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纯牛脾胆绿素还原酶是单一蛋白质,分子量约34 000,等电点约6.2。该酶对胆绿素具有专一性,在还原胆绿素为胆红素中,以还原胆绿素Ⅸ_α最快,Ⅸ_β、Ⅸ_γ和Ⅸ_δ皆很慢。于还原反应中,此酸可以NADH为电子和氢供体,NADPH亦然。然而,NADH依赖性酸与NADPH依赖性酶动力学性质不同:与NADH反应的最适pH7.0,而与HADPH反应时为8.5;两者活性均为过量的胆绿素所抑制,不过,NADPH依赖性酶更敏感。  相似文献   

目的 通过研究肾缺血再灌注损伤时肾组织中胆绿素还原酶(biliverdin reductase, BVR)的表达与巨噬细胞的关系,为进一步研究BVR与巨噬细胞在肾脏纤维化中的作用提供依据。方法 16只C57BL/6雄性小鼠随机分为假手术组(Sham组)和肾脏缺血再灌注组(ischemia-reperfusion injury,IRI组),取肾组织切片行PAS、Masson、Sirius red染色,免疫组织化学检测α-SMA、PDGF-β和Collagen IV的表达,RT-PCR检测α-SMA、FN、Collagen I和KIM-1 mRNA表达,流式细胞术和免疫荧光染色检测BVR与巨噬细胞的关系。结果 在缺血再灌注小鼠损伤肾组织内,PAS染色发现IRI组肾小球硬化明显,系膜细胞增生,肾小管管腔扩张,小管上皮细胞肿胀或发生空泡变性、细胞脱落、基膜裸露。Masson和Sirius Red染色发现肾间质胶原纤维表达明显增加;免疫组织化学染色显示IRI组α-SMA、PDGF-β和collagen IV免疫反应性增强,RTPCR检测显示IRI组α-SMA、FN、collagen I和KIM-...  相似文献   

灵芝凝集素分离纯化及部分性质研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

制备胆绿素,有人根据Bonnet and McDonagh方法1,先把毗咤血红素和抗坏血酸偶联氧化为四种胆绿素异构体的二甲酷,再按O'Carra and Colleran方法2用薄层层析进一步纯化各种异构体.也有人根据Lemberg法用结晶胆红素氧化;再分离胆绿素.研究表明,胆绿素是鱼类、两栖类、爬行类和鸟类动物体中血红素之分解终产物及排泄物3,4.因此,可以利用这些动物的胆汁和血液等分离提纯胆绿素,再把胆绿素转变为胆红素.这是广开材料来源,制备更多名贵药用胆红素的途径之一.本文报告用硅胶柱分离纯化淡水草鱼胆汁中的胆绿素IXa及其光学特性.    相似文献   

猪精子凝集素的纯化,性质及其作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
用胎球蛋白-Sepharose亲和层析和凝胶过滤层析从精子和精浆中分离纯化了猪精子凝集素(简称BSL)。BSL的血凝活性只被若干糖蛋白和聚糖所抑制。BSL的分子量为56kd,由分子量分别为13.6kd(β)和16.0kd(α)的两个不同的亚基以α1β3所组成。BSL为糖蛋白,含中性糖3.2%,不含唾液酸。用ELISA法测定猪精子中BSL的含量及分布,表明70%嵌入在精子膜中,25%结合在精子表面,  相似文献   

夏威环毛蚓纤溶酶的分离纯化及部分性质研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
宋关斌  李清漪 《动物学报》1996,42(2):146-153
以夏威环毛蚓(Pheretima hawayana)为材料,采用磷酸盐缓冲液抽提、(NH4)2SO4分段盐析,离子交换树脂 D290、 Sephadex G-100和 DEAE-sephadex A-50三种连续柱层析方法得到一种在 PAGE上显示单一区带的纤溶酶组份。采用凝胶柱层析和 SDS-PAGE测其分子量为 12 000和 12300,由一条肽链组成。该酶具有强烈的纤溶活力和水解BAEE的活力,能直接作用纤维蛋白和间接激活纤溶酶原。其最适反应温度为45℃,最适反应pH为8.0。该酶水解BAEE的活力可被Na+、K+、Mg2+、Hg2+、金属离子和EDTA、巯基乙醇抑制,Ca+则有激活作用。该酶中性糖含量为5%,氨基酸组成中Arg、Len含量较多.  相似文献   

双乙酰还原酶的分离纯化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了5种细菌、4种酵母菌和鸡肝中双乙酰还原酶含量,其中粪肠杆菌(Entero-coccusfaecalis)AS1.595中含量较高,为9.6IU/g湿菌体。并对AS1.595菌酶和鸡肝酶进一步经SephadexG-100和DZAE柱分离纯化,提纯倍数分别为45、893,最后收率分别为18.5%、5.1%。  相似文献   

欧文氏菌ER97高效表达了从棒状杆菌SCB3058克隆的2,5-二酮基-D-葡萄糖酸(2,5-DKG)还原酶Ⅰ基因,5L罐发酵后,收集菌体破碎,将胞内可溶性的蛋白通过硫酸铵分级沉淀、DEAE—Sepharose CL-6B离子交换柱层析和Phenyl Sepharose CL-4B疏水柱层析后分离纯化到了2,5-DKG还原酶Ⅰ,纯化了5倍,得率27%,比活力为3,418U/mg。测定了该酶的一些特性参数:分子量为34kD,等电点为6.0,它以NADPH为辅酶,将2,5-DKG还原为2-酮基-L-古龙酸(2-KLG),对NADPH和2,5-DKG底物的Km值分别是0.29mmol/L和14.7mmol/L,1mmol/L Cu^2+、Zn^2+等有强烈抑制作用,EDTA和巯基乙醇对该酶没有抑制作用,酶的最适pH为7.0,最适反应温度为40℃。  相似文献   

Biliverdin reductase B (BLVRB) is a newly identified cellular redox regulator that catalyzes the NADPH-dependent reduction of multiple substrates. Through mass spectrometry analysis, we identified high levels of BLVRB in mature red blood cells, highlighting the importance of BLVRB in redox regulation. The BLVRB conformational changes that occur during conezyme/substrate binding and the role of dynamics in BLVRB function, however, remain unknown. Through a combination of NMR, kinetics, and isothermal titration calorimetry studies, we determined that BLVRB binds its coenzyme 500-fold more tightly than its substrate. While the active site of apo BLVRB is highly dynamic on multiple timescales, active site dynamics are largely quenched within holo BLVRB, in which dynamics are redistributed to other regions of the enzyme. We show that a single point mutation of Arg78?Ala leads to both an increase in active site micro-millisecond motions and an increase in the microscopic rate constants of coenzyme binding. This demonstrates that altering BLVRB active site dynamics can directly cause a change in functional characteristics. Our studies thus address the solution behavior of apo and holo BLVRB and identify a role of enzyme dynamics in coenzyme binding.  相似文献   


Biliverdin reductase was purified from cow spleen. The specific activity of the final enzyme preparation was 24.01 u/mg, representing 686-fold purification as measured with NADPH. The yield was 3 grams of enzyme per 100 grams of cow spleen. The purified enzyme was a monomeric protein with an apparent molecular weight of about 34,000 and an isoelectric point of about 6.2. The biliverdin reductase was specific for biliverdin and reduced IXα faster than the biliverdin isomers IXβ, IXr, or IXδ. The purified enzyme could utilize both NADH and NADPH, but the kinectic properties of the NADH-dependent and the NADPH-dependent enzyme activities were different: the time course of the NADPH-dependent reaction displayed a sigmoidal curve, whereas that of the NADH-dependent reaction did not. Km for biliverdin IXα was 4 × 10?4 mM in the NADPH system, while it was 1.5 × 10?3 mM in the NADH system. Both enzyme activities were inhibited by excess biliverdin, but the inhibition of the NADPH-dependent enzyme activity was more pronounced. The pH optimum was 7.0 with NADH, and 6.8 with NADPH.  相似文献   

联合采用DEAE-纤维素层析、色谱聚焦、NADP亲和层析与SephadexG-100的凝胶过滤,对人脑醛糖还原酶(EC1.1.1.21;ALR)进行纯化.现测得该酶的等电点pH值为5.85.经聚丙烯酰胺凝胶盘状电泳和Western印迹证实,获得了满意的酶纯度.同葡萄糖,葡糖-6-磷酸与NADPH保温后,人脑ALR纯品的活性与对照酶组相似,且不被糖酵解途径的一些磷酸化中间产物抑制.苯基硼酸琼脂糖柱层析洗脱谱峰和氢硼化钠还原反应提示,当同葡萄糖保温时,人脑ALR(特别是其均一态)可能未被进一步糖基化.在糖尿病并发症和按结构完成药物设计的研究工作中,纯品ALR的应用可发挥重要作用  相似文献   

Biliverdin IX was purified from the bile of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using a silica gel (Wakogel C-200) column. The yield was 49.5 mg per 100 ml of fresh bile and purity 95.3%. The biliverdin IX in the bile was quite stable when the bile was frozen at –80°C for a period of 40 days. However, 7.1% of the biliverdin IX was lost when the bile was stored at 4°C for 20 days. The purified biliverdin IX appeared as a single spot with Rf value of 0.25-0.27 on thin layer chromatography (TLC) and one main peak on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) at 436 or 650 nm. When the biliverdin IX was subjected to enzymic reduction with highly purified biliverdin reductase, two clear isobestic points were seen, at 384 and 670 nm. When the products of the reaction with biliverdin IX were extracted in butanol after completion of the reaction, one absorbance peak was observed at 468 nm. The time course of the reduction of biliverdin IX to bilirubin IX catalyzed by biliverdin reductase depended on reduced pyridine nucleotide. The time course of the NADPH-dependent reaction is different from that of the reaction with NADH. In the reduction of biliverdin IX , per mole of biliverdin IX reduced or per mole of bilirubin IX formed 1 mole of reduced pyridine nucleotide was consumed in both the NADH and NADPH systems.  相似文献   

A procedure for obtaining the electrophoretically and ultracentrifugally homogenous preparation of “methemoglobin reductase” from erythrocytes of blue-white dolphin was developed. Method consists of DEAE-cellulose adsorption, fractionation with ammonium sulfate, Sephadex G-75 gel filtration and DEAE-Sephadex A-50 column chromatography. There were obtained three preparations of enzyme. All these preparations strongly reduced methemoglobin, metmyoglobin and cytochrome c in the presence of methyleneblue when NADPH or NADH was used as the cofactor. The activity of NADPH as the cofactor was higher than that of NADH. The enzyme contained neither flavin nor heme, and molecular weight was 23,000 ~ 28,000.  相似文献   

Cibacron Blue F3G-A, a probe used to monitor nucleotide binding domains in enzymes, inhibited sheep liver 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase competitively with respect to 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and NADPH. TheK i values obtained by kinetic methods and theK d value for the binding of the dye to the enzyme estimated by protein fluorescence quenching were in the range 0.9–1.2 μM. Another triazine dye, Procion Red HE-3B interacted with the enzyme in an essentially similar manner to that observed with Cibacron Blue F3G-A. These results as well as the interaction of the dye with the enzyme monitored by difference spectroscopy and intrinsic protein fluorescence quenching methods indicated that the dye was probably interacting at the active site of the enzyme by binding at a hydrophobic region.  相似文献   

以大熊猫脑为材料,经提取、热处理、Phenyl-Sepharose CL-4B疏水柱和快速液相分子筛层析,分离纯化得到CaM.经SDS-PAGE、 PAGE和IEF鉴定,得到的CaM为一条带.经测定,大熊猫脑CaM的分子质量为19 ku,等电点为3.8.酶活性实验表明大熊猫脑CaM对牛心磷酸二酯酶有激活作用.氨基酸组成分析结果与其他来源CaM相近.  相似文献   

通过对硝酸还原酶(NR)亲和层析洗脱过程的部分改进,从油菜叶片中分离纯化到诱导型(iNR)及组成型(cNR)两种硝酸还原酶同功酶。电泳分析表明两者均达到银染单带纯。cNR分子量(MW)为450kD.iNRMW为220kD;两者亚基MW均为110kD,但亚基数目不一样,氨基酸组成也有差异。iNR与cND的等电点pH不同,分别为4.4及6.0,免疫交叉反应显示cNR的抗原性为iNR的75%。  相似文献   

欧文氏菌ER97高效表达了从棒状杆菌SCB3058克隆的2,5-二酮基-D-葡萄糖酸(2,5-DKG)还原酶I基因,5 L罐发酵后,收集菌体破碎,将胞内可溶性的蛋白通过硫酸铵分级沉淀、DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B离子交换柱层析和Phenyl Sepharose CL-4B疏水柱层析后分离纯化到了2,5-DKG还原酶I,纯化了5倍,得率27%,比活力为3,418 U/mg。测定了该酶的一些特性参数:分子量为34 kD,等电点为6.0,它以NADPH为辅酶,将2,5-DKG还原为2-酮基-L-古龙酸(2-KLG),对NADPH和2,5-DKG底物的Km值分别是0.29mmol/L和14.7 mmol/L,1 mmol/L Cu2 、Zn2 等有强烈抑制作用,EDTA和巯基乙醇对该酶没有抑制作用,酶的最适pH为7.0,最适反应温度为40℃。  相似文献   

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