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肠道菌群数量庞大,对宿主多种生理活动具有重要调节作用。现有研究发现,肠道菌群主要通过调节其产生的不同代谢产物,参与宿主物质代谢反应,改变能量代谢水平,影响机体炎症反应。在诸多代谢产物中,短链脂肪酸(醋酸盐、丙酸盐、丁酸盐等)具有重要调节作用,对机体代谢功能方面具有深远影响。本文结合国内外相关研究文献,综述了短链脂肪酸在调节机体能量代谢方面的相关研究,以期为进一步阐明其在机体能量代谢方面的作用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

瘦素(leptin)是OB基因的编码产物,由脂肪细胞分泌,具有广泛的生理学功能.瘦素可通过作用于中枢神经系统与外周组织等途径在糖脂代谢调控、能量代谢、生殖发育及免疫调节过程中起重要作用.不同剂量、不同作用时间,也可导致瘦素产生不同的生理学作用.近年来,随着肥胖及糖尿病在全球范围内成为流行病,瘦素在糖脂代谢中的调控作用引起了人们的广泛关注.现有的研究已发现,瘦素抵抗与胰岛素抵抗之间具有重要的关联性,揭示瘦素功能异常在肥胖诱发的糖脂代谢紊乱过程中起着重要的作用.本文将对瘦素在机体糖脂代谢中的调控作用进行综述和讨论.  相似文献   

在平静呼气末肺内存留的一部分气量称为功能余气量,平均约为2500毫升。功能余气量产生与正常量的维持,对机体具有重要的生理学意义。  相似文献   

(一) 生理学,包括人体生理学和动物生理学,是生物科学中一门较大的学科,它研究人体和动物机体对环境变化的反应与适应,以及组成动物机体各类细胞、器官和系统的机能。与医学(医学生理学)、体育(运动生理学)、劳动(劳动生理学)、国防(空间生理学)、以及农业(昆虫生理学)、畜牧业(家畜生理学)、渔业(鱼类生理学)的实践,有广泛的联系。  相似文献   

<正>《生理学报》创刊90年来,发表了不少生理学及相关领域的研究论文、综述和其它类型的文章,今后还将在这些方面继续发挥作用。一般认为,生理学是一门研究机体(organism,living body)功能(function)的科学。但如果讲得更具体一点,应该说,生理学是研究处于一定状态(state)下机体功能的科学。机体本身具一定结构,研究机体的功能,就是研究结构与功能之间的关系,  相似文献   

各具结构特点和功能特点的线粒体和叶绿体是真核细胞中十分重要的两种细胞器,并与对生命活动起决定性作用的两大生理生化反应——光合作用和呼吸作用有着紧密的联系,是长期以来植物生理学研究和发展的焦点,也是植物生理学教学的重点。但是,呼吸作用和光合作用这两章又是植物生理学教学中的难点。复杂的内部运筹关系,数十步  相似文献   

循环系统对于维持动物正常生理活动具有重要作用。血管是循环系统的重要组成部分。适应不同生活环境和代谢特点 ,不同种类的动物 ,血管分布具有各自的规律和特点。然而 ,在某些不同类群的动物中 ,不难发现 ,分布于不同器官、部位的血管形成了类似的排布形式——血管网 ,利用简单的逆流交换原理 ,适应着不同的功能需求 ,实现了对动物生命活动的调节。1 气体交换的血管网  水中的软体动物的鳃丝上以及真骨鱼类鳃丝的鳃小片上毛细血管很丰富 ,而每一个鳃丝或鳃小片上血流的方向与水流方向相反。因此通过逆流交换作用 ,单位时间内与鳃毛细血…  相似文献   

人血管生成素对正常机体的组织发育和再生具有较重要的生理功能,同时还可能参与肿瘤组织的新生血管生成,在肿瘤转移中发挥病理作用。本文对其分类及生理学作用,基因结构,及在微生物中的过量表达和医学领域的应用作一综述。  相似文献   

血管紧张素受体的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
血管紧张素Ⅱ受体(ATR)是机体肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS)的重要组成分之一,介导血管紧张素Ⅱ的生理学效应,参与血管舒缩,水盐代谢和醛固酮分泌以及血管平滑肌增生和功能调节等,是RAS系统作用于效应器的关键步骤,本文对ATR分型,生物学效应,基因表达调控及信号转导途径进行综述。  相似文献   

鱼类生态生理学是渔业生产的重要理论基础,它是研究外在环境因素对鱼类机体的生理机能的影响以及鱼类对环境变化的生理适应过程,近年来发展很快。本文着重介绍环境因素,主要是温度和水污染物对鱼类呼吸、代谢、血液、心脏等机能的影响,并对加强鱼类生态生理学研究的重要性和利用鱼类对水污染物的反应特性作为生物监测手段的问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is the complex process of new blood vessel formation defined by the sprouting of new blood vessels from a pre-existing vessel network. Angiogenesis plays a key role not only in normal development of organs and tissues, but also in many diseases in which blood vessel formation is dysregulated, such as cancer, blindness and ischemic diseases. In adult life, blood vessels are generally quiescent so angiogenesis is an important target for novel drug development to try and regulate new vessel formation specifically in disease. In order to better understand angiogenesis and to develop appropriate strategies to regulate it, models are required that accurately reflect the different biological steps that are involved. The mouse neonatal retina provides an excellent model of angiogenesis because arteries, veins and capillaries develop to form a vascular plexus during the first week after birth. This model also has the advantage of having a two-dimensional (2D) structure making analysis straightforward compared with the complex 3D anatomy of other vascular networks. By analyzing the retinal vascular plexus at different times after birth, it is possible to observe the various stages of angiogenesis under the microscope. This article demonstrates a straightforward procedure for analyzing the vasculature of a mouse retina using fluorescent staining with isolectin and vascular specific antibodies.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle is present in a wide variety of anatomical locations, such as blood vessels, various visceral organs, and hair follicles. Contraction of smooth muscle is central to functions as diverse as peristalsis, urination, respiration, and the maintenance of vascular tone. Despite the varied physiological roles of smooth muscle cells (SMCs), we possess only a limited knowledge of the heterogeneity underlying their functional and anatomic specializations. As a step toward understanding the intrinsic differences between SMCs from different anatomical locations, we used DNA microarrays to profile global gene expression patterns in 36 SMC samples from various tissues after propagation under defined conditions in cell culture. Significant variations were found between the cells isolated from blood vessels, bronchi, and visceral organs. Furthermore, pervasive differences were noted within the visceral organ subgroups that appear to reflect the distinct molecular pathways essential for organogenesis as well as those involved in organ-specific contractile and physiological properties. Finally, we sought to understand how this diversity may contribute to SMC-involving pathology. We found that a gene expression signature of the responses of vascular SMCs to serum exposure is associated with a significantly poorer prognosis in human cancers, potentially linking vascular injury response to tumor progression.  相似文献   

Electrical communication and its role in blood flow regulation are built on an examination of charge movement in single, isolated vessels. How this process behaves in broader arterial networks remains unclear. This study examined the nature of electrical communication in arterial structures where vessel length and branching were varied. Analysis began with the deployment of an existing computational model expanded to form a variable range of vessel structures. Initial simulations revealed that focal endothelial stimulation generated electrical responses that conducted robustly along short unbranched vessels and to a lesser degree lengthened arteries or branching structures retaining a single branch point. These predictions matched functional observations from hamster mesenteric arteries and support the idea that an increased number of vascular cells attenuate conduction by augmenting electrical load. Expanding the virtual network to 31 branches revealed that electrical responses increasingly ascended from fifth- to first-order arteries when the number of stimulated distal vessels rose. This property enabled the vascular network to grade vasodilation and network perfusion as revealed through blood flow modeling. An elevation in endothelial-endothelial coupling resistance, akin to those in sepsis models, compromised this ascension of vasomotor/perfusion responses. A comparable change was not observed when the endothelium was focally disrupted to mimic disease states including atherosclerosis. In closing, this study highlights that vessel length and branching play a role in setting the conduction of electrical phenomenon along resistance arteries and within networks. It also emphasizes that modest changes in endothelial function can, under certain scenarios, impinge on network responsiveness and blood flow control.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte migration from high endothelial venules into lymphoid organs is mediated by a sequence of interactions between cell adhesion molecules on lymphocytes and those on the vascular endothelial cells that line the vessels. recent studies suggest that the so-called lymphocyte homing receptors and vascular addressins regulate the first stages of this process, that of binding of lymphocytes from flowing blood. The subsequent crawling of lymphocytes over the endothelial cell surface and migration across the vessel wall (diapedesis) are regulated independently of initial binding. These latter stages are thought to be mediated by functional activation of integrins on the lymphocyte by chemoattractants located in the vessel wall.  相似文献   

The physiological processes involved in tissue development and regeneration also include the parallel formation of blood and lymphatic vessel circulations which involves their growth, maturation and remodelling. Both vascular systems are also frequently involved in the development and progression of pathological conditions in tissues and organs. The blood vascular system circulates oxygenated blood and nutrients at appropriate physiological levels for tissue survival, and efficiently removes all waste products including carbon dioxide. This continuous network consists of the heart, aorta, arteries, arterioles, capillaries, post-capillary venules, venules, veins and vena cava. This system exists in an interstitial environment together with the lymphatic vascular system, including lymph nodes, which aids maintenance of body fluid balance and immune surveillance. To understand the process of vascular development, vascular network stability, remodelling and/or regression in any research model under any experimental conditions, it is necessary to clearly and unequivocally identify and quantify all elements of the vascular network. By utilising stereological methods in combination with cellular markers for different vascular cell components, it is possible to estimate parameters such as surface density and surface area of blood vessels, length density and length of blood vessels as well as absolute vascular volume. This review examines the current strategies used to visualise blood vessels and lymphatic vessels in two- and three-dimensions and the basic principles of vascular stereology used to quantify vascular network parameters.  相似文献   

Summary The availability of small-diameter blood vessels remains a significant problem in vascular reconstruction. In small-diameter blood vessels, synthetic grafts resulted in low patency; the addition of endothelial cells (EC) has clearly improved this parameter, thereby proving the important contribution of the cellular component to the functionality of any construct. Because the optimal source of cells should be autologous, the adaptation of existing methods for the isolation of all the vascular cell types present in a single and small biopsy sample, thus reducing patient’s morbidity, is a first step toward future clinical applications of any newly developed tissue-engineered blood vessel. This study describes such a cell-harvesting procedure from vein biopsy samples of canine and human origin. For this purpose, we combined preexisting mechanical methods for the isolation of the three vascular cell types: EC by scraping of the endothelium using a scalpel blade, vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC), and perivascular fibroblasts according to the explant method. Once in culture, cells rapidly grew with the high level of enrichment. The morphological, phenotypical, and functional expected criteria were maintained: EC formed cobblestone colonies, expressed the von Willebrand factor, and incorporated acetylated low-density lipoprotein (LDL); VSMC were elongated and contracted when challenged by vasoactive agents; perivascular fibroblasts formed a mechanically resistant structure. Thus, we demonstrated that an appropriate combination of preexisting harvesting methods is suitable to isolate simultaneously the vascular cell types present in a single biopsy sample. Their functional characteristics indicated that they were suitable for the cellularization of synthetic prosthesis or the reconstruction of functional multicellular autologous organs by tissue engineering.  相似文献   

Tissue engineering of small diameter (<5?mm) blood vessels is a promising approach for developing viable alternatives to autologous vascular grafts. It involves in vitro seeding of cells onto a scaffold on which the cells attach, proliferate, and differentiate while secreting the components of extracellular matrix that are required for creating the tissue. The scaffold should provide the initial requisite mechanical strength to withstand in vivo hemodynamic forces until vascular smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts reinforce the extracellular matrix of the vessel wall. Hence, the choice of scaffold is crucial for providing guidance cues to the cells to behave in the required manner to produce tissues and organs of the desired shape and size. Several types of scaffolds have been used for the reconstruction of blood vessels. They can be broadly classified as biological scaffolds, decellularized matrices, and polymeric biodegradable scaffolds. This review focuses on the different types of scaffolds that have been designed, developed, and tested for tissue engineering of blood vessels, including use of stem cells in vascular tissue engineering.  相似文献   

The formation of vascular networks during embryogenesis and early stages of development encompasses complex and tightly regulated growth of blood vessels, followed by maturation of some vessels, and spatially controlled disconnection and pruning of others. The adult vasculature, while more quiescent, is also capable of adapting to changing physiological conditions by remodeling blood vessels. Numerous studies have focused on understanding key factors that drive vessel growth in the adult in response to ischemic injury. However, little is known about the extent of vessel rarefaction and its potential contribution to the final outcome of vascular recovery. We addressed this topic by characterizing the endogenous phases of vascular repair in a mouse model of hindlimb ischemia. We showed that this process is biphasic. It encompasses an initial rapid phase of vessel growth, followed by a later phase of vessel rarefaction. In healthy mice, this process resulted in partial recovery of perfusion and completely restored the ability of mice to run voluntarily. Given that the ability to revascularize can be compromised by a cardiovascular risk factor such as diabetes, we also examined vascular repair in diabetic mice. We found that paradoxically both the initial growth and subsequent regression of collateral vessels were more pronounced in the setting of diabetes and resulted in impaired recovery of perfusion and impaired functional status. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that the formation of functional collateral vessels in the hindlimb requires vessel growth and subsequent vessel rarefaction. In the setting of diabetes, the physiological defect was not in the initial formation of vessels but rather in the inability to sustain newly formed vessels.  相似文献   

Formation of a functional vasculature during mammalian development is essential for embryonic survival. In addition, imbalance in blood vessel growth contributes to the pathogenesis of numerous disorders. Most of our understanding of vascular development and blood vessel growth comes from investigating the Vegf signaling pathway as well as the recent observation that molecules involved in axon guidance also regulate vascular patterning. In order to take an unbiased, yet focused, approach to identify novel genes regulating vascular development, we performed a three-step ENU mutagenesis screen in zebrafish. We first screened live embryos visually, evaluating blood flow in the main trunk vessels, which form by vasculogenesis, and the intersomitic vessels, which form by angiogenesis. Embryos that displayed reduced or absent circulation were fixed and stained for endogenous alkaline phosphatase activity to reveal blood vessel morphology. All putative mutants were then crossed into the Tg(flk1:EGFP)(s843) transgenic background to facilitate detailed examination of endothelial cells in live and fixed embryos. We screened 4015 genomes and identified 30 mutations affecting various aspects of vascular development. Specifically, we identified 3 genes (or loci) that regulate the specification and/or differentiation of endothelial cells, 8 genes that regulate vascular tube and lumen formation, 8 genes that regulate vascular patterning, and 11 genes that regulate vascular remodeling, integrity and maintenance. Only 4 of these genes had previously been associated with vascular development in zebrafish illustrating the value of this focused screen. The analysis of the newly defined loci should lead to a greater understanding of vascular development and possibly provide new drug targets to treat the numerous pathologies associated with dysregulated blood vessel growth.  相似文献   

In this study, a new theoretical framework was developed to investigate temperature variations along countercurrent SAV blood vessels from 300 to 1000 microm diameter in skeletal muscle. Vessels of this size lie outside the range of validity of the Weinbaum-Jiji bioheat equation and, heretofore, have been treated using discrete numerical methods. A new tissue cylinder surrounding these vessel pairs is defined based on vascular anatomy, Murray's law, and the assumption of uniform perfusion. The thermal interaction between the blood vessel pair and surrounding tissue is investigated for two vascular branching patterns, pure branching and pure perfusion. It is shown that temperature variations along these large vessel pairs strongly depend on the branching pattern and the local blood perfusion rate. The arterial supply temperature in different vessel generations was evaluated to estimate the arterial inlet temperature in the modified perfusion source term for the s vessels in Part I of this study. In addition, results from the current research enable one to explore the relative contribution of the SAV vessels and the s vessels to the overall thermal equilibration between blood and tissue.  相似文献   

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