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In order to obtain cDNA clones coding for CYP4 proteins in frog Xenopus laevis, degenerate primers were designed utilizing the conserved sequences of known CYP4s and were used to amplify partial cDNA fragments from liver mRNA. Five new CYP genes were identified. Three of these genes, XL-1, -2 and -3, were assigned to the CYP4T subfamily found previously in fish and amphibians. The other two genes, XL-4 and XL-5, were quite similar to CYP4F and CYP4V subfamilies, respectively. Subsequently, two full-length cDNA clones corresponding to XL-4 and XL-5 were isolated and characterized. The resultant cDNAs, designated as CYP4F42 and CYP4V4, had open reading frames encoding proteins of 528 and 520 residues, respectively. RT-PCR analysis indicated that the expression of CYP4F42 was limited to the liver, kidney, intestine and brain. In contrast, CYP4V4 mRNA was expressed ubiquitously.  相似文献   

Cytochromes P450 (CYPs) are critically important in the oxidative metabolism of a diverse array of xenobiotics and endogenous substrates. We have previously reported the cloning and characterisation of the koala CYP4A15, the first reported member of the CYP4 family from marsupials, and have demonstrated important species differences in CYP4A activity and tissue expression. In the present study, the cloning of CYP4B1 in the wallaby (Macropus eugenii) and their expression across marsupials is described. Rabbit anti-mouse CYP4B1 antibody detected immunoreactive proteins in lung and liver microsomes from all test marsupials, with relative weak signal detected from the koala, suggesting a species-specific expression. Microsomal 2-aminofluorene bio-activation (a CYP4B1 marker) in wallaby lung was comparable to that of rabbit, with significant higher activities detected in wallaby liver and kidneys compared to rabbit. A 1548 bp wallaby lung CYP4B complete cDNA, designated CYP4B1, which encodes a protein of 510 amino acids and shares 72% nucleotide and 69% amino acid sequence identity to human CYP4B1, was cloned by polymerase chain reaction approaches. The results demonstrate the presence of wallaby CYP4B1 that shares several common features with other published CYP4Bs; however the wallaby CYP4B1 cDNA contains four extra amino acid residues at the NH2-terminal, a fundamentally conserved transmembrane anchor of all eukaryote CYPs.  相似文献   

Structural plasticity of mammalian cytochromes P450 (CYP) has recently been explored in our laboratory and elsewhere to understand the ligand-binding promiscuity. CYP2B4 exhibits very different conformations and thermodynamic signatures in binding the small inhibitor 4-(4-chlorophenyl)imidazole (4-CPI) versus the large bifonazole. Using four key active-site mutants (F296A, T302A, I363A, and V367L) that are involved in binding one or both inhibitors, we dissected the thermodynamic basis for the ability of CYP2B4 to bind substrates and inhibitors of different sizes and chemistry. In all cases, 1:1 binding stoichiometry was observed. The inhibitors 4-CPI, 1-(4-chlorophenyl)imidazole, and 1-(2-(benzyloxy)ethyl)imidazole bind to the mutants with a free energy difference (ΔΔG) of ∼ 0.5 to 1 kcal/mol compared with the wild type but with a large entropy-enthalpy compensation of up to 50 kcal/mol. The substrate testosterone binds to all four mutants with a ΔΔG of ∼ 0.5 kcal/mol but with as much as 40 kcal/mol of entropy-enthalpy compensation. In contrast, benzphetamine binding to V367L and F296A is accompanied by a ΔΔG of ∼ 1.5 and 3 kcal/mol, respectively. F296A, I363A, and V367L exhibit very different benzphetamine metabolite profiles, indicating the different substrate-binding orientations in the active site of each mutant. Overall, the findings indicate that malleability of the active site allows mammalian P450s to exhibit a high degree of thermodynamic fidelity in ligand binding.  相似文献   

Pyrethroid insecticides are the front line vector control tools used in bed nets to reduce malaria transmission and its burden. However, resistance in major vectors such as Anopheles arabiensis is posing a serious challenge to the success of malaria control.Herein, we elucidated the molecular and biochemical basis of pyrethroid resistance in a knockdown resistance-free Anopheles arabiensis population from Chad, Central Africa. Using heterologous expression of P450s in Escherichia coli coupled with metabolism assays we established that the over-expressed P450 CYP6P4, located in the major pyrethroid resistance (rp1) quantitative trait locus (QTL), is responsible for resistance to Type I and Type II pyrethroid insecticides, with the exception of deltamethrin, in correlation with field resistance profile. However, CYP6P4 exhibited no metabolic activity towards non-pyrethroid insecticides, including DDT, bendiocarb, propoxur and malathion. Combining fluorescent probes inhibition assays with molecular docking simulation, we established that CYP6P4 can bind deltamethrin but cannot metabolise it. This is possibly due to steric hindrance because of the large vdW radius of bromine atoms of the dihalovinyl group of deltamethrin which docks into the heme catalytic centre.The establishment of CYP6P4 as a partial pyrethroid resistance gene explained the observed field resistance to permethrin, and its inability to metabolise deltamethrin probably explained the high mortality from deltamethrin exposure in the field populations of this Sudano-Sahelian An. arabiensis. These findings describe the heterogeneity in resistance towards insecticides, even from the same class, highlighting the need to thoroughly understand the molecular basis of resistance before implementing resistance management/control tools.  相似文献   

The polychaete Capitella capitata sp.I has a high capacity to metabolize polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) which are among the most hazardous environmental pollutants with significant biological effects. In the present study, two novel cytochrome P450 (CYP) genes were identified in this species. One was named CYP331A1, the first member of a new family of CYP331, and the other CYP4AT1 is the first member of a new subfamily CYP4AT. Both of these genes are constitutively expressed in the worms and detectable by RT-PCR. The expression of CYP331A1 mRNA was observed to be more sensitive to PAH exposure than CYP4AT1, which indicated that CYP331A1 should play a more important role than CYP4AT1 in PAH metabolism in this species. Considering the importance of C. capitata sp.I in taking up PAH and other organic pollutants from contaminated marine sediments with the potential for subsequent food-chain transfer, our results are important for understanding the molecular basis of biotransformation and detoxification in this invertebrate, and also have evolutionary significance for understanding the diversity and history of the CYP superfamily.  相似文献   

Glutathione (GSH) exerted a profound effect on the oxidation of 7-benzyloxy-4-(trifluoromethyl)coumarin (BFC) and 7-benzyloxyquinoline (BQ) by human liver microsomes as well as by CYP3A4-containing insect cell microsomes (Baculosomes). The cooperativity in O-debenzylation of both substrates is eliminated in the presence of 1-4 mM GSH. Addition of GSH also increased the amplitude of the 1-PB induced spin shift with purified CYP3A4 and abolished the cooperativity of 1-PB or BFC binding. Changes in fluorescence of 6-bromoacetyl-2-dimethylaminonaphthalene attached to the cysteine-depleted mutant CYP3A4(C58,C64) suggest a GSH-induced conformational changes in proximity of α-helix A. Importantly, the KS value for formation of the GSH complex and the concentrations in which GSH decreases CYP3A4 cooperativity are consistent with the physiological concentrations of GSH in hepatocytes. Therefore, the allosteric effect of GSH on CYP3A4 may play an important role in regulation of microsomal monooxygenase activity in vivo.  相似文献   

The contribution of conformational heterogeneity to cooperativity in cytochrome P450 3A4 was investigated using the mutant L211F/D214E/F304W. Initial spectral studies revealed a loss of cooperativity of the 1-pyrenebutanol (1-PB) induced spin shift (S(50)=5.4 microM, n=1.0) but retained cooperativity of alpha-naphthoflavone binding. Continuous variation (Job's titration) experiments showed the existence of two pools of enzyme with different 1-PB binding characteristics. Monitoring of 1-PB binding by fluorescence resonance energy transfer from the substrate to the heme confirmed that the high-affinity site (K(D)=0.3 microM) is retained in at least some fraction of the enzyme, although cooperativity is masked. Removal of apoprotein on a second column increased the high-spin content and restored cooperativity of 1-PB binding and of progesterone and testosterone 6beta-hydroxylation. The loss of cooperativity in the mutant is, therefore, mediated by the interaction of holo- and apo-P450 in mixed oligomers.  相似文献   

Mammalian cytochrome P450 1 (CYP1) genes are well characterized, but in other vertebrates only the functions of CYP1A genes have been well studied. We determined the catalytic activity of zebrafish CYP1A, CYP1B1, CYP1C1, CYP1C2, and CYP1D1 proteins using 11 fluorometric substrates and benzo[a]pyrene (BaP). The resorufin-based substrates, 7-ethoxyresorufin, 7-methoxyresorufin, and 7-benzyloxyresorufin, were well metabolized by all CYP1s except CYP1D1. CYP1A metabolized nearly all substrates tested, although rates for non-resorufin substrates were typically lower than resorufin-based substrates. Zebrafish CYP1s did not metabolize 7-benzyloxyquinoline, 3-[2-(N,N-diethyl-N-methylamino)ethyl]-7-methoxy-4-methylcoumarin or 7-methoxy-4-(aminomethyl)-coumarin. CYP1B1 and CYP1C2 had the highest rates of BaP metabolism. 3-Hydroxy-BaP was a prominent metabolite for all but CYP1D1. CYP1A showed broad specificity and had the highest metabolic rates for nearly all substrates. CYP1C1 and CYP1C2 had similar substrate specificity. CYP1D1 had very low activities for all substrates except BaP, and a different regioselectivity for BaP, suggesting that CYP1D1 function may be different from other CYP1s.  相似文献   

The regulation of the human liver-specific cytochrome P450 4F3B (CYP4F3B) isoform, a splice variant of the CYP4F3 gene with strong substrate specificity for long chain fatty acids, is yet an unsolved question. This report provides the first evidence that CYP4F3B is uniquely induced by prostaglandin A(1) (PGA(1)) in human hepatocyte-like HepaRG cells and leads to the synthesis of 20-hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acids (HETEs). Real time PCR, immunoblot analysis with a specific antipeptide antibody, and determination of fatty acid omega-hydroxylase activity demonstrate that PGA(1) treatment strongly increases expression of CYP4F3B. This induction drives the production of 20-HETE (19-fold increase). SiRNA-mediated-silencing of CYP4F3 suppresses both 20-HETE synthesis and PGA(1) induced 20-HETE production. Taken together, these results provide evidence that CYP4F3B is the key enzyme to produce 20-HETE by omega-hydroxylation of arachidonic acid in liver cells. Since 20-HETE is a potent activator of PPARalpha and an important inflammatory mediator, CYP4F3B may exert important functions in lipid homeostasis and in inflammatory diseases.  相似文献   

Based on the X-ray crystal structures of 4-(4-chlorophenyl)imidazole (4-CPI)- and bifonazole (BIF)-bound P450 2B4, eight active site mutants at six positions were created in an N-terminal modified construct termed 2B4dH and characterized for enzyme inhibition and catalysis. I363A showed a >4-fold decrease in differential inhibition by BIF and 4-CPI (IC(50,BIF)/IC(50,4-CPI)). F296A, T302A, I363A, V367A, and V477A showed a 2-fold decreased k(cat) for 7-ethoxy-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin O-deethylation, whereas V367A and V477F showed an altered K(m). T302A, V367L, and V477A showed >4-fold decrease in total testosterone hydroxylation, whereas I363A, V367A, and V477F showed altered stereo- and regioselectivity. Interestingly, I363A showed a 150-fold enhanced k(cat)/K(m) with testosterone, and yielded a new metabolite. Furthermore, testosterone docking into three-dimensional models of selected mutants based on the 4-CPI-bound structure suggested a re-positioning of residues 363 and 477 to yield products. In conclusion, our results suggest that the 4-CPI-bound 2B4dH/H226Y crystal structure is an appropriate model for predicting enzyme catalysis.  相似文献   

Leukotriene B(4) (LTB(4)) is a potent chemoattractant for polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) and other cells. Human PMN inactivate LTB(4) by omega-oxidation catalyzed by cytochrome P-450 (CYP) 4F3A. The contribution of the enzymatic inactivation of LTB(4) by CYP4Fs to down-regulating functional responses of cells to LTB(4) is unknown. To elucidate the role of CYP4F-mediated inactivation of LTB(4) in terminating the responses of PMN to LTB(4) and to identify a target for future genetic studies in mice, we have identified the enzyme that catalyzes the omega-1 and omega-2 oxidation of LTB(4) in mouse myeloid cells as CYP4F18. As determined by mass spectrometry, this enzyme catalyzes the conversion of LTB(4) to 19-OH LTB(4) and to a lesser extent 18-OH LTB(4). Inhibition of CYP4F18 resulted in a marked increase in calcium flux and a 220% increase in the chemotactic response of mouse PMN to LTB(4). CYP4F18 expression was induced in bone marrow-derived dendritic cells by bacterial lipopolysaccharide, a ligand for TLR4, and by poly(I.C), a ligand for TLR3. However, when bone marrow-derived myeloid dendritic cells trafficked to popliteal lymph nodes from paw pads, the expression of CYP4F18 was down-regulated. The results identify CYP4F18 as a critical protein in the regulation of LTB(4) metabolism and functional responses in mouse PMN and identify it as the functional orthologue of human PMN CYP4F3A.  相似文献   

Microcin J25 has two targets in sensitive bacteria, the RNA polymerase, and the respiratory chain through inhibition of cellular respiration. In this work, the effect of microcin J25 in E. coli mutants that lack the terminal oxidases cytochrome bd-I and cytochrome bo3 was analyzed. The mutant strains lacking cytochrome bo3 or cytochrome bd-I were less sensitive to the peptide. In membranes obtained from the strain that only expresses cytochrome bd-I a great ROS overproduction was observed in the presence of microcin J25. Nevertheless, the oxygen consumption was less inhibited in this strain, probably because the oxygen is partially reduced to superoxide. There was no overproduction of ROS in membranes isolated from the mutant strain that only express cytochrome bo3 and the inhibition of the cellular respiration was similar to the wild type. It is concluded that both cytochromes bd-I and bo3 are affected by the peptide. The results establish for the first time a relationship between the terminal oxygen reductases and the mechanism of action of microcin J25.  相似文献   

The role and the importance of the sulfonate moiety in phenyl 4-(2-oxo-3-alkylimidazolidin-1-yl)benzenesulfonates (PAIB-SOs) were assessed using its bioisosteric sulfonamide equivalent leading to new cytochrome P450 1A1 (CYP1A1)-activated prodrugs designated as 4-(3-alkyl-2-oxoimidazolidin-1-yl)-N-phenylbenzenesulfonamides (PAIB-SAs). PAIB-SAs are active in the submicromolar to low micromolar range showing selectivity toward CYP1A1-expressing MCF7 cells as compared to cells devoid of CYP1A1 activity such as MDA-MB-231 and HaCaT cells. The most potent, PAIB-SA 13, bearing a trimethoxyphenyl group on ring B blocks the cell cycle progression in G2/M phase, disrupts the microtubule dynamics and is biotransformed by CYP1A1 into CEU-638, its potent antimicrotuble counterpart. Structure-activity relationships related to PAIB-SOs and PAIB-SAs evidenced that PAIB-SOs and PAIB-SAs are true bioisosteric equivalents fully and selectively activatable by CYP1A-expressing cells into potent antimitotics.  相似文献   

Rat pancreatic fragments and acinar preparations were incubated in vitro to characterize further the changes in phosphoinositide metabolism that occur during secretagogue action. Two distinct responses were discernible. The first response, most notably involving a decrease in phosphatidylinositol content, was (a) observed at lower carbachol concentrations in dose-response studies, (b) inhibited by incubation in Ca2+-free media containing 1 mM EGTA, (c) associated with increases in inositol monophosphate production, and (d) provoked by all tissue secretagogues (carbachol, cholecystokinin, secretin, insulin, dibutyryl cAMP and the ionophore A23187), regardless of whether their mechanism of action primarily involved Ca2+ mobilization or cAMP generation. This decrease in phosphatidylinositol content was at least partly due to phospholipase C (and/or D) activation, as evidenced by the increase in inositol monophosphate. The second response, most notably involving markedly increased incorporation of 32PO4 into phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylinositol, was (a) observed at higher carbachol concentrations, (b) not influenced by incubation in Ca2+-free media containing 1 mM EGTA, and (c) associated with increases in inositol triphosphate production. This 32PO4 turnover response was probably largely the result of phospholipase C-mediated hydrolysis of phosphatidylinositol 4′,5′-diphosphate, which, as shown previously, also occurs at higher carbachol concentrations and is insensitive to comparable EGTA-induced Ca2+ deficiency. This phosphatidylinositol 4′,5′-diphosphate hydrolysis response was only observed in the action of agents (carbachol and cholecystokinin) which mobilize Ca2+ via activation of cell surface receptors. The present results indicate that phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylinositol 4′,5′-diphosphate hydrolysis are truly separable responses to secretagogues acting in the rat pancreas. Furthermore, phosphatidylinositol 4′,5′-diphosphate, rather than phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis is more likely to be associated with receptor activation and Ca2+ mobilization.  相似文献   

Y L Hu  H Ziffer 《Chirality》1991,3(3):196-203
Samples enriched in (-)- and (+)-1,2-benzocyclononen-3-ol were prepared by microbially mediated reactions. An enriched sample of (+)-1,2-benzocyclodecen-3-ol was prepared by fractional crystallization of the diastereoisomeric camphanates, followed by hydrolysis. The absolute stereochemistry of both alcohols was established by chemical transformations. The elution order of their enantiomers from a chiral Pirkle HPLC column [(R)-N-(3,5-dinitrobenzoyl)phenyl glycine ionically bound to gamma-aminopropyl silanized silica] was determined. The information in conjunction with other data was used to formulate a rule to predict the configuration of an enantiomer of an alkylarylcarbinol from its elution order from this column.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 family 1 (CYP1) proteins are important in a large number of toxicological processes. CYP1A and CYP1B genes are well known in mammals, but the evolutionary history of the CYP1 family as a whole is obscure; that history may provide insight into endogenous functions of CYP1 enzymes. Here, we identify CYP1-like genes in early deuterostomes (tunicates and echinoderms), and several new CYP1 genes in vertebrates (chicken, Gallus gallus and frog, Xenopus tropicalis). Profile hidden Markov models (HMMs) generated from vertebrate CYP1A and CYP1B protein sequences were used to identify 5 potential CYP1 homologs in the tunicate Ciona intestinalis genome. The C. intestinalis genes were cloned and sequenced, confirming the predicted sequences. Orthologs of 4 of these genes were found in the Ciona savignyi genome. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses group the tunicate genes in the CYP1 family, provisionally in 2 new subfamilies, CYP1E and CYP1F, which fall in the CYP1A and CYP1B/1C clades. Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses predict functional divergence between the tunicate and vertebrate CYP1s, and regions within CYP substrate recognition sites were found to differ significantly in position-specific substitution rates between tunicates and vertebrates. Subsequently, 10 CYP1-like genes were found in the echinoderm Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (sea urchin) genome. Several of the tunicate and echinoderm CYP1-like genes are expressed during development. Canonical xenobiotic response elements are present in the upstream genomic sequences of most tunicate and sea urchin CYP1s, and both groups are predicted to possess an aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR), suggesting possible regulatory linkage of AHR and these CYPs. The CYP1 family has undergone multiple rounds of gene duplication followed by functional divergence, with at least one gene lost in mammals. This study provides new insight into the origin and evolution of CYP1 genes.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the combined presence of two cytochrome P450 enzymes (P450s) can affect the function of both enzymes, results that are consistent with the formation of heteromeric P450·P450 complexes. The goal of this study was to provide direct evidence for a physical interaction between P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) and P450 2B4 (CYP2B4), by determining if the interactions required both enzymes to reside in the same lipid vesicles. When NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) and a single P450 were incorporated into separate vesicles, extremely slow reduction rates were observed, demonstrating that the enzymes were anchored in the vesicles. Next, several reconstituted systems were prepared: 1) CPR·CYP1A2, 2) CPR·CYP2B4, 3) a mixture of CPR·CYP1A2 vesicles with CPR·CYP2B4 vesicles, and 4) CPR·CYP1A2·CYP2B4 in the same vesicles (ternary system). When in the ternary system, CYP2B4-mediated metabolism was significantly inhibited, and CYP1A2 activities were stimulated by the presence of the alternate P450. In contrast, P450s in separate vesicles were unable to interact. These data demonstrate that P450s must be in the same vesicles to alter metabolism. Additional evidence for a physical interaction among CPR, CYP1A2, and CYP2B4 was provided by cross-linking with bis(sulfosuccinimidyl) suberate. The results showed that after cross-linking, antibody to CYP1A2 was able to co-immunoprecipitate CYP2B4 but only when both proteins were in the same phospholipid vesicles. These results clearly demonstrate that the alterations in P450 function require both P450s to be present in the same vesicles and support a mechanism whereby P450s form a physical complex in the membrane.  相似文献   

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