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Increasingly complex models of the neck neuromusculature need detailed muscle and kinematic data for proper validation. The goal of this study was to measure the electromyographic activity of superficial and deep neck muscles during tasks involving isometric, voluntary, and reflexively evoked contractions of the neck muscles. Three male subjects (28-41 years) had electromyographic (EMG) fine wires inserted into the left sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae, trapezius, splenius capitis, semispinalis capitis, semispinalis cervicis, and multifidus muscles. Surface electrodes were placed over the left sternohyoid muscle. Subjects then performed: (i) maximal voluntary contractions (MVCs) in the eight directions (45 deg intervals) from the neutral posture; (ii) 50 N isometric contractions with a slow sweep of the force direction through 720 deg; (iii) voluntary oscillatory head movements in flexion and extension; and (iv) initially relaxed reflex muscle activations to a forward acceleration while seated on a sled. Isometric contractions were performed against an overhead load cell and movement dynamics were measured using six-axis accelerometry on the head and torso. In all three subjects, the two anterior neck muscles had similar preferred activation directions and acted synergistically in both dynamic tasks. With the exception of splenius capitis, the posterior and posterolateral neck muscles also showed consistent activation directions and acted synergistically during the voluntary motions, but not during the sled perturbations. These findings suggest that the common numerical-modeling assumption that all anterior muscles act synergistically as flexors is reasonable, but that the related assumption that all posterior muscles act synergistically as extensors is not. Despite the small number of subjects, the data presented here can be used to inform and validate a neck model at three levels of increasing neuromuscular-kinematic complexity: muscles generating forces with no movement, muscles generating forces and causing movement, and muscles generating forces in response to induced movement. These increasingly complex data sets will allow researchers to incrementally tune their neck models' muscle geometry, physiology, and feedforward/feedback neuromechanics.  相似文献   

A novel surface electromyographic (EMG) technique was recently described for the detection of deep cervical flexor muscle activity. Further investigation of this technique is warranted to ensure EMG activity from neighbouring muscles is not markedly influencing the signals recorded. This study compared deep cervical flexor (DCF) muscle activity with the activity of surrounding neck and jaw muscles during various anatomical movements of the neck and jaw in 10 volunteer subjects. DCF EMG activity was recorded with custom electrodes inserted via the nose and fixed by suction to the posterior mucosa of the oropharynx. Surface electrodes were placed over the sternocleidomastoid, anterior scalene, masseter and suprahyoid muscles. Positioned in supine, subjects performed isometric cranio-cervical flexion, cervical flexion, right and left cervical rotation, jaw clench and resisted jaw opening. Across all movements examined, EMG amplitude of the DCF muscles was greatest during neck movements that would require activity of the DCF muscles, particularly during cranio-cervical flexion, their primary anatomical action. The actions of jaw clench and resisted jaw opening demonstrated significantly less DCF EMG activity than the cranio-cervical flexion action (p < 0.05). Across all other movements, the neighbouring neck and jaw muscles demonstrated greatest EMG amplitude during their respective primary anatomical actions, which occurred in the absence of increased EMG amplitude recorded from the DCF muscles. The finding of substantial EMG activity of the DCF muscles only during neck actions that would require their activity, particularly cranio-cervical flexion, and not during actions involving the jaw, provide further assurance that the majority of myoelectric signals detected from the nasopharyngeal electrode are from the DCF muscles.  相似文献   

The deep cervical flexor (DCF) muscles are considered to be of substantial clinical importance in the management of neck pain. While conventional cervical flexion (CF) dynamometry methods have been used frequently to assess the capacity of the cervical flexor muscles, it has been suggested that cranio-cervical flexion (CCF) methods may provide a more specific test of DCF muscle performance. This study compared the activation of the deep and superficial cervical flexor muscles between tests of isometric cranio-cervical flexion (CCF) and conventional cervical flexion (CF) dynamometry. Normalised root-mean-square values were recorded for the deep cervical flexor (DCF), sternocleidomastoid (SCM), anterior scalene (AS), and sternohyoid (SH) muscles during isometric CCF and CF tests at maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), 50% MVC, and 20% MVC in ten healthy volunteers. The results demonstrated significantly greater electromyography (EMG) amplitude for the SCM (P<.001-.002) and AS (P<.001-.001) muscles in the CF test conditions (MVC, 20%MVC, and 50%MVC) compared to CCF test conditions. Moreover, the SH muscle demonstrated significantly greater EMG amplitude during CF compared to CCF but only in the 50% MVC and 20% MVC conditions (P=.007 and .02 respectively). These results demonstrate that dynamometry tests of CF result in greater activity of the superficial cervical flexor muscles compared to tests of CCF. As a result, CCF dynamometry may provide a more specific method to assess and retrain DCF muscle performance, compared to conventional CF in which superficial muscle activity may mask impaired performance of the DCF muscles.  相似文献   

Unlike all other primates, the digastric muscle of the orangutan lacks an anterior belly; the posterior belly, while present, inserts directly onto the mandible. To understand the functional consequences of this morphologic novelty, the EMG activity patterns of the digastric muscle and other potential mandibular depressors were studied in a gibbon and an orangutan. The results suggest a significant degree of functional differentiation between the two digastric bellies. In the gibbon, the recruitment pattern of the posterior digastric during mastication is typically biphasic. It is an important mandibular depressor, active in this role during mastication and wide opening. It also acts with the anterior suprahyoid muscles to move the hyoid prior to jaw opening during mastication. The recruitment patterns of the anterior digastric suggest that it is functionally allied to the geniohyoid and mylohyoid. For example, although it transmits the force of the posterior digastric during mandibular depression, it functions independent of the posterior digastric during swallowing. Of the muscles studied, the posterior digastric was the only muscle to exhibit major differences in recruitment pattern between the two species. The posterior digastric retains its function as a mandibular depressor in orangutans, but is never recruited biphasically, and is not active prior to opening. The unique anatomy of the digastric muscle in orangutans results in decoupling of the mechanisms for hyoid movement and mandibular depression, and during unilateral activity it potentially contributes to substantial transverse movements of the mandible. Hypotheses to explain the loss of the anterior digastric should incorporate these functional conclusions. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the preceding study, the present authors differentiated the activity patterns of the suprahyoid (SH) muscles during pharyngeal swallowing of tasty and tasteless foods by using “TP” values that assigned activity of electromyograms (EMG) to a standardized time scale. In the present study, we calculated not only the TP values but also the InP values (by subtracting the preceding TP‐10 values from TP) to analyze activity patterns of the SH EMG during pharyngeal swallowing of foods dissolved in unitary (monosodium glutamate [MSG] and disodium inosine‐5′‐monophosphate [IMP]) and binary (MSG + IMP) “umami‐” tasting solutions of low and high concentration. We found that SH activity patterns differed slightly between low and high concentration of unitary and binary umami‐tasting foods, but that SH activity patterns measured while swallowing umami‐tasting foods did not differ from those measured while swallowing sweet‐ or salty‐tasting foods, or tasteless food.  相似文献   

Electromyographic (EMG) recordings were taken from 14 shoulder muscles (or major parts of them) in a gorilla, a chimpanzee and an orangutan as they stood quadrupedally and tripedally, descended from elevated substrates, crutch-walked, and progressed quadrupedally on inclined and level substrates. In the African apes, low potentials commonly (but not always) occurred in the sternocostal pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, supraspinatus and subscapularis muscles during quadrupedal stance. The quadrupedal orangutan always exhibited low potentials in the pectoralis major muscle and EMG activity commonly occurred in her supraspinatus and subscapularis muscles. Quiescent tripedal stances were not accompanied by striking changes in EMG patterns from those which characterized quadrupedal stances. Per contra, eccentric loadings of the forelimb during descents from elevated substrates generally recruited notable EMG activity in the deltoid, supraspinatus and, to a lesser extent, infraspinatus muscles of the three pongid apes. The pectoralis major and caudal serratus anterior muscles were much more active in Pongo and Pan during these descents. Supportive segments of quadrupedal locomotive cycles were generally accompanied by EMG activity in the pectoralis major, intermediate and posterior deltoid and supraspinatus muscles. The intermediate and posterior deltoid muscles were characteristically active during pre-release of the hand and early swing phase. The cranial trapezius and supraspinatus muscles also may act during early swing phase. We conclude that the pectoralis major and perhaps the supraspinatus and subscapularis might serve regularly as postural muscles during static terrestrial quadrupedalism in pongid apes. The lack of dramatic differences between the EMG patterns exhibited during fist-walking versus knuckle-walking indicates that an evolutionary transformation from a shoulder complex like that of Pongo to ones like Pan or vice versa need not entail major changes in myological features.  相似文献   

The serratus anterior and trapezius muscles are considered to be the only upward rotators of the scapula and are very important for normal shoulder function. A variety of methods have been used to produce a maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) of these muscles for normalization of EMG data. The purpose of this study was to quantify the surface EMG activity of the serratus anterior muscle and the upper, middle, and lower parts of the trapezius during 9 manual muscle tests performed with maximum effort in 30 subjects. It was found that no one muscle test produced a MVIC for all individuals. Therefore, to perform normalization within each subject, it is suggested that the 2 or 3 tests identified in this study that produce high levels of EMG activity for each muscle be performed. The scapular protraction muscle test that is often used to normalize data for the serratus anterior muscle produced relatively low levels of EMG activity and was not found to be an optimal test. Muscle tests in which an attempt was made to de-rotate the scapula from an upwardly rotated position produced much higher levels of EMG activity in the serratus anterior muscle.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the EMG-joint angle relationship during voluntary contraction with maximum effort and the differences in activity among three hamstring muscles during knee flexion. Ten healthy subjects performed maximum voluntary isometric and isokinetic knee flexion. The isometric tests were performed for 5 s at knee angles of 60 and 90 degrees. The isokinetic test, which consisted of knee flexion from 0 to 120 degrees in the prone position, was performed at an angular velocity of 30 degrees /s (0.523 rad/s). The knee flexion torque was measured using a KIN-COM isokinetic dynamometer. The individual EMG activity of the hamstrings, i.e. the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, long head of the biceps femoris and short head of the biceps femoris muscles, was detected using a bipolar fine wire electrode. With isometric testing, the knee flexion torque at 60 degrees knee flexion was greater than that at 90 degrees. The mean peak isokinetic torque occurred from 15 to 30 degrees knee flexion angle and then the torque decreased as the knee angle increased (p<0.01). The EMG activity of the hamstring muscles varied with the change in knee flexion angle except for the short head of the biceps femoris muscle under isometric condition. With isometric contraction, the integrated EMGs of the semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles at a knee flexion angle of 60 degrees were significantly lower than that at 90 degrees. During maximum isokinetic contraction, the integrated EMGs of the semitendinosus, semimembranosus and short head of the biceps femoris muscles increased significantly as the knee angle increased from 0 to 105 degrees of knee flexion (p<0.05). On the other hand, the integrated EMG of the long head of the biceps femoris muscle at a knee angle of 60 degrees was significantly greater than that at 90 degrees knee flexion with isometric testing (p<0.01). During maximum isokinetic contraction, the integrated EMG was the greatest at a knee angle between 15 and 30 degrees, and then significantly decreased as the knee angle increased from 30 to 120 degrees (p<0.01). These results demonstrate that the EMG activity of hamstring muscles during maximum isometric and isokinetic knee flexion varies with change in muscle length or joint angle, and that the activity of the long head of the biceps femoris muscle differs considerably from the other three heads of hamstrings.  相似文献   

In order to improve our understanding of the neuromuscular control of the most massive avian flight muscle, we studied the innervation pattern of the pigeon pectoralis. Nine primary branches from the rostral trunk and nine to ten branches from the caudal trunk of the pectoral nerve were identified by microdissection in ten pigeons. The region of muscle that each branch innervates was delineated by nerve stimulation studies (ten pigeons) and six regions were confirmed by glycogen depletion (ten pigeons). In pigeons, branches from the rostral nerve innervate the anterior 3/5 of the sternobrachialis (SB) head of the pectoralis and branches from the caudal trunk innervate the posterior 1/2 of the SB and all of the throacobrachials (TB). In the SB, individual branches of the rostral pectoral nerve innervate wedge-shaped muscle regions (each approximately 1.3 cm wide), collectively forming a fan shaped arrangement along the sternal carina. Adjacent muscle regions partially overlap at their boundaries. Within the thoracobrachialis (TB) head of the pectrolis, muscle regions are wider. There is a region in mid-SB-where the innervation territories of the rostral and caudal nerves oferlap. Electromyographic (EMG) activity patterns were recorded within ten of the identified muscle regions during take-off, level flapping flight, and landing. Onset of EMG activity and EMG intensity within various muscle regions exhibits significant differences both within a wingbeat cycle and among different modes of flight. The innervation pattern of the pectoralis presents the anatomical substrate for neuromuscular compartmentalization and differential EMG activity within the pectoralis may reflect sensory-motor partitioning. The extent to which the neuromuscular compartmentalization of the pectoralis corresponds to its ability to produce an array of force vectors to the wing awaits further more detailed biomechanical studies. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Most previously published electromyographic (EMG) studies have indicated that the temporalis muscles in humans become almost electrically quiet during incisai biting. These data have led various workers to conclude that these muscles may contribute little to the incisai bite force. The feeding behavior and comparative anatomy of the incisors and temporalis muscles of certain catarrhine primates, however, suggest that the temporalis muscle is an important and powerful contributor to the bite force during incision. One purpose of this study is to analyze the EMG activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles in both humans and macaques with the intention of focusing on the conflict between published EMG data on humans and inferences of muscle function based on the comparative anatomy and behavior of catarrhine primates. The EMG data collected from humans in the present study indicate that, in five of seven subjects, the masseter,anterior temporalis, and posterior temporalis muscles are very active during apple incision (i.e., relative to EMG activity levels during apple and almond mastication). In the other two human subjects the EMG levels of these muscles are lower during incision than during mastication, but in no instance are these muscles ever close to becoming electrically quiet. The EMG data on macaques indicate that, in all six subjects, the masseter, anterior temporalis, and posterior temporalis muscles are very active during incision. These data are in general agreement with inferences on muscle function that have been drawn from the comparative anatomy and behavior of primates, but they do not agree with previous experimental data. The reason for this disagreement is probably due to differences in the experimental procedure. In previous studies subjects simply bit isometrically on their incisors and the resulting EMG pattern was compared to the pattern associated with powerful clenching in centric occlusion. In the present study the subjects incised into actual food objects, and the resulting EMG pattern was compared to the pattern associated with mastication of various foods. It is not surprising that these two procedures result in markedly different EMG patterns, which in turn result in markedly different interpretations of jaw-muscle function. In an attempt to explain the evolution of the postorbital septum in anthropoids, it has been suggested that the anterior temporalis is more active than the masseter during incision (Cachel, 1979). The human and macaque EMG data do not support this hypothesis; during incision, the two muscles show no consistent differences in humans and the masseter appears to be in fact more active than the anterior temporalis in macaques.  相似文献   

This paper describes the kinematics and muscle activity associated with the standard sit-up, as a first step in the investigation of complex motor coordination. Eight normal human subjects lay on a force table and performed at least 15 sit-ups, with the arms across the chest and the legs straight and unconstrained. Several subjects also performed sit-ups with an additional weight added to the head. Support surface forces were recorded to calculate the location of the center of pressure and center of gravity; conventional motion analysis was used to measure segmental positions; and surface EMG was recorded from eight muscles. While the sit-up consists of two serial components, 'trunk curling' and 'footward pelvic rotation', it can be further subdivided into five phases, based on the kinematics. Phases I and II comprise trunk curling. Phase I consists of neck and upper trunk flexion, and phase II consists of lumbar trunk lifting. Phase II corresponds to the point of peak muscle contraction and maximum postural instability, the 'critical point' of the sit-up. Phases III-V comprise footward pelvic rotation. Phase III begins with pelvic rotation towards the feet, phase IV with leg lowering, and phase V with contact between the legs and the support surface. The overall pattern of muscle activity was complex with times of EMG onset, peak activity, offset, and duration differing for different muscles. This complex pattern changed qualitatively from one phase to the next, suggesting that the roles of different muscles and, as a consequence, the overall form of coordination, change during the sit-up.  相似文献   

Postural and startle responses rapidly habituate with repeated exposures to the same stimulus, and the first exposure to a seated forward acceleration elicits a startle response in the neck muscles. Our goal was to examine how the acoustic startle response is integrated with the habituated neck postural response elicited by forward accelerations of seated subjects. In experiment 1, 14 subjects underwent 11 sequential forward accelerations followed by 5 additional sled accelerations combined with a startling tone (124-dB sound pressure level) initiated 18 ms after sled acceleration onset. During the acceleration-only trials, changes consistent with habituation occurred in the root-mean-square amplitude of the neck muscles and in the peak amplitude of five head and torso kinematic variables. The subsequent addition of the startling tone restored the amplitude of the neck muscles and four of the five kinematic variables but shortened onset of muscle activity by 9-12 ms. These shortened onset times were further explored in experiment 2, wherein 16 subjects underwent 11 acceleration-only trials followed by 15 combined acceleration-tone trials with interstimulus delays of 0, 13, 18, 23, and 28 ms. Onset times shortened further for the 0- and 13-ms delays but did not lengthen for the 23- and 28-ms delays. These temporal and spatial changes in EMG can be explained by a summation of the excitatory drive converging at or before the neck muscle motoneurons. The present observations suggest that habituation to repeated sled accelerations involves extinguishing the startle response and tuning the postural response to the whole body disturbance.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to review systematically the literature available on electromyographic (EMG) variables of the golf swing. From the 19 studies found, a high variety of EMG methodologies were reported. With respect to EMG intensity, the right erector spinae seems to be highly activated, especially during the acceleration phase, whereas the oblique abdominal muscles showed moderate to low levels of activation. The pectoralis major, subscapularis and latissimus dorsi muscles of both sides showed their peak activity during the acceleration phase. High muscle activity was found in the forearm muscles, especially in the wrist flexor muscles demonstrating activity levels above the maximal voluntary contraction. In the lower limb higher muscle activity of the trail side was found. There is no consensus on the influence of the golf club used on the neuromuscular patterns described. Furthermore, there is a lack of studies on average golf players, since most studies were executed on professional or low handicap golfers.Further EMG studies are needed, especially on lower limb muscles, to describe golf swing muscle activation patterns and to evaluate timing parameters to characterize neuromuscular patterns responsible for an efficient movement with lowest risk for injury.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study is to analyze anterior and posterior temporalis muscle force recruitment and firing patterns in various anthropoid and strepsirrhine primates. There are two specific goals for this project. First, we test the hypothesis that in addition to transversely directed muscle force, the evolution of symphyseal fusion in primates may also be linked to vertically directed balancing-side muscle force during chewing (Hylander et al. [2000] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 112:469-492). Second, we test the hypothesis of whether strepsirrhines retain the hypothesized primitive mammalian condition for the firing of the anterior temporalis, whereas anthropoids have the derived condition (Weijs [1994] Biomechanics of Feeding in Vertebrates; Berlin: Springer-Verlag, p. 282-320). Electromyographic (EMG) activities of the left and right anterior and posterior temporalis muscles were recorded and analyzed in baboons, macaques, owl monkeys, thick-tailed galagos, and ring-tailed lemurs. In addition, as we used the working-side superficial masseter as a reference muscle, we also recorded and analyzed EMG activity of the left and right superficial masseter in these primates. The data for the anterior temporalis provided no support for the hypothesis that symphyseal fusion in primates is linked to vertically directed jaw muscle forces during mastication. Thus, symphyseal fusion in primates is most likely mainly linked to the timing and recruitment of transversely directed forces from the balancing-side deep masseter (Hylander et al. [2000] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 112:469-492). In addition, our data demonstrate that the firing patterns for the working- and balancing-side anterior temporalis muscles are near identical in both strepsirrhines and anthropoids. Their working- and balancing-side anterior temporalis muscles fire asynchronously and reach peak activity during the power stroke. Similarly, their working- and balancing-side posterior temporalis muscles also fire asynchronously and reach peak activity during the power stroke. Compared to these strepsirrhines, however, the balancing-side posterior temporalis of anthropoids appears to have a relatively delayed firing pattern. Moreover, based on their smaller W/B ratios, anthropoids demonstrate a relative increase in muscle-force recruitment of the balancing-side posterior temporalis. This in turn suggests that anthropoids may emphasize the duration and magnitude of the power stroke during mastication. This hypothesis, however, requires additional testing. Furthermore, during the latter portion of the power stroke, the late activity of the balancing-side posterior temporalis of anthropoids apparently assists the balancing-side deep masseter in driving the working-side molars through the terminal portion of occlusion.  相似文献   

The geniohyoid (Genio) upper airway muscle shows phasic, inspiratory electrical activity in awake humans but no activity and lengthening in anesthetized cats. There is no information about the mechanical action of the Genio, including length and shortening, in any awake, nonanesthetized mammal during respiration (or swallowing). Therefore, we studied four canines, mean weight 28.8 kg, 1.5 days after Genio implantation with sonomicrometry transducers and bipolar electromyogram (EMG) electrodes. Awake recordings of breathing pattern, muscle length and shortening, and EMG activity were made with the animal in the right lateral decubitus position during quiet resting, CO2-stimulated breathing, inspiratory-resisted breathing (80 cmH2O. l-1. s), and airway occlusion. Genio length and activity were also measured during swallowing, when it shortened, showing a 9.31% change from resting length, and its EMG activity increased 6.44 V. During resting breathing, there was no phasic Genio EMG activity at all, and Genio showed virtually no movement during inspiration. During CO2-stimulated breathing, Genio showed minimal lengthening of only 0.07% change from resting length, whereas phasic EMG activity was still absent. During inspiratory-resisted breathing and airway occlusion, Genio showed phasic EMG activity but still lengthened. We conclude that the Genio in awake, nonanesthetized canines shows active contraction and EMG activity only during swallowing. During quiet or stimulated breathing, Genio is electrically inactive with passive lengthening. Even against resistance, Genio is electrically active but still lengthens during inspiration.  相似文献   

Influence of upper airway negative-pressure change on the respiratory activity of various upper airway muscles was investigated in 13 anesthetized rabbits. Phasic inspiratory activity increased or appeared during virtually all negative-pressure trials in nasolabial, cricothyroid, and posterior cricoarytenoid muscles. No phasic inspiratory activity was seen in the sternothyroid (ST) and sternohyoid (SH) muscles before negative-pressure applications but appeared during 80% of trials in ST and 62% of trials in SH. During maintained negative pressure, a gradual decline in activity was often observed in the nasolabial and laryngeal muscles, whereas a rapid decline in activity was seen in the cervical strap muscles. Reflex effects of negative pressure was markedly reduced or abolished by sectioning the internal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve bilaterally. Reflex augmentation of upper airway muscle activity reported here may have functional significance in the maintenance of upper airway patency. It could prevent upper airway collapse when negative pressure swings in the upper airway increase or facilitate recovery when large negative pressure swings are produced by obstructed inspiratory efforts.  相似文献   

Complex relationships exist among electromyograms (EMGs) of the upper airway muscles, respective changes in muscle length, and upper airway volume. To test the effects of preventing lung inflation on these relationships, recordings were made of EMGs and length changes of the geniohyoid (GH) and sternohyoid (SH) muscles as well as of tidal changes in upper airway volume in eight anesthetized cats. During resting breathing, tracheal airway occlusion tended to increase the inspiratory lengthening of GH and SH. In response to progressive hypercapnia, the GH eventually shortened during inspiration in all animals; the extent of muscle shortening was minimally augmented by airway occlusion despite substantial increases in EMGs. SH lengthened during inspiration in six of eight animals under hypercapnic conditions, and in these cats lengthening was greater during airway occlusion even though EMGs increased. Despite the above effects on SH and GH length, upper airway tidal volume was increased significantly by tracheal occlusion under hypercapnic conditions. These data suggest that the thoracic and upper airway muscle reflex effects of preventing lung inflation during inspiration act antagonistically on hyoid muscle length, but, because of the mechanical arrangement of the hyoid muscles relative to the airway and thorax, they act agonistically to augment tidal changes in upper airway volume. The augmentation of upper airway tidal volume may occur in part as a result of the effects of thoracic movements being passively transmitted through the hyoid muscles.  相似文献   

Rollover crashes are dynamic and complex events in which head impacts with the roof can cause catastrophic neck injuries. Ex vivo and computational models are valuable in understanding, and ultimately preventing, these injuries. Although neck posture and muscle activity influence the resulting injury, there is currently no in vivo data describing these parameters immediately prior to a head-first impact. The specific objectives of this study were to determine the in vivo neck vertebral alignment and muscle activation levels when upside down, a condition that occurs during a rollover. Eleven human subjects (6F, 5M) were tested while seated upright and inverted in a custom-built apparatus. Vertebral alignment was measured using fluoroscopy and muscle activity was recorded using surface and indwelling electrodes in eight superficial and deep neck muscles. In vivo vertebral alignment and muscle activation levels differed between the upright and inverted conditions. When inverted and relaxed, the neck was more lordotic, C1 was aligned posterior to C7, the Frankfort plane was extended, and the activity of six muscles increased compared to upright and relaxed. When inverted subjects were asked to look forward to eliminate head extension, flexor muscle activity increased, C7 was more flexed, and C1 was aligned anterior to C7 versus upright and relaxed. Combined with the large inter-subject variability observed, these findings indicate that cadaveric or computational models designed to study injuries and prevention devices while inverted need to consider a variety of postures and muscle conditions to be relevant to the in vivo situation.  相似文献   

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