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Electrode System for the Determination of Microbial Populations   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Determinations of microbial populations were carried out by using a new electrode system composed of two electrodes. Each electrode was constructed from a platinum anode and a silver peroxide cathode. The anode of the reference electrode was covered with cellulose dialysis membrane. The response time of the electrode system was 15 min in culture broth, and current differences between the two electrodes were proportional to populations of microbial cells in cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Lactobacillus fermentum. Current differences were reproducible; the average relative error was 5%. Furthermore, cell populations of S. cerevisiae in a fermentor could be continuously estimated by using this electrochemical method.  相似文献   

Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis of a soil microbial community was coupled with 13C isotope tracer analysis to measure the community’s response to addition of 35 μg of [13C]toluene ml of soil solution−1. After 119 h of incubation with toluene, 96% of the incorporated 13C was detected in only 16 of the total 59 PLFAs (27%) extracted from the soil. Of the total 13C-enriched PLFAs, 85% were identical to the PLFAs contained in a toluene-metabolizing bacterium isolated from the same soil. In contrast, the majority of the soil PLFAs (91%) became labeled when the same soil was incubated with [13C]glucose. Our study showed that coupling 13C tracer analysis with PLFA analysis is an effective technique for distinguishing a specific microbial population involved in metabolism of a labeled substrate in complex environments such as soil.  相似文献   

Smyrna-type (Calimyrna) figs have essentially sterile internal tissue until visited by the pollinating fig wasp, Blastophaga psenes, which introduces a specific microflora consisting of Candida guilliermondii var. carpophila and Serratia plymuthica. This flora persists and develops in numbers throughout the ripening period until maturity of the fruit. These organisms do not cause spoilage. The presence of C. guilliermondii var. carpophila appears to increase the attractiveness of the fruit to drosophilae. Drosophila (mainly D. melanogaster) carry spoilage yeasts and bacteria on their exterior body parts, and introduce these organisms during ovipositing in the fruit cavity. The spoilage yeasts consist almost entirely of apiculate yeasts (Hanseniaspora valbyensis, H. uvarum, and Kloeckera apiculata) and of Torulopsis stellata, which cause active fermentative spoilage. Spoilage bacteria (primarily Acetobacter melanogenus) are also introduced with the yeasts. Organic acids are produced by these yeasts as well as by the Acetobacter. A number of minor spoilage yeasts were also identified.  相似文献   

In bacteria and archaea, viruses are the primary infectious agents, acting as virulent, often deadly pathogens. A form of adaptive immune defense known as CRISPR-Cas enables microbial cells to acquire immunity to viral pathogens by recognizing specific sequences encoded in viral genomes. The unique biology of this system results in evolutionary dynamics of host and viral diversity that cannot be fully explained by the traditional models used to describe microbe-virus coevolutionary dynamics. Here, we show how the CRISPR-mediated adaptive immune response of hosts to invading viruses facilitates the emergence of an evolutionary mode we call distributed immunity - the coexistence of multiple, equally-fit immune alleles among individuals in a microbial population. We use an eco-evolutionary modeling framework to quantify distributed immunity and demonstrate how it emerges and fluctuates in multi-strain communities of hosts and viruses as a consequence of CRISPR-induced coevolution under conditions of low viral mutation and high relative numbers of viral protospacers. We demonstrate that distributed immunity promotes sustained diversity and stability in host communities and decreased viral population density that can lead to viral extinction. We analyze sequence diversity of experimentally coevolving populations of Streptococcus thermophilus and their viruses where CRISPR-Cas is active, and find the rapid emergence of distributed immunity in the host population, demonstrating the importance of this emergent phenomenon in evolving microbial communities.  相似文献   

Interval Scanning Photomicrography of Microbial Cell Populations   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A procedure is presented for photographically recording growth and other changes occurring within microbial populations over a period of time.  相似文献   


The City of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada obtains its water from the Saint John River-recharged Fredericton aquifer. Water quality improves as it flows from the river into the aquifer in a process called bank filtration. Microorganisms contribute to water quality improvements during bank filtration by removing organic carbon. In the Fredericton aquifer, microbially catalyzed reductive dissolution of manganese oxide minerals negatively affects water quality. Aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms were cultured from Fredericton aquifer production well water, from associated bedrock groundwater, and from Saint John River sediment core and sediment groundwater samples. Aerobes were the largest culturable groups in all samples. The ratio of aerobes to other microbial groups, i.e., those reducing nitrate, Mn4 +, Fe3 +, or sulfate, did not vary significantly along the water flow path from the river to the aquifer. Analysis of microbial community composition along the flow path indicated an essentially identical community except in the immediate vicinity of the aquifer. This is in agreement with the absence of macroscale redox zones in the sediment below the Saint John River as determined by groundwater geochemical data. Bacteria isolated from groundwater samples, identified by 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing, were α -, β -, γ -, and δ -Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, and Firmicutes. In contrast to groundwater samples, the majority of bacteria isolated from sediments were γ -Proteobacteria. Numbers of manganese-reducing bacteria, including Aeromonas spp., were small, however Mn4 + reduction ability was widespread in bacteria enriched and isolated with other electron acceptors. The diverse Fredericton aquifer microbial community likely uses manganese oxide minerals as a sink for electrons derived from organic carbon oxidation.  相似文献   

Stable microbial communities associated with health can be disrupted by altered environmental conditions. Periodontal diseases are associated with changes in the resident oral microflora. For example, as gingivitis develops, a key change in the microbial composition of dental plaque is the ascendancy of Actinomyces spp. and gram-negative rods at the expense of Streptococcus spp. We describe the use of an in vitro model to replicate this population shift, first with a dual-species model (Actinomyces naeslundii and Streptococcus sobrinus) and then using a microcosm model of dental plaque. The population shift was induced by environmental changes associated with gingivitis, first by the addition of artificial gingival crevicular fluid and then by a switch to a microaerophilic atmosphere. In addition to the observed population shifts, confocal laser scanning microscopy also revealed structural changes and differences in the distribution of viable and nonviable bacteria associated with the change in environmental conditions. This model provides an appropriate system for the further understanding of microbial population shifts associated with gingivitis and for the testing of, for example, antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

El-Registan  G. I.  Loiko  N. G.  Nikolaev  Yu. A. 《Microbiology》2022,91(6):693-703
Microbiology - Microorganisms inhabiting natural environments are periodically subject to growth-inhibiting and lethal action of stress factors. Bacterial populations are known to survive and...  相似文献   

Mechanisms of DNA Utilization by Estuarine Microbial Populations   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The mechanisms of utilization of DNA by estuarine microbial populations were investigated by competition experiments and DNA uptake studies. Deoxyribonucleoside monophosphates, thymidine, thymine, and RNA all competed with the uptake of radioactivity from [3H]DNA in 4-h incubations. In 15-min incubations, deoxyribonucleoside monophosphates had no effect or stimulated [3H]DNA binding, depending on the concentration. The uptake of radioactivity from [3H]DNA resulted in little accumulation of trichloroacetic acid-soluble intracellular radioactivity and was inhibited by the DNA synthesis inhibitor novobiocin. Molecular fractionation studies indicated that some radioactivity from [3H]DNA appeared in the RNA (10 and 30% at 4 and 24 h, respectively) and protein (approximately 3%) fractions. The ability of estuarine microbial assemblages to transport gene sequences was investigated by plasmid uptake studies, followed by molecular probing. Although plasmid DNA was detected on filters after filtration of plasmid-amended incubations, DNase treatment of filters removed this DNA, indicating that there was little transport of intact gene sequences. These observations led to the following model for DNA utilization by estuarine microbial populations. (i) DNA is rapidly bound to the cell surface and (ii) hydrolyzed by cell-associated and extracellular nonspecific nucleases. (iii) DNA hydrolysis products are transported, and (iv) the products are rapidly salvaged into nucleic acids, with little accumulation into intracellular nucleotide pools.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to evaluate microbial populations in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. Captina silt loam was freshly exposed to (1) 0 or 2000 mg pyrene/kg and sampled after 10- and 61-wk incubation and (2) 0 or 505 mg pyrene + 445 mg phenanthrene/kg and sampled after a 21-wk incubation. Microbial numbers were determined by plate-count techniques. Isolated bacteria, selected degraders, and wholesoil extracts were analyzed by fatty acid methyl ester analysis (FAME). In the pyrene experiment, pyrene did not affect total bacterial or fungal numbers, but pyrene degraders increased from undetectable levels to 7.09 log10 degraders/g in the contaminated soil. The FAME analysis of bacterial isolates detected no pyrene effect, but wholesoil FAME indicated an increase in the contaminated soil of a fatty acid characteristic of protozoa and a major fatty acid detected in isolated degraders. In the pyrene + phenanthrene experiment, the contaminants had no impact on bacterial, fungal, or actinomycete numbers but increased degrader numbers. No effect of pyrene + phenanthrene was detected by isolate FAME, but whole-soil FAME indicated an effect similar to that in the pyrene experiment. The results indicate that pyrene, although not impacting microbial numbers, may have altered the soil microbial composition and that Captina silt loam can develop an effective degrader population under tested conditions.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to evaluate microbial populations in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated soil. Captina silt loam was freshly exposed to (1) 0 or 2000?mg pyrene/kg and sampled after 10- and 61-wk incubation and (2) 0 or 505?mg pyrene + 445?mg phenanthrene/kg and sampled after a 21-wk incubation. Microbial numbers were determined by plate-count techniques. Isolated bacteria, selected degraders, and wholesoil extracts were analyzed by fatty acid methyl ester analysis (FAME). In the pyrene experiment, pyrene did not affect total bacterial or fungal numbers, but pyrene degraders increased from undetectable levels to 7.09 log10 degraders/g in the contaminated soil. The FAME analysis of bacterial isolates detected no pyrene effect, but wholesoil FAME indicated an increase in the contaminated soil of a fatty acid characteristic of protozoa and a major fatty acid detected in isolated degraders. In the pyrene + phenanthrene experiment, the contaminants had no impact on bacterial, fungal, or actinomycete numbers but increased degrader numbers. No effect of pyrene + phenanthrene was detected by isolate FAME, but whole-soil FAME indicated an effect similar to that in the pyrene experiment. The results indicate that pyrene, although not impacting microbial numbers, may have altered the soil microbial composition and that Captina silt loam can develop an effective degrader population under tested conditions.  相似文献   

The microbiological characteristics associated with disease-suppressive peats are unclear. We used a bioassay for Pythium sylvaticum-induced damping-off of cress seedlings to identify conducive and suppressive peats. Microbial activity in unconditioned peats was negatively correlated with the counts of P. sylvaticum at the end of the bioassay. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiling and clone library analyses of small-subunit rRNA gene sequences from two suppressive and two conducive peats differed in the bacterial profiles generated and the diversity of sequence populations. There were also significant differences between bacterial sequence populations from suppressive and conducive peats. The frequencies of a number of microbial groups, including the Rhizobium-Agrobacterium group (specifically sequences similar to those for the genera Ochrobactrum and Zoogloea) and the Acidobacteria, increased specifically in the suppressive peats, although no single bacterial group was associated with disease suppression. Fungal DGGE profiles varied little over the course of the bioassay; however, two bands associated specifically with suppressive samples were detected. Sequences from these bands corresponded to Basidiomycete yeast genera. Although the DGGE profiles were similar, fungal sequence diversity also increased during the bioassay. Sequences highly similar to those of Cryptococcus increased in relative abundance during the bioassay, particularly in the suppressive samples. This study highlights the importance of using complementary approaches to molecular profiling of complex populations and provides the first report that basidiomycetous yeasts may be associated with the suppression of Pythium-induced diseases in peats.  相似文献   

Using field-collected periphyton and bacterial isolates, we determined adaptation lag periods for microbial transformation of p-cresol. Lag periods were longer for periphyton samples collected from field sites that were low in dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus. Moreover, lag periods decreased in samples amended with N or P. Our data suggest that adaptation lag periods for microbial transformation of low concentrations of chemicals may correlate with limiting nutrient concentrations, and this correlation may provide a basis for predictive mathematical modeling of lag periods.  相似文献   

The mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus is a ubiquitous species that serves as a major vector for west nile virus and lymphatic filariasis. Ingestion of bloodmeal by females triggers a series of physiological processes in the midgut and also exposes them to infection by these pathogens. The bacteria normally harbored in the midgut are known to influence physiology and can also alter the response to various pathogens. The midgut bacteria in female Cx. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes collected over a large geographical area from India was studied. Examination of 16S ribosomal DNA amplicons from culturable microflora revealed the presence of 83 bacterial species belonging to 31 bacterial genera. All of these species belong to three phyla i.e. Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. Phylum Proteobacteria was the most dominant phylum (37 species), followed by Firmicutes (33 species) and Actinobacteria (13 species). Phylum Proteobacteria, was dominated by members of γ-proteobacteria class. The genus Staphylococcus was the largest genus represented by 11 species whereas Enterobacter was the most prevalent genus and recovered from all the field stations except Leh. Highest bacterial prevalence was observed from Bhuj (22 species) followed by Nagrota (18 species), Masimpur (18 species) and Hathigarh (16 species). Whereas, least species were observed from Leh (8 species). It has been observed that individual mosquito harbor extremely diverse gut bacteria and have very small overlap bacterial taxa in their gut. This variation in midgut microbiota may be one of the factors responsible for variation in disease transmission rates or vector competence within mosquito population. The present data strongly encourage further investigations to verify the potential role of the detected bacteria in mosquito for the transmission of lymphatic filariasis and west nile virus. To the best of our knowledge this is the first study on midgut microbiota of wild Cx. quinquefasciatus from over a large geographical area.  相似文献   

The suppressive effects of microbial inoculants on cotton seedling mortality were assessed in Rhizoctonia solani‐infested soil. Per cent mortality ranged from 16 to 32 (60–120 days after sowing, DAS) and significant differences were recorded at 120 DAS, especially after drenching with compost tea of Azotobacter sp. and Anabaena torulosa—Trichoderma viride‐biofilmed formulations. The activity of hydrolytic enzymes was reduced in diseased root tissues due to a majority of the microbially inoculated treatments, compared with healthy root tissues. Per cent changes in the amounts of glomalin‐related soil proteins (GRSPs) were 2 to 85% greater than those of the uninoculated experimental controls. These microbial inoculants altered the rhizosphere bacterial communities as evident from the Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) banding patterns and, also reduced the population of R. solani. While the copy numbers of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) gene of R. solani in the uninoculated (infested soil) were approximately 1.47 × 1011 per g soil, they were 1.34–1.42 × 105 per g soil after the application of A. torulosa, Anabaena laxa and A. torulosa–Bacillus sp. Increases in yield (ranging from 3 to 23%) due to various microbial inoculants relative to uninoculated controls illustrated their promise as plant growth‐promoting and disease‐suppressing agents. This study illustrates the modulation of rhizosphere ecology through microbial inoculants as a mechanism of disease suppression and sustaining plant growth.  相似文献   

Low-biomass samples from nitrate and heavy metal contaminated soils yield DNA amounts that have limited use for direct, native analysis and screening. Multiple displacement amplification (MDA) using 29 DNA polymerase was used to amplify whole genomes from environmental, contaminated, subsurface sediments. By first amplifying the genomic DNA (gDNA), biodiversity analysis and gDNA library construction of microbes found in contaminated soils were made possible. The MDA method was validated by analyzing amplified genome coverage from approximately five Escherichia coli cells, resulting in 99.2% genome coverage. The method was further validated by confirming overall representative species coverage and also an amplification bias when amplifying from a mix of eight known bacterial strains. We extracted DNA from samples with extremely low cell densities from a U.S. Department of Energy contaminated site. After amplification, small-subunit rRNA analysis revealed relatively even distribution of species across several major phyla. Clone libraries were constructed from the amplified gDNA, and a small subset of clones was used for shotgun sequencing. BLAST analysis of the library clone sequences showed that 64.9% of the sequences had significant similarities to known proteins, and “clusters of orthologous groups” (COG) analysis revealed that more than half of the sequences from each library contained sequence similarity to known proteins. The libraries can be readily screened for native genes or any target of interest. Whole-genome amplification of metagenomic DNA from very minute microbial sources, while introducing an amplification bias, will allow access to genomic information that was not previously accessible.  相似文献   

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