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BACKGROUND: Although mucoepidermoid carcinoma is considered a very rare, low grade thyroid neoplasm, in two patients a very rapid and aggressive outcome occurred. We describe the cytologic, histologic and immunohistochemical findings of a high grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma that evolved into an anaplastic carcinoma. CASE: A 57-year-old man was admitted with dysphagia, dysphonia and odynophagia. The patient had begun to develop symptoms over the previous two months. Ultrasound and computed tomography revealed diffuse enlargement of the thyroid gland with multiple, bilateral, palpable lymph nodes in the cervical, supraclavicular, paratracheal and retrocaval chains. The patient died four weeks after receiving the first cycle of treatment with adriamycin and cisplatin. The smears were highly cellular, with a background rich in neutrophilic, inflammatory infiltrate and necrotic debris. Two main types of tumor cell were identified: squamoid and mucus secreting. Squamoid cells were polygonal, with well-defined borders and dense cytoplasm. Nuclei varied greatly in shape and size and displayed clumped chromatin and prominent nucleoli. Mucussecreting cells were ring shaped and dispersed among the squamoid cells; they contained a large vacuole, with condensed acid and neutral mucins, that peripherally displaced the nucleus. Small and large clusters of large, polygonal cells with single or multiple bizarre nuclei and less-dense cytoplasm were also present. Histology revealed tumor cells distributed in irregular nests, with necrosis surrounded by a fibrous stroma. The predominant cells were squamoid, but dispersed mucus-secreting cells were frequently seen in the better-differentiated areas. Sparse anaplastic spindle cells were observed adjacent to the squamoid focus. Immunohistochemistry revealed a reaction positive for cytokeratin (AE3/AE1) in tumor nests and negative staining for thyroglobulin and neuroendocrine markers. CONCLUSION: Although mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the thyroid is a very rare neoplasm, its peculiar cytomorphologic features in fine needle aspiration cytology may contribute to its correct diagnosis.  相似文献   

A primary high-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the breast was evaluated preoperatively by fine needle aspiration (FNA) cytology in a 72-year-old woman. The smears showed a mixed pattern consisting of clusters of poorly differentiated squamous cells, keratinized squamous cells and vacuolated mucin-secreting cells. The subsequent mastectomy specimen showed a tumor with the features of a high-grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma. Electron microscopy confirmed the diagnosis, reflecting the epidermoid and glandular differentiation of the tumor. The course was rapidly fatal, and the patient died a few months after presentation. A review of the literature indicated that mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the breast is a very rare neoplasm; the FNA cytologic features described in this report may constitute a basis to preoperatively recognize this tumor.  相似文献   

Primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the thymus developing in an 80-year-old Japanese man is described. This is the third case report of this rare tumour which was diagnosed following fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) of a metastatic lesion in the left humerus. FNA showed the typical cytological findings of mucoepidermoid carcinoma, that is the presence of squamous, glandular and intermediate neoplastic cells. Histology at autopsy confirmed these findings.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Metaplastic breast carcinoma is defined as mesenchymal and/or squamous cell components associated with ductal carcinoma. Because of the heterogeneous nature of this tumor, cytologic interpretation on fine needle aspirates can be quite challenging. This is especially true of metastatic lesions of this rare tumor type. Metastasis to the thyroid has not been previously reported. CASE: A 57-year-old woman with a history of metaplastic breast carcinoma for which she underwent mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation therapy 2 years earlier presented with a fast-growing left thyroid mass with progressive hoarseness and dysphasia. Clinical presentation and findings from a neck computed tomographic scan were strongly suggestive of a primary thyroid malignancy. The aspirate specimen was composed of scant, highly atypical epithelial cells in a background of an abundant chondromyxoid matrix and scattered, benign follicular cells. A literature review confirmed the novelty of this case. CONCLUSION: This case emphasizes the value of clinical information and the importance of generous sampling in achieving a correct diagnosis of metastatic metaplastic carcinoma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Endometrial stromal sarcoma (ESS) is a rare neoplasm and is composed of E cells closely resembling normal proliferative endometrial stromal cells. Because of its rarity, the preoperative diagnosis is difficult for clinicians. These tumors are rarely subjected to fine needle aspiration (FNA), and the cytologic diagnosis is also difficult, as the differential diagnosis is leiomyosarcoma/cellular leiomyoma. CASE: A 23-year-old woman presented with a history of prolonged vaginal bleeding. The diagnosis on FNA was given as sarcoma with the possibility of low grade ESS or leiomyosarcoma. On histopathologic examination, the diagnosis was confirmed to be low grade ESS. CONCLUSION: Aspirates of low grade ESS are extremely cellular, with cohesive tissue fragments of monotonous, small, oval cells with bland chromatin tightly women in a metachromatic, extracellular matrix. The differential diagnosis should include a cellular leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mixed medullary-follicular thyroid carcinoma (MMFTC) is a rare tumor that has been regarded as a clinicopathologic variant of medullary thyroid carcinoma. MMFTC represents a diagnostic challenge by fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). CASE: A 77-year-old woman had a palpable mass on the left side of the neck. It was diagnosed as follicular neoplasm by FNAC; she underwent total thyroidectomy. Pathology revealed follicular carcinoma. Radioactive iodine was administered. An enlarging mass was present in the left mandible later. FNAC showed suspicious follicular neoplasm with predominance of oncocytic cells. Pathology revealed follicular carcinoma with parafollicular cell differentiation. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated positive status for thyroglobulin and calcitonin. Simultaneous expression of thyroglobulin and calcitonin within the same neoplastic cell was considered. She underwent several courses of radioactive iodine therapy without significant effect. Interestingly, her serum calcitonin level was not elevated. CONCLUSION: Coexpression of thyroglobulin and calcitonin in the same cell is very rare. The component of medullary carcinoma should be considered when encountering an atypical thyroid carcinoma with predominance of cells showing oncocytic changes on FNAC and with clinically poor response to conventional treatment. Immunohistochemistry and pathologic analyses are helpful to confirm the diagnosis, especially in the absence of elevated serum calcitonin level.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Renal medullary carcinoma is a recently described, highly aggressive neoplasm that affects predominantly young African American males with a history of sickle cell trait. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of fine needle aspirate cytology (FNAC) findings of renal medullary carcinoma. CASE: A 14-year-old, African American male with a history of sickle cell trait presented with the sudden onset of third cranial nerve palsy. Radiographic examination demonstrated possible tumor masses in the brain, thorax and left kidney. Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration was performed on the left kidney, and a cytologic diagnosis of "suspect renal medullary carcinoma" was rendered. The cytologic diagnosis was confirmed by tissue examination. CONCLUSION: The cytologic features of renal medullary carcinoma include loosely cohesive clusters and single epithelioid cells with cytologic atypia, including high nuclear/cytoplasmic ratios, hyperchromasia, prominent nucleoli and cytoplasmic vacuolation. These cytologic findings, coupled with clinical findings (young black male with sickle cell trait), allow recognition of this rare renal neoplasm.  相似文献   

N Kumar  K Kapila  K Verma 《Acta cytologica》1991,35(3):357-359
The cytomorphologic findings in fine needle aspirates from 18 cases of histologically confirmed primary mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary gland were reviewed and correlated with the findings on the tissue sections. An accurate diagnosis of these tumors in fine needle aspirates was possible when all three components (i.e., epidermoid cells, intermediate cells and mucus-producing cells) were identified. The pitfalls in the cytologic diagnosis of this tumor are discussed.  相似文献   

Wong SI  Cheung H  Tse GM 《Acta cytologica》2000,44(6):1085-1089
BACKGROUND: Invasive micropapillary carcinoma of the breast is uncommon and was characterized only recently. Awareness of this entity and its cytologic appearance is important to allow early diagnosis by fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). To our knowledge, only two cases of FNAC of this lesion have been reported in the English-language literature. CASE: An 80-year-old female presented with a firm, nontender mass in the upper outer quadrant of the left breast. FNAC showed ductal carcinoma, and mastectomy showed invasive micropapillary carcinoma. The patient had axillary metastases and received tamoxifen. CONCLUSION: The cytologic features of invasive micropapillary carcinoma are distinctive, with clusters of cells showing hyperchromatic, irregular and crowded nuclei and peripherally located cytoplasm with a rare central lumen. Fibrovascular cores are absent. Although FNAC experience with this lesion is limited, the characteristic cytologic features, including "inside-out" cell clusters, should raise the suspicion of this variant of ductal carcinoma. Differentiation from other papillary lesions and malignancies may be possible, but more experience is needed as the number of reported cases remains limited.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recently, several case reports have described a rare but distinct subtype of renal tumor, referred to as a "low grade renal epithelial neoplasm," that appears to have a better prognosis than conventional renal cell carcinoma does. This report describes the cytologic features of this tumor as determined by fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy. CASE: A 53-year-old woman with a history of lymphoma had a renal mass incidentally discovered on an abdominal computed tomographic scan performed for lymphoma restaging. Results of an FNA biopsy showed relatively uniform, medium-sized tumor cells with moderate amounts of finely vacuolated or wispy cytoplasm and indistinct cell borders. The nuclei were primarily round with coarse chromatin and had prominent nucleoli. In the cell block preparation, the tumor cells showed a tubular architecture and an abundant myxoid matrix. The patient underwent a partial nephrectomy. The tumor was classified as a low grade myxoid renal epithelial tumor. CONCLUSION: This unusual kidney tumor appears to have distinctive cytomorphologic features, including a uniform population of epithelial cells with round nuclei, an abundant myxoid matrix and tubular architecture.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sclerosing lobular hyperplasia presenting as a palpable, circumscribed nodular mass in a young female's breast is characterized histologically by prominent hyperplasia of the lobules and sclerosis of the intralobular connective tissue. The cytomorphologic features and differential diagnosis of the lesion are presented. CASE: A 14-year-old female presented with a painless, progressively increasing, nodular, firm, mobile lump measuring 5 x 5 cm in the right breast. The clinical and radiologic diagnosis was fibroadenoma. Fine needle aspiration smears showed a clean background with uniform, round to oval epithelial cells in flat sheets, round clusters and rosettelike (acinar) arrangements. A few naked nuclei were present, while stromal fragments were not seen. CONCLUSION: When analyzed in the context of the clinical findings, the cytologic features of sclerosing lobular hyperplasia help to differentiate it from other benign palpable nodular lesions of the juvenile breast.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Malignant vascular tumors are rare. Few studies have described cytomorphologic features of hemangioendothelioma and angiosarcoma on fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). Malignant vascular tumor with epithelioid morphology can create diagnostic difficulty, as the cytology may simulate that in other nonvascular malignant tumors. We describe epithelioid angiosarcoma, diagnosed on FNAC, in which a differential diagnosis of histiocytosis and inflammatory granulation tissue was considered. CASE: A 20-year-old man presented with forehead and scalp swellings. The forehead lesion was radiologiocally associated with a lytic lesion in the bone. FNA resulted in high cellular yield, and smears revealed prominent vascular pattern with endothelial cell atypia and histiocytoid/epithelioid neoplastic cells, occasional mitotic figures and a few cells displaying nuclear grooving. Smear background showed a significant number of neutrophils. Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma/angiosarcoma, histiocytosis and inflammatory granulation tissue were considered. A cytologic diagnosis of epithelioid angiosarcoma/epithelioid hemangioendothelioma was suggested and confirmed on histopathologic and immunohistochemical examination. CONCLUSION: Cellular aspirates from malignant epithelioid endothelial tumors involving bone may be cytologically mistaken for histiocytosis and, rarely, inflammatory granulation tissue. However, prominent vascular pattern with striking endothelial cell atypia, presence of mitotic figures and careful search for presence of endothelial differentiation are helpful in accurate cytologic diagnosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Focal myositis is an unusual inflammatwy lesion of the skeletal muscle first described by Heffizer. It is a benign condition and usually involves the muscles of the limbs. CASE: A man presented with a palpable mass in the left leg of 6 months' duration. Nuclear magnetic resonance of the leg showed a mass in the tibial muscle; the presumptive diagnosis was sarcoma of the muscle. Smears showed inflammatory cells, skeletal muscle fibers with degenerative and regenerative changes, and fibrous tissue, suggesting a diagnosis of focal myositis. An incisional muscle biopsy was performed, confirming the diagnosis. CONCLUSION: Focal myositis should always he considered when aspirating muscle masses because it is a clinical mimic of a neoplasm. The prognosis is good, and all cases reported in the literature were self-limiting and gradually resolved.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Prostatic ductal carcinoma (PDC) is a rare variant of prostatic adenocarcinoma. Without proper clinical information, a fine needle aspiration (FNA) diagnosis of metastatic PDC can be challenging as this tumor can morphologically mimic adenocarcinomas from other sites. To our knowledge, FNA findings of metastatic PDC have not been previously reported. CASE: An 85-year-old man presented with a large, destructive pelvic bone lesion with soft tissue extension. He had undergone a prostatectomy 30 years earlier for "benign prostatic hypertrophy" but had no known history of malignancy. The aspirates were hypercellular and composed of numerous monolayered or folded cohesive sheets of tumor cells with minimal cytologic atypia. The tumor cells had abundant, clear cytoplasm, evenly spaced nuclei, finely granular chromatin, inconspicuous nucleoli and occasional mitotic figures. The background was clean and contained a few wisps of thin mucin. Cell block sections revealed tumor cells forming tubulopapillary architecture lined with tall columnar cells with focal nuclear pseudostratification, reminiscent of uterine endometrial carcinoma. Positive immunoreactivity for prostate-specific antigen and prostatic acid phosphatase confirmed the tumor's prostatic origin. CONCLUSION: Because of the rarity and nonspecific cytomorphologic characteristics of this tumor, clinical history, radiologic findings and a high index of suspicion in conjunction with ancillary studies are important in achieving a correct FNA diagnosis of metastatic PDC.  相似文献   

Ng WK 《Acta cytologica》2001,45(4):593-598
BACKGROUND: Nonneoplastic osteoclastlike giant cells are occasionally associated with carcinoma of the breast, pancreatobiliary and gastrointestinal systems. In the breast, this uncommon stromal response is seen mainly in invasive carcinoma with low grade cytology, among which invasive cribriform carcinoma is the classic example. Details of the fine needle aspiration cytology of this phenomenon, especially in thin-layer preparations, have been described rarely. CASE: The fine needle aspiration cytology of an invasive cribriform carcinoma of the breast occurred in a 66-year-old woman. Cytology showed cohesive sheets and three-dimensional cribriform clusters of bland-looking and mitotically inactive ductal cells in a blood-stained background. Scattered multinucleated, osteoclastlike giant cells, some containing hemosiderin granules, were also seen. Myoepithelial cells and naked nuclei were not obvious. The cellular composition was more discernible in liquid-based cytologic preparations. Histologic examination of the excisional biopsy showed an invasive cribriform carcinoma associated with many osteoclastlike giant cells in a hypervascular stroma. CONCLUSION: In view of the extremely low grade cytology of the malignant ductal cells, invasive cribriform carcinoma may closely mimic benign proliferative breast diseases on fine needle aspiration biopsy. Recognition of this special relationship with osteoclastlike giant cells, which are rarely present in certain subtypes of breast cancer but not benign lesions, can help to arrive at a correct cytologic diagnosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Adrenocortical carcinoma (AC) is a rare neoplasm, usually considered one of the most morbid and lethal human tumors. It occurs primarily in children and young adults and often presents with advanced and/or metastatic disease. CASE: A 9-year-old boy with a previous diagnosis of adrenocortical carcinoma underwent computed tomography (CT)-guided fine needle aspiration (FNA) for preoperative investigation of a hepatic mass. All smears revealed abundant groups of cells surrounding an interconnective, thin-walled, central vascular core. These cells showed finely vacuolated, large cytoplasm with eccentrically placed nuclei. Occasionally, cells underwent a sudden, marked increase in size, with prominent atypia. Multinucleated, atypical giant cells and high mitotic rate were also evident. The cytologic findings resembled the previous histologic adrenocortical carcinoma features. CONCLUSION: The cytologic features of metastatic hepatic adrenocortical carcinoma may mimic those of hepatocellular carcinoma. However, the presence of atypical multinucleated and pleomorphic cells with microvacuolated cytoplasm and eccentric nuclei as well as the absence of naked nuclei and endothelial linings yield the diagnosis of adrenocortical carcinoma. Nevertheless, other space-occupying liver lesions in children must also be considered. This case demonstrates the usefulness of CT-localized FNA biopsy in hepatic masses in children, and discusses the possible cytologic differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Sebaceous lymphadenoma is a rare, benign neoplasm, histologically characterized by proliferating islands of epithelium with sebaceous glandular differentiation in a dense, lymphocytic background. The parotid gland is the most common site, and the patient usually presents with a well-circumscribed, enlarging and painless mass. Primary sebaceous lesions of the salivary glands are very rare entities and must be differentiated from more common, potentially malignant tumors. CASE: A 75-year-old male presented with a 6-month history of a mass in the tail of the parotid gland. The mass was not fixed or tender to palpation, was well delineated and measured 4 cm in greatest dimension. Fine needle aspiration (FNA) revealed a mixed population of large and small lymphocytes, including plasma cells and occasional tingible body macrophages. Scattered among the lymphocytes were 3-dimensional, cohesive aggregates of epithelial cells, many demonstrating the characteristic cytoplasmic vacuolization of sebocytes, surrounded by layers of basaloid cells. No mitoses or cellular pleomorphism was identified. These findings suggested a sebaceous lymphadenoma, confirmed on biopsy. CONCLUSION: Although sebaceous lymphadenoma is encountered infrequently, FNA findings can result in its accurate diagnosis.  相似文献   

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