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缪为民  魏勇 《遗传学报》1997,24(2):99-108
人类X染色体短臂11.3-21.3区是含有视网膜色素奕性等种遗传基因位点的区域。我们对这个具有重要医学生物学意义的区段进行了YAC重叠群构建及大尺度物理作图。用这一区域已知的探讨(OTC2bA3、DMDcDNA),以YAC菌落原杂交法及PCR法进行了YAC的筛选;也采用了法国CEPH和英国ICRF的部分YAC,总共得到了77个阳性YAC。对上述YAC进行了长度测定。26对微卫星STS图谱分析,单拷  相似文献   

人X染色体Xp11.2-p21.3区域具有重要的基础遗传学和医学遗传学意义。为了对该区段编码的基因,尤其是疾病基因进行克隆与变异研究,对该区段染色体DNA进行了YAC克隆并将其依染色体排序,采用了一系列DNA位标,尤其是多肽性微卫星序列位标筛选了3个YAC方库,得到了151个YAC克隆,对这些YAC克隆进行了物理图谱分析,构建了这一区域的一系列YAC重叠群,这些YAC重叠群的总跨度约35摩,基本覆  相似文献   

用Alu-PCR指纹图谱法分析了人Xp21.1-p21.3上一系列的酵母人工染色体(yeastartificialchromosome,YAC)克隆,发现其中的两个YAC克隆构成包含DXS166位点的重叠群,而且这一重叠群与以前构建的包含DMD基因全序列的YAC重叠群相连接,YAC克隆末端探针交叉杂交证实了这一重叠,使这一YAC重叠群至少延伸至DXS166位点,形成一个跨度为3.5Mb的YAC重叠群。基于这些重叠的YAC克隆绘制了这一区域的大尺度限制酶切图谱,并在这一图谱上定位了DXS166位点,从而确定了DXS166位点与DMD基因的物理关系。这一工作为DMD基因的5'远端调控作用研究及该区域未知基因的克隆奠定了基础。  相似文献   

X染色体发生X染色体失活 ,但是Xp基因有 30 %表现为逃逸 ,而Xq仅不到 3%。为了研究X染色体基因失活和表达逃逸发生和维持的分子机制 ,比较了Xq和XpDNA序列的RNA模拟结合强度。X染色体的核苷酸序列被分为 5 0kb一段 ,对每一段DNA做 7碱基 (7nt)字符串组合分析 (共有 4 7=16 384种组合 ) ,记录每段 5 0kbDNA中每种 7nt字符串的频率。选择生发中心B细胞中的 12 0个高表达基因 ,计算这些基因的内含子 7nt字符串的出现频率 ,称为intron 7nt,以此作为RNAs(RNA群 ,模拟细胞中RNA在小片段的总和 )。已知一段DNA序列的 7nt频率值和intron 7nt,即可以计算该DNA段与intron 7nt的结合强度。每段 5 0kbDNA与intron 7nt的结合强度取决于该DNA段与intron 7nt互补核苷酸的频率 ,互补的核苷酸序列越多 ,结合强度就越大。DNA段与intron 7nt的模拟结合强度称为RNA结合强度 ,试图模拟该段DNA可以结合的RNA小片段的总量。之所以采用 7nt字符串组合分析是考虑到连续 7个核苷酸互补则可以形成相对稳定的结合。研究发现 :1)Xp各DNA段的RNA结合强度均值显著大于Xq (P <0 0 0 1) ;2 )Xp上高结合RNA的DNA段数目显著高于Xq (P <0 0 0 1) ;3)RNA高结合DNA段形成的簇与X染色体基因表达逃逸区关联。有证据表明 ,RNA可以通过改变染色质  相似文献   

基因组分析与人类X染色体物理图谱柴建华(复旦大学遗传学研究所上海200433)人类基因组分析自1987年首先在美国开始以来,已经过了6年多时间。美国已经有了14个人类基因组研究中心,英、法、德、日等国及我国也投入了这项研究,已经取得了长足进展。人类基因组研究的总任务有两个:1)“读出”人类基因组全部ATCG语言,即全基因组核苷酸顺序测定;2)“读懂”人类基因组全部ATCG语,即人类全部基因的编码及功能的研究。  相似文献   

Physical Mapping of Rice Chromosomes 4 and 7 Using YAC Clones   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Physical maps of rice chromosomes 4 and 7 were constructed bylanding yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) along our high-densitymolecular linkage map. Using 114 DNA markers, 258 individualYACs were located on chromosome 4. Sixty-two out of 258 YACscarried two or more DNA marker positions and formed 16 contigswhich covered a total length of 17.1 cM. The other YACs werearranged to 23 positions. On chromosome 7, 203 individual YACswere landed on 109 DNA markers. Sixty-four out of 203 YACs formed15 contigs which covered a total length of 21.8 cM and 139 YACswere localized to 26 positions. Chromosomes 4 and 7 were coveredwith minimum tiling paths of 45 and 48 YACs, respectively. Takingthe average size of YAC insert DNA to be 350 kb and the entiregenome size to be 430 Mb, about 16–18 Mb of each chromosomeor an estimated 50% of their total lengths have been coveredwith YACs. Physical maps of these 2 chromosomes should be ofgreat help in identifying useful trait genes and unravelinggenetic and biological characteristics in rice.  相似文献   

Yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones were arranged on thepositions of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)and sequence-tagged site (STS) markers already mapped on thehigh-resolution genetic maps of rice chromosomes 3 and 11. Froma total of 416 and 242 YAC clones selected by colony/Southernhybridization and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis,238 and 135 YAC clones were located on chromosomes 3 and 11,respectively. For chromosomes 3 and 11, 24 YAC contigs and islandswith total coverage of about 46% and 12 contigs and islandswith coverage of about 40%, respectively, were assigned. Althoughmany DNA fragments of multiple copy marker sequences could notbe mapped to their original locations on the genetic map bySouthern hybridization because of a lack of RFLP, the physicalmapping of YAC clones could often assign specific locationsof such multiple copy sequences on the genome. The informationprovided here on contig formation and similar sequence distributionrevealed by ordering YAC clones will help to unravel the genomeorganization of rice as well as being useful in isolation ofgenes by map-based cloning.  相似文献   

First efforts for physical mapping of rice chromosomes 8 and9 were carried out by ordering YAC clones of a rice genomicDNA library covering six genome equivalents with mapped DNAmarkers. A total of 79 and 74 markers from chromosomes 8 and9, respectively, were analyzed by YAC colony and Southern hybridizationusing RFLP markers of cDNA and genomic clones, and by polymerasechain reaction (PCR) screening using PCR-derived and sequence-taggedsite (STS) markers. As a result, 252 YAC clones were confirmedto contain the mapped DNA fragments on both chromosomes. A contigmap was constructed by ordering these YAC clones and about 53%and 43% genome coverage was obtained for chromosomes 8 and 9,respectively, assuming a YAC clone size of 350 kb and overlapbetween neighboring YACs of 50%. A continuous array of YAC cloneswith minimum overlap gave a total size of 18.9 Mb for chromosome8 and 15.6 Mb for chromosome 9, which are close to previousestimates. These contig maps may provide valuable informationthat can be useful in understanding chromosome structure andisolating specific genes by map-based cloning.  相似文献   

A fine physical map of Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 5 wasconstructed by ordering the clones from YAC, P1, TAC and BAClibraries of the genome using the sequences of a variety ofgenetic and EST markers and terminal sequences of clones. Themarkers used were 88 genetic markers, 13 EST markers, 87 YACend probes, 100 YAC subclone end probes, and 390 end probesof P1, TAC and BAC clones. The entire genome of chromosome 5,except for the centromeric and telomeric regions, was coveredby two large contigs 11.6 Mb and 14.2 Mb long separated by thecentromeric region. The minimum tiling path of the chromosomewas constituted by a total of 430 P1, TAC and BAC clones. Themap information is available at the Web site http://www.kazusa.or.jp/arabi/.  相似文献   

We have constructed approximately 1-Mb contigs of yeast artificial chromosome (YAC), bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) and cosmid clones covering the imprinted region in mouse chromosome band 7F4/F5. This region is syntenic to human chromosome 11p15.5, which is associated with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) and certain childhood and adult tumors. These contigs provide the basis for genomic sequencing, identification of genes and their regulatory elements, and functional studies in transgenic and knockout mice, which should be of help to understand not only the mechanisms of imprinting but also the molecular events involved in the genesis of BWS and tumors.  相似文献   

人类全基因组范围的CpG岛的预测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CpG岛的甲基化是表观遗传中基因表达调控的重要机制。虽然目前已存在几个从DNA序列判别CpG岛的标准,但如何在标准中选择合适的参数仍是研究的焦点。文章通过分析比较两种经典CpG岛判定标准与三种预测方法,提出了改进的CpG岛预测方法——CpGISeeker。应用该预测方法,结合判定标准中的三个基本参数组合出的13组组合参数,在人类全基因组范围内进行了CpG岛预测,并统计分析了CpG岛的重复序列组成以及相对于基因转录起始位点的位置分布情况。分析结果表明CpGISeeker具有更精确判定CpG岛的特性;同时还提示,随着判定标准严格性的增加,CpG岛的重复序列含量降低,与基因转录起始位点的相关性提高。将CpG岛最小尺寸为500bp、GC含量为60%、CpG出现率达到0.65的组合参数作为标准,是目前预测CpG岛的最佳方式。  相似文献   

We have constructed a physical map of Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome3 by ordering the clones from CIC YAC, P1, TAC and BAC librariesusing the sequences of a variety of genetic and EST markersand terminal sequences of clones. The markers used were 112DNA markers, 145 YAC end sequences, and 156 end sequences ofP1, TAC and BAC clones. The entire genome of chromosome 3, exceptfor the centromeric and telomeric regions, was covered by twolarge contigs, 13.6 Mb and 9.2 Mb long. This physical map willfacilitate map-based cloning experiments as well as genome sequencingof chromosome 3. The map and end sequence information are availableon the KAOS (Kazusa Arabidopsis data Opening Site) web siteat http://www.kazusa.or.jp/arabi/.  相似文献   

屠鞠传礼  王建军 《生物信息学》2010,8(3):254-257,262
为了研究CpG岛产生和消失机制以及位于基因启动子区域外的CpG岛保守性等问题,我们通过序列比对和进化保守性分析等方法,分析在人类和小鼠中保守的基因上的CpG岛。结果显示已有保守序列的突变以及序列插入删除是CpG岛产生和消失的主要原因,进一步分析发现52%的在小鼠基因组上保守序列完全缺失的CpG岛位于两个转座子之间,提示转座子所介导的序列插入是CpG岛形成和消失的重要原因。人类基因组上在启动子区域外的CpG岛中约有79%为新产生的CpG岛,显著高于启动子区域内新产生的CpG岛比例(41%)。GO分析表明与这些CpG岛相关的部分基因与神经系统发育显著相关,提示新产生的CpG岛参与神经发育过程。  相似文献   

以pYAC4为载体,以正常人白细胞和含4条X染色体的细胞株GM1414为DNA源构建成人基因组YAC(Yeast Artificial Chromosome,酵母人工染色体)分子克隆库,已得到原始克隆近2万个,插入DNA片段长度在400—1000kb,从其中选出一组YAC克隆,它们含有DMD基因全部DNA顺序。  相似文献   

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