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Glycosylphosphatidylinositol‐anchored proteins (GPI‐APs) are a class of lipid anchored proteins expressed on the cell surface of eukaryotes. The potential interaction of GPI‐APs with ordered lipid domains enriched in cholesterol and sphingolipids has been proposed to function in the intracellular transport of these lipid anchored proteins. Here, we examined the biological importance of two saturated fatty acids present in the phosphatidylinositol moiety of GPI‐APs. These fatty acids are introduced by the action of lipid remodeling enzymes and required for the GPI‐AP association within ordered lipid domains. We found that the fatty acid remodeling is not required for either efficient Golgi‐to‐plasma membrane transport or selective endocytosis via GPI‐enriched early endosomal compartment (GEEC)/ clathrin‐independent carrier (CLIC) pathway, whereas cholesterol depletion significantly affects both pathways independent of their fatty acid structure. Therefore, the mechanism of cholesterol dependence does not appear to be related to the interaction with ordered lipid domains mediated by two saturated fatty acids. Furthermore, cholesterol extraction drastically releases the unremodeled GPI‐APs carrying an unsaturated fatty acid from the cell surface, but not remodeled GPI‐APs carrying two saturated fatty acids. This underscores the essential role of lipid remodeling to ensure a stable membrane association of GPI‐APs particularly under potential membrane lipid perturbation.   相似文献   

Cells in vivo can reside in diverse physical and biochemical environments. For example, epithelial cells typically live in a two-dimensional (2D) environment, whereas metastatic cancer cells can move through dense three-dimensional matrices. These distinct environments impose different kinds of mechanical forces on cells and thus potentially can influence the mechanism of cell migration. For example, cell movement on 2D flat surfaces is mostly driven by forces from focal adhesion and actin polymerization, whereas in confined geometries, it can be driven by water permeation. In this work, we utilize a two-phase model of the cellular cytoplasm in which the mechanics of the cytosol and the F-actin network are treated on an equal footing. Using conservation laws and simple force balance considerations, we are able to describe the contributions of water flux, actin polymerization and flow, and focal adhesions to cell migration both on 2D surfaces and in confined spaces. The theory shows how cell migration can seamlessly transition from a focal adhesion- and actin-based mechanism on 2D surfaces to a water-based mechanism in confined geometries.  相似文献   

The transbilayer distribution of many lipids in the plasma membrane and in endocytic compartments is asymmetric, and this has important consequences for signaling and membrane physical properties. The transbilayer distribution of cholesterol in these membranes is not properly established. Using the fluorescent sterols, dehydroergosterol and cholestatrienol, and a variety of fluorescence quenchers, we studied the transbilayer distribution of sterols in the plasma membrane (PM) and the endocytic recycling compartment (ERC) of a CHO cell line. A membrane impermeant quencher, 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid, or lipid-based quenchers that are restricted to the exofacial leaflet of the plasma membrane only reduce the fluorescence intensity of these sterols in the plasma membrane by 15–32%. When the same quenchers have access to both leaflets, they quench 70–80% of the sterol fluorescence. Sterol fluorescence in the ERC is also quenched efficiently in the permeabilized cells. In microinjection experiments, delivery of quenchers into the cytosol efficiently quenched the fluorescent sterols associated with the PM and with the ERC. Quantitative analysis indicates that 60–70% of the PM sterol is in the cytoplasmic leaflet. This means that cholesterol constitutes ∼40 mol% of cytoplasmic leaflet lipids, which may have important implications for intracellular cholesterol transport and membrane domain formation.  相似文献   

Candida albicans is a major fungal pathogen whose virulence is associated with its ability to transition from a budding yeast form to invasive hyphal filaments. The kinesin-14 family member CaKar3 is required for transition between these morphological states, as well as for mitotic progression and karyogamy. While kinesin-14 proteins are ubiquitous, CaKar3 homologs in hemiascomycete fungi are unique because they form heterodimers with noncatalytic kinesin-like proteins. Thus, CaKar3-based motors may represent a novel antifungal drug target. We have identified and examined the roles of a kinesin-like regulator of CaKar3. We show that orf19.306 (dubbed CaCIK1) encodes a protein that forms a heterodimer with CaKar3, localizes CaKar3 to spindle pole bodies, and can bind microtubules and influence CaKar3 mechanochemistry despite lacking an ATPase activity of its own. Similar to CaKar3 depletion, loss of CaCik1 results in cell cycle arrest, filamentation defects, and an inability to undergo karyogamy. Furthermore, an examination of the spindle structure in cells lacking either of these proteins shows that a large proportion have a monopolar spindle or two dissociated half-spindles, a phenotype unique to the C. albicans kinesin-14 homolog. These findings provide new insights into mitotic spindle structure and kinesin motor function in C. albicans and identify a potentially vulnerable target for antifungal drug development.  相似文献   

The fungus Cryptococcus neoformans possesses a polysaccharide capsule and can form biofilms on medical devices. We describe the characteristics of C. neoformans biofilm development using a microtiter plate model, microscopic examinations, and a colorimetric 2,3-bis(2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl)-5-[(phenylamino) carbonyl]-2H-tetrazolium-hydroxide (XTT) reduction assay to observe the metabolic activity of cryptococci within a biofilm. A strong correlation between XTT and CFU assays was demonstrated. Chemical analysis of the exopolymeric material revealed sugar composition consisting predominantly of xylose, mannose, and glucose, indicating the presence of other polysaccharides in addition to glucurunoxylomannan. Biofilm formation was affected by surface support differences, conditioning films on the surface, characteristics of the medium, and properties of the microbial cell. A specific antibody to the capsular polysaccharide of this fungus was used to stain the extracellular polysaccharide matrix of the fungal biofilms using light and confocal microscopy. Additionally, the susceptibility of C. neoformans biofilms and planktonic cells to environmental stress was investigated using XTT reduction and CFU assays. Biofilms were less susceptible to heat, cold, and UV light exposition than their planktonic counterparts. Our findings demonstrate that fungal biofilm formation is dependent on support surface characteristics and that growth in the biofilm state makes fungal cells less susceptible to potential environmental stresses.  相似文献   

Ca2+signaling was correlated with microaggregation and capping of CD32 molecules on the myeloid cell line, U937. The cytosolic free Ca2+signal was related to the extent of CD32 cross-linking and arose asymmetrically within individual cells. Both the magnitude and the delay before Ca2+signaling via CD32 on U937 cells was dependent on the extent of CD32 cross-linking. The delay time was extended in cells in which lateral diffusion in the membrane was reduced by covalently cross-linking of surface proteins. Under these conditions, capping but not surface microaggregation of CD32 molecules was prevented. The delay time before Ca2+signaling but not the magnitude was also affected. At a higher density of covalent cross-linking of surface proteins, the magnitude of the Ca2+signal by CD32 was also reduced and could be completely inhibited. This evidence therefore shows that the formation of a CD32 “cap” was not required for Ca2+signaling by this route. However, the signaling delay time was a consequence of lateral diffusion of CD32 molecules in the membrane to form signaling-competent microaggregates, and the redistribution of CD32 molecules on the cell surface was required for Ca2+signal generation.  相似文献   

Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) is an important, generally non-invasive, bacterial pathogen that causes diarrhea in humans. The microbe infects mainly the enterocytes of the small intestine. Here we have applied our newly developed infrared surface plasmon resonance (IR-SPR) spectroscopy approach to study how EPEC infection affects epithelial host cells. The IR-SPR experiments showed that EPEC infection results in a robust reduction in the refractive index of the infected cells. Assisted by confocal and total internal reflection microscopy, we discovered that the microbe dilates the intercellular gaps and induces the appearance of fluid-phase-filled pinocytic vesicles in the lower basolateral regions of the host epithelial cells. Partial cell detachment from the underlying substratum was also observed. Finally, the waveguide mode observed by our IR-SPR analyses showed that EPEC infection decreases the host cell''s height to some extent. Together, these observations reveal novel impacts of the pathogen on the host cell architecture and endocytic functions. We suggest that these changes may induce the infiltration of a watery environment into the host cell, and potentially lead to failure of the epithelium barrier functions. Our findings also indicate the great potential of the label-free IR-SPR approach to study the dynamics of host-pathogen interactions with high spatiotemporal sensitivity.  相似文献   

In response to low (approximately 1 microM) levels of selenium, Escherichia coli synthesizes tRNA(Glu) and tRNA(Lys) species that contain 5-methylaminomethyl-2-selenouridine (mnm5Se2U) instead of 5-methylaminomethyl-2-thiouridine (mnm5S2U). Purified glutamate- and lysine-accepting tRNAs containing either mnm5Se2U (tRNA(SeGlu), tRNA(SeLys] or mnm5S2U (tRNA(SGlu), tRNA(SLys] were prepared by RPC-5 reversed-phase chromatography, affinity chromatography using anti-AMP antibodies and DEAE-5PW ion-exchange HPLC. Since mnm5Se2U, like mnm5S2U, appears to occupy the wobble position of the anticodon, the recognition of glutamate codons (GAA and GAG) and lysine codons (AAA and AAG) was studied. While tRNA(SGlu) greatly preferred GAA over GAG, tRNA(SeGlu) showed less preference. Similarly, tRNA(SGlu) preferred AAA over AAG, while tRNA(SeLys) did not. In a wheat germ extract--rabbit globin mRNA translation system, incorporation of lysine and glutamate into protein was generally greater when added as aminoacylated tRNA(Se) than as aminoacylated tRNA(S). In globin mRNA the glutamate and lysine codons GAG and AAG are more numerous than GAA and AAA, thus a more efficient translation of globin message with tRNA(Se) might be expected because of facilitated recognition of codons ending in G.  相似文献   

Invasin and intimin are major virulence factors of enteropathogenic Yersiniae and Escherichia coli, mediating invasion into and intimate adherence to host cells, respectively. Several studies have hinted that extracellular portion of these homologous proteins might be exported via an autotransport mechanism, but rigorous experimental proof has been lacking. Here, we present a topology model for invasin and intimin, consistent with the hypothesis that the N-terminal β-barrel domain acts as a translocation pore to secrete the C-terminal passenger domain. We confirmed this topology model by inserting epitope tags into the loops of the β-barrel. We further show that obstructing the pore of β-barrel hinders the export of the passenger domain. As for classical autotransport, the biogenesis of invasin and intimin is dependent on the Bam complex and the periplasmic chaperone SurA, whereas the chaperone/protease DegP is involved in quality control. However, compared to classical autotransporters (Type Va secretion), the domain structure of intimin and invasin is inverted. We conclude that proteins of the intimin and invasin family constitute a novel group of autotransported proteins, and propose that this class of autotransporters be termed Type Ve secretion.  相似文献   

Advances in single-cell (SC) genomics enable commensurate improvements in methods for uncovering lineage relations among individual cells, as determined by phylogenetic analysis of the somatic mutations harbored by each cell. Theoretically, complete and accurate knowledge of the genome of each cell of an individual can produce an extremely accurate cell lineage tree of that individual. However, the reality of SC genomics is that such complete and accurate knowledge would be wanting, in quality and in quantity, for the foreseeable future. In this paper we offer a framework for systematically exploring the feasibility of answering cell lineage questions based on SC somatic mutational analysis, as a function of SC genomics data quality and quantity. We take into consideration the current limitations of SC genomics in terms of mutation data quality, most notably amplification bias and allele dropouts (ADO), as well as cost, which puts practical limits on mutation data quantity obtained from each cell as well as on cell sample density. We do so by generating in silico cell lineage trees using a dedicated formal language, eSTG, and show how the ability to answer correctly a cell lineage question depends on the quality and quantity of the SC mutation data. The presented framework can serve as a baseline for the potential of current SC genomics to unravel cell lineage dynamics, as well as the potential contributions of future advancement, both biochemical and computational, for the task.  相似文献   

The production by T cells of an antigen-specific factor capable of replacing the T-cell function in specific antibody formation was used as a tool for studying the cellular aspects of the genetic control of immune responses. The ability of different T-cell populations to produce a cooperative signal and the ability of B-cell populations to react to this signal were studied in different mouse strains. The antigen used was the synthetic polypeptide poly(LTyr,LGlu)-poly-(LPro) —poly(lXys), (T,G)-Pro -L, the response to which was found not to beH-2-linked. It was found that the SWR strain of mice, a low responder to (T,G)-Pro -L, is not capable of producing a T-cell factor specific to this antigen, but its B cells react normally to an active factor produced in a high responder strain. In the DBA/1 strain, also a low responder to (T,G)-Pro -L, the bone marrow cells are not able to cooperate with an active T-cell factor to produce anti-(T,G)-Pro —L-specific antibodies, while their T cells do produce a (T,G)-Pro -L-specific factor. The SWR (low responder) B cells can be triggered by DBA/1 (low responder) T cells factor specific to (T,G)-Pro —L to produce an antibody response to this immunogen. These results suggest that the immune response to (T,G)-Pro -L is controlled by two genes which are expressed in different lymphocyte populations.  相似文献   

Summary: The phenomenon of peptidoglycan recycling is reviewed. Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli break down and reuse over 60% of the peptidoglycan of their side wall each generation. Recycling of newly made peptidoglycan during septum synthesis occurs at an even faster rate. Nine enzymes, one permease, and one periplasmic binding protein in E. coli that appear to have as their sole function the recovery of degradation products from peptidoglycan, thereby making them available for the cell to resynthesize more peptidoglycan or to use as an energy source, have been identified. It is shown that all of the amino acids and amino sugars of peptidoglycan are recycled. The discovery and properties of the individual proteins and the pathways involved are presented. In addition, the possible role of various peptidoglycan degradation products in the induction of β-lactamase is discussed.  相似文献   

Phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by macrophages and spent photoreceptor outer segments (POS) by retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells requires several proteins, including MerTK receptors and associated Gas6 and protein S ligands. In the retina, POS phagocytosis is rhythmic, and MerTK is activated promptly after light onset via the αvβ5 integrin receptor and its ligand MFG-E8, thus generating a phagocytic peak. The phagocytic burst is limited in time, suggesting a down-regulation mechanism that limits its duration. Our previous data showed that MerTK helps control POS binding of integrin receptors at the RPE cell surface as a negative feedback loop. Our present results show that a soluble form of MerTK (sMerTK) is released in the conditioned media of RPE-J cells during phagocytosis and in the interphotoreceptor matrix of the mouse retina during the morning phagocytic peak. In contrast to macrophages, the two cognate MerTK ligands have an opposite effect on phagocytosis and sMerTK release, whereas the integrin ligand MFG-E8 markedly increases both phagocytosis and sMerTK levels. sMerTK acts as a decoy receptor blocking the effect of both MerTK ligands. Interestingly, stimulation of sMerTK release decreases POS binding. Conversely, blocking MerTK cleavage increased mostly POS binding by RPE cells. Therefore, our data suggest that MerTK cleavage contributes to the acute regulation of RPE phagocytosis by limiting POS binding to the cell surface.  相似文献   

The roles of clathrin, its regulators, and the ESCRT (endosomal sorting complex required for transport) proteins are well defined in endocytosis. These proteins can also participate in intracellular pathways that are independent of endocytosis and even independent of the membrane trafficking function of these proteins. These nonendocytic functions involve unconventional biochemical interactions for some endocytic regulators, but can also exploit known interactions for nonendocytic functions. The molecular basis for the involvement of endocytic regulators in unconventional functions that influence the cytoskeleton, cell cycle, signaling, and gene regulation are described here. Through these additional functions, endocytic regulators participate in pathways that affect infection, glucose metabolism, development, and cellular transformation, expanding their significance in human health and disease.The discovery and characterization of clathrin (Pearse 1975) initiated molecular definition of the many endocytosis regulators described in this collection, which mediate the clathrin-dependent and -independent pathways for membrane internalization (see Kirchhausen et al. 2014; Mayor et al. 2014; Merrifield and Kaksonen 2014). In accompanying reviews, we have seen how these endocytic pathways influence nutrition and metabolism (see Antonescu et al. 2014), signal transduction (see Bökel and Brand 2014; Di Fiore and von Zastrow 2014), neuronal function (see Morgan et al. 2013; Cosker and Segal 2014), infection and immunity (see ten Broeke et al. 2013; Cossart and Helenius 2014), tissue polarity and development (see Eaton and Martin-Belmonte 2014; Gonzalez-Gaitan and Jülicher 2014), and migration and metastasis (see Mellman and Yarden 2013). Recently, it has been established that some endocytic regulators have molecular properties that expand their functions beyond endocytosis. These include molecular interactions that affect the microtubule and actin cytoskeletons, nuclear translocation that influences gene regulation, and the formation of membrane-associated scaffolds that serve as signaling and sorting platforms. Through these diverse nonendocytic functions, endocytosis regulators play additional roles in cell division, pathogen infection, cell adhesion, and oncogenesis. In this article, we review the nonconventional behavior of endocytic regulators, first discussing the molecular properties that enable their moonlighting functions and then discussing the cellular processes and disease states that are influenced by these functions.  相似文献   

The random amino acid copolymer (Glu60, Phe40)n (GPhe) was previously shown to augment antigen-dependent proliferation of the murine TH2 cell lines DCL-2 and D10.G4.1. In the present study, the addition of GPhe to (Glu36, Lys24, Ala40)n (GLA)-primed BALB/c primary lymph node (1 degree LN) T cell cultures, the source of DCL-2, resulted in significant suppression of both the proliferative and lymphokine response to GLA. Suppression by GPhe of the 1 degree LN response was subsequently shown to be neither antigen- nor haplotype restricted, and was inhibitable by polyclonal anti-GPhe antibodies. Studies were extended to a GLA-reactive T cell hybridoma clone (DL.4G6.1). where significant suppression by GPhe of GLA-stimulated lymphokine production was observed as measured by markedly decreased HT-2 stimulatory activity of the collected supernatants. Subsequent antibody blocking experiments employing the monoclonal anti-murine IL-4 antibody 11B11 revealed that BALB/c GLA-reactive 1 degree LN T cells and DL.4G6.1 did not produce detectable levels of IL-4 in their culture fluids when stimulated by GLA, which suggested that these cells, unlike DCL-2, were TH1-like in nature. The addition of GPhe to the TH1 clones 5.2 and 5.9 resulted in significant suppression of proliferation to homologous antigen (ovalbumin), in contrast to the augmentation observed with the TH2 cell lines DCL-2 and D10.G4.1. It was concluded from these data, that the addition of GPhe to various T cell cultures lead to unusual suppressive and augmenting activities specific for TH1 and TH2 cells, respectively. Although the mechanism for these dichotomous effects of GPhe is as yet undetermined, several possibilities are considered.  相似文献   

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