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目的比较两种肠内容物前处理和两种提取方法对清洁级SD大鼠肠内容物细菌基因组DNA提取效率。方法分别选用PBS多次离心漂洗、液氮破细胞两种前处理方法和酚/氯仿抽提、试剂盒过柱法两种提取方法进行组合分析,对4份肠内容物和16份含金黄色葡萄球菌肠内容物进行随机提取。结果大鼠肠内容物细菌基因组DNA含量和纯度测定结果显示,与PBS反复离心相比,液氮研磨前处理能显著提高大鼠肠内容物基因组DNA。荧光定量PCR表明,液氮研磨前处理较PBS反复离心能更好地收集细菌基因组DNA,其Ct值最低。结论研究结果表明,采用液氮研磨试剂盒法在大鼠肠内容物DNA提取中是较为优良的方法,该方法为建立实验动物中微生物的定量PCR检测方法打下了基础。  相似文献   

Five methods for assaying bacterial surface hydrophobicity, namely, bacterial adherence to hydrocarbons, salt aggregation, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, adhesion to polystyrene and latex particle agglutination were used to compare the hydrophobic surface properties of Escherichia coli, Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mitis. Two strains of A. calcoaceticus, including RAG-1, gave strong positive results by all five methods. S. mitis gave weak or negative results by all methods. The results for the other bacteria varied with the method. We conclude that reliance on one method for such tests is inadequate.  相似文献   

Aim:  To evaluate commercial DNA extraction kits for their ability to isolate DNA from Yersinia pestis suspensions and spiked environmental samples.
Methods and Results:  Five commercially available DNA extraction kits were evaluated: the ChargeSwitch gDNA Mini Bacteria Kit, the IT 1-2-3 Sample DNA Purification Kit, the MasterPure Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit, the QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit and the UltraClean Microbial DNA Isolation Kit. The extraction methods were performed upon six Y. pestis strains and spiked environmental specimens, including three swab types and one powder type. Taqman real-time PCR analysis revealed that the use of the MasterPure kit resulted in DNA with the most consistently positive results and the lowest limit of detection from Y. pestis suspensions and spiked environmental samples.
Conclusion:  Comparative evaluations of the five commercial DNA extraction methods indicated that the MasterPure kit was superior for the isolation of PCR-amplifiable DNA from Y. pestis suspensions and spiked environmental samples.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  The results of this study can assist diagnostic laboratories with selecting the best extraction method for processing environmental specimens for subsequent detection of Y. pestis by real-time PCR.  相似文献   

Studies on host-associated microbial communities using faecal samples has been providing important insights into the health, ecology and evolution of various animals. Many gut microbiome studies currently use manual kit-based DNA extraction methods, yet new methods that allow high-throughput sample processing are in demand. In this study, we evaluated magnetic cellulose bead-based DNA extraction methods, which can be automated in a work station, using mouse, Mus musculus (Linnaeus), and bovine, Bos taurus (Linnaeus), faeces as a model. Our data showed that those methods can provide good quantity and quality of extracted DNA suitable for 16S-rRNA-based microbiome analyses for a wide variety of samples, comparable to or more efficiently than the widely used standard method. The automated extraction requires less time and fewer manual steps, which makes these methods suitable for high-throughput faecal microbiome analyses.  相似文献   

The inclusion of next‐generation sequencing technologies in population genetic and phylogenetic studies has elevated the need to balance time and cost of DNA extraction without compromising DNA quality. We tested eight extraction methods – ranging from low‐ to high‐throughput techniques – and eight phyla: Annelida, Arthropoda, Cnidaria, Chordata, Echinodermata, Mollusca, Ochrophyta and Porifera. We assessed DNA yield, purity, efficacy and cost of each method. Extraction efficacy was quantified using the proportion of successful polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of two molecular markers for metazoans (mitochondrial COI and nuclear histone 3) and one for Ochrophyta (mitochondrial nad6) at four time points – 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 years following extraction. DNA yield and purity were quantified using NanoDrop absorbance ratios. Cost was estimated in terms of time and material expense. Results show differences in DNA yield, purity and PCR success between extraction methods and that performance also varied by taxon. The traditional time‐intensive, low‐throughput CTAB phenol–chloroform extraction performed well across taxa, but other methods also performed well and provide the opportunity to reduce time spent at the bench and increase throughput.  相似文献   

The widespread use of molecular techniques in studying microbial communities has greatly enhanced our understanding of microbial diversity and function in the natural environment and contributed to an explosion of novel commercially viable enzymes. One of the most promising environments for detecting novel processes, enzymes, and microbial diversity is hot springs. We examined potential biases introduced by DNA preservation and extraction methods by comparing the quality, quantity, and diversity of environmental DNA samples preserved and extracted by commonly used methods. We included samples from sites representing the spectrum of environmental conditions that are found in Yellowstone National Park thermal features. Samples preserved in a non-toxic sucrose lysis buffer (SLB), along with a variation of a standard DNA extraction method using CTAB resulted in higher quality and quantity DNA than the other preservation and extraction methods tested here. Richness determined using DGGE revealed that there was some variation within replicates of a sample, but no statistical difference among the methods. However, the sucrose lysis buffer preserved samples extracted by the CTAB method were 15-43% more diverse than the other treatments.  相似文献   

Next‐generation sequencing (NGS) technology has extraordinarily enhanced the scope of research in the life sciences. To broaden the application of NGS to systems that were previously difficult to study, we present protocols for processing faecal and swab samples into amplicon libraries amenable to Illumina sequencing. We developed and tested a novel metagenomic DNA extraction approach using solid phase reversible immobilization (SPRI) beads on Western Bluebird (Sialia mexicana) samples stored in RNAlater. Compared with the MO BIO PowerSoil Kit, the current standard for the Human and Earth Microbiome Projects, the SPRI‐based method produced comparable 16S rRNA gene PCR amplification from faecal extractions but significantly greater DNA quality, quantity and PCR success for both cloacal and oral swab samples. We furthermore modified published protocols for preparing highly multiplexed Illumina libraries with minimal sample loss and without post‐adapter ligation amplification. Our library preparation protocol was successfully validated on three sets of heterogeneous amplicons (16S rRNA gene amplicons from SPRI and PowerSoil extractions as well as control arthropod COI gene amplicons) that were sequenced across three independent, 250‐bp, paired‐end runs on Illumina's MiSeq platform. Sequence analyses revealed largely equivalent results from the SPRI and PowerSoil extractions. Our comprehensive strategies focus on maximizing efficiency and minimizing costs. In addition to increasing the feasibility of using minimally invasive sampling and NGS capabilities in avian research, our methods are notably not avian‐specific and thus applicable to many research programmes that involve DNA extraction and amplicon sequencing.  相似文献   



Nine commercial DNA extraction kits were evaluated for the isolation of DNA from 10‐fold serial dilutions of Bacillus anthracis spores using quantitative real‐time PCR (qPCR). The three kits determined by qPCR to yield the most sensitive and consistent detection (Epicenter MasterPure Gram Positive; MoBio PowerFood; ABI PrepSeq) were subsequently tested for their ability to isolate DNA from trace amounts of B. anthracis spores (approx. 6·5 × 101 and 1·3 × 102 CFU in 25 ml or 50 g of food sample) spiked into complex food samples including apple juice, ham, whole milk and bagged salad and recovered with immunomagnetic separation (IMS).

Methods and Results

The MasterPure kit effectively and consistently isolated DNA from low amounts of B. anthracis spores captured from food samples. Detection was achieved from apple juice, ham, whole milk and bagged salad from as few as 65 ± 14, 68 ± 8, 66 ± 4 and 52 ± 16 CFU, respectively, and IMS samples were demonstrated to be free of PCR inhibitors.


Detection of B. anthracis spores isolated from food by IMS differs substantially between commercial DNA extraction kits; however, sensitive results can be obtained with the MasterPure Gram Positive kit.

Significance and Impact of the Study

The extraction protocol identified herein combined with IMS is novel for B. anthracis and allows detection of low levels of B. anthracis spores from contaminated food samples.  相似文献   

The human gastrointestinal (GI) tract contains a complex microbial community that develops in time and space. The most widely used approaches to study microbial diversity and activity are all based on the analysis of nucleic acids, DNA, rRNA and mRNA. Here, we present a DNA isolation protocol that is suitable for a wide variety of GI tract samples, including biopsies with minute amounts of material. The protocol is set up in such a way that sampling can be performed outside the laboratory, which offers possibilities for implementation in large intervention studies. The DNA isolation is based on mechanical disruption, followed by isolation of nucleic acids using phenol:chloroform:isoamylalcohol extraction. In addition, it includes an alternative DNA isolation protocol that is based on a commercial kit. These protocols have all been successfully used in our laboratory, resulting in isolation of DNA of sufficient quality for microbial diversity studies. Depending on the number of samples and sample type, the whole procedure will take approximately 2.5-4 hours.  相似文献   

Separation of bacterial DNA from human DNA in clinical samples may have an important impact on downstream applications, involving microbial diagnostic systems. We evaluated two commercially available reagents (MolYsis®, Molzym GmbH & Co. KG, Bremen and Pureprove®, SIRS-Lab GmbH, Jena, both Germany) for their potential to isolate and purify bacterial DNA from human DNA. We chose oral samples, which usually contain very high amounts of both human and bacterial cells. Three different DNA preparations each were made from eight caries and eight periodontal specimens using the two reagents above and a conventional DNA extraction strategy as reference. Based on target-specific real-time-quantitative PCR assays we compared the reduction of human DNA versus loss of bacterial DNA. Human DNA was monitored by targeting the β-2-microglobulin gene, while bacteria were monitored by targeting 16S rDNA (total bacteria and Porphyromonas gingivalis) or the glycosyltransferase gene (Streptococcus mutans).We found that in most cases at least 90% of human DNA could successfully be removed, with complete removal in eight of 16 cases using MolYsis, and two (of 16) cases using Pureprove. Conversely, detection of bacterial DNA was possible in all cases with a recovery rate generally ranging from 35% to 50%. In conclusion, both strategies have the potential to reduce background interference from the host DNA which may be of remarkable value for nucleic-acid based microbial diagnostic systems.  相似文献   

DNA extraction from soil samples is a critical step for molecular biology analyses. The present study compared the efficiency of two DNA isolation methods from non-polluted and polluted soils with or without the presence of a plant. Both applied methods used chemical and physical lyses, but method 1 had an additional physical disruption. The main difference between these two methods was the humic acid purification technique as it was carried out during cell lysis for method 1 and after cell lysis for method 2. Samples were assessed on the basis of their yield and DNA purity as well as their bacterial quantity and diversity. Based on our results, method 1 proved to be more effective at removing protein and RNA, whereas method 2 proved to be more effective at removing humic acids. Although no differences were obtained in terms of the DNA yield, both the bacterial quantity and community structure were affected by the method used. Method 1 allowed for the recovery of more information than method 2, and polluted soil was more sensitive to the DNA extraction procedure. We recommend carefully selecting the DNA extraction method, especially when soil is disturbed.  相似文献   

Evaluation of three methods for effective extraction of DNA from human hair   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper we evaluate three different methods for extracting DNA from human hair i.e. the Chelex method, the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit method and the ISOHAIR method. Analysis of DNA prepared from dyed hairs with the ISOHAIR method suggested that the DNA extracts contained PCR inhibitors. On the other hand, few inhibition was observed when DNA from dyed hairs were extracted using the Chelex method and the QIAamp DNA Mini Kit method. In conclusion, the Chelex method is recommended for PCR experiments in view of its simplicity and cost-effectiveness. To assess the reliability of the Chelex method for the extraction of genomic DNA from both natural and dyed hair samples, minisatellite variant repeat (MVR)-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) patterns of Chelex-extracted DNA were compared using hairs (three natural black hairs and three dyed hairs) with buccal swabs from six individuals. Complete agreement was observed between hair and swab samples in each individual, proving the utility of the Chelex method.  相似文献   

Lipidome profile of fluids and tissues is a growing field as the role of lipids as signaling molecules is increasingly understood, relying on an effective and representative extraction of the lipids present. A number of solvent systems suitable for lipid extraction are commonly in use, though no comprehensive investigation of their effectiveness across multiple lipid classes has been carried out. To address this, human LDL from normolipidemic volunteers was used to evaluate five different solvent extraction protocols [Folch, Bligh and Dyer, acidified Bligh and Dyer, methanol (MeOH)-tert-butyl methyl ether (TBME), and hexane-isopropanol] and the extracted lipids were analyzed by LC-MS in a high-resolution instrument equipped with polarity switching. Overall, more than 350 different lipid species from 19 lipid subclasses were identified. Solvent composition had a small effect on the extraction of predominant lipid classes (triacylglycerides, cholesterol esters, and phosphatidylcholines). In contrast, extraction of less abundant lipids (phosphatidylinositols, lyso-lipids, ceramides, and cholesterol sulfates) was greatly influenced by the solvent system used. Overall, the Folch method was most effective for the extraction of a broad range of lipid classes in LDL, although the hexane-isopropanol method was best for apolar lipids and the MeOH-TBME method was suitable for lactosyl ceramides.  相似文献   

高温环境样品总DNA直接和间接提取方法的比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分别采用两种环境总DNA直接提取法和一种间接提取法从6种温泉菌席样品中提取总DNA,以DNA粗产物的纯度、能否用于后续PCR扩增及PCR-DGGE(变性梯度凝胶电泳)所反映的微生物多样性为评价指标对两类方法进行比较和评价。研究发现,虽然间接提取法效率低下,但对于高温极端环境中生物量较小的样品,间接法能得到有研究价值的、纯度较高的环境样品总DNA,而直接法得到的DNA量小且不适于PCR扩增操作。在使用这2类方法都能得到可用于研究操作的DNA的情况下,间接提取法能更好的体现环境样品中微生物的多样性。  相似文献   

对于自然环境中的或长期保存的动物标本,由于保存环境不良或保存时间过长,DNA提取的难度较大。受标本保存时间和损害程度等因素影响,导致实验结果的不稳定性加强,对于同一标本需要反复实验。为了提高DNA提取效率,节省实验成本,现对陈旧损坏标本的DNA提取方法进行综述。  相似文献   

对影响哺乳动物粪便DNA提取相关因素的探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从动物粪便中提取DNA是一种优秀的非损伤性取样方法,然而在实际操作中成功提取高质量粪便DNA却是一件不太容易的事情.粪便DNA的获取不仅与提取方法有关,还受到样品采集、保存、二次取样、预处理等相关环节的影响,对其中任一环节的忽视都会导致试验达不到理想效果.综合国内外具有代表性的哺乳动物粪便DNA提取技术,对有关环节进行了详细的评述,并对PCR扩增中的常见问题进行了分析和讨论.  相似文献   

In a prospective study, nuclear DNA was extracted from colorectal tumours and normal mucosa which had been fixed in buffered formalin and embedded into paraffin. DNA-extraction was performed using three different methods: a commercial kit which was not especially created for this use; a known fast procedure without DNA-cleaning steps; and a more conventional DNA-preparation protocol with DNA-cleaning. Using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), DNA was amplified by being targeted onto two β-globin fragments with different lengths (536 bp and 989 bp) and (CA)n repeats localized on chromosome 5q (D5S346) and chromosome 17p (TP53CA) with a length of about 100 bp for detection of microsatellite instability. The success rate of microsatellite amplification was 100% with all methods. The 536 bp β-globin fragment could be amplified with a success rate ranging from 40% to 100%. The amplification of the 989 bp β-globin fragment was unsuccessful. Significant differences were observed between the three methods in the final DNA concentration and DNA yield. In microsatellite instability studies of paraffin-embedded tissues, the investigator can expect a high success rate of nearly 100% using any of the described methods.  相似文献   

蝗虫肠道微生物总DNA提取方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用Bead beating法和QIAamp DNA stool mini kit法提取蝗虫肠道微生物总DNA,并对2种方法提取DNA的得率、完整性以及16SrRNA基因扩增产物的变性梯度凝胶电泳(denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis,DGGE)图谱等进行综合比较。结果表明,Bead beating法提取DNA的得率显著高于QIAamp DNA stool mini kit法(P=0.042),而QIAamp DNA stool mini kit法提取DNA片段更完整。PCR-DGGE检测微生物多样性结果显示,QIAamp DNA stool mini kit法提取DNA所代表的微生物群落多样性略高于Bead beating法,但Mann-Whitley统计学检验表明用2种方法检测蝗虫肠道微生物多样性无显著差异(P=0.17)。因此在蝗虫肠道微生物群落多样性的检测中QIAamp DNA stool mini kit法具一定的优势,而Bead beating法同样适用。  相似文献   

The intactness of DNA is the keystone of genome-based clinical investigations, where rapid molecular detection of life-threatening bacteria is largely dependent on the isolation of high-quality DNA. Various protocols have been so far developed for genomic DNA isolation from bacteria, most of which have been claimed to be reproducible with relatively good yields of high-quality DNA. Nonetheless, they are not fully applicable to various types of bacteria, their processing cost is relatively high, and some toxic reagents are used. The routine protocols for DNA extraction appear to be sensitive to species diversity, and may fail to produce high-quality DNA from different species. Such protocols remain time-consuming and tedious, thus to resolve some of these impediments, we report development of a very simple, rapid, and high-throughput protocol for extracting of high-quality DNA from different bacterial species. Based upon our protocol, interfering phenolic compounds were removed from extraction using polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and RNA contamination was precipitated using LiCl. The UV spectrophotometry and gel electrophoresis analysis resulted in high A 260/A 280 ratio (>1.8) with high intactness of DNA. Subsequent evaluations were performed using some quality-dependent techniques (e.g., RAPD marker and restriction digestions). The isolated DNA from 9 different bacterial species confirmed the accuracy of this protocol which requires no enzymatic processing and accordingly its low-cost making it an appropriate method for large-scale DNA isolation from various bacterial species.  相似文献   

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