a PCR product. The 5′-UTR of H1HR contains potential TATA and CCAAT boxes, a CACCC sequence, potential GREs and other DNA-binding motifs.  相似文献   

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