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This study focused on three species that occur disjunctly between western North America and the Mediterranean region of southern Europe, northern Africa, and western Asia, forming the so-called Madrean-Tethyan distribution pattern. Quantitative morphological characters were measured in New and Old World plants to find any subtle phenotypic differentiation between the disjunct populations. Sequences from the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region were obtained from the same populations to assess differentiation at the molecular level and to compare molecular diversity with patterns of morphological similarity among plants. Little or no morphological differentiation existed between New and Old World plants in any of the species, but internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences revealed some phylogeographic structure. Patterns of morphological similarity in all three species were incongruent with phylogeographic structure revealed by sequence data. New World populations were more variable than Old World populations at the molecular level in the three species. Despite some evidence for differentiation between disjunct plants, no plausible mutation rate would date the divergence at ≥20 million years ago (MYA), as implied by the Madrean-Tethyan hypothesis. Recent long-distance dispersal is a more likely explanation for intercontinental disjunctions in these species.  相似文献   

Symplocarpus, Lysichiton, and Orontium (Orontioideae) are three of the few north temperate genera of the primarily tropical Araceae. Symplocarpus is disjunctly distributed in eastern Asia (3 spp.) and eastern North America (1 sp.); Lysichiton has an intercontinental discontinuous distribution in eastern Asia (1 sp.) and northwestern North America (1 sp.); and the monotypic Orontium is restricted to eastern North America. Phylogenetic analysis of the trnL-F and ndhF sequences supports (1) the monophyly of both Symplocarpus and Lysichiton, (2) the sister-group relationship of Symplocarpus and Lysichiton, and (3) the clade of Orontium, Symplocarpus, and Lysichiton. Although Symplocarpus shows a much wider disjunction than Lysichiton, the estimated divergence time of the former [4.49+/-1.69 or 6.88+/-4.18 million years ago (mya)] was similar to that of the latter (4.02+/-1.60 or 7.18+/-4.33 mya) based on the penalized likelihood and the Bayesian dating methods, respectively. Eastern Asia was suggested to be the ancestral area of the Symplocarpus-Lysichiton clade based on the dispersal-vicariance analysis. Our biogeographic results support independent migrations of Symplocarpus and Lysichiton across the Bering land bridge in the late Tertiary (Pliocene/late Miocene). Fossil evidence suggests Orontioideae dated back to the late Cretaceous in the temperate Northern Hemisphere (72 mya). The relative rate test shows similar substitution rates of the trnL-F sequences between the proto and the true aroids, although the latter has substantially higher species diversity. The proto Araceae perhaps suffered from a higher rate of extinction in the temperate zone associated with periods of climatic cooling in the Tertiary.  相似文献   

Global patterns in the biogeography of bacterial taxa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Bacteria control major nutrient cycles and directly influence plant, animal and human health. However, we know relatively little about the forces shaping their large-scale ecological ranges. Here, we reveal patterns in the distribution of individual bacterial taxa at multiple levels of phylogenetic resolution within and between Earth's major habitat types. Our analyses suggest that while macro-scale habitats structure bacterial distribution to some degree, abundant bacteria (i.e. detectable using 16S rRNA gene sequencing methods) are confined to single assemblages. Additionally, we show that the most cosmopolitan taxa are also the most abundant in individual assemblages. These results add to the growing body of data that support that the diversity of the overall bacterial metagenome is tremendous. The mechanisms governing microbial distribution remain poorly understood, but our analyses provide a framework with which to test the importance of macro-ecological environmental gradients, relative abundance, neutral processes and the ecological strategies of individual taxa in structuring microbial communities.  相似文献   

Ten diurnal raptor communities (Falconiformes) were studied in continental and peninsular situations, and on landbridge and oceanic islands of various sizes, from Southern India to Southern Vietnam and from Sri Lanka to Java. An index of abundance was derived from 1-km2 sample plots. A consistent decrease of species richness occurred from continent to peninsulas and to large landbridge islands, then more abruptly to oceanic islands. The impoverishment process was much faster for open habitat raptors than for forest species, and for rarest and most specialized raptors than for common and more generalist species. Large taxa survived on islands as well as smaller species. Specific habitat requirements, historical factors and forest fragmentation were probably more important determinants of community composition than land area itself. An insular syndrome was documented in forest species on islands, including significant examples of habitat niche expansion, interspecific segregation and density compensation. Some cases suggested that interspecific competition was involved. Such relaxation of habitat and density constraints may enhance the survival probability of these species on islands.  相似文献   

Evolution, biogeography, and patterns of diversification in passerine birds   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
This paper summarizes and discusses the many new insights into passerine evolution gained from an increased general interest in avian evolution among biologists, and particularly from the extensive use of DNA sequence data in phylogenetic reconstruction. The sister group relationship between the New Zealand rifleman and all other passerines, indicates the importance of the former southern supercontinent Gondwana in the earliest evolution of this group. Following the break-up of Gondwana, the ancestors of other major passerine groups became isolated in Australia (oscines), South America (New World suboscines), and possibly, the then connected Kerguelen Plateau/India/Madagascar tectonic plates (Old World suboscines). The oscines underwent a significant radiation in the Australo-Papuan region and only a few oscine lineages have spread further than to the nearby Southeast Asia. A remarkable exception is the ancestor to the vast Passerida radiation, which now comprises 35% of all bird species. This group obviously benefitted greatly from the increased diversity in plant seed size and morphology during the Tertiary. The lyrebirds (and possibly scrub-birds) constitute the sister group to all other oscines, which renders "Corvida" ( sensu Sibley and Ahlquist 1990) paraphyletic. Sequence data suggests that Passerida, the other clade of oscines postulated based on the results of DNA–DNA hybridizations, is monophyletic, and that the rockfowl and rock-jumpers are the most basal members of this clade. The suboscines in the Old World (Eurylamides) and the New World (Tyrannides), respectively, are sister groups. A provisional, working classification of the passerines is presented based on the increased understanding of the major patterns of passerine evolution.  相似文献   

Aim Vegetation exhibiting landscape‐scale regular spatial patterns has been reported for arid and semi‐arid areas world‐wide. Recent theories state that such structures are bound to low‐productivity environments and result from a self‐organization process. Our objective was to test this relationship between periodic pattern occurrence and environmental factors at a global scale and to parametrize a predictive distribution model. Location Arid and semi‐arid areas world‐wide. Methods We trained an empirical predictive model (Maxent) for the occurrence of periodic vegetation patterns, based on environmental predictors and known occurrences verified on Landsat satellite images. Results This model allowed us to discover previously unreported pattern locations, and to report the first ever examples of spotted patterns in natural systems. Relationships to the main environmental drivers are discussed. Main conclusions These results confirm that periodic patterned vegetations are ubiquitous at the interface between arid and semi‐arid regions. Self‐organized patterning appears therefore to be a biome‐scale response to environmental conditions, including soil and topography. The set of correlations between vegetation patterns and their environmental conditions presented in this study will need to be reproduced in future modelling attempts.  相似文献   

Input data, analytical methods and biogeography of Elegia (Restionaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim The aim of this paper is to determine the optimal methods for delimiting areas of endemism for Elegia L. (Restionaceae), an endemic genus of the Cape Floristic Region. We assess two methods of scoring the data (presence–absence in regular grids, or in irregular eco‐geographical regions) and three methods for locating biogeographical centres or areas of endemism, and evaluate one method for locating biotic elements. Location The Cape Floristic Region (CFR), South Africa. Methods The distribution of all 48 species of Elegia was mapped as presence–absence data on a quarter‐degree grid and on broad habitat units (eco‐geographical areas). Three methods to delimit areas of endemism were applied: parsimony analysis of endemism (PAE), phenetic cluster analysis, and NDM (‘end em ism’). In addition, we used presence–absence clustering (‘Prabclus’) to delimit biotic elements. The performances of these methods in elucidating the geographical patterns in Elegia were compared, for both types of input data, by evaluating their efficacy in maximizing the proportion of endemics and the number of areas of endemism. Results Eco‐geographical areas perform better than quarter‐degree grids. The eco‐geographical areas are potentially more likely to track the distribution of species. The phenetic approach performed best in terms of its ability to delimit areas of endemism in the study area. The species richness and the richness of range‐restricted species are each highest in the south‐western part of the CFR, decreasing to the north and east. The phytogeographical centres identified in the present study are the northern mountains, the southern mountains (inclusive of the Riviersonderend Mountains and the Cape Peninsula), the Langeberg range, the south coast, the Cape flats, and the west coast. Main conclusions This study demonstrates that (1) eco‐geographical areas should be preferred over a grid overlay in the study of biogeographical patterns, (2) phenetic clustering is the most suitable analytical method for finding areas of endemism, and (3) delimiting biotic elements does not contribute to an understanding of the biogeographical pattern in Elegia. The areas of endemism in Elegia are largely similar to those described in other studies, but there are many detailed differences.  相似文献   

At the 2002 SICB meeting in Anaheim, we brought together someof the leaders in terrestrial and marine phylogeography fora day-long symposium. This symposium combined presentationsfrom ten scientists whose question-driven research focuses ontesting hypotheses about patterns and processes in biogeographyin both vertebrate and invertebrate animals and including marine,terrestrial, and freshwater systems. The papers gathered herecover the breadth of the presentations. By explicitly seekingto combine marine and terrestrial workers into a single symposiumwe hoped that the different patterns and processes that predominatein major biomes and the different assumptions made by the workersin those areas would be highlighted.  相似文献   

Intercontinental variation of Sclerospora graminicola   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Collections of S. graminicola were made from local pearl millet crops in West Africa and India. Asexual inoculum was derived from the collections in Polythene tunnels and used to infect pearl millet cultivars from both continents. Analysis of deviance of the incidence of disease was performed on the logit scale using GLIM. The host × pathogen interactions were interpreted by use of the Finlay-Wilkinson regression technique widely used in the study of genotype × environment interactions. While the West African collections were consistently more pathogenic than the Indian ones, West African hosts were potentially more susceptible to Indian than to West African pathogen isolates; conversely some Indian hosts were more vulnerable to West African than to Indian isolates. There was a fairly stable relationship between incidence of disease and relative pathogenicity of West African isolates but the Indian isolates were more variable in their susceptibility to changing background levels of disease. These results could influence resistance breeding strategies in pearl millet improvement programmes. The methods of analysis could be valuable for application to other complex and ill-defined pathosystems.  相似文献   

In this study, we collected water from different locations in 32 drinking water distribution networks in the Netherlands and analysed the spatial and temporal variation in microbial community composition by high‐throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons. We observed that microbial community compositions of raw source and processed water were very different for each distribution network sampled. In each network, major differences in community compositions were observed between raw and processed water, although community structures of processed water did not differ substantially from end‐point tap water. End‐point water samples within the same distribution network revealed very similar community structures. Network‐specific communities were shown to be surprisingly stable in time. Biofilm communities sampled from domestic water metres varied distinctly between households and showed no resemblance to planktonic communities within the same distribution networks. Our findings demonstrate that high‐throughput sequencing provides a powerful and sensitive tool to probe microbial community composition in drinking water distribution systems. Furthermore, this approach can be used to quantitatively compare the microbial communities to match end‐point water samples to specific distribution networks. Insight in the ecology of drinking water distribution systems will facilitate the development of effective control strategies that will ensure safe and high‐quality drinking water.  相似文献   

All methods currently employed in cladistic biogeography usually give contrasting results and are theoretically disputed. In two overlooked papers, Hovenkamp (1997, 2001 ) strongly criticized methods currently used by biogeographers and proposed two other methods. However, his criticisms have remained unanswered and his methods rarely applied. I used three different data sets to show the superiority of Hovenkamp's methods. Both methods proposed by Hovenkamp do not suffer from the unrealistic assumptions that underlie other methods commonly used in cladistic biogeography. The method proposed in 2001 is more powerful than the previous method published in 1997, because it does not use a priori assumptions about the areas involved. However, the method proposed in 1997 may be a valid alternative for large data sets.
© The Willi Hennig Society 2007.  相似文献   

The Southern Hemisphere has traditionally been considered as having a fundamentally vicariant history. The common trans-Pacific disjunctions are usually explained by the sequential breakup of the supercontinent Gondwana during the last 165 million years, causing successive division of an ancestral biota. However, recent biogeographic studies, based on molecular estimates and more accurate paleogeographic reconstructions, indicate that dispersal may have been more important than traditionally assumed. We examined the relative roles played by vicariance and dispersal in shaping Southern Hemisphere biotas by analyzing a large data set of 54 animal and 19 plant phylogenies, including marsupials, ratites, and southern beeches (1,393 terminals). Parsimony-based tree fitting in conjunction with permutation tests was used to examine to what extent Southern Hemisphere biogeographic patterns fit the breakup sequence of Gondwana and to identify concordant dispersal patterns. Consistent with other studies, the animal data are congruent with the geological sequence of Gondwana breakup: (Africa(New Zealand(southern South America, Australia))). Trans-Antarctic dispersal (Australia <--> southern South America) is also significantly more frequent than any other dispersal event in animals, which may be explained by the long period of geological contact between Australia and South America via Antarctica. In contrast, the dominant pattern in plants, (southern South America(Australia, New Zealand)), is better explained by dispersal, particularly the prevalence of trans-Tasman dispersal between New Zealand and Australia. Our results also confirm the hybrid origin of the South American biota: there has been surprisingly little biotic exchange between the northern tropical and the southern temperate regions of South America, especially for animals.  相似文献   

In recent decades, the field of historical biogeography has become increasingly divorced from evolutionary biology, ecology, and studies of species richness. In this paper, we explore the evolutionary causes of patterns of biogeography and species richness in Northern Hemisphere treefrogs, combining phylogenetics, ancestral area reconstruction, molecular dating methods, and ecological niche modeling. We reconstructed phylogenetic relationships among 58 hylid taxa using data from two mitochondrial genes (12S, ND1) and two nuclear genes (POMC, c-myc). We find that parallel patterns of species richness have developed in Europe, Asia, and in two separate clades of North American hylids, with the highest richness at midtemperate latitudes (30-35 degrees) on each continent. This pattern is surprising given that hylids overall show higher species richness in the New World tropics and given many standard ecological explanations for the latitudinal diversity gradient (e.g., energy, productivity, mid-domain effect). The replicate pattern in Holarctic hylids seems to reflect specialized tolerance for temperate climate regimes or possibly the effects of competition. The results also suggest that long-range dispersal between continental regions with similar climatic regimes may be easier than dispersal between geographically adjacent regions with different climatic regimes. Our results show the importance of ecology and evolution to large-scale biogeography and the importance of large-scale biogeography to understanding patterns of species richness.  相似文献   

Congruence in biogeographic patterns among diverse assemblages of taxa indicates uniformity in the historical determinants of biotic distributions. Comparisons of host and parasite phylogenies and the elucidation of distributional area relationships are requisite components of analyses in historical biogeography. Host-parasite associations with broad geographic ranges are often archaic and have been structured largely by coevolutionary processes. In contrast, the origins and radiation of the primary cestode faunas of some seabirds (Alcataenia spp./Alcidae) and pinnipeds (Anophryocephalus spp./Phocidae and Otariidae) are associated with colonization. These young colonizing faunas, in the Holarctic Region, were influenced by a common history during the late Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs. Periodic range contraction, with isolation in refugial centers, and subsequent expansion into postglacial habitats for hosts and parasites coincided with the cyclic pattern of stadials and interstadials. During the past 2-3 million years following colonization, these dramatic climatic fluctuations strongly influenced the continuity of ecological associations in marine habitats and appear to have been the determinants of congruent and synchronic patterns of speciation among these disparate taxa of marine homeotherms and eucestodes.  相似文献   

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