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This paper extends the concept of entangled vector vortex beams as a form of Majorana‐like photons. Majorana photon quasi particles are introduced and attributed to a class of entangled vector beams and show higher transmission. These photons and the antiphotons are identical. A Majorana photon has within itself both right and left handed twists. These majorana beams travel at speeds other than speed of light, c in free space. Light transmission of Majorana photon vortex beams with orbital angular momentum (OAM) are investigated in a mouse brain at different local regions showing enhanced transmission and properties of being entangled. This work is new interpretation of our past paper of mixed photon beam states. The transmission change observed with Majorana structured light other than linear polarization is attributed to the nonseparable and mixed nature of radial and azimuthal polarizations with OAM and the handedness of the light passing through chiral brain media. These mixed nonhomogeneous beams are entangled in OAM and polarization. Majorana photons may play an important role in the future for quantum and optical computing and sub and super luminal speeds due to its traversal wave vector, k.  相似文献   

Patch-voltage-clamp method has been used for registration of the fast inward current in single heart muscle cells. Ionic current were measured on a small patch of membrane which is of about 1/200-1/300 of the total cell surface (diameter of patch is of about 5 micrometer). To correct the distortions of raw signal caused by the stray capacity in feedback of current-voltage converter and adjustable increasing of high-frequency gain was used. This allows one to shorten the net time of transient process in response to switching the command potential up to 30 microseconds. The channel population in membrance patch of micrometer in diameter is, on the one hand, large enough to record directly the integral ionic current and is, on the other hand, small enough for fluctuations of ionic current to be pronounced. This circumstance permits the method to be applied for ionic current investigations both by the classical methods and by statistical analysis.  相似文献   

We describe an optical technique using total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy to obtain simultaneous and independent recordings from numerous ion channels via imaging of single-channel Ca2+ flux. Muscle nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptors made up of alphabetagammadelta subunits were expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and single channel Ca2+ fluorescence transients (SCCaFTs) were imaged using a fast (500 fps) electron-multiplied c.c.d. camera with fluo-4 as the indicator. Consistent with their arising through openings of individual nicotinic channels, SCCaFTs were seen only when a nicotinic agonist was present in the bathing solution, were blocked by curare, and increased in frequency as roughly the second power of [ACh]. Their fluorescence amplitudes varied linearly with membrane potential and extrapolated to zero at about +60 mV. The rise and fall times of fluorescence were as fast as 2 ms, providing a kinetic resolution adequate to characterize channel gating kinetics; which showed mean open times of 7.9 and 15.8 ms when activated, respectively, by ACh or suberyldicholine. Simultaneous records were obtained from >400 channels in the imaging field, and we devised a novel "channel chip" representation to depict the resultant large dataset as a single image. The positions of SCCaFTs remained fixed (<100 nm displacement) over tens of seconds, indicating that the nicotinic receptor/channels are anchored in the oocyte membrane; and the spatial distribution of channels appeared random without evidence of clustering. Our results extend single-channel TIRFM imaging to ligand-gated channels that display only partial permeability to Ca2+, and demonstrate an order-of-magnitude improvement in kinetic resolution. We believe that functional single-channel imaging opens a new approach to ion channel study, having particular advantages over patch-clamp recording in that it is massively parallel, and provides high-resolution spatial information that is inaccessible by electrophysiological techniques.  相似文献   

Arachnid slit sensilla respond to minute strains in the exoskeleton. After having applied Finite Element (FE) analysis to simplified arrays of five straight slits (Hößl et al. J Comp Physiol A 193:445–459, 2007) we now present a computational study of the effects of more subtle natural variations in geometry, number and arrangement of slits on the slit face deformations. Our simulations show that even minor variations in these parameters can substantially influence a slit’s directional response. Using white-light interferometric measurements of the surface deformations of a lyriform organ, it is shown that planar FE models are capable of predicting the principal characteristics of the mechanical responses. The magnitudes of the measured and calculated slit face deformations are in good agreement. At threshold, they measure between 1.7 and 43 nm. In a lyriform organ and a closely positioned loose group of slits, the detectable range of loads increases to approximately 3.5 times the range of the lyriform organ alone. Stress concentration factors (up to ca. 29) found in the vicinity of the slits were evaluated from the models. They are mitigated due to local thickening of the exocuticle and the arrangement of the chitinous microfibers that prevents the formation of cracks under physiological loading conditions.  相似文献   

Lignocellulose digestion by wood-feeding termites depends on the mutualistic interaction of unusual, flagellate protists located in their hindgut. Most of the flagellates harbor numerous prokaryotic endosymbionts of so-far-unknown identity and function. Using a full-cycle molecular approach, we show here that the endosymbionts of the larger gut flagellates of Reticulitermes santonensis belong to the so-called termite group 1 (TG-1) bacteria, a group of clones previously obtained exclusively from gut homogenates of Reticulitermes speratus that are only distantly related to other bacteria and are considered a novel bacterial phylum based on their 16S rRNA gene sequences. Fluorescence in situ hybridization with specifically designed oligonucleotide probes confirmed that TG-1 bacteria are indeed located within the flagellate cells and demonstrated that Trichonympha agilis (Hypermastigida) and Pyrsonympha vertens (Oxymonadida) harbor phylogenetically distinct populations of symbionts (<95% sequence similarity). Transmission electron microscopy revealed that the symbionts are small, spindle-shaped cells (0.6 microm in length and 0.3 microm in diameter) surrounded by two membranes and located within the cytoplasm of their hosts. The symbionts of the two flagellates are described as candidate species in the candidate genus "Endomicrobium." Moreover, we provide evidence that the members of the TG-1 phylum, for which we propose the candidate name "Endomicrobia," are phylogenetically extremely diverse and are present in and also restricted to the guts of all lower termites and wood-feeding cockroaches of the genus Cryptocercus, the only insects that are in an exclusive, obligately mutualistic association with such unique cellulose-fermenting protists.  相似文献   

mRNA targeted by siRNA is endogeneously cleaved into a 5'- and a 3'-fragment and finally degraded in cells. Little is known about the relative stability and degradation kinetics of these 5'- and 3'-fragments after the siRNA mediated first cut. We present a qRT-PCR protocol which allows the determination of the optimal time point for mRNA analyses, helping to avoid the generation of false positive effects in downstream experiments, such as microarray analysis, which may be caused by undegraded fragments of a siRNA-targeted mRNA.  相似文献   

Twenty-two chimpanzee hair samples collected from night nests at two different "savanna" sites were analyzed for carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios represented as delta13C and delta15N values. The first at Ugalla, Tanzania is a miombo woodland with grass groundcover and small patches of forest. The second at Ishasha, Democratic Republic of the Congo is a habitat composed of riverine gallery forest, semideciduous thicket forest, wooded grassland, and grassland. Based on comparative data from other primates, Ugalla hair delta13C values suggest that the chimpanzees are feeding primarily in the woodland rather than in forest patches or on grassland foods (grasses or grammivorous fauna). Similar comparisons indicate that the Ishasha chimpanzees are feeding within the forests and not in more open areas. In addition, the Ugalla chimpanzees had delta15N values that indicate extensive ingestion of leguminous flowers, seeds, and/or leaves. The Ishasha samples show a range encompassing three trophic levels. Two samples with the most positive values may indicate a nursing signal or vertebrate-feeding. Three individuals with intermediate values are similar to those in omnivorous nonhuman primate species. The four individuals with the lowest values are very similar to those in herbivorous monkeys. Stable isotope ratios permit time-averaged and habitat-specific dietary comparisons among sites, even without habituation or detailed foraging observations.  相似文献   



In the continuum between a stroke and a circle including all possible ellipses, some eccentricities seem more “biologically preferred” than others by the motor system, probably because they imply less demanding coordination patterns. Based on the idea that biological motion perception relies on knowledge of the laws that govern the motor system, we investigated whether motorically preferential and non-preferential eccentricities are visually discriminated differently. In contrast with previous studies that were interested in the effect of kinematic/time features of movements on their visual perception, we focused on geometric/spatial features, and therefore used a static visual display.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In a dual-task paradigm, participants visually discriminated 13 static ellipses of various eccentricities while performing a finger-thumb opposition sequence with either the dominant or the non-dominant hand. Our assumption was that because the movements used to trace ellipses are strongly lateralized, a motor task performed with the dominant hand should affect the simultaneous visual discrimination more strongly. We found that visual discrimination was not affected when the motor task was performed by the non-dominant hand. Conversely, it was impaired when the motor task was performed with the dominant hand, but only for the ellipses that we defined as preferred by the motor system, based on an assessment of individual preferences during an independent graphomotor task.


Visual discrimination of ellipses depends on the state of the motor neural networks controlling the dominant hand, but only when their eccentricity is “biologically preferred”. Importantly, this effect emerges on the basis of a static display, suggesting that what we call “biological geometry”, i.e., geometric features resulting from preferential movements is relevant information for the visual processing of bidimensional shapes.  相似文献   

Fifty individual psychotherapies of schizophrenic patients, supervised by a control group for fourteen years, are examined. 80 percent of the patients have shown important clinical progress and, in many cases, have been healed, especially those who continued therapy for more than two years and who had a deep and reciprocal emotional involvement with the therapist during and after treatment; there was a reduction by 70 percent of hospitalizations during this treatment and only one of these had a relapse. Other data confirm the efficacy of psychotherapy; however, to give a new instrument of scientific confirmation to this type of individual and subjective work, we tried to observe how the psychopathological and therapeutic mechanism of "symbiosis" induces personal dynamics in the therapist which are reflected in the control group. The psychopathological symbiotic disturbance of the patient, the therapeutic symbiotic relationship, and the way in which the group reacts to these permit the creation of a useful triangle, both for the therapist to understand his position toward the patient and to confirm or correct the subjective aspects of such a deep and emotional relationship.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Zn imported into developing cereal grains originates from either de novo Zn uptake by the roots or remobilization of Zn from vegetative tissues. The present study was focused on revealing the quantitative importance of the two pathways for grain Zn loading and how their relative contribution varies with the overall plant Zn status.


The stable isotope 67Zn was used to trace Zn uptake and remobilization fluxes in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plants growing in hydroponics at 0.1?μM (low Zn), 1.5?μM (medium Zn) or 5?μM Zn (high Zn). When grain development reached 15?days after pollination the Zn source was changed to an enriched 67Zn isotope and plants were harvested after 6 to 48?h. Zn concentrations and isotope ratios were determined using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS).


Plants with low Zn status absorbed 3-fold more Zn than plants with medium or high Zn status when roots were exposed to an external concentration of 1.5?μM 67Zn. Stems and ears were the primary recipients of the de novo incorporated Zn with preferential allocation to the developing grains over time. The leaves received in all cases a very small proportion (<5?%) of the newly absorbed Zn and the proportion did not increase over time. Zn fluxes derived from uptake and remobilization were almost equal in plants with low Zn status, while at high Zn status remobilization delivered 4 times more Zn to the developing grains than did root Zn uptake.


Stable isotopes in combination with ICP-MS provided a strong tool for quantification of Zn fluxes in intact plants. The importance of Zn remobilization compared to de novo root absorption of Zn increased with increasing plant Zn status. Very little de novo absorbed Zn was translocated to the leaves during generative growth stages.  相似文献   

When herpes simplex virus infects permissive cells, the viral regulatory protein VP16 forms a specific complex with HCF-1, a preexisting nuclear protein involved in cell proliferation. The majority of HCF-1 in the cell is a complex of associated amino (HCF-1(N))- and carboxy (HCF-1(C))-terminal subunits that result from an unusual proteolytic processing of a large precursor polypeptide. Here, we have characterized the structure and function of sequences required for HCF-1(N) and HCF-1(C) subunit association. HCF-1 contains two matched pairs of self-association sequences called SAS1 and SAS2. One of these matched association sequences, SAS1, consists of a short 43-amino-acid region of the HCF-1(N) subunit, which associates with a carboxy-terminal region of the HCF-1(C) subunit that is composed of a tandem pair of fibronectin type 3 repeats, a structural motif known to promote protein-protein interactions. Unexpectedly, the related protein HCF-2, which is not proteolyzed, also contains a functional SAS1 association element, suggesting that this element does not function solely to maintain HCF-1(N) and HCF-1(C) subunit association. HCF-1(N) subunits do not possess a nuclear localization signal. We show that, owing to a carboxy-terminal HCF-1 nuclear localization signal, HCF-1(C) subunits can recruit HCF-1(N) subunits to the nucleus.  相似文献   

The lack of mobility in plants is often interpreted as a signof their passivity in the face of environmental variation. Thisview is perhaps most firmly entrenched with regard to watertransport through the xylem in which water flows through thelumen of cells that are "dead" (i.e., lack any cytoplasm ornucleus) at maturity. However, recent work demonstrates thata number of active, physiological processes may be involvedin maintaining the transport capacity of this essential pathway.Here we review work relating to both embolism repair and theeffect of ion concentrations on xylem hydraulic properties asexamples of such dynamic processes.  相似文献   

Paphiopedilum orchids are among the world’s most popular orchid due to their impressively beautiful flowers. Propagation of these orchid genera has been hampered by the naturally slow growth rate of the plant, which renders it very difficult to be propagated through conventional methods. In vitro culture techniques have provided a useful alternative technology for propagating this recalcitrant species. In this study, the propagation of P. rothschildianum was achieved through the in vitro formation of secondary protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) from the primary PLB that developed from stem-derived callus. The PLBs were cultured on half-strength MS medium supplemented with different concentrations (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 μM) of 6-benzyladenine (BA) and kinetin for the induction of secondary PLBs. The highest number of secondary PLBs formed was obtained on half-strength MS medium supplemented with 4.0 μM kinetin, with an average of 4.1 PLBs per explant after 8 weeks of culture. The secondary PLBs continued to proliferate further and formed 9.5–12.1 new PLBs per secondary PLB after being subcultured onto half-strength plant growth regulator-free MS medium supplemented with 60 g/L banana homogenate (BH). These tertiary PLBs were subcultured onto media containing different organic additives, such as BH, coconut water, potato homogenate, and tomato homogenate, for plantlet regeneration. Among the organic additives tested, the addition of 20% CW to half-strength MS medium resulted in the best average plantlet regeneration percentage from the PLBs, 67.9%, after 8 weeks of culture.  相似文献   

Kim SG  Choo AY  Blenis J 《Molecular cell》2010,40(4):501-502
Cells must sense environmental conditions and adjust to maintain metabolic homeostasis and survive stress conditions; in this issue, Cam et al. (2010) show that the tumor suppressor kinase ATM is activated by hypoxia, phosphorylates and stabilizes HIF-1α, and inhibits mTORC1.  相似文献   

The activation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBM) in culture leads to the generation of nonspecific killer cells. These cells, termed activated lymphocyte killer (ALK) cells, can kill fresh tumor cells and tumor cell lines, in addition to the natural killer (NK) cell sensitive target K562. ALK cells have features in common with both T and NK cells, but their nature and origin are unknown. In the present study, it is shown that ALK cells are in fact heterogeneous and can be generated from both large granular lymphocytes with the same phenotype as NK cells and from T cells. Cell populations enriched for NK cells, when cultured with lymphokines, rapidly acquired a T cell phenotype, enhanced cytolytic activity against K562, and the ability to lyse NK-insensitive target cells such as a melanoma cell line LiBr; these ALK cells were described as NK-like cells. On the other hand, of the cloned cells derived from PBM stimulated with irradiated B lymphoblasts and grown in lymphokines, the major proportion of cytolytic T cells (CTC) able to kill the specific stimulator lymphoblasts were also found to kill LiBr but not K562 cells. These ALK cells, which were derived from the same precursors as CTC, were designated anomalous killer (AK) cells. Consistent with this, the presence of the pan T monoclonal antibody UCHT1 from the beginning of mixed cell cultures inhibited the generation of CTC and of the AK-type of ALK cell, which killed melanoma cells, but not the NK type, which killed K562 targets. By contrast, at the effector cell level, the antibodies UCHT1 and OKT8 only blocked specific killing by CTC but did not block the killing of LiBr or of K562 targets by ALK cells. However, at the effector cell level there was additional evidence for the heterogeneity of ALK cells. Thus, monoclonal antibody 9.1C3, which blocks killing by freshly isolated NK cells, also blocked the killing of K562 targets by NK-like cells, but did not block B lymphoblast killing by CTC or melanoma cell killing by AK cells. It is concluded that after mixed lymphocyte culture, the majority of ALK cells measured by the killing of melanoma target cells arise from the same precursors and are under the same influences as classical CTC (AK cells), whereas cells killing K562 targets are derived from NK cells (NK-like cells). Once generated, the AK cells have a different mechanism of killing from both classical CTC and from NK and NK-like cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Individually specific acoustic signals in birds are used in territorial defence. These signals enable a reduction of energy expenditure due to individual recognition between rivals and the associated threat levels. Mechanisms and acoustic cues used for individual recognition seem to be versatile among birds. However, most studies so far have been conducted on oscine species. Few studies have focused on exactly how the potential for individual recognition changes with distance between the signaller and receiver. We studied a nocturnally active rail species, the corncrake, which utters a seemingly simple disyllabic call. The inner call structure, however, is quite complex and expressed as intervals between maximal amplitude peaks, called pulse-to-pulse durations (PPD). The inner call is characterized by very low within-individual variation and high between-individuals difference. These variations and differences enable recognition of individuals. We conducted our propagation experiments in a natural corncrake habitat. We found that PPD was not affected by transmission. Correct individual identification was possible regardless of the distance and position of the microphone which was above the ground. The results for sounds from the extreme distance propagated through the vegetation compared to those transmitted above the vegetation were even better. These results support the idea that PPD structure has evolved under selection favouring individual recognition in a species signalling at night, in a dense environment and close to the ground.  相似文献   

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