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核糖体展示及体外分子选择与进化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
核糖体展示是20世纪90年代中期发展起来的一种简便而有效的体外分子选择与进化技术。它也是第一种完全在体外进行蛋白质或多肽分子选择与进化的方法。本主要概述了体外核糖体展示技术的建立基础、基本原理和技术特点等,并跟踪了目前该领域的最新研究进展和发展前景。  相似文献   

Ja WW  Roberts RW 《Biochemistry》2004,43(28):9265-9275
The G protein regulatory (GPR) motif is a approximately 20-residue conserved domain that acts as a guanine dissociation inhibitor (GDI) for G(i/o)(alpha) subunits. Here, we describe the isolation of peptides derived from a GPR consensus sequence using mRNA display selection libraries. Biotinylated G(i)(alpha)(1), modified at either the N or C terminus, serves as a high-affinity binding target for mRNA-displayed GPR peptides. In vitro selection using mRNA display libraries based on the C terminus of the GPR motif revealed novel peptide sequences with conserved residues. Surprisingly, selected peptides contain mutations to a highly conserved Arg in the GPR motif, previously shown to be crucial for binding and inhibition activities. The dominant peptide from the selection, R6A, and a minimal 9-mer peptide, R6A-1, do not contain Arg residues yet retain high affinity (K(D) = 60 and 200 nM, respectively) and specificity for the GDP-bound state of G(i)(alpha)(1), as measured by surface plasmon resonance. The selected peptides also maintain GDI activity for G(i)(alpha)(1), inhibiting both the exchange of GDP in GTPgammaS binding assays and the AlF(4)(-)-stimulated enhancement of intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence. The kinetics of GDI activity, however, are different for the selected peptides and demonstrate biphasic kinetics, suggesting a complex mechanism for inhibition. Like the GPR motif, the R6A and R6A-1 peptides compete with G(betagamma) subunits for binding to G(i)(alpha)(1), suggesting their use as activators of G(betagamma) signaling.  相似文献   

In vitro evolution of single-chain antibodies using mRNA display   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Here we describe the application of the in vitro virus mRNA display method, which involves covalent linkage of an in vitro-synthesized antibody (phenotype) to its encoding mRNA (genotype) through puromycin, for in vitro evolution of single-chain Fv (scFv) antibody fragments. To establish the validity of this approach to directed antibody evolution, we used random mutagenesis by error-prone DNA shuffling and off-rate selection to improve the affinity of an anti-fluorescein scFv as a model system. After four rounds of selection of the library of mRNA-displayed scFv mutants, we obtained six different sequences encoding affinity-matured mutants with five consensus mutations. Kinetic analysis of the mutant scFvs revealed that the off-rates have been decreased by more than one order of magnitude and the dissociation constants were improved ~30-fold. The antigen-specificity was not improved by affinity maturation, but remained similar to that of the wild type. Although the five consensus mutations of the high-affinity mutants were scattered over the scFv sequence, analysis by site-directed mutagenesis demonstrated that the critical mutations for improving affinity were the two that lay within the complementarity determining regions (CDRs). Thus, mRNA display is expected to be useful for rapid artificial evolution of high-affinity diagnostic and therapeutic antibodies by optimizing their CDRs.  相似文献   

The covalent coupling of an mRNA to the protein that it encodes (mRNA display) provides a powerful tool for analysis of protein function in the post-genomic era. This coupling allows the selective enrichment of individual members from libraries of displayed proteins and the subsequent regeneration of an enriched library using the RNA moiety. Tissue-specific libraries from poly(A)(+) mRNA were prepared by priming first and second strand cDNA synthesis with oligonucleotides containing nine random 3' nucleotides, the fixed regions of which encoded the requisite sequences for formation of mRNA display constructs and a library-specific sequence tag. Starting with a pool of uniquely tagged libraries from different tissues, an iterative selection was performed for binding partners of the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-X(L). After four rounds of selection, the pool was deconvoluted by polymerase chain reaction amplification with library-specific primers. Subsequent clonal sequence analysis revealed the selection of three members of the Bcl-2 family known to bind to Bcl-X(L). In addition, several proteins not previously demonstrated to interact with Bcl-X(L) were identified. The relative binding affinities of individual selected peptides were determined, as was their susceptibility to competition with a BH3 domain peptide. Based on these data, a putative BH3 domain was identified in most peptides.  相似文献   

In vitro display technologies are powerful tools for screening peptides with desired functions. We previously proposed a DNA display system in which streptavidin-fused peptides are linked with their encoding DNAs via biotin labels in emulsion compartments and successfully applied it to the screening of random peptide libraries. Here we describe its application to functional and folded proteins. By introducing peptide linkers between streptavidin and fused proteins, we achieved highly efficient (>95%) formation of DNA-protein conjugates. Furthermore, we successfully enriched a glutathione-S-transferase gene by a factor of 20-30-fold per round on glutathione-coupled beads. Thus, DNA display should be useful for rapidly screening or evolving proteins based on affinity selection.  相似文献   

A ribosome display from a diverse random library was applied for selecting peptide aptamers with high binding affinity to single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs). The selected peptide aptamer bound to and solubilized SWCNTs more strongly than did the peptide aptamer selected by a phage display method reported previously, and more strongly than other commonly used organic surfactants. The fluorescence spectrum of this aptamer showed a red shift upon interaction with SWCNTs but circular dichroism spectroscopy did not show any significant difference between the presence or absence of SWCNT binding.  相似文献   

mRNA display is a powerful yet challenging in vitro selection technique that can be used to identify proteins with desired properties from both natural proteome and combinatorial polypeptide libraries. The physical conjugation between a protein and its own RNA presents unique challenges in manipulating the displayed proteins at a low nanomolar scale in an RNase-free environment. The following protocol outlines the generation of cDNA libraries derived from natural organisms as well as the steps required for generation of mRNA-protein fusion molecules, in vitro functional selection and regeneration of the selected cDNA library. The selection procedures for the identification of protease substrates and Ca(2+)-dependent calmodulin-binding proteins from natural cDNA libraries are presented as examples. The method can be generally applied to the identification of protein sequences with desired properties from various natural proteome libraries. One round of mRNA display-based selection can be accomplished in ~7 d.  相似文献   

Both chemists and biochemists have great interest in creating peptides and proteins with desired structure, recognition and catalytic properties. Recently, two techniques have been developed that afford functional selection of proteins entirely in vitro: mRNA-protein fusions, and ribosome display. Improvements in both methods have allowed peptide and protein libraries of unprecedented size (10(11)-10(13) different members) to be generated and screened for function.  相似文献   

High affinity target-binding aptamers are identified from random oligonucleotide libraries by an in vitro selection process called Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment (SELEX). Since the SELEX process includes a PCR amplification step the randomized region of the oligonucleotide libraries need to be flanked by two fixed primer binding sequences. These primer binding sites are often difficult to truncate because they may be necessary to maintain the structure of the aptamer or may even be part of the target binding motif. We designed a novel type of RNA library that carries fixed sequences which constrain the oligonucleotides into a partly double-stranded structure, thereby minimizing the risk that the primer binding sequences become part of the target-binding motif. Moreover, the specific design of the library including the use of tandem RNA Polymerase promoters allows the selection of oligonucleotides without any primer binding sequences. The library was used to select aptamers to the mirror-image peptide of ghrelin. Ghrelin is a potent stimulator of growth-hormone release and food intake. After selection, the identified aptamer sequences were directly synthesized in their mirror-image configuration. The final 44 nt-Spiegelmer, named NOX-B11-3, blocks ghrelin action in a cell culture assay displaying an IC50 of 4.5 nM at 37°C.  相似文献   

The beaded-chain filament is a unique cytoskeletal structure that appears in the elongating fiber cells during the differentiation of lens epithelial cells to form the mature fiber cells. This beaded-chain structure is made up of two proteins of molecular weight 95 kDa and 49 kDa. As a prerequisite for cloning the cDNAs of these proteins, newborn chicken lens total poly(A+) mRNA was translated in vitro, using a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system and [35S]-L-methionine. The labelled translation products were analyzed by one-and two dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by autoradiography. Immunoprobing of the translation products on Western blots using specific polyclonal antibodies identified the above proteins, and demonstrated the presence and expression of specific mRNAs in the neonatal chick lens, that code for the in vitro synthesis of these two cytoskeletal proteins. These mRNAs are low abundant mRNAs as compared to the crystallin mRNAs.  相似文献   

Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) are attractive vectors for in vivo and in vitro cellular uptake. Their use is, however, limited by insufficient understanding of their preference for a target cell. Here, a new CPP screening method is presented that uses mRNA display. After incubating the target cell lines, such as human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK 293) and HeLa cells, with an mRNA display library for 3 h at 37°C, the CPP-mRNA nucleotide conjugates were harvested. These were amplified with PCR and subsequently sequenced. The screened CPPs for each cell line were identified after four rounds of selection. Among them, two peptides, MAMPGEPRRANVMAHKLEPASLQLR NSCA (CPPK) and MAPQRDTVGGRTTPPSWGPAKAQLRNSCA (CPPL) were selected, and the FITC-labeled peptides were evaluated for their ability to penetrate cells. The screened CPPs were superior to polyarginine (R(11) ), which is widely used as a standard peptide and shows good cell penetration efficiency. Our method can be applied to other target cells for which CPPs have not yet been elucidated.  相似文献   

Sepp A  Tawfik DS  Griffiths AD 《FEBS letters》2002,532(3):455-458
In vitro compartmentalisation in an emulsion was used to physically link proteins to the DNA that encodes them via microbeads. These microbeads can be selected for catalysis, or, as demonstrated here, for binding. Genes encoding a peptide containing an epitope (haemagglutinin) were enriched to near purity from a 10(6)-fold excess of genes encoding a different peptide by two rounds of selection using flow cytometry, indicating approximately 1000-fold enrichment per round. Single beads can be isolated using flow sorting and the single gene on the bead amplified by polymerase chain reaction. Hence, the entire process can be performed completely in vitro.  相似文献   

We have exploited emulsion-based in vitro compartmentalization (IVC) to devise a method for the selection of zinc finger proteins (ZFPs) on the basis of their DNA-binding specificity. A library of ZFPs fused to a C-terminal peptide tag is encoded by a set of DNA cassettes that are prepared wholly in vitro. In addition to the ZFP gene, each DNA cassette also carries a given DNA target binding site sequence for which one wishes to isolate ZFP binders. An aliquot of the library is added to bacterial S30 extract and emulsified in mineral oil so that most of the aqueous droplets contain, on average, no more than one gene. If an intra-compartmentally expressed ZFP binds specifically to its encoding DNA via the target binding site, the complex can be purified by affinity capture via the peptide tag after breaking the emulsion, thus rescuing the gene. We present proof-of-principle for this IVC selection method by selecting a specific high-affinity ZFP gene from a high background of a related gene. We also propose that high-affinity ZFPs can be used as genotype-phenotype linkages to enable selection of other proteins using IVC.  相似文献   

The principles underlying the folding of integral membrane proteins are uncovered in an increasingly detailed way. Experimental determination of high-resolution structures followed by analysis of packing reveal structural similarities as well as differences to soluble globular proteins. At the same time, protein/protein interactions at the level of membrane-embedded domains have been investigated for different model proteins. More recently, self-interacting transmembrane helices have been selected from combinatorial libraries in vitro to study the mechanistic basis of protein/protein interaction in membranes in a systematic way. With an emphasis on the latter approach, this review discusses insights emerging from an integrated view on the recent advances.  相似文献   

In vitro antibody-display technologies are powerful approaches for isolating monoclonal antibodies from recombinant antibody libraries. However, these display techniques require several rounds of affinity selection which is time-consuming. Here, we combined mRNA display with a microfluidic system for in vitro selection and evolution of antibodies and achieved ultrahigh enrichment efficiency of 106- to 108-fold per round. After only one or two rounds of selection, antibodies with high affinity and specificity were obtained from naïve and randomized single-chain Fv libraries of ~1012 molecules. Furthermore, we confirmed that not only protein–protein (antigen–antibody) interactions, but also protein–DNA and protein–drug interactions were selected with ultrahigh efficiencies. This method will facilitate high-throughput preparation of antibodies and identification of protein interactions in proteomic and therapeutic fields.  相似文献   

Identification of epitope-like consensus motifs using mRNA display   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The mRNA display approach to in vitro protein selection is based upon the puromycin-mediated formation of a covalent bond between an mRNA and its gene product. This technique can be used to identify peptide sequences involved in macromolecular recognition, including those identical or homologous to natural ligand epitopes. To demonstrate this approach, we determined the peptide sequences recognized by the trypsin active site, and by the anti-c-Myc antibody, 9E10. Here we describe the use of two peptide libraries of different diversities, one a constrained library based on the trypsin inhibitor EETI-II, where only the six residues in the first loop were randomized (6.4 x 10(7) possible sequences, 6.0 x 10(11) sequences in the library), the other a linear-peptide library with 27 randomized amino acids (1.3 x 10(35) possible sequences, 2 x 10(13) sequences in the library). The constrained library was screened against the natural target of wild-type EETI, bovine trypsin, and the linear library was screened against the anti-c-myc antibody, 9E10. The analysis of selected sequences revealed minimal consensus sequences of PR(I,L,V)L for the first loop of EETI-II and LISE for the 9E10 epitope. The wild-type sequences, PRILMR for the first loop of EETI-II and QKLISE for the 9E10 epitope, were selected with the highest frequency, and in each case the complete wild-type epitope was selected from the library.  相似文献   

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