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创建了一个关于大丰自然保护区半散养麋鹿种群增长的Logistic模型,该模型准确地预测了麋鹿种群的增长规律.作者通过对比和分析相关数据揭示了种群密度对糜鹿种群增长的影响并给出两个导致种群增长发生改变的临界值.  相似文献   

种群的基本特征和种群生物学的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
种群(population)是同种生物在特定环境空间内的个体集群。在自然界,种群是物种存在、物种进化、种间关系的基本单位,是生物群落或生态系统的基本组成成分。同时,也是生物资源开发、利用的具体对象。研究种群数量(个体数目)动态规律的学科,叫做种群生物学(Harper,J.L.,1977)。它导源于马尔萨斯(Malthus,1798)的“人口论”。“植物界或动物界虽然极大方极慷慨地将它们有生命的种子广泛散布到自然中,但是大自然却只能给这些种子提供相当狭窄的住所和十分  相似文献   

我国植物种群生态研究的成就与展望   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
种群生态学以种群作为研究对象,无论在理论上还是在方法上都是生态学中发展最快,最为活跃的一个领域,也是生态学研究中的一个极其重要的层次,因为它是物种存在和进化的基本单位,是生物群落和生态系统的基本组成。一、植物种群生态学研究的历史Graunt于1662年进行了人类种群的生命  相似文献   

自然界中种群都有增长的特点,但是,往往受环境条件的限制。环境条件经常在变化,有的变化对种群增长有利,则种群数量上升,有的变化不利,种群增长受限或停止增长,甚至于濒危。究竟那一种环境因子对该种群增长有限制作用?那一种因子对种群增长具有促进作用?这是生态学工作者探讨种群增长过程中最关心的问题。生态学工作者常设计一个方案,在一个自然环境中或在实验室里观测一个种群增长过程,分析环境因子对该种群增长的影响,从而掌握该种群增长的规律。如果是一个  相似文献   

云南西双版纳桔小实蝇种群动态   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:26  
叶辉  刘建宏 《应用生态学报》2005,16(7):1330-1334
于1997年、2000年和2003年在云南西双版纳通过性诱剂诱捕对桔小实蝇种群动态进行了全年监测,并就气候因子及寄主种类对该种群变动的影响进行了系统分析.结果表明,桔小实蝇在西双版纳常年发生.当年11月至次年2月,桔小实蝇种群处于较低水平,3月以后种群数量逐渐上升,至6~7月形成一个种群增长高峰,此后至10月种群数量迅速下降.分析表明,影响桔小实蝇种群变化的重要因子是温度、降雨量和寄主种类.西双版纳各月均温位于桔小实蝇适温范围内,但12~2月的月平均最低温度低于桔小实蝇的适温范围,对桔小实蝇种群数量有一定抑制作用.降雨量是影响桔小实蝇种群数量变动的另一重要因子.月降雨量低于50 mm以下对桔小实蝇种群不利,而100~200 mm的月降雨量有助于桔小实蝇种群的增长.月降雨量大于250 mm以上将导致桔小实蝇种群数量下降.6~7月强降雨过程被认为是桔小实蝇在该时期种群数量下降的主要原因.芒果、番石榴、桃、梨、柑桔、龙眼和荔枝是桔小实蝇在该地区的主要寄主水果.其中,芒果和龙眼是当地桔小实蝇最喜好的寄主水果,其种植面积、挂果期和产量对桔小实蝇种群数量变动影响较大,被认为是影响该地区桔小实蝇种群变动的又一主要因素.  相似文献   

水毛茛种群生态学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
于丹 《水生生物学报》1994,18(3):263-271
本文根据6年定位研究结果,讨论了东北山溪激流中整株越冬的草本植物─-水毛茛的有关种群生态方面的问题;诸如水毛茛种群的空间分布格局、种群年龄区段结构和种群数量的周期性变动等;并利用观测数据编制了水毛茛种群的静态生命表,绘制了种群的存活曲线和死亡动态曲线,根据种群生殖力表计算了种群的内禀增长能力.利用逻辑斯蒂标准曲线对植物种群数量增长曲线进行拟合.最后对年龄区段的划分及其在生命表中的作用、种群数量变动及其影响因素、迁入与迁出对水毛茛种群大小的影响等进行了探讨.    相似文献   

圈养大熊猫种群的动态及发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王鹏彦  黄炎  曹家林 《四川动物》2005,24(4):484-489
采用直线回归方程、4次方程和指数增长式微分方程等数理分析方法,对全世界1953~2003年圈养大熊猫种群的发展趋势进行了分析.发现对大熊猫的圈养种群数量建立的回归方程是拟合很好的4次多项式方程,1953~1987年的圈养种群增长曲线成S型,1998年后的种群增长成直线或指数式.依此进行预测,从1998年以后只依靠现有饲养种群167只就可能使种群数量稳定增长,全世界种群数量2007年可突破200只,2009年可能达到220~240只,大概在15~22年后全世界饲养种群数量就能够翻一番,达到330多只.  相似文献   

稻纵卷叶螟地理种群的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文应用实验种群生命表技术,比较了三个地区不同世代(南宁五代、衡阳四代、南京三代,三地各相距4—6个纬度)和同是第二世代稻纵卷叶螟(Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenee)种群的发育、存活、繁殖、内禀增长力等参数的差异.结果表明,三个地区不同世代的种群,除个别温度外,南京种群的存活率、平均产卵量、内禀增长力、繁殖价大于衡阳种群;衡阳种群大于南宁种群,形成明显的纬度梯度.而同是第二世代,则三个地区种群这些参数差异不显著.对发育历期进行裂区试验的方差分析,种群间均无显著差异.可以用一个公共的发育速率模型.文中分析和讨论了形成种群间这些差异的原因,可能是种群的同型交配效应或迁飞的自然选择效应.  相似文献   

鱼类种群增长的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鱼类种群数量变动,在我国渔业界受到广泛注意。渔业资源的合理利用和科学管理,首先瞩目的是鱼类种群的增长能力。关于生物种群的增长,在生态学范畴曾被广泛深入地研究过,但以鱼类种群为对象的研究尚少报导。本文以逻辑斯蒂(logistic)增长理论,对马面魨鱼类种群的增长进行了初步研究,并结合渔业论述了增长理论的应用。  相似文献   

苹果绵蚜种群内禀增长率的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
单访  况荣平 《动物学研究》1988,9(3):285-290
种群的增长能力是种群的重要生态学特征,描述种群增长能力的指标通常有繁殖力、净增殖率、内禀增长率。繁殖力只描述了种群产生后代的能力,没有考虑其存活能力。而种群的增长能力取决于种群的出生率和存活率两个基本因素。所以,繁殖力还不能全面刻画种群的增长能力。而净增殖率则涉及到出生率和存活率,它代表了种群经过一个世代后的净增长倍数。与繁殖力比较而言,净增殖率较深刻地描述了种群的增长能力。  相似文献   

Two simple models of the ecology of population growth are described: "exponential" growth with "r -selection," and "logistic" growth, with "K- selection." Various methods for estimating the parameters of these models are presented in detail, along with statistical methods of evaluation and comparison. Also briefly discussed are more complex models of population growth sometimes used by demographers and ecologists. The two simpler models of population growth are then applied, by way of illustration, to two episodes of population growth in protohistoric southwest Iran, dating from 4000–2350 B. C. Interpretation of the results and the implications for future research are then discussed . [population growth, statistical models, exponential growth, logistic growth, early Iran]  相似文献   

Alan R. Rogers 《Genetics》2014,197(4):1329-1341
The “LD curve” relates the linkage disequilibrium (LD) between pairs of nucleotide sites to the distance that separates them along the chromosome. The shape of this curve reflects natural selection, admixture between populations, and the history of population size. This article derives new results about the last of these effects. When a population expands in size, the LD curve grows steeper, and this effect is especially pronounced following a bottleneck in population size. When a population shrinks, the LD curve rises but remains relatively flat. As LD converges toward a new equilibrium, its time path may not be monotonic. Following an episode of growth, for example, it declines to a low value before rising toward the new equilibrium. These changes happen at different rates for different LD statistics. They are especially slow for estimates of σd2, which therefore allow inferences about ancient population history. For the human population of Europe, these results suggest a history of population growth.  相似文献   

On Population Growth Near Protected Areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


Protected areas are the first, and often only, line of defense in efforts to conserve biodiversity. They might be detrimental or beneficial to rural communities depending on how they alter economic opportunities and access to natural resources. As such, protected areas may attract or repel human settlement. Disproportionate increases in population growth near protected area boundaries may threaten their ability to conserve biodiversity.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using decadal population datasets, we analyze population growth across 45 countries and 304 protected areas. We find no evidence for population growth near protected areas to be greater than growth of rural areas in the same country. Furthermore, we argue that what growth does occur near protected areas likely results from a general expansion of nearby population centers.


Our results contradict those from a recent study by Wittemyer et al., who claim overwhelming evidence for increased human population growth near protected areas. To understand the disagreement, we re-analyzed the protected areas in Wittemyer et al.''s paper. Their results are simply artifacts of mixing two incompatible datasets. Protected areas may experience unusual population pressures near their edges; indeed, individual case studies provide examples. There is no evidence, however, of a general pattern of disproportionate population growth near protected areas.  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessments of chemicals are often based on simple measurements of toxicity in individuals. However, the protection goals are often set at the population and community levels. Population models may be a useful tool to extrapolate from individual-level measurements to population-level endpoints. In the present study, the population growth rate (λ) was calculated for three sets of full life-cycle data (Tetranychus urticae exposed to agrimek, and Daphnia pulex exposed to spinosad and diazinon). The results were compared to λ from population models, where survival and/or reproduction were adjusted according to 4 d of data from the same life-cycle data. This was done to determine whether truncated demographic data can give results similar to that obtained with full life-cycle data. The resulting correlations were strong when both effects on survival and reproduction were included in the model (p < .001, 0.93 < R2 < 1.00). There were also strong correlations in several cases when only effects on survival or reproduction were considered, although the total risk to the population tended to be underestimated. The results of the present study show that population models can be useful to extrapolate truncated data on the individual level to more ecologically relevant population-level endpoints.  相似文献   


One year-old Japanese larch (Larix leptolepis) seedlings were planted in a nursery from 1984 to 1986 at four density levels with four replicates in order to investigate the relationships between plant growth and density of survivors. As the results shown, self-thinning occurred severely in populations growing at high densities. The rate of the self-thinning followed a trajectory defined by the 3/2 power law. The relationship between mean dry weight per tree and population density at a given stage of growth followed the reciprocal equation and power equation at early experimental stages, but changed gradually to follow the 3/2 power law as plants grew further. Shch a change was mainly caused by the constant basal area per ms and decreased growth of tree height along a gradient of the density. The relationship between tree height (h) and density (p) also be discussed and in the 3/2 power law system it could be described by an equation consisting of h=αp(-1/2) where α is a constant.  相似文献   



To assess population persistence of species living in heterogeneous landscapes, the effects of habitat on reproduction and survival have to be investigated.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used a matrix population model to estimate habitat-specific population growth rates for a population of northern wheatears Oenanthe oenanthe breeding in farmland consisting of a mosaic of distinct habitat (land use) types. Based on extensive long-term data on reproduction and survival, habitats characterised by tall field layers (spring- and autumn-sown crop fields, ungrazed grasslands) displayed negative stochastic population growth rates (log λs: −0.332, −0.429, −0.168, respectively), that were markedly lower than growth rates of habitats characterised by permanently short field layers (pastures grazed by cattle or horses, and farmyards, log λs: −0.056, +0.081, −0.059). Although habitats differed with respect to reproductive performance, differences in habitat-specific population growth were largely due to differences in adult and first-year survival rates, as shown by a life table response experiment (LTRE).


Our results show that estimation of survival rates is important for realistic assessments of habitat quality. Results also indicate that grazed grasslands and farmyards may act as source habitats, whereas crop fields and ungrazed grasslands with tall field layers may act as sink habitats. We suggest that the strong decline of northern wheatears in Swedish farmland may be linked to the corresponding observed loss of high quality breeding habitat, i.e. grazed semi-natural grasslands.  相似文献   

银杉单株生长规律与种群生物量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
 通过对银杉(Cathaya argyrophylla)生长规律的研究,发现银杉早期生长需要一定的荫蔽,但过分荫蔽导致植株生长缓慢而逐渐死亡。银杉的整个生长过程可分为4个时期,在30~40a内具有明显的胸径生长盛期。银杉单株地上部分生物量的60%分布在1/2树高以下,树干材重量占全部地上部分生物量的比重超过2/3。银杉种群地上部分生物量在不同群落类型间差别很大,介于33000~117000 kg·hm-2。  相似文献   

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