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先天性免疫反应是宿主抵御病毒感染的第一道防线,也是激活适应性免疫的基础,其在宿主清除病毒的免疫反应中发挥关键作用,成为当前免疫学研究的热点。在先天性免疫反应中,病毒感染细胞后主要通过模式识别受体识别病毒入侵,进而产生干扰素和一系列细胞因子来抵抗病毒入侵或清除病毒;而在适应性免疫中,机体主要通过T细胞和B细胞特异性识别入侵的病毒并将其清除。与此同时,病毒为了能够更好地在宿主细胞中获得生存,进化了多种可逃逸宿主免疫系统的机制。现将主要针对于病毒逃逸宿主免疫反应的一系列机制进行阐述。  相似文献   

天然免疫系统作为机体的第一道防线,会采取多种措施应对病毒对神经系统的感染。天然免疫细胞有多种识别病原体相关分子模式的途径,这种识别的结果一般是Ⅰ型干扰素、炎症因子、趋化因子的产生。这种结果一般会减缓病毒感染的过程并降低感染对机体的负面效应,但有时天然免疫的信号通路会被病毒利用,导致侵染的加剧。Ⅰ型干扰素对干扰素刺激基因的激活会导致显著的抗病毒效应。天然免疫受体和产物在神经系统和非神经系统中存在差异性表达和效应。对于不可再生的神经细胞,免疫系统一般用温和的效应对抗病毒感染。  相似文献   

宿主细胞应答病毒感染的细胞信号转导研究新进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
机体如何识别以及清除入侵的病毒一直是分子免疫学研究的重点.早期的研究揭示,病毒的入侵可诱导表达大量的IFNβ,PKR等抗病毒蛋白分子.这些蛋白质分子通过多种方式造成被侵染细胞表现出特殊的状态或迅速凋亡,从而控制病毒的复制和传播,同时诱导产生大量细胞因子和趋化因子等,启动适应性免疫反应的进程.但是,该领域研究的一个重要瓶颈是对于病毒与宿主细胞相互作用的最早期信号事件了解甚微.近几年的研究工作在先天性免疫系统如何识别早期病毒的入侵方面取得了重大进展.TLR3和RIG-I/MDA5细胞信号转导通路,是最近发现的宿主细胞识别与应答病毒的重要调节机制.它们利用不同的细胞信号转导机制诱导先天性免疫反应,主要参与脊椎动物细胞识别和清除RNA病毒的原发抗感染过程,是机体先天免疫系统的一种重要反应机制,直接影响后续适应性免疫系统的作用.就这些细胞信号转导通路在先天性免疫应答中的研究进展做了概述与展望.  相似文献   

天然免疫系统是宿主抵御病原入侵的第一道防线,在机体抗感染免疫中发挥重要作用。Toll样受体(Toll-like receptors,TLRs)是天然免疫系统最重要的模式识别受体(pattern recognitionreceptors,PRRs)之一,通过识别病原真菌的病原相关分子模式(pathogen-associated molecularpatterns,PAMPs),招募特异接头蛋白,激活一系列信号级联反应,引发炎症因子、趋化因子等的释放和树突状细胞(dendritic cells,DCs)的成熟,发挥抗真菌感染作用。通过简要介绍宿主的TLRs及信号通路的研究进展,总结了目前TLRs对不同病原真菌PAMPs的天然免疫识别及信号通路研究现状,以期对进一步研究宿主天然免疫系统与病原真菌相互作用的分子机制提供参考。  相似文献   

正中科院动物所孙钦秒团队在抗病毒天然免疫新机制研究方面取得进展。相关成果日前发表于《自然-通讯》杂志。据了解,天然免疫系统是机体抵抗病原微生物入侵的第一道防线。它首先通过模式识别受体与病原体相关分子模式相互识别,进一步激活一系列免疫反应。与此同  相似文献   

钟波  舒红兵 《生命科学》2011,(12):1147-1161
2011年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖授予了Bruce A.Beutler,Jules A.Hoffmann以及Ralph M.Steinman教授,以奖励他们在天然免疫模式识别受体和树突状细胞研究领域所做出的开创性贡献。宿主的天然免疫系统依赖模式识别受体识别入侵的病原微生物,并通过树突状细胞对其加工处理将抗原提呈给T细胞,从而激活适应性免疫。回顾模式识别受体和树突状细胞发现的过程,介绍该领域最近的研究进展,并对它们在疾病预防和治疗中的应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

动物关键模式识别受体及其抗病毒天然免疫作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天然免疫系统是动物抵御病原入侵的第一道防线,在机体抗病毒感染过程中发挥重要作用,模式识别受体(pattern-recognition receptors,PRRs)是天然免疫系统的重要成分,动物机体的抗病毒免疫机制是由一系列PRRs对病原体的识别所启动的。近年来识别和感受病原体的一系列动物PRRs受到广泛关注,成为动物医学领域的研究热点,为揭示动物复杂的抗病毒天然免疫反应提供了新思路。该文简要介绍动物Toll样受体(Toll-like receptors,TLRs)和维甲酸诱导基因Ⅰ样受体(RIG-I like receptors,RLRs)的分子特征及其介导的抗病毒天然免疫作用研究进展。  相似文献   

真核生物的天然免疫系统是保护机体免受外来微生物侵害的第一道防线。天然免疫系统主要依靠为数很少的模式识别受体(pattern-recognition receptors。RRRs)来识别细菌,病毒等外来微生物。自1989年Charles Janeway在冷泉港会议上提出模式识别受体假说以来,在高等动物中迄今已经发现了三大家族的模式识别受体,分别是Toll.样受体(TLR)、视黄酸诱导基因.样受体(RLR)和Nod受体(NLR)。  相似文献   

人巨细胞病毒(HCMV)是一个广泛传播的机会致病原,也是不断利用和操控机体免疫系统致慢性持续性病毒感染的典型代表。在病毒与宿主共同漫长进化过程中,HCMV产生了许多逃避宿主免疫系统识别的机制,其基因组编码了大量产物,通过抑制自然杀伤细胞和树突细胞功能,下调被感染细胞表面主要组织相容性复合体(MHC)Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类分子表达以减少病毒抗原呈递,损伤IgG介导的体液免疫,调节多种趋化因子和细胞因子的作用,从而控制宿主天然免疫应答和适应性免疫应答的核心功能。本文就HCMV的免疫逃避机制进行综述,探讨病毒与宿主相互作用的发生、发展与结局。  相似文献   

岳东方摘译 《生命科学》2011,(12):1145-1146
今年的诺贝尔得主使我们对于免疫系统的认识发生了革命性的变化,他们发现了激活免疫系统的主要因子。科学家们一直在寻找免疫反应的门卫,通过免疫反应,人和其他动物保护自己免于被细菌和其他微生物感染。Bruce Beutler和Jules Hoffmann发现了能够识别这些微生物和激活先天性免疫的受体蛋白,这也是机体免疫反应的第一步。Ralph Steinman发现了免疫系统的树突细胞及其它们在激活和调控适应性免疫(即免疫反应后期微生物从机体清除)中的独特作用。三位诺贝尔奖得主揭示了在先天性和适应性免疫阶段,免疫反应如何被激活,为疾病机理提供了新的认识。他们的工作为预防和治疗感染、癌症和炎症性疾病开创了新道路。  相似文献   

Allergic airway inflammation inhibits pulmonary antibacterial host defense   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The innate immune system of the lung is a multicomponent host defense system and in addition has an instructing role in regulating the quality and quantity of the adaptive immune response. When the interaction between innate and adaptive immunity is disturbed, pathological conditions such as asthma can develop. It was the aim of the study to investigate the effect of the allergic inflammation of the lung on the innate host defense during bacterial infection. Human bronchial epithelial cells were preincubated with Th2 cytokines and infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The effect of the Th2 cytokines on the mRNA levels of antimicrobial peptides and the antimicrobial activity of HBEC was determined. To investigate the influence of an allergic inflammation on pulmonary host defense in vivo, mice sensitized and challenged with OVA were infected with P. aeruginosa, and the number of viable bacteria in the lungs was determined together with markers of inflammation like cytokines and antimicrobial peptides. Exposure of airway epithelial cells to Th2 cytokines resulted in a significantly decreased antimicrobial activity of the cells and in suppressed mRNA levels of the antimicrobial peptide human beta-defensin 2. Furthermore, mice with allergic airway inflammation had significantly more viable bacteria in their lungs after infection. This was consistent with reduced levels of proinflammatory cytokines and of the antimicrobial peptide cathelin-related antimicrobial peptide. These results show that an allergic airway inflammation suppresses the innate antimicrobial host defense. The adaptive immune system modulates the functions of the pulmonary innate immune system.  相似文献   

Virus‐host coevolution has selected for generalized host defense against viruses, exemplified by interferon production/signaling and other innate immune function in eukaryotes such as humans. Although cell‐surface binding primarily limits virus infection success, generalized adaptation to counteract innate immunity across disparate hosts may contribute to RNA virus emergence potential. We examined this idea using vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) populations previously evolved on strictly immune‐deficient (HeLa) cells, strictly immune competent (MDCK) cells, or on alternating deficient/competent cells. By measuring viral fitness in unselected human cancer cells of differing innate immunity, we confirmed that HeLa‐adapted populations were specialized for innate immune‐deficient hosts, whereas MDCK‐adapted populations were relatively more generalized for fitness on hosts of differing innate immune capacity and of different species origin. We also confirmed that HeLa‐evolved populations maintained fitness in immune‐deficient nonhuman primate cells. These results suggest that innate immunity is more prominent than host species in determining viral fitness at the host‐cell level. Finally, our prediction was inexact that selection on alternating deficient/competent hosts should produce innate viral generalists. Rather, fitness differences among alternating host‐evolved VSV populations indicated variable capacities to evade innate immunity. Our results suggest that the evolutionary history of innate immune selection can affect whether RNA viruses evolve greater host‐breadth.  相似文献   

Koyama S  Ishii KJ  Coban C  Akira S 《Cytokine》2008,43(3):336-341
In viral infections the host innate immune system is meant to act as a first line defense to prevent viral invasion or replication before more specific protection by the adaptive immune system is generated. In the innate immune response, pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) are engaged to detect specific viral components such as viral RNA or DNA or viral intermediate products and to induce type I interferons (IFNs) and other pro-inflammatory cytokines in the infected cells and other immune cells. Recently these innate immune receptors and their unique downstream pathways have been identified. Here, we summarize their roles in the innate immune response to virus infection, discrimination between self and viral nucleic acids and inhibition by virulent factors and provide some recent advances in the coordination between innate and adaptive immune activation.  相似文献   

Summary Eukaryotic cells live in a relatively comfortable equilibrium with a wide variety of microbes. However, while many of the cohabiting microorganisms are harmless or even beneficial to the eukaryotic host, a number of prokaryotes have evolved the capacity to invade and replicate within host cells, thereby becoming potentially pathogenic. To be able to cope with potential pathogens, most organisms have developed several host defense mechanisms. First, microbes can be internalized and destroyed by a number of cell types of an innate immune system in a rather aspecific manner. Second, more complex organisms possess additionally an adaptive immune system that is capable of eliminating hazardous microbes in a highly specific manner. This review describes recent progress in our understanding of how pathogens interact with cells of the immune system, resulting in activation of the immune system or, for certain microorganisms, in the evasion of host defense reactions.  相似文献   

The innate immune response provides a first line of defense against pathogens by targeting generic differential features that are present in foreign organisms but not in the host. These innate responses generate selection forces acting both in pathogens and hosts that further determine their co-evolution. Here we analyze the nucleic acid sequence fingerprints of these selection forces acting in parallel on both host innate immune genes and ssRNA viral genomes. We do this by identifying dinucleotide biases in the coding regions of innate immune response genes in plasmacytoid dendritic cells, and then use this signal to identify other significant host innate immune genes. The persistence of these biases in the orthologous groups of genes in humans and chickens is also examined. We then compare the significant motifs in highly expressed genes of the innate immune system to those in ssRNA viruses and study the evolution of these motifs in the H1N1 influenza genome. We argue that the significant under-represented motif pattern of CpG in an AU context - which is found in both the ssRNA viruses and innate genes, and has decreased throughout the history of H1N1 influenza replication in humans - is immunostimulatory and has been selected against during the co-evolution of viruses and host innate immune genes. This shows how differences in host immune biology can drive the evolution of viruses that jump into species with different immune priorities than the original host.  相似文献   

Liu HZ  Yang HZ  Hu ZW 《生理科学进展》2008,39(2):114-118
Toll样受体(TLRs)广泛表达于固有免疫和获得性免疫系统.它们通过识别内外源性致病原含有的保守病原体相关模式分子,启动宿主防卫反应.TLRs也是沟通固有免疫和获得性免疫反应,尤其是T细胞介导的细胞免疫反应的重要桥梁.新近研究表明,几乎所有亚型TLR均表达在B淋巴细胞,不仅参与B细胞增殖、成熟和功能调节,而且在系统性红斑狼疮和慢性淋巴细胞白血病等疾病发生过程中发挥重要调节作用.以TLRs为靶点,调节B细胞介导的免疫反应,可能成为具有崭新应用前景的免疫治疗途径和方法.  相似文献   

Activation of the innate immune system typically precedes engagement of adaptive immunity. Cells at the interface between these two arms of the immune response are thus critical to provide full engagement of host defense. Among the innate T cells at this interface are gammadelta T cells. gammadelta T cells contribute to the defense from a variety of infectious organisms, yet little is understood regarding how they are activated. We have previously observed that human gammadelta T cells of the Vdelta1 subset accumulate in inflamed joints in Lyme arthritis and proliferate in response to stimulation with the causative spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi. We now observe that murine gammadelta T cells are also activated by B. burgdorferi and that in both cases the activation is indirect via TLR stimulation on dendritic cells or monocytes. Furthermore, B. burgdorferi stimulation of monocytes via TLR, and secondary activation of gammadelta T cells, are both caspase-dependent.  相似文献   

The mannose receptor (MR) recognizes a range of carbohydrates present on the surface and cell walls of micro-organisms. The MR is primarily expressed on macrophages and dendritic cells and is involved in MR-mediated endocytosis and phagocytosis. In addition, the MR plays a key role in host defense and provides a link between innate and adaptive immunity. Herein, we will review the role of the MR in innate host defense as well as the recent evidence for its role in the adaptive response, for both humoral and cellular immune responses.  相似文献   

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