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The morphology of developing sporangiophores of Peronosporaparasitica from wallflower is described, and morphogenesis maybe divided into the following five stages: the sporangiophoreprimordium, unbranched sporangiophore, branched sporangiophore,spore formation and maturation, and formation of the cross wall.The growth of individual sporangiophores in a humidity chamberwas followed under the microscope, and increase in height andincrease in volume measured. The greatest increase in volumewas during spore formation, when the sporangiophore volume mightquadruple within an hour.  相似文献   

The distribution of nuclei, RNA, mitochondria, lipid material,protein, and insoluble carbohydrates in the developing sporangiophoresof Peronospora parasitica was demonstrated by cytochemical staining.Nuclei, mitochondria, and protein showed a more or less uniformdistribution throughout the young sporangiophores, but werelocated almost entirely within the mature spores when sporedispersal commenced. Lipid material had a similar distribution,but was absent from the sporangiophore apex and sporangiophorebranch tips during the early stages of development. RNA wasabundant in the sporangiophore apices during early development,but occurred only within the spores, in small quantities, atmaturation. Although insoluble carbohydrates were sparse, theyhad a similar distribution to the nuclei, mitochondria, andprotein. Glycogen was not detected. The major soluble carbohydrates, present in the mature sporesin about equal proportions, were identified by thin-layer chromatographyas trehalose and an aldo-hexose, either glucose or mannose.These sugars were present in about equal quantities in the immaturesporangiophores and spores, while in the mature sporangiophoresfrom which the spores had been removed, trehalose was the majorsugar present. Sugar alcohols were not detected.  相似文献   

The uniform distribution of nuclei, mitochondria, lipid material,protein, and RNA in the hyphae and haustoria of Peronosporaparasitica was demonstrated by staining techniques. Glycogenwas not detected, the only insoluble carbohydrate material detectedby the periodic acid-Schiff reaction being in the fungal wall.The host cell walls reacted more intensely to this stain thanthe hyphal walls. The reaction of haustorial walls varied betweenthe slight staining reaction characteristic of the fungal walls,and the strong reaction of the host cell wall. Callose sheathswere occasionally seen. Fine structure was found to be similar to that of other Oomycetes.Welldeveloped sheaths of a vesicular nature, possibly synonymouswith callose sheaths, were occasionally seen partly surroundinghaustoria.  相似文献   

<正>寄生霜霉Peronospora parasitica(Pers.)Fr.主要为害十字花科植物,引起许多蔬菜及油菜的霜霉病,常造成严重损失,寄主范围较广,常见寄主有油菜、甘蓝、花椰菜、白菜、芥菜、萝卜等,是霜霉属最重要的种之一(陆家云2001;张中义等1986)。侵染白菜引起白菜霜霉病。白菜小苗被害时,初在叶背  相似文献   

Downy mildew (Peronospora parasitica (Pers. ex Fr.) Fr.) is a serious disease of brassicas in several countries. Seedlings are very susceptible to this pathogen and crops require frequent fungicide treatments to reach a good marketable yield. The use of resistant cultivars can be the most economical, reliable and environmental friendly method for managing this disease. In this work 32 Sicilian landraces and 16 commercial cultivars of cauliflower and broccoli (B. oleracea) were screened for downy mildew resistance at the cotyledon stage using one P. parasitica strain from Portugal and one from Sicily (Italy). Seven-day old seedlings were inoculated by deposing a droplet of a spore suspension on the cotyledons, incubated under controlled environment and scored 7 days later using a seven-class scale of interaction phenotype (IP), which took into consideration host response and pathogen sporulation. There were no differences in virulence between the two P. parasitica isolates. Accessions ranged from very susceptible to highly resistant to downy mildew showing a variable number of resistant individuals per accession. Forty accessions were very susceptible to downy mildew and are of no interest as sources of resistance, since most of the seedlings were scored in the most susceptible IP classes. Seven accessions had intermediate resistance and included individuals that expressed some degree of resistance. Accession Cv 90 (Cavolfiore Torino) and Br 63 (Sparaceddu) showed the majority of seedlings in the resistant IP classes and may constitute valuable sources of resistance to downy mildew to be used in breeding programs.  相似文献   

Comparison by soil-block tests on several timbers of the wood-destroyingabilities of dicaryotic cultures of both Poria vaillantii andLenzites trabea with those of monocaryotic cultures either derivedfrom, or contributing to, the formation of the dicaryon, indicatedthat monocaryotic cultures of P. vaillantii were generally moredestructive than related dicaryotic cultures, whereas dicaryonsof L. trabea tended to be slightly more destructive than relatedmonocaryons. The tolerance of L. trabea monocaryons to coppersulphate and to sodium arsenate in nutrient agar showed someindication of being higher than that of related dicaryons, whilstthe tolerance of P. vaillantii monocaryons to a copperchrome-arsenatepreservative in soil-block tests also appeared to be higherthan that of related dicaryons. It is concluded that, althoughneither wood-destroying ability nor preservative tolerance wasgreatly affected by nuclear condition, the differences shownmay be of importance in conjunction with the monocaryotizationof dicaryons by toxic agents during laboratory decay tests.  相似文献   

CHOU  C. K. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(1):189-204
Penetration of the epidermis of cabbage cotyledons and haustoriumdevelopment by Peronospora parasitica within 12 hours of sporegermination was studied by means of the electron microscope.The ultrastructure of appressoria, penetrating hyphae, developinghaustorium and host cells associated with the invading parasiteare described. The mechanism of penetration and the terminologyconcerned with the ultrastructure of host-parasite interfacesare discussed.  相似文献   

翅鳞伞深层发酵胞外多糖优化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用PlackettBurman设计(PlackettBurman Design, PB)对影响翅鳞伞[ Pholiota squarrosa (Pers. Ex Fr.) Quel.] AS 5245菌株发酵产糖的内在和外在相关因素进行了筛选,所选取的20个相关因素为葡萄糖、果糖、麦芽糖、酵母膏、胰蛋白胨、KH2PO4、K2HPO4、(NH4)2SO4、NaNO3、FeSO4、MgSO4、MnCl2、ZnCl2、FeCl3、CuSO4·5H2O、维生素B1、起始pH、发酵温度、时间和装液量。在此基础上,再采用响应曲面法(Response Surface Methodology,RSM)对影响发酵产糖的内在关键影响因素酵母膏、果糖、MgSO4、麦芽糖、ZnCl2和发酵基质起始pH值的最佳水平范围作了进一步的研究与探讨,通过对二次多项回归方程求解得知,在上述自变量分别为6.0g/L、11.5g/L、0.5g/L、9.6g/L、38.6mg/L和5.3时,胞外多糖最大预测值为876.32μg/mL发酵醪,此预测可信度不仅被统计分析所验证,也实践所证实。  相似文献   


The genus Amanita Pers. ex Fr. in Rome neighbourood. — The presence of the genus Amanita in Rome neighbourood, small district, with vegetation and soil diversified, has been studied. The list includes 30 entities (A. caesarea, A. argentea°, A. nivalis, A. vaginata, A. vaginata var. cinerea°, A. fulva, A. crocea°, A. umbrinolutea°, A. lividapallescens°, A. strangulata, A. junquillea, A. eliae°, A. muscaria, A. pantherina, A. alba, A. phalloides, A. phalloides var. alba, A. verna, A. virosa, A. citrina, A. citrina var. alba°, A. porphyria°, A. rubescens, A. spissa. A. excelsa, A. aspera, A. vittadini, A. codinae°, A. strobiliformis, A. boudieri°), 11 new also for latium (°), among these A. codinae and A. vaginata var. cinerea hitherto not found in Italy. At last, the genus in whole region is examined.  相似文献   

Honda Y  Yunoki T 《Plant physiology》1978,61(5):711-713
An action spectrum for photoinduced conidium formation in the fungus Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr. was determined by exposing colonies to monochromatic radiation obtained from a diffraction grating monochromator. Wavelengths longer than 355 nm were ineffective even after exposures of 8 hours at intensities of 4,068 to 8,276 erg per cm2 per second. Colonies were exposed at 22.5 C from 226 to 355 nm at about 5 nm intervals. Three prominent peaks of effectiveness occurred at about 231, 268, and 283 nm, and there was also a minor peak at about 303 nm. The most effective wavelength for inducing sporulation was 231 nm; it was 25% more effective than the second most effective wavelength (283 nm).  相似文献   

白桦茸凝集素提取工艺的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对白桦茸凝集素最佳提取工艺进行了研究.以2%兔血细胞凝血效价为指标,确定了最佳提取缓冲液.通过正交试验对料液比、提取时间、提取液pH值、NaCl浓度等因素进行了优化分析并确定了提取工艺的最佳参数组合.结果表明,以TBS和PBS为提取缓冲液所得的白桦茸凝集素凝集效价分别为64、16;最佳提取工艺:液料比为50:1,提取时间为20h,NaCl浓度为0mol/L,缓冲液pH值为8.0,按该最佳工艺提取白桦茸凝集素凝血效价为256.所优化的提取工艺稳定、可行,为该凝集素进一步在免疫调节方面的开发应用提供一定基础.  相似文献   

Cultures of Lenzites trabea and some other basidiomycetes grownon nutrient agar containing high concentrations of sodium arsenateconsistently reverted from the dicaryotic to the monocaryoticcondition. This effect could also be induced by a wide varietyof other toxicants, including copper sulphate, zinc sulphate,sodium dichromate, sodium pentachlorophenate, creosote, crystalviolet, boric acid, and sodium taurocholate, but sodium arsenatewas the most reliable monocaryotizing agent, being effectivewith eight of the fourteen basidio-mycete species tested withit. The neohaplonts formed by sodium arsenate and other toxicantsmate normally with each other and with compatible monosporeisolates. The value of chemical monocaryotization as a techniquein fungal genetics and experimental taxonomy is discussed. Byusing the mating factor alleles as genetic markers, it was demonstratedthat when L. trabea is monocaryo-tized by sodium arsenate orcopper sulphate, only one of the two nuclei in the dicaryoncan be recovered in the neohaplonts, the direction of this completenuclear selection depending on the toxicant and the dicaryonconcerned. It was shown to occur in treated wood blocks duringroutine soil-block decay tests of inorganic wood preservativesand it is probably a frequent, though hitherto unrecognized,occurrence in the laboratory testing of wood preservatives andother fungicides against basidiomycetes.  相似文献   

Isolate 18191, obtained from mature strawberry fruit and determined as Paenibacillus polymyxa has shown an antagonistic potential against Botrytis cinerea , the causal agent of grey mould in strawberries. Germ tube growth of conidia of B. cinerea was strongly inhibited by the culture suspension of the antagonist in aqueous strawberry fruit pulp suspension (1%) but germination rate of conidia was not affected. The application of the culture suspension and the washed cells on detached strawberry leaf discs reduced conidiophore density of B. cinerea by 67 and 84%, respectively. The treatment of detached leaf discs with culture suspensions of different cell densities (1 × 106, 1 × 107, 1 × 108) showed that the lowest density already reduced incidence of B. cinerea by 68% after 8 days incubation period. Investigating the influence of the temperature on the effectiveness of P. polymyxa it was observed that the antagonist was highly effective already at 10°C and reduced incidence and conidiophore density of B. cinerea by 53 and 58%, respectively. In 3-year field trials the effectiveness of P. polymyxa was in a range of 24–36% as compared to the water control.  相似文献   

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