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The nematode Protospirura numidica criceticola infects the stomach of Neotropical cricetid rodents when they ingest infected arthropods. In North America, prevalence values fluctuated, showing marked peaks in desert habitats, while remaining low in humid environments. The infection pattern has not been studied in South American rodents. In this work, yearly infection by P. n. criceticola was analysed in the South American cricetid Akodon azarae seasonally captured from July 1998 to July 2000 and in March 2001 on poultry farms of a humid region of Argentina. Seasonal occurrence of third- and fourth-stage larvae and adults was recorded. Seasonal population and community parameters of the parasite were calculated. The occurrence of larval stages was confirmed for the four seasons. Prevalence fluctuated between 0 and 36% and did not show a seasonal pattern. It was not related to the abundance of A. azarae (rs = 0.37) or to rainfall. In this humid region of Argentina, where food resources are diverse throughout the year, the omnivorous A. azarae may have a variable diet so that infection can occur in the four seasons. Prevalence values were not very high, in accordance with observations in humid habitats of North America. The infection was also characterized by low intensity, abundance and dominance. Only 3.8% of the rodents were parasitized with three or more specimens of the parasite, and that was only in autumn. It is suggested that rodents can not overwinter successfully with a heavy biomass of stomach parasites.  相似文献   

Based on the hypothesis that, in Akodon azarae, polygyny operates through female defence, we studied inter-male aggression in order to test the following predictions: during the breeding period (1) resident males are more aggressive than intruder males in the presence of females (FP), and (2) aggressive behaviour is independent of male condition (resident or intruder) in the absence of females (FA). To test our predictions, we used the resident male behavioural response towards an intruder male in relation to FP or FA. We conducted 30 encounters in FP and 27 in FA in 0.79-m2 round enclosures placed in the Espinal Reservation. Our results support the prediction that, in FP, the intensity of aggressive behaviour exhibited by males varied in relation to resident or intruder condition. Resident males showed high levels of aggression towards intruders, and intruders exhibited the greatest values of submissive behaviours with residents. In FA, the intensity of aggressive behaviour did not vary in relation to resident or intruder condition. Both resident and intruder males exhibited low aggressive behaviour and inter-male encounters resulted mainly in non interactive behaviours. Our results support the hypothesis that, in A. azarae, the polygynous mating system operates through female defence.  相似文献   

Seasonality and impact of parasitism by the larvae of Rogenhofera bonaerensis (Diptera: Cuterebridae) in pampean grassland mouse (Akodon azarae, Rodentia, Cricetidae) populations were studied in grasslands and cropfield borders near Diego Gaynor (Buenos Aires Province, Argentina), from November 1985 to December 1986. Trapped mice infections ranged from one larva (77%) to four (4%) per host; larvae occurred on tails (75.7%), backs (17.1%), thighs (5.7%), and abdomen (1.4%). Prevalence of larvae occurred in late spring (November and December) (35%), and in fall (March to June) (20%), with a peak of 25% during April and May. In spring these larvae affected 46% of resident and 19% of transient individuals; however, no differences were found between residents and transients in spring or fall. There was no significant relationship between mouse population density and prevalence of parasitism (r = -0.56). The annual percentage of infected rodents changed with age (body size classes): adults (37%) greater than subadults (25%) greater than juveniles (16%); with no differences between the sexes. Similar results were recorded in the spring, but there were no differences in the fall. Significant differences were not detected between stable (22% infected) and disturbed habitats (14% infected). During winter uninfected mice survived better than those infected during the previous fall. In contrast, the summer survival among spring infected mice and noninfected mice was similar. Parasitism showed no effects on reproductive activity and on home range size. Larvae showed strong host specificity for A. azarae (99%). Only one case was recorded in the long-tailed mouse (Oligoryzomys flavescens), and none in the white paunch mouse (Calomys laucha), both species sympatric with A. azarae.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to explore the relationship between population density of Akodon azarae (Muridae: Sigmodontinae) and climatic and environmental variables, and determine which of them are associated to within and among‐year changes in rodent abundance in agro‐ecosystems from south Córdoba, Argentina. The study was carried out in a rural area of central Argentina, from 1983 to 2003. Density was estimated as a relative density index (RDI). Temperature, precipitation and humidity were obtained from records of the National University of Rio Cuarto. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Land Surface Temperature were recorded from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (1983–1998) and Landsat (1998–2003) imagery data sets. We performed simple correlations, multiple regressions and distributed lag analysis. Direct association of climatic and environmental variables with RDI was in general, low. The amount of variability in seasonal changes in density explained by climatic and environmental variables altogether varied from 10% to 70%. Seasonal population fluctuations were influenced by NDVI and rainfall with one and two seasons of delay. Autumn maximum density of the species was also associated with vegetation and rainfall of previous seasons. There also seemed to be an indirect influence of rainfall through vegetation given that we found a positive correlation between them. Results were consistent with basic aspects of the ecology of the species, such as its strong preference for highly covered areas, which provide food and protection from predators, likely increasing its reproductive success. Therefore, in the rural area central Argentina, A. azarae showed seasonal fluctuations with delayed influence of rainfall and vegetation and indirect effects of rainfall.  相似文献   

Linear habitats are capable of providing essential resources for small mammals within agroecosystems. We analyzed demographic parameters of Akodon azarae in a linear habitat of central Argentina. We used capture-mark-recapture models to determine temporal variations in survival, recruitment and population growth rate. The effects of temperature, rainfall and vegetation cover as well as of population abundances on the mentioned parameters were assessed in a 10-year study. Survival and growth rate showed seasonal variation, which was greater than the interannual variability observed. Temperature affected only recruitment. Linear habitats would provide resources for long term survival and reproduction of A. azarae.  相似文献   

Eight species of Syphacia (Nematoda: Oxyuridae) have been reported from South America in rodents of the Sigmodontinae, only 1 of which has been recorded in Argentina. Syphacia (Syphacia) carlitosi n. sp. is described from the ceca of Akodon azarae bibianae and Akodon azarae hunteri (Sigmodontinae: Akodontini) captured in 3 provinces in the northeast region of Argentina. The new species is differentiated principally by the shape of the cephalic plate; distribution of submedian papillae and amphids; presence, extent, and shape of cervical alae in females; absence of lateral alae; absence of deirids; spicular and gubernaculum length; shape and structure of accessory hook of gubernaculum; and distance of mamelons, excretory pore, and vulva from the anterior extremity. This is the second record of Syphacia parasitizing rodents of the tribe Akodontini.  相似文献   

We studied the ability of Akodon azarae (Rodentia, Muridae) to return to their preferred habitat, when released at a perpendicular distance (25, 50 or 75 m) from the edge towards the cropfield, and a parallel distance (100 m) away from the site of first capture within the edge habitat. Return success was estimated as the proportion of animals recovered in edges. The recapture rate between the field and the border was significantly higher than the recapture rate estimated according to successive captures in the border. Successful returns did not decrease significantly with increasing release distance, but animals released at 50 m from edges were less successful in returning to borders than the other release-distance groups. Although the median time taken to the first recapture in edges did not differ among the release-distance groups, rodents released at 25 m and 50 m returned to edges faster than those released at 75 m. A. azarae showed both a successful return to the edge and a trend to return to the home range area. We conclude that A. azarae can return to edges from cropfields at distances that are larger than those they usually travel, allowing the use of fields when they present good conditions for reproduction and survival. Successful return is probably the result of direct movements rather than random wandering.  相似文献   

Angiostrongylus morerai n. sp. (Nematoda: Angiostrongylidae) is described from the pulmonary arteries of Azara's grass mouse Akodon azarae (Rodentia: Cricetidae) in Argentina. It is distinguished from its congeners principally by the morphology of the dorsal ray, which is as long, or longer, than the externodorsals and has 2 long branches; the spicule lengths are also greater (400-465 microm). This is the first record of a metastrongyloid from sigmodontine rodents in Argentina.  相似文献   

Abstract We studied the effect of removing Akodon azarae (Muridae, Sigmodontinae) on community and demographic parameters of rodent species in crop field borders of Central Argentina. We applied three replicated treatments: enclosure and removal of A. azarae, enclosure without removal, and a control without removal or enclosure. We conducted 14 monthly capture–mark–recapture samplings between October 1988 and March 1990. During the study period we observed an increase in Mus domesticus (Muridae, Murinae) abundance in removal areas. Other species did not respond to A. azarae removal. When A. azarae was removed, M. domesticus appeared to be competitively dominant over the remaining species of the community, increasing its relative abundance. Reproductive parameters of M. domesticus were more sensitive to treatments than survival parameters.  相似文献   

We studied habitat preferences and intra and interspecific density-dependent effects on habitat selection by Akodon azarae and Calomys laucha between maize fields and their adjacent borders, during different developmental stages of the crop. Akodon azarae detected quantitative differences between habitats, using preferentially borders throughout the year, while C. laucha perceived borders and cropfields as quantitatively similar during spring and summer and it detected borders as quantitatively better at the high density period (autumn and winter). These results support the prediction of differential habitat preferences as a model of community organisation at the low density period, while they are consistent with shared habitat preferences during autumn and winter when both species apparently coexist in the better habitat (border). Akodon azarae showed intraspecific density-dependent habitat selection throughout the year, except in spring, while habitat selection by C. laucha was density-dependent in spring, autumn and winter. The effect of interspecific density on habitat selection was detected in both habitats and changed seasonally. The effect of A. azarae over C. laucha by resources exploitation was detected in borders, while competitive effects of C. laucha over A. azarae was observed within cropfields. Both species were more affected by exploitation competition than interference, which was more common in borders than in maize fields. We conclude that seasonally have a profound effect in habitat selection of these species because it changes the intensity of intra and interspecific competition and affects different habitat preferences and basic suitability of habitats. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We evaluated the influence of temperature, rainfall, and host relative abundance on Rogenhofera bonaerensis (Diptera, Cuterebridae) parasitism prevalence in shrubland mouse (Akodon molinae) populations in central Argentina, from February 1983 to December 1987. Parasitism did not vary significantly with host age: juvenile-subadults (32%), adults (26%), and old adults (29%). Females were more frequently parasitized (36%) than were males (20%). There was no correlation between parasitism and reproductive activity. Infested hosts were recorded most commonly in summer (January to March, 19%), and in fall (April to June, 30%). During the dry season, July through November, cuterebrid parasitism averaged only 3%. The monthly prevalence of parasitism throughout the year was not associated either with monthly precipitation nor with mean monthly temperature at the time of sampling. But a 2 to 3 month time-lag effect of both climatic variables on parasitism was recorded. Bot fly prevalence was correlated to an index of host density. We propose climate and host availability as important factors affecting bot fly parasitism in the semiarid shrubland of central Argentina.  相似文献   

The meiotic behavior of sex chromosomes has been investigated in variant females of Akodon azarae, both in pachytene oocytes and metaphase I. In somatic cells, these females have a heteromorphic sex pair, in which the minor chromosome has been previously interpreted as a major deletion of the long arm of the X chromosome (dX). After microspreading for synaptonemal complex analysis, pachytene oocytes show two axes of very different lengths (100:17.1), which correspond to the sex chromosomes X and dX. True synapsis is abnormally restricted (43.3%) between these sex chromosomes; on the other hand, self-synapsis of both the X and dX chromosomes is frequent (60%). Single, nonsynapsed axes or axial segments are thickened. Strong chromatin condensation occurs around nonsynapsed axes or axial segments, giving many of these sex pairs an appearance similar to an XY body ("sex vesicle"). The minor gonosome axis differs from that of the Y chromosome of male meiosis, as the former is shorter (relative to the X) and has a different synaptic behavior. In 17 metaphases I from XdX variant females, only heteromorphic, end-to-end joined sex pairs were observed. These variant females differ from the variant females of the wood lemming Myopus schisticolor in several respects, but a similar mechanism seems to be prevalent in other species of the genus Akodon. Self-synapsis of unequal gonosomes in oocytes is assumed as an escape from functional deterioration, following the hypothesis put forward by others.  相似文献   

The populations of several species of Akodon present, besides XX females, a variable proportion of fertile XY females. In Akodon azarae, a correspondence exists between the X-chromosome C-banding pattern and the sexual phenotype of XY individuals: males carry a determinate X-chromosome type, defined by its C-banding pattern, and XY females, any of two others. To confirm the relation between X-chromosome type and the XY female condition and to investigate the hereditary transmission of these different X-chromosomes, we analyzed 50 animals captured in the field and 95 individuals corresponding to the F1 and F2 offspring of 16 crosses.It was seen that the correlation between X type and the sexual phenotype of XY animals is retained, and that the three X types are transmitted to the progeny. It was also observed that the male offspring of XY females receive the X-chromosome from their male parents and the Y from their mothers. These results strongly support the causal role of an X-borne mutation in A. azarae XY sex reversal, and discard a mutation of the Y-chromosome as the sole basis of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

We examined seasonal changes in microhabitat use by the murid rodents Akodon azarae and Calomys laucha in agroecosystems of the former pampa region of Argentina. In summer, trap data showed that both species had low densities and were almost equally distributed between the mature cropfields and their surrounding weedy borders. Analysis of vegetation at the trap sites revealed no selection for microhabitats at the borders, whereas in the cropfields both species shared preferences for covered microhabitats. In contrast, winter data revealed a sharp habitat segregation, being Calomys numerically dominant in post-harvest cropfields and Akodon more abundant in borders. Moreover, there were clear differences in microhabitat selection at the borders, A. azarae occupying the more covered microhabitats and C. laucha the less covered. Breadth and overlap of niches were calculated using principal component analysis, in order to recognize interspecific competition and its influence on community niche space. Available evidence indicates that the structure of this rodent community is strongly influenced by seasonal changes in habitat stucture and rodent abundance. The socially dominant A. azarae retains the best part of the available niche space, a fact becoming more evident under the harsh winter conditions.  相似文献   

Sex ratio (SR) variation of Akodon azarae juvenile recruits was analysed during 1985–86 on a Pampean grassland in central Argentina. Rodents were intensively live-trapped on a 0.81 ha grid. The SR (proportion of males) of the overall population did not differ significantly from evenness (0.49). In contrast, juvenile recruits (0.5–2.0 months of age) showed SR fluctuations according to their time of birth. SR was strongly female-biased among spring and autumn juveniles (0.13 and 0.33, respectively), while males were predominant (0.72) among the summer juveniles.
Social and demographic implications of these results are discussed in the framework of current SR theory. Spring female recruits should be selected for summer reproduction and autumn female recruits for winter survival and spring reproduction. The overwintered population was characterized by 1:1 SR and an age structure composed of males older than females. Most of these males had been recruited as juveniles during the summer. They also made up most of the resident male population in the spring. A selective allocation of energy by the mothers among their offspring is the mechanism proposed to explain the seasonal changes in SR, as pregnant females which gave birth to the summer recruits were in better physical condition than the mothers of both spring and autumn recruits. These results are consistent with the predictions of Werren & Charnov (1978), based on temporal overproduction of one or the other sex according to differential changes in the life-history expectations for both sexes.  相似文献   

Liniscus diazae n. sp. (Nematoda: Trichuridae) is described from the urinary bladder of Oxymycterus rufus and Akodon azarae (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae) from Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Liniscus diazae can be differentiated from its congeners by having a much longer spicule and without an elevated vulva. In addition, L. diazae can be distinguished from L. incrassatus and L. himizu by having a longer body length. Males are similar in posterior width to L. papillosus and L. himizu, but thinner than L. incrassatus and L. maseri. This is the second record of a capillarid from mammals in Argentina. An updated list of capillarid species of rodents and insectivores from North America, with their synonyms, hosts, sites of infection, and geographic distribution, is provided.  相似文献   

Wild populations of Akodon azarae comprise females with a karyotype indistinguishable from that of males. These individuals were formerly assumed to be Xx, the x being an X chromosome with a deletion of most of its long arm. By using a DNA probe derived from the testis-determining region of the human Y chromosome (comprising a candidate gene for the testis-determining factor, Y-linked zinc finger [ZFY]), we demonstrate that A. azarae gonosomally variant females are XY and not Xx. The ZFY sequences in A. azarae are amplified and located in two different families of EcoRI fragments derived from Y-chromosome DNA. No rearrangement or change in the state of methylation of ZFY or ZFX (X-linked zinc finger) sequences were found in XY females. We propose that sex reversal in A. azarae may be mediated by a gene or genes other than ZFX or ZFY.  相似文献   

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