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The secretive breeding behaviour of petrels makes monitoring their breeding populations challenging. To assess population trends of Cory’s Shearwater Calonectris diomedea, Bulwer’s Petrel Bulweria bulwerii and Macaronesian Shearwater Puffinus baroli in Tenerife from 1990 to 2010, we used data from rescue campaigns that aim to reduce the mortality of fledgling petrels attracted to artificial lights as proxies for trends in breeding population size. Despite increases in human population size and light pollution, the number of rescued fledglings of Cory’s Shearwater and Bulwer’s Petrel increased and remained stable, respectively, whereas numbers of rescued Macaronesian Shearwaters sharply declined. In the absence of more accurate population estimates, these results suggest a worrying decline in the Macaronesian Shearwater’s breeding population.  相似文献   

Grounding of thousands of newly fledged petrels and shearwaters (family Procellariidae) in built‐up areas due to artificial light is a global problem. Due to their anatomy these grounded birds find it difficult to take off from built‐up areas and many fall victim to predation, cars, dehydration or starvation. This research investigated a combination of several factors that may influence the number of Manx Shearwater Puffinus puffinus groundings in a coastal village of Scotland located close to a nesting site for this species. A model was developed that used meteorological variables and moon cycle to predict the daily quantity of birds that were recovered on the ground. The model, explaining 46.32% of the variance of the data, revealed how new moon and strong onshore winds influence grounding. To a lesser extent, visibility conditions can also have an effect on grounding probabilities. The analysis presented in this study can improve rescue campaigns of not only Manx Shearwaters but also other species attracted to the light pollution by predicting conditions leading to an increase in the number of groundings. It could also inform local authorities when artificial light intensity needs to be reduced.  相似文献   

Oceanic conditions determine food availability to seabirds and affect seabird reproductive parameters, such as breeding success, chick growth, and survival rates. In seabirds, juvenile survival at sea is positively correlated with body condition at fledging. In addition, in several seabird species, especially petrels and shearwaters (Order Procellariiformes), fledglings are disoriented by artificial lights during their maiden flights from their nests to the sea, and many of them fall on the ground and are rescued by volunteers to mitigate light-induced mortality. We studied variations in body condition and body mass in Cory’s Shearwater (Calonectris borealis) fledglings on Faial Island (Azores), using data from rescue campaigns conducted over 15 consecutive years. We checked if body condition was related to oceanic conditions. Late fledglings were in poorer body condition than early ones. Significant inter-annual variations in fledging body condition were observed. These were not related to North Atlantic Oscillation fluctuations. However, annual mean fledgling body condition was positively correlated with sea surface temperatures measured in the autumn of the previous year in a northern feeding area used by adults throughout the breeding season. This study broadens our knowledge of the factors affecting fledgling body condition in Procellariiformes and provides advice to better manage the rescue campaigns. Optimal management of rescue campaigns is essential given the limited economic or human resources allocated to such an aim.  相似文献   

Global economic and population growth increase the extent and intensity of artificial night lighting. From an ecological perspective, this is light pollution, which causes changes in reproductive physiology, migration and foraging of many species and ultimately leads to loss of biodiversity. Some seabirds are intimately linked with the light features of their environments because they are nocturnally active. We report light-induced groundings of Cory’s shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) during a 2-year study (2008 and 2009) in São Miguel Island, in the Azores archipelago, and investigate the spatial correlation of locations of grounded birds with an annual composite of remotely sensed stable lights. Results indicate that 16.7% of fledglings are attracted to lights. The exposure of shearwater colonies in the study area to artificial night lighting is low overall. Four colonies account for 87% of the grounded birds. The distance each bird was found from the closest colony was best explained by the ratio of the satellite-measured light levels at the grounding spot to the light levels at the assigned colony of origin. These results demonstrate that satellite-observed nighttime lights are sufficient to assess risk to marine birds at the scale of oceanic islands and indicate their utility for monitoring the effectiveness of programs to manage lighting to reduce risk for these species and conducting global assessments of species vulnerability. To minimize the impact on Cory’s shearwater and other marine birds, we recommend measures such as reduction and control of lighting intensity near colony locations, while continuing and re-enforcing rescue campaigns.  相似文献   

Chemical signals in birds have rarely been considered as recognition cues. Nevertheless, recent experiments showed that several petrel species are able to recognize their nest by smell, and in at least one species even their mate. But the use of smell may be different across the petrel species and olfactory nest recognition appears to be dependent on species’ breeding biology. To increase our knowledge of individual olfactory recognition in petrels and the relationships between breeding biology and use of smell, we tested Wilson’s storm petrels Oceanites oceanicus in Antarctica. In previous experiments, these birds failed to home if rendered anosmic, but the method employed to obtain anosmia (potentially stressing birds) and the fact that they breed in 24‐h daylight suggest that they might use visual, rather than olfactory, cues to recognize their nest. Our birds were tested in T‐maze experiments where nest odours or partner odours were presented. Wilson’s storm petrels preferred odours of their own nest and mate. Results on olfactory nest recognition confirm and complete previous results, viz. anosmic Wilson’s storm petrels do not home. Storm petrels olfactory mate recognition suggests that this ability may be widespread in burrowing petrels and implements olfactory nest recognition.  相似文献   

Light pollution is increasing around the world and altering natural nightscapes with potential ecological and evolutionary consequences. A severe ecological perturbation caused by artificial lights is mass mortalities of organisms, including seabird fledglings that are attracted to lights at night on their first flights to the sea. Here, we report on the number of fledging short-tailed shearwaters Ardenna tenuirostris found grounded in evening and morning rescue patrols conducted at Phillip Island, Australia, during a 15-year period (1999–2013). We assessed factors affecting numbers of grounded birds and mortality including date, moon phase, wind direction and speed, number of visitors and holiday periods. We also tested experimentally if birds were attracted to lights by turning the lights off on a section of the road. Of 8871 fledglings found, 39% were dead or dying. This mortality rate was 4–8 times higher than reported elsewhere for other shearwater species, probably because searching for fledglings was part of our systematic rescue effort rather than the opportunistic rescue used elsewhere. Thus, it suggests that light-induced mortality of seabirds is usually underestimated. We rescued more birds (dead and alive) in peak fledging, moonless and windy nights. Mortality increased through the fledging period, in the mornings and with increased traffic on holiday periods. Turning the road lights off decreased the number of grounded birds (dead and alive). While moon, wind and time are uncontrolled natural constraints, we demonstrated that reduction of light pollution and better traffic management can mitigate artificial light-induced mortality.  相似文献   

The existence of two seasonally distinct breeding populations of Oceanodroma storm‐petrels in the Azores islands was first documented in 1996. The discovery of morphological differences between the populations led to the suggestion that they may represent cryptic sibling species. Recent mtDNA and microsatellite analysis from storm‐petrel populations has considerably advanced our understanding of their taxonomic relationships. Here we present new information on the timing of breeding and moult of the two Azores populations, the extent of exchange of individuals between seasons, and diet from feather isotopes. We conclude that the hot‐season Azores population should be considered a new species for which we propose the name Oceanodroma monteiroi, Monteiro's Storm‐petrel. The species is both genetically distinct and genetically isolated from the sympatric cool‐season population of Madeiran Storm‐petrel Oceanodroma castro, and from all other populations of Oceanodroma castro in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans examined to date. Differences in the vocalizations permit species recognition, and the extent of primary feather wear and stage of moult aids separation of the two species in the Azores, which is especially valuable during August when both attend the breeding colonies in large numbers. Feather carbon and nitrogen isotopes reveal that the diet of Monteiro's Storm‐petrel differs from that of the sympatric Madeiran Storm‐petrel during both breeding and non‐breeding seasons, and unlike the Madeiran Storm‐petrel, Monteiro's Storm‐petrel appears to maintain the same foraging environment during the summer and winter months, though it shows a dietary shift to higher trophic levels during the non‐breeding season. Monteiro's Storm‐petrel is thought to be confined to the Azores archipelago, where it is currently known to nest on just two small neighbouring islets. The total population size was estimated at 250–300 pairs in 1999.  相似文献   

A lone petrel was shot from the decks of an Italian warship (the ‘Magenta’) while it was sailing the South Pacific Ocean in 1867, far from land. The species, unknown to science, was named the ‘Magenta petrel’ (Procellariiformes, Procellariidae, Pterodroma magentae). No other specimens of this bird were collected and the species it represented remained a complete enigma for over 100 years. We compared DNA sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from the Magenta petrel to that of other petrels using phylogenetic methods and ancient DNA techniques. Our results strongly suggest that the Magenta petrel specimen is a Chatham Island taiko. Furthermore, given the collection location of the Magenta petrel, our finding indicates that the Chatham Island taiko forages far into the Pacific Ocean (near South America). This has implications for the conservation of the taiko, one of the world's rarest seabirds.  相似文献   

Many species of bird recognize acoustic and visual cues given by their predators and have complex defence adaptations to reduce predation risk. Recognition of threats posed by specific predators and specialized anti‐predation behaviours are common. In this study we investigated predator recognition and anti‐predation behaviours in a pelagic seabird, Leach's Storm‐petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa, at a site where predation risk from Great Skuas Stercorarius skua is exceptionally high. Leach's Storm‐petrels breed in burrows and come on land only at night. Counter‐predator adaptations were investigated correlatively in relation to changing natural light levels at night, and experimentally in relation to nocturnal visual and acoustic signals from Great Skuas. Colony attendance by Leach's Storm‐petrels was attuned to changes in light conditions at night and was highest when nights were darkest. This behaviour is likely to reduce predation risk on land; however, specific recognition of Great Skuas and specialized defence behaviours were not found. Leach's Storm‐petrels, in particular apparently non‐breeding individuals, were entirely naïve to the threat posed by Great Skuas and were captured easily in a variety of different ways, on the ground and in the air. Lack of specialized behavioural adaptations in Leach's Storm‐petrels against Great Skuas may be because spatial overlap of breeding distributions of these species appears to be a rare and recent phenomenon.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Most studies of seabirds that involve trapping and marking birds are carried out at breeding colonies. This bias toward the breeding period and colony‐based research is partially caused by difficulties in capturing birds at sea. From 2005 to 2007, we used a cast net thrown by hand from a fishing boat to capture albatrosses and petrels at sea in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. About 500 birds of 13 species were captured, ranging in size from the 30‐g Wilson's Storm‐petrel (Oceanites oceanicus) to the 10‐kg Wandering Albatross (Diomedea exulans). Cast nets are potentially useful for capturing any seabird that can be attracted close to fishing vessels by bait, such as sardines, squid, offal, or shark liver, thrown into the water. Our method was most effective for capturing bold species, such as Cape (Daption capense), Spectacled (Procellaria conspicillata), and White‐chinned (Procellaria aequinoctialis) petrels and Great Shearwaters (Puffinus gravis), but was not effective for capturing shy species, such as Cory's (Calonectris diomedea), Cape Verde (Calonectris edwardsii) and Manx (Puffinus puffinus) shearwaters, species that rarely sit on the water, such as Wilson's Storm‐petrels, Thin‐billed (Pachyptila belcheri) and Antarctic (Pachyptila desolata) prions and Atlantic Petrels (Pterodroma incerta), and species with excellent diving abilities, such as Sooty Shearwaters (Puffinus griseus). For many species of seabirds, cast nets would likely be more efficient for capturing large numbers of birds than other methods, such as hoop nets.  相似文献   

Historical records suggest that the petrels of Round Island (near Mauritius, Indian Ocean) represent a recent, long‐distance colonization by species originating from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The majority of petrels on Round Island appear most similar to Pterodroma arminjoniana, a species whose only other breeding locality is Trindade Island in the South Atlantic. Using nine microsatellite loci, patterns of genetic differentiation in petrels from Round and Trindade Islands were analysed. The two populations exhibit low but significant levels of differentiation in allele frequencies and estimates of migration rate between islands using genetic data are also low, supporting the hypothesis that these populations have recently separated but are now isolated from one another. A second population of petrels, most similar in appearance to the Pacific species P. neglecta, is also present on Round Island and observations suggest that the two petrel species are hybridizing. Vocalizations recorded on the island also suggest that hybrid birds may be present within the population. Data from microsatellite genotypes support this hypothesis and indicate that there may have been many generations of hybridization and back‐crossing between P. arminjoniana and P. neglecta on Round Island. Our results provide an insight into the processes of dispersal and the consequences of secondary contact in Procellariiformes.  相似文献   

The Palaeogene Diomedeoididae are amongst the earliest representatives of procellariiform birds (albatrosses, tubenoses, and allies). Although several fossils of these birds have been reported in the past, many details of their osteology remained unknown. Here we describe a comprehensive collection of diomedeoidid fossils from the Rupelian stratotype in Belgium, which was found more than 100 years ago. The material includes all major limb elements as well as other cranial and postcranial bones, and allows the recognition of previously unknown features of phylogenetic significance. Based on these new osteological data, diomedeoidids were for the first time subjected to a phylogenetic analysis, which resulted in a position outside a clade including Hydrobatidae (northern storm‐petrels), Pelecanoididae (diving‐petrels), and Procellariidae (fulmars, petrels, shearwaters, and allies), either as the sister taxon of Diomedeidae (albatrosses) or as that of all crown group Procellariiformes. The latter placement is better supported by the osteological evidence, and diomedeoidids lack several apomorphies of crown group Procellariiformes. Previously unrecognized derived features are reported that support a monophyletic Hydrobatidae, thus contradicting recent proposals that Oceanitinae (southern storm‐petrels) are the earliest diverging crown group Procellariiformes. The new fossils also have a bearing on the convoluted taxonomy of diomedeoidids, and Diomedeoides Fischer, 1985 is synonymized with Rupelornis van Beneden, 1871. Diomedeoides lipsiensis (Fischer, 1983) is synonymous with Rupelornis definitus (van Beneden, 1871), a species that exhibits a large size range. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 166 , 854–875.  相似文献   

Burrowing is a widespread nesting behaviour, found in vertebrates and invertebrates. It is particularly common in small procellariiform seabirds such as blue petrels (Halobaena caerulea) and Antarctic prions (Pachyptila desolata), two closely related petrel species. However, digging a burrow is costly and alternative strategies may evolve. Accordingly, blue petrel males can adopt two alternative nesting strategies: digging a new burrow or squatting in an empty one. Importantly, a blue petrel squatter arriving at the colony to breed is more likely to find empty Antarctic prion burrows than empty blue petrel burrows, since the former species only start breeding a month later. However, squatting in a prion’s burrow is risky for blue petrels as the legitimate owner very often returns and claims the burrow back, thus ruining the squatter’s breeding attempt. We present here results of a survey of two sympatric colonies of blue petrels and Antarctic prions on Kerguelen Island. Our data show that blue petrel squatters preferentially occupy blue petrel empty burrows. To investigate potential underlying mechanisms behind this preference, we used a simple Y‐maze design to show that blue petrels can discriminate and prefer their specific odour over the prion odour. Our results confirm the existence of alternative burrowing strategies in blue petrels and suggest that squatters could use olfaction to avoid the less suitable Antarctic prion burrows.  相似文献   

The effects of temporal, spatial, environmental and operational effects on seabird incidental mortality in the legal Patagonian toothfish longline fishery operating, between 2003 and 2006, in French exclusive economic zones of Crozet and Kerguelen Islands were analysed. During the study period, the mean bycatch rate varied from 0.05 to 0.12 birds per 1,000 hooks. Two species were concerned by incidental mortality: white-chinned petrels (88%) and grey petrels (11.5%). Males of white-chinned petrel seemed more at a risk than females. Logbooks data tended to underreport mortality when compared with dedicated fishery observers. The results indicate that temporal (season or phenology) and spatial (area) factors reflecting mortality risk for seabirds played the most significant role in the incidental mortality of the two species. Operational (integrated weight mainline, number of scaring lines and number of hooks hauled) and environmental factors (wind/vessel angle, moon brightness) were also influential, although less significantly, in increasing this mortality risk. Our two steps analyses by separately modelling the probability of presence and the abundance given presence suggest that the decrease in seabird bycatch over the period was mainly due to an important decrease in probability (occurrence) of mortality.  相似文献   

Most bird species are socially monogamous. However, extra‐pair copulations (EPCs), resulting in extra‐pair paternity (EPP), commonly occur. EPCs should allow females to adjust social mate choice and allow males that fail to obtain a nest a chance to avoid missing a breeding season, especially when poor nest supply constrains social mate choice. Procellariiformes (albatrosses and petrels) are socially monogamous seabirds which seldom divorce, even when nest availability constrains social mate choice. In Cory's shearwater Calonectris diomedea, a burrow‐nesting petrel, two studies conducted in the Mediterranean, where competition for nests is weak, detected no EPP. EPP remains to be investigated at localities where competition for nests is much stronger, such as Vila islet, Azores archipelago, Atlantic Ocean. We conducted a genetic (microsatellites) study over two successive years on Vila, involving the breeding pairs of the same 65 nests each year and their single chick. EPPs occurred each year, the overall rate being 11.6%. Coupling genetic analyses to a 7‐year demographic survey provided additional data on pair bonds and competition for nests. Overall, cuckoldry was unrelated to divorce, nest density and inbreeding avoidance, but was more frequent when the social male was small. Nest changes were more costly for males than for females, and some apparently unpaired males attempted to dislodge social males during within‐pair copulations. These results are compatible with the existence of a link between poor nest availability and EPP and confirm that even species considered strongly monogamous can adopt flexible mating strategies.  相似文献   

The great polymorphism observed in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes is thought to be maintained by pathogen-mediated selection possibly combined with MHC-disassortative mating, guided by MHC-determined olfactory cues. Here, we partly characterize the MHC class I and II B of the blue petrel, Halobaena caerulea (Procellariiformes), a bird with significant olfactory abilities that lives under presumably low pathogen burdens in Subantarctica. Blue petrels are long-lived, monogamous birds which suggest the necessity of an accurate mate choice process. The species is ancestral to songbirds (Passeriformes; many MHC loci), although not to gamefowls (Galliformes; few MHC loci). Considering the phylogenetic relationships and the low subantarctic pathogen burden, we expected few rather than many MHC loci in the blue petrel. However, when we analysed partial MHC class I and class II B cDNA and gDNA sequences we found evidence for as many as at least eight MHC class I loci and at least two class II B loci. These class I and II B sequences showed classical MHC characteristics, e.g. high nucleotide diversity, especially in putative peptide-binding regions where signatures of positive selection was detected. Trans-species polymorphism was found between MHC class II B sequences of the blue petrel and those of thin-billed prion, Pachyptila belcheri, two species that diverged ∼25 MYA. The observed MHC allele richness in the blue petrel may well serve as a basis for mate choice, especially since olfactory discrimination of MHC types may be possible in this species.  相似文献   

Acoustic communication in burrowing petrels has been poorly studied. However, as for many other bird species, acoustic communication seems to play an essential role in social interactions during the breeding season of these seabirds. Bachelor males call from their burrow, likely to attract females, but also when vocally challenged by other males. Calling in the breeding colony exposes petrels to high predation risks and thus it should provide an important benefit. The present study focuses on the informative content of males’ calls in the blue petrel Halobaena caerulea and the Antarctic prion Pachyptila desolata, two monogamous petrel species producing a single egg per year. We tested the hypotheses that acoustic parameters of a male's calls 1) reflect phenotypic characteristics, and 2) bear an individual vocal signature. To do so, we first tested on both species the relationships between seven morphometric measurements and 11 acoustic parameters using multivariate analyses. Second, we performed a between‐class analysis and calculated the potential of individuality coding (i.e. the ratio between intra‐ and inter‐individual variabilities) for acoustic parameters in both spectral and temporal domains. Results show acoustic parameters (especially energy quartiles, call duration, and syllable or phrase rate) reflect the caller's body size, bill morphology and wing morphology in both species. Considering the seeming pertinence of wing morphology, we suggest wing area may be a more relevant trait to consider than wing length when studying soaring birds. The results support the idea that energy quartiles, phrase rate and call duration also code for individual identity. Information carried by males’ calls might play a role in social interactions, such as burrow defence (e.g. male‐male competition, neighbour‐stranger discrimination) and/or female mate choice.  相似文献   

During seabird surveys off southern Africa, great-winged petrel Pterodroma macroptera and Leach’s storm petrel Oceanodroma leucorhoa were widespread and relatively common. Similar aerial displays, frequent (social) interactions, a tendency to “huddle” in tight (mixed) gatherings and interactions during foraging inspired a study of their behaviour and distribution. Both species peaked at >2,000-m-deep ocean waters, with lower densities over the shelf and with Leach’s storm petrels (ca. 0.5 km−2) twice as abundant as great-winged petrels (ca. 0.25 km−2). The results suggest half a million great-winged petrels and well over a million Leach’s storm petrels occurring over deep waters off southern Africa. Active fishing vessels elevated background densities of petrels in some areas, indicating the utilisation of discarded material, but in most areas hardly any fisheries were encountered and on the shelf with no discernable effect on petrel densities. Both species showed an association with meso-scale hydrographic features in the Agulhas current retroflection region. High densities of Leach’s storm petrels occurred in offshore areas with steep salinity and sea surface temperature gradients. No such tendency was found in great-winged petrels. Great-winged petrels spent relatively little time feeding during daylight (10.3% of birds observed) in comparison to Leach’s storm petrels (66.2%), but were frequently seen to join feeding Leach’s storm petrels where they profited from the searching skills of Leach’s. Both species performed displays as individuals, in pairs, in larger groups and in mixed-species groups. Tight gatherings of petrels swimming at sea (huddling) occurred, consisting either of one species or both. When disturbed, such flocks would disperse after take off and often engage in aerial displays. It is speculated that the formation of these flocks is part of the anti-predator strategy of petrels against attacks from under water.  相似文献   

Intraspecific plumage polymorphism in seabirds is often attributed to advantages in foraging activities and escape from predators, but its role in sexual selection is not well understood. The Trindade petrel (Pterodroma arminjoniana) presents morphs varying from pale to whole dark, with no apparent sexual size dimorphism (SSD). We tested assortative mating in Trindade petrels based on plumage colours and body size. In addition, genders of Trindade petrels were identified molecularly aiming to test SSD based on morphometrics, which was also used to generate a discriminant function for sex assignment. Within-pair consistency in plumage colour (i.e. birds paired with mates of the same morph) was detected in 9 out of 10 pairs, but not in morphometric traits. Minimum bill depth and bill depth at unguis were traits significantly larger in males. The best model was adjusted with Bill depth at unguis, wing chord and body mass, with global discriminatory power of 78.4%. Our results suggest that plumage colours may be sexually selected in Trindade petrels, which brings evolutionary implications on the persistence of plumage polymorphism. Discriminatory power of the best discriminant function was similar to those found in other Procellariiformes and also among datasets obtained by distinct researchers, demonstrating its robustness.  相似文献   

This paper reports the breeding biology and nesting seasons of the gadfly petrels which nest on the four islands of the Pitcairn group, Pitcairn, Henderson, Oeno and Ducie. The species currently breeding are Murphy's petrel Pterodroma ultima , Kermadec petrel P. neglecta , Herald petrel P. heraldica and Henderson petrel P. atrata. Of these, Murphy's petrel is the most numerous; an estimated 250000 pairs bred on Ducie, which is probably the major breeding station of the species. Novel basic breeding data for Murphy's petrel are presented. Incubation spells, averaging 19.3 days, are exceptionally long for a petrel. Phoenix petrel P. alba appears to have ceased to breed on the Pitcairn Islands since the 1922 surveys of the Whitney Expedition. Nesting success was low on Henderson Island during the study. For all four breeding species, less than 20% of eggs laid yielded fledglings. Failure occurred at the early chick stage and observations indicated that it was due to predation by Pacific rats Rattus exulans. Although rats are present on Ducie, predation was apparently less severe there. The situation on Oeno may be intermediate. I consider how the populations of Henderson are maintained in the face of this intense predation. The Murphy's petrel population may be sustained by immigration from Ducie while the Herald and Henderson petrel populations could be undergoing a long-term decline on Henderson. It is not clear how the Kermadec petrel population is maintained. The conservation implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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