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We surveyed 17 locations of salt marshes along the Barents Sea coast in northern Norway (Finnmark, Nordkinnhalvøya and Varangerhalvøya), where 86 phytosociological relevés were recorded and analyzed. Two main vegetation groups were identified: Caricion glareosae and Puccinellion phryganodis, both alliances belonging to the class Juncetea maritimi, order Puccinellietalia phryganodis. The first, Caricion glareosae (upper marshes) is subject to shorter‐term flooding and is saturated by brackish water in river estuaries on sandy or sandy gravel soils. Four units were distinguished: Festuceto‐Caricetum glareosae, Caricetum mackenzie, Caricetum salinae and the Plantago maritima × borealis community. The second group (lower marshes on fine muddy surface, higher salinity, inundated for a longer period directly by the sea) belongs to the alliance Puccinellion phryganodis which encompasses two units: the associations Caricetum subspathaceae and Puccinellietum phryganodis. The floristic composition and habitat preferences of each vegetation cluster are described and our study revealed that there are no significant differences in the vegetation composition of salt marshes beyond the Arctic line and the southern subarctic sites. The observed variations are related to the geomorphology of the sites rather than to their latitude. The comparison of historical records with our recent data demonstrates the great stability of habitat conditions and species composition. The salt marshes studied meet all criteria of good quality and we found no evidence for any threatening trends like those seen in most other habitats in Europe.  相似文献   

Aim: Species‐rich Nardus grasslands are high nature‐value habitats. In Switzerland, many of these grasslands are degraded even though they have been under protection since the 1980s. Degradation shows two divergent trends: Nardus grasslands are either dominated by Nardus stricta or by eutrophic plants, both trends leading to the disappearance of typical Nardus grassland species. With this study, we aim to identify the factors that could be adjusted to conserve the integrity of this habitat. Location: Bernese Alps, Switzerland. Methods: In 2016, we investigated the underlying causes of this degradation process by assessing vegetation composition in 48 Nardus grasslands located in the Swiss northern Alps of canton Bern and linking it to soil, management and environmental variables. To explore the effect of the degradation on higher trophic levels, orthopteran species richness and densities were assessed. Results: Results show that Nardus meadows (mown) are rarely degraded compared to Nardus pastures (grazed). Within pastures, eutrophic plants are most abundant on small pastures with low soil carbon/nitrogen ratio, indicating high nutrient availability. Nardus stricta dominance is most problematic on north‐exposed slopes and in summer pastures. A plausible driver of both degradation trends is the grazing management regime: within small pastures at low elevation where the grazing periods are short but intense, soil carbon/nitrogen ratio is low because of high dung deposition, thus the eutrophic species become dominant. Contrastingly, on large summer pastures with low‐intensity and long‐term grazing, N. stricta becomes dominant due to selective grazing. Both degradation trends show a negative impact on the orthopteran density. Conclusion: Species‐rich Nardus grasslands are a precious alpine habitat for specialised plant species and orthopterans. With an extensive mowing regime or a more controlled grazing regime that homogenises intensity in time and space, species‐rich Nardus grasslands can be conserved in Switzerland.  相似文献   


We numerically analysed 154 relevés of Potentillo chrysocraspedae–Festucetum airoidis in order to review the compositional variability of these grasslands, the main eco-floristic gradients and the representativeness of the lectotype. Apart from 30 small-sized clusters composed of singular or transitional relevés (outliers), three distinctive groups of 77, 19 and 12 communities were finally retained and denominated as typical (TP), closed (CL) and open (OP) facies, as they were significantly different in terms of total species cover. The three facies are well separated but do not form distinctive clusters in the non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordination space. Juncus trifidus and Agrostis rupestris are the best differential species of OP and TP, respectively, whereas the best discriminator of CL is the higher cover of F. airoides. There are no significant differences between the three facies regarding altitude. The floristic structure of CL indicates poorer but moister soils compared with the other facies. CL may represent either a post-disturbance, recovery phase following sheep overgrazing and intensive trampling, or a late seral stage. OP gathers communities that are little disturbed and mainly occur on ridges and upper, sunny slopes. Although well distinguished floristically, TP is weakly defined in terms of homotoneity and complexity of the core species assemblage. The most representative relevé of TP is poorer in character species than the relevé lectotype (5 versus 12), the latter being classified as an outlier in terms of normal specific assemblage. Such patterns may reflect the spatio-temporal heterogeneity in alpine grasslands due to uncontrolled, intensive grazing and stochastic natural disturbances.  相似文献   


This phytosociological study of the Carpathian species-rich mesophilous mountain hay meadows (Triseto flavescentis-Polygonion bistortae alliance, Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class) presents the first unified large-scale classification system in four countries: Slovakia, Poland, Romania and Ukraine. The starting dataset contained relevés of the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, Mulgedio-Aconitetea and Nardetea strictae classes. Numerical classification and semi-supervised classification by K-means method were used for the analyses. An electronic expert system and diagnostic species for grassland vegetation served for identification of a priori groups in K-means method. The final dataset contained 612 relevés. Altitude, climatic data and Ellenberg indicator values were used for ecological differentiation of syntaxa. The main gradients in floristic composition were analysed by Detrended Correspondence Analysis. Finally, the eight well-differentiated associations and one newly described association were determined: Campanulo glomeratae-Geranietum sylvatici, Geranio sylvatici-Trisetetum flavescentis, Crepido mollis-Agrostietum capillaris, Geranio-Alchemilletum crinitae, Alchemillo-Deschampsietum caespitosae, Phyteumo (orbicularis)-Trifolietum pratensis, Astrantio-Trisetetum flavescentis, Trollio altissimi-Knautietum dipsacifoliae and Violo declinatae-Agrostietum capillaris ass. nova. The differences in vegetation diversity of mountain hay meadows between particular countries were confirmed: Alchemillo-Deschampsietum caespitosae occurs in all studied territories, Campanulo glomeratae-Geranietum sylvatici occurs predominantly in Slovakia and the newly described association Violo declinatae-Agrostietum capillaris ass. nova could be found only in Ukraine.  相似文献   

The mapping and monitoring of Swiss mires has so far relied on a classification system based on expert judgement, which was not supported by a quantitative vegetation analysis and which did not include all wetland vegetation types described in the country. Based on a spatially representative sample of 17,608 relevés from 112 Swiss mires, we address the following questions: (1) How abundant are wetland vegetation types (phytosociological alliances) in Swiss mires? (2) How are they distributed across the country––is there a regional pattern? (3) How clearly are they separated from each other? (4) How clear and reliable is their ecological interpretation? Using published wetland vegetation relevés and lists of diagnostic species for phytosociological units (associations and alliances) established by experts, we developed a numerical method for assigning relevés to units through the calculation of similarity indices. We applied this method to our sample of 17,608 relevés and estimated the total area covered by each vegetation type in Switzerland. We found that vegetation types not included in previous mapping were either rare in Switzerland (partly due to mire drainage) or poorly distinguished from other vegetation units. In an ordination, the Swiss mire vegetation formed a triangular gradient system with the Sphagnion medii, the Caricion davallianae and the Phragmition australis as extreme types. Phytosociological alliances were clearly separated in a subset of 2,265 relevés, which had a strong similarity to one particular association, but poorly separated across all relevés, of which many could not be unequivocally assigned to one association. However, ecological gradients were reflected equally well by the vegetation types in either case. Overall, phytosociological alliances distinguished until now proved suitable schemes to describe and interpret vegetation gradients. Nevertheless, we see the urgent need to establish a data base of Swiss wetland relevés for a more reliable definition of some vegetation units.  相似文献   

This study provides a view of vegetation types dominated by Sesleria species in the Western Carpathians (Sesleria caerulea, S. heufleriana, S. tatrae, and S. uliginosa). We also took into account characteristics/traits such as plant life forms, autochthonous status, endemism, and ploidy level occurring within each relevé in our data set. Altitude and Ellenberg indicator values derived for each relevé were considered as well. Eight vegetation types/formations/habitats were recognized in a data set of 942 phytosociological relevés: (1) synanthropic vegetation, (2) rock fissures and screes, (3) alpine grasslands and heaths, (4) mesic grasslands and pastures, (5) springs and fens, (6) forests, (7) xerophilous shrubland, and (8) high-mountain scrubs (krummholz). Results corroborated and clearly emphasized that Sesleria caerulea has the widest ecological amplitude of all studied species because the species occurred among all studied vegetation types. Sesleria tatrae was present only in several vegetation types occurring from montane to alpine vegetation belts in the highest mountains. Sesleria heufleriana and S. uliginosa were recorded only in low-altitude areas. The difference between them lies mainly in the dampness of each locality. Sesleria heufleriana was frequently found in xerophilous communities, whereas S. uliginosa preferred humid habitats of springs and fens.  相似文献   



To assess vegetation changes in montane fens and wet meadows and their causes over 38 years.


Wetlands, Jura Mountains (Switzerland and France).


Plots were inventoried in 1974 and re‐located in 2012 (quasi‐permanent plots) on the basis of sketches to assess changes in plant communities. The 110 plots belonged to five phytosociological alliances, two in oligotrophic fens (Caricion davallianae, Caricion fuscae) and three in wet meadows (Calthion, Molinion, Filipendulion). Changes between surveys were assessed with NMDS, and changes in species richness, Simpson diversity, species cover and frequency and the causes of these changes were evaluated by comparing ecological indicator values.


Changes in species composition varied between alliances, with a general trend towards more nutrient‐rich flora with less light at ground level. Species diversity declined, with a marked decreasing trend for the typical species of each alliance. These species were partly replaced by species belonging to nitrophilous and mesophilous grasslands. However, no trend towards drier conditions was detected in these wetlands. The largest changes, with an important colonization by nitrophilous species, occurred in the Swiss sites, where grazing was banned 25 years ago. As a result of floral shifts, many plots previously belonging to fens or wet mesotrophic meadows shifted to an alliance of the wet meadows, generally Filipendulion. Moreover, communities showed a slight trend towards more thermophilous flora.


The investigated wetlands in the Jura Mountains have suffered mainly from eutrophication due to land‐use abandonment and N deposition, with a loss of typical species. Areas with constant land use (grazing or mowing) showed less marked changes in species composition. The most important action to conserve these wetlands is to maintain or reintroduce the traditional practices of extensive mowing and livestock grazing in the wetlands, especially in areas where they were abandoned 25 years ago. This previous land‐use change was intended to improve fen conservation, but it was obviously the wrong measure for conservation purposes.  相似文献   

Zvjezdana Stančić 《Biologia》2008,63(6):1089-1103
In this paper, 450 relevés of grassland vegetation of the Molinio-Arrhenatheretea class in northwest Croatia have been classified using the agglomerative Ward’s Method in the PC-ORD program. In the process of classification, the following seven groups were obtained: 1. Bromus erectus-Arrhenatherum elatius, 2. Arrhenatherum elatius, 3. Crepis biennis-Arrhenatherum elatius, 4. Luzula campestris-Holcus lanatus, 5. Deschampsia cespitosa-Betonica officinalis, 6. Equisetum palustre, 7. Oenanthe silaifolia-Alopecurus pratensis. The results of the classification for the most part correspond to the traditional syntaxonomic system. The plant communities with the largest number of relevés in the data set are the association Arrhenatheretum elatioris “typicum” (group 2) and the association Holcetum lanati (group 4). They represent the most anthropogenically influenced grasslands of the study area. In the analysis of the ecological factors by PCA in the CANOCO program it is established that separation of the relevés is influenced most greatly by moisture, followed by humus, temperature, light and soil reaction. From the standpoint of nature conservation, the wet meadows of the Molinietalia order are the most valuable, because of the notable diversity of species and communities, as well as a considerable number of threatened plant species.  相似文献   

In this paper the results of a study on the composition and the distribution of the plant communities in three coastal areas of southern Apulia are presented. A total of about 180 vegetation relevés were performed following the Braun-Blanquet phytosociological method. Vegetation data were analysed using both classification (UPGMA, similarity ratio) and ordination methods (including Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMS) and Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). The relevés are distributed in the following classes: Molinio-Arrhenateretea, Phragmito-Magnocaricetea, Juncetea maritimi, Sarcocornietea fruticosae, Saginetea maritimae, Thero-Salicornietea, Helianthemetea guttati. Detailed information about structure and zoning of the detected plant communities are here provided. Two new associations, belonging to the Alkanno-Maresion nanae alliance (microphytic ephemeral plant communities growing on sandy soils, Helianthemetea guttati class) have been described here, both in the “Torre Guaceto” site. The area of “Le Cesine” showed the highest total number of plant communities, while the “Saline di Punta della Contessa” site revealed the largest number of Sarcocornietea fruticosae plant communities.  相似文献   

Numerical classification of 2653 geographically stratified relevés of weed vegetation from the Czech and Slovak Republics was performed with cluster analysis. Diagnostic species were determined for each of the seven main clusters using statistical measures of fidelity. The classification reflected clear distinctions between lowland (mostly calcicole) and highland (mostly calcifuge) sites, spring and summer phenological stages, and cereals and root crops. The results of the cluster analysis were compared with traditional phytosociological units. Two clusters corresponded to calcifuge weed vegetation of theScleranthion annui alliance; one cluster represented the vegetation of root crops on moist soils of theOxalidion europaeae alliance; one cluster contained thermophilous weed vegetation of theCaucalidion lappulae alliance; two clusters included weed vegetation of root crops and of stubble fields, which can be assigned to theCaucalidion, Panico-Setarion,Veronico-Euphorbion andEragrostion alliances; one cluster included vernal weed vegetation in little disturbed habitats of theCaucalidion lappulae andScleranthion annui alliances. Our analysis did not support the concept of theSherardion andVeronico-Taraxacion alliances, which were included in earlier overviews of the vegetation units of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.  相似文献   


The Centaureo-Portenschlagiellion describes the cliff vegetation of the Southeastern Adriatic. This habitat type harbours many endemic taxa and has a high value for biodiversity conservation. Notwithstanding its importance, knowledge of the syntaxonomy of this alliance is still poor. This article aims at revising the synchorological, coenological and floristic relationships of the associations of the Centaureo-Portenschlagiellion. The revision is based on a data set of 103 relevés of Mediterranean xerothermic cliffs from Croatia, Bosnia i Herzegovina and Montenegro. The relevés were clustered by using the Flexible beta method. An indicator species analysis was used to identify the diagnostic taxa of the main clusters of relevés and non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination was undertaken to visualize the floristic relationships among them. Results revealed that only seven associations belong to the Centaureo-Portenschlagiellion, whereas the others already described in phytosociological literature were invalidly described or should be treated as syntaxonomic synonyms of the previous ones. Two associations (Inulo-Centaureetum cuspidatae and Portenschlagiello-Campanuletum portenschlagianae) were reduced to the rank of subassociations of the Moltkio-Inuletum verbascifoliae. Two other subassociations were described for the first time. Data provided with this revision may be considered as essential base-line information that should aid in evaluating the state of this vegetation type in the future.  相似文献   

The marshland vegetation of the class Phragmito-Magnocaricetea in Croatia is presented in a single place for the first time. All the available relevés from the literature have been assembled and supplemented with the results of field research. Thirty-three communities have been established, shown in a synoptic table drawn up on the basis of 486 relevés. The communities are understood according to the traditional syntaxonomic system based on the dominant or diagnostic species. For the purposes of comparison, the marshland vegetation is classified using numerical methods as well. The results obtained show that most clusters correspond to specific associations, but do not confirm the division into vegetation alliances and orders. The marshland communities with the most relevés in the dataset, and that therefore can be considered the most widespread in Croatia, are: Phragmitetum australis, Caricetum gracilis, and Galio palustris-Caricetum ripariae. The marshland vegetation is also analysed from the standpoint of nature conservation. In the dataset studied, 59 taxa from the Red Book of Vascular Flora of Croatia are identified as threatened, the 15 most endangered marshland communities are separated, and 10 neophytes and one neophyte association are registered. The diversity of marshland vegetation, and of the associated plant species, is considerably higher in inland Croatia than along the Adriatic coast, which is probably a result of the geological bedrock, climate and, in some places, halophile conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract. In European phytosociology, national classifications of corresponding vegetation types show considerable differences even between neighbouring countries. Therefore, the European Vegetation Survey project urgently needs numerical classification methods for large data sets that are able to produce compatible classifications using data sets from different countries. We tested the ability of two methods, TWINSPAN and COCKTAIL, to produce similar classifications of wet meadows (Calthion, incl. Filipendulenion) for Germany (7909 relevés) and the Czech Republic (1287 relevés) in this respect. In TWINSPAN, the indicator ordination option was used for classification of two national data sets, and the extracted assignment criteria (indicator species) were applied crosswise from one to the other national data set. Although the data sets presumably contained similar community types, TWINSPAN revealed almost no correspondence between the groups derived from the proper classification of the national data set and the groups defined by the assignment criteria taken from the other national data set. The reason is probably the difference in structure between the national data sets, which is a typical, but hardly avoidable, feature of any pair of phytosociological data sets. As a result, the first axis of the correspondence analysis, and consequently the first TWINSPAN division, are associated with different environmental gradients; the difference in the first division is transferred and multiplied further down the hierarchy. COCKTAIL is a method which produces relevé groups on the basis of statistically formed species groups. The user determines the starting points for the formation of species groups, and groups already found in one data set can be tested for existence in the other data set. The correspondence between the national classifications produced by COCKTAIL was fairly good. For some relevé groups, the lack of correspondence to groups in the other national data set could be explained by the absence of the corresponding vegetation types in one of the countries, rather than by methodological problems.  相似文献   

The Morava river forms a border 71 km in length between Slovakia and Austria. Along this stretch of river is the largest complex of flooded grasslands in Central Europe, most of which lays on the Slovak side. Most of the grasslands belong to the subcontinental vegetation alliance Cnidion, with smaller areas of Alopecurion and Molinion. The grasslands are biotopes of many endangered plant and animal species. The influence of water regime dynamics on species composition have been studied since 1992 along permanent transects. The results of studies on the relation between water regime dynamics, vegetation and soils on the whole section of the Morava River floodplain are presented.  相似文献   


The vegetation communities of the trampled habitats in the Plitvice Lakes National Park were studied during 2005 and 2006. With the numerical classification of the relevés, six clusters were obtained, corresponding to the following specific communities: cluster 1 – ass. MatricarioPolygonetum arenastri– the intensively trampled and grazed habitats; cluster 2 – ass. MatricarioPolygonetum arenastri– the only intensively trampled habitats; cluster 3 – ass. CoronopodoPolygonetum arenastri– very intensively trampled and grazed farmyards; cluster 4 –Trifolium fragiferum community – the trampled surfaces of moist habitats; cluster 5 – ass. Lolietum perennis– the moderately trampled surfaces of roads and yards; cluster 6 – ass. PrunelloRanunculetum repentis– trampled surfaces of forest roads. The first three clusters belong to the vegetation of intensively trampled habitats of the class Polygono arenastriPoetea annuae and the last three clusters belong to moderately trampled habitats of the class MolinioArrhenatheretea. In the analysis of the ecological factors it is established that separation of the relevés is influenced most greatly by the trampling intensity observed in the field, and of the Ellenberg indicator values, the most important are light, moisture, soil reaction and temperature. Using the analysis of the plant functional traits it is established that therophytes, annuals, biennials, species resistant to trampling and grazing, neophytes and archeophytes prevail in the intensively trampled habitats. In contrast, hemicryptophytes, perennials, and indigenous plant species prevail in the moderately trampled habitats. Representation of the C-S-R plant functional types shows also that trampling as a disturbance factor has a large influence on the differences in the relevés. In the intensively trampled habitats, there is a large proportion of ruderals, while in the moderately trampled habitats there is a large proportion of competitors.  相似文献   

Hordeum geniculatum is considered as an obligate halophyte, but exact data about ecological requirements of the species are lacking. Therefore, species response curves of H. geniculatum were obtained for soil reaction and nutrients using Borhidi's indicator values and LOESS smoother response model in the programme CANOCO. Our data showed that H. geniculatum can be regarded as an obligate halophyte preferring slightly to moderately saline soils with relatively high content of nutrients. The Hordeetum hystricis association, indicating grazed vegetation on salt-rich soils, is a plant community that occurs only in central and southeastern Europe. Because this plant community has only been documented in a relatively small area, details about its vegetation ecology are inaccurate. Therefore, the ecology and species composition of this community were studied in three countries within the Pannonian Basin (Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia). A detrended correspondence analysis of 95 relevés from the Pannonian Basin confirmed that the community is characterised by the cover of H. geniculatum above 25%, which may even reach 75%. The association was species-rich; we sampled 91 taxa in 95 relevés. The widespread presence of many accessory species was dependent on environmental conditions, particularly the nutrient and salt content and animal disturbance.  相似文献   

A synthesis of the alliance Eragrostion cilianensi-minoris in the Czech Republic is presented on the basis of 82 relevés including new unpublished data. A TWINSPAN classification and detrended correspondence analysis were used to identify the main vegetation types included in the alliance Eragrostion cilianensi-minoris. A syntaxonomic revision of the data set revealed five associations of the alliance: Digitario sanguinalis-Eragrostietum minoris, Portulacetum oleraceae, Eragrostio poaeoidis-Panicetum capillaris, Cynodontetum dactyli, and Hibisco trioni-Eragrostietum poaeoidis. The latter was recently found in several arable fields in Southern Moravia (Czech Republic) and was newly characterized.  相似文献   

Question: How does a newly designed method of supervised clustering perform in the assignment of relevé (species composition) data to a previously established classification. How do the results compare to the assignment by experts and to the assignment using a completely different numerical method? Material: Relevés analysed represent 4186 Czech grassland plots and 4990 plots from a wide variety of vegetation types (359 different associations or basal communities) in The Netherlands. For both data sets we had at our disposal an expert classification, and for the Czech data we also had available a numerical classification as well as a classification based on a neural network method (multi‐layer perceptron). Methods: Two distance indices, one qualitative and one quantitative, are combined into a single index by weighted multiplication. The composite index is a distance index for the dissimilarity between relevés and vegetation types. For both data sets the classifications by the new method were compared with the existing classifications. Results: For the Czech grasslands we correctly classified 81% of the plots to the classes of an expert classification at the alliance level and 71% to the classes of the numerical classification. Correct classification rates for the Dutch relevés were 64, 78 and 83 % for the lowest (subassociation or association), association, and alliance level, respectively. Conclusion: Our method performs well in assigning community composition records to previously established classes. Its performance is comparable to the performance of other methods of supervised clustering. Compared with a multi‐layer perceptron (a type of artificial neural network), fewer parameters have to be estimated. Our method does not need the original relevé data for the types, but uses synoptic tables. Another practical advantage is the provision of directly interpretable information on the contributions of separate species to the result.  相似文献   

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